
Chapter 15

Chapter 5 - Time of the HuntPart 1The sun had already set, and night was falling.Rain drops were falling rhythmically from the sky.G.o.dou supported Yuri and left the library with Erica, meeting Amakasu atthe parking lot."It really did develop into this kind of situation... Anyway, let"s get out ofhere for now, and plan as we move. Just sitting here is not going to solveanything."Amakasu heard what happened, and urged G.o.dou and the rest.Developments have reached an emergency situation, will these actionsturn out to be rash or foresighted?G.o.dou had yet to decide on a plan, so he went with Amakasu"ssuggestion."No matter what, things have gotten more and more troublesome..."The domestic car aimlessly ran towards the Minato ward on the ShutoExpressway.G.o.dou sat in the front pa.s.senger seat and grumbled.Obviously, Amakasu was in the driver"s seat, while Erica and Yuri sat inthe back."Let me make this clear, I only wanted to sum up the conversation quickly,and had no intention of putting G.o.dou in danger. This matter should havebeen originally prepared for the battle against the Marquis Voban."Erica said in a calm manner.She was probably in a bad mood because G.o.dou chose to sit in frontinstead of next to her."I know that, but there must be some slightly safer way to resist!"G.o.dou tried to change his mood as he spoke, as there was no point inregretting something that had already happenedTry to think of a constructive way to minimize damage to the surroundings."Sigh, grumbling is meaningless, let"s consider our direction from this pointon — how many authorities does that old gramps have in total?""...Is it seven or eight?""There are also reports of nine, or even ten and above."G.o.dou frowned at Amakasu and Erica"s vague responses."Can you answer clearly? Aren"t there magic a.s.sociations investigating ourabilities and making reports? That name is something like...""The Greenwich a.s.sembly."Amakasu answered while gripping the steering wheel."However, that group only started their activities in the latter half of thenineteenth century. That is why they don"t have information on people whobecame Campiones earlier like the Marquis Voban. Thus, detailedinformation is only available on those who became [Kings] in the twentiethcentury or later, like Salvatore Doni and the Black Prince Alec.""Information on Marquis Voban aside, even the G.o.d he first defeated iscompletely unknown. Some say that it is a G.o.d a.s.sociated withwolves — probably a G.o.d with earth attributes."Erica"s supplementary explanation reminded G.o.dou of the information hereceived from that phone call."Come to think of it, that fellow Doni also has all sorts of disparateauthorities. It feels like there is no sense of unity."G.o.dou frankly injected his comment.The other two became silent in the middle of their explanations, and turnedtheir gazes towards G.o.dou as if they had something to say."Wha-what is it?""No... if you say so, then nothing.""I think that the embodiment of Verethragna is also a bunch of randomabilities."True, that was something not really worth comparing, so G.o.dou decided tocut back on the unnecessary comments."Then let"s return to the topic just now, and decide on how to proceed fromhere. If we cannot avoid fighting against that old gramps, I want to do itsomewhere to minimize collateral damage.""I see. If helping Yuri-san is the first priority, then there is no other way."Amakasu spoke as he looked ahead.The rain splattering on the windshield had intensified, and it was rainingquite heavily."However, do note that handing Yuri-san over as a sacrifice is a possiblesolution. From a personal standpoint I think it is a tragic option, but in theinterests of public welfare, it is the best choice.""Please don"t say something so stupid in front of the person beingdiscussed. There"s no way I"ll pick that method."G.o.dou immediately rejected Amakasu"s irrelevant words.This young man always put on frivolous airs, but made shockingly cruelsuggestions."But if we really do that, Marquis Voban will be satisfied and will leaveTokyo immediately. There won"t be any other innocent victims, isn"t thatappropriate?""I understand your reasoning. But I refuse!"However, the one who opposed G.o.dou was not the originator of the plan."Kusanagi-san, Amakasu-san"s suggestion is correct."Yuri, who had been silent all along, finally spoke.Bowing her head down depressed, however, she suddenly looked up andentered the conversation."If you don"t hand me over, Kusanagi-san and the Marquis" battle — willbring severe tragedy to Tokyo. Did you know? There are legends about theMarquis summoning great storms to destroy cities, and releasing wolves tolevel villages."Yuri"s stern voice carried determination.She was no longer afraid, and quietly spoke with an expression of sorrow."The only one the Marquis insists on having is me. Fortunately, theMarquis only intends for me to help him finish the ritual, so he should notdo anything else to mistreat me. It will be fine."Yuri was smiling as if trying to comfort the others.An illusory smile which showed great strength. G.o.dou lightly sighed. Suchacting skills must have been difficult for her who lacked competence ineither sports or technology."Will there be any danger?""Four years ago, there were about thirty miko partic.i.p.ating in the Marquis"[Heretical G.o.d] summoning. After the ritual, roughly two thirds of themsuffered severe mental trauma, and most went mad and lost their sanity."In the instant he heard Erica"s fluent answer, G.o.dou made his decision.— Ok, let"s do it this way."In the battle against Athena, Yuri risked her life to use her power toprovide a.s.sistance, and took on a dangerous and irreplaceable role inorder to force the G.o.ddess to retreat from Tokyo."Kusanagi G.o.dou owed Mariya Yuri an extremely great favor."That ritual is very famous for summoning [Heretical G.o.ds] with that levelof sacrifice. Honestly speaking, I was quite surprised to find out that Yurihad partic.i.p.ated in that ritual before. I suspect Yuri was only safe becauseshe was the most capable out of the many miko, but she is unlikely to beso lucky next time.""In that case no, not allowed. Mariya"s proposal is rejected."Feeling his battle spirit fired up, G.o.dou quietly said.Campiones — just because one was the [King], can one do as onepleased? No way! Towards Voban"s tyranny, G.o.dou"s sense of resistancegradually grew.It was completely unacceptable to let this girl be involved in such dangersdue to that old man"s personal whims."So, Mariya, did you consider carefully before deciding to follow that oldgramps? Really seriously considered from the depths of your heart?""...Seriously considered."Yuri answered curtly, but with her head bowed.G.o.dou turned around and looked at her straight in the face."You are lying. This is Mariya"s benevolent lie.""Nothing like that, I did consider carefully — !""Just like the time with Athena, you thought that it would be fine if you werethe only sacrifice, right? I decided then, if anything like that ever happensagain, Mariya will definitely try to sacrifice herself — but that is something Idefinitely will not allow."His body became hot.A Campione"s body will easily enter an optimal state during times of crises.This is the power supporting G.o.dou"s battle ability."If you fight with the Marquis, another cruel disaster will occur, so pleasecalm down!""I am calm, don"t worry. Even if the opponent is a horrific Campione, he isnot a G.o.d and cannot create a world of darkness like Athena. There shouldbe ways to deal with him.""But then, in that case Kusanagi-san will... please consider yourself."Her shoulders dropping, Yuri murmured weakly."If-if anything happens to you — no, in a fight against the Marquis,something will definitely happen. If Kusanagi-san gets killed because ofme, I..."Her words lost form and were no longer distinguishable from one another.Yuri completely lowered her head, her shoulders shaking, and tearsstreamed down her face, moistening the dress of her j.a.panese outfit.— This strong-willed girl was crying.Yuri who had once faced Athena alone without regard for her own safety,was now clearly crying. It was most likely due to G.o.dou"s risking his life forher.If it was simply her own matter, Yuri could definitely hold back her tears.Nevertheless, this only made G.o.dou strengthen his determination. Nomatter what, he must protect this girl, Mariya Yuri, and stop the willfulactions of that unsavory old man!"Yuri you should just give up. This is the decision of the [King]. Saying anymore will be futile. Don"t forget, this man is [King], and a very stubborn,violent person."In direct contrast with the Hime-Miko who cried audibly, Erica beside herwas very calm and collected.She smiled calmly and asked."Of course, the Marquis you requested to follow is also a king, so whichside you pick is your freedom. Which will it be? The Marquis or G.o.dou,who do you choose?""But Kusanagi-san has no chance of winning the Marquis. Though both areCampiones, the Marquis has a clear advantage in both the strength andnumber of authorities. Kusanagi-san is too optimistic!"Yuri lifted her tear-stained face and scolded.But G.o.dou"s determination could not be shaken, and Erica simplyshrugged."What are we going to do, my master?""If we talk about chances of victory, my authorities from Verethragnashouldn"t be able to win against Athena either. Anyway, we have no otherchoice at this point."G.o.dou turned to face Amakasu on the driver"s seat."So that"s it, Mariya"s person will be handled by me. I will never hand herover to that old gramps, so please, drive to somewhere with fewer people.A battle scene here would bring even more trouble.""Understood. To be kidnapped by two Campiones one after the other,Yuri-san sure is an important person.""Ah, Amakasu-san, what are you talking about!"Yuri reprimanded the gloating Amakasu.However, the frivolous representative continued to man the steering wheelunaffected."But regrettably, I am a member of the History Compilation Committee. Assomeone involved in this field, I cannot oppose the will of the great DevilKing, oh... It"s like running away on a stolen bike, a kind of guiltyexcitement.""You! Always taking things so lightly!"Yuri finally was angered, but it totally swept away her sorrow and tears.G.o.dou nodded at her new condition.Once everything was settled, she would probably scold him like last timeafter the Athena incident. But that"s fine. Compared to letting this girl betaken away out of sight to a distant location, it was ten thousand timesbetter.Purely by chance, his gaze met with Erica"s.His companion calmly made a look, as if saying she had no objections."Unfortunately, I will be troubling you.""Don"t worry, didn"t I already say? Having offered you my [Sword], I alreadyprepared myself for situations like this. And that old [King]"s history is notsomething you can comprehend alone, let me fill you in later."Erica casually spoke, and then turned her jeering gaze forwards — to theyoung man in the driver"s seat."...Well, I feel like it is correct to predict this kind of possibility, but I"m just alittle concerned about the speaker telling G.o.dou that.""Don"t talk like I have ulterior motives."As they were about to continue, the sound of rolling thunder was heard.The location of the thunderstrike seemed quite near. Looking out thewindow, the night sky was filled with dark clouds, and the rain wasincreasing continually."...In other words, thirty minutes have pa.s.sed."As Amakasu glanced at his watch, gray shadows immediately appeared.Part 2Running.Under the intense thunder and rain, groups of gray shadows were running.Shadows — no, if one looked carefully, those were the silhouettes ofwolves. They numbered about thirty or forty.A pack of wolves colored gray like a rat"s fur.But the wolves" sizes were abnormal, for their tall and well-built bodiescould easily be mistaken for a horse"s.A pack of giant wolves was galloping down the Shuto Expressway withhorrific speed, chasing G.o.dou"s car from behind....Surprisingly, the distance between them was shrinking.There was still about thirty meters, but they would catch up soon."So these are the [Wolves] called by that old gramps? These are completemonsters.""I am also seeing them for the first time. The Marquis is able to call forthhundreds of these [Wolves] and can easily eradicate ten to twenty villagesor towns with them."Watching the ferocity of the wolf pack from the rear window of the car,G.o.dou and Erica exchanged opinions.Extremely ravenous wild beasts as if they had discovered their prey.Perhaps one could understand with the following description. A pack ofwolves whose eyeb.a.l.l.s raged with the color of blood as they drooled andchased violently."Come to think of it, there seems to be a lack of cars in the approachingdirection. What could be the reason..."G.o.dou muttered as he realized his carelessness.Though traffic was not heavy today, the number of cars on the ShutoExpressway could not be zero. In fact, there should be cars in front andcars from behind trying to pa.s.s.But starting five minutes ago, the number of cars around them becamevery few.This wasn"t strange. If a normal driver saw those kinds of monsters runningon the roads, they would definitely make way for them. This wasn"t hard toimagine."Let"s hope those wolves haven"t caused any serious incidents..."G.o.dou could only pray to the heavens.The gray wolves were probably only targeting G.o.dou and Yuri and shouldbe ignoring the other cars. Hence, that worry seemed unlikely. But still,they should prepare for the worst....In a car collision, those wolves would probably send the car flyinginstead."Amakasu-san, please stop the car! Don"t involve unrelated people!""I refuse to stop, but we should definitely avoid a chase in a place like this."After being told by Yuri, Amakasu turned the steering wheel.It was at the Kokuchou interchange on Route 3 of the Shuto Expressway.Amakasu directed the car into the lane towards the exit leading to streetlevel."Are you planning on driving on the streets? That is very dangerous!""If we get attacked by those monsters while driving at such a speed, theresult will be tragic! Since they will catch up sooner or later, it will be easierto escape at ground level."Of course, this reasoning had its merits, so G.o.dou immediately respondedto Amakasu"s suggestion."Then please let us off at a suitable spot, and then try to think of asolution!"— Ten minutes later, Amakasu had driven the car into the streets in theneighborhood of Roppongi district.This was the city center containing high-rise buildings, luxury hotels andtelevision stations, with shrines, monasteries and emba.s.sies slightly furtheraway."...Could you stop the car over there?"Due to the intense rain beating down on the windows, it was difficult to seeoutside clearly. G.o.dou still managed to find a good spot and proceeded toalert Amakasu.Turning at an intersection, they stopped before a primary school.A city center primary school. Neither the playground nor its overall areawere very big, but it should be enough to rampage a bit. Since it was night,there will not be any children.G.o.dou had Amakasu stop the car and got out onto the road.The storm was very fierce.As the raindrops blown by the wind struck his body sideways, his clotheswere rapidly soaked with rainwater. The rain also filled his shoes withwater.An umbrella under such situations would most likely be blown awayimmediately."Why don"t you come along as well, Mariya. Though the weather is terrible,please endure."G.o.dou opened the door to the backseat and hastened Yuri to get off.However, the Hime-Miko of Musashino appeared to have no intention offollowing. She only stared at G.o.dou, pleading with sincere eyes."Kusanagi-san, you should have seen it right? Those [Wolves] and [DeadServants] are only a part of the Marquis Voban"s powers. You cannotdefeat him. And if you went all out, it will definitely bring destruction to thesurroundings."And so, please hand me over. To this plea, G.o.dou shook his head."I am not very smart, and cannot understand the reasons to do that. All Iknow is this: you are my friend who once helped me. If I abandoned such agirl, I will regret it — as I have said just now, this is my stubbornness."G.o.dou offered his hand to the persistent Hime-Miko.Hoping that she would accept this hand. That was what G.o.dou hoped forfrom the bottom of his heart."I don"t want to hand you over to some old gramps like that. And I am notthe only one who thinks that. Letting a courageous and compa.s.sionate girlsuffer such cruelty from that stubborn old man, if anyone else heard aboutsuch an atrocity, I"m sure nine out often people will agree with mydecision."G.o.dou felt that his oratory skills were very poor.As he cursed his own uselessness at such a crucial time, G.o.dou continuedto speak."So, let"s consider this... Of course I know that fighting against that oldgramps will bring trouble to many people. But if things were properlyexplained, they should be able to endure for a while. I apologize fordeciding without consultation, but it is something that cannot be helped."G.o.dou wondered if he could find the words to persuade Yuri who was themost serious person he knew.Feeling that he had no other appeals to reason, G.o.dou prayed as hard ashe could while attempting to convey his wishes for her safety instead."I understand that you"re worried about many things, but please just comewith me. I beg you, Mariya.""Your power, you do understand you cannot defeat the Marquis, right?""I have no intention of overextending myself for a win, but it is fine as longas losing is avoided. As long as I am able to protect Mariya I am satisfied.Even if my opponent is powerful, it is not farfetched to aim for a draw.Definitely, something can be done."An optimistic speech devoid of worry, almost sounding like somethingSalvatore Doni would say.Partially for the sake of giving Yuri confidence, G.o.dou forced himself tospeak in this manner.It was a speech with stupid reasons and was completely lacking incredibility. Yuri finally sighed after listening."Really, enough... You give me no choice. You usually speak sensibly butwhy are you so sloppy now..."Yuri looked up and gazed directly into G.o.dou"s eyes."No matter how righteous it is to oppose that kind of person, I still knowyou cannot succeed. So enough, your words of persuasion are like thoseof a fool."Inconsistent with her sharp tone, she was not staring at G.o.dou sternly.Yuri timidly held out her hand.The delicate hand slowly reached out towards G.o.dou"s outstretched hand."It is not like I believe in Kusanagi-san"s words or anything like that. Don"tmisunderstand. It is not like I want you to risk your life or anything like that.After all, I am just a victim of your kidnapping. I suppose resistance isfutile... In truth, this is all there is to it, so do not misunderstand.""Yes, I understand. This is sufficient, Mariya."Mariya took G.o.dou"s hand and gripped it tightly.Like a lost child who finally found his father.G.o.dou nodded gladly. Yuri"s face blushed and she lowered her head.Yuri stood up and left the car, walking in the rain.Her white j.a.panese attire was immediately drenched by the rain, andclung closely to the exceedingly feminine form of her body."I will face the Marquis together with Kusanagi-san — so, I am in your care.""We will do our best."Though it seemed like he had yet to fully gain the other"s trust, G.o.douguaranteed with a smiling face.Yuri also responded with a shy smile akin to falling cherry blossoms."Now that it"s been decided, let"s prepare the grounds... Mariya you shouldfirst cross through that door..."As G.o.dou pointed at the school entrance, Yuri sighed."I understand, it really is trespa.s.sing, how unlawful...""Umm, please don"t scold me for now. Even I don"t feel comfortable aboutthis. Erica, please.""Yeah yeah. Though you speak of reflection, but your true actionscompletely betray them — that is one of G.o.dou"s worst points. Well in thiscase, we have no other choice but to count on you."Erica made an evil smile and also got off the car.Bending forward, she grabbed one side of the skirt of her uniform.And then she tore it and did the same for the other side, creating torn slitson both sides of the skirt. Of course, it was done to facilitate movement."The lion of steel, shield of the [Diavolo Rosso], may my spell wordsrespond to my will!"Disregarding the rain, Erica used the magic of summoning.The magical sword of the lion, Cuore di Leone, appeared in her right hand.Preparing her battle stance, Erica swung her beloved sword in a V-shape.The primary school"s entrance was cut open by the slashing attack."Ah, this is something beyond my abilities to handle, so I will providesupport from a distance. Sorry I can"t be of much help. I wish you all luck inyour struggle."Amakasu said.At this desperate time, he was still sitting casually at the driver"s seat."Hmph. Unfamiliar with battle, really — but I don"t think you areincompetent.""Yes, Erica-san. If I had to fight you, I would lose utterly in thirty seconds.""Is that so? From my estimates, you could last about three hundredseconds. Since it"s rare to find an opportunity, would you like to try it now?"To the smile appearing on Erica"s face like a poisonous flower, Amakasuacted dumb and made a fawning smile.After the parting pleasantries, the three of them slipped into the schoolunder the cover of night.It was after 8pm in the evening. Perhaps there might be staff on overtime.G.o.dou prayed for them not to exit the building if that was the case.G.o.dou aimed for the playground which should prove to be advantageous.To [Wolves] who possessed a keen sense of smell, hiding was probablyuseless so it would be better to choose a location with a clear view of theopponents.They waited at the playground for about five minutes.Finally, the pack of giant wolves appeared. Unexpected for their ma.s.sivebodies, the wolves jumped over the school fence with ease and enteredthe playground.The slowly approaching [Wolves] numbered roughly thirty or forty at least."I will take care of them. After all, you shouldn"t use the [White Stallion] orthe [Raptor] in such a place. Save the forms of Verethragna for theMarquis.""Then I"ll leave it to you."G.o.dou nodded generously to Erica"s proposal.Of the ten forms usurped from Verethragna, most of them gave noadvantage in handling grouped enemies.The [White Stallion] which summoned solar fire from the sky was one ofthe few exceptions, but it was too powerful to be used rashly.On the other hand, the [Raptor] was comparatively more normal, but therewere repercussions after its use." — Come, savior of the gentiles. Promised lord born from the virgin!"Erica spoke softly to the silver sword and chanted the spell words.Cuore di Leone floated into the air as if led by an invisible thread."By the holy name, O G.o.d of countless armies. G.o.d be praised! Hallowedbe thy name!"One sword, two swords, three swords. Cuore di Leone was multiplying intosimilarly shaped swords which appeared in the air in front of Erica.In ten seconds, the magic silver sword had multiplied to thirteen."Then it is time to decide the victor, Cuore di Leone!"This spell word became the trigger signal.The thirteen swords became thirteen arrows and flew at the speed oflightning.Aiming between the eyes of the incoming [Wolves], they stabbed forwards.The gray wolves cried wretchedly.Yet blood did not seep out from their wounds. Instead, a blue black liquidflowed from their foreheads. The giant wolves" corpses melted into thedarkness and vanished.Like those death knights, they appeared to be abnormal creatures.Eliminating thirteen of the pack in one motion, Cuore di Leone flew andreturned to Erica"s hand.At some unknown instant, it had returned to the one original sword."My hunting hounds seem to be ineffective against the [Diavolo Rosso], apity."A familiar voice echoed.The embodiment of tyranny disguised by airs of intellectuality, the old DevilKing spoke softly."Sorry to have kept you waiting, brats. Are you prepared to be beatendown by me?"Thunder crashed. Violent winds screamed. Raindrops crashed repeatedlyinto the ground. Voban"s voice carried over, completely unaffected bythose noises.Arrogant as ever, the Devil King casually strolled to the center of theplayground.Part 3"I love stormy nights. Wind, rain and lightning, these all make me feelmighty. You are probably the same, brat. Even though you are immature, Iam sure you and I are one of a kind."Wearing a jet black coat over his suit, Voban spoke joyfully as the rainsplattered against him.G.o.dou immediately frowned in anger.In fact, from a very long time ago he did have a strange habit of having agood mood when there was a typhoon. Be that as it may, G.o.dou did notfeel like answering."So what? Are you just saying you like stormy nights?""No, I felt like it so I summoned it, and so it became like that. I believe italso suits your tastes. You don"t mind, right?"Dejanstahl Voban had the ability to call forth storms.Simply witnessing a part of that power troubled G.o.dou."Don"t decide so casually, on what basis do you judge that?""After all, someone will not fight a deity unless they are disposed to goingwith the flow and rising to the occasion. People who become Campionesall have pretty much the same tendencies."Erica and Yuri listened on the side and simultaneously said "ah ah, I see"while showing an understanding expression. As both of them looked at himat the same time, G.o.dou felt greatly uncomfortable for some reason."You really are a ridiculous old gramps. Then shall we start the firstround?""If you fall now, there is no first or second. Struggle well and amuse me."Voban waved his hand.Immediately, ten [Wolves] appeared out of the darkness like foamingbubbles."Increasing the numbers so easily could get troublesome. But an opponentwho relies on numbers is so unrefined. It"s most displeasing.""In terms of numbers, they have already won — stand back Mariya."G.o.dou spoke as he nodded to his companion"s comments.This was the beginning of a messy battle.Erica threw Cuore di Leone into the air towards the distance."O Lion of steel, accept thy mission, transform into seven tacni^, guardthe imprisoned king, sing Blondel, and respond with the lion-hearted king."The silver magic sword became seven fragments and scattered on theground. And then, the fragments expanded and transformed into steellions.Seven lion sculptures were infused with life by magic.Their fluid motions completely unrestrained by the normal properties ofsteel, the lions surrounded G.o.dou and Yuri.The steel lions blocked the approaching pack of [Wolves]. Erica createdguards in response to Voban"s ever increasing hunting hounds.The wolves cried out!!The [Wolf] pack all jumped.In a rare moment, Erica was not using her usual Cuore di Leone butinstead had summoned a very heavy looking sword. She faced the attackwithout any signs of fear.Glamorously swinging her sword in a free flowing manner.Erica repeatedly sliced through the onslaught of the wolf pack. Just asVoban said, hounds as big as horses were no match for her.With one or two attacks from her sword, every wolf was either sliced intosections or pierced right through.But even for Erica, the lone efforts of a single person had limits.With absolute advantage in numbers, the [Wolves] only needed to keep upthe attacks. Besides, the other wolves did not have an enemy astroublesome as Erica.The [Wolves] targeting Yuri and G.o.dou.The lions born from Cuore di Leone faced off against those wolves.Vanquishing the wolves with their bodies, fangs and claws of steel, thelions" battle power far exceeded the [Wolves].Overwhelming victory.However, the only problem was the numbers.In order to handle the [Wolves] which got past their defense line, G.o.douhad to activate Verethragna"s authority at last.Imagining the strength of the [Bull], G.o.dou spoke the spell words."As the one who holds all victory in my hands, I am the strongest. Man anddevil — all enemies, all who harbor enmity will be vanquished. Hence I shallsmash through all enemies in my way!"When fighting an inhumanly strong opponent, Verethragna"s second form,the [Bull], granted overwhelming strength. Voban"s summoned wolf packcompletely satisfied this condition.Speeding forward like an arrow, G.o.dou aimed at an attacking wolf"s snoutand sent it flying with a powerful kick.G.o.dou avoided messy unarmed combat to prevent unnecessary injuries. Ifhe got bitten, those jaws might crush his bones.He sent them flying into the distance with as little contact as possible.G.o.dou"s forward kick punted the [Wolves] high into the air like a football, allthe things attacking himself and Yuri could be seen clearly.However, the powers of the [Bull] form were definitely unsuitable for adisorganized fight against multiple opponents."These things just keep on coming, there really is no end in sight...! Mariya,can I ask you something?"Sending the sixth [Wolf] on a tour to the sky, G.o.dou asked.Though the guarding lions kept going without pause, the wolf pack alsocontinued to increase. If this went on, they would run out of options soon."W-What is it, Kusanagi-san?""Last time, that move I used against Athena, do you think it would workagainst that old gramps?"The old Devil King, who was continually summoning [Wolves] from adistance, simply watched the battle silently.G.o.dou tried to show a smile of confidence and preparedness.From the start, the pace of battle had been fully controlled by Voban.Unless G.o.dou found a way to regain initiative and counterattack therewould be no chance of victory."...Probably not. I doubt those flames can defeat the Marquis. I cannot givea reason, but that is what I feel."The miko, who possessed spirit vision, spoke with a very disquietedexpression.However, this opinion only made G.o.dou more determined — if that was thecase, why not try it?"Got it. In that case, perhaps it"s just as well.""Eh? Kusanagi-san, what are you planning on doing?""Mariya, please do not leave my side for any reason."Letting this continue would be meaningless, so G.o.dou decided to bringabout a conclusion to the battle."For victory, hasten forth before me! O immortal sun, please grant radianceto the stallion. O stallion that moves G.o.dlike with wondrous grace, bringforth the halo of thy master!"The incantation to summon from the sky the white stallion whichrepresented the sun, the third form of Verethragna.G.o.dou shouted sonorously.Voban"s face showed tension for the first time.Finally sensing the coming of danger, he watched as the stormy nightturned into a morning sky tinted by the color of dawn."The sun — the flames of heaven?"Almost like the first light of dawn, the sun was rising out of the eastern sky.— The power of judgement which could only be used against great sinnerswho brought great suffering to the populace. As expected of athree-hundred-year-old great Devil King, it looked like he had committedmore than the minimum number of atrocities required to fulfill theconditions required.White flames descended from the sky.High temperature flames hot enough to vaporize steel with ease wereapproaching the ground.At that instant, the [Wolves] that were causing so much trouble for G.o.douand Erica all vanished."Eh?"G.o.dou was struck by surprise.Voban"s figure transformed. From a human into an upright wolf with silverfur — a werewolf and it was completely the stance of a wolf.Voban"s body which had taken the form of a silver wolf, expanded in sizeinstantly.Roughly thirty meters in length, the ma.s.sive body stopped expanding at animpossible size.Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!Ma.s.sive roars reverberated in the stormy atmosphere.The gigantic silver wolf leaped at the huge white flames which held theconcentrated energy of the sun, bared its fangs and bit the flames with itsma.s.sive jaws."...What the, that, there should be limits to such unreasonable power."The unbelievable sight gave G.o.dou a great shock.Swallowed.Just like that, the giant wolf completely swallowed the intense fires of thesun."To absorb... no, devour the flames of the [White Stallion], what kind ofmonster is this?"Erica who had returned to G.o.dou"s side also exclaimed with surprise.Having lost their opponents, the steel lions recombined to form Cuore diLeone once more, and returned to the form of her beloved sword."What... was that about?"Yuri murmured with a shocked expression. Perhaps the sight before themwas too hard to believe."Swallowing the fire that even Athena had difficulty resisting, should therenot be a limit to such lack of reason!""To render useless the attack which defeated the deity of darkness as wellas the earth, the G.o.ddess Athena of the highest level, what kind of G.o.d didthat [Wolf] usurp his authority from!?"Standing beside the speechless girl, G.o.dou renewed his spirits. His goal ofchanging the flow of battle had been accomplished. That was enough.1 — Hahahahahahaha! Is this it? This is one of the abilities used to battleSalvatore, and defeated Athena! Very satisfying! This really makes me feelsatisfied!"— Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!Ma.s.sive roars of a wolf sounded simultaneously with Voban"s voice. It wastruly an incredible phenomenon."I feel I must properly reward such a rare banquet. If I don"t do thiscarefully, I might crush you along with the miko — come, listen to mybidding, my servants!"Ent.i.ties possessing dark demonic characteristics flowed out once again.This time, they were not [Wolves] but death knights previously met in thelibrary — dead people were appearing out of the darkness carrying thesame aura.In their hands were swords, spears, axes and other cla.s.sical weapons.Many of them were wearing armor decorated with engraved crests fromknight organizations.There were about forty of them. From their anachronistic attire, theyseemed to be summoned from five or six centuries ago."My followers who have already died, you were all carefully selectedwarriors. Now, go hunt like dogs!"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!The Devil King"s laughter sounded at the same time as the fierce roars.In addition, the death knight army began to step forward, wielding theirweapons, and attacked with determination.The word "slow" would be the wrong description for these zombies.Bearing dead faces and engaging in close quarter combat, they displayedgreat intelligence and strength, just like a fierce and experienced army ofknights."G.o.dou, be careful everyone. I fear that they may very well be GreatKnights when alive — warriors of the same rank as me. To be honest, Ihave no confidence in protecting you all this time."Erica"s gaze which had switched to the death knights, was completelydifferent from when she was facing fodder.There was not a hint of playful att.i.tude, and she was rather alert."The girl at the library — was she your friend, Erica? How did she describeit, what were those colleagues of hers really? Aren"t they just zombies??""Kusanagi-san, becoming a [Dead Servant] is the tragic fate suffered bythose who were killed by the Marquis" hand."The one who answered G.o.dou"s question was Yuri."The ability to make loyal obedient servants out of those that died directlyby his hand. This was the authority that the Marquis usurped from theEgyptian G.o.d Osiris. Those people seem to fully recall their skills fromwhen they were alive, and will be tougher enemies than the wolves.""We may very well turn out like them in the end, so watch out!"At the unimaginably tragic fate of these death knights, G.o.dou frowned."To have performed so many acts of evil, that d.a.m.n old man really p.i.s.sesme off."G.o.dou looked up to the stern face of the old Devil King who had taken theform of a giant wolf.After turning into that form, strong wind and rain from the storm wasnothing to him. Completely arrogant, it was also a very detestable form.— And then, the death knights swarmed in.Erica swung her sword and engaged one of them. One, two, three, four.Their strikes clashed intensely. Even a layman could tell that those skillsdisplayed were extremely powerful.Of course, the death knights also approached G.o.dou and Yuri.(Are we going to lose now?)G.o.dou silently talked to himself. He was too naive. He did not prepareenough to fight such a difficult enemy as the Marquis Voban.If one did not acquire knowledge of the opponent"s abilities, personalityand goals, defeat was certain.This was the inevitable outcome. Since his loss was due to his insufficientpower and his taking things too lightly, there was no room for regret. Bethat as it may —"Kusanagi-san...""Don"t worry, Mariya, just watch as I penetrate the barricade for you. Followme closely."G.o.dou will definitely protect the trembling girl behind his back.That was his responsibility. Determined, G.o.dou took a deep breath.— He exchanged a quick glance with Erica as she brandished her swordnearby. They immediately understood each other.In the instant it took for their gazes to meet, several death knights hadrushed over.The ma.s.sive axe was lifted high before G.o.dou"s eyes. This wasn"t fastenough. Speed up!G.o.dou took another deep breath.Standing behind him, Yuri asked worriedly: "Kusanagi-san, you seem to bea little strange, what is going on?" Her voice felt very distant, no, it wasn"tdistant, but slowed down, it was due to my senses becoming extraordinary.Faster, ever faster, imagining in my mind, birds that fly higher than anyoneelse, the form of the bird of prey that flew higher, faster, further than allothers.As G.o.dou stood motionless, the battle axe was fiercely swung down uponhis head.Yuri cried out plaintively.There were many bothersome aspects to the [Raptor] incarnation, but thiswas the worst moment in particular.Unless attacked by a quick strike exceeding normal parameters, this formcould not be used. Examples included bullets, ambushed by crazed wildbeasts, or an attack from an accomplished martial artist.At these thoughts crossed his mind, G.o.dou whispered."Fear of the winged, both the evil and the powerful, all shall fear I who holdthese feathered wings. My wings will bring you curse and just deserts!"Acceleration, and slowing down.Accelerating G.o.dou"s own body, while slowing down everything else.About to have his head split in half, G.o.dou casually dodged the battle axewith millimeters to spare.Too slow.The death knights who Erica had regarded as equal to her.To G.o.dou now, they were far too slow. Sword, axe, spear, sword,sword — five weapons were attacking G.o.dou simultaneously.These were also too slow. All could be seen clearly, and all were evaded.Finally, one of the death knights was sent flying. An amateurishcounterattack spectacularly knocked the knight onto the ground. Probably,the knight failed to evade due to G.o.dou"s exceptional speed.G.o.dou grabbed Yuri"s hand.Without saying a word, he carried Yuri in his arms. "Ah!?Ku-kusanagi-san — !?" What she said wasn"t very clear, I"ll ask her someother time.G.o.dou pushed hard against the ground and leaped with Yuri in his arms.The trajectory of the jump followed a ma.s.sive curve.Easily jumping over ten meters, G.o.dou easily cleared the death knightswho surrounded him.— Super acceleration, as well as the body becoming extremely light.That was the power of Verethragna"s [Raptor] form. As long as it wassomething that could be held in two hands, it was very convenient to usethis ability to carry things.Since its speed was something that G.o.dou could not fully control, it wasimpossible to move with precision.If one wanted to move just twenty centimeters, he would often go onemeter or beyond. But other than that, it was a horrifyingly effective ability.On the flip side, it also carried a great price.Enduring the pain reaching towards his heart, G.o.dou leaped once more.In an instant, he had reached the edge of the playground. He looked backat the battlefield he had left behind in the distance.Even from there he could clearly see the monstrously tall and well-builtbody of Voban. Not only could he summon wolves, but what kind ofmonster could also transform itself into a wolf?Roughly two thirds of the death knights were rushing to pursue theescaped him.Erica was alone, moving in the opposite direction.Fighting by herself, she swung Cuore di Leone and began to flee.G.o.dou wanted to help, but if he went over with Yuri, they would onlybecome burdens. By herself, Erica could probably bring out her powerbetter without restraint.It was probably better to lure even more death knights over to thisdirection....The exchange of glances prior to using the [Raptor] communicated eachother"s plans. The battle here was sure to have ended in defeat, so in thatcase, they had to retreat from this location with all their strength.G.o.dou prayed for his companion"s safety as he jumped once again.Easily clearing the wall around the school, G.o.dou paid attention to hispursuers as he decided to speed up and shake them off his trail.Of course, Voban will be using those [Wolves] again.Nevertheless, escaping from this place will prevent the worst outcome."Ah...! Truly exhausting, this..."His chest pain gradually intensified.In the arms of the frowning G.o.dou, Yuri"s face was full of concern."Are you okay? Kusanagi-san? Your face looks like you are suffering...""Ah, it"s nothing. No, if this continues I won"t be able to lose those guys.We have no choice but to find a place to hide — "In the stormy night, visibility was poor, and his body was getting cold.G.o.dou and Yuri in her miko outfit continued their escape.References1 . t Tachi (AJJ) is a type of traditional j.a.panese sword worn by thesamurai cla.s.s of feudal j.a.pan.

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