
Chapter 81

Chapter 5 - Black Prince versus Kusanagi G.o.douPart 1Alexandre Gascoigne was a G.o.d-slaying Devil King.However, he did not have the kind of overwhelming vitality that allowed himto subsist on air. Neither did he have the lifestyle preference to endureliving outdoors in the wilderness....But in actual fact, Alec displayed substantial survival skills in crisissituations. With that kind of ability, going so far as to build shelter on anuninhabited island, skillfully foraging and making fire, it was very possibleto establish a new life of comfort.Nevertheless, Alec was an adult male born in modern society.He never wanted to emphasize that kind of vitality in particular. Whenstaying abroad for extended periods of time, it became kind of customaryfor him to establish a local stronghold.This time, he chose to lurk at the Yokohama Chinatown in j.a.pan."Alec, what kind of Campione is Kusanagi G.o.dou?""In short, a person who brings tons of trouble to his surroundings...Anyway, it"s obvious I"m busy right now. If you want to chat, save it forlater."Alec quickly replied to Cecilia Cheung who was waiting in the living room.He was in the kitchen, noisily stirring a Chinese wok, heating leftover riceto drive out the moisture."I consider my question more important than preparing lunch..."The bespectacled girl who remained majestically expressionless bydefault, spoke indifferently as always."I hate being disturbed when concentrating on a specific task. It"s almostready anyway. Just be quiet for a moment."Stir-frying the rice until individual grains were distinctly separated for afluffy texture was the secret to authentic fried rice--Wearing an ap.r.o.n, Alec stared only at the wok without even glancing at hissubordinate.The [Royal a.r.s.enal] a.s.sociation"s commander-in-chief and its Taiwanesemember were currently in a luxury apartment at Yokohama"s Chinatown --in a room on the ninth floor of the eighteen-story building.This was where Alec lurked.The port city of Yokohama, facing Tokyo Bay, was not a place worthy ofbeing called a stronghold.Locked away by the labyrinth authority, the little island was merely a pieceof rock. Even someone like Alec was not curious enough to want to livethere.As a side note, the two of them were not using a rented unit.Cecilia Cheung -- as one of Chinese descent, she had asked a relative toprovide her with this apartment.Naturally, the relative in question was no ordinary person but a core leaderof the Chinese wizardry a.s.sociation, the [Nine Heavens Syndicate]. Thisrelative was partial to the renown of Black Prince Alec.Had they chosen to lurk in the imperial capital"s confines, the HistoryCompilation Committee would likely have pinpointed their residence"slocation.Hence Alec made a request to the [Nine Heavens Syndicate], therebyobtaining accommodations in Chinatown, a place known to the j.a.panesewizardry world as the "Concession.""Here... Take these to the table over there.""Got it. Hey Alec, I"ve wanted to say this a long time ago, you really are adiligent person."Cecilia sighed as she spoke. She surveyed the unit as she carried out thecrab fried rice, Chinese chicken soup and seafood salad that wasportioned for two.This 4LDK^ unit had been kept neat and tidy without a speck of dust.The unit had already undergone extensive cleaning in preparation for theDevil King Campione"s arrival. But in addition to that, Alec himself devotedtime every day to clean and tidy up the place."Servants and chefs? I can take care of myself. I don"t like strangersbuzzing around in my surroundings. Also, please keep your comments toyourself."That was the order he had issued with a stiff poker face.As a side note, given sufficient living standards, Alec did not bother withmaking effective use of every room.All he needed was a single bedroom with a bed, closet and a desk.Researching or contemplating deep into the night, it was common for himto lie on the sofa when suffering from insomnia. This was enough. Whethera 4LDK or a 1 K unit, having s.p.a.ce to live was sufficient.Even so, he still tidied up every nook and cranny in all the rooms. That wasthe kind of disciplined life Alec led.Thirty minutes earlier, Cecilia who was staying at a relative"s house, hadjust returned with food she bought from Chinatown-"You call this crab fried rice!? The rice grains are soggy and they usedfrozen crab meat -- not only that, it"s poor quality stuff that"s been frozenand refrozen multiple times. Let me show you how authentic fried rice isdone!"Saying that, he began firing up the wok. At the same time, he startedpreparing the soup and salad with great familiarity."Even though I seek expediency, there are things I cannot compromise on.If a residence is uncomfortable, I will personally improve the conditions. If Iwant delicious food, I will cook it myself. That"s all there is to it.""That is one thing amazing about you -- a philosophy that works equallywell whether in a city or an uninhabited island..."Boss and subordinate sat face to face at the table, chatting as theyenjoyed their meal."Well, that Kusanagi guy sure brings troubles to others."Satisfied with the fluffy texture of the fried rice, Alec chatted in an equallyfluffy mood."That guy"s modus operandi is to go around claiming to be a pacifist. That"show he catches others off guard. If he is regarded as a dangerous objectfrom the start, then people will notice as soon as he approaches. However,since he successfully disguises himself as harmless, people relax and heuses the opening to cause ma.s.s destruction."Alec had been observing events in j.a.pan during the commotions causedby the Great Sage Equaling Heaven and Lancelot.As a result, he had gained a clear understanding of the CampioneKusanagi G.o.dou."Furthermore, his ability to deceive women is unparalleled. I don"t knowhow he did it, but he seems to have won the demonic cult leader"sapproval, and become her sworn little brother...""As befits one of Alec"s peers."As Cecilia concurred, Alec frowned slightly."Don"t even think of comparing me with those other guys as if we"re in thesame category. There"s actually nothing similar, for I am different fromthose who act impulsively without thinking.""Alec, you should pay more attention instead. Try not to be in denial overyour own nature, okay?""Nonsense. I am a rare person who has thoroughly grasped his ownstrengths and weaknesses.""Is that so? By the way, I was thinking..."Alec"s confident protest was simply brushed aside by Cecilia withindifference.Hmm. The furrow on Alec"s brow deepened."Such a troublesome character. Even if we do not recruit him as an ally weshould not make enemies out of him. But Alec, you always look like youare taking a battle stance. Clearly you"re lacking in caution.""No. That idea of yours is very flawed. It pains me to say this, but yourperception is lacking."Alec shook his head at the clever but inexperienced Cecilia."Flawed? How so?""The fact that you keep thinking of them as normal people. Listen well,when dealing with people beyond common sense like Campiones, be sureto abandon naive notions such as "negotiations can bring peacefulresolution," "the other party is human too," or "humans can reach mutualunderstanding." These people should be understood as "ferocious beasts"instead.""...Really?""Ah yes. It must have been seven years ago, when I was on an expeditionin California. I met Los Angeles" John Pluto Smith. Even as a Campione,that guy was predisposed towards rationality, so I thought I could developamicable relations easily. At least, it shouldn"t become hostile.Consequently, I couldn"t even voice out one tenth of the thoughts runningthrough my mind when I met him.""...What were they?""Thoughts like "you"re an adult and you still haven"t graduated from yourmasked disguise phase?" "Always using playacting speech and behavior togarner attention like some kind of narcissist." Also "Making others waitevery time in order to arrive fashionably late," that kind of stuff... And muchmore. I"m sure anyone who met him has had all kinds of thoughts like this."Recalling the past encounter, Alec explained."However, all that effort turned out to be a waste. We had clearlyestablished friendly relations already, but a week after our encounter,Smith and I had an all-out fight. It pretty much reached a stalemate...""How did it come to this?""Maybe the timing of our encounter wasn"t right, or perhaps I can"t keep upwith that overly egotistical personality of his... In the end, we had aceasefire and signed a non-aggression pact, agreeing to keep out of eachother"s affairs.""The one with the greater ego should be you, right...""Anyway, that was it. I"ve experienced many similar incidents in the past."Interrupting Cecilia who seemed to have many opinions to offer, Aleca.s.serted:"When the opponent is a Campione, conflicts will arise if they are coming,while peace talks will occur naturally only if they are possible.Consequently, trying to change anything only results in wasted effort."Without reaching any consensus, Alec and the silent girl stared at eachother.Anyway, has she been convinced to change her inappropriate views? Justas Alec puzzled-"By the way, are things over at the "island" fine?"Cecilia changed the subject. Perhaps she had grown tired of the fruitlessdiscussion."No problem. An alarm will be transmitted here if anyone approaches thatlabyrinthine sea. If anything happens, I can return immediately."The "island" which was the legendary Avalon, or perhaps known as theFloating Island.The ancient island raised up by the Heavenly Reverse Halberd in thewaters near Yokosuka. Using the authority of divine speed to turn intolightning, Alec could fly there in an instant."That island is the place where King Arthur... No, his prototype the war G.o.dsleeps, right? He should be embracing that [Sword] called the whateverdivine sword of salvation while sleeping there, right?""Exactly."Answering Cecilia"s question, Alec sipped a mouthful of soup."If that was the way it should be, Alec, why did you have to use thatartifact? By common logic, should that island not exist originally?"When Alec went to Los Angeles, he had ordered Cecilia to retrieve anartifact.Asked about the secret treasure that Alec had discovered on anIndonesian island and a.s.signed to a local trusted acquaintance forsafekeeping, Alec replied indifferently."But of course, it is more than necessary. It is the crucial item needed tosummon that Guinevere to this island. Predicting it would surely come inhandy at some point, I had the foresight to keep it hidden rather thandisplayed at headquarters."The museum at St. Ives was where his stronghold was located.It was the place where Alec often exhibited the things he discovered orborrowed.However, everyone knew it was the Black Prince"s home. None of hissubordinates who frequented the place were weak in combat. As a finalsafeguard, Sir Iceman was stationed there, but Alec still would not keepany item there which would attract truly dangerous enemies."True. But Alec, it is very hard to believe how you came to be so certain ofsomething that should be there but was not there.""On the contrary. Precisely because it is the resting place of the "King ofthe End," that possibility is very unlikely instead. For that island is the placethe Divine Ancestors have sought in vain over the past millennium andmore."Thinking of Guinevere, Alec continued."That witch must have considered this a long time ago -- if the searchcontinues to be fruitless, what could be the reason? Perhaps someone hascleverly concealed the master"s location. The sleeping master, what wayscould he have been hidden... Something like that."It must have been the ancient members in the upper echelons of theHistory Compilation Committee. Apparently they saw the threat presentedby the "King of the End" and decided to conceal his existence. If I were intheir shoes, how would I hide him?What Alec pondered from there was what Guinevere never considered.This was the difference in their thinking."Well, even if the conclusion is correct, I have no way of speculatingbeyond that. Simply considering the current situation, there are twentypossible outcomes. All I can do is set up a gambit which handles all ofthem. Simply stated, this is all in preparation for capturing Guinevere.""...What are you planning?"But at that moment, Cecilia said softly:"Even though you are so talented... You must be quite a failure in dealingwith "women."""Nonsense. I am completely different from Kusanagi G.o.dou. I"m not goingto obsess over women, nor am I going to regret my decisions simplybecause of getting duped by females. You owe me an apology."Alec retorted angrily, but Cecilia shook her head vigorously."That"s not what I meant. What Alec"s plans incur, are likely theunpredictable thoughts and feelings of women, infatuation, obsession orthe like. Because it is unconditional love, consequently, the type ofenemies you have the most trouble handling are basically "women." ThatPrincess is a very good example.""Stop trying to find fault in strange ways. That type of women, I do not haveany trouble at all."Secretly reminiscing Greenwich"s Princess, Alec exclaimed.At this time, a "familiar" manifested on the table in the form of a [BlackCalf]. However, it was only the size of one"s palm. Its round eyesglimmered with definite intellect.The calf which suddenly appeared out of s.p.a.ce, sat next to the bowl offried rice gazing up at Alec."A visitor?"Alec puckered a smile. This was the familiar born from the authority of theferocious bull G.o.d Minos.It had manifested for the sake of managing and guarding the labyrinth Alechad created. Through eye contact with the calf, Alec instantly receivedintel.(In the waters around the labyrinth, a strong magical presence hasappeared.)"Divine beast? Fake G.o.d? Or Lancelot?"(Unknown. But not a [Heretic G.o.d].)"In other words, it should be something above a divine beast. Looks likeGuinevere has finally made a decision, cautious though she may be. I willgo there immediately."Alec leisurely spooned fried rice into his mouth as he spoke.It was not so urgent that he did not have the leisure to fill his stomach orget a change of clothes. So, which jacket should he wear today? Alecpondered as he ate.Today will probably be quite busy, unless time was used wisely-Part2On the next day after the war G.o.d"s ambush, Kusanagi G.o.dou came toShounan.Outside the window was the vast and deep blue sea. The location was aseaside cafe.Yesterday, Lancelot had enchanted G.o.dou with a secret technique formaking desires run amok. This resulted in the formation of an exoticpartnership between enemies."Why must a meal be partaken at such a venue..."Guinevere grumbled disapprovingly.The Witch Queen who always kept a serious expression was showing suchan expression for the first time. Nevertheless, G.o.dou ignored her.Satisfying my hunger is the most important thing right now. G.o.dou took ahuge bite from his sandwich containing chicken, organic vegetables andherbs. Tasty! The leafy greens of the rucola lettuce were very fresh, thethin slices of tomatoes were quite fragrant, and the salty taste of thechicken made it even more delicious."I won"t stop you if you want to stay away from towns and crowds, but I"mnot interested, nor do I share that preference. While on the move with me,do try to conform to my way of doing things, got that?"Slowly swallowing his sandwich, G.o.dou declared leisurely.Sitting opposite G.o.dou were two girls. Divine Ancestor Guinevere andcool-looking Lancelot with her short honey-colored hair.Guinevere was rather striking in her usual black formal dress.Whenever a beautiful girl dressed up in Gothic lolita fashion, crowds ofonlookers naturally gathered. Whether staff or customers, all were staringat Guinevere with admiration."In any case, this lowly establishment of philistines is inadequate for one ofGuinevere"s stature. Kusanagi-sama, given you are also one of highstature, do express some concern for a lady!"Unsettled by people"s stares, Guinevere spoke with her face all red.On the other hand, Lancelot sitting next to her remained calm andcomposed."Is this not wonderful? To be an adorable child. Even alone in thewilderness, you will be gazed upon by the blowing wind and theconstellations filling up the sky. Birds, bugs and beasts are all watchingyou. Humans likewise. Those of one"s stature merely need to displaycorresponding solemnity."Saying that, she raised her coffee cup to her lips.Naturally, the Divine Ancestor and the war G.o.d did not have a clue aboutcoffee etiquette. The coffee they were drinking had been G.o.dou"s judiciouschoice.Lancelot had removed the slightly filthy cloak she was wearing yesterdayand changed her clothes.A white knitted sweater over a shirt together with black pants. Rathertasteful and conservative attire."But Sir Knight!""Hohoho. Being called that in this current state, is slightly embarra.s.sing."The short-haired beauty smiled at the furious one she protected.In actual fact, Lancelot was drawing an equal amount of attention. As aknight she openly accepted it all, letting everything meld into the scenery ofthe cafe.Nevertheless, these words of advice failed to appease Guinevere"sindignant emotions.She finds things unbearable simply because of the crowd"s stares? G.o.doufound it rather incredible. He would have thought she was a woman lesspetty than that-"Ah yes, really?"Discerning the reason for Guinevere"s displeasure, G.o.dou could not helpchuckling to himself."What are you laughing about, Kusanagi-sama?""Well, this. I think you are unexpectedly cute in certain ways.""Cute? What are you referring to?""You should know very well, Guinevere.""What!?"Guinevere"s face instantly flushed all red."Kusanagi-sama, exalted as you are as a Devil King, how could you speakso rudely to the Witch Queen? Please be mindful of your own behavior.Why on earth do you have to call Guinevere cute!?""Because you are very stubborn."G.o.dou smiled mischievously and teased."Since yesterday, I have taken all matters into my hands. Finding so manythings inconsistent with the great Witch Queen"s expectations, you arequite displeased, right?"Last night, G.o.dou had received Lancelot"s curse.Led by the beautiful war deity, G.o.dou came to the seaside whereGuinevere was waiting."Thank you for your patience, Kusanagi-sama. For you to accept ourhumble invitation, we are overjoyed from the depths of our hearts--"Guinevere offered a welcome in her usual tones full of pretense. Thatchild-like smiling face was overflowing with the Witch Queen"s glee fromhaving s.n.a.t.c.hed a chance for victory. However, G.o.dou declared withouteven looking at her:"Whatever. I accept the invitation."Then he extended his hand towards Guinevere"s face.The one and only Witch Queen could not help but feel her body stiffeninstantly. During this time, her slender chin was being clamped betweenG.o.dou"s index and middle fingers, forcing her to lift her gaze towardsG.o.dou"s face."Remember this well. After I take care of Gascoigne, I will conclude matterswith that Lancelot. I will not allow you to interfere. Otherwise, prepareyourself for the consequences. You do want to revive the one called the"King of the End," right?""Y-You are saying you will kill Guinevere...!?""Of course not. I won"t do that. However, there are many ways to obstructyou from reviving him. You"d better not even think of going against mewhen I"m in top form."G.o.dou had been speaking softly.However, he was now speaking in a voice so fearsome and solemn hehimself could not believe it possible. Her spirit broken, Guinevere onlynodded vigorously in earnest. Then she cast a helpless gaze towards herprotector."Apologies, beloved child. One has enchanted Kusanagi G.o.dou with[Insane Rush], a curse that allows him to fight Alexandre Gascoigne beforedueling with this Knight. It is exceedingly simple... But as expected of aG.o.d-slayer, he possesses substantial dignity. Even under a curse, it wouldappear that forming an alliance of equals is impossible.""Equals? Don"t be ludicrous."Hearing Lancelot"s words, G.o.dou ridiculed."Just leave everything to me from this point onwards. If an overcautiouswoman like Guinevere were to be in charge, even what is rightfully yourscannot be won back. Until the battle with Gascoigne begins, you are bothunder my command. Only this way can lead you to victory."This declaration caused Guinevere"s beautiful face to pale.On the other hand, her beautiful guardian deity simply went "Hmm..." andcrossed her arms, muttering as she contemplated. In the end, noobjections were raised. Deep down, she must have agreed with KusanagiG.o.dou"s words.Thus Kusanagi G.o.dou became the leader of this impromptu alliance ofenemies.After that, Kusanagi G.o.dou commanded Guinevere to prepare food andlodgings using her magic.Deciding during the night that "Tomorrow will be the a.s.sault on the island,"he prepared by making detailed plans. A good night"s rest to receive themorning, a good meal in preparation of the battle -- that was how thingscame to this.Then he came to this seaside cafe with two beautiful girls in tow, thusleading to the present."What displeasure, there"s nothing of that sort!"Teased by G.o.dou, Guinevere denied vehemently, her face flushed redwith embarra.s.sment.But he had most likely hit the mark, for she clumsily turned her face awayfrom his gaze."Hoho, don"t be shy. Even as the Witch Queen, that"s so childish of you. AllI said just now was you"re cute, right? That"s not something I dislike.""Eh?"G.o.dou"s smile gave Guinevere a severe fright.Even though decades had pa.s.sed since her successful rebirth, the DivineAncestor was still a p.u.b.escent girl. The Witch Queen held terrifyingmagical power and prestige. Nevertheless, Guinevere was now showinginnocent fear as befitted her appearance."Children should act like children and let adults do the work. Even thoughI"m not really an adult, I should still be more reliable than you.""What!? How rude! Guinevere is indeed the witch who was born countlessyears past--!""No matter how many years ago you were born, nothing has changed yourchild-like appearance. In any case, in addition to Lancelot, you now haveone more person to rely on, at least until Gascoigne is defeated. I think it"sfine for you to throw childish tantrums from time to time, right?"Just like that, without even the pa.s.sage of half a day.G.o.dou had already begun to understand the witch Guinevere.In short, she was just a child. Although it was unclear whether DivineAncestors had the same concept of growth or adulthood, at least it wasapparent that Guinevere"s mental development was not that mature. Thiswas probably why her vision was so narrow and she did thingsovercautiously."l-ln that case -- 1 will be very troubled. Guinevere has her dignity...""Well, go ahead and indulge your nature as you like. That"s fine too.Stubborn and obstinate girls who don"t think too deeply or try to bepleasing can be quite cute too."Watching Guinevere"s awkwardness and embarra.s.sment, G.o.doucommented.A girl who brought to life the fantasies of many boys, of course she wasvery cute.But only now did G.o.dou realize this contrarian fetish of his. It turned outG.o.dou had a thing for girls who possessed a difficult side -- examplesincluded Erica, Yuri, Liliana and Ena.Come to think of it, his little sister Shizuka and the childhood friend Asukaalso had such facets in their personalities.Realizing this, G.o.dou unbelievably found them even cuter than before."K-Kusanagi-sama, you"re the worst!"On the other hand, Guinevere abruptly turned her face away.Apparently she could no longer endure G.o.dou"s smiling gaze. But eventurned away, her head was still held up high, secretly watching G.o.dou"smovements.Her feelings had not been hurt, rather it was probably the opposite.Even though this was very cute of Guinevere -- Lancelot"s next move wascompletely unexpected."By the way, Kusanagi G.o.dou. These two here are not the only ones beingstared at by the crowd, eh? There seem to be many girls gazing at youwith pa.s.sion in their eyes.""Really? I don"t feel it."In spite of Lancelot"s remark, G.o.dou did not feel anything special."Maybe you"re mistaken? Guys like me are a dime a dozen. I may bestanding out of the crowd due to being with you two, but whether it"s really"pa.s.sion in their eyes" is up for debate.""Hoho. Not at all. In actual fact, you are rather manly."Before he knew it, Lancelot"s face had drawn near -- towards G.o.dou"sface.In front of him was the refreshingly cool face of this beautiful girl.Separated by mere centimeters, her lips were about to make contact withG.o.dou"s. From a different angle, it probably looked exactly like a kiss.At this moment, the girlish cries of "lyaah!" could be heard from behind.Turning his head back, G.o.dou found a pair of girls, who looked like firstyear middle schoolers, staring at him in an apparent state of panic. Theylooked like they had been frightened by something.G.o.dou smiled silently and waved.This was not a forced smile but one that carried the message of "my bad."A momentary smile. The two girls immediately smiled back and waved.Compared to before, G.o.dou no longer kept his distance from girls asmuch.After receiving Lancelot"s enchantment, G.o.dou seemed to have broadenedhis horizons. There was a sense that redundant common sense andpreconceptions had been abandoned as he acted in accordance with hisheart"s desires."Don"t act so strangely all of a sudden. It could cause an uproar, youknow?"After responding to the girls, G.o.dou grumbled to the beautiful knight."What? This Knight only worked mischief in an effort to please the girlswho were gazing at you. Pray forgive this Knight. But what one said wastrue, is it not?""Open to question. All you did was scare those unfamiliar girls with strangebehavior, right?"Retorting to Lancelot, G.o.dou noticed something."You, it"s rather rare for G.o.ds to recognize ordinary humans.""If you compare it to the way humans gaze upon ants crawling all over thefloor, the ants do enter their view after all. Whether they are trulyunderstood is a separate matter. Anyway, that is the truth of things."Narrowing her sky-blue eyes, Lancelot continued."Accompanying you through the world of humans, one simply tried to lookupon them briefly. That"s all. However, the one who truly gazes at thisKnight, there is but one human with whom our hearts are linked as one.That is you -- Kusanagi G.o.dou, dear sir, alone. Please do not forget that.""As if anyone could forget. I"m the one who"s gonna defeat you.""No, this Knight shall defeat you."The two gazed into each other"s eyes, their faces drawing closer, mutteringin conversation.G.o.dou and Lancelot"s behavior yet again drew girlish cries of "lyaah!" frombehind. However, G.o.dou did not turn around this time. Nothing wascurrently more important than the "enemy" before him."Sir Knight and Kusanagi-sama, displaying such mutual love..."Guinevere suddenly whispered.There was no tone of sarcasm but an honest remark straight from theheart."Nothing that prosaic. Rather it should be better described as rotten fate orthe like?"Saying that, G.o.dou withdrew his face from Lancelot"s.From an onlooker"s perspective, this might have looked like a "lady oneach arm" but the truth was nowhere near that kind of bliss. This wasmerely a makeshift alliance of enemies for the purpose of defeatingAlexandre Gascoigne.The second duel once matters were settled, was what G.o.dou trulyantic.i.p.ated in earnest.Thereafter, G.o.dou and the two girls left the cafe and went towards the sea.Out of sight of others, he commanded Guinevere to perform flight magic.Enveloped by a flash of white light, G.o.dou and the Witch Queen, as wellas the beautiful war deity, took flight.Their destination was the territorial waters of the Devil"s Sea.G.o.dou had earlier instructed Guinevere to prepare a "ship" there.G.o.dou quietly filled with excitement. After defeating the Black Prince,G.o.dou will have his second duel with Lancelot du Lac as an eulogy forAthena.Of course I will be the victor--Battle spirit twisted G.o.dou"s lips, manifesting in a savage grin on his face.This was probably due to the curse, right? G.o.dou focused his mind onbattle without any hesitation.Next time a crisis arose, he would probably go with the flow and enterbattle readiness instantly.However, there was currently no need to be led by the flow. G.o.dou thirstedfor battle from the depths of his heart, giving his soul free rein to indulge inexcitement, arousal and belligerence. Such freedom, what sense ofliberation!Kusanagi G.o.dou was no longer hampered by doubt. He had become apure warrior, a tyrannical king.Part 3Taking the form of lightning, Alec flew across the sky above Tokyo Bay.Leaving Cecilia behind in Chinatown, he took action alone. Even thoughmany people considered this a bad habit of his, it could not be helped.After all, few existed in this world who could keep up with his speed...Viewed from the Yokohama Chinatown, the sky was clear and sunny.But now, where the avatar of lightning streaked across, the sky hadbecome dark and cloudy.The weather changed -- no, this was the effect of divine or similarexistences. These clouds must have been summoned by Lancelot,Guinevere or something under her command."Well I never."Maintaining his lightning avatar, Alec muttered.Hard to believe, but there was a "sailing ship" cruising on the ocean below.The wooden ship was reinforced by iron plating in various places andequipped with several cannons. This was a product from the Age ofDiscovery -- when the British Empire had been expanding its colonies allover the world.Those white sails, raised up high, caught the incoming wind and drove theship smoothly forward.The ship had three masts and its length was less than twenty meters.However, no crew was visible. Even though manpower was normallyessential for operations, the sailing ship seemed to be moving along like afully automatic machine.This was due to the fact it was a "ship" summoned and moved by magic.The sailing ship advanced across the ocean beneath the dark and cloudysky which heralded a storm"s coming. Overall, it gave off a terrifyingsolemnity like a ghost ship.Alec could feel his body and mind in high spirits, filled with power for battle.A [Heretic G.o.d] lurked somewhere in that ship!"Thunder of the blue sky!"Chanting the brief spell words, he instantly unleashed his authority.Immediately, the light burst forth from the lightning avatar"s body with athunderous crash -- forming thunder and lightning, striking at the ship onthe ocean beneath. A wooden ship would probably have ignited as aresult, but the magic ship remained unharmed.The [Heretic G.o.d] riding on the ship had used magical power to deflect thelightning.Alec smiled with a chuckle. After all, the ability to fire off electrical strikeswhile in lightning avatar form was simply incidental to the authority of divinespeed. Unable to cause significant harm to G.o.ds, it was simply an openingshot to signify "Alec has arrived."The flying lightning descended onto the deck of the sailing ship.Landing, he regained his human form. Alec surveyed his surroundings toseek signs of his enemies."Over here, Alexandre-sama."Guinevere"s familiar voice called out to him.The blonde Divine Ancestor who resembled an antique doll was steppingout from the cabin along with Lancelot the knight in white armor."Have you finally steeled yourself for a decisive conclusion, Guinevere? Ithappened faster than I expected."Having dealt with and competed against this Witch Queen for the pasteight years, Alec had come to understand Guinevere"s personality and wayof thinking completely. Consequently he was rather surprised that shewould decisively risk everything on an all-in gamble within a matter of days."Yes. Despite all sorts of concerns, Guinevere managed to muster hercourage and overcome hurdles, all thanks to Your Highness" advice of"Rely on yourself."""What about Lancelot? As a [Heretic G.o.d], he definitely would be atroublesome opponent."Alec addressed Guinevere who had nodded in approval.The white armored war G.o.d wielded Excalibur -- the lance made bypolishing and sharpening the decrepit Divine Sword of Salvation, andstood silently beside the Divine Ancestor on standby.Ever since the encounter eight years ago, Alec always spotted himhanging around like her guardian angel.But now he had become a true [Heretic G.o.d], wielding the divine lanceExcalibur as his new weapon, for the Holy Grail that absorbed Athena"sessence had revived. In actual fact, Guinevere"s faction currently heldrather formidable power in their hands.And for the sake of weakening them, for obtaining victory-Alec had prepared "Avalon" using his labyrinth authority. This was for thepurpose of shaving off a portion of Guinevere and Lancelot"s battlepotential."No, Gascoigne. The one who agreed to a.s.sist the beloved childGuinevere is not this Knight. One simply stands guard over her, requiringneither promise nor request.""...Oh?"Hearing Lancelot"s manly voice sounding out from the helmet, Alecfrowned.He had suspected such a possibility. In fact, he already had a premonitionthe moment he selected j.a.pan as the stage for the final battle.Discovering embers that should not be discovered, igniting fires that shouldnot be lit-Precisely because such a guy existed, Alec truly understood this principledeeply."Yes, that person is a ruffian who doesn"t mind his own business, nor doeshe know how to treat a lady. Nevertheless, he does seem more or lessreliable. Things are in his hands."Guinevere"s cheeks blushed slightly as she spoke.Alec went "Hmm?" in puzzlement.What was going on? This girl who always acted so high and mighty eversince our first encounter, was now getting fl.u.s.tered over meeting a boy,being at a loss over that wonderful feeling of heart racing... Was this whatpeople called charm?For him to have managed to make this witch display such expressions andbehavior of girlish inexperience-The displeasing premonition was turning into absolute certainty."In other words, your faction still retains yet another trump card, is thatright?""Ah yes. That"s me."The third person came out from the cabin. Alec was not surprised to hearhis voice.The other guy was the hypocrite who always insisted he was a pacifist.From Alec"s perspective, that kind of belief was completely worthless.Spouting those kinds of words from one"s mouth brought only shame,simply trying to sugarcoat one"s own crimes.A few months ago, Alec already had a feeling they would fare poorly incompatibility.Consequently he looked at Kusanagi G.o.dou"s face and said:"Well... The moment I decided to battle in j.a.pan, I already expected itwould come to this."Alec simply shrugged.When two Campiones were present in the same country, it was commonfor them to become unwitting centers of commotion, arbitrarily rampagingseparately.Entering confrontations with each other was another common occurrence."What surprises me is the fact that you, the hypocrite, would actually takeGuinevere"s side.""Actually, this was Lancelot"s suggestion."Watching G.o.dou giggle, Alec was completely certain.Compared to last time, G.o.dou was far more resolute -- such was theimpression Alec garnered."I have to reach a decisive conclusion with that Lancelot withoutdistractions. You are a hindrance. I will first take care of this interloper inmy way before I have a satisfying duel with Lancelot. Gascoigne, fight mehere.""Would you mind if I refused?""Sorry. Regrettably, cancellation is out of the question."Kusanagi G.o.dou"s rapid change in this short time. Was that the key? Alecsecretly nodded to himself.In actual fact, the Campione of j.a.pan and the Black Prince stood in starkcontrast to each other.Troubled by his own true desires, unable to take a step forward. This,together with hypocrisy, were equally outstanding traits of KusanagiG.o.dou. Now that time spent on hesitation was reduced, his actions takenafter committing to a decision showed extraordinary initiative. Was this whyhis indecisiveness was not so visible now?In contradistinction, Alec never showed a moment"s hesitation towardsseeking what he desired. Immediate action was always taken.The hypocrite and the one who posed as a villain. The indecisive man andthe man who never hesitated."On a certain level it is quite a solid partnership you have here. Very well, Iaccept your challenge. However, I"m one of those who are fleet of foot. Ifyou can"t keep up, I will leave you behind without a thought.""Sure. I will keep up with everything I"ve got.""In spite of everything, I never expected you to join forces with the DivineAncestor. No, rather than you falling under the witch"s charm, it appearsthat Guinevere has been charmed by you instead."Alec kept getting the impression that Guinevere was looking at G.o.dou witheyes of concern despite making preparations with composure.Witnessing this scene, Alec sighed."Ch-Charmed--!? How rude! Please speak with greater prudence,Alexandre-sama!""No need for prudence. This is simply the result from objectiveobservation.""No one has been charmed by anyone. This is simply a temporary allianceuntil my battle with Lancelot. It"s about time to start."G.o.dou gave a slanted glance towards fl.u.s.tered Guinevere and calm Alec,then said:"Lancelot, Guinevere. Leave matters to me here. You two go first."The Divine Ancestor and the war G.o.d immediately responded to hiscommand.Lancelot whistled once and the white divine steed descended from the sky.It was the flying divine horse seen before.Deftly mounting the horse, the knight lifted Guinevere"s p.u.b.escent bodyand sat her on the saddle.The white divine horse soared across the sky. Their destination wasobviously the Floating Island."Sorry, I personally have no reason to stay here and fight."Alec instantly turned into lightning. Even if Kusanagi G.o.dou could move atG.o.d speed, he had no way of flying.Getting rid of him by flying was the easiest solution. However ~"Ama no, please."Kusanagi G.o.dou raised his right arm.Alec"s body of plasma was released and sent back to human form. Turninginto lightning made him especially weak against counter magic. That armover there must hold some kind of ability to dispel spells and spirit powers."Looks like you have something handy there.""Ah yes. Quite an ingenious thing, here. It absorbs power from magic,thereby dispelling it. I was wondering if absorbing some of your powermight force you to revert, so I tested it out."Hearing Kusanagi G.o.dou"s reply, Alec got serious.Looks like there"s no easy way out after all. It can"t be helped -- Standingupon the deck of the sailing ship the Divine Ancestor had summonedthrough magic, he faced off against the j.a.panese Campione. The battlewas about to begin.Part 4The enemy was the Black Prince, Alexandre Gascoigne.Challenging another Campione to a duel on his own volition, G.o.dourecalled all information he had received regarding this enemy"s authoritiesfrom Alice, Erica, Liliana, and last night from Guinevere and Lancelot.The Devil King of divine speed who manifested as lightning.Though reputed to possess other troublesome authorities, his greatestdistinguishing characteristic was "speed.""You really do have a power similar to mine..."Alec spoke. He also seemed informed about Kusanagi G.o.dou"s authority.He probably watched the fight against Lancelot, and he did mention theGreat Sage incident before. It would be prudent to a.s.sume he already hada firm grasp of G.o.dou"s capabilities."Did you know, so-called powers of "lightning speed" are unexpectedlydifficult to control. Particularly during chaotic situations such as this."Indeed. G.o.dou nodded in wholehearted agreement with Alec"s description.Regardless of maximum speed, it was extremely difficult to move the bodyaccording to the exact image in the mind."However, once you get used to this skill, it does turn out to be a ratheruseful. Like this."Completely unable to see the immediate attack, G.o.dou found himself flyingthrough the air by the time he noticed.-I"m flying!? Somehow G.o.dou was hovering in midair. Naturally, heimmediately crashed back down onto the deck.From the sensations of the body, it felt like he had fallen from a height often-odd meters."Guah!"The "ship" summoned by Guinevere via magic.As G.o.dou fell back onto the deck of this ship, he moaned in pain.What happened just now? G.o.dou stared in shock at Alec. The tall BlackPrince in his stylish black jacket did not seem to have moved.G.o.dou could feel the back of his head hurting. Sharp pain could be felt allover his body."I too cannot be considered human, what with this supernatural resilience.Falling from that height, ordinary humans would probably die, or at leastsuffer who knows what kind of sequelae even if they survived."In the instant Alec spoke, G.o.dou was surprised to find himself falling again."Guah!"Falling on the deck once more, his whole body felt the violent impact.It was true. Were he an ordinary person, dying instantly would not come asa surprise. But G.o.dou endured the intense pain from his entire body as hepushed himself up. Struggling, he got up on his feet.G.o.dou himself was also a user of G.o.d speed. Even though it was onlyspeculation, he seemed to have caught a rough idea of how the attack wasconducted.He could probably find a method to counter it. Watch how I intercept it...!"Just lie down obediently. It"d be a great help if you could save me someeffort.""Give me a break, it"s just a few throws. I fully intend to finish the job."Alec smiled at G.o.dou"s retort with a "Hmph."G.o.dou believed his guess was right. Using divine speed, Alec chargedforward and stopped just in front of G.o.dou, grabbing him and jumping intothe air. Then at the appropriate moment he threw G.o.dou down while helanded splendidly himself.If G.o.dou unleashed G.o.d speed to the max, he could probably achieve thesame feat.Using that particular ability would make his body exceptionally light,making the weight of a single human feel like nothing. Hence it was a skillthat could accomplish the same thing."I"m far too stubborn in the fact I never want to enjoy fighting while movingat that kind of speed. This manner is highly efficient, not bad right?""That I can agree..."G.o.dou had faced the Great Sage Equaling Heaven"s continuous G.o.dspeed attacks before.Nevertheless, he had no intention of imitating Alec. Given the ridiculousdefenses and endurance of G.o.ds and Campiones, causing sufficientdamage via this method would take way too much effort. During the entiretime, he would need to suffer great strain while trying to attackcontinuously using G.o.d speed that was difficult to control.At this point in time, he did not think it would be a wise decision.Besides, the Great Sage"s divine speed was probably fundamentallydifferent from G.o.dou"s G.o.d speed."...Well, this does make things all clear."G.o.dou secretly muttered to himself.Even though they both held the same weapon, their levels of familiaritywere completely different. Alec had completely mastered the power of G.o.dspeed. If G.o.dou tried to fight in the same manner, he would only losepitifully.G.o.dou activated Verethragna"s fourth incarnation, the [Camel].The power that could only be used when heavily injured, it was theincarnation which possessed beast-like combat ability, leg strength andendurance.--He"s coming!The [Camel]"s instincts sensed Alec beginning to make a move.Rather than seeing through the attack itself, the beast-like instincts sensedthe enemy"s decision to attack -- the aura of killing intent. In the instantAlec proceeded to disappear, G.o.dou kicked with his right leg as if trying toshatter the chin and skull of an enemy standing before him.At the same time, something moving at abnormal speeds approached thenevaded this kick -- that was what he sensed.Alec reappeared where he was standing originally."A skill to capture my speed... Who knew a guy like you was able toachieve something like that?""It"s because others have mercilessly done the same to me before..."Alec appeared rather amused while G.o.dou endured his pain as heresponded.The ones who could see through G.o.d speed and even reverse the situationto their advantage were Luo Cuilian as well as Salvatore Doni.The [Camel] incarnation held combat potential approaching thosesuperhumans. Even if G.o.dou could not do the exact same thing, a roughimitation was well within his ability."Hmm... Well, it"s only an imitation after all. I think if I were to attackcontinuously, you will soon reveal openings."Sharp indeed. G.o.dou nearly choked in response to Alec"s perceptiveness.Even though he did it successfully by chance, from the feeling just nowG.o.dou surmised he would probably get hit one in three times. Even so, thislevel of hindrance was enough to prevent his opponent from attacking atwill.This probably counted as making effective use of things."That said, I don"t particularly like engaging in a trade of blows withenemies. Let"s change things up a bit."Alec smiled as he declared. In that very instant...Crash! The magical sailing ship began to shake intensely as if pitched byan earthquake. Some sort of ma.s.sive object was lurking in the sea,clashing violently with the bottom of the ship-Crash! Another quake. The underwater a.s.sault continued.What had arrived from the sea? Leaving the puzzled G.o.dou behind, Alecnimbly jumped up, landing lightly on the ship"s mast."My apologies. Trading blows like in boxing doesn"t suit my style! I decidedto bring an escort expressly for times like this. It"s slightly disgraceful but itshould be enough to satisfy a hot-blooded one like you!"True to his word, Alec stood back and watched coldly from above as hecalled out.An escort!? It was this guy"s doing!? G.o.dou tried to maintain balance onthe rocking ship as he ran along the edge.Looking down at the sea brought a great surprise. There was a ma.s.sivesilhouette deep in the water, in the shape of a gigantic humanoid.The thing resembling a giant was apparently attacking the ship, causing itto rock intensely. The shadow had long hair as well as a femininephysique. The protrusions on its back were evocative of wings. The lowertorso did not have legs but resembled a fish tail instead. G.o.dou recalledthe information on Alec that Alice had shown him.Indeed this must be the [Faceless Queen].In all likelihood, that man possessed five authorities. [Black Lightning],[Judging Furies], the [Labyrinth], [Wandering Avarice], and finally,[Faceless Queen].This was the queen bound by a single absolute rule, her "face" must not beexposed. Apparently if anyone catches a glimpse of her face, she isimmediately unsummoned. Nevertheless, her powers included flying in thesky, swimming like a fish in water, and destructive power that could shattera tower of steel. Not only could she appear and disappear elusively, herbody size could also be adjusted at will.Disregarding the restriction requiring her face to stay unseen, her powerswere all-purpose indeed-Crash! The ship rocked again.It was going to sink if this continued. Once a hole was opened at thebottom of the ship, it would be game over.Alec was described as a mage in addition to possessing the power to flythrough the air as lightning. Even if the ship sank he could probablyescape without problems. On the other hand, G.o.dou would have no choicebut to swim once forced into the sea.--In that case, I"ll have to summon that guy!G.o.dou instantly made his decision."The one unblunted and unapproachable! Oath-breaking sinners bepurged by the iron hammer of justice!"Yelling the spell words, G.o.dou called upon Verethragna"s fifth incarnation.From the surface of the sea, a pitch-black and majestic [Boar] wassummoned, its size no less ma.s.sive than the queen. The incarnation whichcould only be summoned for the purpose of pulverizing a ma.s.sive object.Naturally, the target this time was the queen.Aaaaoooooooooooh ! !The divine beast"s roars reverberated across the vast sea.Truth be told, if this guy turned out to be unable to swim, we"d really be introuble. G.o.dou secretly worried.But that was not the case. Floating on the sea, the black [Boar] suddenlycharged forward, as if jet skiing or like a torpedo piercing through thewater, slicing through the sea and moving straight towards the G.o.ddess tocollide at high speed!On the other hand, the G.o.ddess, only visible as a silhouette, was ratheragile.Nimbly turning her body in the sea like a fish, she evaded the [Boar]"sstraight charge.However, the [Boar]"s compet.i.tive spirit was greatly roused. After the attackmissed its mark, the [Boar] quickly made a U-turn and charged at thequeen again.Thus began the water battle between gigantic monsters.The faceless queen somehow conjured and tossed ma.s.sive spears in thewater to attack as she evaded the charging [Boar].As the [Boar] engaged the amorphous shadow in close quarter combat, itstusks could occasionally be seen piercing into the enemy.At the same time, the queen"s thrown spears also tore open the pitch-blackhide. Out spewed otherworldly black blood, dying the seawater an inkycolor."Now I see, you too are an owner of a ferocious beast. Haha, it"s not reallynecessary to compare the ferocity of our pets in the sea!"The moment Alec"s laughter was heard, the queen"s figure disappearedfrom the sea.Having lost its target, the charging [Boar] fruitlessly parted the waters as itcharged around.In that instant, G.o.dou suddenly noticed. He felt an extraordinary sense ofdanger.Relying on instinctual warnings, G.o.dou jumped forward as if diving into aswimming pool, not even glancing at Alec who was supposed to bestanding on the ship"s mast. Had he diverted his attentions to look, it wouldprobably have been too late.At the same time as G.o.dou"s jump, Alec appeared at the position whereG.o.dou had just been standing.Stabbing suddenly with weapon in hand, the attack missed thanks toG.o.dou"s leaping escape."Didn"t you say exchanging physical blows was not your style!?""What? As long as it"s a one-sided affair that I can end in one or two hits, Isuppose it can be accepted as a guise."G.o.dou"s blunt criticism was casually dismissed.Even so, for that guy to deliberately choose that kind of object as aweapon -- G.o.dou was quite impressed by the tool held in Alec"s hand.What a truly strange man.The stabbing object turned out to be an antique fountain pen. The type ofpen which required ink to be filled in from the tip. Even as a writing tool itwas out of fashion, let alone being used as a weapon."Hoho, this? I just happen to have no interest in carrying crude fightingimplements. Well, this thing suffices for emergencies."Noticing G.o.dou"s gaze, Alec threw the pen like a dart.The pen sliced through the air with a whistling sound, causing G.o.dou toevade by jumping to the side.Missing its target, the pen embedded itself into the ship"s deck. Not just thepen tip but even half of the shaft was buried into the deck. Apparentlymagic had been used to increase damage....It"s really a first time for me to fight this type of enemy.G.o.dou marveled to himself as he stood back up. Using so many tactics ofconspiracy and deception, Alec virtually eschewed conventional upfrontbattle. Using all sorts of ways to evade the enemy"s attacks as hesearched for openings to land a decisive blow, that was how he concludedhis battles.Dance like a b.u.t.terfly, sting like a bee -- no, rather he was like a devilspinning a chessboard.Victory was definitely beyond reach if he allowed Alec to control the paceof battle. G.o.dou was struck deeply by this revelation. As feared, was thedecisive ultimate technique the [Raptor] after all...?To be used as a tactical tool instead of relying on its speed.G.o.dou understood now was the time to use his trump card.Part 5Lancelot and Guinevere advanced towards the labyrinthine Devil"s Sea.Overlooking the vast sea beneath them as they spurred the flying whitedivine horse. Sitting on the saddle, Guinevere entered a stance in front ofthe knight who held the reins."Beloved child, it is almost time to summon Fake Minos.""Understood, Sir Knight."Guinevere nodded in acknowledgement to the protector who was onceagain fully armed."O Holy Grail! O Fountain of Life, legacy of the white G.o.ddess! I beseechyou to answer to her daughter the G.o.ddess" descendant!"The golden urn appeared in front of the flying divine horse.That was the Holy Grail which had absorbed all of Athena"s essence.Suddenly manifesting from empty s.p.a.ce, it hovered in the air."King of Crete, father of the minotaur, His Royal Highness the priest of livesacrifices. Guinevere implores the sky, praying to the earth, pet.i.tions theocean for Your Royal Highness to grace us with your presence once more.Please listen to a young girl"s pleas, and send forth your fragments to theearth!"Guinevere used the spirit power of [Divine Summoning]. This was thesecret technique unique to Divine Ancestors, for manifesting minions whichonce served them when they were still G.o.ddesses -- divine beasts of waterand land.However, the spell Guinevere was currently using involved an additionalstep.Spell words for summoning a beast on the level of the G.o.ds, wereenveloping the Holy Grail. Next the golden urn began to change in form.The head of a ferocious bull with the nude figure of a man below the neck.Standing tall at ten meters or so.This was the likeness of the G.o.d Minos whom Alec had slain on Crete eightyears ago.Using the Holy Grail"s magical power to manifest a fake G.o.d -- requiredturning the Grail itself into a G.o.d. During this time, the Grail"s originalfunctions were lost, thus disabling the divine lance Excalibur which reliedon the connection with the Holy Grail.Fake Minos leisurely flew through the sky, next to the soaring divine horse.They were advancing towards Avalon which had been raised by Alec.Furthermore, the Devil"s Sea which sealed this island away -- that was theauthority which Alec had usurped from the G.o.d Minos.Even if this sea that had been turned into a labyrinth was openly contestedfrom the air, it would still take days to break through.However, if power was borrowed from Fake Minos who possessed thesame authority-Under the guidance of Fake Minos, Lancelot and Guinevere finally enteredthe territory of this Devil"s Sea. Avalon, along with the "King of the End" whosupposedly slept there, was the goal!In the current battle, Black Prince Alec held an absolute advantage throughhis divine speed.Even someone other than Kusanagi G.o.dou would have reached such aninstant conclusion. But G.o.dou"s observations of his enemy went a littlefurther.Black Prince Alec was a man who loved to show off his wits. Rather thanusing divine speed as a "weapon for battle," he most likely viewed it as "atool to establish tactical advantage" instead.He held an overwhelming speed advantage over his enemies.As a result, offense and defense relying completely on speed ~ were notused. Instead, he used speed as an advantage to maintain dominance inbattle.Through the use of speed, action could often be taken faster than theenemy.Movement times could also be shortened greatly, allowing nearinstantaneous mobility and the option to disengage from the battlefield.Incoming attacks could be evaded using divine speed with absolutely nochance of being countered.Grasping this dominance firmly in his hands, battles could be ended in onefell swoop. This was Alec"s usual method and path towards victory. Hetook great pains to shorten the time spent moving at divine speed, as iftrying as much as possible not to squander it.Probably because divine speed was a difficult authority to control, it wasbeing used in this manner.Experienced with the same ability, G.o.dou understood this point. First of all,simply using it placed the body and mind under great strain. Particularly inG.o.dou"s case, this burden manifested in the form of a time limit.In addition, precise movements were very difficult.Learning to switch between fast and slow moves had allowed him to fighteffectively. However, each time G.o.dou accelerated or decelerated, he hadto divert a substantial amount of concentration...Regardless of which manner of usage, it was readily apparent that Alecwas an expert in divine speed.G.o.dou had no hope of winning a battle decided by speed alone.Nevertheless, the [Raptor] -- the incarnation of G.o.d speed was stillnecessary.The opponent"s advantage was obvious indeed, but looking at it the otherway, was it really impossible to expose an opening-Just as Alec made a thrust with his fountain pen again, G.o.dou activatedthe [Raptor]. Like his opponent, he only applied G.o.d speed for an instant,evading the pen tip as quickly as lightning.As a result, the [Boar] rampaging in the sea disappeared."I was wondering when you"d finally use this. Now is the time, I see."Witnessing G.o.dou"s G.o.d speed, Alec commented with great interest.At last, Alec raised his speed to the maximum and began running acrossthe deck. G.o.dou also sped up to the same speed to pursue after him.Once he tangled with the Black Prince, he would probably be able toimitate that "efficient manner" of attack.With this goal in mind, G.o.dou ran after Alec. But he could not catch up.Though it was true that their speeds were equal, their skill in speedadjustment differed too greatly.Alec had been running with divine speed fully unleashed. G.o.dou pursuedat the same speed.Then Alec suddenly shifted from high gear to low gear, causing G.o.douwho continued at top speed to overtake the decelerated Black Prince.This resulted in a reversal in position with a huge gap of separation.Next, Alec jumped into the air.G.o.dou ran towards the place Alec was poised to land. But Alec reducedhis G.o.d speed, thereby ignoring the existences of free fall and gravity, anddescended at reduced speed.Consequently, Alec leisurely landed at a spot where G.o.dou had alreadyrun past.Yes. So-called G.o.d speed was actually not the ability to "move at highspeed from Point A to Point B." Rather, it was the ability to "ridiculouslyshorten the time taken to travel from Point A to Point B."As a result, it was able to perform movements that were physicallyimpossible.An ordinary person"s running motion was bound to a two-dimensionalplane. When using the [Raptor], G.o.dou"s body became exceptionally light,allowing him to move in three dimensions.However, Alexandre Gascoigne"s G.o.d speed was four dimensional.With even time under his control, it was truly four dimensional movement.Catching up to an opponent like this man was impossible!Thus time ticked away fruitlessly."Well then... Your current condition means things have come to an end,right?"Alec finally declared before G.o.dou.Kusanagi G.o.dou was crouching on the ground, his hand pressing againsthis chest. During the chase, the [Raptor]"s time limit ran out. As intensepain filled his heart, the body began to paralyze."The G.o.d speed you possess, turns out to be the type where the strainbuilds up with persisted use. From the fact that you could reach top speedin an instant, I already suspected that much."Alec explained calmly. Was he that a.s.sured of victory?In that case, this was probably the best opportunity..."In contrast, the type that increases their speed gradually usually suffersmuch less strain. Well, since this is something you cannot choose, there"snothing you can do about it. Luck -- or rather, your manner of usage is nogood."Not really. G.o.dou eyed his prey, waiting for the right moment.Crouching in his stiffened state, G.o.dou was in no condition for directcombat. However, this was precisely how he could tempt Alec to becomecareless... Hopefully."Just as I mentioned, I"m not some benevolent soul who would give up onan opportunity to lay down a one-sided beating on someone helpless. Nomatter what, I must catch up to that naive Guinevere and end the show."The Black Prince declared and took out his fountain pen.Indeed it was time for G.o.dou to reveal his real trump card."Ah yes, really... It"s time to end things. Go forth, Ama no!"Enduring the pain in his heart, G.o.dou summoned the partner residing inhis right arm.Ama no no Tsurugi suddenly manifested. G.o.dou swiftly slicedusing the divine sword -- or not. He was unable to depend on this stiff bodyto perform such an

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