
Chapter 44

EpilogueIt was in the Boundary of Life and Immortality that was inhospitable tohumans, the world where the soul was far more important than the body.There, three elders were having a discussion.Their location was a pavilion in a beautiful garden.Though there were no servants, the place was kept very clean and tidy.However, this was not something incredible, for the Boundary of Life andImmortality was composed of many different s.p.a.ces.In this broad realm, environments will change itself according to thepreferences of the master.The fact that the old G.o.d Susanoo lived deep in the mountains underviolent storms was simply his preference."So, it"s time to rate that Rakshasa King, right? You wanted to see how thatperson would treat those girls... which is why this commotion happened,right?"The first one to speak was the great monk in black.A living Buddha was one who has freed himself from the restraints of thebody at the end of a life of asceticism, thereby approaching immortality."Those who I consider good men usually turn out to be excellentmonarchs. When the sleeping child awakens, he will surely become theguardian of the earth."The one who spoke was the gla.s.s princess.The fair princess possessing pupils the color of gla.s.s and unparalleledbeauty, her age actually far surpa.s.sed the great monk"s.As a side note, this elegant garden was her dominion."Princess, I believe your conclusion is too early. I find him too rash. Takethis incident for example, there were actually many easier ways to solvethe matter.""Insignificant matters like this can always be solved in time."The princess disagreed openly with the great monk"s objection."Enlightened Master, did you forget? That person would help women evenat the cost of hardship to himself. In every action, from the wayKusanagi-sama treated the girls, I can see that he is someone who can betrusted with important matters.""Yes, then Old One, what do you think?""From the tricky way he stole my sword, this brat cannot beunderestimated."The elderly G.o.d was the oldest present and spoke in tones as if he wasuninvolved."Though I was planning on sending the miko to him as a gift, I never said Iwould give up the sword as well. Yes, he is impulsive, but I appreciate hisqualities. Anyway, there is no need to make a decision immediately.""That is to say — keep observing?"Susanoo nodded generously to the princess"s question."Yes, it is still uncertain whether the troublesome brat will wake up.Kusanagi"s talents, let me savor them slowly.""So in the end, all the rights and privileges to Ama no noTsurugi has fallen to Kusanagi-san... Is that okay?"It was at the Sayanomiya residence at Sanbanchou of the Chiyoda specialward.Sayanomiya Kaoru sat on the rocking chair in the study, murmuring toherself as she rocked."Ena-san seems to think so, but it hasn"t been confirmed yet. After thatcommotion, Ama no no Tsurugi still harbors great divine power,but the previous user Ena-san can no longer use it. Neither can she send itback to the original owner — the Old One. So that is the situation now."The one who answered was Amakasu Touma.The master and subordinate looked at the sword in its sheath lying onKaoru"s office desk.Ama no no Tsurugi. Though this sword contained the deity ofthe conquering G.o.d, it was also a subordinate G.o.d to Susanoo."Due to Ena"s divine possession losing control, Ama no noTsurugi gained the status of an independent G.o.d, so Kusanagi-san whodefeated it has usurped the G.o.d"s authority... That could be whathappened, maybe."Kaoru spoke as she gazed at the shattered divine blade."It could very well be his second authority. "I will become the companion ofone who is stronger than me." It"s such a shounen manga development.""Its appearance has been restored, but its internals are still broken, right?""It"s embarra.s.sing, but yes, it was destroyed quite thoroughly."No matter what, a continued discussion was not going to yield the truth.Towards the competent but not necessarily loyal subordinate, Kaoruordered with frivolous tones:"In any case this is something dangerous and cannot be returned to Ena"spossession. It is decided that it will be kept in the storeroom of this house.By the way, giving it to the temporary owner should be another option.""I have also tried asking, but he refused because he did not want to breakthe firearms and weapons regulations.""Kusanagi-san... has common sense in a surprising area, what a strangeperson.""He definitely wouldn"t want to be described like that."Liliana Kranjcarwas puzzled.In front of her, Kusanagi G.o.dou and Mariya Yuri were casually havinglunch. However, she felt that they had become even more intimate... Wasthis her imagination?After the commotion caused by Seishuuin Ena and Ama no noTsurugi, a few days have pa.s.sed and it was the following week, lunchtimeon a certain school day.As always, they were having lunch on the roof.As usual, Liliana prepared lunch for Kusanagi G.o.dou.Today"s menu was authentic Spanish seafood paella, as well as fruit,cheese, cuc.u.mber pickles, etc... However, beside it were two blackwooden lunchboxes.One contained salmon rice, with three green leaves scattered on top,providing a nice contrast of color for the food.The other lunchbox was filled with side dishes. Kyoto roasted fish, spicytofu, meatb.a.l.l.s, a dish made of lappa and konjac, as well as varioushomemade pickles...Not only did they taste delicious, but they also looked great. Simply thesight of the food"s beautiful appearance was a pleasurable experience.Liliana looked at the lunch she prepared in a simple container, and couldnot help feeling uneasy. Though in taste she definitely did not lose to Yuri,perhaps she was greatly surpa.s.sed in terms of visual impact.The one who brought these wooden lunchboxes was the Hime-Miko,Mariya Yuri."Mariya sure can cook well."G.o.dou praised as he tasted the various offerings, separated out ontopaper plates."If this was taken to grandfather, it will definitely pa.s.s. That guy"s mouth isextremely picky, especially towards j.a.panese cuisine. But this taste isdefinitely good enough.""Uh, thanks. But even if it for grandfather, how aboutG.o.dou-san...?"Being praised, Yuri asked with apprehension.Probably because she was so concerned with G.o.dou"s response andopinion, her expression did not have any confidence."Umm, could it be that it does not suit your tastes?""No no, how could that be possible, your cooking is very delicious.""Is that so? Then I am relieved... However, if you dislike anything, youmust be honest, I will remember it.""Don"t say that. This kind of luxurious lunch, no matter how it"s made it willbe very delicious."Rea.s.sured and smiling once again, Yuri was acting towards G.o.dou in anatural manner without any stiffness.Liliana was certain. These two people could not have behaved so naturallybefore. They used to be polite but distant, and now it was all gone...!"G.o.dou-san, if you have something that you like, do you want me to get itfor you with chopsticks?""Yes, but this kind of little thing I can do myself, no need to troubleyourself.""But I am closer to the lunchbox... It will be easier for me."Holding the paper plate and the serving chopsticks, Yuri asked. ThoughG.o.dou had refused, he immediately changed his tune to "you are right"and made two or three requests afterwards.Hearing these exchanges, Liliana"s heart was filled with anxiety.Recently when she made the same requests, G.o.dou would always refuseher resolutely with "no need, it"s fine!"If she tried to take care of him or serve him like before, G.o.dou would runaway, very wary of how others viewed him.Saying something like losing a man"s dignity, I"m not a leecher on women,etc... All these puzzling speeches.However, why could Mariya Yuri — !"Liliana-san, is there anything you would like? Please take anything thatsuits your fancy.""Uh, no problem, please do not mind me."Liliana frantically played dumb.Yuri was like a well-mannered high-cla.s.s lady, full of benevolent smiles.She was nowhere as reserved as before, what was the reason for thischange?"As different as the north wind and the sun, so goes the saying."Sitting on the side, Erica Blandelli murmured to herself.Appearing without a lunch again, she gave herself good reason to plunderYuri and Liliana"s lunchboxes."Yuri"s strengths match very well with G.o.dou"s value system. Once theirrelationship pa.s.sed a certain point, it was only natural to expect this kind ofsituation. Even if she ran into some difficulties lately, their relationshipalready showed these hints before that."The [Diavolo Rosso] explained as if she saw through everything."E-Erica, what on earth is going on?""Exactly as you see, G.o.dou is completely unwary of her, and Yuri can actnaturally beside him and apply herself towards what a "woman" can do.This is something that neither I nor Lily can manage.""Are you saying that my master is wary of me!? What an insult!"Liliana was protesting with a voice that only Erica could hear.However, Erica sneered with pity, and Liliana could not help feelingterrified."Lily, this war cannot be won with desire and instinct alone. Of course, ifyou are satisfied with being just a "convenient woman," then that"s anothermatter.""W-what are you saying!?"I know him better than you do.Implying that and bragging to herself, Erica"s expression was especiallycontemptible. However, Liliana did agree that the situation was not good.Kusanagi G.o.dou and Mariya Yuri getting along so well was a hugeproblem.As the knight guarding over him, how could she get in between them?Wait a minute, come to think of it, she just negotiated with SayanomiyaKaoru, and agreed to ally with them. As it stands, she could only standaside and watch things develop...Liliana agonized in depression, when suddenly Kusanagi Shizuka"s voicewas heard."Really! Onii-chan and Mariya-senpai have been flaunting their affection allthis time! And getting increasingly intimate! This has to stop! You look likefools, how unsightly!"She complained with great agitation.With an unfazed expression, G.o.dou and Yuri simply looked at Shizuka,their sister and junior respectively."What affection... Aren"t we just eating lunch normally?""Yes, Shizuka-san, stop saying strange things. Quiet down and havelunch."Being criticized instead, Shizuka"s shoulders trembled with rage."Hmm... Your att.i.tudes sure are unified, and you dare say you are notaffectionate? What is going on, you"re like a couple who have beenmarried for years, totally shameless!""What married couple, you idiot, don"t make jokes like that.""Yes, calling us a married couple... Actually, not yet..."The two denied as they looked at each other, and shyly bowed their headsat the same time.As Liliana endured the shock of watching their interactions, a new girlappeared on the roof.Casting everything aside, Liliana and Erica exchanged glances, for theintruder was Seishuuin Ena."Ena-san! Your body has recovered?""Yes, well enough. Sorry to everyone, I"ve brought all of you trouble thistime."The Yamato Nadeshiko style Hime-Miko responded as she approachedthe group.It felt a little strange to see Ama no no Tsurugi absent from hershoulder.Reportedly, the recent frequent storms were all because of her.Apparently, storms were summoned by divine power after communicatingwith Susanoo in the Netherworld.Who could have expected the trouble-making woman to show up! Lilianacould not help glaring at Ena."In order to reflect on this incident, Ena will temporarily return home to beeducated. So before I leave, I just wanted to greet you all..."Hearing Ena"s words, Shizuka showed a questioning expression thatseemed to say, "What is this about?"Reluctant to explain to his sister, G.o.dou swiftly said, "Don"t mind it.""Though all sorts of major... well, not too major things happened, I don"tthink we really mind. The next time we meet, I hope we can get alongbetter."G.o.dou changed his words midway because he recalled but hoped todownplay the tragedy of Chidorigafuchi.Though G.o.dou was the world renowned Campione, he was still delicate incertain areas."Yes, it is for sure. Ena will get along with you all in the future, it"s apromise!""Yes, much appreciated. Erica, is it okay? I have already made peace withher.""Sure, since G.o.dou has already spoken, I will turn a blind eye and forgetyour mistakes."Erica shrugged.If that"s the case, Ena"s farewell greeting should be coming to a close, butjust as G.o.dou thought that, Ena"s expression suddenly became seductive."...So, from today onwards, it"s fine if Ena becomes one of Kusanagi-san"s"women," right?""M-My what!?""Onii-chan! This person has said something unbelievable, what is going onagain!?"Shizuka yelled out while Erica, Yuri, and Liliana silently watched the two,deep in their own thoughts. G.o.dou simply felt troubled."Actually, that was the whole reason why Ena came in the first place. SinceKusanagi-san risked his life to save me, and caused Ena to fall in love withyou. Also, Kusanagi-san has obtained the Ama no no Tsurugi,right? That is Ena"s partner, so why don"t you accept it along with me!""N-no, besides how come I didn"t know that I have gained something sodangerous!""But that is the truth... Ena is still a little afraid of doing erotic things, butkissing is completely fine. Do you want to have another go? Right now?""K-Kissing, what is that all about?! Onii-chan, what is going on!"As Ena approached and Shizuka questioned, G.o.dou looked towards theother three as if pleading for help.Great, this was now the time to win his trust.Liliana coughed, and began to speak calmly."Kusanagi G.o.dou, it looks like you are trying to act coldly towards this girlwho wants to enter your harem. This is not like you. You should accept herwith the usual att.i.tude, as befits a king"s dignity. As for little sister Shizuka,I will explain to her later. Please leave it to me!"Though it was not something she wished willingly, now was the time to lethim witness the acceptance in her generous yet sorrowful heart.But her master held his head in his arms instead."Liliana, do not make things worse with those kinds of words!""G.o.dou, that woman is no good. Though I can forget the suffering shebrought me, I cannot agree to let her serve by G.o.dou"s side!""That is correct. Ena you have to watch your words and actions. Do notmake things hard for G.o.dou-san!"True autumn was rapidly approaching, but the chaos and commotionsurrounding Kusanagi G.o.dou probably would not subside for the timebeing.AfterwordIt"s been a while, everyone.This work has finally reached the fifth volume. For this series to havecontinued so far, it was all thanks to everyone"s support. Here I express myutmost grat.i.tude to you all.So in this volume, the second meeting of some kind of judgment councilwas held.Actually, the contents of the first judgment council meeting has alreadybeen published.In the official website of Shueisha"s Super Dash Bunko, there are specialsfor many of the works under their banner. The "Campione!" special is alsoquietly being released.Those who haven"t read them, should check it out some time.By the way, about those little booklets given out for free in public eventswhich contain unpublished series or short stories. The one who makesthese booklets is H-san who works at the editorial department of SuperDash Bunko. With sorrowful eyes, he has complained to me saying "thosetake a lot of work" as he made those masterpieces.People who have received these booklets, please be mindful of H-san"sefforts, and don"t throw them away.Actually, I have many ideas locked away in my mind that probably have nodirect effect on sales.Though some of them have been published as short stories, but it is justthe beginning.For example, there is the short story "The Night of Milan Where Only MenWatched "Magical Girl Sorami,"" or "RPG Stats of All Major Characters, theHighest Abilities Turn Out to be That Unexpected Person," or "An AbilitiesChart Like an SLG, the Numbers are so Expected, Too Boring," as well as"Living Legends of Campione."...Though it sounds like bragging to be coming from me, but these are alltreasure troves of ideas that do not help sales.Perhaps these may one day be released on the internet or through otherforms. However, to this date there hasn"t even been a blog or websiteunder the name of Takedzuki Jou.No, I am a novelist after all, perhaps it would be a good idea to do a blog?But then again, right... Even before beginning, I felt it was troublesome toupdate... No no, it"s the pressure of having to provide fresh material toeveryone regularly, that has given me pause against taking the first step.If readers are willing to do anything to see these ideas, you can tryimitating our friends at the "15x24" commemoration panel event whoattacked Shinjou-san and chief editor Marutakara, and relay to the editorialdepartment of Super Dash Bunko your precious opinion...Also, "15x24" is very interesting, would it be possible for me to get a firstglimpse at the already written Volume 6? No? I see...Back to the topic at hand, Volume 5 was the prologue of the "School Saga,"though the developments were kind of mediocre.Though certain parts were censored, but what I mean by mediocre is justcompared to the average level of the series in general.A reaction to this may appear in the next volume.Most likely it will be the named characters so far, caught in a chaotic battlewith this G.o.d or that G.o.d.If the opportunity arises, let us meet again in the intense battles of Volume6.

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