
Chapter 86

Chapter 2 - On the Island of StormsPart 1It was roughly ten in the morning when G.o.dou reached the Cagliari harborthis morning.A mere five hours had pa.s.sed. Nevertheless, "G.o.d-slayer" KusanagiG.o.dou"s surrounding environment had already undergone dramaticupheaval even before then."Gentlemen, I apologize deeply for summoning everyone here on suchshort notice. We have gathered here for but one purpose, to announce thebirth of the seventh G.o.d-slayer."The announcement was being made in a private function room of Cagliari"sbest high-cla.s.s restaurant. The current speaker was Erica Blandelli. Aseveryone"s gaze was drawn to the one she pointed to, G.o.dou felt ratheruncomfortable.Three other people were present, all middle aged or elderly men.Apparently they were the commanders-in-chief of magic a.s.sociations in theCagliari region."A fortnight ago, two G.o.ds had descended upon Sardinia -- the ancientPersian Warlord Verethragna and the Phoenician"s G.o.d of the sky, Melqart.Of the two, Verethragna was vanquished personally by Kusanagi G.o.dou.Erica Blandelli hereby presents this report, having borne witness to thefact."Erica explained the result directly, omitting the entire process.But no one pursued the matter. The three commanders-in-chief hadreceived reports of the "black monster" appearing in the Cagliari harborand that the summoner was apparently a j.a.panese youth. As a result, theylistened quietly to Erica while casting doubtful and fearful gazes at G.o.dou.Being stared at, G.o.dou turned his attention to the room.This was a private function room in a high-cla.s.s restaurant. Even thoughthere was no chandelier on the ceiling, there shouldn"t be a sense ofdissonance, right? G.o.dou examined the meticulously crafted chair he wassitting on, concluding that anyone could tell its high-cla.s.s origins withoutbeing an expert.(I never expected I would one day visit a place like this...)G.o.dou sighed at the surprising direction his life was taking.During this time, Erica issued orders as the [King]"s representative."Gentlemen, Kusanagi G.o.dou"s demands are few in number. His onlywishes are for you all to handle the Cagliari harbor incident"s aftermath andinformation control, punish the instigator David Bianchi, and at the sametime, provide full support in tracking down King Melqart. That"s all."After the Cagliari harbor commotion, Erica had proposed:"Given the current state of affairs, it"s best to handle the aftermath usingthe name of the king, announcing to the magi of the world the birth of theseventh Devil King. This will make further action more expedient."G.o.dou made a few amendments and agreed to the plan after someconsideration. After that, Erica began making calls and the current meetingwas prepared in one hour."Completely understood. Everything shall be done according to the king"swishes.""The birth of a new king is truly an astounding and joyous occasion. Toissue a challenge to the ancient G.o.d Melqart before official a.s.sumption ofthe throne, such mettle truly foretells a promising future."Summoned to this emergency meeting, the a.s.sociation leaders remarkedone after another.They were not entirely convinced the j.a.panese youth before their eyeswas really a G.o.d-slayer, but they kept their composure and maintained asolemn expression."Oh right, there"s one more request. Please do not leak news of his birthand the Sardinia incident to the magical world apart from those in Sicily.This is very important."This was G.o.dou"s amendment to Erica"s proposal of "announcing to themagi of the world."One of the commanders-in-chief nodded."That is not a problem... But why?""I don"t want unnecessary attention because I plan to continue living anordinary life."Before Erica could say anything, G.o.dou answered the question himself.The commanders-in-chief showed incredulous expressions as if they hadheard something unexpected, but they quickly recovered. They probablythought that rudeness to the [King] would bring dire consequences.G.o.dou"s sense of discomfort deepened.He felt rather apologetic that he was forcing elders to treat him in thismanner."If you"re going to the island of Sicily, you"ll need a plane. Let me make thearrangements."One of the commanders-in-chief spoke up but G.o.dou refused frantically."Ah, there"s no need for special preparations. Any kind of transportation isfine. Either plane or ship will do."Erica glanced out the window and signaled to G.o.dou with her eyes.The seaside restaurant offered a Mediterranean view outside the window.Erica"s expression seemed to be saying "I like ships better."But as soon as G.o.dou recalled a certain incident, he rejected Erica"ssuggestion(?)."But then again, taking a ship should be impossible, right? What with allthe chaos in the harbor right now."G.o.dou slumped his shoulders apologetically due to the monster appearingin the harbor a few hours ago.If this had happened at a j.a.panese train station, it would not be surprisingfor operations to shut down for an entire day. However-"If you wish to take the sea route, it can be arranged.""Eh? But setting sail is impossible today, right?""Possibly. But if the king wishes, it is a different matter.""Let us contact ship operators to charter a ship.""Eh?!"A plane trip from Sardinia to Sicily would take about an hour or so.Crossing the same distance overnight, enjoying a comfortable and elegantjourney over the sea as embodied by the night ferry concept -- the nightcruise progressed as the ma.s.sive ship and hotel rocked across the sea.After enjoying the distant night scenery of the Mediterranean Sea, G.o.douwas going to return to his single room to sleep-"I never thought we would really set sail... Just how far can rules bebroken?"G.o.dou secretly muttered to himself.In the restaurant of the ma.s.sive ferry, G.o.dou was sitting opposite Erica.Back at the harbor, his first impression had been "So huge!" The deck hadsix stories of living quarters and was equipped with restaurants, barlounges and movie theater rooms.The ma.s.sive ferry seemed to have been built to accommodate a hotel."Today happens to be the weekend, so the weekend-only ship ride fromSardinia to Sicily"s port of Palermo is apparently available."Erica explained as she brought the appetizer apple cider to her lips.As a side note, the night"s menu included octopus carpaccio, fish soup,botargo pasta and roasted crab. A very marine-centric selection."It gives me a slightly guilty conscience to think they prepared thisunscheduled route for us expressly.""It"s too late for guilty consciences!""Isn"t this nice? The ship operators had been troubled over today"scommotion, and we come along asking them to set sail, allowing this shipto go out to sea."Erica smiled as she spoke.Other than G.o.dou and Erica, there were a few other groups of pa.s.sengers.Enjoying the Mediterranean night scenery over dinner was quite a uniqueexperience.G.o.dou could not help but think arranging a ship went rather smoothly."As long as it is the request of the Devil King Campione, all the powerfula.s.sociations of Europe will put forth all effort in fulfilling it. Due to wealthand political power acc.u.mulated over hundreds or even a thousand years,plus the a.s.sistance of local authorities, this is nothing difficult. I don"t thinkyou need to be that thankful.""Even if it"s an unreasonable request...""Yes, but they do this only because of the Campiones" power, as well asthe existences that only this power can defeat.""G.o.ds?""The so-called Campiones are warriors fighting on humanity"s behalfagainst the [Heretic G.o.ds] who manifest. They possess the rights andprivileges of kings, lording over the world as tyrants and devil kings."In other words, I have to fight Melqart -- G.o.dou looked up at the ceiling."I have no idea at all how to fight a G.o.d...""Just treat it as the real version of your battle this morning. G.o.dou"s bodyshould already be prepared for battle.""Prepared?""Think about it, half-baked training isn"t going to do you any good in a fightwith tigers and bears! Campiones are the same. To you guys, fighting is asinstinctual as breathing, otherwise what happened this morning cannot beexplained.""Isn"t it more wholesome to think that strength is gained through effort?""That only applies to humans, in a limited sense."Erica"s words sliced to the core of the matter."In the natural world, humans were never powerful existences.Nevertheless, combat strength could be raised through the use ofweapons and the blood and sweat of martial arts training -- but thatmethod is neither wholesome nor natural. "The strong are born strong" isthe very natural and animalistic truth."That"s the way things went?Faced with G.o.dou"s doubtful gaze, Erica said: "If you wish, I can a.n.a.lyzeG.o.dou"s combat ability even more rationally.""...Try me.""First of all, G.o.dou possesses vitality far surpa.s.sing humans. Bitten by thatkind of magical beast, one would usually die after losing their shoulder andarm, but G.o.dou could fight as if it was normal.""Ah... It felt like my body is more st.u.r.dy than I thought."After the battle with Bianchi, Erica had given G.o.dou a mysterious pill.Said to be a magical drug for speeding the recovery of injuries. AfterG.o.dou took the pill, Erica helped disinfect and bandage the shoulder thathad been bitten by the man-eating tiger.The wounds completely healed after being left alone for a while aftertreatment. It was truly amazing, this unbelievable power of recovery."G.o.dou"s bones are now harder than iron, perhaps even stronger than anymetal alloy in existence. Rather than dense, it would be better to say yourmuscle fibers are now so tough as to be impossible to tear. Furthermore,you have an ability even more powerful than adrenalin which instantlystops bleeding and dulls pain."Erica brought up the conclusions she had observed at her leisure."Now that it"s mentioned, the shoulder injury I suffered a few months agoseems to have healed."After the battle in the morning, G.o.dou had tried throwing stones at sea asa result of recalling his shoulder injury.G.o.dou had lost his prided powerful shoulder to the injury -- that was theoriginal situation. But his stone throws now flew farther and harder thanbefore the injury."Even injuries suffered months ago were healed along with the rebirth as aCampione, right? The recent injuries were definitely healed together as aresult.""My body seems so beyond common logic now...""Have you noticed? You"re currently speaking in Italian.""Eh? That"s strange. When did this start? And why?"G.o.dou was shocked by Erica"s observation. Without knowing it, he hadstarted using Italian as if it were his mother tongue. Now that he thoughtabout it, the commanders-in-chief earlier had also been speaking in Italian."We magi train in a special language sense when we are young, allowingus to acquire all sorts of languages in short time. See, haven"t you metpeople who learn foreign languages easily?""That"s right, Erica, your j.a.panese is indeed quite excellent...""A mage"s education includes courses on training this type of trait.Campiones too, are also imbued with this disposition. It"s not particularlyflashy, but it turns out to be a rather practical ability.""Last but not least, Campiones" greatest weapons are their "authorities."Considering what"s happened so far, it is likely that G.o.dou has usurpedVerethragna"s power of the ten incarnations."The ship had set sail at 7:30pm. Due to the abundance of time, Ericarecounted everything she had discovered during the battle that day."I can get ten abilities from a G.o.d?""Most certainly. North America"s Devil King, John Pluto-sama, usurped theauthority of [Metamorphosis] from the demonic deity Tezcatlipoca, therebyobtaining five different forms.""It"s like that?""England"s Black Prince Alec possesses the authority of [Black Lightning],which not only allows him to move as fast as lightning, but turn himself intolightning and even use lightning as a weapon.""In other words, it"s only fitting..."Looks like Campione authorities were rather flexible.G.o.dou began to gain a rudimentary understanding of his body."Since G.o.dou"s authority includes ten abilities, perhaps there will bevarious strict conditions governing their use.""That sounds plausible somehow, but not entirely correct... By the way,Erica."A thought suddenly occurred to G.o.dou, so he brought it up."You tricked me that time before I summoned the boar, what was with that"my chest hurts"!""Outrageous. Accusing me of tricking you. You were using your powersrather pa.s.sively so I decided to give a final push, that"s all.""There was no need to give me a push. Deceiving a comrade is the worst.Do you know how angry and worried I was at the time!?""I never relied on you!""Relying or not, it is only natural to be worried!""I, Erica Blandelli, would never be caught in a crisis because of a spell ofthat level. If you are clearly unaware of this fact, please do not call yourselfmy comrade so easily!"A crash of thunder suddenly brought an end to this fruitless argument.Part 2Earlier during the daylight hours, the Mediterranean sky had been clearand sunny.Although it was still March, the sunlight felt more like early summer. Evenat night, the sky was completely devoid of clouds. Illuminated by the moonand the stars, the sea at night offered a wondrous sight.Nevertheless, the crash of thunder just now-G.o.dou felt something strange from the sound of thunder rumbling up in thesky.He felt turmoil in his heart, and inexplicably, he knew that a formidable foewas drawing near.His body brimmed with power and felt hot all over. Including his limbs,down to every digit and even each capillary, all parts of his body wereinfused with power and heat, as if announcing they had adjustedthemselves to a battle-ready stance."What is going on with this feeling..."Muttering to himself, G.o.dou noticed something about the thunder just now.That. Now that was a real enemy indeed. The mage encountered thismorning was totally insignificant in the face of a G.o.d-slayer.Completely worthless as an opponent. Even if the enemy was the geniusErica or an ultimate master who surpa.s.sed her, it would make nodifference. Humans could not offer meaningful resistance against aG.o.d-slayer.A G.o.d-slayer"s opponent must be a G.o.d -- this was absolute.The instant he realized that, G.o.dou got up from his seat in the restaurant.Walking outside without a word, he climbed the stairs and arrived at the topdeck of the ferry.Erica soon followed. The two stopped quarreling and walked along the topdeck. There were no other people in sight.Looking up, one could see the sky had filled with dark clouds at someunknown point in time.For some reason, G.o.dou knew there was a "G.o.d" within the clouds. Or atleast, a portion of one was inside there. Otherwise, his body would not bereacting so strongly.Crash! A flash of lightning streaked past, lighting the dark sky blue-white asthunder erupted."It"s been a while, boy. In a matter of days, you have already started to looka little like a G.o.d-slayer."The deep, rich male voice descended from the heavens."You are Melqart... Right?""Of course. To think you would be unable to recognize the voice of thegreat divine king. How immature."Cautiously confirming the speaker"s name only earned him mockery andderision. G.o.dou shrugged.It was the first time to converse in this manner. Playing it safe was onlynatural.G.o.dou turned towards Erica beside him, hoping she had something to say.However, she shook her head as if saying "you should be the one talking."Whenever the enemy was a G.o.d, it was Kusanagi G.o.dou"s domain...Perhaps that was what she thought?"Very well. Fate must have brought me to witness a brat like you slayVerethragna. Brat, you and I both awakened on the island I used fortemporary shelter. Hence, I shall take up the duty of punishing your sin ofG.o.d-slaying. Brat, any objections?""Absolutely! I have no intentions of fighting you.""How unlike a G.o.d-slayer! There is no need for unnecessary concerns, afterall, it"s simply the next step.""The next step!?""This sea was once the territory of the people who served me, but look atwhat it has become. The people here have the insolence to forget thename of Melqart, and are polluting my sacred domain. As the stately divineking, I cannot allow such foolish behavior of the people to persist."Every time Melqart spoke, a flash of lightning streaked across the sky.Even though it was only a hunch, [Heretic G.o.d] Melqart was probablyabsent and simply communicating through the lightning. But then again,there was this strange feeling. Puzzling about G.o.ds, G.o.dou spoke to thesky."By the way, last time you said you were going to submerge the island.""Hmm, first I shall sink the island where Verethagna met you, brat, andthen it will be the island where I am sleeping now. After that, I shallsubmerge all my ancient territories."Melqart declared calmly, causing G.o.dou to tremble in fear."I"ve considered it, I shall execute you, brat, before carrying out divinepunishment. But we will not fight here right now. Sinking these islandsrequires the acc.u.mulation of power. I shall end things in one or two days.""Did you come all the way here just to tell me this?""No truer words. There is still time before the ancient divine king"ssummons arrive. You may relax for now, and take your time to figure outhow to sharpen your sword while you wait. Then I shall send you, brat, ona journey to paradise..."Journey to paradise? It was at this time that G.o.dou realized, Erica oncementioned Melqart as the G.o.d of storms. The current thundercloud shouldbe due to his authority, which meant-"If you wish, go on and cause a storm in this sky and over the sea!"If that happened, neither ships nor planes could leave the island.People would lose all means of escape to find sanctuary. G.o.dou suddenlythought, if storms were summoned right at this moment, all the people onthe ship would meet a watery grave..."Hmph, it looks like you have noticed it, brat. Very well, I shall look forwardto the amus.e.m.e.nt you will offer as a warrior. Well then, wait patiently foryour punishment!"The surrounding sky reverberated with divine king Melqart"s heartylaughter.The thunder and lightning swiftly vanished and the night sky instantlybecame clear once more.Hoo... G.o.dou exhaled deeply. Though the conversation with Melqart wasshort, it was rather taxing mentally. The ancient divine king of thePhoenicians. Even fragments of his voice were enough to cause seriouspressure.G.o.dou originally planned on returning to his room to sleep."I don"t know what to do yet, but let"s replenish my energy first. Now backto the restaurant. This time I will enjoy my dinner properly.""...Wow, you seem pretty well-adjusted to the current situation."Erica exclaimed, causing G.o.dou to feel a bit displeased.Adjusting had nothing to do with it.After that, G.o.dou and Erica returned to their own rooms for the night.Morning arrived the next day.Around 9am or so, they once again returned to the top deck.The sky was bright and sunny, allowing a clear view of the morningMediterranean Sea. The marine-blue sea and white waves glistenedbeneath the bright sunlight, and even a harbor was coming into view!The ship"s destination was the port city of Palermo on the island of Sicily.Sicily was the largest island in the Mediterranean. Like Sardinia, it was anautonomous region of Italy and a major producer of wine and olive oil. Alsoa major exporter of fresh fish and gelater 1 ^; advertis.e.m.e.nts for these kindsof goods could be seen everywhere.Palermo was a city that acted as the gateway to Sicily.Historically, it had been the ancient capital famed for its harbor on thenorthwest part of Sicily. Once the capital of the Kingdom of Sicily, it wasnow the capital of the autonomous region of Sicily."Hey, where are we going once we arrive?"G.o.dou asked Erica who still seemed sleepy.Glamorous on all other occasions, mornings were the only times when sheseemed a little slow. It was quite amusing indeed."First let"s make a visit to the Palermo magic a.s.sociation, [Panormus]. Thisis the largest a.s.sociation on the island of Sicily. We have alreadycontacted them yesterday through the commanders-in-chief we met atCagliari. Palermo is also a city with intimate ties to the ancientPhoenicians.""Like Cagliari, could it be a city built by the ancient Phoenicians as well?""Yes, that"s right. Though the rulers have changed hands many times, itsPhoenician origin remains historical fact. Since Sicily is the territory Melqartis most concerned about, let"s start our operations with Palermo as ourbase."Saying that, Erica"s face recovered her usual domineering airs."Once we reach the harbor, members of [Panormus] should be there towelcome us.""Having people to receive us would really be a great help."At this time, a silver-haired elderly man approached.G.o.dou was reminded of the famous movie, "The G.o.dfather." Set inAmerica during 1920s, it told the story of b.l.o.o.d.y struggles between violentgangs of Italian immigrants.The old man gave off an aura that clearly belonged to no respectable man.He was wearing what seemed to be a high-cla.s.s suit. The cigar in his righthand also looked very high cla.s.s. There was a unified sense of solemnityand criminality. Come to think of it, the mafia apparently operated on theisland of Sicily... Just as these thoughts crossed G.o.dou"s mind, the manhad already arrived."Uncle Zamparini, were you traveling on this ship too?""Ah yes. I remember we only met once, but what a great memory youhave. Paolo Blandelli"s niece is indeed as clever as rumored."He appeared to be an acquaintance of Erica"s. But Old Man Zamparini"sgaze soon shifted away from her."My name is Walter Zamparini. Perhaps you may have heard of my nameas the commander-in-chief of [Panormus]. We of [Panormus] are honoredto welcome the youngest king. We humbly pledge our lives at yourcommand.""Eh? But how did you get here? The ship hasn"t even reached the harboryet.""A trivial matter, it"s actually very simple. After receiving news from Cagliarithat Your Highness was coming to Sicily, I first took a plane to Cagliari andthen boarded this ship."It only took an hour"s flight from Palermo to Cagliari, so it was entirelyplausible. However, why did the old man have to do that?"Thanks to that, I was able to witness Your Highness and Melqart in aconversation between a devil king and a G.o.d. I, Zamparini, am willing to laydown this life in service to Your Highness -- Kusanagi G.o.dou."I see. G.o.dou figured it out.Old Man Zamparini had boarded the same ship for the purpose ofobserving G.o.dou. In order to discern with his own two eyes whetherG.o.dou was a G.o.d-slayer and whether he could duel a G.o.d or not. Havingwitnessed the events last night, he had confirmed that G.o.dou was a realG.o.d-slayer..."There is no need to go that far for my sake. As long as you help handleMelqart"s aftermath, I"ll be really grateful.""Not at all. It is a mage"s duty to serve a Campione. Please accept oura.s.sistance as much as possible... Ah, and Blandelli."Old Man Zamparini suddenly called to Erica by her family name."Thank you for your efforts in serving the young king till now. However,your legal guardian, the [Copper Black Cross]" commander-in-chief PaoloBlandelli, has issued an order for your return. I shall serve in your placefrom this point onward, so please drop everything and hurry back to Milan."This announcement struck G.o.dou and Erica like a bolt from the blue.Part 3Thirty minutes or so after meeting Old Man Zamparini, the ship reachedthe harbor of Palermo.Following the old man who looked and dressed exactly like a mafia boss,G.o.dou and Erica got off the ship."Automobiles have already been prepared. There, that one."Gazing into the distance at the harbor, one could see two BMWs in front ofZamparini.Gazing at the st.u.r.dy-looking exteriors of the luxury vehicles, G.o.douthought to himself. That"s definitely bullet-proof gla.s.s in case of a shootout,right...One of the cars was white while the other was black. Either way you lookat it, they did not seem like cars which normal people would ride."The [King] and I shall ride this one. Blandelli, the other one will take you tothe airport."Zamparini made his way towards the black BMW.Both cars had chauffeurs who were wearing sloppy looking clothes. Theydid not look like "professionals" but these men did have sharp glares...Before G.o.dou could object to the old man"s orders, Erica had already litthe powder keg."I"m sorry, but I cannot return to Uncle Paolo yet.""Such willfulness. Your legal guardian has already requested that you, aminor and a girl, be sent home. Besides, the organization you belong tohas also issued orders for your return. Hence, Blandelli, you have nooptions left."Igniting the cigar on one end and placing the other end in his mouth, theold man spoke. Even though he looked very solemn as he puffed out bluesmoke, G.o.dou still felt compelled to speak."Excuse me, Zamparini-san. Although Erica really should return, I will bevery troubled if she"s no longer here. At least let her accompany me untilthe duel with Melqart. It would be a great help to me.""I understand. Though Your Highness may be king, you are still young andinexperienced as a G.o.d-slayer."Exhaling blue smoke, Zamparini said."I admit a capable person is needed to fill that role, but there"s no reason ithas to be Erica Blandelli, right?""Eh?""There is no need for a young girl like her to serve Your Highness who isabout to duel a G.o.d... Though you may feel I am putting this cruelly, it is arisky and difficult mission after all."Risky? G.o.dou realized his stupidity. Indeed, bringing Erica along wouldmean getting her involved with a dangerous G.o.d.However, he still had great need of Erica"s support-"Hence, allow me to take over the role of serving the king as EricaBlandelli"s subst.i.tute.""Eh? What are you talking about?"Hearing something unexpected made G.o.dou pose a stupid question."I, Zamparini, shall support you during battle. Hohoho, despite how I maylook, I did survive many dangerous situations in my youth... So please, letme offer my utmost efforts."Zamparini"s words were full of confidence.G.o.dou imagined a scene with Zamparini dressed in a white suit, wearing aBorsalino hat, his neck wrapped in a stylish m.u.f.fler, puffing away on acigar, holding a machine-gun in one hand and dynamite in the other-Perhaps the truth might be unexpectedly close to his imagination.In actual fact, he could sense that the old man was far stronger than Erica.However."No, even someone like you, Uncle Zamparini, cannot replace me. Fightingbeside Kusanagi G.o.dou and advising him is my job, Erica Blandelli"s."Erica made a "partners" declaration.That"s right, no matter how dangerous the situation, the only one whostood by his side in the face of G.o.ds was Erica. Due to her declaration,G.o.dou realized once again.Just as G.o.dou was about to request for Erica to stay -- at that verymoment."Let"s put it this way, it is because I am already Kusanagi G.o.dou"s"woman"... We are lovers. Capable as you are, Uncle Zamparini, youcannot pursue a romantic relationship with him, right? So please give up."What? G.o.dou suddenly heard words he never expected.In any case, the issue of Erica"s return was thus cast aside for now.G.o.dou and the rest rode Zamparini"s car and traveled across the city ofPalermo. Even though G.o.dou and Erica had the rear seats all tothemselves, Erica stuck to G.o.dou the whole time like lovers. Sometimesshe would lean over, while on other occasions she embraced him, herbody tightly pressed against him the whole time.G.o.dou felt really dizzy.Though Palermo was an Italian city, it was heavily influenced by Islamicculture. Consequently, virtually all buildings in the streets had no windowsvisible.G.o.dou was concerned about Erica"s lie, but the sensation of her bodytightly pressed against him felt really unsettling.That soft, supple skin of hers, gave off a sweet fragrance akin to perfume,making him feel warm and comfortable. The sensations of the beautifulyoung blonde sent G.o.dou"s mind into a daze."Hmm, Blandelli... In other words, you and Kusanagi G.o.dou are engagedin a relationship as a couple?""Yes, exactly, Uncle Zamparini. So please don"t do anything soinconsiderate as to try to separate us. It would certainly taint the name ofWalter Zamparini, once renowned as the Hero of Sicily.""Well since it"s been spelled out to this extent, my hands are tied..."Sitting on the pa.s.senger seat beside the driver, Zamparini conversed withErica as she sat beside G.o.dou."I guess it can"t be helped. As an elder of an a.s.sociation, I really should doas your uncle, Paolo Blandelli, requested. But as a man, I can"t stubbornlyrefuse to think outside the box. Very well then, I will make thingsconvenient for you and the young [King].""Wow, I"m really grateful! Come, G.o.dou, you thank him as well.""A-Ah yes, l-I"m really thankful."Erica suddenly dragged him into the conversation, causing G.o.dou to offerhis thanks frantically."Not at all. As long as you"re a man, who wouldn"t want to enjoythemselves once or twice?"Zamparini"s words made G.o.dou freeze.If a guy like him could really become lovers with a beauty like Erica, itwould certainly be worthy of celebration."And Kusanagi G.o.dou, it is rather good news to us magi that YourHighness holds a healthy interest in beautiful girls. After all, the currentDevil Kings are all rather rigid in their thinking, with nothing to do with thepleasures of life."Just as G.o.dou was surprised by this sudden topic, the car stopped in frontof a seaside park."Hmm... Let us take a break here for now."At Zamparini"s orders, the car stopped. Presumably to dispel the awkwardatmosphere.Given this unexpected free time, Erica and G.o.dou took a walk in the park,holding hands."What do you mean by this!?""I couldn"t help it. There was no other choice."The two whispered to each other as they watched the sea, hand in hand.Zamparini and his subordinates kept away tactfully, allowing them privacyto speak their mind."Listen G.o.dou, I will now explain in order. First, Zamparini holds you inhigh regard, probably because he eavesdropped on your conversation withMelqart.""Really? But I didn"t really say much that time.""Are you stupid? Simply talking to a [Heretic G.o.d] as equals is already anaccomplishment. Furthermore, you are a completely neutral king in theworld of magic, with neither supporters, subordinates nor backing.Zamparini wishes to establish amicable ties with you right now.""I don"t really mind if all he wants are amicable ties...""If that"s all he wants, fine. But supposing Zamparini wishes to become anadviser akin to being the "right hand man" of the seventh Devil King, thenit"s not hard to understand. At least, I believe he is aiming for the loftypower and influence held by kings."Other than the fact that she was holding G.o.dou"s hand as she leanedagainst him, Erica acted identically as before."Hence, Erica Blandelli by your side is an obtrusive existence to him, whichis why he preemptively contacted the [Copper Black Cross] beforehand.""But what does becoming the "right hand man" have to do with sending youback?""You finally noticed the key point. Hmm, that"s the issue."Erica seemed to have reached a conclusion, as she murmured towardsempty s.p.a.ce."Although [Panormus] is the largest a.s.sociation on the island of Sicily, itonly counts as mid to small scale on the entire European stage. But if[Panormus] obtains a Campione"s protection, or even becomes his directsubordinate organization, then it can stand toe to toe with bigger and moreprestigious a.s.sociations.""On the other hand, prestigious a.s.sociations, like the [Copper Black Cross]which I belong to, will avoid developing intimate ties with individual [Kings]as much as possible. Of course, they will still offer their services with thegreatest reverence, but they will not approve of acts such as having theircommander-in-chief"s niece and future commander-in-chief candidatebecome an immature Devil King"s "right hand man." ""So why do you have to call yourself my "lover?" "G.o.dou exclaimed emphatically, for there must be other ways, right?"T-This couldn"t be helped either. Apart from using the name of ana.s.sociation"s mage, supporting you on a personal basis would be mostideal. Once a Campione declares "I will not permit my woman to be takenaway," no one will dare drive me away."Indeed, as soon as she made the lovers declaration, Zamparini becameunderstanding and accommodating.As befitted the pa.s.sionate Latin nation, perhaps they were more lenientwhen it came to matters of love. However, G.o.dou was a bona fide memberof the Yamato nation!"Wouldn"t it work if you said we are good friends?""Idiot, that would only work to Zamparini"s advantage!"As their argument escalated as they leaned their bodies close together,their voices grew louder and louder."...Besides, I believe that a declaration of lovers would better protect mysafety.""Why is that?""You must have felt it to some extent. Zamparini and his [Panormus]a.s.sociation are not just a real magic a.s.sociation, but also authentic Sicilianmafia.""He really is a G.o.dfather!?""If he deemed me serving by G.o.dou"s side to be a hindrance, ordering would just be everyday business for them. Particularly duringa battle with Melqart, a bullet to the back followed by a cover up would notbe surprising.""What a bunch of people...""If you have the leisure to panic, why don"t you put some effort into lookingmore pa.s.sionate..."Erica finally concluded."That is why I called myself your lover. As the girl upon whom theCampione bestows his full affections, I will be safe from their foolhardyattempts. Consequently, please treat me as your most beloved woman,understood?"And thus the secret conversation ended.The pair tried their best to look like "lovers" as they walked back to the car.Thereafter, Zamparini took them sightseeing to various attractions.Ancient Greeks, the Roman Empire, Arabs, Normans and various tribeshad conquered Palermo in the past. Its history carried a certain exotic flairthat distinguished the city from many others. Along the old city streetsalong the sh.o.r.e, there were many ancient buildings.Churches and chapels flashed into view. Then they were taken to thePalazzo dei Normanni -- a palace that was constructed by Arabs in theninth century then later rebuilt as the Norman king"s residence in thetwelfth century."Very well, time to go."It was 5pm when Zamparini declared in the car. Exhausted from all thesightseeing, G.o.dou asked lifelessly:"...Where are we going this time?""To my home, Kusanagi G.o.dou. It"s about time for Your Highness to rest.Tonight, please accept my invitation to be a guest at my home."G.o.dou was shocked. Going around acting like lovers with Erica all day hadcompletely drained him and he wished to have a good rest in a room byhimself...Soon after, they arrived at Zamparini"s home located in a high-cla.s.sresidential neighborhood within the city of Palermo.Numerous servants were hard at work in this s.p.a.cious and luxuriousmansion. All over the premises were people who appeared ratherdisreputable. They were most likely mafia as well as magi belonging to the[Panormus] magic a.s.sociation.G.o.dou and Erica were taken to the most grand and luxurious room in thehouse. That in itself was certainly nice, but G.o.dou"s problem was that hewas not the only one sleeping there.With a matter-of-fact tone of voice, Erica informed G.o.dou they will besleeping in the same room.Part 4Night had fallen and dinner time had arrived. But the only occupants of thestately and magnificent dining room were the master Zamparini, G.o.douand Erica. Three people.It was not yet time to start eating, but the table was already piled full ofhigh-cla.s.s dishes and sumptuous offerings.Due to Erica"s public declaration of a "lovers" relationship," G.o.dou couldonly eat mechanically despite facing the most luxurious feast heencountered to this date. Thanks to that, G.o.dou completely failed toregister what he ate or what anything tasted like.Then G.o.dou was taken to the bedroom.Naturally, Erica accompanied him. Willing or not, they could not tear theirgazes away from the ma.s.sive canopy bed. Obviously, there was no otherbed either."I-I"m gonna sleep on the couch over there.""T-That"s right. Even if I declared ourselves to be lovers, there is no needto go so far."Just as they reached consensus, the telephone in the room started to ring."This happens to be one of my hobbies."A ma.s.sive bath was located in a corner of Zamparini"s home. Thusdeclared G.o.dou and Erica"s host and master of the house, with great prideover the phone."Often I feel that modern Europeans over neglect the customs of the bath...Hence, I decided to have craftsmen recreate an ancient Roman bath righthere."Mesmerized by the sight of the bathing facilities, G.o.dou answered with asimple "Huh."Inside were three ma.s.sive bathing areas, each wider than any swimmingpool G.o.dou had ever seen. Two were filled with hot water while the thirdwas cold. The place was filled with giant columns like the Parthenontemple in Greece, giving a serene sense of solemnity.Naturally, the facilities were also equipped with sauna rooms and a smallerJacuzzi tub. Indeed, this ma.s.sive bathing facility did feel like Roman bathsfrom the times at the height of their popularity."It must have been fate that allowed me the chance to entertain the youngking and his lover. Surely, Your Highness and your lover over there shouldtake the time to enjoy yourselves here."" "Eh?" "Zamparini"s sudden proposal left G.o.dou and Erica dumbfounded."Hoho, it"s only natural for two young lovers to indulge themselves inpleasure at a place like this. I apologize for my boldness, but I have takenupon myself to make preparations for the two of you. --Come."The old man smiled knowingly and clapped his hands to summon.With the sound of voices asking "Are you calling us, Master?" coming frominside, ten-odd women emerged. G.o.dou was stunned by their appearance.All the women were merely clad in sheer fabric. The level of skin exposurewas virtually equivalent to full nudity.Amongst the young women were Caucasians, Negros, as well as girls oforiental descent. Every girl was outstanding in face and figure. All wereyoung beauties without exception."These are my maids. They are here to serve your every command.""N-N-No such thing! This is not my cup of tea, spare me please! I-I-I"mgoing to the ordinary bathroom--""Well, Uncle Zamparini, thank you very much for your kind offer."As G.o.dou refused on reflex, Erica restrained him with a look from her eyesand proceeded to express thanks."Fufufu, isn"t this marvelous, G.o.dou? Don"t be shy, you should properlyaccept Uncle Zamparini"s generosity at a time like this."Erica leaned herself against G.o.dou as if on purpose.Seeing this amusing scene, Zamparini respectfully took a bow and exitedthe bathing facility."Young master and mistress, please come over here."A couple of highly exposed maids approached.Do I have to get naked right now? Just as G.o.dou stood stunned ~ Ericaimmediately stepped forward between them."Hoho, wait a second. I have no intention of robbing you of your job, butthe privilege of undressing him belongs to no one but me alone. Excuseme, but please give us some private time alone for now."Then she gently and elegantly led G.o.dou away by the hand.Undress? His mind in a state of suspension, G.o.dou was thus pulledtowards the changing room.Along the way, Erica released G.o.dou"s hand."What"s going on?""Quiet. Those maids are here to investigate. They must have been sent onZamparini"s commands to verify if we are lovers or not."Erica spoke softly and G.o.dou whispered back.(Investigate?)(He is probably suspicious about our relationship. Think about it, Zamparinimust have been observing us since last night.)(Now that you mentioned it, we were having an argument... d.a.m.n it, whatshould we do now?)What could we do now to resemble lovers even more? Hating himself forknowing nothing of romance, G.o.dou racked his brains to no avail.(No other way, G.o.dou, we must prepare ourselves.)(Prepare ourselves?)(Ah yes, even though I said "give us some private time alone for now," themaids will run after us immediately and Zamparini"s doubt would onlyincrease. We must switch over to offense starting now.)Erica declared like a knight with decisive valor.I see, I get it now. G.o.dou nodded. In the world of duels, running away fromrisk would only lead to greater danger.(I got it. So what should I do specifically?)(W-Well then ~ first undress, both of us need to take off all our clothes, andthen walk out there in front of those girls.)Her earlier valor seemingly a lie, Erica"s face had gone all red."Eh?" asked G.o.dou foolishly.(T-This is the plan for breaking out of our predicament, and it"s the onlyplan! So G.o.dou, you must suppress your l.u.s.tful thoughts and focus oncarrying out the plan. Swear that you will erase from your memoryeverything you see starting this moment! Swear you"ll forget it all, do youunderstand!?)Returning from the changing room, G.o.dou was wearing nothing but atowel wrapped around his waist.Likewise, Erica was naked aside from the large bath towel she used tocover everything from her hips up to her bust."Let me help you wash."Just like before, several girls stepped forward."Sure... But limit your efforts to washing me alone."Erica replied elegantly to the beautiful girl who appeared to be the maids"representative."What about the young master?""Hoho, perhaps he does want to be washed by you girls... Hohoho,nevertheless, I will be driven mad by jealousy if I see him touched by anywoman apart from myself. Perhaps I might even be driven to murder himand the women around him.""Fufu, that would be terrible, wouldn"t it? I understand."Erica"s mischievous expression and tone of voice stood in stark contrast toher dangerous declaration.Smiling in response, the maid representative gestured to the others withher eyes. Thereafter, the highly stimulating girls, clad in sheer fabric,distanced themselves from G.o.dou.G.o.dou recalled Erica"s instructions."Act casual. If you panic and lose composure, it won"t work!"Consequently, G.o.dou had no choice but to desperately pretend to actnatural.Like some sort of incantation, he repeatedly chanted "mind over body,mind over body" to himself.As the maids laid their hands on Erica"s bath towel, the piece of cloth wastaken away to reveal a young maiden"s magnificent nude body, the mostalluring and seductive that G.o.dou had ever known.Then G.o.dou saw.Appearing before G.o.dou like a queen surrounded by maids, Erica"s bodywas as bare as the day she was born. G.o.dou already knew her figure wasoutstanding, but that notion was simply too naive. She was more beautifulthan he could ever imagine.Her gracefully shaped b.r.e.a.s.t.s, voluminous yet perky, did not show anyimpression of sagging.On the other hand, those rosy flower buds, on the front of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s,exuded such purity and loveliness.Her waist was extremely taut and without the slightest fat. Furthermore,that round voluptuous body part below the waist traced out a mostwondrous curve-In addition, Erica"s pale complexion was unparalleled. Immersed in thesteam of the bath, her alabaster skin showed a tint of redness against itspristine paleness. The mere sight of her skin was enough to deal adevastating blow to G.o.dou"s rational sense of mind."Hoho, G.o.dou is so... You"ve clearly seen me so many times and yet youstill gaze upon me with such crazed and intense eyes. This pa.s.sion ofyours is what I find truly adorable."Erica spoke, smiling as she endured G.o.dou"s gaze. c.r.a.p, I forgot all aboutErica"s earlier instructions to "Watch me as if you were admiring a familiarwork of art."G.o.dou concurred with Erica"s words and said:"T-That"s only because you are so full of charm."G.o.dou recited the line that was prepared beforehand.Due to Erica"s strict orders of "Speak as little as possible to avoid blowingour cover," G.o.dou immediately kept his mouth shut.During this time, the maids poured water over Erica"s body. Instead ofusing a shower head, they carried water directly using wooden buckets.After being washed, that perfect skin of hers seemed even smoother thanbefore.As if trying not to harm a beautiful yet fragile work of art, the maids washedcautiously with reverent motion.Guided by the maids, Erica, with her beautiful silky skin, entered the hotwater bath. Like a mistress of the house enjoying her exclusive bath, shestretched her legs out with an air of satisfaction.The bath was filled with floating flowers of red camellia that the maidspoured into the bathwater along with scented oil. This filled the entirebathing facility with a rich sense of fragrance."G.o.dou, when are you going to stop staring at me? Lacking patience isone of your shortcomings. Please hurry over then.""Ah, uh yeah."At Erica"s behest, G.o.dou responded immediately and stood up to enter thebath, wading over to beside Erica.Erica leaned her back against G.o.dou"s chest. The blonde female knightwas not only a master of the sword but also the owner of a magnificentbody with a slender figure and skin that felt as soft and smooth as silk.G.o.dou now entered a posture of embracing Erica.--Hmm, my entire body feels so hot, it must be due to the hot water.--Hmm, I feel kind of like I"m drunk. This too, must be due to the hot water."Really... Are you still peeping at me? G.o.dou sure is a bad boy, or is itbecause I am too attractive..."Under the hot water, Erica turned herself around, coming face to face withG.o.dou.Of course, G.o.dou maintained his posture of embrace. Feeling Erica"sbouncy bosom pressed against him, G.o.dou could not help but scream"Mind over body!" over and over to himself.But Erica continued to press the offense.She lightly kissed G.o.dou everywhere across his face, chin and neckexcept for his lips, then stared at him with eyes of craving.G.o.dou could feel his sanity flying away to the heavens, but he desperatelyheld on. In the predetermined manner they had agreed on earlier, G.o.doustared at the maids and began whispering with Erica.As the mastermind of the farce, the beautiful maiden went "Ah, I see" andsmiled.Like a princess accustomed to issuing orders, Erica proceeded to turn hergaze to the maid representative."Isn"t it about time for you all to be dismissed?""May we?""He tells me he feels self-conscious in front of other women, so leave usalone for now, we... will "enjoy" ourselves a bit, understood?""Understood. Very well then, we shall be dismissed."The maid representative immediately smiled and bowed her headreverently.With great swiftness the maids all made an exit. Most likely, they did notfail to understand the behavior Erica meant by the word "enjoy."Of course, all this was achieved without any merit on G.o.dou"s part. It wasclearly such an embarra.s.sing situation and yet Erica"s acting was sonatural and convincing. G.o.dou once again recognized Erica"s skill inperforming on the public stage.Even though the maids had left, the two of them remained in tightembrace.Several minutes later, Erica slowly chanted spell words softly to useinvestigative magic."How are things?""There"s no one around the bath, and no one hiding in here using magiceither."Having confirmed it was safe, they both exhaled deeply out of relief.Erica immediately separated herself from G.o.dou"s body and distancedherself away from him. Soaked in the water for so long, both of them werealmost about to faint.That night, G.o.dou and Erica spent the night in one bedroom.Furthermore, they were sleeping in such outrageous conditions -- on thesame bed under the same blanket.Hearing from Erica that the bedroom was free of investigative magic shehad used in the bath, as well as non-mechanical but magical means ofvoyeurism and eavesdropping, G.o.dou originally intended to sleep alone onthe couch. However..."How can we sleep separately while we are under suspicions? There areservants outside the room. If we sleep apart, our cover will be blownimmediately!"Erica snarled angrily. Indeed, it would be most unnatural for a pair of loverswho had displayed such pa.s.sion in the bath to sleep separately.Thus the two of them marked an "invisible boundary line" across thes.p.a.cious bed.Having established a treaty of absolute inviolable territory, the two of themlaid themselves on the same bed under the same blanket, becomingbedfellows. G.o.dou slept on the left side while Erica slept on the right.In order to avoid trespa.s.sing into Erica"s territory, G.o.dou slept with hisback towards her. Likewise, Erica slept in the same posture, both of themkeeping their distance with their backs towards each other.In any case, let"s sleep first. Fall asleep quickly. Trying to dispelunnecessary thoughts of temptation, G.o.dou kept his eyes tightly shut,desperately summoning the arrival of sleep. Suddenly, he heard sounds ofsobbing.With great surprise, G.o.dou found himself hearing extremely quiet sobbingnoises."...Erica, are you crying?""...l-lmpossible, I"m just a little sad over my loss of purity, that"s all."Erica whispered in a domineering yet exhausted voice."W-What loss of purity, in actual fact, we didn"t really do anything...""You"re such an idiot! For me, my completely naked body was seen by you.Acts that no virgin should engage in have taken place, and even now, I amsharing a bed with you ~ furthermore, the things we"ve done are known tomany others.""K-Known to many others?""The Campione and his lover who happens to be the daughter of theprestigious Blandelli family. In our world, this is sensational news whetherpolitically or as gossip. Very soon, it will propagate everywhere.""Is that how it works...""Anyone who hears of such rumors will never believe me to have remaineduntainted in body. Apart from myself, no one will think I am a pure virgin."Sobbing noises. Faint sobbing was heard once more."Anyway, it"s okay, I have no regrets.""Really?""Certainly. I, Erica Blandelli, will never ever do anything I regret afterwards,absolutely never. Please do not misunderstand, I did this for other reasonsand not because I liked G.o.dou."G.o.dou fell silent. The fact that he did misunderstand for an instant must bekept secret."Listen carefully, this was simply a.s.sistance offered by the heroic knightwho pitied and took mercy on the man who suddenly became king. Doingthings to such an extent was simply part of my perfectionism, make nomistake about that.""I see... Thank you, Erica, it is impossible for me to properly express mygrat.i.tude to you."This was a time when proper thanks were necessary.Thinking that, G.o.dou suddenly spoke up. His back having crossed theboundary, he could feel Erica squirming awkwardly, most likely due toembarra.s.sment."N-Not at all. If you and I had never met, the current situation would neverhave happened, so pay it no mind.""But I mind. Yes, about the matter of your purity."Feeling embarra.s.sed, G.o.dou asked:"If you don"t mind, l-l really have to take responsibility, right?""Idiot, there"s no need to take responsibility. After all, I did everything undermy own will. But you have to keep your promise and forget everything thathappened in the bath, got that!?"Due to sleeping in the same bed, the two of them continued to chatthroughout the night for a very long time.Even though he was utterly drained in mind and body, G.o.dou could notclose his eyes, unable to sleep because he was overly conscious of theperson sleeping beside him.The next morning, G.o.dou immediately got up and looked out the windowas soon as he woke up.Heavy rain poured down, accompanied by strong gusts of wind andoccasional roars of thunder. Truly, a storm was coming.From the rumbles of thunder, G.o.dou heard a voice."--Long you have waited, G.o.d-slayer! Come! In the real battle, I shalldemonstrate clearly to you with lightning the ancient king"s magnificenceas the hunter of dragons. Head east, and I shall await you in the ruins ofthe eastern decayed city!"As the raging winds and roars of thunder pa.s.sed on this message, this wasa voice which G.o.dou alone could hear, because the divine king Melqartrecognized no one but G.o.dou."...Could this be Melqart?""Yeah, he"s calling me."Erica asked from bed with a sleepy voice and G.o.dou answered.Not even seven in the morning, this was far earlier than Erica"s usual timeto rise given her morning feebleness. Nevertheless, the roars of the violentwind together with the divine presence filling the atmosphere must havewoken her up."Finally time for a proper battle... Right.""What?""Nothing major. Just as I thought, it"s better to wear less while I sleep, orelse it feels too stuffy...""What is with you girl, how do you sleep normally?"Without leaving the room, Erica began to change into lighter sleepwear.Due to Erica"s strange behavior in her sleepy state, G.o.dou continued tostare outside the window."Melqart said he"s waiting for me in the ruins of the decayed city to theeast. Where on earth is that?""Probably Soluntum, seventeen kilometers east of Palermo. It was once afront line outpost of the ancient Phoenicians and now a district of ruins..."Hearing the approximate location described by the divine king, Ericawhispered softly."Go ask Zamparini to send out [Panormus] magi to scout it out. Once the[Heretic G.o.d]"s presence is detected, start moving out in that direction."Hearing the answer of his "partner," back to her usual reliable form, G.o.dounodded.Part 5"An image is appearing in my mind... A weapon of light."G.o.dou answered in the car en route to Soluntum.Sitting beside him, Erica had asked "Try imagining what power would beeffective in a battle against Melqart the G.o.d of storms?"G.o.dou had pondered for a while but came up with nothing.After further contemplation, he still had no idea.This was only natural. A week ago, G.o.dou was just an ordinary personcompletely uninvolved with the world of magic and G.o.ds. After threeminutes of thought, G.o.dou gave up, certain in the futility of further thought.Then suddenly, inspiration struck his mind."Hmm, I get the feeling I need to use a bright and shiny weapon.""Could your hint get any more ambiguous..."G.o.dou shrugged at Erica"s sarcasm."As expected, in a fight against a [Heretic G.o.d], all one can do is make aproper entrance to the stage."Zamparini spoke from the driver"s seat.He was driving the white BMW. Due to the storm, they were taking aneastbound national route which had lower traffic.-Three hours after G.o.dou got out of bed, a ma.s.sive spiritual presence wasconfirmed near the Soluntum Archaeological Park, just as Erica predicted.After receiving the report, Erica had said:"We are going to battle Melqart now, please lend us a car and driver.""No problem, it will be ready right away."After hearing Zamparini"s polite reply, G.o.dou and Erica headed to theentrance of the mansion. The old man, both Sicilian mafia boss and magica.s.sociation commander-in-chief, made his reappearance driving the whiteBMW."Hoho, excuse me for saying so, but I"m quite confident in my skills."G.o.dou listened to Zamparini"s boast with an annoyed expression as he satin the rear seat.As a side note, there was a black attache case on the pa.s.senger seat nextto the driver."...Can I look at what"s inside?"With an ominous premonition, G.o.dou opened the case to confirm.Inside was a sleek black submachine gun. The Thompson M1921 ,commonly known as the "Tommy Gun." Even for someone unfamiliar withfirearms, G.o.dou recognized it as one of the world"s earliest submachineguns, and one that had been favored by in the movie "TheG.o.dfather."Furthermore, it was fully ready to fire, with a drum magazine attached tothe gunbarrel..."Uncle Zamparini is active as a mage in various militant factions acrossEurope and America. While I use swords to manipulate "iron," Uncle usesguns and ammunition to manipulate "flames," you see.""So... So that"s why I had that kind of feeling."G.o.dou nodded at Erica"s explanation.The trip from Palermo to the Soluntum ruins required roughly thirtyminutes.Soluntum was a town constructed in the fourth century BCE by thePhoenicians in the mountains along the sh.o.r.e. It fell into decline aftercoming under Greek and Roman rule, and was eventually destroyed byIslamic Arabs. In modern times, the site was being run as the SoluntumArchaeological Park and Museum.Thanks to Zamparini"s preparations, the park and the museum wereimmediately shut down as part of emergency measures.But under such weather conditions of roaring wind and torrential rain alongwith lightning descending from dark clouds, it was unlikely there would beany visitors to the museum anyway.Nevertheless, G.o.dou was gratified to know that park staff were helpingwith evacuating visitors."G.o.dou, I will leave for a moment to remain on standby somewhere else.Leave the role of support to me."Getting off the BMW, Erica yelled out over the roars of the wind."Okay! I am relying on you!"Before Zamparini could get a word in, G.o.dou swiftly gave his permission.G.o.dou recalled Erica mentioning the night before that "Fighting together inone place will pose certain difficulties..." Although it could be unnecessaryworry, it was better to be safe than sorry."Hold onto this, it might come in handy."G.o.dou held out his hand to receive the object Erica gave to him.The object was a lion-shaped ornament that felt quite heavy despite beingpalm-sized. After putting it away carefully, G.o.dou entered thearchaeological park together with Old Man Zamparini.Umbrellas were pointless in such weather since they would be instantlyblown away.Whether G.o.dou, Zamparini, or Erica who had just taken off, all of themwere wearing raincoats. But to little effect, for G.o.dou found his lower torsoalmost completely drenched.Feeling that the hood obscured his vision too much, G.o.dou simply took itoff instead.The strong wind, heavy rain, loud thunder and various noises made itimpossible to speak to each other. Without saying a word, G.o.dou andZamparini made their way towards the interior of the park silently.Then G.o.dou felt his entire body filling with power.It had happened before back when he heard Melqart"s "voice" on the ship.This was power surging forth for the sake of battle. In order to fight a G.o.d,this power was produced instinctively by a G.o.d-slayer. The five senses ofthe body as well as a sixth sense, down to his fingertips and everycapillary, all were filled with heat and power.After that, G.o.dou finally arrived at the deepest part of the ruins.This was a little hill on the seaside, with two columns erected like deer or goat horns. Other than these upright columns, there were no otherstructures.However, this lack of structures was not due to the ravages of time.Even eons ago in the distant past, only two columns existed here.As taught by Erica previously, G.o.dou knew these two columns were thesymbols of the Phoenician sky G.o.d Melqart. Then G.o.dou felt it -- hispresence!Melqart was located directly above the two columns!Manifesting tangibly as violent winds, fierce rain, and scorching lightningand thunder in the air, the sky G.o.d Melqart was making his appearance inthe form of the storm."Huhahaha! We finally meet again, young G.o.d-slayer!""On the contrary, I am not only a civilized person but also a pacifist. Even ifmy opponent is a prestigious G.o.d, I have no wish to accept a dangerousfight.""What G.o.d-slayer is this, to make such a weak statement? No matter,whether a brat like you agrees to fight or not, there is no problem. To me, itis entirely irrelevant. But are you sure? There are only six days left, eh?""Six days? What do you mean?""Kuku... In order to better smash this land,

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