
Chapter 85

Chapter 1 - A Devil King is Born...?Part 1By the time he realized it, G.o.dou already found himself imprisoned -- as forthe cause, perhaps it was rather out of the blue.Now that he thought about it, everything started four days earlier.It was during the spring break when he was about to enter high school,G.o.dou visited Italy"s Sardinia in his grandfather"s place. There, heencountered the handsome amnesiac youth, Erica the knight and mage,as well as the witch Lucretia Zola-All individuals possessing strange and incredible powers.Furthermore, G.o.dou encountered "G.o.ds."Meeting a G.o.d, conversing with a G.o.d, fighting a G.o.d, obtaining victory...Something like that.After using the [Secret Tome of Prometheus], his consciousness had gonefuzzy and he could not recall what happened afterwards.However, he could still vividly recall his friend, the youth standing amidstflames. His joyful smile, his sharp eyes carrying an expression of regret,and those parting words."Kusanagi G.o.dou, I grant my blessing to thee who has been reborn as thenew G.o.d-slaying king!"Even on the verge of death, his voice was very clear and distinctive.The youth"s entire charisma as a "hero" was overflowing there."Thou art the first person to usurp mine -- the authority of the G.o.d ofvictory! Becomest stronger than anyone else! Until the day I shall fight theeagain, possessest my undefeatable body!"Even though I didn"t quite understand, that was what he told me.He displayed such mettle and battle spirit for a rematch, even as he lay ondeath"s door.Indeed that was his true nature. This Persian Warlord of old, using the tenincarnations to fight, protecting the people, worshiped as the undefeatedvictorious hero, only Verethragna could have fitting final moments likethese.Hence.Kusanagi G.o.dou"s life was in peril. Then he lost consciousness.Several hours pa.s.sed.Even though the battle against Verethragna took place around the hours ofdawn, G.o.dou took until noon to wake up. Erica immediately came to hisside.Erica told him they had left the ruins that had been used as the battlefieldand come to a nearby village. Erica fortuitously found a four-room inn,gotten a room, and placed the unconscious G.o.dou on the bed."Acting so reckless, and yet he"s still alive... Recovering so quickly in suchshort time, sure enough--"Hearing Erica mumbling on the bedside, G.o.dou was puzzled.Severely beaten up by Verethragna, and even struck by the decisivelightning attack. Due to using the [Secret Tome of Prometheus], both hisbody and brain had felt scorching hot as if on fire.Dying then and there was only natural.Getting up from bed and examining his body, G.o.dou began to mutter."I"ve really recovered. I, could I be dreaming?"Blunt trauma, broken bones, abrasions, bleeding, burns, rupturing ofinternal organs, high fever, etc.Unable to find any trace of the unbearable pain, G.o.dou only found acompletely healthy body instead. Furthermore."...Eh."Swinging his right arm unintentionally, he found the feeling slightly strange.G.o.dou had injured his right shoulder last summer, forcing him to quit thesport of baseball to which he had devoted himself for many years."Strange..."Moving his right shoulder back and forth, he could not feel anythingunusual. It moved very smoothly.In addition, he noticed something else.He was extremely hungry.His stomach was growling and rumbling, causing a commotion, demandingfood and nutrients."Hey Erica, you got anything to eat?""If there are restaurants nearby, I can order takeout. But G.o.dou, weren"tyou on the verge of death? In my opinion, you shouldn"t eat anything thatcould strain your stomach."This was most sensible advice, but G.o.dou declared loudly."No problem! I currently feel like I could even digest my own shoes! Bring iton!"Thirty minutes later. G.o.dou was wolfing down all sorts of food that Ericahad brought.There were several paninis made from pork, chicken and springvegetables. Boiled sausage. Prosciutto ham.Thick slabs of horse meat steak. Steamed vegetables topped withhand-made mayonnaise style sauce.Rabbit meat stewed with vegetables. Mineral water. Orange juice. Wine.Etc.Grabbing food continually and stuffing them in his mouth, G.o.dou chewedwith relish, swallowing in huge gulps. At any rate, seeking nourishmentwas first priority-Erica stared at G.o.dou as if he was driven to eat and drink by someunknown force. An expression like she was observing some newlydiscovered rare species, deep in thought..."By the way, I forgot to do something. I"ll be right back."Staying no longer, Erica left the room.G.o.dou simply gave a quick nod in response and continued his quest fornourishment, sweeping all the food away. Greatly satisfied, he lay on thebed once more.Now that nutrients had been replenished, it was time for rest, sleep -Sensing the entreaties of the body, he did as told without hesitation. In anycase, it was time for sleep and recovery of energy. For the sake of abattle-ready body...Having slept for who knows how many hours, it was time to wake up.G.o.dou found himself imprisoned."You"re awake.""Well then, let"s begin with the interrogation."A quiet gloomy voice suddenly spoke.G.o.dou found himself lying on something soft, with both his hands and feetrestrained."Hey, hey! What is this? What do you intend to do to me!?"G.o.dou complained as he surveyed his surroundings.He seemed to be inside a barn of some countryside farm. Stacks of haywere lying all around, and in fact, G.o.dou had been sleeping on one ofthem. Both his wrists and ankles were bound by iron shackles.In addition, looking down at G.o.dou were two men in cosplay, each dressedin a gray robe.They resembled actors from a blockbuster movie, like Jedi Knights in somekind of s.p.a.ce odyssey or magi from a fantasy movie.Since their hoods were pulled down completely, the men"s faces could notbe seen."I am a j.a.panese tourist and I don"t think I deserve to be treated like this.Are you people sure you didn"t get the wrong guy!?""...No. You are the right one."One of the men answered quietly to G.o.dou"s protests, in fluent j.a.panese.However, what little of his face that could be seen in the depths beneaththe hood, was clearly a Caucasian face."You must be Kusanagi G.o.dou," right? We already received the news.Erica Blandelli the knight of Milan and the youth named Kusanagi hadbeen wandering all over Sardinia."To G.o.dou"s surprise, they even knew about Erica. The man turned hissomber gaze towards G.o.dou."...Trying to get to the bottom of our affairs is pointless. All I can say is thatwe are members of an ancient magic a.s.sociation. For the past week or so,we have been investigating the "G.o.d" which had suddenly manifested."G.o.dou was greatly shocked. G.o.d. Did they really mean Verethragna?"Erica Blandelli and the youth from j.a.pan. Apparently traveled all over theplace in pursuit of the G.o.d"s trail. Then finally this morning, the G.o.d"spresence suddenly vanished, and stability returned to the island..."So the battle really happened after all.Befriending that youth, having a battle to the death, and finally parting insuch short time.Recalling this incident, G.o.dou felt a scorching sensation in his chest. Themen suddenly continued:"Under such conditions, we feared one possibility. Perhaps, the G.o.d whomanifested on Sardinia had been defeated by Erica Blandelli, and shewould be reborn as a "Campione!""VErica defeated a G.o.d? And became what?"Now that I think about it, that girl Erica did mention something similar--"Just before the impending battle against Verethragna, he had aconversation with Erica.G.o.dou remembered clearly the word "Campione" being mentioned then."Oh, looks like you"ve got a clue. We hope you can explain carefully indetail..."One of the hooded men said to G.o.dou softly."The [Heretic G.o.d] manifesting on Sardinia on this occasion is a veryimportant divinity for our [Church of the Eastern Magi] and could bringabout revelation. Very likely, it is the G.o.d of victory, Verethragna..."These people are a.s.sociated with Verethragna!? G.o.dou was shocked."If Miss Erica slew the war G.o.d we worship, it would be a very serioussituation. We will have to bear the full force of our a.s.sociation down on herin order to avenge the G.o.d!""So, boy. This is the situation. Tell us where Erica-san is located rightnow!""If you decide to be stubborn, we have ways of making you talk!"Noisily talking at the same time, they threatened."Y-Yes I know about that alright. But by the time I woke up I was alreadyyour captive. Besides, even if I knew why would I tell you people!?"G.o.dou yelled.It sounded like they were seeking Erica for revenge. Of course he was notgoing to cooperate with them."I see. Then there"s no choice... In the name of Mithra the G.o.d of contracts,I hereby command, truth be thy only law, honesty be thy only speech,prohibited are all falsehoods."One of the men muttered suspiciously.G.o.dou reacted with a feeling he never experienced before. The man"swords felt like they carried "power" which turned into something formlessand colorless that began to entangle G.o.dou"s body.Spell words!? This term entered his mind vaguely.If spell words truly existed, perhaps they really took effect in this fashion.But why could he sense such phenomena, why him!?"Hmm. This youth, he deflected my magic?"However, not only G.o.dou but also the man who employed the spell wordswere surprised."He probably has some sort of protective magic guarding his body, right?Like spells for preventing the extraction of information for example, thereare various ways to handle them.""How befitting for the companion of a great knight of the [Copper BlackCross]..."Protective magic? Obviously, G.o.dou had no idea how to use that, so itmust have been Erica who did it, right? But where on earth did she run offto -- just as he felt anxious."Then we are left with no other choice. If a reasonable methods fails, wemust resort to barbaric ways."One of the men made a very disconcerting statement."As a show of respect to the prestigious [Copper Black Cross], we willreveal our most vicious secret technique. A curse that boils the brain like aseal of death... Will be our offering to you. Even protective magic cannotstop this curse.""If you don"t want to die, you"d better be a good boy and tell us everythingyou know.""Come, be out with it. Do it now before it"s too late!"G.o.dou swallowed hard.These people did not sound like they were joking. Magi were always doingthese crazy ridiculous things. He already experienced enough of that overthe past few days. However, he could not betray Erica.G.o.dou suppressed the surfacing fear of death as he glared angrily at themen."Hmm. Preparing yourself to die for the sake of friendship -- what a pity.Deprived of my blessing, whether the righteous or the b.e.s.t.i.a.l, all shall bebereft of luminance, and evil shall prevail!"These spell words carried "power." That was the feeling.Even though he felt it again, G.o.dou did not know how to defend no matterhow hard he pondered. There was nothing he could use as a shield.Furthermore, there was no time left to bluff and stall for time. At this pointof no return, it was too late to regret.It was too late. G.o.dou could feel the onslaught of the deadly curse.Clearly he had survived a battle against a G.o.d, but now he was going todie here? Really?"Even our most vicious curse has been deflected!""Unbelievable... Who is this boy...?"The two hooded men muttered in shock.It was only natural. Even though he did not know the reason, the momentthe spell words of the curse made contact with G.o.dou"s body they instantlyvanished.Then immediately."This is it, folks. To think that there actually existed people who dareattempt the foolish deed of kidnapping and confining my companion, EricaBlandelli"s. Such utter lack of foresight is truly impressive indeed."Suddenly, the door to the barn flew open.Bathed beneath the rays of the setting sun, it was the gallant entrance of abeautiful girl whose fluttering reddish blonde hair adorned her like a crown.That beautiful face of hers, l.u.s.trously radiating such dominance andintellect, caused the gloomy robed men to cower back.The one who appeared was Erica Blandelli, of course. The girl whomeveryone sought.Part 2"Looks like I have no need to announce my name for a duel... I apologizefor resorting to violence, but please return this person to me."Smiling with a chuckle, Erica suddenly summoned a sword into her hand.Cuore di Leone. Possessing a slender blade shining with clear l.u.s.ter, themagic sword of the lion. G.o.dou clearly recalled the magic sword that hadbeen used to great effect in the battle against Verethragna."Wait a minute, Erica Blandelli. Did you really slay a [Heretic G.o.d]?""The G.o.d-slaying Devil King -- did you become a Campione!?""Hoho, why don"t you confirm the answer through battle?"Completely unconcerned with the doubts of the retreating men, Ericasmiled glamorously while she swung her sword. One flash, two flashes.G.o.dou was rendered speechless to see her wielding her sword without anyhesitation at all.This is no historical drama, are you really trying to kill these men!? Fearand unease welled up within G.o.dou. But fortunately, these worries wereunfounded.What Erica sliced with her sword was the "power" surrounding the tworobed men.An unbelievable presence that protected them. Cuore di Leone slicedthrough it, causing the "power" to dissipate immediately."You don"t even know how to use swords, and now that you"ve lost yourprotective spells, you two are no match for me.""Tsk!" "d.a.m.n you!"Their power severed by Erica, the two men traced complicated patternswith their fingers.The patterns inscribed in the air produced "power," carrying some kind ofdeadly attribute. Sensing this presence, G.o.dou was surprised again.Again. Why would I know something like that?In spite of G.o.dou"s hopeless confusion, Erica did not stop moving.She already took action before the men"s "power" took effect. A gracefullydelivered high kick.Striking one of the men spectacularly in the back of his head, she knockedhim out in one hit. The other man was struck in the chest by Cuore diLeone"s hilt and he fainted from the pain.The battle ended effortlessly with Erica"s victory."There, it"s done. Their fates will depend on luck."Erica had found a rope somewhere in the depths of the barn and tied upthe unconscious men.The sky at dusk was visible through the open door. Night was fastapproaching."These guys are probably from somewhere in the orient... Maybe affiliatedwith some religion. Probably Zoroastrianism? Verethragna belongs to thatreligion, right?"G.o.dou inquired. The restraints on his hands and feet had been released."These guys are nowhere near that level of respectability. After all, theywere using the magic of forbidden curses. They"re worthless magi,probably from some sort of ancient cult that worships the Persianpantheon.""Cult... Like those newly risen religion... That"s the kind of impression Iget."The word "cult" was a rather fitting description of the two men"s demeanor."Probably some a.s.sociation of evil alignment. I can"t believe they used[Brain Destruction] magic without any hesitation.""Of evil alignment -- an evil cult, basically. Well said... But wait a minute."Looking down at the unconscious men, G.o.dou realized."Erica, I can"t believe you stood back and watched them do all those thingsto me!?""I simply wanted to confirm to what extent you remain human.""R-Remain human?""Yes. Congratulations, G.o.dou. Today marks the day of your rebirth as a"monster." Think of it as a second birthday."Erica smiled sweetly. With such unforgettable loveliness, it was aglamorous smile as befitted Erica Blandelli.But to G.o.dou, it felt akin to the smile of the devil Mephistopheles when herestored Dr. Faust"s youth. Like a so-called elegant devil..."If you want an explanation, it"s because I already know. I am completelyunworried that the magic used by humans -- even mystic techniques of thehighest level, could harm you in any way.""What do you mean? But actually, I did have this really strange feelingstarting from a while ago."During the scene just now, he had sensed "power" -- ?Could it be, that was magic? Stuff like magical power or spell words?Realizing that, G.o.dou trembled with fear as Erica a.s.serted with all smiles."How should I put it? Yes... You are no longer an ordinary human.Kusanagi G.o.dou has become a G.o.d-slayer, a Campione. That"s basicallyit.""G-G.o.d-slayer? Campione?""Right, didn"t I tell you before the battle against Verethragna? That therewere only six G.o.d-slayers in this world. Devil Kings who usurped theauthorities of G.o.ds. Campiones. You have officially become the seventh.""Whaaaat -- !?"The robed duo had crept into the room at the inn while G.o.dou was snoringaway soundly. Erica happened to be away at the time. In order to obtaininformation, they tied up G.o.dou and brought him to a barn in the outskirtsof the village. Upon discovering the situation, Erica hurried over, therebyresulting in the rescue drama that occurred just now."Looks like stray magi from some small cult, acting rashly without usingtheir brains."Walking along a country road at night, Erica concluded arbitrarily.As a side note, the robed men were left behind in bondage."I agree on that point. But Erica, when you left the room back then, wereyou using me as bait?"Walking alongside the blonde beauty, G.o.dou whispered.Oh well, it was only speculation. At the time, perhaps Erica really had toleave to do something as she claimed... That line of thinking was onlyreasonable.But another possibility occurred to G.o.dou.Yes, take for example, what if given Erica"s intelligence and keen sense,she had actually noticed the appearance of the robed men? Furthermore,she wanted to confirm G.o.dou"s current condition.Her mind of devil"s...It would not be strange to suspect "Erica had hidden herself to observewhat would happen to G.o.dou if he were left alone.""Calling it bait or whatever, that is such an inappropriate description. Isimply chose the most interesting and dramatic method I could think of,that"s all."Contrary to expectations, Erica was proud of herself.What a strange and novel feeling it was, to completely lose all grat.i.tude tohis savior."You, how should I put it... Your character is way not cool."G.o.dou muttered emphatically.Recalling their first encounter, her att.i.tude had been very displeasing backthen. However, having experienced life and death situations together withher, their distance seemed to have shrunk slightly.That was the situation. G.o.dou began to understand a little. Erica was notsimply smart, she was utterly brilliant. On top of that, she was a terrifyingdevil.She was the kind of person whose application of her wits prioritizedpersonal amus.e.m.e.nt."Why am I always surrounded by people with weird personalities?"G.o.dou recalled his closest family, relatives and friends.But thanks to that, he was not intimated by a woman like Erica. Eventhough she was difficult to handle, she was still a good person at heart.The fact that she was a friend remained unchanged."Whatever." G.o.dou muttered to himself. Erica immediately spoke up."Oh my, to think that amongst G.o.dou"s acquaintances, there exist manypeople with slight resemblance to me. How broad your social circle mustbe! I"m impressed, slightly.""...Anyway, let"s head back first. It"s time to get some rest tonight."Impressed by Erica"s positive acceptance of her weird personality, G.o.dousuggested their next move. However, Erica shook her head."No, those two from just now might have other companions. We shouldleave this village as quickly as possible. Sure, we could take on anotherbattle, but there"s no need for such unnecessary risk.""Come to think of it, you were the one they were targeting.""What are you talking about? The one being targeted is you, G.o.dou. Youare the Devil King and the seventh G.o.d-slaying Campione."As G.o.dou stared with wide-eyed confusion, Erica explained gently as ifinstructing a young child."Take the two-man team just now, there should be many people involvedin magic who have concluded that "Erica Blandelli slew a G.o.d" based oncirc.u.mstantial evidence. But sooner or later, they will realize their error anddiscover the truth. The one who slew a G.o.d was actually a j.a.panesecompletely unversed in magic, Kusanagi G.o.dou.""I am a G.o.d-slayer...""Yes. In order to investigate the death of the [Heretic G.o.d] who manifestedon Sardinia, magic a.s.sociations not only from Italy but also the rest ofEurope will send investigators over. Well, that said, their attention will befocused on me initially.""In the near future, you will begin to understand the authority you usurpedfrom Verethragna. The term authority refers to sacred powers originallyheld by G.o.ds. Great powers wielded by the heavenly G.o.ds. Takingpossession of such powers will not permit a human to live a normal life."G.o.dou listened to Erica"s fluent outflow of information in dumbstrucksilence.Nevertheless, he finally managed to speak up."But I should have the choice to not use that power, right?""I wonder? In my view, if you were really the type to choose that road, youwould never have fought Verethragna in the first place.""But isn"t the situation completely different from yesterday?"Calming down slightly, G.o.dou continued."The G.o.d incident is resolved, so I will return to j.a.pan. In that case, I willsever all relations with G.o.ds, magic, and all these troublesome things--""How complacent. You"ve really forgotten completely, G.o.dou."Erica exclaimed with great surprise."There was a message for you. Since this is the decree of the king whocommands the oriental divine realm, please pay careful attention -- Yourfirst enemy was the war G.o.d Verethragna, the second one is me!"Erica mimicked a certain someone"s horrifyingly deep tone of voice."Very soon I will recover all my power. When that time comes, take theplace of that war G.o.d, my spears of fury will be aimed at you! Polish yoursword and wait for my arrival! ~ Basically that.""...Melqart!?"G.o.dou cursed his stupidity. There was yet another G.o.d who hadmanifested on this island!"Yes. The Phoenician divine king Melqart flew away somewhere after that.He prepares for the battle with Kusanagi G.o.dou. The great king who boldlydeclared he would sink the island of Sardinia into the bottom of the sea ifany islanders came to interfere. The impending tragedy offers little roomfor optimism."For the sake of defeating Verethragna, G.o.dou had made use of Melqart"spower.As G.o.dou realized he had to take responsibility, he trembled... Oh no, wasit coming again, was he forced to battle a G.o.d again?"How about it, G.o.dou? If you declare you will never fight a [Heretic G.o.d]again, I won"t force you.""As much as I"d like to do that..."G.o.dou sighed. Returning home at such a time was not acceptable. Even ifErica would let him go, he could not permit himself to do so."I will remain until Melqart"s incident is resolved. Somehow I keep findingmyself at the eye of the storm."G.o.dou lamented as Erica shrugged."Digging your own grave would be the appropriate expression, wouldn"tyou agree? Well then, let"s head to Cagliari together. It"s easier to hide indensely populated urban areas and it also facilitates informationgathering."Cagliari was the largest city on the island of Sardinia. A port town.Erica"s suggestion was perfectly reasonable. Apparently she was not onlycapable of strange mischievous ideas but also rational contemplation.Naturally gifted in so many ways, rather than wasting her prodigioustalents, she really ought to put heaven"s gifts to good use...At the same time as being deeply impressed by this woman, G.o.dousuddenly realized something else."I agree with what you suggested, but is it okay for you not to go home?""Oh my, what are you talking about?""I mean going back to Milan. Weren"t you sent here from Milan for amission?"Erica had mentioned her origins a number of times.She hailed from the northern Italian metropolis of Milan. A mage belongingto that secret a.s.sociation called the whatever [Copper Black Cross], and amember of the elite known as Great Knights or something like that. Shewas probably someone important in her uncle"s organization, but Ericasounded like she was going to continue accompanying G.o.dou."I haven"t decided when to go back yet. I haven"t even reported theVerethragna incident back to the a.s.sociation either.""Eh? Is that really okay for you to do that?""Not really. I"m neglecting my duties as a knight and even shutting off mycellphone. Nevertheless, it is necessary in light of the bigger picture.""At least give them a call. I"m sure they"re quite worried about you.""If I did that, I would most likely be ordered to return. That is what I"mavoiding."G.o.dou recalled that Erica was a promising child prodigy shouldering greatexpectations. It was doubtful that the organization would want to risk suchimportant talent in a dangerous environment."I could send out a false report, but things would be over as soon as thedeception is revealed. In any case, I have no wish to leave Sardinia fornow. Clearly when something so interesting is happening, it"d be foolish toleave the center of the action. Definitely unacceptable!"a.s.serting all those troublesome G.o.d-related affairs as "interesting," Ericawas surely out of her mind.G.o.dou was once again impressed by her. At the same time, he realizedanother possibility, and secretly thanked her. Perhaps she chose toaccompany him out of concern for the clueless Kusanagi G.o.dou.More than likely, this was only wishful thinking, but somehow G.o.doubelieved in it.Part 3As they set off for their destination of Cagliari, Erica wanted to reach adecision on their means of transport."Taxis... Do they even drive out to these remote rural areas? Or should wewait for a bus?""In a place like this, there"s probably no more than two or three buses aday, right?"Hence, G.o.dou and Erica walked past the bus station.Instead, they wandered around the village and chanced upon amiddle-aged Italian man who was touring around in a rental car. Afterstating their request, they managed to hitch a ride.Not knowing any Italian, G.o.dou stayed silent and left the talking to Erica.Not only was she beautiful but also well-versed in social skills, Erica sat inthe pa.s.senger seat beside the driver, chatting amiably with themiddle-aged man.The sun had completely set. Carrying the trio, the car raced across theroad at night."...Hmm?"Sitting in the back seat, G.o.dou was perplexed. Somehow, he was able tovaguely grasp what the two people in front were talking about ~ that waswhat he felt. In that very instant.(Where are you two going afterwards? Eh, Cagliari? As for me, I"m going totake a leisurely tour of the island"s western region...)That was what he felt the man was saying.Soon after, the car reached a town called Oristano and they parted wayswith the man.The time was after nine at night. G.o.dou and Erica checked into a little inn(with separate rooms, of course), agreeing to take the 8:30am train toCagliari the next morning....As a side note, this was when G.o.dou first discovered Erica"s habit ofsleeping in.Finding her still asleep at their appointed meeting time, G.o.dou had toknock on her door until his hand hurt in order to wake her up.Facing the Italian mainland was the Mediterranean Sea.Situated on the surface of this peaceful and scenic body of water, theisland of Sardinia covered an area roughly the size of j.a.pan"s Shikokuisland. The entire island comprised the autonomous region of Sardinia,with Cagliari as its capital.Cagliari was an ancient port city dating back to the eighth century BCE.The seafaring Phoenicians had landed on the island and startedconstructing ports and towns."I must say, regarding the completely appalling taste of that particularconfectionery, I really need to go on a detailed diatribe."After the train arrived at Cagliari, Erica murmured repeatedly to herself asthey stepped out of the station."It couldn"t be helped. If you hadn"t slept in, you would"ve been able to eata proper breakfast."Shrugging, G.o.dou said.The train traveled for close to an hour and a half for the journey to Cagliari.Because they did not have time for breakfast, G.o.dou had bought somechocolate at the station"s snack shop, and even prepared a portion forErica as well.The taste was terrible beyond belief. Summing up, it was too sweet. Sosweet that it made his teeth hurt.European and American confectionery were, for the most part, too sweetfor j.a.panese tastes. But even Erica had the same reaction. "This thingcalling itself chocolate, truly serves up a blasphemous challenge to thedefinition of strange-tasting" was her comment. Apparently, this chocolatewas universally bad-tasting beyond national boundaries.Nevertheless, the two of them still finished it without waste."Clearly if there was time, we could have bought something to eat at amore normal shop...""Ludicrous! You are speaking as if I were responsible. If you went aheadand bought what you wanted in advance, there"d be no problem!""So the option of you getting up on time does not exist!?"Erica turned her face away in disgust at G.o.dou"s retort."No, it does not! Just because you have been reborn as a G.o.d-slayer, youthink you have the right to disturb me, Erica Blandelli, during the sanct.i.ty ofmy slumber? It is an utmost privilege that neither kings nor emperors in thewhole wide world are ent.i.tled to!""You simply like sleeping in, so what"s with all that justification...""Well, whatever. Even though the taste was terrible, it made theexperience interesting instead. Hence, G.o.dou, I will not pursue the matterfurther this once. Offer me your joyful grat.i.tude.""What"s with this downward gaze of superiority... Anyway, Erica."G.o.dou suddenly said to the girl who had too much personality:"You finished everything despite complaining about the taste, and evenwent as far to say it was interesting. So you don"t actually dislike junkfood?""How could that possibly be true? Given the choice, I am the type whoalways chooses food of the best quality."With that, Erica tossed that reddish blonde hair of hers that adorned herhead like a crown."However, when there is no choice, I simply possess the special skill ofignoring the food"s taste. As a knight, my body is an important a.s.set.Regardless of the food quality, nourishment cannot be neglected.""Your body seems to have developed well in spite of everything...""Remember this well. My personal philosophy bestows greater respectupon poor-tasting food that is marked by individualistic distinction,compared to bland cuisine lacking in style. Judged by this criteria, eventhough your choice was not optimal, it was not poor either."In any case, G.o.dou and Erica were back in Sardinia"s largest city, Cagliari.An ancient seaside capital with orderly stone-built streets. Filled with thevigor of urban life, it was also host to the "casual" atmosphere possessedby tourist vacation spots."By the way, G.o.dou. Now that we have arrived in Cagliari, the choice of"Announcing your name as the Campione and commanding the magi ofSardinia" is open to you.""Right, but that"s not going to happen."G.o.dou immediately responded to Erica"s suggestion as they left thestation."Even if I"ve really become a Campi-whatever as you say, it doesn"t feelreal to me at all.""Well, I guess the chances of people being skeptical would be too high ifwe announce the Devil King"s birth before you get a grasp on yourauthority. Oh well, there"s no urgency at this point. So, let"s start gatheringinformation.""About Melqart, right?""Yes, that too, requires reliable and trustworthy sources of information.Contacting local magi at such a time would be standard operatingprocedure... But given a place like Sardinia, it might be difficult to findsomeone first rate who could prove useful in a fight against a [HereticG.o.d]."Erica"s murmurs prompted G.o.dou to recall a certain someone."Then how about we contact Lucretia-san?"The Witch of Sardinia, Lucretia Zola. She was the root cause for G.o.dou"svisit to this island, and the older friend who had offered minor guidance toG.o.dou and Erica.After the battle against Verethragna, they had not contacted her due to thevarious busy happenings.In that case, G.o.dou wanted to contact her as well as give her a report."In actual fact, I already called Lucretia while G.o.dou was sleepingyesterday. To give her a report on the entire incident. At the time, she said"Since things have calmed for now, I will have a good sleep to recover myenergy. So I won"t be available for now." From the way she sounded, I"dexpect her to sleep for two or three days.""Continuously? Without even waking in between?""Yes. Magical sleep for the purpose of recovering exhaustion of the bodyand mind in as short time as possible. Such thorough rest is necessary foreliminating core fatigue, in preparation for future emergencies.""Come to think of it, Lucretia-san did mention she had exhausted hermagical power..."G.o.dou worried about the witch as he felt impressed by Erica"s attention todetail.Due to her outward appearance, it was very easy to forget the fact thatLucretia was actually quite elderly (apparently).When they parted ways, Lucretia did look rather haggard back then. Shehad gotten caught up in a fight between the two G.o.ds, Verethragna andMelqart, a week or so ago. In order to escape, she depleted all her power."Right, Lucretia also said that, if we need any a.s.sistance during this time,there"s a suitable candidate. Fortunately, he happens to live in Cagliari.""Well then, let"s go find him.""However, Lucretia also mentioned... This person is rather flippant incharacter, and 100% untrustworthy.""I see... Since you come with Lucretia Zola"s introductions, I cannot ignoreyou."David Bianchi spoke in a manner that gave off strange pretentious airs.The current location was a mansion on a hill overlooking the Cagliariharbor and Golfo degli AngeliJ 1 ^ Like Rome, Cagliari was also a city builton seven hills and with many districts located on elevated ground.Given such a magnificent mansion built on this kind of a location, it wastruly a residence that exemplified the lifestyles of the rich.In the reception room, G.o.dou and Erica were sitting face to face withBianchi."I am already aware of the matter of two G.o.ds descending here. I alsoknow one of them is Melqart. Based on the other G.o.d"s ident.i.ty as anoriental deity, I speculate him to be Verethragna, is that right?"Worthy of admiration, the mage David Bianchi spoke.He was a handsome man who appeared to be twenty-five or six in age.Dressed impeccably in a well-tailored suit, he gave off a sense of vanitylike some sort of lady-killer."Yes, based on what we heard from Lucretia, you are an outstandinggeomancist.^ We wish to employ your magical skill to help track downMelqart"s whereabouts."Erica spoke in lady-like tones while G.o.dou remained silent on the side.Having been told by Erica that her companion only spoke j.a.panese,Bianchi watched G.o.dou with great interest. However, he immediatelyswitched to conversing in fluent j.a.panese."Well, there"s no problem. It"s the least I could do out of obligation toLucretia. However, I hope you can enlighten me. Is it really true thatwarlord Verethagna met his demise at Melqart"s hands?""Yes, it"s true. Kusanagi G.o.dou here and I were eyewitnesses to the fact."Erica was lying.She had concealed the truth when she recounted the incident. Bianchimade an exaggerated smile after going "Hmph" with an air of skepticism."In any case, let me begin preparing for the physiognomy.^ Could youplease be patient while I get the necessary tools ready?"Saying that, he left the reception room."...Hey Erica, that Bianchi guy, isn"t he kind of flippant?""...That"s right. Not one to conceal his ulterior motives, he is a rathersmall-minded person, to put things delicately. But since he is said to be acapable person, let"s observe the situation for now."Since the two of them were left behind, they conversed in whispers."Since this is his home ground, it would be very disadvantageous for us asintruders to engage him in hostilities... Be that as it may, we cannot backdown.""Really? Isn"t he supposed to be a powerful person?""Well, only "so-so." He may be considered first rate, but not to the level^ If I focus on protecting myself with my best defensive spell,Bianchi would most likely fail to breach it. With no other recourse, perhapshe would target you instead..."Erica began to stare at G.o.dou unerringly."In that case, the target is not the one in trouble.""Eh?""Regarding matters of Devil King Campiones, I"ve had a number ofopportunities to learn from a certain Princess. Combined with my personalexperience -- 1 expect the result to be rather grim."Erica p.r.o.nounced solemnly like some sort of prophet.Part 4After about an hour, Bianchi returned and led G.o.dou and Erica to adifferent room.The Bianchi mansion was quite vast and its long corridors reflected thisfact accordingly. The emerald-green Mediterranean Sea was visiblethrough the windows. Thanks to the mansion"s location on a hill near thesea, the spectacular view was unrivaled.G.o.dou whispered to Erica as he walked along this corridor of the rich."By the way, what is "geomancy"?""In terms that orientals like G.o.dou would easily understand, it is a type ofmagic similar to "Feng Shui." Magical rituals that allow one to read the earthand the flow of its essence, and to manipulate them according to one"swishes. For increasing the prosperity of oneself, one"s affiliations, as wellas the nation.""Ah... Feng Shui. Indeed it is fitting for the rich."Wearing yellow clothes would bring monetary fortune. Placing items atspecified auspicious locations to increase luck.Erica"s explanations prompted G.o.dou to recall the origins of the j.a.panese"wide show."^"When a [Heretic G.o.d] manifests, the earth at that location and its essencewill be affected greatly. Given an accomplished geomancist, it is possibleto find out the deity"s latest information — location, current condition, aswell as observe where the deity might manifest next."Soon they arrived at the destination.The high ceilings stretched all the way up. The room was so s.p.a.cious, atennis court could probably fit with room to spare. That was how large itwas.In the center of the room was a large marble table, with a huge "model"sitting on top of it.It was a three dimensional topographical map of the terrain surroundingthe Mediterranean. On this roughly 5m x 2m rectangular s.p.a.ce, Spain,Italy, Greece, Turkey, the Mediterranean Sea and various North Africancountries were beautifully recreated in exquisite detail.Must be some sort of expensive hobby -- G.o.dou concluded to himself."Well then. Let us try to track down the "presence" of Melqart youwitnessed."Bianchi picked up a beaker containing a brown powder."This powder was made by grinding up fragments of a jar recentlyunearthed from the ruins of the ancient Phoenician home port of Tyre."The powder was poured from the beaker onto the model.It landed exactly on the south side of Sardinia -- the location equivalent toCagliari, G.o.dou and Erica"s current position.Then the powder began to move on its own. Slithering over the model likea snake, it rushed towards the Mediterranean Sea, heading east. An evenbigger island than Sardinia lay in that direction."The island of Sicily? Melqart went to Sicily?"Bianchi nodded as Erica stared in wide-eyed surprise."Looks like it. The Phoenician"s sphere of influence not only includesSardinia but Sicily as well. Perhaps in search of his ident.i.ty, Melqart seeksthe root of his existence by moving to a sacred domains closer to hishomeland."The city of Tyre was apparently the stronghold of the Phoenicians whoworshiped Melqart.Tyre was located in the region known as Lebanon in modern times.Relative to Sardinia, it was in the "east" direction. I see. G.o.douunderstood."So that"s that. But actually, I also prepared something else."Bianchi picked up a test tube containing a small amount of white powder."This powder was made from shavings of a stone tablet unearthed fromZoroastrian temple ruins dating back to the Sa.s.sanid Empire of Persia. Itwas prepared for tracking down the "presence" of the war G.o.d of victory,Verethragna."Reversing the test tube, the white powder was poured onto the model.Even though it landed in the middle of the Italian mainland, the whitepowder began to move on its own and crossed the sea, slithering towardsCagliari, on the south side of Sardinia."Erica-kun... If the Verethragna was really killed by Melqart as you claimed,this powder should have vanished instead. However, its current state isobvious."Bianchi smiled smugly."Based on the physiognomy, Verethragna died by a human"s hand.Consequently, the warlord"s authority was usurped, and the new owner iscurrently in Cagliari. Most likely, that person is you."Saying that, the pretentious handsome man glared straight at G.o.dou!"While I was making you wait, I observed the spiritual physiognomy withinthis mansion and discovered a swirling "presence" that hung around likegunpowder. Rather than you, Erica-kun, it was a mysterious "something"hidden in this youth here, waiting for an opportunity to rampage!""David Bianchi does not fail to see past deception. So even if this were thetruth, what problems would it pose?"Erica declared with absolute elegance and fearlessness."If Kusanagi G.o.dou is a Campione -- the first thing you must do is bowdown to the new [King] and express congratulations to his ascension to thethrone, offering your utmost fear and respect.""Yes. Indeed that is correct."Convinced by a beautiful girl younger than him, Bianchi smiled wryly."I"ve had this notion for a very long time. Indeed, Campiones are those whohave slain G.o.ds. However, do you really believe they are all worthy ofbeing [Kings]? Our king -- Salvatore Doni is a perfect example. Who couldbelieve he is such a great idiot, an utter moron!"A certain Mr. Salvatore. So the sixth G.o.d-slayer is an Italian? But whatdisrespectful words. Would Erica, who keeps insisting on reverence to theking, get angry as a result? --Those were G.o.dou"s thoughts."Well, Sir Salvatore is one of a kind. You can"t really generalize from oneexample."Unexpectedly, Erica did not show any intention to object."Only the sword. He is a man who has utterly no merit in anything otherthan the sword, right? Even if it is said that no amount of spells will work,provided we have the intent -- don"t you think that we are able to do it?""Are you actually talking about defeating a Campione?""Correct. Just as they have slain G.o.ds, we too, can defeat Devil Kings. Atleast, when my opponent is an inexperienced Campione who is full ofopenings!"Bianchi declared with absolute confidence and stared at G.o.dou oncemore."My mastery of physiognomy is not limited to the essence of the earth butalso extends to the observation of facial contours... That boy there has nohistory of magic amongst his ancestors. Neither does he have any martialarts training nor experience on the battlefield. Usurping a G.o.d"s authority ismerely pearls before swine for him."G.o.dou could not help but feel shocked. This man was able to read thatmuch simply by observing a face? As befitted a guy versed in magic,possessing amazing but inconspicuous skills."For the purpose of proving my theory that kings are not absoluteconquerors, isn"t it great that an opponent has fallen into my grasp? Hmph,kindly do humor my little wish!"Bianchi"s glare gradually intensified.Immediately, G.o.dou felt gooseb.u.mps on the back of his neck. Perhaps,this was what was commonly known as "killing intent." He could senseclearly dangerous thoughts coming from that man. It was not difficult tounderstand.Rather than the pretentious handsome mage, it was the changes in hisown body which made G.o.dou more confused."David Bianchi... I once considered you barely a first-rate mage, butapparently I was wrong. You are merely half of that and more than likely,you"ll never progress beyond this foundation."Sharp-tongued and acrimonious, the speaker was Erica beyond a doubt."Such naive notions, surely must have crossed the minds of how manythousands of magi? As expected of a man who pretends to be some sortof master inhabiting a corner of a place like Sardinia, such shallow thinkingis only fitting."Erica"s sardonic tone of voice was filled with her usual magnificent flair.Unlike the times when she admonished G.o.dou as "fool," that fleetingsense of cuteness was absent. Only words of mockery were delivered."Within prestigious a.s.sociations like my [Copper Black Cross], in order toeliminate this kind of misconception and impress upon members theoverwhelming power of the kings -- or rather, ridiculous creatures for whomcommon logic does not apply, we would use anecdotes of past kings asteaching materials for a thorough education."Erica burst into a smile."But clearly you did not have this opportunity. Even though I agree withyour a.s.sessment of Sir Salvatore as an idiot, I thoroughly despise yournotion of "possibly defeating them." This sort of delusional dream should besaved for your eternal slumber beneath a grave!"How distinctive of Erica"s style, this exquisite manner of mockery."Hmph, truly the words of one who hails from a prestigious family thatwags their tail at kings. But you are ill-advised to forget one fact. This placeis my mansion, and to you, it is enemy territory -- Prepare to die!"The instant Bianchi called out, the floor beneath Erica transformedamorphously, manifesting into a sharp and ma.s.sive conical shape,extending upwards and flying as fast as an arrow.However, Erica lightly took a step backwards to evade the surprise attackfrom below."Knowest that thou art no immortal G.o.d, rememberest thy mortality as ason of man!"^As Bianchi yelled out again, G.o.dou could sense magic activating.This was probably the strongest magic he had felt to this point. The housebegan to shake and rumble noisily."Darkness" was hanging all around Erica.A dark mist had suddenly appeared, pervading Erica"s surroundings,enveloping the blonde maiden like a black cloud obscuring the shiningmoon!G.o.dou was certain without reason. This was extremely dangerous magic.Living things that came into contact with that mist will rapidly approachdeath. Whether through the absorption of life force, incurring a fataldisease, or the stopping of the heart, G.o.dou"s instincts told him, it wasextremely vicious magic that stole life away!G.o.dou felt some kind of switch opening in his body.You dare do something like that to Erica -- my friend! Intense flames ofanger were roused within him as ferocious fighting spirit simmered. Battlespirit made him feel as hot as burning and filled his entire body with powerfor combat.On the other hand, exposed to this malicious attack, Erica began:"For the sake of maintaining order in Rome, the Senate decreed thesuspension of imperium! O Steel of the Lion, layest thyself down as thefoundation!"Fluently she recited the incantation.In response, the magic sword of the lion, Cuore di Leone, suddenlyappeared in Erica"s hand. At the same time, it transformed into a chain withten links, shining with silver l.u.s.ter.The chain"s head and tail ends joined together to form a "circular chain."These ten chain links encircled Erica, forming a protective barrier againstthe mist of darkness."Senatus consultum ultimum, hereby decreed!"^Erica proceeded to finish the incantation and completed the spell.G.o.dou managed to barely understand what happened. This was probablydefensive magic. Even if Bianchi went all out, he probably cannot breach it."How"s that? A protective barrier erected from the magic sword Cuore diLeone and Senatus consultum ultimum, do you have any way of breachingit?""Probably — not. But with that, you cannot attack either."Bianchi"s lips displayed a twisted smile in response to Erica"s challenge."A protective barrier erected using the spell of Senatus consultum ultimumis equivalent to a castle in durability. However, the spellcaster cannot takea single step out of its confines. Isn"t that nice? While you protect yourself,you will be unable to guard this new Campione boy here."G.o.dou shrank back. Clearly Bianchi"s next move was going to be..."Then you"re offering me a free hand to go after this boy?""Please go ahead, be my guest."Furthermore, Erica was speaking with an expression that said "By allmeans"!"The reason why Campiones are regarded as kings and conquerors -beings who have completely transcended the limitations imposed by lawsof nature, I hope you can savor the experience thoroughly. If perchanceyou survive this encounter, perhaps it would serve as a wonderful lesson."G.o.dou gasped. It really developed as he feared."So that"s the situation, G.o.dou, I leave things in your hands. Show thatpoor ignorant fool the terror of your kind. Don"t worry, I expect you to havelittle trouble."Saying that, Erica smiled glamorously.Beautiful and tempting, it was an expression that was best encapsulatedby the description, the "devil"s smile."Part 5"Wait a minute, Erica, you want me to defeat that guy?""Yes, using the authority you usurped from the Persian WarlordVerethragna (even though we don"t know what it is yet), there should besomething (or some pain) that should allow you to easily trample a mage ofthat level.""Don"t talk about "easily" in an emergency like this!"G.o.dou could not help but retort against Erica"s whispered suggestion.Over on the side, Bianchi was also displeased."How dare you describe me as simply being "of that level." You aremistaken if you think I"m a man whose only skill is geomancy. Just as yousaw, I"ve been through many real battles.""Anyway, what he"s trying to say is "I"m not some kind of flunkie." Justignore him."G.o.dou figured it out. Erica was clearly trying to instigate a fight!Angered, Bianchi was glaring at G.o.dou severely."...The Seventh Devil King. I have no grudge against you personally, but asa man, I cannot refuse a challenge. So would you kindly have a duel withme?"Actually, you are too small-minded as a man if you get offended so easilyby mere words.G.o.dou suppressed those words that nearly spilled out of his mouth. Whydoes that girl Erica want Bianchi to fight him? Indiscernible motives."Please be calm. Even though I slew a G.o.d, I don"t even know whathappened exactly. But as you can see, I"m a pacifist. I really mean you noharm completely."With an earnest voice, G.o.dou tried to plead his sincerity.Kusanagi G.o.dou was a pacifist. A civilized man who did not like being inconflict with others. Even though Erica was an amazing girl, andunexpectedly n.o.ble, she was someone who could immediately draw hersword at the slightest disagreement.As fellow humans, they should first negotiate and reach mutualunderstanding."Regrettably, this has nothing to do with your pacifism. This battleconcerns something that belongs to me. Please give up and humor me... OForest!"Bianchi"s strange mutterings at the end of his speech were spell words.Power — magical power was produced, making rustling noises, producingeffects, forming a "spell."Without noticing, G.o.dou had somehow accepted and gotten used to hisnew ability to sense magical power and presences.What mysterious phenomenon will be born from this magic — ?Noticing that, G.o.dou was rendered speechless. The wall behind Bianchiwas undergoing a "change." This was clearly a room in a mansion, but"that spot" had changed into a different scene.The wall of the mansion had disappeared, and somehow been replaced bya "dense forest."The forest was filled with flourishing vegetation and greenery. The vigorousplants did not seem like Mediterranean species and were clearly tropicalrainforest flora."This is distorting s.p.a.ce and connecting to a rainforest somewhere!"Erica immediately informed G.o.dou. As expected of magic, even somethinglike this could be done."Tiger! Using those immortal claws and eyes, your terror shall createbalance!"Bianchi uttered spell words again, casting new magic.That was probably a "summoning" spell. From the depths of the denseforest, two shining spots the brilliant color of emerald were approaching.Those were eyes of a beast. With yellow and black fur, that tenacious,ma.s.sive, wild beast — a "tiger" indeed.An extremely ma.s.sive tiger, probably weighing 300kg. Furthermore, therewas more than one.A second tiger began walking out from the depths of the forest..."Even if magic is cast on a Campione, it will be completely deflected. It"s awell-known fact."Bianchi whispered. G.o.dou finally understood.Back when spells were being cast in the storeroom, none of them had anyeffect on G.o.dou."However, there are other avenues. Take the bones and the face forexample... Because all it requires is the appearance, techniques likephysiognomy were usable like earlier. Targeting a Campione"s powerfuldivine aura, investigative magic can be used to locate them."Bianchi looked upon the two huge tigers in the room with great satisfaction."Since objects summoned by magic can cause damage, controlling theseartificial magic beasts will work — hey [King], these fellows are man-eatingtigers accustomed to the taste of human flesh and blood. No matter howpeacefully you try to negotiate, they won"t listen to you."Man-eating!? G.o.dou felt his body stiffen in fear.The two ferocious tigers followed Bianchi, growling as they stared atG.o.dou with their resplendent eyes. At the same time, they snarled andground their teeth, saliva flowing from their mouths.Truly beasts summoned by magic. They seemed to be waiting for the orderto attack.Was there no way to escape!? As G.o.dou glanced at the exit, the steel doorclosed itself shut with a crash. Immediately, the click of a lock could beheard.This also seemed to be magic. G.o.dou had a hopeless feeling.Locked in a room with two man-eating tigers, it really seemed like ahopeless situation. What should he do? How could he win against thesethings!?— Seek victory in earnest, with raging battle spirit. G.o.dou proceeded towhisper:"I am the strongest, holding all victory in my hands..."Muttering, as if talking to himself."All evil-doers, tremble before me. The powerful but unjust cannotvanquish me."Further muttering. This was scripture that Verethragna had once chanted.The G.o.d of victory sleeping within G.o.dou — the power, usurped from thatyouth and now inherited by G.o.dou, told him the spell words.G.o.dou dispelled the tigers" existence from his mind and closed his eyes.Appearing in the depths of his vision were ten forms.The first was a gust of wind. Next was a bull. Then a white stallion. Acamel. A boar. A glorious fifteen-year-old youth. A high-speed flying bird ofprey. A ram. A goat. And finally, a warrior wielding a golden sword — !"I am Verethragna, destroyer of obstacles! The strongest guardian with themost victories under his belt! I seek battle! I seek a formidable foe to bringme defeat!"Loud and clear, that youth"s voice. G.o.dou heard it once again after a day.I see. So this is that guy"s authority? I should use this to fight!"G.o.dou, watch out!"Hearing Erica"s warning, G.o.dou sprang into action, his eyes still closed.He evaded the attack by jumping sideways. Only then did he open hiseyes. Relying on vision would have been too slow, that was what hisinstincts told him.One of the man-eating tigers had jumped to where G.o.dou was previouslystanding.Its ferocious teeth only caught air. It was a splendid evasion. However, thetigers still remained. The other tiger pounced ferociously at G.o.dou who stillhad not recovered from his jumping posture.A ma.s.sive tiger weighing over 300kg. Yet its huge body was flexible andagile.It charged forward with speed far surpa.s.sing humans. But most incredibly,G.o.dou was able to watch its charge very clearly — not only could hediscern it, he could also dodge it.G.o.dou already had excellent dynamic vision originally.Thanks to that, in his past baseball days, he was able to hit averagefastb.a.l.l.s. At peak condition, he could even see the ball trajectory clearly.— What he saw now felt similar to back then.Ultimately, an average middle school student"s fastball was on acompletely different level compared to that of a charging man-eating tiger.But then again, there was no time to ponder such a question. G.o.doucrouched down.Rolling on the floor like a log, he evaded the tiger"s attack. Though it wasundignified, he did not care. It was fine as long as it worked."What!?"Seeing G.o.dou"s sudden agility, Bianchi was shocked.This guy was not as incompetent as Erica described. G.o.dou suddenlyconcluded without reason. If the blonde beautiful female knight wasa.s.signed a score of ten, that guy should be around six or so.G.o.dou proceeded to glance at Erica.She was giving that look again. An expression full of interest, as ifobserving a newly discovered rare beast.— This was what that girl wanted to see?Figuring out the intentions of his "partner," G.o.dou was speechless. She"struly like a devil! For the sake of investigating the power and const.i.tutionG.o.dou had obtained, Erica deliberately incited Bianchi.G.o.dou supported himself with his hands against the wall and stood up.Danger had yet to pa.s.s. If he continued rolling on the floor, it would be likean invitation for the tigers to attack. He suddenly noticed at this time.Eh? In my current condition, perhaps... A sense of certainty suddenlysurfaced.Then he carefully examined the artificial tigers.This sort of strong and wild tiger, could not possibly exist in nature. But theman who had usurped [Victory]"s authority, held the power to match thatkind of strength —Pushing with both hands against the wall, G.o.dou imagined the wall"scollapse. Gritting his teeth, he began to yell."Gun — Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!"This scene could only be described as ludicrous.The "wall" crumbled and collapsed from G.o.dou"s mighty push.This mansion"s wall — the one opposite to where Bianchi was standing,and the stone wall connected to the forest. With a clattering sound, itcollapsed from G.o.dou"s arm strength.No, this unyielding might could not have been produced from arm muscles.A terrifying and ma.s.sive power was being transmitted from the ground thatG.o.dou stood on. This sacred might was produced from the essence of theearth.This power was indeed Verethragna"s second incarnation, the [Bull].G.o.dou finally understood."Tsk. No matter how strong you are, there"s no meaning without battletechnique. Go!"Bianchi ordered the tigers.G.o.dou swiftly went outside the walls — to the garden of the house. For noparticular reason. He simply felt like it, which was why he deliberatelydestroyed the wall.Furthermore, he immediately realized there was some truth in what Bianchisaid.G.o.dou"s survival instincts and ability to evade danger had been explosivelyamplified by his becoming a Campione. Nevertheless, continually runningaway from the two man-eating tigers was not an easy task.G.o.dou was soon caught, and a man-eating tiger"s jaws closed down uponhis left shoulder."Ouch! That huuuuuuuurts!"G.o.dou cried out from the pain. Even though it hurt a lot when he wasbeaten up by Verethragna yesterday, the feeling was numbed instead dueto having few cuts. The current pain felt like the most intense G.o.dou hadever experienced in his life.But then G.o.dou realized.The tiger"s teeth had dug into the shoulder, biting through flesh, but thebones were —The bones were strong enough to halt the sharp canines of the man-eatingtiger. Had this been his original body, the bones would have been bitten offtogether along with the shoulder and the arm."My body, did it become especially st.u.r.dy?"In the end, he also discovered another fact. It was extremely painful. Still,pain wa

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