
Chapter 82

Chapter 6 - Towards the Island of DestinyPart 1Kusanagi G.o.dou had gone missing-Last night, Erica was home when she received the news."Though we don"t have any bodyguards or the like, the people who keeptrack of Kusanagi-san sent this report."It came from the History Compilation Committee member, AmakasuTouma.After receiving his call, Erica, Liliana and Yuri gathered at the living room ofthe Sayanomiya residence even though it was late at night."Hitting it off with an unidentified beauty, they reportedly went off hand inhand. It"s incredibly hard to believe, but that girl seems to havesuccessfully applied some kind of hypnosis on a Campione."Hearing this, Erica sighed."I"ve mentioned this before, but whatever... When facing a girl, the numberof openings he displays is truly despairing, that"s G.o.dou for you.""And here I go thinking he had learned a little lesson after the recentencounter with Guinevere.""Hasn"t this occurred enough... Since it"s impossible for us to accompanyhim every moment of the day, he must learn to be alert when he"s on hisown.""So, Amakasu-san, where did G.o.dou-san go afterwards?"Yuri questioned the History Compilation Committee member after listeningto Erica and Liliana"s laments."Ah, that"s right. In actual fact, we have ten-odd staff divided into threeteams to keep a close watch on Kusanagi-san, but none of them were ableto report what had happened. We don"t know what the mysterious girl didto them, but they were all discovered unconscious.""I see... If Amakasu picked the team, they should all be competent."Hearing Amakasu"s report, Erica put her emotions aside."In that case, even if one of them -- no, even if the entire team attacked inconcert, the same outcome would likely have occurred. Conversely, weshould be relieved by the lack of casualties so far. It is imperative that wecatch G.o.dou and s.n.a.t.c.h him back from that suspicious woman.""Yes. If that is the case, our first priority is to track down the location ofKusanagi G.o.dou.""Isn"t it redundant to search for him? Based on the current situation, theeventual destination should be that place."Just as Liliana expressed her resolve, Sayanomiya Kaoru spoke up.The History Compilation Committee Tokyo Branch Chief and beautifulcross-dressing Hime-Miko. Furthermore, she was the girl whose talentsrivaled Erica Blandelli.Clearly she had reached the same conclusion as Erica."That"s right. Rather than wasting time on something like that, it would bemore efficient to focus our search on methods to lift G.o.dou"s curse."As Erica expressed agreement, Kaoru suddenly smiled.Well said. Those two words seemed to be on the tip of Kaoru"s tongue.Presently, Sayanomiya Kaoru was helping Kusanagi G.o.dou in a capacitybeyond her position as a leader in the History Compilation Committee.Perhaps, Kusanagi G.o.dou"s own "Round Table" would be establishedsooner or later in due time-In that event, Kaoru would likely occupy the position of cardinal bishopinstead of chancellor. Also, she was probably going to share the strategistrole with Erica the paladino and mistress of the palace. They would bothoffer strategies continually in a compet.i.tion of power and influence.This was the future Erica envisioned in response to Kaoru who was smilinglike an accomplice."What you mean by destination is the Floating Island? If the mysteriouswoman were in league with Guinevere, and their goal was to use KusanagiG.o.dou in their designs, it must be that place with great certainty..."Liliana a.s.serted.She was likely indifferent to covert political struggles, loyally servingKusanagi G.o.dou as his bodyguard knight and housekeeper. She shouldbe the subordinate who n.o.bly insists on performing these roles thatcombined official and personal duties."On the other hand, what if Prince Alec arranged this for the purpose ofleading Kusanagi G.o.dou away from the Floating Island? Well, no matterwhat kind of conspiracy, abduction and Are probably not aconcern, right?"Ruling out, Liliana knew very well.Deceiving Campiones was possible, but surprise were not.These were people who had slain G.o.ds and possessed unreasonablesurvivability and violent streaks. Liliana did not think he could become target without a struggle. If Kusanagi G.o.dou were to becaught in such a crisis—A battle with the would-be, wrecking half of Tokyo, wouldprobably happen first?Imagining that sort of scene, Erica smiled wryly and replied:"I doubt Prince Alec is involved in this incident. It doesn"t suit his style.""I agree. Tactfully described, he is "a man who remains a youth at heart."To be more frank, it could be said "even though he never hesitates tocommit what he considers to be cool crimes, he is a man who refrains fromthis category of despicable acts no matter what.""Kaoru also supplemented with her distinctive style of exposition."A fifteen-year-old"s nocturnal motorcycle joyride. The mere mention of thiskind of anecdote reminds me of that man. Setting a honey trap is definitelysomething he would never do.""Also, if Guinevere-sama were to cast an enchantment on a Campione, itwould require taking a risk akin to subduing a wild beast alive -- it is difficultto imagine her taking such measures unless it is related to the FloatingIsland battle.""The only ones capable of taking on a G.o.d-slayer, are G.o.ds and otherG.o.d-slayers. Indeed that is the truth."Yuri nodded gracefully and replied to Kaoru with unconcerned tones."Hey Yuri, what"s your opinion on the woman who abductedKusanagi-san? If it was only a witch, even a Divine Ancestor, it would bean easy matter to handle. Otherwise, things could get rather tricky.""What makes you think that...? Right, I do have a rather disquietingfeeling."Simply shutting her eyes for a moment to examine the notion in her heart,Yuri replied quietly."Truly astounding, a terrifying existence. Such is the feeling..."I get it. Erica nodded. Kaoru must have intentionally brought up a series ofambiguous statements. Given Yuri was one of the most outstanding usersof spirit vision, the veracity of her heart"s answer was quite convincing."Perhaps you"ve sensed the arrival of a new G.o.ddess, Yuri?""Impossible to be certain. Though I would not be surprised if it turns out tobe true."Yuri solemnly bestowed an oracle in response to Erica"s question.Even in chaotic situations where the truth was unclear, Yuri always actedas a beacon lighting the path ahead. Bright and dazzling on occasion, dimand feeble at other times.The one and only guide providing illumination in the darkness, that was therole Yuri performed."During critical moments, it"s probably best to summon her to the scene? Itdoes offer the most efficacious and practical effect when deployingemergency measures.""True. But I think it"s not fair for us to burden her too much with overly highexpectations."Erica expressed dissent to Kaoru"s murmurs, causing the cross-dressingbeauty to smile wryly."Naturally. Even though I said practical effect, it often turns out to be arather limited effect."Having decided their direction, Erica and the girls began their operation.Amakasu had headed out in a rush to prepare for their rescue target"sinevitable appearance in the Floating Island situation. This j.a.panese ninjamainly specialized in wizardry related to covert operations, was veryknowledgeable in myths and legends, and was a man who couldcompetently handle all sorts of situations.The days when Erica was Kusanagi G.o.dou"s lone attendant were alreadylong past.At some point in time, the young Campione"s faction was beginning toflourish with an abundance of exceptional talent. Nevertheless, they werestill akin to the cream and toppings used to decorate a cake, for if thefoundation -- G.o.dou himself were absent, everything would bemeaningless.While Erica and Kaoru continued to lead the discussion on possiblecountermeasures, a phone call was received."Hey Erica, how are things coming along with the affair at hand? Ah yes, ofcourse it wouldn"t do for a proper lady to indulge in morbid curiosity.Nevertheless, I am still an important member of the organizationresponsible to the world despite having stepped down from my duties,right? It is only natural to be properly informed about the state of affairswith which I am involved."The result of the brief conversation was the enlistment of a rea.s.suringcomrade.Campiones were demons who slew G.o.ds and usurped their sacredauthorities. Nevertheless, it was a mystery why these [Kings] alwaysbecame centers of chaos and commotion, getting other people involved.Perhaps the reason why so many people got swept up into their antics wasrelated to these Campiones" individual wills and ways of thinking.Getting a real sense of this, Erica concluded the preparations and spentthe night together with her comrades.Then the next day arrived-Receiving a report from Amakasu saying that "something strange ishappening in the Devil"s Sea," Liliana used the [Witch"s Eye] to investigatethe area in question. Relying on her flight magic, Erica and the girls werefinally reunited with G.o.dou.He smiled to welcome Erica, Yuri and Liliana who had flown here."Really... To think you chased me down to a place like this. What ameddlesome bunch you are. I am busy with my playmate here, so kindlystay out of it."With a cheerful smile, he a.s.serted.On the other hand, the playmate listening on the side seemed to befrowning bitterly."I don"t care if you want to treat things as fun and games, but this is animportant segment of my plans. If you"re frivolously making a nuisance,scram and hurry home instead.""What a surprise. Why so serious, Gascoigne? It"s true I"m having fun, but Iam serious too, you know? But rather than playing around, getting moreserious would be interesting. Entertain me to the end and don"t run offmidway."G.o.dou responded to Gascoigne"s demand as if making fun of him.Under normal conditions, these words could not have come from hismouth. If the "King of Swords" Salvatore Doni were around to hear suchwords, he would most likely offer a hug with utmost delight.Witnessing this scene, Erica and the girls began to whisper to one another."...Everyone, what do you think about Kusanagi G.o.dou"s condition?""...Clearly he is acting very weird. However, in terms of mental state thereare no signs of instability, but it is not exactly a bipolar disorder either.""...Yes. It actually feels quite natural.""...Or rather, one could suppose this is his true nature that is normallyrepressed by reason and common sense, which has taken this opportunityto manifest itself, or something like that."Yuri and Erica nodded in agreement with the conclusion following fromLiliana"s commentary.No matter what, Kusanagi G.o.dou"s strange condition was real."G.o.dou, why don"t you play with us instead. I hope you can show a littlerestraint and not strike out at a foreign guest.""You girls, what?""I"d suggest not. This man seems to be under the effects of Lancelot duLac"s curse."Even though half-smiling, G.o.dou reacted with surprise. On the other hand,Alec sternly warned them.However, Erica displayed a glamorous smile towards the two kings inreturn, and casually declared:"Oh my, despite appearances we did come here with great confidence, youknow? G.o.dou, even if it"s you, don"t underestimate me -- so that"s thesituation. Alec, I hope you can leave our lord for us to handle. If I were toimpose on you any further, it would be most impertinent whether as aknight or a lady."The two kings simultaneously displayed the same expression in responseto her flowery words.G.o.dou and Alec"s curiosities were piqued, causing them to smile."Good! Well then, I will leave matters in your hands!"Plasma erupted from Alec"s body. Looks like he is about to take flight aslightning.G.o.dou immediately raised his right arm in response, intending to counterwith Ama no no Tsurugi. In that instant, Erica and Liliana eachthrew a knife using summoning magic.Without any hesitation, the two of them aimed directly at G.o.dou"s heart."What!?"Greatly surprised, G.o.dou tried to dodge.Were he Salvatore Doni, he would have evaded effortlessly. But G.o.dou didnot know any martial arts.Even though he excelled at relying on natural reflexes, using a Devil KingCampione"s concentration and survival instincts to evade enemy attackswith forceful suppression, it was definitely not the flawless motion of amartial artist.Jumping back to escape the knives thrown by the knights, G.o.dou could nolonger tend to other matters.Hence the command issued to Ama no no Tsurugi wasdelayed, providing what was to Alec more than enough time forpreparation. Turning into a flash of lightning, the Black Prince instantly flewaway."I never thought, you would attack me so suddenly..."The knives thrown by Erica and Liliana were not fake trinkets or anything ofthat sort.They were authentic knives made of iron and steel, which was why G.o.douimmediately evaded them."What are you talking about? Without the intent to kill, how could it pose athreat otherwise? Besides, G.o.dou can easily tank an attack of that level.It"s very ordinary after all."Completely unworried as a result, Erica explained without a care.Liliana silently nodded in agreement. It seemed like Yuri was the only onewho was worried out of her mind."Really... Even under Lancelot"s curse, I am still unable to fly eh. So the funwith Gascoigne ends here."G.o.dou shrugged as he grumbled."Disrupting my rare opportunity for fun, what a bunch of girls who don"tknow their place! No other way, I shall have to educate you properly righthere before starting a new game.""Do you think we will accept such tyranny, Kusanagi G.o.dou?"Liliana frowned angrily as she spoke."It looks like in your current state, you are indulging your desires too much.It is a knight"s duty to remonstrate a lord who has strayed from the correctpath. For this, I, Liliana Kranjcar, shall have no choice but to draw mysword against you."Declaring thus, the blue knight slowly opened her hand.Her beloved sword II Maestro had not been summoned yet. However, thisstance expressed her determination to do so.They had come here intending to liberate G.o.dou from the strange curse.Erica and Liliana were both in battle attire. Red and black vertical stripes.Blue and black vertical stripes. These were their usual respective capes."G.o.dou-san, please come to your senses. Even if it were truly as PrinceAlec described, and you have been charmed by Sir Lancelot, only byovercoming it will you display the dignity of a king!"Dressed in her miko outfit, Yuri also spoke out in reprimand.G.o.dou smiled wryly and tousled his hair. She really looked quite stern andawe-inspiring."If I really am a king, then I won"t be concerned with such trivial stuff. All Iwant is to roam the land freely, taking steps as I please. If I meet some foolwho rubs me the wrong way, having a little duel would be nice."Neither arrogance nor madness.He was natural and relaxed instead. A composed and unfetteredimpression that did not carry ferocity. Perhaps this was actually KusanagiG.o.dou"s true nature ~ Erica secretly thought this to herself.Come to think of it, he had always been able to switch freely to using hispower for battle.A person who easily became friends and collaborators with members oforganizations in various countries."This unhesitating G.o.dou is truly a first sight. What a truly troublesomecondition."Erica grumbled as she felt impressed. Having borrowed the powers ofpeople who were not present here, the preparations for lifting the G.o.d"scurse were already complete. It was now up to the current team to takepractical action. They must succeed at all costs.Part 2The Holy Grail had taken the form of Fake Minos.The bull-headed giant G.o.d roared as it flew beside the white divine horse."U RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAALLAAAAAAAAAAAH H H H H H H ! ! "This bellow unleashed magical power and authority.Turning raging spirit into spell words, thunderous roars shook the sky ascrashing waves rocked the land.Appearing before the eyes of Fake Minos as well as Lancelot andGuinevere riding the flying divine horse was the little island surrounded byrocky reefs.Populated with strangely shaped rocky protrusions, it was indeed a castleof strange rock."Alexandre-sama"s labyrinth, even though it has definitely beenweakened...""A fake G.o.d and a G.o.d-slayer, even if they possess the same authority theycannot be truly equal. Apparently it cannot be nullified completely."Riding astride the white divine horse, Lancelot and Guinevere conversedquietly."Nevertheless, since this point has been reached, only breaking in by forceremains. Let Fake Minos charge into the labyrinth as a vanguard. Even ifthe labyrinth cannot be destroyed, it will serve the purpose of opening apath."Lancelot and Guinevere entered the Devil"s Sea with the bull-headed G.o.dof the labyrinth as their guide.Rather than riding the waves, they were advancing through the sky. Onlyten-odd kilometers now separated them from "Avalon." However, thisremaining distance was the most arduous part of the journey yet.First of all, amorphous mist blocked their path several meters ahead.In addition, blown by terrifying gales, they were almost deported from theDevil"s Sea.Before they noticed, their course had veered off and no progress had beenmade towards the island.Seawater gushed up from the ocean like a geyser, almost striking downthe divine horse Lancelot and Guinevere were riding. These were all partof the Black Prince"s authority -- the labyrinth"s magical power whichprevented anyone from approaching the island.Every time Fake Minos roared, the labyrinth"s magic was weakened."This cannot be allowed to continue..."Lancelot muttered."One shall simply enchant Fake Minos with Insane Rush, so that it canattempt to create a breach by force.""Sir Knight, please reconsider before pursuing such a reckless course ofaction. If you go ahead, it could cause detrimental effects on the Holy Grailwhich is being used as a catalyst!"Sitting on the saddle, Guinevere voiced her opinion with a worriedexpression.Nevertheless, Lancelot was unfazed by her concerns. Hoping to advancefurther while Kusanagi G.o.dou was buying time for them, it was time toconclude things decisively here."O Minos, offerest one thy a.s.sistance!"The ferocious bull-headed G.o.d gave a great roar of "OOOAAANNN!" inresponse."Thou shalt become the pioneer to traverse this sea. Chargest forth for thesake of this Knight and the beloved child. Thou only needst to aim for thelabyrinth"s exit, and dashest forward with insanity!"These words comprised the curse.The one cursed would become violent and ferocious, going berserk toachieve the goal at any cost...!The effects were instant. Fake Minos who had manifested in the form of abull-headed humanoid, now transformed into a complete bull. Abandoningits human qualities, it had turned into a beast G.o.d."QUOAAAAAAAANNNNNNNM"Ferocious bull Minos rushed forward like a shooting star, flying withastounding speed.But as the bull continued to charge, an additional crack opened up on itsbody every so often. This was because it was a self-destructive rampage.In just a matter of a few dozen seconds.Fake Minos had crossed the labyrinthine sea as it exploded into a showerof shattered fragments.At the same time, the magical power hanging over the Devil"s Sea -- BlackPrince Alec"s authority dissipated. Through desperate rampage andsacrifice, Fake Minos had finally breached the labyrinth."How is the Holy Grail, beloved child?""Basically fine. How fortunate...!"The golden urn hovered in the sky where Fake Minos had exploded.Guinevere reported after a cursory glance. Lancelot silently nodded inacknowledgement. The indestructible divine artifact could not possiblyhave been damaged so easily."Then Excalibur can continue to be used.""Well, this is a weapon that was revived forcibly after all, it won"t remainfunctional for long. It should not be used except at crucial moments."The quiet conversation was carried out with the view of Tokyo Bay laid outbefore them.The rocky island floated ahead in solitude. The bizarrely shaped rockswere very conspicuous, giving the island a very distinctive look. This wasindeed Avalon, the final destination of these two here.However, just as Lancelot took up the reins, ready to advance...Magical power burst forth from the ocean directly beneath!"This is an authority!? --Of Gascoigne"s doing!""Sir Knight, look at the sea there!"A black sphere with a radius of twenty or thirty meters was submerged inthe sea.The sphere was emitting an extraordinary power. It was an attractive pulsewhich sought to drag down into the sea the divine horse that the white warG.o.d and the Divine Ancestor were riding."Magical sphere of avarice! This is the authority of attraction andcompression that Alexandre-sama usurped from the gigantic beastBehemoth! No good, we"re being pulled into it!""Laying a door guard at the final location beforehand, what thoroughplanning!"The attractive pulse released by the submerged sphere immobilized theknight flying in the sky.Lancelot kicked at her beloved steed"s belly, ordering it to gallop, but itcould not run. The divine horse attempted to follow the knight"s orders andwas moving its legs with full force. Normally, it could kick the air as ifkicking ground, galloping with great speed. But now, the divine horse"s legswere only waving in the air fruitlessly.Not just the divine horse, but neither Lancelot nor Guinevere could move asingle finger either.They were immobilized by Alec"s authority of attracting targets and neverreleasing them.Lancelot summoned magical power, trying to break free from theauthority"s restraints, but it did not work. The source of this attractive force,the sphere, actually moved very slowly. But its attractive power wasterrifyingly great in inverse proportion to its slow mobility. Even the whitewar G.o.d could not struggle free."Gascoigne, to think he actually set up this thing in the labyrinth..."The instant Lancelot smacked her lips as she realized the Black Prince"strap...A black humanoid silhouette could be seen from the corner of her eye. Theprofile of a mature female with a pair of white wings on her back. From thewaist down, the body was serpentine while there was apparently a fish tailwhere feet would normally be found.A grotesque demoness was flying in approach. With that speed and agilityin the air, it really was flying like the wind.Lancelot could not see any part of her other than her back. This wasundoubtedly the authority Alec had usurped from the G.o.ddess Melusine!^In the very instant the war G.o.d"s attentions were drawn to the new enemy..."Hmm!?"The restraining force suddenly disappeared, greatly surprising Lancelot.The attractive pulse sucking them in had vanished all of a sudden. Thedivine horse which had been galloping at full force was sent lurchingforward. This became an opening.Light as the wind, the queen instantly drew near.Aiming at the opening exposed by Lancelot and the divine horse, thequeen flew in with her pure white wings, grabbed Guinevere in her armsand made her getaway!"Sir Knight!?"Looking like an abductee, the Divine Ancestor desperately reached outwith her hand. But immediately, the attractive force from the black sphereresumed once again.The knight and her beloved horse were once again imprisoned by theattractive force."You, to think your target was the beloved child!"Lancelot gnashed her teeth and yelled as her body remained immobilized.Other than the back view of the abductor flying into the distance, nothingmore could be seen. That direction was towards the "island" they sought --Avalon. Was it returning to the place where the Black Prince was waiting?"Prepare for a full gallop!"It was imperative to struggle free from this force of attraction using fullpower at maximum speed! Lancelot instantly decided."There is no way out except by using full speed to break free. One mustescape from being locked in this cage!"Lightning was summoned from thunderclouds above. Blue-white flashes oflightning continually burst forth, striking the knight and the divine horse.The rumbling of thunder persisted nonstop, shaking the sky and the sea."Once filled with this power, this Knight and horse shall take the form of awhite meteor. Beloved child, please remain unharmed until then!"Praying as the thunder and lightning struck directly. However, was thisgoing to work? She asked herself frankly.Using the dashing gallop here would probably produce the same outcomeas the fight against Athena last time. Lancelot would deplete her divinepower and enter a state of exhaustion, thus hindering the battle againstAlec. Compared to the duel with Kusanagi G.o.dou, she wanted to keep allother fighting to a minimum. But doing things this way was looking bad!?--Fine! Doubting inner monologue was cast aside.Instantly steeling her determination, Lancelot continued to prepare for thedashing gallop. Escaping from this situation would also mean the divinelance Excalibur could be used. In any case, this weapon must stay in herown hand!Lancelot"s beautiful face could not help but smile beneath that whitehelmet.It was a smile trembling with delight in antic.i.p.ation of the approaching dueland farewell.Meanwhile, Alexandre Gascoigne...Leaving the cursed Kusanagi G.o.dou behind for his lovers to handle, Alechad turned into lightning and flew away.Entering the Devil"s Sea in this manner, Alec could instantaneously travelto the depths of the labyrinth as the master of the maze. In this particularinstance, that was the Floating Island"s location.Having usurped the labyrinth authority from Minos eight years ago, he wasfully accustomed to the ways of using it.This was an authority of creation that could materialize a labyrinth asimagined.Not only could it modify buildings above or underground, it could alsoconvert locations into mysterious forests or mystifying fog which could notbe exited once entered, with all sorts of variations, such as the Devil"s Seacreated this time. However, there was the restriction that this authoritycould not be reused until a month had elapsed after each use...Nevertheless, Alec had not returned to the Devil"s Sea.The "island" and the labyrinth was a trap set to separate Lancelot fromGuinevere.The war G.o.d who was strong enough alone was now armed with Excalibur.Furthermore, Guinevere still held that particular trump card. Divide andconquer would be the proper strategy.For this purpose, he had already chosen the stage beforehand near theFloating Island.--During the Meiji period, for the purpose of guarding the imperial capitalTokyo, the j.a.panese military of old had constructed three island outpostsin the sea offsh.o.r.e from Chiba"s Cape Futtsu. These were Sea FortressOne, Two and Three.Alec had chosen Sea Fortress Two.This was an uninhabited island under the management of the Coast Guardwhere civilian entry was prohibited.The lighthouse, still in use, was powered by solar batteries. Apparently,firefighting training was also conducted here sometimes. Given that thelittle island contained little more than ruins and debris, Alec could rampagehere without any concerns.Flying at lightning speed briefly, he could see the island beneath him.Landing, he resumed human form and summoned the [Queen]. Other thanthe face concealing restriction, she was a convenient servant indeed, andquite a precious treasure in many ways.He issued orders to her for capturing Guinevere. Within the Devil"s Sea, hehad already set up the Behemoth sphere beforehand. This was inpreparation for the moment when the labyrinth authority was dispelled.Ten-odd minutes later, the [Queen] finally returned.An otherworldly beauty above the waist, her lower torso was some kind offish and snake hybrid, with wings on her back-The grotesque female familiar laid down on the ground the girl she hadbeen carrying in her arms, then spread her wings and took flight. Makingan exit as if she was embarra.s.sed about her appearance. Her face musthave been seen while she was abducting Guinevere."Finally time for us to catch up on old times, Guinevere.""Such a description is only appropriate for a reunion between lovers.Incongruent with your t.i.tle of Prince, Your Highness still has no idea how totreat a lady."Guinevere responded to Alec with a surly huff."To have been invited to this kind of place when the location of the King ofthe End" was finally within reach... And separating me from Sir Knight aswell, what on earth do you want?""In truth, our relationship is not that lacking in intimacy. Do you know howmany incidents you have caused as a result of your inability to let go ofyour obsession with your past master? I have grown tired of dealing withyou."Alec deliberately posed with familiarity.However, the smile on the corner of his lips displayed merciless egoism."Amongst those who have lost their lives in the schemes of you and yourfellow Divine Ancestors, many were my friends and subordinates. It"s timefor you to pay the debts you owe them... Ah yes, by the way, there"s alsothat woman who worsened her health in order to seal away that Arthur yousummoned."The memories concerning their eight-year-long conflict were reawakened.Had Guinevere simply been a witch who hara.s.sed Alec, even if annoyed,he would probably not be so intent on eliminating her. Similar to the wayhe tolerated that Princess..."But there"s no such rule saying that the Witch Queen does not have to payher debts. I"m just doing a little stint as a debt collector. I"m sorry but wouldyou please indulge this little willful wish of mine?""You revived Avalon for this..."The antique doll-like beautiful face was viciously distorted as she glared atAlec."Not only did you find out Master"s sleeping location before us, set ashameless trap in that place, and even separate Guinevere from SirKnight, you had to impose such a self-righteous explanation!Alexandre-sama, you really are the worst!""Like you, I am in a scolding mood, but it"s best that I don"t act on it."Alec dismissed the Divine Ancestor"s accusation with a heavily sardonicsmile."Now you must make a choice. Are you going to find a way to escape,avoiding risk even though the "King of the End" lies before you? Or will youplay your ultimate hand in a bid for everything? One or the other."In the past, Guinevere would surely have picked the former.And then waited for Lancelot"s rescue. Since things had come to this, Aleccould not let things go wrong in the last moment.However, trapped in this current situation, what would she do?Gamble with her remaining life to seek the "King of the End," or not? Whichwould it be?Seeing Guinevere"s cute figure beginning to expand, Alec smiled. Very wellthen, you made that choice. I shall entertain you to the very end.The doll-like body of the beautiful girl was covered with silver-white scalesas it expanded.The black formal dress which resembled funeral attire was ripped apart inan instant.Long and sharp claws grew out from the tips of her four limbs. Wingssprouted from her back. Her beautiful face had turned merciless andreptilian. But rather than ferocity, the face still carried a sense of solemndignity—This was the form of a dragon. Witch Queen Guinevere had finally usedher trump card as a Divine Ancestor. Releasing the seal of dragons andsnakes, she temporarily retrieved her former divinity as mother earthG.o.ddess.However, the price was the forfeit of Guinevere"s remaining life.Sparks appeared all over Alec. Engaging divine speed, he prepared for aconclusion with his mortal enemy.Part 3"I am currently under Lancelot"s curse. Before dueling with Lancelot, I needto fight Gascoigne first. Even though if this continues I"ll be free onceGascoigne is defeated. But it looks like things won"t go that smoothly."On the deck of the magically operated sailing ship, G.o.dou was speakingleisurely.Naturally, he was talking to Erica, Liliana and Yuri before him."I want to fight that Lancelot as soon as possible to settle things.""If that is the case, Kusanagi G.o.dou, you seem to have forgotten oneimportant thing."What? As G.o.dou was taken aback by Liliana"s statement, Erica explainedto him:"The spell words of the [Sword]. You still haven"t obtained knowledgeabout Lancelot. You currently have no way to slice apart that war G.o.d.""Ah yes. Now that you mentioned it, that"s true."G.o.dou realized his carelessness. Apparently the curse had made him losehis cool."Well actually I thought that when push comes to shove, I could alwayshave Guinevere tell me.""Y-You! What are you thinking? She is an enemy, a Divine Ancestor aswell!"Hearing G.o.dou"s mutterings, Liliana reprimanded him."That is to say, you have no compunction against kissing that witch again!Anyway, how were you planning on getting her to follow your orders!?""Well, whatever, when the time comes I will always think of a way.""Completely shameless! Spoken like a true s.e.xual predator!""Don"t say that. By the way, you don"t actually dislike me acting this way,right?""--!?"G.o.dou wryly smiled at Liliana"s fierce accusations as he winked at her.The contents of her romance novels were still clear in his memory. Thesilver-haired knight had repeated the same lines as the heroine whowholeheartedly looked forward to being toyed with by a man resemblingKusanagi G.o.dou.Liliana averted her gaze with a frantic expression. Her anxiety clearlybetrayed the fact that G.o.dou was right on target."P-Please wait, G.o.dou-san. Disregarding your statement about doingsomething to Guinevere-sama, the final mystery of Sir Lancelot still needsto be solved. Before fighting Sir Lancelot and the Black Prince, this mustbe resolved first!"Taking silent Liliana"s place, Yuri pleaded."Now is the not the time to fight. Please slow down and calm your heart!""Ah yes, actually. Lancelot without armor... I"ve seen that fellow"s true facealready."Suppressing his belligerence for now, G.o.dou smiled as he replied to theHime-Miko.This caused Yuri to blink repeatedly with a shocked expression."If Mariya also sees it, perhaps you can tell me what kind of existenceLancelot is? Perhaps the prototype can be used to unravel the finalmystery. -Ah, right."Struck by a great idea, G.o.dou approached Yuri."P-Perhaps it really could work... Eh, G.o.dou-san, what are you doing!?""Nothing much. I just came up with a great idea, so I want to try it straightaway. Mariya can take this opportunity to instruct me about Lancelot aswell.""R-Right now right here!?"G.o.dou reached out and pulled the surprised Yuri to his side.The frail and delicate Hime-Miko easily fell into his bosom. G.o.dou couldfeel the touch of her slender yet extremely feminine body and the warmthof her skin.Hugging her was such a pleasure. G.o.dou smiled, causing Yuri to blushinstantly."E-Erica-san and Liliana-san are both present. By the way, G.o.dou-san,you"re really not thinking straight. T-This must be a prank -- mmm..."In contrast to the strong sense of propriety in her voice, Yuri"s behavior didnot express unwillingness.She was neither resisting nor trying to escape, and her eyes even began tomoisten pa.s.sionately. Consequently, G.o.dou did not hold back and pressedhis lips upon hers to silence her."N-No, you cannot. E-Everyone is still watching. 1-1 cannot do this kind ofact for G.o.dou-san -- oooh, please do not do this."With tears in her eyes, Yuri tried to move her lips away, but she did nottruly refuse.This was evidenced by the fact that she became obedient as soon asG.o.dou again sealed her lips with his own.G.o.dou gently licked those cherry lips of hers that glimmered from themoisture of saliva. Recently, the Hime-Miko had started responding to himboldly but this time she was still rather stiff. Kissed by G.o.dou, her lipsremained tense for quite a while but gradually they opened.As tongues clicked and lips were licked repeatedly, Yuri finally opened hermouth.Her cute little tongue cautiously welcomed G.o.dou"s tongue as it extendedinto her mouth."B-Bad... G.o.dou-san... P-Please could you understand, enough is enough.If you continue with this behavior, l-l will become angry for real -- oooh."Her eyes narrowing from rapture, Yuri still kissed back despite turningbright red from head to toe due to embarra.s.sment. But no sooner hadG.o.dou indulged in the long absent pleasure he missed than Erica walkedover."Even though I noticed your lack of hesitation earlier, I never would havethought it extended to this area as well... How unexpected, G.o.dou. Youare full of surprises, one after another.""Really? I"m just acting according to my own will, that"s all."G.o.dou halted his kiss with the Hime-Miko to respond to Erica.He did not miss the sight of Yuri"s lips, trembling with reluctance at theinterruption. Although it was likely subconscious, perhaps she really soughtG.o.dou after all."Sorry, since Mariya feels shy, could you two go somewhere a little furtheraway? I want to learn about Lancelot here first."Yuri began to shrink back from Erica and Liliana"s gazes.In order to attend to the Hime-Miko, G.o.dou gave orders that went slightlycounter to his own principles. He did not like giving special treatment toany particular person in his circle."Stop with the nonsense. How can I leave a person like you unattended soeasily and make an exit?""In that case, you can join Mariya and teach me about Lancelot together.""What did you say!?"In a strange turn of events, Erica who was usually the one taking initiative,had been repeatedly surprised by G.o.dou today. It was really quite aninteresting spectacle."Yesterday, you learned from Mariya what she knew about Lancelot, right?If that"s the case, there"s no problem. Limiting my loving to one particularperson... Really isn"t behavior I want to condone. If Erica will join us, thatwould be for the best."Having approached arm"s reach, G.o.dou grabbed Erica by the wrist.In a contest of strength, Erica"s magically enhanced physical abilities weresuperior. She should have been able to struggle free without trouble, butG.o.dou easily pulled her next to him instead.Since she would not hesitate towards an invitation from G.o.dou, there wasno need for foreplay.G.o.dou kissed Erica"s lips with his own. This lasted dozens of seconds.Yuri showed a mournful gaze while Liliana kept shouting "Please stop this,Kusanagi G.o.dou. Erica, you too, should know enough is enough!" ButG.o.dou continued to kiss unfazed."Mmmm... G.o.dou, don"t think you can dodge the issue simply by doingsomething like this. Your command is too inconsiderate. I don"t want tolisten... Ooh."Erica whispered lightly as she engaged in an intensely pa.s.sionate kiss withG.o.dou.Boldly opening her lips, she covered G.o.dou"s lips with them. Using herpa.s.sionately wriggling tongue she caressed G.o.dou"s tongue, sharing eachother"s saliva."Of course, facing such a proactive G.o.dou truly makes me feel the intensebeat of my heart. Since you have extended such an invitation, it makes mewant to accept... As for doing that with Yuri together, I cannot agree soeasily. I, Erica Blandelli, am not that kind of convenient woman... Mmm.""Hasn"t this been done with everyone before? Wouldn"t it be nice to do itfrom time to time?"Exchanging kisses a couple, no, several dozen times in this manner,G.o.dou and Erica whispered softly to each other."Precedent is no excuse. I never said it was that easy.""If you ever feel any discontent, you can always throw a knife at me likejust now, you know? I won"t evade it next time... And I won"t even complaina single word. How about that, is that enough for me to be the partner ofyou girls?""Right, if such a chance arises, I really will do it. Prepare yourself!"Making full use of the brief respite between their dialogue, the two kissedrepeatedly without pause. Despite her words of displeasure, Erica"sfragrantly sweet lips welcomed G.o.dou with great pa.s.sion."I really need you girls by my side after all. Especially Erica, you"ve prettymuch been my companion the longest, always helping me.""Come on... You only know how to sweet talk during times like these...What am I going to do with you?"Erica finally withdrew her lips from G.o.dou"s mouth.The hanging thread of saliva linking them together remained as evidenceof their intense kissing."I can hardly approve of such emotional decision making. Without noticingit, you have somehow been provoked to become more and moreunyielding. The fact that no man other than Kusanagi G.o.dou has evermade me, Erica Blandelli, compromise this much, I hope you can thankfate properly.""Ah yes. I will engrave it deeply in my heart.""E-Erica-san, are you serious!?"Yuri was shocked that the beautiful maiden of red had reached anagreement with G.o.dou."Yes. Let this be a special exception only for today. The [Sword] isessential after all. Even though the method of carrying out the original planhas strayed, doing this with G.o.dou was part of the plan after all.""The plan... Y-Yes, that is true."Yuri answered Erica whose face was flushed red.It seemed like the girls were scheming something, but G.o.dou did not mind.Just as he had stated, he would not complain even if he got stabbed. Thislevel of willing acceptance was necessary as part of his determination."B-But. No matter what, this is too unbecoming!"□liana"s shout made G.o.dou smile at her in response."Even if you haven"t said anything, you have to accompany us too. Didn"tyou mention before? So this time, you must accept me as a knight should.""It is true I said it before, but this is too abrupt!"G.o.dou glanced diagonally at the troubled blue knight as he leaned closerto the Hime-Miko.He pulled into his embrace Yuri who was scared stiff. Erica immediatelycame to his side as well."If Mariya really dislikes it, then let"s stop here. However, I think no matterhow I change, Mariya will still choose to stay by my side. So, may I?""D-Do not bring that up... Let me go -- Ah...""If you dislike it, then go ahead and bite my lips. No need to go easy onme, okay?"Kissing Yuri again, he whispered to her.Embraced in G.o.dou"s arms, the Hime-Miko twisted her body, but withoutexpending much force. No matter how weak or frail her body, she couldhave refused more intensely as long as she was serious.In this manner, Yuri remained in G.o.dou"s embrace, tears gathering in hereyes from ecstasy."O-Only if Liliana-san also agrees, you are allowed...""Trying to escape like that is a bit underhanded. I was relying on Mariya.""T-Then G.o.dou-san who is saying such things is the underhanded one.P-Promise me, please? Once Sir Lancelot"s details are taught to you, youmust return to normal.""But that"s not something within my power, so this promise is a bitchallenging. If an opportunity arises, I will try my best.""A-As expected, the current G.o.dou-san is so underhanded -- Oooh mmm,mmm."As Yuri finally relaxed and leaned her body against him, G.o.dou tenderlykissed her.Licking each other"s lips, entangling their tongues, exchanging saliva witheach other."Really... All sorts of plans and preparations have gone to waste, G.o.dou,you"re really hopeless!"Erica embraced him from behind. Naturally, he also exchanged a deep kisswith her."T-This situation is truly a situation indeed! If Mariya Yuri and Erica aredoing it, then as the Grand Chamberlain I should not display any lethargy."Liliana made her way over unsteadily. Without saying a word, G.o.doupulled her to his side.Part 4"Speaking of Lancelot, he is the knight amongst knights. In the legends ofKing Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, he was praised as theflawless and strongest existence."As Liliana"s beautiful fairy-like face leaned close, G.o.dou unleashed a rainof kisses.Lips covered lips, pecking away. Enveloping one another. Lips clampingdown on another"s lips. Tongues licked and brushed against lips.Attentively frolicking. As if seeking to recover lost time, it was a kiss full ofdeep pa.s.sion."The crux of the matter is, what was the origin of the existence known asthe knight? You must already know the answer to this, right?"Half-baked magic and spirit powers were unable to affect Devil KingCampiones.But it was a completely different matter if spells were poured directly intothe body. Namely, via oral intake.With forthright temperament, Liliana was forcing her tongue inside. Inresponse, G.o.dou also extended his tongue into hers, stirring up andcaressing the interior of her mouth.The corners of their mouths soon became wet with saliva.No, not just their lips but even the surrounding areas of their faces weremade wet. Nevertheless, Liliana did not worry about appearances andleaned her face against G.o.dou"s cheek in an expression of intimateaffection."Amongst those descended from the Scythians, the inheritors of Iron Agecivilization from the original equestrian tribes, there is Sarmatia... The onesknown as the innovators of the armaments and tactics used by heavycavalry..."Between rapturously accepting G.o.dou"s extended tongue, Liliana spokeduring the brief interludes for catching her breath.Erica decided to squeeze in at this time."Knights originated from Sarmatia -- or rather, the underlying soil of theRoman Empire that nurtured medieval chivalry literature to becomeknightly culture."Erica stole their lord"s lips from her longtime friend and rival.Nevertheless, despite the inherent greed in Erica"s kiss, it was rathertastefully done. Instead of letting herself be driven by l.u.s.t and refusing tolet go of his lips, Erica displayed the pride and dignity of a queen allowinga va.s.sal to kiss her hand. Furthermore, it was accompanied by a youngmaiden"s fervor.As if trying to compete with this red knight, the blue knight once againoffered G.o.dou a kiss, in a manner as adorable as a fairy."The Roman Empire at that time, had a system where non-citizen soldierswere granted official Roman citizenship after twenty-five years of service...Voluntarily enlisting in the Roman military, Sarmatians were deployed allover the Empire as cavalry.""Yes. Retired soldiers were often granted land near the place they werestationed, and would marry local residents as wives."The red and blue knights alternately approached with their kisses, in acompet.i.tion to win credit.Yuri watched with mournful eyes as the two knights tangled with G.o.douand said softly:"Excuse me, G.o.dou-san, so you have seen Lancelot"s true face...?""Ah yes. That guy is actually a girl beneath the armor. Lancelot du Lac is afemale knight."Yuri sighed as she heard his immediate response.With an expression like she wanted to say something, Liliana pinchedG.o.dou"s back.As for Erica, she moved her lips to feign a kiss and lightly bit G.o.dou"slower lip."Ouch! What are you doing?""As it turns out, your lips were yet again stolen by female temptation.""There should limits to how open you leave yourself. You must becomemore alert.""Even though that kind of open-mindedness can be consideredG.o.dou-san"s good point, nevertheless, it should be time for him to makeprogress and learn from past mistakes..."Criticized by each girl in turn, G.o.dou"s head shrank back.This was a tangent. His moment of honesty was for the sake of guiding theHime-Miko"s spirit vision. What was going to happen? G.o.dou awaited theresult. After all —"Anyway, I was indeed able to see it thanks to what you said. Sir Lancelot"sun.o.bscured face stands as irrefutable evidence of her ident.i.ty as a queenrelated to the Proto-Scythian lineages."Yuri hugged back tightly in turn, and bringing her lips close as if trying tostand on her toes.A resolute and proactive kiss. It was an act that no longer befitted theconservative Yamato Nadeshiko, thereby lighting her heart with a sense ofimmoral excitement.Yuri"s kiss was transmitting the knowledge for unraveling Lancelot"smystery.Once again, the miko possessing the highest spirit vision apt.i.tude hadreceived a divine oracle. How befitting -- just as G.o.dou was about toexpress his grat.i.tude, the other girl who possessed spirit vision also offereda kiss."Herodotus was the historian who left behind the first and most ancientwritings about the Scythians, faithfully recording every single detail aboutthe descendants of this tribe. The key that links the queen and the femalewarrior, Sir Lancelot, to the Scythians, is..."Liliana"s spirit vision also succeeded on this occasion.The rare girl, known as both a witch and a knight, transmitted newknowledge to G.o.dou as well. A ma.s.sive amount of information was beingsent directly to his brain through [Instruction] magic.The knowledge provided by the trio caused a sense of certainty to rise inG.o.dou"s heart.Yes, it could be made. The [Sword] for slicing Lancelot apart could now becreated!Just as this confidence made G.o.dou display a dauntless smile..."G.o.dou, come here for a bit, okay...?"It was Erica pleading for a kiss. Naturally, G.o.dou responded.This was an act that had been repeated so many times he had already lostcount. However, her kiss delivered neither speech nor knowledge."...A stone?"Rolling over his tongue was a small and hard ball-shaped object.Due to Erica mixing copious amounts of sweet and fragrant saliva alongwith the object, G.o.dou unwarily swallowed it. Immediately, G.o.dou feltintense chaos in his heart."W-What--?"Anxiety, indecision, apprehension and the like. These hitherto forgottenemotions were reawakened once more.What had been forced down his throat? Erica smiled gracefully as G.o.doupuzzled."It"s a shame and I"ll miss this, but it"s about time for things to conclude. Doyou remember Hikari"s disaster purification? We asked the Princess to casta spell to seal that power into this enchanted stone."Hikari was Yuri"s little sister, the Mariya family"s second daughter. She wasalso an apprentice Hime-Miko.Disaster purification was a power that could cancel out a G.o.d"s authority,even though the scale of its effect was limited. During the battle against theGreat Sage Equaling Heaven, Hikari"s disaster purification had managed toshatter the recovered Ruyi Staff which Erica had smashed earlier.In addition, there was Alice"s involvement this time."This isn"t ordinary disaster purification, you know? This is disasterpurification performed after the Princess had used psychic sensing toshare her own spiritual essence with Hikari. Even though wiping out SirLancelot"s curse is too difficult, it is possible to cause cracks in it... That"swhat the Princess said."Really? So that explains the current feeling. G.o.dou understood.Indeed it was only on the level of making cracks. G.o.dou had a feeling thatif he let his emotions sweep him away, he would return to that state again.However. Nevertheless.Under the girls" gazes, G.o.dou could not allow himself to reignite thatfervor.Because of Erica, who performed the reversal, trying to bring G.o.dou backin spite of the lingering aftertaste from the earlier behavior which made herbody and mind swelter.Because of Yuri, whose eyes were in a daze from the repeated pa.s.sionatekissing, yet she still displayed great worry on her face.Because of Liliana, whose sincere gaze sought G.o.dou even while shevoiced all sorts of complaints.It was imperative to return to their side-line instant this thought crossed his mind, Kusanagi G.o.dou naturallyrecovered his usual state.Thus recovered, G.o.dou now faced Erica, Yuri and Liliana.The girls looked like they were still in an excited state due to the aftertastefrom the earlier behavior. Their beautiful faces were more seductive thanusual, and their alluring bodies brimmed with loveliness that temptedG.o.dou.Nevertheless, the three of them stared at G.o.dou as if they had somethingto say.Embarra.s.sed, G.o.dou deliberately coughed a couple times."Ah... Everyone, I"m really sorry about what happened this time. AfterLancelot enchanted me with that suspicious curse, I seem to have becomequite strange."An apology straight from the heart. Nevertheless, the reception was lessthan ideal."I don"t really agree. If I had to say it, G.o.dou displayed exceptional vigor.""Even though there is no actual evidence to prove this, I did not see youpossessing the stupidity unique to those who were magically brainwashed,nor did you show any dulled reactions...""For some reason, I get the feeling that it was a curse that releases one"sinnermost thoughts and desires, amplifying them to near insane levels. Inthat case, up until just now, G.o.dou-san was really..."Erica"s accusation, Liliana"s resignation and Yuri"s verdict.Since he had brought things on himself, G.o.dou could not object in anyway. He timidly bowed his head."Looks like I troubled Hikari as well.""That"s right. She received the Princess" spiritual essence and used powerwhich exceeded her limits, greatly exhausting her body and mind. Shecollapsed with a severely high fever. She even asked for you to visit herlater."G.o.dou nodded at Erica"s explanation.Come to think of it, Hikari had requested "let"s go out" quite a while ago.Other than apologizing for her troubles, he really had to fulfill his promisetoo..."Of course, I also need to express my thanks to Alice-san. Did she come toj.a.pan again? Is she together with Kaoru-san and Amakasu-san rightnow?""Uh... That is a rather difficult matter to explain."Liliana answered G.o.dou"s question with a frantic expression. Yuri bowedher head with a blush and even Erica was diverting her gaze as ifembarra.s.sed.What"s going on? Just as he puzzled, G.o.dou heard that voice."M-My apologies. I was actually hiding here all along, watching everythingfrom beginning to end."Unbelievably, it was the voice of Princess Alice.Turning his head in a panic, G.o.dou found the beauty standing awkwardlybehind him."I hurried here because I learned from Erica"s call yesterday thatKusanagi-sama was in a grave situation. Also, I was concerned withAlexandre"s latest activities."Apparently she had flown here using spirit body detachment again.Of course, besides well intentions, morbid curiosity probably played a largepart as well. But anyway, that did not really matter. G.o.dou could not thankthe Princess enough for coming here expressly to rescue him.On the other hand, G.o.dou was so shocked he could only stare silently atAlice.Alice was also completely embarra.s.sed, avoiding eye contact witheveryone else. Furthermore, she was murmuring repeatedly in a highlyexcited tone."Find an opening to feed Kusanagi-sama via mouth-to-mouth theenchanted stone I had prepared. After hearing this plan Erica hadproposed, I"ve been observing with a racing heart. I never knew thingswould get so out of hand! It almost scared me to death!"Even though the embarra.s.sment made her feel awkward, Alice"s eyesglimmered brightly.G.o.dou and the girls" behavior must have given her quite an intense culturalshock."S-Sorry for going on a tangent. But to witness such an avant-gardedisplay as befits Kusanagi-sama"s faction, it renders me quite unable todescribe things properly in words. R-Regardless, the problem ofGuinevere-sama and Sir Lancelot is our first priority right now!"Alice changed the subject forcibly, coughed cutely and began to lookacross the sea from the ship"s deck."I can see a [Dragon]"s shadow over there. Most likely Guinevere-samahas released the seal of the snakes and dragons."This was an observation made by the Miko-Hime. On the other hand,G.o.dou could see nothing but the sea.Yuri who possessed the same power as her, nodded in agreement."Yes. I see it too. Also, there is a presence of intense [Thunder] in thatdirection.""Yes. That must be Sir Lancelot acc.u.mulating power."G.o.dou noticed it too, in the direction pointed out by the Hime-Miko,different from the one described by Alice.From the Devil"s Sea, the presence of thunder could be felt, which wasapparently opposite to where the dragon"s shadow was located."Guinevere and Lancelot were separated?""Yes. This must have been Alexandre"s goal. To trap Sir Lancelot in thelabyrinth, isolate Guinevere-sama, and then strike at each separately.Compared to the knight, the queen is easier to handle, which is why shebecame the prioritized target."This plan had almost been foiled by G.o.dou"s intrusion.That said, G.o.dou could not possibly ally himself with a man of poorcharacter like Alec. Well, it couldn"t be helped. Thinking that, G.o.doushrugged.On the other hand, Alice looked in the direction of where the dragon shouldbe and spoke with determination:"I will watch Guinevere-sama and Alexandre"s duel. What areKusanagi-sama"s plans?""I will go to the Floating Island... Where Lancelot is."From the Black Prince and White Princess" perspective, the DivineAncestor was their greater enemy. However, that did not hold true forKusanagi G.o.dou.The one he needed to fight and settle things with, was Lancelot du Lac.Consequently, he needed to part with the Princess here."I really owe you one for the a.s.sistance this time. Thank you so much. I willproperly express my grat.i.tude later.""Not at all, I am also having fun."Alice responded to G.o.dou"s thanks with a mainly mischievous smile."Then I shall take my leave, Kusanagi-sama. May you be victorious. It"s ashame that you and Alexandre cannot get along, but for the sake of worldpeace, it"s best if you two can compromise a little. Then I can resta.s.sured!"This time speaking with ladylike tones, Alice flew away.The four people, G.o.dou, Erica, Yuri and Liliana were left behind. The usualteam."G.o.dou, it"s finally time for our decisive battle against Sir Lancelot, right?""Uh yeah. Sorry everyone. The situation has gone messy because of me,but I"ve already decided from the start to end things with Lancelot. Couldyou all accommodate me for a little while longer?""Asking me, Erica Blandelli, this type of question is completelyunnecessary. Only a fool will say to their right hand something ridiculouslike "accommodate me." Well whatever, considering it"s G.o.dou, the fool atall times no matter what."G.o.dou smiled wryly in response to Erica"s nonconformist answer, whileLiliana and Yuri nodded on the side.Even though things were a mess, the conclusion was finally approaching inspite of everything. G.o.dou stepped forward at last, towards the duel withthe knight who had caused the death of his mortal enemy Athena--References1 . t Melusine: a feminine spirit of fresh waters in sacred springs andrivers from European folklore. Commonly depicted as a woman with alower torso of a snake or a fish (like a mermaid), sometimes withwings.

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