
Chapter 19

PrologueSummer vacations.The extended break that countless high schoolers longed for.For this month and a half, some went out to play and have fun, othersengaged in sports, still others toiled with sweat and devoted their pa.s.sionsto work, love, supplementary lessons, or doujinshi conventions.But now, to Kusanagi G.o.dou, his summer vacation was synonymous withdisaster." — Hoho. Did you hear that, G.o.dou? You"ll be traveling together with mefor the summer vacation. This is a foregone decision and your highestpriority, so you"d better accept it... I won"t take no for an answer."The blond-haired girl dressed in red had already declared this half a monthago.The smile floating on her face was so magnificent, and yet so evil.To his knowledge, G.o.dou did not know another girl apart from EricaBlandelli who could smile this way. Possessing outstanding beauty andintelligence, crafty ingenuity, and genius talent in swords and magic, plustotal confidence in these areas — a n.o.ble smile that concentrated all thesequalities together.G.o.dou was a healthy sixteen-year-old high school student.To be asked to travel together with such a beautiful girl as Erica, he wasvery happy, no doubt about it.Very happy, but there was a catch.He definitely could not agree with her wishes as promptly as this. If he did,it would end up being a progression oftravel — wedding — pregnancy — child-rearing, and by the latter half of histwenties, the majority of his life would be semi-automatically decided justlike that — something as scary as that could happen."Young man, what you are trying to say is that, the reason you are notwilling to accept Erica"s proposal is because... like a lover you have knownfor six years, to have someone who shares the same personality andpreferences as your girlfriend, to share a warm and fuzzy relationship, itmakes you feel a.s.sured and comfortable, yet lacks a certain excitement."G.o.dou naturally recalled the words of the older friend who lived in that ohso nostalgic Sardinia."Then one fine day that girlfriend says "hey, we have been together forquite a while now. How about we go and visit your parents next time." Atthat time, that boy thought "Even if you say that, I still want to remain a freeman, even if it is for a while longer," and such. Thus he uses an "ok, maybenext time" excuse as an answer. Just like how you are now.""I have not even known Erica for six months, your a.n.a.logy is completelyoff!""Ah ha ha, doesn"t that make the a.n.a.logy even better? A milestone thatusually happens after at least five years into a relationship has alreadyoccurred in the short time that you two have known each other. It"s naturalfor you to get cold feet."Even though G.o.dou did not agree with such a tactless description, deep inhis heart he concurred completely.Thinking carefully, he did not have any reason to reject Erica.Even without mentioning her beauty and ability, there existed a wonderfulsense of unspoken understanding between the two of them.Other than a ma.s.sive difference in values, there was no other critical flaw.Most importantly there were her displays of affection — pa.s.sionately,verbally, through her att.i.tudes and behaviors.(...Even if it was just a verbal marriage proposal, from that momentonwards, my life would have been deemed a [called game]^! Even aplayoff would be impossible.)However, there was one point on which G.o.dou was certain.Erica Blandelli"s decisiveness, planning ability and initiative were second tonone.If she put her mind to it, even the impossible could become possible inmost cases. On the same note, she could even make G.o.dou think that amarriage might not be so bad after all, that was the kind of attraction sheheld.Thus, G.o.dou felt that he must never ever lower his guard and resist with allhis might when he is around her.So for this summer, he believed that he should be fine if he stayed out ofher clutches.With all that in mind, G.o.dou"s final conclusion was to flee.He could never win in physical strength, much less in terms of wit andresourcefulness. The best self-defense strategy was to not go directlyagainst Erica, so what about the escape routes and potential hidingplaces?In order to make sure there were enough funds to escape, he had nochoice but to get himself hired by familiar acquaintances for jobs everyday.At the same time, escape plans must be made.But where to escape to? It would be best if it was a place where shecouldn"t do as she pleased.Did such a place even exist on earth...As summer vacation drew near, G.o.dou became more and more lost in thisthought."Then, G.o.dou-san... The thing you said before, what happened next?"With only one week left till vacation, G.o.dou was questioned about this.It was after cla.s.s at the uppercla.s.smen block of Jounan Academy.In an empty cla.s.sroom corner, the one he was facing was Mariya Yuri, theschool idol renowned for her beauty, charm and delicacy....Thinking back carefully, it was difficult to believe he once did such adaring thing to this lady.G.o.dou tried desperately to act normal. If he became too aware of the past,he would be too embarra.s.sed to look her in the face."Haha, the thing about running away from Erica? Aye, even though I havemade all sorts of preparations, there is still no place for me to escape to.To be honest, it"s really troubling.""Is that so..."Yuri nodded and muttered beside him.Somehow, it felt like she was deliberately avoiding looking G.o.dou straightin the face.As expected, that incident has become a burden for her.The Hime-Miko of Musashino — the sacred miko responsible for protectingthe Kanto region with their spirit powers.Amongst them, Yuri possessed outstanding powers of spirit vision. But dueto circ.u.mstance, to think that she did that with G.o.dou... How he wished hecould find a hole to hide in."About, about that Mariya-san, how should I say this, that — ""G-G.o.dou-san, that thing, erm, about that thing — "Speaking together coincidental^ at the same time just made the situationmore awkward to both parties."...If you have something to say, don"t mind me and please go ahead.""No, no, there is no such thing. You should speak first, G.o.dou-san."While they continued to allow each other to talk first, their faces inevitablymet.At that moment, G.o.dou realized that his face was as red as an apple. Yuriwas no different, turning red due to embarra.s.sment....Erica Blandelli, he had never met anyone who understands him morethan her.Having played baseball for so long, G.o.dou had partnered as a catcher withmany people before.But n.o.body had ever been "as one" with him as her, one of the opposites.e.x.Having only known each other for just four months, they understood eachother on a heart to heart level, whereby with just a single glance, they wereable to communicate what the other was thinking perfectly.But now, the girl in front of him, Mariya Yuri, was equally in tune.The way this girl spoke, thought and acted under numerous circ.u.mstances,matched him to an uncanny degree.Even for someone who admitted he was not skilled in handling girls,G.o.dou clearly noticed recently.Being with Yuri was never unpleasant.G.o.dou could spend a day with her without saying anything, and he stillwould not feel uncomfortable around her.Even without explanation, G.o.dou could understand. Her harsh and severewords were an expression of her concern. Mariya Yuri was the kindest andmost gentle person that Kusanagi G.o.dou knew. Thus he believed that hewould receive retribution if he did not express his grat.i.tude to her."Umm... Sorry Mariya. I"ve... always caused you so much trouble.""W-What are you saying? Not once have I felt that you have caused metrouble, so you should stop blaming yourself. Pull yourself together."Said a red-faced Yuri, making G.o.dou unable to do anything but laughawkwardly.She had most likely said this to help him get his act together, guess like hehad no choice but to accept it."Haha, I got it. I will work hard... what was it that Mariya wanted to say justnow again?""Ah, right... About that, G.o.dou-san, about your earlier problem of finding aplace to hide... If you do not mind, how about leaving it to me?"Being suddenly told about this, G.o.dou was shocked and could only stareat the embarra.s.sed Yuri.The Hime-Miko — a true "hime"^, having a pitiable yet elegant stature,abruptly brought up such a thing."Actually, it was Amakasu-san from the History Compilation Committeewho will be preparing it for you. He seemed to sincerely wish to helpG.o.dou-san..."The History Compilation Committee.The organization whose goal was to hide from the general public all sortsof bizarre incidents — magic, spells, supernatural phenomena, G.o.ds, andother supernatural existences.When he heard the name of the History Compilation Committee member,G.o.dou couldn"t help but think.Can I trust such an organization which I haven"t even got the slightest clueof? Can I count on them?"Of course, when we reach there I would act as your tour guide. So even ifyou are on a foreign land, you will not feel any inconveniences. I will takegood care of you — you better not take this wrongly, this is a request fromthe committee, it cannot be helped...""Oh, even though it is great, but this time, I think I will pa.s.s.""This is definitely not because I want to go on a trip with you that Irequested for this — eh? This time? Pa.s.s...?"Seeing Yuri in shock, G.o.dou replied."Ah, even though you have done so much for me, but sorry, I have to sayno this time.""H-How can this be! But G.o.dou-san, didn"t you seem like you were in somuch trouble just now!?"Though G.o.dou was grateful for her honest offer, he still had to reject her."No, though I asked for your help, I don"t think I can accept the a.s.sistanceof civil servants for a matter like this. That is what I think, I am very sorry."If it had been Yuri"s personal offer, he would have gratefully accepted. Butif the name of such an unknown and suspicious organization was involved,it would be best to think twice before agreeing.Campione. The name of a devil king who had usurped a G.o.d"s authorities.A warrior both human and superhuman.Regrettably, G.o.dou now belonged amongst the ranks of these existencesbeyond common reasoning. If he sought help from others, he must thinkcarefully and be wary of them. No matter how much Kusanagi G.o.douhated it, he was now the [King] who possessed great influence over theworld of magic and wizardry.For example, Erica was a mage from the magic a.s.sociation Copper BlackCross.G.o.dou would obediently accept her a.s.sistance — as well as thea.s.sociation behind her. This was mostly because the leader of theorganization, Erica"s uncle, was a well-known man.The n.o.ble knight of knights. The red and black living legend.The only person that Erica, the beauty with her overweening pride,respected and looked up to.G.o.dou only met him once, but once was more than enough for G.o.dou tofoster the same respect for him. If anyone in this world fully embodied theideals of chivalry, it had to be him.The strong sense of feeling when they shook hands to bid farewell was stillvivid in G.o.dou"s mind."...G.o.dou-san, you look happy for some reason."Yuri spoke suddenly.With suspicious eyes, she stared at G.o.dou with a tinge of resentment forsome reason."Looking into the distance, as if remembering someone you really missedvery much — ""Ah, sorry, I suddenly remembered an old acquaintance."Responding without thought, G.o.dou was thinking of one point.If he, Paolo Blandelli, knew that Erica was trying to seduce G.o.dou, hemight just come up with a plan to educate that niece of his into a properlady.But G.o.dou did not know how to contact him personally.No, wait a minute, didn"t he have a friend who knew these things...!G.o.dou couldn"t help but get excited.Even if the chances were slim, it was still worth a try, all prospects must beexplored!"I suddenly thought of urgent matters to attend to so I will be leaving first.Anyway, thanks for everything.""Ah, G.o.dou-san!? Just who did you recall, I wish to know — "In order to reach home quickly, G.o.dou started to run.What was it that Yuri tried to say to me just now? I guess I will just ask heragain the next time we meet.Two nights later, G.o.dou was checking for the answer he had waited soeagerly for.Firing up his mother"s old notebook computer to open his email, the longawaited reply finally came.The sender"s name was Zola. The name of the mage G.o.dou had come toknow when he was at Sardinia."How is it?... I hope it is a good reply!"G.o.dou continued to pray as he opened the email."It"s been a while, young man. I have been hearing a lot about your manydeeds. Your name as a devil king sure is spreading far and wide. It makesme proud to know I played a part in your birth."Written in j.a.panese with full mastery of kanji, she opened with such anoutrageous greeting."Next, about your request on how to contact Paolo Blandelli personally, I"msorry but I do not know. After all, he is the leader of a famous group andthe highest ranked Templar Knight. On the other hand, I"m just an oldmage in the countryside. How could I possibly know personal channels ofcommunication?"At this point, G.o.dou started to feel dejected, but continued to read on."But, I understand your dilemma and am not so cold-hearted as to justignore it. Thus, this summer I welcome you to my humble abode here inSardinia. After all, for a mage of Erica Blandelli"s level, she would find youalmost immediately no matter where you hide if she was to becomeserious. The only way to escape from her is with the help of an excellentmage, and I am willing to help you on this part."Right, it was just as she had said, this was the problem troubling G.o.dou,and he couldn"t help but nod in agreement."As for plane tickets and the like, just leave everything to me. You"rewelcome. Consider it compensation for bringing you into this kind oftrouble, into this world of cause and effect. I look forward to seeing youafter our last meeting a few months ago."Signing off her email with "Your Friend.""...How superficial of me. I thought she was just a meddlesome andhopeless fellow, but I never expected her to be so considerate."Like watching a delinquent feed a stray cat — G.o.dou felt touched as ifwitnessing such a scene. He felt ashamed of his ignorance.Friends are still the best! He felt deeply moved and thanked her from theheart.— Everything that happened after that went smoothly.Informing his grandfather and mother he was going on vacation alone, hemade a deal with his grandfather to keep things secret, and discreetlymade preparations without his sister Shizuka knowing, finally confirmingthe duration of his stay in Sardinia.Then, in latter half of July, it was the day before the closing ceremony.In contrast to Erica who was recently in a happy mood, G.o.dou had beenagreeing to the "pre-marital trip" in a displeased and uncaring manner.His heart burned with fighting spirit as if playing a role in a reversal drama,but he did not show any outward signs.The plan was set in motion, calmly and silently.This was the path to victory. Even if it was against his nature to harborsecrets, it was all needed for such a situation....That day, after school, Yuri said to G.o.dou:"G.o.dou-san, I have something to say to you, could you come with me for awhile."Facing the sudden cold words from Yuri while following her to a desertedcorner of the school, G.o.dou felt a sense of unknown nervousness. As ifsomething inauspicious was about to happen, he had a bad feeling."...I will ask directly, G.o.dou-san, are you going anywhere this summer?"G.o.dou could not tell if Mariya Yuri didn"t know how the world worked or justcouldn"t read the mood.Even though she was very smart and thought things through deeply, shewas just a sheltered high cla.s.s lady.Thus she was unable to read the atmosphere. But likely due to her strongnatural instincts, which were sometimes very sharp, she was still able toguess at situations without doing anything beforehand.It was the same this time."...If so, where are you going?""Even if you ask me, it is a secret, is that ok?"Yuri was speaking as a result of sensing rather than reasoning.There was no point in acting ignorant in front of her, G.o.dou lowered hishead as a gesture of pleading.Even his family members didn"t know where he was going... Thinking back,the grandfather and mother who allowed him to secretly plan this trip, werereally quite awesome in a certain sense."Of course it is not ok! Without me around... No, without anyone elsearound, what indecent acts are you planning to do!? If you do not tell methe details, I will not let you go!"Her words carried a sense of family greater than even his own.Yuri"s facial expression suddenly changed; she realized she had utteredrather strange concerns."S-So it is like this, even though I have never thought it would reallyhappen, it is like this right...? Like going on vacation with just that womanwhom you are slightly closer to... Are you planning that and making ithappen?"Why does she have such a thought? G.o.dou was puzzled by this."W-Who do you mean by a girl I am closer to?""L-Local wife, isn"t there such a saying? Forming an impure and obscenem-male and female relationship like a short term contract... I was reallywrong about you!"Her accusations could not be understood, but it was clear that she wasvehemently denouncing something.Why a local wife? Wasn"t that kind of expression out of fashion a long timeago?" — Hoho, Kusanagi-san suddenly recalling a close friend from far away,then confirming his escape route, Yuri-san can feel that right... So,Yuri-san, this could be troubling. Have you heard of the term local wife?What, you don"t? It is also a form of relationship between lovers — "Someone was talking to her behind his back, but of course, G.o.dou had noidea.What"s more, this person was also adding fuel to the fire."Hoho, Yuri-san must be thinking that Kusanagi-san could not have such arelationship as he is only in high school right? But you must not forget thathe is no ordinary high school student, he is a king. One of the seven whoare the incarnations of demons and rakshasa^, the king of the magi.Having the courage to undertake such an affair is not impossible — ""Ah, there is always a counter measure. It is easy and effective... Yuri-sanjust has to go along. Go on the trip as a pair and monitor his actions."She had been fed all these unnecessary ideas, but G.o.dou could not haveknown.Due to all this, G.o.dou can"t help but feel perplexed at Yuri"s vividimagination."No, please think rationally, such things are out of the ordinary right?""Then allow me to ask you, is there an acquaintance there at the place youare going?""Well, sort of, yes.""Then, is this acquaintance of yours male or female?""Umm, female...""What kind of a person is she? Is she a beautiful lady?""Umm, that"s a difficult question to answer... Can I not answer it?"Answering the continuous string of questions.After listening to G.o.dou"s answers, Yuri cried out,"Too impure, G.o.dou-san! I actually believed in you! I actually wanted tobelieve in you!""Eh? Umm, Mariya-san? If you think about it with common sense ""It really is true! Hiding from me and Erica-san to have such an indecentrelationship with another woman... You are too low!"Being judged like this, G.o.dou was deeply troubled.To think the girl he originally asked for help would have such a peculiarmisunderstanding.If it is not clarified quickly, it could escalate dangerously. Though he didn"thave a way with words, G.o.dou needed to get through this somehow oranother."According to Amakasu-san, if a boy tries to slide pa.s.s such a topic, itdefinitely means that there is something unacceptable going on!""Just what did that guy teach you?!"History Compilation Committee member, Amakasu Touma.Despite his relaxed and unfettered demeanor, G.o.dou had always believedhe was a person weird to the bone. But to think that he had done such atroublesome thing, just how is he supposed to correct the problem now?"Mariya, please think calmly. Why are you imagining this? I really do notunderstand, just what kind of a person do you think I am?""A devil who tricks women! A s.e.xual predator! Definitely not a normalhuman!"Her tone became extremely emotional, and Yuri spoke without thought.Just like a young child throwing a temper tantrum, G.o.dou was greatlysurprised to see this kind of side to her."Because even to this date, have you not done all sorts of ridiculousthings!?""Umm, though that"s not incorrect, I don"t think I"ve done anything similar toharboring a mistress somewhere! And never will, I will never do somethinglike that!"Against Yuri in her current state, reasoning was useless, so G.o.dou had nochoice but to declare in such a strong manner.By the way, if this dialogue was overheard, the listener would probablymistake it for an argument between couples.How did it come to this? G.o.dou couldn"t help cursing his misfortune."If you say so... Please present the evidence."Yuri whispered softly as she lowered her head. G.o.dou instantly went "eh?""Take me along with you! Let me stay by your side, then you will proveyour innocence! If you are truly innocent, then you can do that, right?""—What!?"And then the closing ceremony was here.It was the last day of the school term, but G.o.dou did not attend school.Early in the morning, just past six, he had finished all the preparationsneeded for the trip. He left his house and made his way to the bus stop.The reason G.o.dou didn"t go to school today was because he felt worriedby the fact that there was a chance that Erica might just kidnap him andhold him captive. This would ruin the entire plan and all prior effort wouldbe for naught.Yesterday, it took him great effort just to calm the angry and teary Yuri whowas throwing a tantrum.Facing the Yuri who was trying very hard not to show her emotions butwhose eyes were clearly red from crying, he was defeated in the end.Remembering this made G.o.dou"s heart sink....Taking the subway, he reached Ueno station.There at the central ticketing gate, somebody was waiting."G-Good morning. Umm... I will be in your care."Most likely embarra.s.sed about her outburst yesterday, her face was allred.Facing Yuri whose face was as red as an apple, G.o.dou nodded his head.Carrying a huge suitcase, Yuri was wearing casual clothing for the firsttime in G.o.dou"s memory. She was wearing a white short-sleeved dressand a large hat, most likely to shelter herself from the summer sun. Thisset of clothes, with her white complexion, seemed to suit her perfectly.Compared to her usual attire of the school uniform or the miko outfit, thiswas a refreshing, new look. It made G.o.dou"s heart skip a beat.Remembering that he was about to go on a vacation with this beautifullady, G.o.dou"s heart began to beat faster....Isn"t this just like eloping?"Th-Then, shall we go?""Y-Yes."G.o.dou and Yuri began to walk together.For some reason, it really felt like an elopement, thinking about this madeG.o.dou deliberately look ahead, unable to look Yuri in the face. But sheshould feel the same way right?Just like that, they entered the ticketing gate without saying anything toeach other. In order to take the tram to Narita airport, they made their wayto the main hall....After that, nothing special happened. Yuri finished her check in.It turned out that Yuri and G.o.dou were on the same flight and were evenseated beside each other.Of course, it was thanks to the secret efforts of the History CompilationCommittee.The Committee"s efforts also enabled Yuri to obtain immediate permissionfrom the Mariya household...Most probably, the one active behind the scenes was the familiar HistoryCompilation Committee member — imagining Amakasu Touma secretlylaughing to himself, G.o.dou couldn"t help but sigh.Putting so much effort into this, just what was he thinking?As for his old friend in Sardinia, G.o.dou sent an email stating that "anotherperson will be coming." There was an immediate reply of "very interesting,no problem."The other side was also fooling around.Thinking he was getting trapped into a weird situation, G.o.dou started tofeel depressed, when Yuri suddenly said:"Erm, G.o.dou-san, about the person who would be looking after us... Justwhat kind of person is she? If it is possible, can you tell me about her?Most likely unable to bear the silence, she suddenly came up with thisquestion."She is a mage. On further thought, she is definitely one of the mainculprits who gave me this body."Seeking entertainment that day, her proposal lit the fuse which led toG.o.dou having a decisive battle against a G.o.d.Of course, there was the acc.u.mulation of various chance factors that finallyled to the current result —"...So it is like this. The person, whom G.o.dou-san is depending on, issurely a beautiful woman.""Umm, Mariya, you clearly have not met her yet. It is not right to have suchpreconceptions.""But I must be right? Looking at G.o.dou-san"s face, I am sure. It is definitelytrue."I really hope you do not apply your prescient abilities at this moment.Facing the miko whose perceptions surpa.s.sed human wisdom, G.o.doushook his head."No, even though she is female, I never harbored those kinds of thoughtstowards her. She is from the same generation as my grandfather — an oldperson. This is the truth!"But despite G.o.dou"s frantic denials, Yuri only stared coldly."Even though what you say does not feel like a lie, but it is not the wholetruth right?""It will take a long time to explain. Definitely not something which can beexplained immediately!""About that point, you need not worry. Luckily, time is of abundance here.From here to Italy will take about half a day. So, no matter how long youplan to explain, I will listen to you seriously."Finally reaching the Keisei Ueno station, they boarded the express trainand secured their seats.After reaching Narita, they made their way to the airport. Having boardedtheir plane bound for Europe, they would need to endure the twelve-hourflight — it was just as Yuri had said, there was plenty of time.Just like that, together with Yuri who seemed to be in a good mood, theybegan to spend the long flight together.Since it was like that, he might as well explain everything from the start, soas to prove his innocence."Fine, I understand. I shall start from the very beginning. I am not used totelling this type of story so please forgive me for anything that you don"tunderstand.""...From the beginning, you mean right from the start of everything?""Ah, yes. We must trace back to the spring break after my middle schoolgraduation."Kusanagi G.o.dou back then was in a transition state, neither in middleschool nor high school.As it was not yet the first of May, he was still fifteen years old.And a completely normal human who could not possibly battle a G.o.d orusurp their authority.The few days which drastically changed the life he knew forever.The few days where he met Erica Blandelli and many other differentpeople, building up friendships and having battles. All of these felt sonostalgic now, the story of the beginning.And so, G.o.dou slowly began to tell his story.References1 . t called game: In baseball, a called game is one in which, for anyreason, the umpire in chief terminates play. In other words, end game.2. t hime: princess.3. t rakshasa: a race of mythological humanoid beings or unrighteousspirits in Hinduism and Buddhism, also called man-eaters.

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