
Chapter 20

Chapter 1 - Light from the EastPart 1A certain night in the latter half of March, in the Nezu area of Bunkyo wardin Tokyo.In the living room of the Kusanagi home, two old men were enjoyingalcohol.G.o.dou was also there, sitting at a corner. But he was there only to pour theliquor, moving back and forth to deliver the bottles of warmed sake....With one whiff, he was able to tell if the sake was warmed to the righttemperature.Actually, this was one of G.o.dou"s skills. But to have such a skill at an ageof fifteen, it doesn"t feel right at all. But still, it was a skill that was trained byhis grandfather from a young age." — So, why do you suddenly want to go to Italy?"The one who asked this was grandfather"s old friend, Takamatsu-sensei.He was from the same generation as grandfather, a professor at a privateuniversity within Tokyo who taught western history. It was also because ofthis, both G.o.dou and his sister Shizuka called him "sensei.""Eh? I am only going there to meet an old friend."The one who answered was the one who was leaving for Italy in just twodays" time, Kusanagi Ichirou.Even though he was a person who liked to travel, he had rarely left thecountry recently. However, during this spring, he suddenly said that hewanted to go to Italy.And also due to that, Takamatsu-sensei specially came to see him off withbottles of alcohol....Grandfather also used to be a professor in folkloristics, but was alreadyretired. Now, he pa.s.sed his days leisurely. Too leisurely, sometimes.G.o.dou really wanted to tell him off.Even though he really wanted to thank him for doing all the to instill in his grandson knowledge about alcohol"s taste, aroma andeven origins, to be popular among all the women who frequented theshopping district (both old and young), and to frequently meet older women(which G.o.dou believed to be beauties in the past) on the street, seemingto know many of them, G.o.dou felt like there was definitely a problem."...That old friend you mentioned is a woman right?"Takamatsu-sensei, grandfather"s old friend, said with some disgust.As a side note, this person would always say something like "you look sosimilar to Ichirou..." whenever he saw G.o.dou"s face. Come on, inheritedDNA is bound to cause facial similarity, so please do not have these weirdconcerns."Ah, now that you brought it up, you know her too. Yes, do you remember?Lucretia Zola the Italian foreign student back when we were in university?""Oh, that woman. Hey, don"t tell me you have kept in contact with her allthis time?""No. It only started recently. I sent a letter to her Italian home address shegave me before, and a reply came back. That thing she left behind inj.a.pan forty years ago eventually came into my possession. If possible, Iwould like to return it to her personally.""Wait a minute! Didn"t you promise Chiyo you would never see that womanagain? Did you forget already?"The conversation was getting out of hand.Chiyo was the name of G.o.dou"s grandmother who pa.s.sed away a fewyears back.Back in the old days, grandfather was a handsome man. He possessedthe gift of conversation to skillfully win people"s hearts, perfect diplomacy,and outstanding observational skills. In other words, he was very popularwith women.And he never refused anyone.Due to grandfather being like this, grandmother sure had it tough."Promise... Wasn"t it that I will not see her off at the airport?""It"s not that! I"m sure you remember, you"re just playing dumb. What"smore, you"re not obliged to go personally, all you need is to send it over byair mail."Towards grandfather who was acting like he didn"t know,Takamatsu-sensei pointed out the situation."It looks like something precious. Wouldn"t it be troublesome if it isdamaged on the way there? And I also wanted to visit Italy once and havea nice chat with Lucretia Zola whom I have not met for such a long time.""Ichirou, do you even know how to speak Italian?""No, not even a word. But things will work out somehow, so it will be fine."If this was said by any ordinary old person, he would either be a veryrelaxed person, or is suffering from dementia.But it was not the case for grandfather. When Kusanagi Ichirou was still anactive folkloristics scholar, he was like a celebrity in field research.Specializing in studying different traditional arts and cultures, he wouldoften go to various countries to investigate.The places he went to investigate would sometimes be isolated villagecommunities.He was able to integrate himself into their community quickly, build goodrelationships with the villagers and even acquire a few village secretswhich are usually not told to outsiders. What"s more, most of these villagesare situated in Southeast Asia, China, India and other foreign countries. Hewas able to easily overcome language barriers that would usually stopother people.It could be said to be at a superhuman level."A precious item... Just what did that woman leave here in j.a.pan?""About that, remember the group of buddies during university that wouldusually go on trips together? At that time, there was a certain incidentconcerning about a curse from a guardian G.o.d and if I remember correctly,twenty died and it caused a great commotion.""Curse!?"Hearing such an unbelievable story, G.o.dou shouted out unknowingly.Stealing a glance at his grandson, Ichirou smiled and said."Yes, it was a story I heard during my time at the research inst.i.tute. Agroup of good friends went to Noto for a vacation. At that time, many, manythings happened.""I remember that it caused quite the uproar... That witch seemed to havehidden herself somewhere and did weird things.""W-Witch?"From Takamatsu-sensei"s mouth came an extraordinary phrase, G.o.douwas even more shocked.A curse followed by a witch, just what happened back then?"...It is the woman that Ichirou is going to meet, foreign student from Italynicknamed "witch." A girl with a strange presence, I do not know when itstarted, but people started to call her by this nickname.""However, she always smiled and answered "Yes, I am a witch"."With all this said, Takamatsu-sensei started to look a little upset, whilegrandfather was still very happy.Most likely reminiscing old happenings, he closed his eyes and continued:"She was a very interesting woman. She got along well with cats and birds,was able to find lost things immediately, and predicted the next day"sweather with greater accuracy than even the weather forecast... Oh, andshe was very fluent in j.a.panese — Basically on the same level as localssuch as us."This woman, together with the younger Ichirou and Takamatsu-sensei, hadgone on a hot spring trip.During their visit to a hot spring inn at a remote village, strange things hadhappened."There were lots of people dying from heart attacks, over a span of merelyhalf a month, with roughly twenty victims. There was neither an epidemicnor a murder incident so rumors spread that it was retribution broughtabout by a local earth G.o.d"s curse.""Curse... If it were a detective story, then there must be some sort ofshocking trick right?"G.o.dou did not dislike the detective story genre, but his grandfather simplyshook his head and laughed wryly."Too bad, there was no trick revealed. It was just by luck that we werethere on our trip. We were all in a great panic. The only calm person wasLucretia Zola. She went out that night, only coming back in the morningexhausted. When she returned, she made a "prophecy," that from that dayonwards, n.o.body would die like that again. Everything was resolved."Such an unbelievable story. It all seemed like a lie.But the grandfather did not appear to be joking. Takamatsu-sensei alsohad a serious face."Seems like an amazing person... By the way, why did she come here tostudy?"His interest piqued, G.o.dou could not help inquiring further."It was to study j.a.pan"s ancient legends — especially legends aboutYamato Takeru^l Actually, she was more knowledgeable about suchmyths and stories on legendary swords than us. Before coming to j.a.pan,she had been researching the legends of King Arthur and the Knights ofthe Round Table at a London university.""This doesn"t make sense, why would she deliberately leave a university inLondon to come to j.a.pan?""Who knows, if you asked Lucretia Zola personally, all she did was smileand say she had her reasons.""That means many things happened between grandfather and thiswoman."Back when grandfather was a graduate student, he was only engaged tograndmother and they had not married yet. That grandmothersubsequently forbid grandfather to see Lucretia Zola-san, which is whyTakamatsu-sensei was now showing such a pained expression.With this, G.o.dou finally understood the whole story."Many things? Please do not speak so ill of me. We were just friends withmutual respect who just happened to have opposite genders. Chiyo andTakamatsu really shouldn"t have had such strange misunderstandings."Such an honest sounding answer, it definitely cannot be trusted. G.o.dou letout a sigh....Recalling the deceased grandmother"s oft repeated words:"G.o.dou, you must never become like your grandfather. Though he is anamazing person, he had a fatal flaw from the very beginning... Ever sinceyou were very young, Grandma has always worried about you since youresemble your grandfather so much. Even though he usually seems like adecent man, he is noted to do things lacking in common sensesometimes... Oh dear, I am so worried."How could she say such things to G.o.dou who had not matured yet?The cause of grandmother"s worries, was the womanizing husband whostayed with her throughout all these years, and definitely not G.o.dou"s ownactions. G.o.dou thought to himself as he stared straight into hisgrandfather"s eyes and spoke."Hey, grandpa, before I talk about other problems, isn"t this a promise youhave made with grandma? Why not just give it up. Please cancel the trip toItaly.""That, I cannot do. Even if it is very unfair to Chiyo, a promise with an oldfriend is also very important. I"ve already promised her that I will personallybring the item to her."A promise to a friend.If that was the case, G.o.dou had no reb.u.t.tal.Despite being such a Casanova, grandfather had never betrayed the trustof his family. This too was one of the reasons why his male friends admiredhim. Whether male or female, Kusanagi Ichirou will never act unjustlytowards a friend. The moment he hears that a friend requires aid, he willimmediately rush over to help, even if it is outside of j.a.pan. He possesseda chivalrous heart.A person who valued relationships above all else.G.o.dou respected and admired this aspect of his grandfather"s character,and wished to become such a person himself as well if possible."...That woman"s possession, what is it? You just described it as somethingprecious.""About that, in the village where the curse incident happened, didn"t sheleave something behind? ...That night, Lucretia Zola had visited a shrinewhich was burned down by disrespectful locals, presented this item as anoffering. After that, the curse stopped... Perhaps the curse and the witchare real after all?"Facing Takamatsu-sensei"s inquiry, grandfather left his seat and quicklycame back.Carrying a flat object wrapped in a purple cloth.And then he placed it on the table and unwrapped it.A B5 sized stone tablet, on it was a childish drawing. It should be a pictureof a man with both his hands and feet locked up, distributed on the edgesof this drawing were drawings of a bird with its wings spread out, the sun,moon and stars.The tablet was well-worn in appearance and even had signs of beingburnt."...A lithograph, could this be very ancient?"G.o.dou gave his honest opinion.A carving left behind by primitive peoples of some place. If that"s the case,it made sense."Probably not. For it to be an artifact unearthed from some archaeologicalsite, its condition is too good... Though you can"t rule out the possibility it isthe work of some avant-garde artist."Looking at the stone tablet with interest, grandfather answered."Ichirou, how did this thing come into your possession?""Actually that village was vacated more than ten years ago. The personwho managed the shrine was troubled over how to handle the stone tablet.They had no idea how to locate the owner but was able to recall the face ofone of the accompanying students, and that student turned out to be me.Through various twists and turns, they were finally able to get in touch withme.""After that, grandpa decided to go meet that person."This perfect coincidence made G.o.dou"s heart stir with feeling.As a scholar in folkloristics, Kusanagi Ichirou had publications, thus hisname was recorded in the university where he worked at the time. Bygetting in touch with the university, they were able to find grandfather"scontact information. If grandfather had been an ordinary person in anuna.s.suming occupation, most likely they would not have found him.In fact, it took a lot for them to find each other again.G.o.dou could understand the feelings of grandfather who wished to returnthe stone tablet to the original owner.However, he could not let him break the promise with grandmother likethat.After some consideration, G.o.dou made his decision, the tablet will bedelivered some other way."OK, I get it — I will take this stone tablet to Italy. This way, grandfathercan keep his promise properly."Seeing G.o.dou make such a proposal, his grandfather showed greatinterest in his eyes, while Takamatsu-sensei looked very worried."G.o.dou, are you serious? Do you know any Italian?""Nope, none at all. But things will work out somehow, no problem."G.o.dou already had several experiences of being taken overseas bygrandfather.The places visited were mostly Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam orThailand. Getting separated from grandfather then meeting up severaldays later had also happened. Every time it occurred, G.o.dou had to spendover half a day alone with no money and the difficulties of a languagebarrier. In severe cases, he had to wait for several days.Having experienced such situations numerous times, G.o.dou actuallybecame used to it.Language barriers could be handled by body language. This proved towork surprisingly well for communicating even though complicatedmeanings could not be expressed, but it brought him close to others.Other j.a.panese would probably freeze if they met a foreigner in the streetsand had to converse in English. In such situations, G.o.dou wouldappropriately make use of however much English he knew to establish afragmented dialogue....By the way, the younger sister Shizuka had also gone travelling overseaswith grandfather a few times.But she never met the things that happened to her brother, making G.o.doususpect if his grandfather deliberately set him up to train his grandson."Hoho, G.o.dou wants to go in my stead... Can I really entrust this to youwith confidence?"A teasing smile appeared on the grandfather"s face."That"s right, a man keeps his word. It"s currently spring break, so I"mbored to death anyway.""The place Lucretia resides, though considered Italy, is actually an islandin the Mediterranean — Sardinia, and is located deep in the countryside ofthe island"s interior. I think you will have it rough."As he watched his grandson"s declaration, the nature of the grandfather"ssmile changed.It gave off a feeling of praise but at the same time like playing a joke. It wasa smile mixed with complicated emotions, a very joyful smile."I understand, then I will leave everything to you. Handle it well."Picking up the stone tablet from the table, he placed it in G.o.dou"s hands.Part 2On the south side of Italy, a vacation island floated in the middle of theMediterranean Sea.This was Sardinia, an island about the same size as Shikoku^, itspopulation was roughly one and a half million of which over half wasconcentrated in the largest city there, Cagliari.Enclosed by crystal clear seawater, the surrounding natural environmentwas also very beautiful.The biggest industry on the island was tourism. Every summer, it wascrowded with tourists whose purpose was to vacation in Europe.Particularly on the northeastern side, the sea sh.o.r.e as beautiful as anemerald was renowned as a vacation spot exclusive to the upper, G.o.dou kept his plans to come here a secret from his youngersister."What is going on... Onii-chan. You suddenly tell me you"re goingtravelling. Could you have forgotten your promise to me? You"re the worst."Thanks to his grandfather, G.o.dou suffered severe scolding from his sister.All because of the grandfather"s suggestion."You can tell the truth, but I don"t recommend it, G.o.dou. If Shizuka knewyou were going to a prime vacation spot in southern Italy, what would shethink?""She would want to go, or rather, she will insist in tagging along?""Exactly. But even though it"s Europe, travelling in those countryside placescan be very troublesome. The most prosperous streets of the city would befine, but that place is even more deserted than this shopping street inNezu... So, I will ask you a question, travel casually alone in thecountryside or bring a troublesome sister and devote your efforts to takingcare of her, which will you pick?""Of course alone."He had replied without thinking.In the end, an excuse was made to cover things up. Shizuka was told hewas going to an acquaintance"s Zen monastery, to work odd jobs for aweek.But for some reason, Shizuka scolded him with exceptional fury.While G.o.dou was preparing his luggage in his room on the second floor athome, Shizuka suddenly burst in."There"s no helping it, mother ordered me to go there in her stead.""Mother"s orders? ...Then it can"t be helped, she must have thought it wastoo troublesome and pushed it onto Onii-chan, that"s so willful of her.""...Yes, your willful character is probably inherited from mother aswell — ouch.""What a rude thing to say! I don"t have that kind of personality like aqueen!"Clearly he was already off the hook by blaming his mother"s interference,but G.o.dou made an unnecessary comment.Stepped on by Shizuka, G.o.dou knew he had to be more careful with hiswords.By the way, the monastery he was supposedly visiting was located deep inthe mountains of Chichibu. Apparently there was once an ancestor of theKusanagi family who was an abbot there, but he continued his life ofindulgence despite monastic vows.The monastery still maintained the tradition of drawing water from a well touse for cooking.But at the same time, it was equipped with an industrial scale refrigeratorthat one would find in a winemaking business, which was stocked full ofalcohol purchased from the liquor store at the foot of the mountain.Furthermore, they eschewed alcohol euphemisms like "soup of wisdom"^and openly ate meat and drank alcohol.All past abbots have been strange characters, and every single one ofthem was an intimate friend of the Kusanagi family.As a side note, Grandfather Ichirou once trained there, but ended upcommitting all sorts of travesties, culminating in an immoral relationshipwith the widow of a rice shop, leaving him no choice but to flee toShanghai. Despite dating back to the Taishou era^, these kinds ofphilandering exploits continued to be the talk of the monastery wheneverG.o.dou visited....Due to that kind of environment, little sister Shizuka stayed far away fromthat place unless obliged to take part in Buddhist rites.Which was why it made for a viable excuse.Thanks to grandfather"s explanations, G.o.dou was able to reach anunderstanding with his mother without paying any price. Normally, thiswould require being at her service for three hours or more.Everything was ready.But Shizuka was unhappily glaring at G.o.dou — why?"But didn"t Onii-chan promise me beforehand? Couldn"t you have thoughtup a way to refuse? So dense and slow, d.a.m.n it! You"re the worst!""P-Promise? That thing earlier counted as a promise?"G.o.dou was greatly surprised.He suddenly recalled Shizuka"s words a few days before the school closingceremony."Onii-chan, are you free for spring break? You must be very free for sure,without club activities or a girlfriend. Yes, it is decided you are free! Solisten carefully, I happen to have a free slot in my spring break, so I plan onsharing this precious time with you, Onii-chan. First accompany me to goclothing shopping. Next there"s a new coffee shop opened in Ni-choume^,we should go there. Next is..."Just like that, his sister forced her plans on him.If he was actually free, he didn"t mind spending time with his sister.At the time he had paid little attention as he listened, so it didn"t register."Didn"t you say something like "as long as I"m free"? To think you"d ratherrun off to a monastery instead of putting effort into squeezing time out foryour cute little sister... Onii-chan, you have failed as a brother!""How could one fail as a brother so easily?! Besides, who goes aroundcalling themselves cute?!"G.o.dou at least tried to tell her off.He did wish his sister could act a little more lady-like.But from an objective standpoint, it was undeniable that Shizuka was thecute type, because she greatly resembled the beautiful mother who wasrenowned for her looks....As a side note, the mother"s skill with makeup had already entered theterritory of G.o.ds.Definitely in the realm of G.o.dly skills, to that G.o.dou offered his utmostrespect."After all, I can"t possibly spend the whole spring break there. Why don"t Iaccompany you to go out when I return home, is that ok?""Clearly you forgot the promise, and now you"re trying to weasel out of it?It"s not simply "accompany you", but I am going out for the sake ofaccompanying Onii-chan, don"t get it wrong!"Sigh, this sister was making decisions on her own again.But having known her for so long, I had grown accustomed to suchwillfulness.G.o.dou laughed wryly as he reminded himself not to speak without thinking."Ah, right, do you still remember Yui? My friend, the one who was relativelyshort.""Yui? Yui... Is that the girl who used to come and play all the time? Nowthat it"s mentioned, she did come to cheer for me at the compet.i.tion once...Yes, I didn"t forget."Faced with the name that suddenly appeared, G.o.dou felt greatly troubled.Though the child with that name often followed behind Shizuka, G.o.douhad little impression of her."Onii-chan, the way you are, it"s not surprising you completely forgot her.""I didn"t completely forget, there are still some lingering impressions in mymind."G.o.dou tried to refute Shizuka"s mockery of him."Don"t force yourself, Onii-chan, you"re not someone who notices myfriends... Actually it"s Yui who said it, if Onii-chan is free during springbreak, she wanted to go out and have fun with you. How"s that? Are youinterested?"It felt like his sister was deliberately playing a joke on him.Go out with his sister"s friend? Why must he do something like that?"No, not really... I"m not interested, I think she would find me boringinstead. Forget it, help me refuse her.""Oh really, it"s not easy to have someone offer you a date, what a shame."Teased by Shizuka who suddenly seemed inexplicably happy, G.o.dousighed as he shook his head."Don"t call it a date, it"s just going out for fun... Spending time withsomeone like me will only make her bored. I don"t know what your friend isthinking."" — You"re right, someone as dense and boring as Onii-chan... Clearly sounreliable and ridiculous all the time, but extremely serious in strangeareas, a normal girl cannot take a fancy to you... Girls like your sister whowould spend time with you are extinct. You should show me somegrat.i.tude.""Yes, yes, I know. Shizuka is my cute little sister, and I have troubled youall this time. Is that acceptable?""Your tone of voice is not serious enough, and there"s no sincerity, and thelines are too ordinary, completely no good. Out of a hundred, I can onlygive you fifteen points. Try harder, Onii-chan!"She looked like she was complaining, but her mood seemed to be great.Though she was my sister, she was impossible to understand."Onii-chan"s good qualities are probably limited to that physical staminathat rivals a cart horse as well as playing baseball with... I"m sorry, I saidsomething wrong."Originally in a good mood, Shizuka suddenly stopped.G.o.dou put his hand on his depressed sister"s head and caressed back andforth."Actually I"m not that amazing at baseball. It"s ok, pay no mind to it. I amreally grateful to have a cute little sister like you. You don"t have to be soconcerned.""B-But, I"m sorry. I got carried away and said those things.""It"s fine, those things don"t matter. I"ve long accepted that I can"t playbaseball any more, don"t worry."For a brief moment, neither of the siblings spoke.Noticing Shizuka"s depression, G.o.dou not only said things he would neversay normally, but also stroked her head all this time.Her mood slightly restored, Shizuka"s parting words could never beforgotten."Onii-chan, I"m not asking for something expensive, but just something youchose with care will do. Buy something that will make me happy. If you picksomething without care, I won"t forgive you!"She clearly knew her brother did not have an eye for picking things, andyet she made such a demand?G.o.dou sighed deeply.Kusanagi G.o.dou was now fifteen years old, just graduated from middleschool, and about to enter high school.From elementary to middle school he had always been playing baseball.During middle school, he was the starting catcher and fourth hitter for acertain strong youth team. He also had the experience of representingj.a.pan in overseas games as well as the Tokyo Selection Match, a WorldSeries compet.i.tion.However, during the summer of his third year in middle school, hisshoulder was injured during a group training camp for the World Seriescompet.i.tion.A certain pitcher who threw fastb.a.l.l.s that were difficult to control had struckG.o.dou with the ball while he was running from third base to home. Due tothe direct impact of the ball, both his back and his right shoulder were hurt.Though the injuries have healed, his most important weapon as a catcher,the strong shoulder was no good any more.Disappointed by the weak trajectories of his thrown b.a.l.l.s, G.o.dou began toworry about his future in high school.Even though the shoulder was no good, there were still ways to continueplaying baseball.There were actually schools that appreciated G.o.dou"s batting abilities, andinvited him to join their high school teams as a batter, but he refused themall.— After all, he had already played for nine years, it was enough.Thus, treating the shoulder injury as an opportunity, G.o.dou began to tellhimself it was about time to try new experiences. In fact, he had alreadyconvinced himself it was true.His baseball playing was actually not that great.The things he said to Shizuka, about half of them were actually serious.Since G.o.dou had the opportunity to play baseball at the highest levels,there were many opportunities to meet those with genius talent. Comparedto those who possessed true talent, Kusanagi G.o.dou was high average atbest.So it could be said that because he didn"t have enough talent, he did notinsist on pursuing baseball. Partic.i.p.ating in other sports or even culturalclubs might be acceptable.These few months, G.o.dou had been studying and facing examinationswith that kind of att.i.tude."Hey, G.o.dou, what about me who had always lost to you? You"ve got togive me a chance to avenge myself! Don"t you dare run away after you hadwon!"This was what his friend Miura said when he came to visit at the end of thesecond term during middle school senior year."Even if I continue baseball in high school, I probably can"t hit your b.a.l.l.sany more. Unlike me, you were born for baseball, born to be a pitcher. Ithink you will soon leave me in the dust, so please give me a break."That was how G.o.dou replied to Miura, the one who was rated the numberone pitcher amongst the youth teams.Though they were originally from different teams, they had been a.s.signedto the same team during the Tokyo selection match."b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Are these the words of the fellow who defeated me? In all ourconfrontations, I have never been able to get you out on three strikes!""No, for something that"s akin to cheating, pay no mind to it.""Cheating? What are you talking about?""Yes, your personality is very straightforward, so I can tell at a glance whatyou are thinking. Back in senior year of middle school, whenever I sawyour face, I could predict how you would pitch with roughly fifty percentcertainty. This was taught to me by my grandfather once, in compet.i.tionsand negotiations, understanding the opponent"s personality and targetingtheir weaknesses will basically allow you to win seven times out of ten, soit doesn"t really count as true baseball capability."Even so, Miura continued to pester him, saying things like "let"s go to thatschool together" or "at least pick a school with a stronger baseball team"...But G.o.dou chose the high school section of the nearby Jounan Academy.His younger sister Shizuka was studying in the middle school sectionthere, and the baseball club at this school was abysmal, so he would haveno wish to play baseball there.Removing the option of baseball from his high school life in such asemi-forceful manner, how will things turn out?After completing his preparations for going to Italy, G.o.dou suddenly had astrange notion."If I think about it, travelling overseas during such a period, it really feelslike a "soul searching" journey."Feeling that such a delicate term suited himself poorly, G.o.dou naturallylaughed wryly.Part 3Comparing northern and southern Italy, their inhabitants had completelydifferent temperaments.Of course, this was just a general stereotype. Due to the north being richand urbanized while the south was relatively poor, people described thosein the south as more modest and friendly.Widely known around the world as a center of various areas such asculture, economy, fashion and sports, Milan was a metropolis thatexemplified the north.And anyone acquainted with Erica Blandelli would know that she was thegirl who embodied the essence of Milan.The young mistress of the prestigious house of Blandelli where all previousgenerations were Milanese. Beautiful and n.o.ble, she grew up with a strictupbringing starting from an early age, and was full of wit and talent.The beautiful young lady glamorous as a blooming rose."Of course, my outstanding beauty is undeniable — "Erica smiled elegantly.However, her smiling face bore no resemblance to a pathetic flower,rather, a more apt description would be a she-leopard or a lioness.The proud and powerful queen of the beasts, that was how her a.s.sertiveappearance was best described."But like the chocolate on a cake, there are many important elementsadorning my being, but these alone cannot represent my complete self — sofor this matter, I must decline, Uncle.""If you put it that way, I have no choice but to consent, Erica."The one who replied with a wry smile was her only relative, her paternaluncle.Paolo Blandelli, whose figure could be compared to the Statue of David.Even though he was pushing forty, he still possessed the youthful vigor ofa young man, a face like a perfectly crafted sculpture, and an intellectualand n.o.ble presence.And his perfect body was steeled through and through - as fitting for hist.i.tle as the top knight.Italy"s strongest knight was the "King of Swords" — Salvatore Doni.But the highest ranking knight was Paolo Blandelli.There was no doubt about this fact, though the uncle humbly denied it,while the other person in question, Salvatore admitted it freely with a smile."I am flattered... But to make me a role model, who is the idiot who cameup with this? I have no need to publicize my beauty, for there is nomeaning in a pleasing exterior alone. External beauty has to becomplemented by ability and insight from within. That is the true EricaBlandelli.""I knew you would refuse like that, which is why I came to talk to you first. Idon"t think it"s a foolish thing."Smiling wryly as he faced Erica, the two of them were currently in a cornerof a certain coffee shop.They were family and originally lived together in the Blandelli residence.Preoccupied with official affairs, the uncle had been away from home formany weeks, so they had not seen each other until now.Suddenly communicating "it"s been so long", they decided to meet here —"Uncle, let"s talk about something more meaningful, have you heard aboutthe incident at Sardinia?""Yes, it seems to be real, the chance of a [Heretic G.o.d] descending seemslikely. Our leader Sir Salvatore is in the middle of his expedition to SouthAmerica and will take time to return, so it would be best to gatherintelligence first, and investigate the local situation.""Then please a.s.sign me reconnaissance duties. Uncle — No,Commander-in-Chief Blandelli of the [Copper Black Cross], the knightErica Blandelli hereby pet.i.tions."The Knights Templar organization had dominated Europe in the MiddleAges.As the descendants of knights, the sons of G.o.d, as well as magi whoserved the demonic deity Baphomet, this dual origin was the true ident.i.ty ofErica and the rest of her order. Though there were numerous magica.s.sociations which inherited the secret rites of the Templar Knights, the[Copper Black Cross], with its headquarters in Milan, was one of thestrongest a.s.sociations.Unsettling incidents were occurring at Sardinia at the south of Italy.This report arrived at the [Copper Black Cross] two days ago, brought byone of their members who happened to be there. This information likelyhad not spread to the vast majority of magic a.s.sociations in Italy.Which is what gave Erica the idea of pet.i.tioning to be sent there.However, Uncle Paolo was shaking his head with a serious expression."You are my precious — a genius child who will one day stand at the top ofthe magic a.s.sociation. I do admit that is my personal wish. Anyway, youprobably don"t have any prior experience with G.o.ds, right?""Yes that is correct. Precisely because I have none, I want to gatherexperience this time."Erica boasted without tact.Absolute confidence in her ability was the root of that kind of att.i.tude.The martial arts personally taught by her uncle from a young age, as wellas all sorts of magic inherited from the lineages of the Templar Knightsfrom ancient Rome to medieval Europe.There were very few people who could gain mastery in all these difficulttechniques by the age of fifteen like Erica. In Italy, Liliana Kranjcar, alsofrom Milan, was the only rival of the same age that Erica recognized."In the past, you allied with Princess Alice, ruler of the Witenagemot^, tojointly oppose the Black Prince Alec. In recognition of your successes, youwere bestowed the t.i.tle of [Diavolo Rosso]. If I were to inherit my esteemeduncle"s t.i.tle, then I have a need to display my outstanding talents.""I was already twenty-five years old back then, ten years older than yourcurrent age. Don"t be hasty, there is still much for you to learn. If you wantto approach G.o.ds, it"s not too late to do so in a few years" time."Possessing great foresight, the uncle tried to dissuade his niece withsincerity, but Erica did not accept."Too late. If I don"t earn it now, the t.i.tle of [Diavolo Rosso] that myesteemed uncle guards will be inherited by that crude and lowly Gennaro. Idefinitely do not wish to see the n.o.ble t.i.tle of the [Copper Black Cross]"leader fall into the hands of that kind of man."[Diavolo Rosso] was the t.i.tle earned by Paolo Blandelli almost twentyyears ago.This was a t.i.tle of honor possessed by the knight that represented the[Copper Black Cross] to outside parties. However, three months ago, heruncle had to relinquish the t.i.tle due to finally ascending to the office ofcommander-in-chief.It was forbidden to hold both t.i.tles of top knight and commander-in-chief, inother words, Paolo Blandelli has now retired from the ranks of knights inservice.Though Erica was known as a prodigy, she still lacked experience.Neither her achievements nor her reputation were enough to inherit thet.i.tle.However, it would be different story if she earned accolades in the face ofthe greatest disasters appearing in this world — [Heretic G.o.ds]."...Erica, could you be intending to become a Campione?""I am not that full of myself. Of course, if there was a chance, I don"t mindbecoming someone like Sir Salvatore Doni, but that"s just wishful thinking...However, I do have some ideas on how to seal a G.o.d"s existence orsuppress them.""Really! If you say so, then surely you have made preparations!"Erica nodded in a matter-of-fact manner at her uncle."I knew such a day would come, so I"ve been working hard at studying theGolgotha^ spell words and summoning ritual. If possible, I wish to displaythem right now.""Mastering the holy spear of prayer and lamentation at such an age, whata scary little brat."Sighing as he spoke, the uncle"s facial expression changed.It was now the face of the severe commander-in-chief of the fearsomeorganization of the crimson knights."Fine, Erica. Go forth to the land of danger. Displaying courage and mightis a knight"s duty. Once the words have been spoken, you must absolutelycomplete this challenge. Do you understand?""Affirmative. Erica Blandelli will now set forth for Sardinia to investigate anduncover the true ident.i.ty of the [Heretic G.o.d] appearing there. I will try myutmost to seal this G.o.d and restore peace to the island. Await my goodnews."The uncle nodded lightly at the respectful answer of the niece."Looks like, being born in this peaceful era, you sure have it rough. I reallyhope you will learn the difference between courage and lack offorethought. I pray that you will possess trusted friends and companions towalk along the knight"s path together. I also wish your journey a success,and pray that you can give me peace of mind.""Oh my, esteemed uncle, are you treating me as Hannibal^?"Erica smiled.Once upon a time, there was a famed general of Carthage who defeatedthe Roman Republic and marched into Italy.As the greatest ancient military tactician, he was praised by the famousRoman general Scipio^ before a decisive battle. Scipio"s words were"being born in this peaceful era, you sure have it rough." In the ensuingBattle of Zama, the world cla.s.s tactician general was finally defeated."Compared to the loser Hannibal, I fancy I am more like the victor Scipio — ""This will be determined at the time when you meet the [Heretic G.o.d].Then I shall depart first, and pray for the day we meet again after yoursurvival."Uncle Paolo rose from his seat, and left before Erica"s eyes.— Perhaps it was pure coincidence, but this was the same day whenTokyo"s Kusanagi G.o.dou made his declaration to go to Italy. Of course,she could not have known this.References1 . t Yamato Takeru: a j.a.panese legendary prince of the Yamatodynasty. One of his exploits resulted in the Ama no noTsurugi gaining its alternative moniker, the Kusanagi no Tsurugi("gra.s.s-cutting word"). t Shikoku: the smallest of the four main islands ofj.a.pan. t Prajha: one of the three divisions of the n.o.ble Eightfold Path inBuddhism, meaningwisdom. t Taishou era: July 30, 1 91 2 to December 25, 1 926, the reign of theTaishou Emperor.5. t Ni-choume: a district in the Tokyo ward of Shinjuku.6. t Witenagemot: ("meeting of wise men" in Old English) a politicalinst.i.tution in Anglo-SaxonEngland. t Golgotha: the name of the site believed to be where Jesus Christwas crucified. t Hannibal: the legendary Carthaginian general renowned as one ofthe greatest generals in history. t Scipio: Roman general best known for defeatingHannibal.

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