
Chapter 16

Chapter 6 - You, Born from Light Amidst DarknessPart 1Erica Blandelli recalled from her experience the existence of [Leap] magic.It was a kind of magic that lightened one"s body and allowed one"s jumpingability to exceed human limits. Using this would allow her to performamazing moves that her beloved Hong Kong movies produced onlythrough the use of harnesses.Even without a running start she could jump to places taller than her ownheight.She could even run up vertical walls or perform agile acrobatics that eventhe top stunt actors could never hope to imitate.— Now she was skillfully using this magic to escape.In a city center in the middle of a stormy night without any shelter.Flying between the rows of towering buildings from roof top to rooftop,Erica was scurrying around so much that even something like a cat or amonkey would have no way of keeping up.Erica prided herself on this magic. If she used it seriously, there wasvirtually no one who surpa.s.sed her skill.However, amongst the death knights there were three who also excelled inthis type of magic. Likewise using [Leap] magic, but pursuing like theshadow of death personified."Truly difficult to handle—"Erica muttered.The strong winds shook her body, and the rain made visibility very poor.Furthermore, it was night time. Since it was wet everywhere, a carelessmisstep could easily lead to a fall.Erica continued to scurry around unfazed by these disadvantageousconditions.However, it was probably enough. Shaking them off her trail would beimpossible so it might not be a bad idea to turn around and counterattackhere.There were three of these knights in pursuit. Other than the numerical disadvantage, it would also be rather difficult todispatch one of them with the first strike.While using [Transformation] magic on the magical sword in her right hand,she looked back to observe. Cuore di Leone changed its form from aslender sword into a throwing spear.A short but heavy spear meant for throwing.Twisting, she threw at an acute angle. At the instant the throwing spear leftthe hand of Erica, two identical clones also appeared like shadows.A total of three throwing spears flew straight into the directions of the threedeath knights.The spear tips crisply penetrated their chests, piercing the heart protectedbeneath the chain mail.The surviving dead souls collapsed into dust.It was likely that the decision-making capability of the death knights — theability to think, was lower than when they were alive. It took them longer tochange their actions.Which is why Erica acted as she did. Running away continually for longdistances followed by a rapid counterattack, the plan came into fruitionperfectly.— However, the last performance has yet to begin.As Cuore di Leone returned from its spear form back to the sword, Ericamade preparations for the remaining enemies.Now was the key moment. Swordplay, magic, strategy, wisdom.Opponents who matched her in every one of these categories werearriving soon."Running all the way over here, it does not really match your preference forspectacular battle."The voice appeared out of the rainy night.An elegant and cute voice of a girl, but hiding great strength beneathgentle softness."Like a rat scurrying around, this ends now. Erica Blandelli.""Come to think of it, you once said you wanted to fly like a swallow. Lily,that"s no good, you"re really lacking in poetic expression."Liliana Kranjcar.Amidst the strong winds, Erica was mocking the completely drenched girlwho was beautiful as a fairy and wearing a blue and black cape. For her toappear here was nothing extraordinary.This girl was the descendant of a true and proper witch. Completelysurpa.s.sing Erica, she was a master of flying magic."Do not call me Lily! — If you were not working as the subordinate of thatweak king, then there would not be a need to emulate it. Furthermore,there would not be a need to be like a female fox. How inconsiderate!""Rather than some sort of scheming, this is just my love. This isn"t like you,to lack feeling in your words."As the two female knights talked under the intense rain and wind, theywalked towards each other.They understood each other"s capabilities very well. Whether the winner orthe loser, neither would be able to conclude the battle unharmed."My wings, shape steel into the blade of illusion — II Maestro, lend me yourpower!"Liliana raised her arm towards the sky, and loudly summoned her belovedsword.The silver long-bodied sabre appeared and Liliana jumped up from theground at that instant.Approaching like a flash of lightning.With comparable speed, Erica dodged to the side. Rather thanswordsmanship, it was more like a dance — taking leaping steps like thoseof the flamenco^ while dodging the attacks from the approaching enemy.Liliana, who had caught up with Erica"s speed, moved quietly with glidingsteps.Running as if she were ice-skating, she pursued Erica"s light footsteps."Do not think that you can escape from me with that kind of speed!""True. In that case, let me defeat you with power!"Erica performed a forward thrust with Cuore di Leone, aiming for Liliana"sheart.It was not a single attack. Within the time of a single breath, Erica struckout thrice, a killing move consisting of three sudden thrusts.II Maestro gave off melodic metallic tones like an instrument, and at thesame time parried Erica"s attack rhythmically.Liliana"s swordsmanship was both extremely beautiful and wonderfullyprecise.Skillfully wielding the heavy weapon, while simultaneously making forcefulattacks, Erica moved the exquisite magical sword to lightly evade or parryattacks.Erica did not attack with abandon, but was biding her time.Not her sword, but with her foot. Aiming at Liliana"s instep, Ericamercilessly stepped towards her opponent"s foot as if crushing it with herheel."Wait, you are using your feet so vilely just like in the past!""Lily, look at you. You still haven"t changed your habit of cursing when youget excited. A knight should always aim for more spectacular battles!"Towards Liliana who retreated to dodge her opponent"s heel, Erica smiledgracefully.As they continued to slice and attack each other, the distance betweenthem gradually shrank. In that case, a situation of close combat woulddevelop, and using the feet was a normal part of swordsmanship.Maintaining her position, Erica chopped downwards directly.The magical sword of the lion was blocked by II Maestro. Closing in on theguard of the sword. Immediately Erica stepped forward on impact, usingthe magic sword to blow away the light Liliana."This monstrously strong girl! What spectacular battle? It is just like a horsepulling a cart with brute strength!""If that"s the case, wouldn"t it be better to describe it as strong and majesticlike a lion?"To her cursing opponent, Erica reb.u.t.ted with a smile.Liliana snorted and took a large step. This was in preparation for herprided flying skill. To fly freely in the sky like a bird, she needed the properdistance."If that is the case, then I shall soar high like a falcon. Be prepared...Hmph, they already caught up?"Inadvertently, Liliana was lightly surprised.Erica easily guessed the reason. With the clattering of chain mail and othermetallic weapons, clearly a few other knights had arrived using [Leap].The death knights in pursuit of Erica with orders from Voban.There were four of them.— They each took a position and surrounded the array of buildings the twogirls were fighting on.Scattered amongst the rooftops of the surrounding homes and buildings,they formed a net of encirclement."...Looks like they will be disturbing us no matter what. Then I shall stepback. If you can cut your way out of this, let us determine the victor anotherday."Liliana spoke as she put down II Maestro.Losing all interest because the duel was interrupted. Rather than fightingfor the sake of killing or pitting wits and power against each other, knightsfought to showcase their skill and bravery.Truly my great rival. One who could distinguish battles from duels properly....However.At this point, Erica thought of a way to get out of this situation.Not by a surprise attack, but fighting all four of these death knights face toface would be too difficult. However, it would be totally different if she hada partner who was at least equal to her. Fortunately, such a trump cardwas right here."Hey Lily, I happen to have something to tell you..."With a gentle and lovely voice she seldom used, Erica spoke."No way. I hate talking to you and it never ends well. Is it not better for meto watch the current dangerous situation instead?"□liana"s response was rather cold.However, Erica expected it and showed an openly accepting smile like thatof a n.o.blewoman."Don"t speak so coldly oh. This may prove to be to your benefit — Lily, areyou actually thinking of serving Marquis Voban and following his everyorder from now?""Why not? I am only fulfilling my duties to the [King]."Without hesitation, a proper answer.However, this was precisely why it was so fun to play around with LilianaKranjcar.Feeling the movements of the death knights, Erica added emphasis to hertone. If they were biding their time before rushing in, then now was the timeto bring Liliana to her side!"So... If that"s the case, why don"t you fulfill your duties to another king? Ifthat is the only reason why you follow the Marquis, then there"s noproblem, right?""...Are you suggesting I change my allegiance to Kusanagi G.o.dou?"Seeing Liliana"s eye brows twitch, Erica spoke like an older sister or anytype of elder."Correct. If it"s him then you will definitely get the thrill of battle — Lily, didyou really follow the Marquis to Tokyo without reservations? I understandyou very well, Lily, which is why I have my doubts. It is completely unlikeyou to be yielding to the Marquis" tyranny so obediently.""This and that. It is all your fault, Erica Blandelli!"Without a clue to the reason of her anger, Erica felt mildly surprised."Uh, is that so? Why?""It is entirely the fault of your scheming against Kusanagi G.o.dou andaccepting the role of his lover! This is what provoked my grandfather"soppositional defiance!"Feeling there was a hidden story behind this explanation, Erica made amental note.The grandfather living in seclusion was well known amongst worshipers ofDejanstahl Voban.Learning that the young mistress of the rival Blandelli family had becomethe lover of the newly born Campione, he must have felt his days gone towaste. And so he must have arranged to let the long time acquainted oldking summon his granddaughter to cater to his whims."Could it really be true, Lily, that the grandfather sent you to the Marquis sothat his own granddaughter could become the lover of a [King] as well?...Isn"t this a totally mistaken casting decision?"From this honest girl, expecting seduction was too much.Erica felt sympathy for the furious Liliana."Really. What does he think his granddaughter is...""If that"s the case, then why not end it? Lily, you are suppressing your ownwill to cater to the Marquis" excesses. Isn"t it time for you to be yourself,Liliana Kranjcar? One is a tyrant who would force a girl to carry out hisunreasonable requests, while the other is the young king fighting to aid thishelpless girl — Who do you think is the correct side?"The death knights were about to attack. G.o.dou and Yuri"s fates were stillunknown.Too many things to be confirmed, and too many problems requiringsolutions. However, one must not give in to anxiety so Erica presented anair of casual generosity and continued."If you have never sworn allegiance to the Marquis verbally, then whichking you choose is your decision... If the anachronistic old man has anyobjections, then Salvatore Doni will answer as our true chief of Milan.Since Kusanagi G.o.dou is his ally and is currently fighting for the weak — Ithink you"ll soon lose your reasons for serving the Marquis, Lily.""Hmph. An attractive proposal, but are you toying with me once again?"Liliana suspiciously eyed her surroundings.Erica did the same. Surveying the area as she conversed elegantly, shehad never let down her guard for a moment. She was ready to battle anytime."Ara, have I ever played a joke on you, Lily?""Do not pretend you are ignorant. Two years ago, when we were itching togo to the movies, were you not laughing your head off when yousuccessfully tricked me into watching that romantic film with the intensebed scenes!?""I didn"t know it was that kind of movie either. And really, Lily, you evenfainted to have a wonderful dream in the middle of watching it.""No, not at all. I also fell for your tricks when we were selecting clotheswhile shopping in Milan. All you picked were those shameless clothing withlow cuts, open backs and bared navels, and you bought so much — !""Lily you have a great figure, so those clothes really suit you. You shouldbe more confident in yourself!""Q-Quiet! Also, half a year ago when we met in Venice by chance — youk-kept saying all these nice but insincere things to please me, and playedme like a toy!""Oh my, are you saying this is the same? And here I was, trying to give Lilysome good advice!"At that instant, the death knights finally made a move.Taking advantage of the moment when Liliana let her guard down and lostawareness of their presence, two of the four knights swung their blades atErica, chopping downwards!Not only was there a disadvantage in numbers, but one could not stopmoving when fighting in a place like this.Stopping would immediately mean being surrounded, and a one againstmany fight will result in a ma.s.sacre. However Erica forced herself to moveand face the two attacking death knights.Swinging Cuore di Leone to restrict the chopping motion of one of them,she followed the motion of the sword with her hips.As the sword of the second knight approached, she dodged glamorouslywith a slight twist of her body.In that instant, she looked at Liliana.Their glances exchanged. The face, beautiful as a doll"s, frowned slightly. IIMaestro went into motion once more. As the blue and black cape flutteredin the wind, Liliana Kranjcar finally took action."You will receive your comeuppance one day! Be prepared!"As she made her short complaint, Liliana approached.Erica was using herself as bait for the two death knights, while Lilianamade a series of fierce attacks using II Maestro.One flash, two flashes.Just like that, Liliana subdued the two unwary knights.There were two knights remaining which could be dealt with one on one.The two of them also jumped onto the roof where Erica and Liliana were.The first to make a move was Liliana.Like a bird she jumped high into the stormy sky. The blue and black capefluttered in the wind following her as she swooped down like a fierce bird ofprey.Below her one of the death knights waited.The corpse held a longsword and thrusted towards the girl who hadnowhere to hide in midair.— Too naive.Having said that, Erica"s lips curled with a smile of a.s.surance.The type of [Leap] that Liliana used was much different from Erica"s. Itwent much faster, flew much higher, jumped much further, and could evenignore principles of continuity.Her descent suddenly halted.Liliana stopping her free fall was like hitting the brakes in mid air. Thesword of the death knight missed its target.Immediately, Liliana resumed her fall and swung her sabre downwards.The weight and the force of the leap powered the sword"s attack withkinetic energy as it struck the death knight, and a deep slash crossing fromthe right shoulder to the left hip sliced open the body.Falling to the ground, the knees collapsed and the body fell forward andbegan to crumble from the bottom.In a short moment, the death knight turned into scattered dust.Liliana Kranjcar"s leaping skills had already reached the level of flying.Even a master would have difficulty winning against her if they wereunfamiliar with the way she fought."Truly amazing, Lily. You"ve always had a talent for flying around!"Erica expressed approval.Since ancient times, this had been deeply rooted in the witch culture ofeastern and southern Europe.It was said that they made secret potions, tamed wild beasts in the woodswith magic, and flew freely in the skies. Being able to acquire these skillswas determined by disposition at birth, as well as further trainingthroughout life.Erica"s apt.i.tude in this area was greatly surpa.s.sed by Liliana.However, to make up for it —Manipulating steel, and using spells to forge blades and spears. In terms ofthe power to use magic to create these tools of killing and destruction,Erica was far ahead!"Cuore di Leone which was forged by the black night! The descendant ofthe highest sword! Respond to my prayer, the steel of kings!"This was the arcane art of the Excalibur^, to raise her beloved sword"sslicing efficiency to the max.Using these spell words, Erica struck with her sword in a superior posture.The longsword used by the death knight was cleanly cut in half by Cuore diLeone.Against the attacks of the blue and red knights, the last death knight alsoturned into dust."Even from a long time ago, you have been using brute strength to defeatothers like this. What an idiot suited for charging on the front lines.""Hey Lily. I"ve always been praising you directly, why are you alwaysinsulting me... This is why I say you are not lady-like."The displeased Liliana immediately worsened her expression at Erica"scriticism."Quiet! Rather than this, you should be rushing to meet up with yourmaster. That important person should probably still be fighting for MariyaYuri, right? Head there before it is too late!"The n.o.ble, unsullied and chivalrous knight. This was the maiden calledLiliana Kranjcar.Witnessing this truth once again, Erica smiled.She did not want to work under the Marquis. On a certain level, shedefinitely supported Kusanagi G.o.dou."Very true... But this is great, Lily volunteering to help me. However, myinterest is in threatening!""Threatening? Do you really think you can threaten me with a sword toforce me to join?"Liliana spoke like she was treated as a fool to be played with.However, Erica grinned and shook her head. She was not going to engagein that kind of tasteless behavior."Hey, in a certain drawer in your bedroom — the second one counting fromthe top. That notebook there, isn"t it quite nice? Very expressive and full offeeling, like a young girl"s!"" !?"Liliana stared at Erica with murderous eyes.Erica continued unfazed."Who would have thought you had an interest in writing novels? "I hatethose kinds of aloof people. However, what is this intense beating in mychest? Is it possible, could this be, is this love?" Romance novels with thiskind of feeling are so rare in the current entertainment media. If it were me,I would put in more dead people, murders, action, and martial arts!""What! Hey hey hey! How do you know the existence of "that"!?"Erica hummed slightly and smiled.There was actually a maid in the Kranjcar household who acted as a secretinformant, but there was no need to reveal that fact."Fufufu. If Lily would become my close friend from now on, then I willautomatically forget about the existence of that notebook? So,comprehend?""Kill! I would rather kill you to silence that mouth of yours forever!"To the seriously furious Liliana, Erica gave out a glamorous smile.This was the smile that G.o.dou described as like a devil"s."Don"t be so hasty. If I died, the sealed contents of the will is full of detailsof that novel — I was thinking it might come in handy one day, but I neverexpected it to be today!""You, you, you devil! You are not human!!"Hearing repeated cries of that most familiar t.i.tle, Erica began planning thenext step.Since a powerful ally has been gained, it was time to meet up with G.o.douas soon as possible. The king who lent his a.s.sistance to those in need,where was he now — ?Part 2It was just as Erica Blandelli was bringing Liliana Kranjcar over to hercause.Kusanagi G.o.dou and Mariya Yuri were at the door of a public recreationfacility.It was slightly after half past nine at night.All staff and users had already left earlier. Presumably because of thesudden storm which resembled a typhoon, they all left hastily.— Keeping Yuri in his arms, G.o.dou ran here as if he was flying.Knowing his limit was near, he happened upon this shelter, and fell overlike an invalid as he stepped in."Kusanagi-san!? What is the matter!""...I"m sorry, Mariya. Let me stay like this for a while. This always happensafter using the [Raptor]. Due to using it for so long, this part becomes verypainful..."Whispering, G.o.dou pressed upon his chest with his hand.Verethragna"s [Raptor] could grant G.o.dou superhuman speed and a lightbody. The cost for doing so was the current condition. An intense pain inthe heart depending on the length of usage.No magic existed to alleviate this pain. As G.o.dou was covered with coldsweat, there was nothing he could do but endure."Please relax your body. I will now use magic to relieve pain.""No, it won"t work... But I"ll be fine."G.o.dou refused the rare show of concern.However, Yuri did not heed him, and started treatment on her own. Placingher palm on G.o.dou"s chest, she gently caressed him.Through her palm a gentle warmth was transmitted. In normal situations itwould probably soothe the most intense pains. Regrettably, a Campione"sbody was not a normal body.Whether hostile or friendly, all directly applied magic will be rejected.This was due to their powerful resistance towards magic and wizardry."...No effect? How could this be!?"Yuri was surprised to discover the lack of effect from her magic.G.o.dou endured the pain and smiled slightly. In fact he was already in toomuch pain to do that, but forced himself to make display for her."Think back, didn"t I tell you before? Under normal circ.u.mstances, ourbodies are resistant to the effects of magic. However, the only exception iswhen magic is blown directly into the body...""That, that really was true!"It was the battle against Athena last time. That time when G.o.dou acceptedErica"s [Teaching] magic from her mouth directly, and obtained knowledgeabout the G.o.ddess. Yuri had felt extreme indignation watching that scene."1-1 thought that when y-you and Erica-san did that... That shamelessintimate contact, it was just an excuse... S-so sorry!""Could it be that you always thought that... — Ouch it really hurts!!"The painful sensation attacking his heart was like being p.r.i.c.ked withneedles.As Yuri worriedly watched G.o.dou"s face, she kept caressing the areaaround G.o.dou"s chest."You don"t need to do that, Mariya. After all it doesn"t work.""No. Even without magic, there will still be an effect. Do not speak like youknow everything. To have used such a dangerous power... you really goout of control sometimes."Despite saying that, the motions of Yuri"s hand were extremely gentle.Pain was really subsiding. The warmth from the palm of her hand was verycomfortable."In the past, my mother would always do this where I was hurt. Eventhough she was a normal person who did not know any spells, the painalways receded gradually. So I know that it will work for Kusanagi-san.""Ah ah, yes. Perhaps it really is like that..."But of course, the pain in his heart was still there.However, compared to enduring the pain just now, he found it easier toendure. G.o.dou finally relaxed his body a little... and then, noticed.Without noticing when, he had started engaging in intimate contact withYuri.The two of them had their clothes drenched by rain — G.o.dou was wearinghis school uniform, while Yuri was wearing the miko outfit. Havingabsorbed ma.s.sive amounts of water, the fabric clung closely to the skin,and mercilessly absorbed body warmth.However, the parts in bodily contact felt warm instead.Unlike Erica, Yuri did not use perfume or anything like that. But leaning soclosely together, a sweet fragrance could be picked up.This was bad. G.o.dou felt embarra.s.sed from the bottom of his heart."Umm, umm Mariya, could you stay back a little? I think I"m much betternow.""N-no Kusanagi-san. If there is still an effect, then it would be better tomaintain this. Also, if we do this our bodies can feel warmth... Umm, thetwo of us can..."Yuri also seemed to have noticed the same thing, and they avoided eachother"s gaze.The part which the miko"s white outfit did not cover — the face turned brightred as autumn leaves. Was it imagination? But body warmth also felt like itwas rising.— Ten minutes later.Most of the pain had gone away. However, it was still difficult to move thelimbs.After experiencing a certain period of intense pain, the body becamepowerless and could not move temporarily. This was the price of using the[Raptor] form.However, since one obtained unparalleled speed in return, perhaps itcouldn"t be helped.Maybe due to the lack of conversation, G.o.dou tried his hardest to think ofother things.In the tens of minutes leaning close together without a word being said, itwas like being tortured or interrogated. At least, if there was something tochat about..."A-anyway, about that old gramps. Mariya once mentioned it, right? Theusurped authority which allowed the manipulation of corpses. That one,what was the G.o.d called?""...Osiris. The ancient Egyptian deity of agricultural fertility, and the G.o.druling the underworld.""...A G.o.d of harvest as well as the underworld? Why do I feel like I"ve heardof this guy before?"The G.o.ddess Athena was the dark deity of the underworld as well as thegreat mother earth G.o.ddess.Then wasn"t it exactly the same as the battle that ended a month ago?G.o.dou felt doubtful."Perhaps it is just as Kusanagi-san thought. A fertility deity, who can turnthe earth into swaths of lush greenery, turns into a G.o.d of the underworldwhen winter or night time arrives. Like Athena, there are two sides toOsiris. However, he was a male G.o.d and not a mother earth G.o.ddess."The mother G.o.ddess in Egypt was named Isis. The G.o.ddess of the earthwho was also the wife of Osiris.Killed by one of the younger brothers of a desert G.o.d, Osiris" corpse wastorn to pieces and thrown into the Nile. The one who gathered the piecestogether was his wife Isis.The pieces of the body were sewn back together by the G.o.d Anubis, andrevived.Thus resurrected, Osiris became the king of the underworld, judging thedead based on sins committed during their lifetime —"And that is to say, the Egyptian version of Yamaraja^? Which is whyVoban can make the people he killed crawl out from their graves tobecome zombies or mummies and bind them to the living world.""T-that description is a bit crude, but categorizing it that way should becorrect."After listening to the myths told by Yuri, G.o.dou looked at his right hand....Still no good.The G.o.d-killing golden sword. It was still uncertain whether the [Warrior]form"s power could be used."Can you tell me more about Osiris? I want to gather more intelligence aspreparation for the [Warrior].""I am really sorry. I do not know any more details... However, MarquisVoban is not a G.o.d, right? So I do not think that the power to seal a G.o.dcan be used?"Yuri wondered, surprised.G.o.dou had originally thought the same, but shook his head."The [Warrior]"s [Sword] can destroy a Campione"s authority. If Osiris"authority is sealed, then Voban will not be able to manipulate the dead ashis puppets. That guy will also weaken, and those people can return totheir graves... Ah, but perhaps the harder one to handle is the [Wolf]? If hetook on that monstrous form, I am out of options."In the duel against Salvatore Doni, G.o.dou had found out by accident.However, thinking of the previous battle, G.o.dou felt depressed.The form capable of dueling Voban"s giant wolf avatar would be the [Boar].However, if those kinds of monsters were to battle in the middle of the city,who knew how many innocent victims there would be?"What kind of G.o.d was the [Wolf] authority usurped from? The first G.o.d thatthe old gramps defeated... Even Mariya doesn"t know, right?""Yes, I am sorry I cannot be of any help. Even I was surprised by that[Wolf]—"Suddenly, Yuri stopped talking.Staring into empty s.p.a.ce, murmuring in a soft voice."As the sun possessing the strongest light... The beast which swallowedand a.s.similated it... Definitely cannot have attributes of darkness... If thatwas the case, the existence of the G.o.d that brings eternal night will...""Mariya what is going on with you?"Seeing her acting a bit strange, G.o.dou yelled out.However, Yuri still did not respond. If his hand could move, G.o.dou woulddefinitely shake her by the shoulder."The G.o.d that can devour light, that definitely implies the presence of thesame light within him... However, this is not enough... The wolf is a symbolof the earth and greenery... Not only the G.o.d of the earth but light aswell — Kusanagi-san!"Yuri"s eyes regained feeling.Grabbing G.o.dou"s immobile body, Yuri said."Got it! I got it! The first G.o.d Voban fought — the ident.i.ty of the G.o.d fromwhich the authority of wolves was usurped from, I saw it!"Mariya possessed top notch power in spirit vision.G.o.dou thought of this fact. Very likely, in witnessing Voban"s use of theauthority, the secret was leaked out."How amazing, Mariya. So which G.o.d is it after all? Name? Do you knowhis myth?""Like the G.o.d Osiris, he is also a G.o.d of the earth and greenery. No, ratherthan the earth, it is more accurate to say he is a G.o.d of birth. Darkness andthe earth are synonyms. The world dominated by darkness — which is tosay the underground is an existence combining darkness with the earthtogether. However, he is made of the light born from darkness and theearth!""He? So what is his name? Is it a G.o.d I should already know?""His oldest name was called light. The G.o.d of rats and wolves. The deity ofgold and silver!"At this point, Yuri"s shoulders slumped over.As if she discovered her words were too fragmented."I am really sorry, even though it is completely clear in my mind, I cannotexpress it in words easy to understand. Same for the name, it wasoriginally at the tip of my tongue..."In other words, what she sensed could not be visualized easily intounderstandable language.Looking at Yuri who bowed her head, G.o.dou understood.Just like a mathematical prodigy who cannot explain how a formula can besolved by instincts, Yuri who understood a G.o.d"s true nature by direct sightcould not relay the information to mortals by words.What should be done? She finally found a way to help, but it becamemeaningless."1-1 am sorry, Kusanagi-san. Even though you have done so much for me, Icannot help at all... Even though I have this power, but it has not beenhelpful at such a critical moment..."Yuri looked like she was about to cry, and lowered her head.She must be feeling deeply ashamed of the current situation.This situation is actually not something she should be so concerned about.If his body could move freely, G.o.dou really wanted to pat her shoulder andcaress her head to comfort her.At least say something. G.o.dou did not show any signs of despair, and saidclearly."Don"t think too much of it. When my body recovers, let"s go find Erica. Ifit"s her, then the current hints should be enough to figure out which G.o.d itis. So, don"t lose hope.""Ok... As a mage, Erica-san should be beyond first rate — wait a minute,magic?"Yuri nodded as she renewed her spirit.And then she felt confused."So as mentioned, Kusanagi-san and Erica-san were using that... u-usingmouths, umm, to transmit knowledge, right? Up to now, you have done itmany many times, right?""Eh, ummm, uh, at times of great need, yes, a few times..."What is going on, what is this sense of danger?G.o.dou somehow felt an omen of great danger, and subconsciously tried toretreat.However, his body could not move. He still could not muster anystrength — if this continued it might be very dangerous."Why do you not do the same this time?"Yuri"s cold expression probably wasn"t due to the rain, right?Like the face of a yasha^, no doubt about it, a refreshingly cool butcheerless smile had appeared."No, no way. Please don"t! I definitely don"t want to do that!""Are you lying? If you do lie, I will despise you.""Please don"t despise me! I am not lying! I swear to G.o.d it"s the truth!""...Is that so? Normally I would automatically a.s.sume Kusanagi-san was ahopeless person who could lie with a straight face, but today I will believeyour words.""Ah, ah ah. Thanks..."Yuri"s beautiful face returned to its usual gentleness.Seeing that, G.o.dou felt relief from the bottom of his heart — for somereason, he felt like he was saved!Crash!At that moment, the sound of thunder rumbled noisily.Crash! Crash!The thunder continued. It felt like it was near, and the sound was very loud.The winds were also blowing stronger and stronger.The trees planted in front of the public recreation facility were shakingviolently from the wind, and the windows of the building rattled constantly.Up to now, the roof above G.o.dou and Yuri had not let in any wind or rain.However, raindrops were suddenly blown in by the strong winds.There was a rubbish-like object twisting in the sky.G.o.dou and Yuri gave out a cry of surprise. Riding upon the storm in the airof the night was the flying roof of some temporary shack from somewhere.Looking carefully, there were also objects like signs and pieces of woodbeing blown about by the powerful winds."Ah, the wind has gotten stronger?""It"s probably summoned by that old Voban. That old gramps, does hewant Tokyo to be buried by an out of season typhoon?"Unlike before, all the rivers now had well-designed anti-floodingengineering.There was virtually no chance of flooding from the Tokyo rivers of theArakawa, the Edogawa, and the Nakagawa. Still, in a storm like this, itdoesn"t make it any less dangerous.It was very easy to imagine that many victims will appear, and there will bea huge disaster."We must meet with Erica as quickly as possible. It will be problematic ifwe don"t stop that old gramps soon.""However, where is she now? Hopefully she is safe..."Yuri spoke softly, worried.This was also what G.o.dou was worrying about, but he could not bringhimself to say anything comforting.— Can this go on any longer? Anxiety was slowly eroding their hearts, andthe two of them began a long stretch of silence.After about five minutes, Yuri suddenly spoke."Kusanagi-san... I have something I must tell you.""W-What?"Yuri had a determined expression — it looked extremely cute.Blushing from embarra.s.sment, it was the cutest expression she had evershown. G.o.dou felt the loud sound of his own heartbeat."Actually, I can also use the magic of [Revelation]... The magic to transmitto others what I know from my spirit sense.""Eh!? Ma-mariya, why didn"t you say so earlier? This should have been thefinal solution!"Slowly, Yuri shifted towards G.o.dou"s body. She avoided making eyecontact with G.o.dou. Despite that, her embarra.s.sment even made her neckred, while she slowly moved towards him.Her hair draped across G.o.dou"s face. His nose invaded by the sweetfragrance, G.o.dou really wanted to flee immediately.However, he couldn"t. The body still could not move. A hopeless situation."If it is not mouth, mouth to mouth, then it does not work onKusanagi-san — right?""That"s right, but why? Umm, Mariya? You don"t have to go so far!""Same here. If possible, I do not want to do this either... But it would bevery serious if this was not done... If Erica-san cannot be found then I mustbe prepared to do this... Do not let your thoughts wander to some placestrange. Let me clarify beforehand that I am not doing this because Iadmire Kusanagi-san. It is not like that, absolutely not. As a miko, if there isa necessity and no other choice, only then will this be done...!"Yuri finally looked at G.o.dou straight.Moist eyes.Her body trembled, unable to contain the sense of shame and her owndaring behavior.Slowly approaching were the accommodating lips.Unlike the bold and unrestrained Erica, it carried unfamiliarity andembarra.s.sment, a stiff kiss.— Phoebus. [5]As if by chance, this word appeared in G.o.dou"s mind.Spell words. From Yuri"s lips came spell words. However, this level wasnot enough. Understanding a G.o.d"s wisdom, mysterious knowledge, theG.o.d"s name and its nature — all were not enough."K-Kusanagi-san. Please, for my sake — Open your heart to me... Thehearts must become one. If our hearts do not come together, you and I,then there is no point. I too — I too will try my best!"Yuri pressed her weight down and took initiative from above.Holding G.o.dou"s face between her hands, she pressed her lips downforcefully. The clumsy but powerful movement seemed to express herdetermination.— However, this was only an instant.Very soon, Yuri lost strength. She quietly opened her mouth and gentlycovered G.o.dou"s lips."Please feel my... please feel the figure of the G.o.d from within my heart,the form and the nature of the G.o.d I see... Let everything I see — completelytransmit to you."A warm body and soft lips.As she showed a face that almost seemed to cry from embarra.s.sment, herbody trembled from nervousness, but Yuri had no intention of stopping.Ten seconds, twenty seconds. As time pa.s.sed, there were no signs of herlips letting go.Feeling suffocated, G.o.dou tried to seek air and loosened his lips slightly.In that instant, Yuri used an even more intense motion to press her lipsback upon G.o.dou"s lips which had quietly separated. Like the tightly fittedsh.e.l.l of a clam. An even deeper kiss than before.The two of them exchanged saliva, entangling with each other, meltingtogether.Even at this level, there was a certain indescribable sense of satisfactionand unity of body. Each other"s existence felt closer than anything oranyone else, and had a warm feeling.An intense feeling of faintness attacked G.o.dou. Perhaps Yuri was in thesame state.While their lips pressed together, they stared with pa.s.sionate eyes at eachother — in that very instant.Finally it came. A strong impression flowed strongly into G.o.dou"s mind.— Small beasts restless in the dark, these were rats.— Rats, wolves, bears, deer and wild boars. Besides these, there were allsorts of wild beasts. The queen of the beasts. Ruling upon the forest, themother earth G.o.ddess that ruled over darkness.— From the mother G.o.ddess was born a rat which became a wolf, andfinally took the form of a youth.— He was handsome as bright light. However, he was still someone bornfrom darkness. His true nature was darkness and solitude. He was the sunborn from darkness. The G.o.d who brought light and disaster.— He was called Phoebus. In other words, light. The name of thehandsome G.o.d who could summon rats and wolves."I know, Mariya... I now fully understand the true form of the [Wolf].""Kusanagi-san..."Quietly leaving Yuri"s lips, G.o.dou immediately said.Spell words were flowing rapidly within his body, and he could clearly feelthe power inhabiting his right hand. G.o.dou"s body was host toVerethragna"s [Warrior], and this proved that the form of the golden swordhad been shaped.However, this was still not enough!More weapons were needed to fight the old man."...Excuse me. Could you let me say something selfish? Osiris — Mariya,could you tell me what you saw about the other G.o.d? To defeat that oldgramps, I want to prepare as much as possible.""Yes. Kusanagi-san — G.o.dou-san, please accept everything I see!"Who knew if winning were possible?However, believing that he has gained a powerful weapon, G.o.dou wasnow full of fighting spirit.Embracing G.o.dou tightly, Yuri continued to press her lips upon his. TheG.o.d of death and fertility with green skin — the image of the consort of themother earth G.o.ddess was being transmitted.At the same time, Yuri"s tongue slowly probed deeper, licking againstG.o.dou"s lips.Perhaps it was instinctual, however, it wantonly moved throughout G.o.dou"smouth full of temptation. Feeling her seductive motions, G.o.douimmediately let his own tongue move and tangled together with Yuri"stongue.Ever deeper, ever more intense. Linking hearts together — !These feelings were carried by the flow. At this time, Yuri"s body suddenlyshook violently and became stiff.Suddenly opening her eyes wide, completely shocked.This was not enough. Give me greater power, give me more impressions!Feeling those thoughts, G.o.dou also looked at her at the same time.This went on for tens of seconds. Finally Yuri lowered her eyes shyly, andrelaxed her body. Then she accepted deeply G.o.dou"s lips and tongue.Yuri gently used her lips to accommodate the roughly invading tongue,encircling it. The tongue wriggling back and forth within the mouth,sometimes licked softly again and again, while at other times rubbedagainst the other tongue in a serious manner.Shyly sucking at G.o.dou"s saliva, mixing saliva with her own."Whether the [Wolf] G.o.d or Osiris, both are deities with the samecharacteristics. Also, the G.o.ddess of the earth and the G.o.d of greenery — inthe earliest days, he and the G.o.ddess had a most unusual relationship."Leaving G.o.dou"s lips once in a while to take a break, Yuri spoke rapidly.Other than that, she kept her lips overlapping with G.o.dou"s, making theirhearts one, and single-mindedly transmitted her heart."He was once the child of the G.o.ddess — the young child born of the motherearth G.o.ddess. A lower G.o.d with the form of a child. Starting from this hebecame her husband, became lovers, became siblings. Thus he hasintimate relations with the earth. Hence, the [Wolf] G.o.d is theearth — meaning a G.o.d whose body was born in darkness, but possessingattributes of light... Do you understand, G.o.dou-san?""Ah ah, understood. If that"s the case, I now have the power to battleagainst that old gramps...!"Battle power can summon the will to fight, this was a Campione"scharacteristic.Having recovered at some point from the aftereffects of usingVerethragna"s [Raptor], G.o.dou slowly got up.As if having found a source of fire, his body was full of power.Part 3Once the task ended, Yuri frantically separated from G.o.dou"s body.Hurriedly, she adjusted the front of her white robe. Though not asvoluptuous as Erica, her size was just right, and the cleavage between theexcellently shaped b.r.e.a.s.t.s was visible.She turned her back to G.o.dou, and was sitting down for some reason.Her head lowered, shoulders trembling.Probably because she couldn"t accept the shameful conduct she was justengaged in. G.o.dou also felt the same, and could understand her feelings.— The atmosphere was very bad.G.o.dou also sat with his legs crossed, watching Yuri"s back.The atmosphere was seriously bad. What should be said? Come on, putsome determination and gather your courage to say something."Hey, Mariya...""P-Please do not mind me! Just now was simply something I didthoughtlessly! Just pretend you got bitten by a wild dog and forget aboutit!"In her increasing confusion, words flew out of Yuri"s mouth."Even if you say so, I can"t do that even if I wanted to...""B-But, if you do not do that, G.o.dou-san, l-l cannot look you in the eyeanymore! To have done something so shameless, it really feelsembarra.s.sing..."They continued the conversation with their faces red while avoiding lookingat each other.If he blamed the problem on her, then he was seriously not a man."N-No, you only did this so that I can fight the old gramps. It"s not yourfault, Mariya. Since I am the one who decided to fight, I should be the onewho is responsible instead...""Nothing of that sort. Really, please pay this matter no heed!""Hmm, hmmhmm... Umm, then let"s treat that time as our jointresponsibility. It was something we both did together, so that would bemore reasonable. How should I say it... I also lost myself in the middle ofit... Also there was some feeling like "please, I am in your care from hereon" halfway through...""T-That also sounds about right, perhaps it really was like that..."Sleeping in G.o.dou"s mind right now, were two different spell words of thesword.This was obtained from Yuri, but the second one — the spell words fordefeating Osiris the G.o.d of the underworld were obtained by G.o.douhimself.Without this, Voban could not be defeated.G.o.dou had a premonition. Himself aside, but when faced with battlesituations, he would stop considering the surrounding things that mystifiedhim.Reflect carefully. G.o.dou reminded himself once again."And so, I should also apologize. Please accept my apologies...""N-No problem. That time was, let us just treat it as us acting rashly..."Finally handled, Yuri turned her face over.Her face was still very red, but at least it wasn"t confused."Sorry for feeling confused so suddenly. From now on I will plan thingsthrough more thoroughly before I act, and will carefully reflect upon myactions. Forgive my incompetence, but please take good care of me fromnow on.""Ah, yes. It"s me who should..."As Yuri sat, she bowed deeply with her head almost touching the ground.What was she doing, what was this greeting?The mood was like the words said before getting married, and G.o.dou felt asense of dissonance. Nodding to these scripted lines would be a realproblem."P-Please forget that just now! Looks like I have not yet calmed down.Having said some strange words, I express my apologies once again!"Even noticing it herself, Yuri"s voice was clearly on the rise.What broke the problematic atmosphere was G.o.dou"s cellphone.This was a normal cellphone without any waterproof features, butsurprisingly it lived through unscathed and didn"t lose to this storm."Ooh, hey! h.e.l.lo!"As the phone rang, G.o.dou quickly took out his cellphone." — It"s me. Are you okay over there? You"re with Yuri, right?""Ah, yes. I got out after all. Erica, you sound fine, right?"A completely familiar voice.The beautiful girl who possessed golden glamor simultaneously withlightness like the blowing wind. Erica Blandelli"s image appeared inG.o.dou"s mind. Somehow he felt a sense of tension....As if sharp knives were arranged against his back, there was a strangesense of terror."A lot also happened on this side, but everything is safe and sound for now.As for that Marquis... That important one, sure loves to play.""Play?""Correct. Have you noticed it? The storm has become stronger, but it isdefinitely on purpose. Actually, we have already found that person,observing from afar. Keeping his [Wolves] on leash, as if preparing to huntdown you guys. Next is this storm. He could very well want a show.""...What poor taste.""Really? I think a night attacked by a storm could be quite exciting.Anyway, let"s meet at some place first. I think I"ve figured out Voban"sabilities pretty much, but we need to think of counters. I think I can dosomething against the [Dead Servants]. So try thinking of a way to dealwith the [Wolf] authority—""Ah... Actually, I think I"m fine with that one already.""Eh, G.o.dou? How?""Well, how should I put it, lots of things happened on this side too, yes.""...Hmph, lots and lots of things eh. Though I think I can imagine, but may Iinterview you afterwards?"It was not an ordinary question but an interrogation. Feeling despair in thissentence, G.o.dou tried to change the subject."So that"s the situation, just call me from over there. I will fly immediately.""Got it — G.o.dou"s report makes me happy. Let me bully you wellafterwards."Leaving those ominous words, Erica hung up.Feeling the kind of heavy atmosphere as if having lit the fuse of dynamite,G.o.dou put away his phone."Was it Erica-san calling?""Ah yes, she is fine on her side, and also seems to be watching the oldman. I will be going over, so it will be best if Mariya could find a place tohide please."G.o.dou made such a suggestion.He didn"t want Yuri, who lacked the power to defend herself, to get indanger. However, the beautiful Hime-Miko shook her head and refuseddeterminedly."No, I must go too... G.o.dou-san, in the battle just now, it is likely that theMarquis held back his offensive power. If he was serious, blowing youaway along with the streets should not be impossible. However he did notdo that, so I think it was because I am by your side."So, if Yuri was there then Voban could not make full use of his authorities.Pondering the likelihood of Yuri"s suggestion, G.o.dou fell into silence. To behonest, G.o.dou had also discovered that possibility.However, he could not involve her for this kind of reason."No problem. Compared to hiding and waiting for danger to pa.s.s and notdoing anything, I would rather do something for you all... Also, have youforgotten?"Yuri who raised a question, had exceedingly gentle eyes."If you lose to the Marquis, I will be caught. So, I simply wish to slightlyimprove G.o.dou-san"s chances of victory. This has an element ofselfishness to it, so please do not be concerned about me."Making a contrived suggestion that it was for her own interest, to relievestress for the other person.Feeling what Yuri worried about, G.o.dou deeply sighed.Compared to that old man, he was much weaker. In order to obtain victory,he really needed to exhaust all possible advantages available. And aboveall, the most important was the joint efforts between companions.Kusanagi G.o.dou was different from Sasha Dejanstahl Voban or SalvatoreDoni.Someone who cannot fight alone, a weak [King].This has been the case up to now.If it weren"t for Erica or Yuri, as well as a good number of additional friendsand companions, G.o.dou would not have become a Campione, anddefinitely would not have obtained victory again and again.— One day, if only he could reach the point where he wouldn"t need toborrow another"s power, but before that —G.o.dou made his decision.It was not yet the time, so please lend me your strength. In return,whenever there was someone who truly needed his own power — he willoffer his power without hesitation. This was the so-called principle ofequivalent exchange."I"m sorry, I said something naive. Then could you accompany me for awhile?" ""Of course. We are born of one fate — let us do our best together."Yuri"s lips showed a peaceful smile.G.o.dou would sometimes take notice of her, that mild gentle smile whichwas unsurpa.s.sed by any other girl. However, that smile suddenlyvanished." — O King. Should you ever forget these feelings, there will be new powersheld by that hand. When you guide the flock of lost sheep, the hornedguiding beast will perform the sacrificial rite upon your head."With a solemn and hollow gaze, Yuri spoke. Was this a warning, orconst.i.tutional advice — no, an oracle?"Agile and clever goat, once compared to the great G.o.d of the skyworshiped by the people of the horse. Guide the lost sheep, wise elder.Please keep this in your heart.""—What? What did I just say?""...Nothing much, you didn"t say anything important."It was likely the miko"s spirit sense which caused her to speak just now.G.o.dou was amazed at the infinite depths that Yuri"s potential seemed topossess.However, what was the guiding beast? Sheep, or was it talking aboutgoats? Just as G.o.dou was starting to ponder.— Kusanagi G.o.dou! Your knight calls for you. Please descend once again,and fulfill your obligations as king!From somewhere riding upon the wind came a girl"s voice.It was the sound of Erica calling. Looks like it was finally time to decide thebattle against Voban.As the companion who risked her life chanted that name, G.o.dou receivedthe power of flight from Verethragna"s [Wind]."Let"s go. Let"s give that old gramps some pain!""Very well, G.o.dou-san! No matter where you go I will accompany you!"Yuri tightly gripped G.o.dou"s outstretched hand.One fate.With this determination, the two of them rode the turbulent wind and flewtowards the sky.References1 . t Flamenco is a genre of music, song and dance from Andalusia insouthern Spain, noted for its energetic, staccato style.2. t Excalibur refers to King Arthur"s famous sword, and is denoted"Spirit Sword" in the kanji3. t Yamaraja is the ruler of the underworld in Buddhist and Taoistlegends. When people die and their souls are taken to the underworld,they are judged by Yamaraja.4. t Yasha is the name of a broad cla.s.s of nature-spirits which appearin Hindu, Jain and Buddhist mythology. Possessing a dual personality,the yasha may be an inoffensive nature-fairy on one hand; but there isalso a darker version which is a kind of ghost that haunts thewilderness and devours travellers.5. t Phoebus: another name for Apollo, meaning light.

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