
Chapter 43

Chapter 7 - Ama no no TsurugiPart 1Banchou Sarayashiki.^ The original setting for the legend of thedish-counting ghost who kept muttering to itself, "one is missing."In the special Tokyo ward of Chiyoda, the Banchou area was a very highcla.s.s residential neighborhood where high ranking warriors^ and lords^lived since the Edo period.The home of the Sayanomiya family in Sanbanchou was quite close to theTokyo Imperial Palace.Hidden in a very inconspicuous location on the roadside amongst manyoffices and luxury apartments, the Sayanomiya residence was a westernstyle mansion built in the Taisho era.Based on its physical location, the property value should have been quitehigh, but the house did not leave a good impression on people.Not only was it extremely old and decrepit, but it was also dark like ahaunted house and felt like there were ghosts and monsters.Arriving here in Amakasu"s car, Yuri began to feel a sense of unease.As if something ominous lurked there — a most unpleasant presence. Bythe way, this was her first visit to the Sayanomiya residence."I"ve already informed the other side beforehand, so let"s go. Please walkover here."Before them, Amakasu pointed to the entrance. Yuri and Liliana followedhis direction.It took two minutes to walk to the front door from the parking lot through thefront yard."The house is smaller than expected... As the leader of the family thatcommands the History Compilation Committee, is this not too cramped?"Liliana surveyed the house."Considering the land prices of this neighborhood, this house is a bargain.Actually, there"s a bigger house at Setagaya. This is just a secondaryresidence and the current owner Kaoru-san is the next family head."With a great sense of familiarity, Amakasu opened the front door.The one who greeted them was a young man in a formal butler uniform.This man displayed highly trained skills of a hotel attendant. Amakasuengaged him in whispers before walking inside.Yuri and Liliana followed behind him and reached a room that seemed tobe the study."Kyoko, how is it going? Calling me so suddenly. Tomorrow? Sorry,something is scheduled already. Hahaha, how can that be possible? It"snot a date of course. Don"t have strange suspicions."This pleasant voice was familiar to Yuri.In the study, Sayanomiya Kaoru had just hung up her cellphone.Noticing Amakasu, Yuri, and Liliana, Kaoru was just about to greet themwhen the cellphone rang again. Glancing at the LCD, she said "sorry" andpicked up the call."It"s been a while, Haremi. Yes, I am fine too. Sorry, I have some things todiscuss right now. May I hang up? Oh... I remember next week"s promisevery well, then goodbye."Finishing the call with simplicity, Kaoru hung up, but then it rang again."Who is it this time... Kiyoko?""No, it"s Ayano, but I"ll pick it up later since everyone has gathered."Watching the next Sayanomiya family head shrug her shoulders, Amakasunagged in earnest."Kaoru-san, what are you planning if you don"t reveal your gender to allthese girls who have fallen for you? To be tricked and left completely in thedark, aren"t they pitiful?""But even if I told them the truth, there are many girls who would go "it doesnot matter." I was very surprised."In a different way, this Hime-Miko was no less a troublesome characterthan Ena.Numerous girls admired Kaoru and fell head over heels in love with her.However, she seemed to enjoy this and actively socialized with them."Let me introduce for Liliana-san. This is Sayanomiya Kaoru-san. TheTokyo Branch Chief of the History Compilation Committee and nextSayanomiya family head, plus a member of the Hime-Miko.""...Did you say Hime-Miko?"Liliana stared in surprise.She must have been greatly shocked. Kaoru was wearing a white shirt andtie with men"s dress pants. Though very pretty, it was an image too farremoved from that of a delicate young girl.With an elegant smile and refined airs, Kaoru greeted her European guest."A pleasure to meet you, Liliana Kranjcar-san. My appearance maysuggest otherwise, but I am still Yuri and Ena"s colleague, though I"veheard countless times that it is impossible to imagine me wearing a miko"soutfit."Kaoru made a gesture towards the sofa couch, and Liliana and Yuri eachtook a seat.As they sat down, Kaoru took a seat opposite them while Amakasu stoodready behind her."I already heard Yuri and Liliana"s request on the phone just now. Let"sstart with the conclusion. If you agree to our conditions, then a.s.sisting youis not a problem.""Is this okay, Kaoru-san? The previous previous generation will haveobjections.""There will be troubles from that side, but provided equivalent value isexchanged, I will not be stingy. Of course, it still depends on the terms ofthe agreement."As the master and subordinate conversed, Liliana interrupted."Do not forget we still have the option of seizing by force.""That"s not good, you"ve met Ena right? Amongst those involved with theCommittee, there exist talents who rival the martial and magical abilities ofthe Great Knights. My honest advice is please do not act recklessly."Liliana scoffed in disdain but backed down from her declaration.Regardless of the outcome of starting a fight here, if she were to bepursued by several elites she had little chance of winning. Lilianaunderstood very well that as long as it was within this country, the otherside had the home field advantage."Even if I am attacked here, Amakasu-san will take the knife for me, right?""Sorry but I must refuse, please do not expect loyalty that exceeds my paygrade.""Uh... fine whatever."Kaoru coughed at Amakasu"s response that left her hanging inembarra.s.sment."Liliana-san and Yuri, let"s get to the main point."Yuri prepared herself, for she understood well the extreme craftiness of thecross-dressing miko before her eyes. Even Ena, who always did things herown way, described Kaoru as "very troublesome!" If possible, it would bebest to minimize contact with her."Yes, let me give an example, if our condition for providing the ingredients is to request that Liliana-san return to her country... Is this acceptable?""I will never accept such a condition!"Liliana angrily refused while Kaoru laughed "hoho."A very likable and open smile. This was one of her weapons."Ah, if the number of Europeans around Kusanagi increased, it won"t begood for him. Like this time, it was Ena"s excuse for getting involved.Disregarding the [Copper Black Cross] for now, I hope you, Liliana-san ofthe [Bronze Black Cross], can exercise some self-discipline.""Why is it fine for Erica but not me?""Yes — perhaps if I put it this way, you will be angry... Because you are agirl who doesn"t know adult ways of communication."Kaoru spoke with profound meaning in her words.Her beautiful face, resembling both a young man"s and woman"s at thesame time, was shrouded by a mysterious sense of melancholy."If I were to negotiate with Erica, I"m sure a deal could be reached via avery interesting discussion. But after hearing about your exploits in j.a.pansince your arrival, I don"t think you are that kind of person, LilianaKranjcar."Striking directly at the other party"s vulnerabilities and instigating a battle ofwords. Kaoru was getting serious."These past three months, we have acquiesced to Erica-san"s existencebecause she has accepted us — in particularly accepted coexistence withYuri who was sent by us. Take the trip to Sardinia for example, if Erica-sanwished, she could have left Yuri alone in j.a.pan."Now that it was mentioned, she apparently had a clear grasp of the latestdevelopments of G.o.dou and Yuri (plus the History CompilationCommittee).Yuri recalled the summer holiday and the way Erica said "I want to let youand G.o.dou deepen your friendship" while she expressed her acceptance ofYuri through her att.i.tude."However, Liliana-san is not like that... As soon as you arrived in j.a.pan,you have stuck to Kusanagi-san like glue and treated Erica-san and ourYuri with hostility. You have given us sufficient cause to eliminate you.""Eliminating hazards to the master is part of a knight"s duty!"Liliana responded with a warrior"s style, causing Kaoru to elegantly force asmile."However, Kusanagi is not just your master. At the same time, he is alsoErica-san and Yuri-san"s master, as well as the [King] of all magi in theworld. If you can"t understand what I"m getting at, then Liliana-san is just aknight bodyguard at best. Am I correct?""Is there anything wrong with being a bodyguard? That is part of a knight"sduty in serving the king!""Yes, nothing wrong with that, but while you are toiling away doing a guardand a servant"s job, Erica-san and I are already fighting for the primeminister"s position. Also, either Erica or Yuri, whom I recommended, couldbecome his first lady. Is this fine as well?"Under the mischievous questioning of the cross-dressing Hime-Miko,□liana"s eyes began to show signs of consternation."The History Compilation Committee is already planning on pledging theirloyalty to Kusanagi G.o.dou!?""I am just saying that this outcome is very likely, but it is still under review...Just kidding. Were it true, those troublesome elders would not be aproblem any longer."Kaoru pretended to be joking, but Yuri understood. Since the words justsaid — especially the last sentence, did not feel like just a joke."Even so, why must I return to my country?""It was just an example. Seeing as we will all eventually serve the same[King] as our master, I propose we cooperate. If possible, could you lookafter Yuri a bit? From your standpoint, having us as an ally should beadvantageous, right?""What you mean is... for me to ally with the History CompilationCommittee?""You don"t have to answer straight away, but give it careful consideration.Also, though this is just my personal opinion, if you want to resist Erica, it"dbe best to do some preparatory work first.""Umm... Fine, I will consider whether to ally with you or not."Kaoru resumed her friendly smiling face as a result of Liliana backingdown.In truth, she never even considered getting rid of the knight from the[Bronze Black Cross].Even a strong compet.i.tor could be turned into a chess piece under hercontrol. This was Kaoru"s style. The preceding conversation was plannedexactly for this result. Yuri realized with a fright. After Liliana"s turn, shewas going to be next."Next, Yuri. I hope you can make a few clarifications."Indeed it came. Kaoru explained calmly."So far, we simply requested that you play the role of G.o.dou"s lover inname only. But as you probably know, as soon as Ena was sent here, thesituation changed drastically."Yuri began to consider her options as she listened to Kaoru"s fluentexplanation.Her spirit sense activated to inform her the gist of Kaoru"s demands.Ena and Erica were currently absent. More importantly, G.o.dou was nothere either. Yuri could subtly sense the intentions of the HistoryCompilation Committee and Sayanomiya Kaoru. How should she answerin such a situation?"I don"t like tasteless acts and have no intention of forcing a lovelessrelationship on someone. So it"s probably time for you...""No problem."Determined, Yuri interrupted Kaoru with steady confidence."The feelings between G.o.dou-san and I will not end in simple friendship."With an expression of decisiveness, Yuri looked straight into the face of theandrogynous beauty.Kaoru showed a rare expression of seriousness. Liliana went "Eh!?"followed by Amakasu making a "oh — " expression from behind the sofa."1-1 am not sure if I can become that great one"s wife, but I will definitelyachieve the closest position to that.""Is this what your spirit vision told you? Or your own wish?"Faced with Kaoru"s sudden question, Yuri blushed and replied:"Both... probably. The first time I saw G.o.dou-san, I had a feeling that Iwould form an extraordinary relationship with him. Even now, whenever Ithink about his safety... I am full of unease."From the start, before meeting Kusanagi G.o.dou.The thought of meeting the brutal Campione had terrified Yuri in the past.But after the first meeting, she was able to relax her nervous emotions, andall her worries disappeared. In fact, she started lecturing the worldrenowned Devil King.From that moment, she felt that she could get along well with him.Now, whenever she thought about him who had gone missing and hiscurrent safety —Unease and fear precipitated in the depths of her heart. He must be saved,so Yuri must change herself and prayed to see him back safe and sound.As these thoughts and feelings melded into one, an incredible idea cameto mind.Entrusting herself to this idea and working hard towards it within her ability,Yuri made her decision."I see. Then you will offer your chast.i.ty to Kusanagi, is that correct?""S-Sayanomiya! W-What are you saying!?""C-Correct. I cannot give it to him right away, but in the foreseeable future,it will likely be inevitable...""Mariya Yuri, stop joining in this farce, what on earth are you saying!?"Yuri ignored Liliana"s protests and declared her will. Kaoru smiled wrylyand said:"Well, now that everything has been spelled out to this extent, I havenothing more to say. It"s sufficient, Yuri.""T-Then, may I add something?"Enduring everyone"s gaze focusing on her, Yuri spoke:"I will follow G.o.dou-san to the corners of the world, and even if theCommittee commands me to harm him, I will never comply. If he decidesto distance himself away from the Committee, then I will leave theCommittee in order to follow him. Please do not forget this!"Riding on her rising emotion, Yuri made the above declaration.Kaoru and Amakasu looked at each other after going "Hey, this is really..."and "She"s quite something." Then a mischievous expression crossed themaster"s face before she resumed seriously:"I will bear that in mind, Hime. Then Amakasu, as the wedding gift, go takethat out.""Ah — I really have to go to the storeroom after all? No other way aroundit..."As soon as the word "storeroom" was spoken, the tables in the studybegan to shake, and so did the bookshelves.It did not seem like an earthquake. From the corner of the room, the sharpnoise of something breaking could be heard.Yuri and Liliana exchanged glances, as a witch she sensed it — here in thisbuilding existed an inhuman resident."You two already realized? Amazing, how very sharp of you. The herbsyou need are kept in my family"s storeroom. In it are the collections of theancestors over the ages. Whenever anyone wants to touch them,great-grandfather gets very naggy and will even make a troublesomecommotion.""Kaoru-san"s great-grandfather — the previous previous Sayanomiya familyhead!"Sayanomiya Koremichi. The founder of the History Compilation Committeewho went to Europe to study foreign magic. Born in the Meiji period andpa.s.sed away in the fortieth year of the Shouwa period.Recalling his biographical details, Yuri fell silent. This meant..."All the heads of the Sayanomiya family, throughout the ages, were avidand compulsive collectors. Even after their deaths, they would watch overthose collections. Other than Amakasu receiving a few near deathexperiences on his way to retrieving things from the storeroom, there is noreal danger, so don"t worry.""That is why I said. Please do not ask me to do things exceeding my paygrade! I just can"t stand this!""What"s wrong, shouldn"t a ninja serve the public selflessly?""That ridiculous description is what binds us to labor under extremelyhazardous working conditions!"Yuri and Liliana"s eyes widened with surprise at the revelation of thehaunted house from the little argument between the superior and hersubordinate.In any case, they were now properly prepared to save G.o.dou and the rest."Then let us start preparing the ritual for entering the Astral Plane... To behonest, I have only used this kind of high level magic once, so I cannot becompletely confident."Liliana seemed to be trying to chase away her doubt."But I will try my best, and I hope everyone will a.s.sist me.""If that"s the case, I have a suggestion. Due to spell specializations, eventhough you are both miko, letting Yuri handle the aspects of the AstralPlane will allow much faster progress."Kaoru spoke as she glanced over.Yuri also agreed, since her spirit vision was what western magi calledextracting [Memories of the Void]. In that case, the one most suited totaking action on the other side was —Part 2Meanwhile, the two trapped in the Netherworld could do nothing but take iteasy.Their location was still the same. Amongst the empty streets and within theempty park, G.o.dou sat on the gra.s.s while Erica lazily used his thigh as apillow to lie on."Is it really okay for us to do nothing like this...""It can"t be helped, because there is nothing we can do."Compared to the worried G.o.dou, Erica was very relaxed."Knowing we have disappeared, Yuri and Liliana will surely start searching,so all we need to do is wait for them.""Can we be found?""It"s not impossible, given the combination of Yuri"s spirit vision andLiliana"s magic... But it could take a while. The only concern is how longthe [Youth]"s protection will hold out for."Erica a.n.a.lyzed calmly as she pressed her cheek against G.o.dou"s lappillow."Probably quite a while, but the protection cannot sustain itselfindefinitely... So, the only thing we can do now is affirm our love for eachother.""How did it come to this!? We should be using our time for something moreconstructive!""With my knowledge and magic, nothing can be done about the currentsituation. Same for G.o.dou"s authority. Look, there"s nothing to do but wait.So, let"s do something that neither of us will regret."Lying on G.o.dou"s lap, Erica turned to face him.Seeing her happiness and satisfaction, incomparable to past expressions,G.o.dou"s heart began to race."G.o.dou was great just now... That savagery, and even ordering mearound... Hoho, injecting some freshness like that once in a while is notbad.""l-ls that so? Whatever, if you didn"t mind, it"s fine."G.o.dou suppressed his anxiety.The way he lost control just now was probably under the influence ofVerethragna"s authority.During the ritual, he and Erica seemed like they were caught in a veryabnormal state."Yes, about the protection obtained just now."Unfazed by G.o.dou"s anxiety, Erica caressed her abdomen."Right here, there seems to be a very warm and vigorous ma.s.s of lifeenergy. Just feeling this spot makes me feel very happy... As if our childwas in my womb.""What — !? Y-Your description is too inappropriate!""Ah, but I am the one feeling it, so your objection is overruled. By the way,can I have a real baby with you?""No! Please save your dream speech for when you are sleeping!"Resolutely refusing Erica"s request, G.o.dou made a decision.When someone precious was caught in a crisis, the [Youth] could be usedto protect that person. But using that technique required engaging incertain activities...Forbidden. He must seal the [Youth] and never use it ever again."Really, can"t you continue to show me that manliness from just now?"Erica was beginning to have fits like a spoiled child.But given the vulnerable expression on her face as she rested on his thigh,she was so cute that it must be cheating.If the two of them continued being isolated like that, how much longercould he endure? Who could have thought it was so difficult to ignore thecries of "just give in to temptation" in the depths of his heart?G.o.dou was going mad from unease and anxiety." — G.o.dou-san, Erica-san!"A familiar cute voice.Lifting his head, he saw Mariya Yuri appear in her miko outfit.Finally. The familiar face he missed. However, G.o.dou felt ratherembarra.s.sed to be caught in such a posture in the middle of that kind ofconversation!"Yuri! You found us after all!"Changing her pleading att.i.tude, Erica went back to her usual cheerfulvoice, finally getting up from G.o.dou"s lap."Yes, yes. But what were you two doing in that kind of posture... Tooshameless!"Yuri scolded loudly.G.o.dou bowed his head in shame. It was just as she described, and hecould not bear to face her in that kind of situation."What"s the matter, it"s been a while since I got some alone time withG.o.dou. However... Fine, I did take advantage of the situation, so I willspeak to G.o.dou and let you have him next time. Does that work?"Just as Erica responded to Yuri with a beautiful smile that was impossibleto refuse, G.o.dou"s heart yelled out "That clearly won"t work!""N-Next time for me... Erica-san, please do not say that. B-Because I... stillhave not prepared myself yet..."Yuri spoke softly and was blushing as if she had a high fever.She even stole a glance at G.o.dou but quickly shifted her gaze away. Whatwas going on? G.o.dou felt troubled, for Yuri was acting a bit differently frombefore."M-Mariya what is going on with her...""I think she has accepted certain things, and made many preparations.Since she always had that intention, it"s probably time for you to beprepared."As G.o.dou muttered, unable to grasp the situation, Erica whispered inresponse.Prepare? Intention? What does it all mean?"Did Lily send you over here? Who could have thought she even got thepotion.""Yes, thanks to the a.s.sistance of the History Compilation Committee, wefinally reached this place. Liliana-san, who performed the ritual, actuallywanted to come herself... But since it would be more convenient for me totravel to the Netherworld...""Yes, with powerful spirit vision, Yuri can easily obtain information from thisworld."Seamlessly, the two of them transitioned the conversation to practicalmatters.More convenient for Yuri to be here? Seeing G.o.dou"s incredulousexpression, Erica immediately explained."You must have experienced it already. If you want information, you canobtain it through spirit vision. When Yuri came to this world, sheimmediately found us using spirit vision and easily used that image to flyhere instantaneously. Am I correct?""Yes, but just to be safe, it is best to avoid using spirit vision here as muchas possible."Yuri surveyed the surroundings as she spoke with apprehension."Yes, compared to the real world, my power becomes stronger here.However... if any minor mistake is made, it could become dangerous — thisis the kind of unpleasant feeling I am getting."G.o.dou recalled Ena who went too far with divine possession."If so, then the faster we get out the better. Actually, Seishuuin alreadyreturned to earth, and just like the way Mariya described, she has becomeabnormal. The power of Susanoo and Ama no no Tsurugi hasinvaded her body, and we must save her.""Eh!? Something went wrong when Ena performed divine possession inthe Netherworld?"After showing great surprise, Yuri became serious."If that is the case, then we cannot dally... Everyone, please come to myside."G.o.dou and Erica approached as Yuri directed.As if praying far away to the other side, Yuri closed her eyes and wassurrounded by blue light.Was this the marker to bring them all back to earth?As the thought crossed his mind, G.o.dou"s body was pulled up high into theair. The surface of the Netherworld he had been standing on became verydistant almost instantly.By the time he realized it, G.o.dou and the rest were in the yard of a househe had never visited before.They were back in their original world? Though he did not know how muchtime has pa.s.sed, the sky was completely dark. The majestic TokyoImperial Palace could be seen not far away, so this must be the centralpart of the Chiyoda ward.Within the premises of an ancient mansion, this must be the home ofsomeone rich.Suddenly, he noticed complicated and strange shapes and diagramsinscribed neatly on the ground as well as indecipherable letters andpictograms that seemed like a spell.These were likely the remnants of magic. G.o.dou looked around.Beside him were Erica and Yuri who looked exhausted, while LilianaKranjcar was also running towards him."Kusanagi G.o.dou! You have returned safely!"Fairy-like and silver-haired, the witch was especially emotional as shefought back tears.Feeling apologetic for making her worry so much, G.o.dou also noticed twoother people.The suited figure of Amakasu and a handsome fellow in a corner of theyard."Kusanagi-san, your safe return is more important than anything. Let meexpress my utmost joy at your homecoming.""Amakasu-san! You came at the right time, do you know where isSeishuuin now!?"In the same instant as he questioned the plain looking agent.A chilling wind began to blow and strengthen, and it even started to rain.— A storm was arriving. G.o.dou clearly felt battle vigor awaken from withinhis body.This was surely in reaction to something similar to a G.o.d nearby."This must be caused by Seishuuin Ena and Ama no noTsurugi.""Erica, you can tell?""Yes, probably because G.o.dou gave me Verethragna"s protection, I canfeel it."At some point in time, everyone"s gaze had focused on G.o.dou and Erica.Yuri, Liliana, Amakasu, as well as the handsome character seen for thefirst time.The last person was androgynous and possessed good looks that couldvery well belong to either a handsome youth or a beautiful girl. He or shesmiled at G.o.dou and nodded."I am Sayanomiya Kaoru, and Amakasu"s boss, as well as a Hime-Mikolike Yuri and Ena.""Hime-Miko?""Many people have expressed surprise at that, but let"s put it aside. Justnow, did you say Ena and Ama no no Tsurugi are responsiblefor this? Could you explain the details of the situation to me?"Someone clearly around the same age group, but turning out to beAmakasu"s boss. G.o.dou felt there was something problematic withSayanomiya Kaoru"s self-introduction. As he prepared to respond..." — Save it, because the Campione has returned to this world."The voice identical to that troublesome girl.But it was definitely not her normal tone of voice.Seishuuin Ena"s body stood with Ama no no Tsurugi on the wallthat surrounded the house.The figure of Ena drenched in rain, gave a kind of hollow impression likesome sort of puppet or a doll.Was it because Yuri or Amakasu were being watched? Or did the divineblade have supernatural senses that discovered the Campione"s return?No matter what, the timing of her appearance was rather delicate.G.o.dou was determined. If this continued, so long as she continued to bepossessed in this state, Ena"s body would eventually collapse. She neededsome sense beaten into her to wake up... But the question was how shouldshe be beaten?Verethragna"s ten incarnations were all too powerful to be used againsthumans.As G.o.dou hesitated, Liliana stepped forward."Kusanagi G.o.dou, please leave this to me. All we need to do is catch thatwoman, right? I cannot tolerate her rampaging around any further.""Lily, she is currently not someone you can handle alone, I will join in too."Naturally, the speaker was Erica.Cuore di Leone and II Maestro.The two knights" respective magic swords appeared in their hands. Thentheir brightly colored bandiera capes were also summoned around theirshoulders.The cape striped red and black and the cape striped blue and black.These were what the Templar Knights called the flags of armycommanders and brave knights. On G.o.dou"s right stood Erica in red, whileon the left was Liliana in blue.In front of the red and blue knights, the Hime-Miko wielding the swordspoke without moving her lips."...Mere humans challenging me — the divine blade — and my miko? Rudefellows who do not know their place."This contempt came not from the miko, but from the divine blade.However, its will to fight had been provoked, and Ena jumped down fromthe wall onto the road outside. Presumably, to find an open area, shebegan running towards the main road.Even though she was controlled like a puppet, her motions wereextraordinarily swift.Erica and Liliana also pursued with speed akin to flying.G.o.dou also frantically ran after them. From the scenery he recognized, thiswas the area around Chidorigafuchi.^At the cemetery entrance was an intersection, and opposite was a road fortaking walks where trees were densely planted. Nearby was the ShutoExpressway as well as the palace moat of Chidorigafuchi, the stone wallssurrounding the Imperial Palace, and many cherry blossom trees.As G.o.dou raced after them, a two on one battle was already unfoldingalong the green lanes of Chidorigafuchi.On the hundreds of meters of walking lanes along the moat of the ImperialPalace, large numbers of cherry blossom trees were planted (primarily ofthe Yoshino cherry variety), turning into a beautiful sight every spring."What time is it now?""Almost one in the morning, though this usually has busy traffic, there arealmost no pedestrians at this time."To G.o.dou"s yelled question, Amakasu responded swiftly.This young man easily caught up to G.o.dou who was running at fullstrength.(As a side note, Yuri was left behind long ago, while Kaoru showed nointention of following and only motioned for Amakasu to chase after them.)During the last battle against Ena, who was controlled by Ama no Tsurugi, Erica met with great defeat once.Though it was now two against one, could they handle it? Using aCampione"s authority will definitely kill Ena. G.o.dou was caught in adilemma as he worried about the outcome of the battle."Eli Eli lama sabachthani? Oh Lord, why hast thou forsaken me?"^"People, listen to David"s song of mourning! How are the mighty fallen, andthe weapons of war perished!"^The red and blue knights employed their trump cards from the very start.Both were lyrics singing praises to unparalleled warriors — quotes from thesongs of the heroic King David.The strongest secret moves that could even damage a G.o.d. Erica did notuse it in the Netherworld because she deemed it too dangerous to usespells which consumed too much magical power."But be not thou far from me, O Lord: O my strength, haste thee to helpme. Deliver my soul from the sword; Save me from the lion"s mouth: for171thou hast heard me from the horns of wild oxen!" 1 JFilled with despair, Erica"s mournful wails resounded.These were the "Golgotha Spells Words." Also known as the song ofdisaster, this was the hymn that Jesus Christ sang before he died whilecrucified at the site of Golgotha."From the blood of the slain, from the fat of the mighty, the bow ofJonathan turned not back, and the sword of Saul returned not emptyLiliana"s mournful requiem also reverberated in the surroundings.r [8]This was the "Song of the Bow." A song of mourning that expressed theoverwhelming pain and sorrow when the heroic King David grieved for hisformer master Saul and ally Jonathan."I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregationwill I praise thee."^"O sword of Saul, the warrior"s weapon fast as an eagle and strong as alion. Descend into my hand now!"The spell words of hate and despair were infused into Erica"s magic sword.The spell words of the ancient hero were infused into Liliana"s magicsword.The enemy, who forced them to use their strongest weapons to a.s.surevictory, also began to chant a song of magic in a robotic voice."Awesome beyond speech, O dread theme for my profane tongue... °^Was the one chanting Ama no no Tsurugi, or Ena?From the fact that her lips moved, it was probably the latter. Before it couldbe fully discerned, the Hime-Miko"s body moved like a puppet according tothe rhythm of the song."That ill.u.s.trious Sovereign, Our mighty Lord, Who reared his imperialpalace / On the Makami plain of Asuka..."^ 11 ^Erica used Cuore di Leone to block the horizontal slash of Ama no Tsurugi.However, her whole body was sent flying.She did not have the power to overcome the slashing attack.Under similar circ.u.mstances in the Netherworld, her beloved sword hadoriginally been cut into two. This time it withstood the attack, thanks to theinfusion of the spell words of Golgotha."Now keeps his divine state, Sepulchered in stone. He it was whodescended to dwell / At the pavilion of Wazami Field...""- 12 -"Having sent Erica flying, the divine blade next attacked Liliana.The blue knight attempted to entangle Ama no no Tsurugi usingII Maestro, but was not successful, and like Erica, she too was blown away."In yonder province of the realm, Across the pa.s.s of high-forested Fuwa,there to rule the under-heaven -- To wield the scepter over his widedomain. .." [13]Ena moved her arms, legs and body with stiff movements like a puppet.Nevertheless, her divine sword still managed to swiftly send the knightsinto a deadly crisis.Despite being two against one, the two realized they were outmatched ifthey fought separately and began to confer."Although I hate to do this, we must now cooperate. Attack or defend,which do you choose?""I will defend and Lily attack. If there is a chance, use the bow attack!""Is that okay? If it hits, that miko cannot stay unharmed.""It can"t be helped, since she is using that kind of power, but try to usesword attacks as much as possible!""Understood!"The two knights leaned against each other tightly.Entrusting one side of their bodies to each other, Erica on the left andLiliana on the right, began to advance at the same speed.Though they moved just as fast as before, their attacks were no longer asloose or disparate.When the divine sword came slicing, Erica blocked ingeniously but did notcounterattack.If one were to keep defending in a one on one battle, the opponent wouldeasily follow up their attacks. Without stopping the enemy"s advance, onewould end up in a disadvantaged position, however —In place of Erica who focused on defense, Liliana now concentrated onattacking.Completely ignoring defense, she started a series of attacks with suchferocity and intimidation that even the Ama no no Tsurugi couldnot counterattack as usual.The divine sword and the miko did not say a word, but they clearly becamemore alert.This was due to Erica and Liliana"s formation, their distribution of offensiveand defensive duties, their ever changing swapping of positions, and theirbrave simultaneous advance.The Hi me- Miko, who had held an overwhelming advantage against twoopponents, was now being suppressed for the first time.G.o.dou was greatly surprised to see the red and blue knights cooperatingbrilliantly at a crucial moment."Erica! I will now prepare the bow and arrow, please endure.""Got it!"In order to protect her partner, Erica stepped forward. Behind her, Lilianaput away her magic sword, and in replacement a longbow giving off bluelight appeared in her left hand — the Bow of Jonathan!G.o.dou had once heard about it during the battle against Perseus."The Song of the Bow" was the spell to create the Sword of Saul and theBow of Jonathan.Like Erica"s magic sword infused with the "Golgotha Spell Words", theformer was a sharp blade that can even cut G.o.ds.The latter could summon using the spell words a bow for shooting attacks.The number of shots was limited by the amount of remaining magicalpower. After one or two misses, the precious trump card would be wasted.In the battle against Perseus, G.o.dou saw her fire multiple arrows at once.This was an illusion used to confuse enemies to ensure the target was. .h.i.twith certainty.Summoning this trump card, Liliana was now seeking a decisive end to thebattle!— However the Hime-Miko saw through her intentions, and prepared to useher own trump card."Who summoned his Eastland host; And ordered our prince, Imperial sonas he was, To pacify the furious men / And subjugate all the unrulylands." [14]The spell song for vanquishing barbarians. Ena"s body proceeded to raiseAma no no Tsurugi above her head.Wind swirled and gathered.From beneath Ena"s feet, the violent wind blew like a vortex, forming amini-tornado."Lily, hurry!""I know! O Bow of Jonathan, the warrior"s weapon fast as an eagle andstrong as a lion — !"In Liliana"s right hand appeared four arrows with blue light.At that instant, Ama no no Tsurugi slashed horizontally. Ericatried to block with Cuore di Leone but was deflected away.Both Erica and Liliana"s bodies were devoured by the tornado formed fromunder Ena"s feet."Gaaaaaaaaaaaah!""Waaaaaaaaaaaah!?"Along with their screams, the two knights were blown high up into the airby the tornado.Thrown into the air and then mercilessly dropped onto the ground! Liliana"sblue bow and arrows disappeared from her hands, and she seemed tohave fainted."E-Erica-san, Liliana-san!""Things are not looking well, Kusanagi-san, what are you going to do?"Arriving out of breath, Yuri saw this decisive scene, and her face instantlyturned white.Beside her was Amakasu questioning calmly. G.o.dou ignored the two ofthem and ran towards Ena.1 — Finally, the G.o.d-slayer."Lips motionless, the Hime-Miko spoke softly with blank stares.G.o.dou was speechless; the opponent was definitely very strong.However, even if Ama no no Tsurugi was a divine sword, whatit controls was still a human body whose strength was limited. ACampione"s instincts allowed G.o.dou to discern the true nature of theenemy.Seishuuin Ena whose body was taken by the divine sword, possessedpower that surpa.s.sed human magi.Her current level was probably about the same as the dragon at Naples orthe divine beasts sighted at Sardinia.But compared to a [Heretic G.o.d], it was not a huge threat.For example if the [Camel] was used, a simple victory was likely a.s.sured.However, Ena"s body would be at risk if it had to withstand an attack fromG.o.dou"s authority.Emergency situations required emergency measures. Still..."G.o.dou, it"s not your turn yet. Can you leave things to me?"Someone was speaking to him.The origin of the voice was Erica who was struggling to get up.Summoning Cuore di Leone to her side, she used it as a crutch forsupport."If I fall down here and keep getting defeated by her, it would tarnish myreputation, Erica Blandelli"s.""Okay, you should just lie down and rest, you"ve reached your limits!""No — the battle has just begun... I was about to glamorously reverse thetides of battle in the second round? Do not get in my way...!"Erica got up completely.Though she was putting up a front, she did make an intense declarationthat did not fit her usual style.She gazed at Ena with burning pupils, the Hime-Miko responded with apuppet"s gaze and expression.Stop her? Or let her continue fighting? Of course she must be stopped.There was no doubt. If she continued fighting, she would die. Afterconcluding Erica had no hope of winning, she must be stopped no matterwhat —...Wait a minute. Was there really no hope of winning?The divine sword had sent Liliana flying and unconscious with just onestrike.Nevertheless, Erica withstood it. Since she had been consuming her magicand receiving attacks all this time, she should be weaker than Liliana.Could there be a power protecting her? — Of course!As G.o.dou realized this point, his eyes met with Erica.His gaze moved down towards her lower abdomen.Accompanying the expression of sudden realization, she placed her handover her abdomen there. It looked like she had noticed as well."I forgot. My body currently has G.o.dou"s protection within it... I beseech thesource of my magic, the seal of the [Copper Black Cross], grant unto methe knight"s medal of honor!"Carrying magical power, spell words were spoken out from her mouth.At the same time, a change was produced.Erica"s red and black bandiera transformed into a long mantle-like coat, itslower hem reaching down to her knees. Fluttering intensely, its form waslike a ferocious bird of prey with its wings spread out.Then there was Cuore di Leone.Originally a slender sword, the steel of the lion transformed into the form ofa lance.The steel barbs made it resemble a cavalry lance used by medievalknights of legend. Were its length shortened to about two meters or so, itwould be a one-handed infantry lance.Holding this lance in her right hand, she held an oval iron shield in her left.The colors of bright red and jet black crisscrossed her fluttering battlegarment. Equipped with a knight"s lance and shield, Erica"s heroic figurewas that of a paladino crowned with a crest of the cross."Eh? Why does Erica-san have G.o.dou-san"s — Verethragna"s power!?"Yuri was very surprised and probably saw the reason of the change usingspirit vision.But G.o.dou was equally surprised for he never expected the [Youth]"sprotection to bring about such a change — victory was possible."Erica, is it possible? Can you defeat Seishuuin?""Of course! In my current state, I will not lose to that woman again!"This promise heralded the beginning of the second round.Despite clumsy footsteps, Ena charged forward with exceptional speed.Holding the divine sword with both hands, she slashed diagonally from thetop right to the bottom left.Erica used the oval shield to block.The jet-black divine sword clashed intensely with the shield. Sparks flewfrom where they made contact, releasing intense divine power. They wereevenly matched.However, on Erica"s side, she still had a lance in her other hand.She thrust with all her might, but before the point reached its destination,Ena"s body had jumped backwards like a locust.Hence, Erica kicked at the ground.Faced with Ena"s retreat, she charged forward like a stallion.A surge of continuous attacks like the onslaught of wrathful waves. Enarolled along the ground, evading the dozens of attacks from the lance tip.In the process of rolling, she still managed to use her sword to slash at thecalves of the pursuing Erica.With outstanding reflexes, Erica evaded using small steps to the side.Stopping Erica"s wave of attacks, Ena quickly got up."How amazing, for her to fight evenly with Ena-san who is being controlledby Ama no no Tsurugi, it"s the very image of a fierce demonicG.o.d."Amakasu sounded very impressed.Yuri and Liliana, who had regained consciousness, were also watching thebattle with surprise."Kusanagi G.o.dou... Is that the effect of the final [Youth] incarnation? Whata terrifying power. Anyway, for Erica to have stolen first place, I really mustcomplain."Under Yuri"s care, Liliana seemed a bit regretful.The process of bestowing protection must definitely be kept secret. G.o.douswore to himself as he nodded lightly.Then a surprising turn of events occurred, for Ena started laughing."Ha! Ha, hahahahaha! Too great, Erica-san, I am truly impressed, I neverthought that you can be just as strong as me, who has absorbed divinepower."The cheerful soprano voice that had been absent for so long.Ama no no Tsurugi has allowed Ena to speak, unlike the earlierclear cold tones.This was the original voice of the lovely swordsman who casually enjoyedall the chaos being wrought. G.o.dou wondered if it was because the stateof divine possession had been released, but immediately knew he waswrong.This was because the battle spirit infused in her, from Susanoo and Amano no Tsurugi, had become even more heightened."Excellent, then let"s have a true duel once again, starting now!"Yelling out, Ena"s jet-black divine blade flashed brightly.With noisy scattering sparks, Ama no no Tsurugi gave offblue-white lightning. Bearing the divine power of the conquering steel G.o.dand heavenly child of storms and king of Susa — Susanoo, its power wasincreasing.Ena brandished the sword as easily as if it were her own limb, holding ittightly with both hands straight in front of her chest.Up until now, she had been in a state completely dominated by divinepower and spirit, without a shred of emotion.However, through the joy and thrill of battle, Ena finally retrieved heremotions.Then she entered a state of resonance with Ama no no Tsurugi!"Last time I defeated you with this move, so what will happen this time?Ama no! Seize it!"Ena pointed the blade at Erica, and it gave off a terrifying pulse thatattacked the female knight.Very clearly, it was an attack that absorbed magical power."Useless, your move won"t work a second time!"Erica grabbed the lower hem of her red and black coat and waved.This blocked the pulse from the divine sword. The piece of fabric seemedto possess magical defensive ability almost equal to a Campione"s.Ena smirked unfazed, lifting the divine sword upwards.As Erica defended her body with the shield, she aimed the lance at Ena. Itwas the stance of a frontal charge.— A direct conclusion to the duel.As Ena declared, both sides prepared for the end.The two charged forward at the same time and collided violently.As the divine sword swung down, the lance was thrust forward!Ama no no Tsurugi struck Erica on the shoulder, but the blade"spoint of contact was the part near the hilt.Cuore di Leone pierced into Ena"s body, but it was just a glancing blow tothe left abdomen.Neither blow was decisive.Erica"s charge was too rapid and thus did not get cut by Ama no Tsurugi"s sharpest part; with motions like a wild beast, Enahad narrowly evaded Erica"s fatal attack at the last second.However, this exchange had not ended.It was true that the attack of the lance was evaded.However, with the shield raised high, Erica charged with her entire body.This was the real frontal charge!Ena"s delicate body was blown away as if struck by a car collision."Hmm— !?""This is a knight"s style... A frontal charge to break through the enemy"sranks. Do you feel it?"To the fallen Ena, with irregular breathing, Erica declared victory.However, the winning side also sank to her knees immediately.Her bandiera and Cuore di Leone had returned to normal, and it lookedlike she too was at her limits."Yes, felt it... I surrender."Ena tried to use Ama no no Tsurugi as a crutch for support...but finally gave up.Holding the divine blade, she was lying on the road. Though her body wasimmobile, her face showed a satisfied expression.It resembled those youth movies during the Shouwa period, with therequisite performance at the end of a riverside duel. G.o.dou shrugged hisshoulders but suddenly noticed.The storm, which appeared with Ena, had not subsided. In fact, it seemedto be getting stronger?As the violent wind howled, ma.s.sive raindrops bombarded G.o.dou and thesurface of the road."— Mariya!""G.o.dou-san, it has not ended yet! Ama no no Tsurugi intends tocontinue fighting!"In the instant he asked Yuri, he got the answer.G.o.dou rushed towards the divine sword, planning to snap it in half — butwas a step too late.Ama no no Tsurugi began to expand in size.The roughly one-meter blade expanded nonstop and started to change itsform....Very long. By visual estimates, it was roughly twenty meters or so.The jet-black blade became a body, forming arms and legs. Ama no Tsurugi had transformed into a giant.A sword originally the weight of a woodcutter"s tool, its blade now pointedup towards the heavens to form a vertical body.Connected to two sides of its body were two blades — the arms, and aroundthe approximate position of the elbows there were even joints for the armsto bend.Then there were the legs, made of solid steel, thicker and heavier thaneven the body and the arms.Compared to the length of the body, the legs were rather short, giving asomewhat unpleasant look. Overall, it gave off an extremely sharp feeling.The giant of blades. Ama no no Tsurugi has transformed into agiant of blades who could slice through everything with a simple swing.Ena"s body was stuck inside a location corresponding to the shoulder."Your Majesty..."From within Ama no no Tsurugi, a quiet voice was heard."Seishuuin, are you ok? Can you escape from there!?""No — looks like not... I have no strength. Can Ena make a request?"It was Ena"s normal voice, this time she really seems to be released fromdivine possession."If you are asking to be saved, just wait a little, I am already thinking abouthow to save you.""No, I don"t want to bring you any more trouble..."Ena responded to G.o.dou in a philosophical tone.As they conversed, the sword giant — Ama no no Tsurugistarted moving on its short stubby legs, its direction of advance wastowards G.o.dou!"Ama no is still in high spirits for a battle with Your Majesty.Since that"s the case, could Your Majesty please defeat it quickly with yourpower? It should be a simple task, right? Please do not mind Ena...""What do you mean, don"t mind you!?""After all, everything is my fault... My own willfulness. But in the end, I didget to fight a very interesting and meaningful battle, so Ena has no regrets.Please do not mind and quickly defeat it. Farewell."Towards the end, Ena"s voice could no longer be heard.In its place, was the approaching Ama no no Tsurugi. Though ithad transformed into a giant of blades, its legs were very short and did nothave any joints, so it was sliding along as if kneeling.G.o.dou looked around at everyone present.Erica had already used up all her strength in the intense battle just now.The [Youth] protection has disappeared, and all her magic and staminawere consumed. Even so, she was still struggling to stand up to protectG.o.dou.Liliana, who had been knocked out earlier by Ena"s attack, was trying touse her shaking body to summon II Maestro and likewise planned to battle.On the other hand, Yuri was watching with worried eyes the divine bladethat had devoured Ena.Then there was Amakasu calmly muttering things like "Ara ara, howtroublesome." Though he spoke like that, it was clear that he did not havethe power to defeat the berserk Ama no no Tsurugi.The first thing to do was to leave this place and keep everyone at a safedistance.Deciding that, G.o.dou began to run.Ama no no Tsurugi"s legs were short and its mobility wasterrible. No matter how gigantic it was, running away from it should be asimple task — but just as this thought entered G.o.dou"s mind...Just as he was running past, the sword monster suddenly caught up withunexpected speed.Due to an ominous feeling, G.o.dou watched his back as he continuedrunning. Thanks to that, he confirmed his suspicions as Ama no Murak.u.mono Tsurugi sliced down with its right arm blade.A sound of swish. This was a sound that could split apart air and even rainwater.If the blade had aimed forward another few tens of centimeters, G.o.dou"sbody would have been sliced cleanly in half.Such a sharp sword and its range of attack was so wide!"No way, Your Majesty... Ama no no Tsurugi has no plans formercy, so please destroy it quickly... Hurry, or else it will catch up to you!"It was Ena"s voice again, and it seemed like she has not lostconsciousness. But there was no leisure to listen to her.G.o.dou stopped looking back.Running full speed ahead, he definitely will not be caught.Racing along Chidorigafuchi, the Imperial Palace could be seen opposite.Decorating along the palace moat were the conspicuous trees, the verywell-known cherry blossoms.Since he had increased the distance between them, G.o.dou finally stoppedrunning.The blade monster transformed from Ama no no Tsurugi waschasing along at a clumsy pace. To be honest, it was very slow and itwould be easy to just keep running away, but that would only defer theproblem without solving it."Kusanagi-san, only one solution remains. Didn"t Ena say it already?"Suddenly a man"s voice came from beside him.Turning to the source, G.o.dou caught a fright. Amakasu was standing therewithout any signs of being out of breath."W-When did you follow along?""I"ve been chasing from behind all along. I can run pretty fast you know.Anyway, that thing there is more important, if we let that gigantic divinesword rampage, who knows how the situation will develop..."Amakasu made a very reasonable complaint.But G.o.dou pointed out the detail he had ignored."Is it ok to let Seishuuin get caught in between? She is currently boundtightly to the sword!?""My opinion is that it can"t be helped. As she said so herself, it is all herfault. In this kind of situation, even my boss, Sayanomiya Kaoru, willapprove as the one responsible for the History Compilation Committee.Because there is no other way."No other way... Was it really true? No, G.o.dou did not agree.He had not done what he should. Nothing had been attempted. In such asituation, concluding "no other way" would be too hasty!"If so, I will say only this. No matter what, I will save Seishuuin first, thenhandle the monster later. How"s that?""Oh, there"s such a convenient plan? How are you going to do it?""There"s no plan yet! I"ll just think it up as I go along! This is dangerous.You retreat first!"Hearing G.o.dou"s answer, Amakasu showed an expression of surprise.But there was no time to tend to Amakasu as G.o.dou focused his attentionon the approaching Ama no no Tsurugi.Once again, it swung down its right arm blade. The ma.s.sive bladeapproached G.o.dou"s head. So fast! Despite its immense body size, itssword strikes were extraordinarily skilled.However, it was precisely the reason this could be used. The incarnationthat was unlocked when facing a high-speed attack.G.o.dou used the [Raptor].Other than himself, everything in the world slowed down, and only G.o.douaccelerated.Calmly dodging the giant block of steel that was about to slice his head off,he then rushed onto the body of the blade using the ma.s.sive increase inagility and jumping ability.Easily running along the surface of the blade that was acting as an arm, hereached the shoulder location where Ena was buried.The imprisoned Hime-Miko showed a relaxed expression that seemed tosay, "My life has no regrets — "What a worrying fellow, and yet she is acting so casual... A little shocked,G.o.dou grabbed Ena"s shoulder.Pulling hard, though she seemed to be stuck tight, her body budgedslightly.Very good, now pull once again with full strength. Excellent, she is finallyreleased.Even at this moment, Ena still carried that s.p.a.ced out expression. Thatwas only natural considering G.o.dou was still in a state of acceleration.Carrying the uniformed miko in his arms, G.o.dou jumped off from the backof Ama no no Tsurugi.He originally wanted to attack it from behind.Regrettably, the [Raptor] authority did not have the destructive power todefeat this thing, so G.o.dou gave up the notion.Looking ahead, he found Yuri running towards him.Panting heavily, she stopped to catch her breath. To G.o.dou in hisaccelerated state, Yuri looked completely motionless.Erica and Liliana also came in pursuit.Due to their injuries, even Yuri arrived faster than them. G.o.dou set downEna before them. Next, how should he take care of Ama no noTsurugi?Though he had thought of a way, would it work as planned? G.o.douprepared to use the next incarnation.The accelerated state ended and returned to normal."Mmm... no good after all. M-My chest — !"G.o.dou pressed his hand against his heart as he sank to his knees andcollapsed forward.Using the [Raptor] incarnation resulted in after effects of heart pain and atemporary state of immobility. His wishful thinking had been too naive."...G-G.o.dou-san, why are you here!? Even Ena-san!?""Eh? I was clearly caught by Ama no no Tsurugi? Why are Enaand Your Majesty here?"The voices of the Hime-Miko pair were heard.However, G.o.dou had no time to pay attention to them. Simply enduring thepain was consuming all his strength.Before he realized it, the Hime-Miko pair had held him in their arms andplaced him in a sitting position."You used the [Raptor] incarnation, right? Which is how you rescuedEna-san...""Yes, that"s right. I can destroy that sword if my condition improves slightly,but right now, it"s impossible. You two should run away..."G.o.dou suggested as he nodded to the highly observant Yuri.The pain in his heart was unbearable, but at the very least, he must makesure these two are saved —Having lost him from its sights, Ama no no Tsurugi was turningleft and right, searching for signs of G.o.dou. In this situation, as long asthey did not take him along, they should be able to escape successfully.However, Ena spoke quietly beside him."No, Ena will not escape. Because for things to come to this, Ena isresponsible, and Ama no is Ena"s partner... I will slow himdown, you guys escape first.""Idiot! Even if you risk your life, you won"t be able to stall for long!"Though it was true, the Hime-Miko of the Sword was not deterred.d.a.m.n it, I put in so much effort to save you — as G.o.dou gnashed his teeth,Yuri spoke decisively:"G.o.dou-san, you just need the ability to move temporarily, right?"Yuri asked with a stern expression.That unrelenting beauty, made G.o.dou and Ena withdraw their words ofprotest."Yes, yes, as long as I can concentrate for a while..."Concentrating his spirit and power. Unless he did that, he would not beable to control that particular incarnation well. However, the pain in hischest was making him powerless. Yet he was so close to victory!As G.o.dou gnashed his teeth...Yuri"s face suddenly drew near. No, not only her face, even her lips wereapproaching.Brief contact? Lips to lips?By the time G.o.dou realized what was going on, he was already beingkissed by Yuri!Magical power flowed along with her sweet breath, and the pain in hischest was relieved. Why?"Yes, if you don"t apply spells from within the body, it will not work on theDevil Kings. So that"s what it meant!""Yes, that is correct. Just now I poured restoration magic in through themouth..."Shivering from embarra.s.sment, Yuri conversed with Ena.As G.o.dou lay shocked, he silently watched Ama no no Tsurugi.It seemed to have noticed his location, and was advancing in a slidingmanner, about twenty meters away."Understood! Then Your Majesty, although Ena doesn"t understandcompletely, I will also a.s.sist you. So you must win!""E-Ena!? Why, there is no need for you too..."It came again, this time it was Seishuuin Ena who approached with herlips.This was the third person he kissed today.With the sound of "chuu- " the lips pressed together, gave off a sound likea light gust of wind.His pain mostly subsided, but the extremities of his arms and legs werenumb and his whole body felt powerless. The other side effect of the[Raptor] — the state of immobility had begun.But there was still time to use that.The power of the [Boar] incarnation — the ability to call forth the pitch-blackgigantic beast from another world!"May spines be crushed, may bones be broken, tendons torn; hair, brains,and blood mingled and trampled together with the earth. The oneunblunted and unapproachable! Oath-breaking sinners be purged by theiron hammer of justice!"After roaring with full strength, the entire pedestrian walking lane turnedblack.The pitch-black [Boar] with its burly body, charged and ran out. Theincarnation that could only be summoned to destroy a ma.s.sive object, itstarget was now the gigantic Ama no no Tsurugi.The ma.s.sive monster, whose body length measured twenty metersroughly, dwarfed the strange giant sword.Chidorigafuchi had become the stage for the monster battle between thetall giant of blades and the [Boar].The giant used its sharp and heavy blade to cut open the thick hide andmuscles of the enormous jet-black beast, but it immediately realized thatresistance was futile.In terms of destructive power, their levels differed too much.As the [Boar] bled blue-black blood, it roared joyfully, thrusting the tusksthat did not lose to its opponent in sharpness, and using its entire bodyweight to charge, kick, and trample.Finally, from its mouth came a roar mixed with supersonic waves.Suffering these violent attacks, Ama no no Tsurugi was sentflying repeatedly."Who could have thought that the difference in level was so vast between amessenger of G.o.d and something controlled directly by a G.o.d or aCampione..."G.o.dou lightly exclaimed as he continued to lie motionless for the timebeing.There was nothi

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