
Chapter 136


Taking a rowing boat, Erica rescued G.o.dou from the lake.However, he fainted soon after they reached the sh.o.r.e. Having been cutby Doni"s sword and suffering further injuries, he was on the verge ofdeath.Thanks to the [Camel] incarnation, his ability to endure hits also seemed tobe strengthened.Hence, once the incarnation was gone, G.o.dou was at his limits. Justbefore losing consciousness, G.o.dou naturally used the [Ram] incarnationin preparation for super recovery. Then the next morning arrived.At the log house villa, G.o.dou regained consciousness under Erica"s care.Then he found himself dying of hunger. Consequently, he went outsideaccompanied by the blonde beauty, going to the lakeside cafe to fill hisstomach-"Yo, you guys are here too? What a strange coincidence."Inside the cafe, they met Salvatore Doni, bright red as if sunburnt.Clearly it was still spring but his skin was fiery red. Erica almost fell downwith surprise for an instant. Shrugging her shoulders, she said:"It"s been a day -- or rather, a night, Sir Salvatore. You have returnedsafely.""Yes. I almost thought I was a goner, but I survived after all. Ah, your nameis Erica Blandelli, right?""...Yes. May I ask how you came to remember my name?""Because you are my beloved G.o.dou"s attendant. I still remember."Doni smiled nonchalantly as Erica displayed great surprise. The acuity andvalor he exhibited at the endgame of the duel last night had all vanished.G.o.dou frowned as he interrupted the exchange between a king and aknight."No, we didn"t think you"d die like that either. But how did you survive?Shouldn"t there be limits to absurdity!?""Hohoho, listen well. I was thinking it might get dangerous if I continue tobe scorched like that. So I actually entered a state of suspended animationto avert the brunt of the flames. After that, I used my steel body to run,climb and jump across the bottom of the lake, finally reaching land!""A state of suspended animation, are you really a tardigrade!?"Discovering his opponent"s surprising mode of life, G.o.dou could feel aheadache coming."Indeed, a body of steel cannot float on water, but there"s no risk ofsuffocation or hypothermia either. The only troublesome thing is, once Ienter a state of suspended animation, this temporary death persists for awhile. Which is how I spent a night at the bottom of the lake. I finallymanaged to wake up this morning."Smiling cheerfully, Doni recounted his ludicrous survival story.Wait a minute, since G.o.dou also possessed similar survival abilities, hecould not comment as if it did not apply to himself as well."After all, even someone like me would be tired as h.e.l.l. I"m hungry andcovered with wounds. Indeed, I don"t have the strength to fight you rightnow. Let"s call our duel yesterday a draw?""I don"t mind at all... But I don"t see any injuries on you?"Other than sunburnt in appearance, Doni"s body looked completely thesame as before.G.o.dou questioned with an expression of suspicion."Well, look here. I"m afraid my skin might become rough or have skincancer or something, so I never neglect my UV care. But to think I"d getscorched to this degree... Well done, G.o.dou.""Stop saying that with such a serious expression!"Doni"s face in a tense expression, G.o.dou naturally took a seat oppositehim at the same table.An almost subconscious act. Erica also sat down beside him.After ten-odd minutes, they began to eat the food that arrived.Breakfast in Italy was usually a simple affair. A foundation of croissantsand bread with jam combined with espresso or cappuccino coffee.However, this morning was an exception.There was cream cheese made from goat"s milk blended with blackpepper, as well as a large plate of pasta.G.o.dou and Doni wolfed down all this food as if they had not eaten fordays. Also, Erica ordered a sweet cream croissant for herself."Hey you, don"t take so much. Shouldn"t you think about leaving some forothers!?""Hey hey G.o.dou, a ceasefire on the dinner table does not exist. Thisshould be universal. Survival of the fittest is the biggest rule here!""d.a.m.n it, in that case, I have my own methods!"Wielding a fork on their right and holding a plate in their left, G.o.dou andDoni competed over the abundant plate of pasta. With completeseriousness, they started a contest to see who could eat faster and more.Seeing them act in such a manner, Erica exclaimed emphatically:"What should I say... You"ve become reliable in very short time, G.o.dou.Standing up to Sir Salvatore and not losing in any way. Is this a DevilKing"s disposition...?""Don"t compare me with this idiot!""Please don"t say something so cold. After all, aren"t we similar in manyways?""In no way are we similar!"This scene concluded the final act of the duel drama between KusanagiG.o.dou and Salvatore Doni.After separating from Doni who had called for a ride from his subordinates,G.o.dou and Erica decided to return to the villa.The two of them walked along the beautiful lakesh.o.r.e.It was a warm morning in spring. The blue sky was clear and sunny whilethe blowing breeze felt leisurely and comfortable.Happiest of all, he had a thoughtful and understanding "partner" by hisside.G.o.dou felt a sense of fulfillment in his heart that he had never experiencedbefore.Furthermore, he felt as though no reasons were needed.Erica must have been thinking the same thing -- glancing at her as shewalked beside him, G.o.dou witnessed the beautiful smile of the mostgorgeous girl he knew."Although many things need to be said, let"s start with "Congratulations"okay?"Saying that, Erica leaned over matter-of-factly.With her arms wrapped around G.o.dou"s right arm, they looked completelylike a pair of lovers. Erica proceeded to bring her lips near G.o.dou"sblushing cheeks and gave him a light kiss."E-Enough. I don"t think this is very appropriate. We should get along asfriends in a more wholesome manner!"If things really continued this way, he felt like he would be swept alongnaturally by the flow.However, G.o.dou desperately appealed as much as possible to his reason.Once their relationship became too intimate, there would be no way out.In this respect, perhaps this was the tragedy of a man whose age equaledthe number of years without a girlfriend."Hohoho, you"re really cute when you"re shy. However, please take a goodlook around. There"s no one here who would mind our behavior. We canopenly express and affirm our love for each other, you know?"It was just as Erica stated.The occasional pa.s.serby was completely unconcerned with theirhorseplay. For a pa.s.sionate Latin country, this level of bodily contact wasconsidered only natural instead.Kusanagi G.o.dou was the only one in doubt, hesitating, faltering.He could not think of a single reason why he could not take the next stepforward. This was the beginning of a mystery that troubled G.o.dou untilLucretia pointed things out frankly."In any case, the incident has ended. Erica, you should go back andapologize to your uncle. Say sorry for the trouble you"ve caused. I"m surehe"ll forgive you, Erica."G.o.dou struggled to calm his heart and spoke out about what he worriedthe most.For his sake, she had left her a.s.sociation and bid farewell to her only bloodrelative. He could not return to j.a.pan without resolving this matter. Luckilythere were still a few days remaining in his Golden Week vacation...In order to be responsible for her to the end, G.o.dou spoke with utmostsincerity."Ah, that"s over already. Completely resolved."Erica answered in an awfully frank manner."Just now when G.o.dou and Sir Salvatore were indulging your gluttony, Ialready called Uncle in Milan and reported to him the conclusion of theincident and my contributions in the affair."Come to think of it, Erica did leave her seat at the breakfast table for a briefwhile.G.o.dou had speculated that she was frightened by Doni and his appet.i.te,but that was not the case."1) Kusanagi G.o.dou is a man with the potential to fight Sir Salvatore to adraw.2) He and Erica Blandelli have established a personal relationship oflovers.3) If I can make good use of my position, then provided that the [CopperBlack Cross] does not come under Kusanagi G.o.dou"s command, it is notdifficult to obtain his protection.4) Due to these achievements, I am allowed to return to the a.s.sociation,and he will even bestow upon me the premier knight"s t.i.tle of the [DiavoloRosso] -- basically, that"s what Uncle said.""S-So what"s up over on that side?""A complete understanding has been reached. My return, Erica Blandelli"s,has been approved. Thank you, G.o.dou, this is all thanks to you."Erica smiled. This was a devil"s smile of which he unwittingly caught sight.A smile more gorgeous than anyone else"s. A lioness" smile. A lady"s smile.An innocent maiden"s smile. Gaining amus.e.m.e.nt from other people"smisfortune, this face like a devil"s suited her quite well along with hervarious expressions.G.o.dou recognized this point once again."Even though we ran into all sorts of troubles, big and small, and youcompletely used me, I don"t really mind at all. B-But what is with that loversrelationship!?"Give and take, aligned interests.Due to his a.s.sociation with many strange relatives and acquaintances(foremost being his grandfather and mother), G.o.dou was very open andtolerant of such things.However, there was only one fact he could not ignore."W-Won"t it have a bad effect? What should I say, it"s bad forrespectability.""That"s no problem. It"s just slightly unwholesome on first glance. Normally,calling yourself "loversJ 1 " feels kind of salacious, but it also sounds moreconvincing to the listener.""But it"s not the truth at all.""Well, would you simply call it a relationship of mutually pa.s.sionatekissing?""Guh.""Hoho. It"s a little late, but I"ve already reported to Uncle everything thathappened at the Zamparini mansion. That night, we"ve witnessed eachother"s naked forms, had intimate skin contact, slept in the same bed, andour lips have already pressed together in a frenzy uncountably.""W-Why do you have to use such an easily misunderstood description!?""Misunderstood? On the contrary, it is to express our relationship properly.As a result, Uncle sighed deeply and said things like "I never expected tofeel like a bride"s father so soon..." He even grumbled quite a bit."G.o.dou suddenly noticed Erica had increased the force she was using tohold his arm.He wanted to pull out but could not move at all. Did she use magic orsomething to raise her arm strength?Looking at Erica"s face, he could see her smile admitting to his suspicions."It"s really wonderful that you proposed going to Milan, G.o.dou. The firstthing you"ll do is meet Uncle, and it"d be best if you expressed officialcongratulations for my a.s.sumption of the [Diavolo Rosso] t.i.tle.""If it"s for that kind of stuff, no way. I"m returning to j.a.pan!""What are you talking about? You haven"t even obtained your plane ticketyet.""I"ll stand by for cancellations. In the worst case I"ll ask Zamparini-san forhelp!""Don"t say something so heartless. Actually, there"s this great rivercoursing through the wide open plains of Tuscany, but lately a giant eelmonster has been sighted. As soon as it approaches Milan, we can trycapturing it.""You can go on your own for something like that, right!?""This monster appears to be a creature of divine beast cla.s.s. Maybe it"snot an eel but a serpentine divine beast. In that case, it"s an opponent thatno one can defeat but a Campione like G.o.dou.""I don"t want to fight anymore! I"ve had enough of this!""What are you talking about? You were clearly fighting with such intensityof vigor. Besides, there shouldn"t be any divine beasts that could take on aCampione. In terms of risk, the only issue is the fact that Tuscany fallsunder Sir Salvatore"s territory, so he"ll be sure to join in the fun.""No matter how you look at it, that"s the most dangerous risk factor!"Kusanagi G.o.dou and Erica Blandelli.The seventh Campione and the premier knight of the [Copper BlackCross].Thus concluded the story of their beginnings, to be followed by the start ofendless adventures.AfterwordBack when I first began the series, I decisively made the followingresolution:"I will never write a story such as Campionel"s beginning or the like."Ultimately, this is the story about an ordinary human who defeated a G.o.d. Ifhe did not endure a journey of hardship akin to clearing levels in an epicRPG, there would be no value.Hence, Campionel"s origin story should be a long arc spanning three tofive volumes. But writing all that out in detail would delay the beginning ofthe main story, so I took the omission route instead. As long as I"m happy(this is super important).As a result, when asked to write the origin story, I said this:"If the series gets a manga or anime adaptation (even though I don"t reallythink it would), then just put the adaptation-original beginning story there.Then novelize it afterwards."My proposal was immediately rejected. This was how Volume 3 came tobe suddenly published. However, simply describing the birth of the DevilKing from the start already used up an entire volume, so after that Ioptimistically thought "we"ll have a chance to tell the rest of the storysooner or later, fufufufufu" and "oh well, there will be another chance nexttime!" But life is full of surprises.The series has expanded beyond my expectations, so the time has cometo tell that story in the past.From the author"s point of view, I was writing the incredible developmentsof Volume 1 1 with the feeling of "what would it be like if I wrote things thisway?" It would be great if everyone enjoyed it.In terms of surprises, the sudden good news announced this time is alsoquite unexpected. This is the result of everyone else"s hard work forbringing plans to fruition.I"ll take this opportunity to thank everyone again.As the author I would like to express to everyone involved with the animeproduction:"Sorry for the original work being so troublesome."Hence I express my sincere apologies.Well then, the next volume will once again return to the main story.In the story, it is now December when winter truly arrives. Winter festivitieswill be the main theme. Eh? Christmas? Cough, is this a Christianconspiracy? As a believer of Shin Buddhism^ I don"t really get it.Everyone, if possible, let us meet again in the next volume....By the way, I also wrote a new script for the Drama CD included with theissue of "SUPER DASH & GO!" to be sold in February.If you wish, please show your support there as well.Takedzuki Jou, November 2011References1 . t Shin Buddhism(3£±K^): literally True School of Pure LandBuddhism, the most widely practiced branch of Buddhism in j.a.pan,with 20% of the population of j.a.pan identifying membership of thesect.

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