
Chapter 89

Chapter 5 - Milan RhapsodyPart 1On a certain night in April, G.o.dou found out from the team of sevenattackers about the conflict in Italy.Also, having failed their a.s.sault mission, the attackers apparently intendedto flee to southeast Asia or South America, presumably to lie low untilthings cooled over."...I feel almost like a criminal.""Well, just similar circ.u.mstances."Hurting all over his body, G.o.dou"s injuries healed as he spoke.Whether bruises or internal bleeding, all recovered without a trace. Thepain vanished. On the other hand, the seven men who were caught up inthe [Boarj"s destruction were the ones who were left with injuries all overinstead.After bidding the men goodbye, G.o.dou took out a memo.It was a memo that recorded how to make an international telephone call.G.o.dou looked at the section on calls from j.a.pan to Italy as he operated hiscellphone. Even though the calling charges were expensive, G.o.dou had nochoice. No matter what, Erica must be contacted -- thinking that, he heldthe phone to his ear and waited.The loud ringing tone echoed in his ear. No one was picking up. Just asG.o.dou was about to give up:"Calling at such a time means that you have become aware of thesituation."Naturally, the voice G.o.dou heard was Erica"s."Let me clarify beforehand. G.o.dou, your being a pacifist is one of yourgood points even though it"s a lie.""What is going on?""For the organization"s lower branch personnel to be deployed, and to failthe mission regardless of their numbers, such clear mismanagementreflecting poorly on the organization"s reputation should normally beimpossible. Nevertheless, given that you"re calling now, it is only natural toa.s.sume you threatened them with a show of absolute force.""...Putting that aside for now, let"s cut to the chase. I heard those guysmention a very strange order."Unbelievable how much Erica could deduce from a single call.Erica"s wit and intelligence were impeccable. G.o.dou changed the subject alittle forcibly."It"s Salvatore Doni-sama. The sixth Campione. Born in Italy. He is thealliance leader ruling over the magical a.s.sociations of southern Europe.""Alliance leader... Something like a big boss?""The description lacks elegance, but you are correct. However, SirSalvatore rules but does not administrate. Rather than ruling throughtroublesome methods of domination, he keeps southern European magi inline through fear and servitude.""The one I met at the airport in Palermo? Why are you telling me this?"G.o.dou brought up the greatest question occupying his mind, and Ericareplied gloomily:"That time, he asked you "Let"s have a duel?" It was not a joke. He wascompletely serious. But G.o.dou refused, so that"s the cause."G.o.dou was rendered speechless by this unexpected answer and couldonly say "Eh?""Probably because he is interested in the Campione named KusanagiG.o.dou and wanted to have a serious fight. But you coldly rejected him...""Wait a minute, Erica. These things you"re saying are a bit strange.""There"s nothing strange about me. Strange are the things that go throughSir Salvatore"s mind.""You really said an awful thing without any hesitation..."G.o.dou recalled the conflict with Bianchi.At the time, Erica had subtly agreed that a certain Salvatore was an idiot."In other words, that guy is a fool with no common sense?""Stated simply without the use of rhetoric, yes, that"s exactly it. Anyone withthe slightest courage and sense of justice who has spent any amount oftime with him, would express their impressions with the words "fool" or"idiot" without hesitation.""Why would that kind of guy be treated as the boss!?""It cannot be helped. Because he is a Campione. Undoubtedly, he is theG.o.d-slaying warrior! Furthermore, stupidity and magnanimity are notmutually exclusive."Erica"s serious tone of voice made G.o.dou silent."Indeed, he is a fool foreign to common logic. Nevertheless, he is also arare hero. Even if all the magi of the world challenged him with all theirmight, there is no chance of winning against him. The one known asSalvatore Doni, is precisely a monster of that level."After delivering this exceptional commentary, Erica continued further."Hey G.o.dou, if you intend to dig deeper into this incident -- or rather, getinvolved with us, it"s best for you to give up the notion. You should continueliving peacefully in Tokyo."G.o.dou frowned to find his hidden wish suddenly exposed."Visits like this one will happen who knows how many times so you shoulddodge them appropriately. Given your power, even if you encountertrouble, there shouldn"t be any difficulties, right?""Hey hey..."Realizing the intentions of Erica"s faction, G.o.dou was slightly surprised."Listen well, this is a critical juncture in your life. Everything that happenedin Italy is just a dream. Please wipe it clean from your memory andcontinue living a peaceful life.""That time with Melqart, didn"t you say I must make a stand and fight?!""There was no choice then. But this time, we still managed to escape fromSir Salvatore. So here"s my greatest advice: do not step foot in Italy -- orrather, Europe, ever again."Erica"s seriousness could be felt from her solemn diction."Sir Salvatore simply cannot wait to start a fight should you come.Furthermore, we of the [Copper Black Cross] have also received strictorders to restrain you with all our power. You understand what that means,right?""...Erica will become my enemy too?""There"s no other choice. Even if you are also a Campione and stand onequal terms with Sir Salvatore... We are an Italian a.s.sociation. We have nochoice but to prioritize the orders, and especially strict orders, from ouralliance leader."Erica spoke indifferently with an emotionless voice."Hence, I guess our relationship ends here. In fact, my telling you all thiswould also be considered inappropriate... But no matter, it would be tooheartless to go without saying goodbye.""Ends here? Wait a minute, Erica!""Farewell, Kusanagi G.o.dou. Even though our days together were short,those memories will be vividly carved into the depths of my mind forever."The connection was cut. Even if he called again, she probably would notpick up again. G.o.dou sighed.What should I do? Live like a hermit, as Erica suggested? It was indeed awise choice. Safe, peaceful and practical. But-"What the heck. In this kind of situation, how can I leave you alone!?"What G.o.dou wished most of all, was to ask Erica what exactly he shoulddo.A great plan had formed in his mind. But he needed detailed opinions fromothers to make adjustments.The reason he decided that, was because the only friend he had made inItaly, was Erica alone-By the time his plan was placed into motion, it was already the last week ofApril.j.a.pan"s Golden Week had just begun. As a high school student, KusanagiG.o.dou also obtained his long sought extended holiday. As for him, heplanned on using the entire time on the faraway land thousands of mileswest of Tokyo. Having waited so long for this time to arrive, he had tospend another twelve hours on a flight.The time difference was eight hours. By the time G.o.dou arrived at Milan"sMalpensa Airport, it was afternoon.Forcing his body in spite of the dizziness and fatigue caused by jet lag,G.o.dou boarded the train. Even though this city only had three rail lines,overwhelmingly fewer than Tokyo, the routes combined together in a fairlycomplicated manner.However, G.o.dou no longer suffered from any language barrier.Asking for directions from pa.s.sersby or staff as he took the train, G.o.douspent a little over an hour to reach his destination, the Milano Centralerailway station. G.o.dou only used it for the subway, but this was also a hubwhere domestic routes and international trains converged. There seemedto be a total of twenty-four platforms."As befits a place even more urbanized than Sardinia or Sicily..."G.o.dou exclaimed in his heart.Having lived in Tokyo, G.o.dou was not surprised by large metropolitancities. However, this was a place where modern cityscape coexistedseamlessly with Gothic or Roman streets like Europe"s ancient capitals.Also, this district offered nostalgic trams above ground.Along the gray street, an orange-colored tram slowly arrived.G.o.dou searched for his target building amidst scenery that could not befound in j.a.pan. He also had the option of taking a taxi, but since manyunknowns lay ahead of this journey, being economical was important....As a side note, G.o.dou also intended this journey to be self-financed.After G.o.dou contacted Old Man Zamparini"s for counsel, the old man hadprepared the plane ticket (first cla.s.s too!). Receiving this present in apanic, G.o.dou had frantically tried to refuse on the phone."Don"t worry about it. It should already be obvious, money is no object!"Thus, G.o.dou"s refusal was boldly denied, yakuza style. Accepting theticket with immense grat.i.tude, G.o.dou desperately begged and managed todowngrade the seat to economy cla.s.s...The old man also informed him how far information on "Kusanagi G.o.dou"had spread in Italy.The magi of Sicily and Sardinia only publicized your deeds in accordanceto Your Highness" orders. Hence, on the Italian mainland, rumors aboutKusanagi G.o.dou are only circulating in an unsubstantiated fashion. Theonly exception being Erica Blandelli"s [Copper Black Cross]."The old man proceeded to refuse G.o.dou"s offers of compensation bya.s.serting "If anything happens, I too, wish to extend a helping hand..."Furthermore, the one who told G.o.dou about the building he was currentlysearching for, was the other person he sought counsel from.Video conferencing with Lucretia Zola whose home was always equippedwith a computer and network access, G.o.dou went through a "strategymeeting" with her."If you wish to make contact with Miss Erica"s a.s.sociation, the [CopperBlack Cross], visiting the building of their headquarters is the most directway.""Does a secret a.s.sociation even have headquarters?""Do know that it is an a.s.sociation with a long history and connections to thelineages of the Knights Templar. The Order was not only a military groupbut also the world"s first organization in the financial industry, the precursorof banking. In order to rob them of their immense wealth, King Philip IV ofFrance even went so far as to disband the Order.""I see...""As one of its descendants, the [Copper Black Cross] also plays the role ofa financial group to the outside world. In actual fact, it is a prosperouscorporation that manages several different businesses. Furthermore, itsrepresentative, Mr Paolo Blandelli -- namely, the uncle in custody of MissErica, is the commander-in-chief of the [Copper Black Cross] as well as alegendary knight."Thus G.o.dou was informed by the beauty who possessed slothful airs anda sensual body.Keeping Lucretia"s words firmly in mind, G.o.dou looked at the map as hewandered through the business district around the central station. Finally,he found the building he was looking for.A grand fifteen-story building. The people who frequented the premiseswere mostly men and women in suits.A high school student, and especially a j.a.panese who was clearly of adifferent ethnicity, would need to be quite bold to enter that building.Nevertheless, G.o.dou stepped inside without hesitation.Walking through the impeccably clean entrance of the building, he foundthe reception before him.G.o.dou smiled and spoke to the middle-aged woman sitting there:"Can you relay this to Paolo Blandelli with utmost urgency: KusanagiG.o.dou has arrived in Milan. I will enjoy myself a little in this neighborhood,so do whatever your obligations dictate. If you want to take me to SalvatoreDoni, bring it on as if your life depended on it. Please inform him with thiskind of feeling."On Lucretia"s advice, G.o.dou made up this instigating speech.Having expressed his demands, G.o.dou departed without waiting for thewoman to reply. Along the way, he even gave the security camera anintense glare before leaving the building.After that, he took a casual stroll.Since he was here already, he might as well get a view of the scenery.G.o.dou thought as he walked.Part 2G.o.dou got off the subway at Duomo station, four stops away from MilanoCentrale.Duomo -- a Catholic cathedral, in other words.This was a sacred domain for people to pray for wishes and sing praises ofthe Lord. In short, it was an elegant and majestic religious building. Interms of interior decoration, this Duomo di Milano truly stood out from othercathedrals."Well, ignoring basics and jumping directly into practical applications, itdoesn"t mean much anyway."With that, G.o.dou began touring Milan"s standard sightseeing destination,the great cathedral.This was the world"s largest Gothic building, with almost 150(!) spires, thetallest one over a hundred meters in height. There were also over 200painted sculptures. Given its long construction period of five centuries, thecathedral"s magnificence matched perfectly.G.o.dou had previously seen cathedrals on the islands of Sardinia andSicily.But in comparison, this was definitely in a cla.s.s of its own.After sightseeing for a while, G.o.dou realized he had yet to have lunch. Hewas strolling along the main street and wondering what to eat when thearoma of cheese wafted into his nostrils.Following the scent, he found a delicatessen-like shop with a crowd ofpeople standing out front eating something like bread. Lining upobediently, it took quite a while before G.o.dou could enter the shop.Everyone was there to buy the popular pizza, which explained the largecrowd standing around eating.The semicircular chewy bread was filled with plenty of cheese and tomatosauce.Indulging himself in this unusual atmosphere, G.o.dou finished his hot andtasty junk food.There was a kind of itchy and slightly unpleasant feeling on his neck.Someone was probably watching him. Were they going to start an a.s.saultout on the open streets? G.o.dou surveyed his surroundings. The place waspacked and bustling.G.o.dou"s authority did not offer abilities that would not disturb thesurroundings.Perhaps, a more open s.p.a.ce -- a place easier to act unrestrained in wouldbe better. G.o.dou resumed walking once again. Luckily he already had adestination in mind. As it happened, the next place would be rather idealfor his purposes.Castello Sforzesco.It was the castle of the Sforza family ruling Milan in the fifteenth century.During the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci had partic.i.p.ated in its interiordesign. The very s.p.a.cious plaza in front of this castle was adjacent toMilan"s top park -- Parco Sempione.Pa.s.sing by the castle, G.o.dou intended to enter the parkStanding before the castle, he waited for the traffic lights to change. Likeother major cities, Milan"s traffic volume was ma.s.sive as evidenced by thevehicles whizzing before G.o.dou"s eyes. At this time, a large RV suddenlyaccelerated and hurtled directly towards G.o.dou!"Huh?"G.o.dou stared in shock at the speeding heavy vehicle.Then he realized. People in the European world of magic all seemed tothink of Campiones as equivalent to monsters. Furthermore, Campioneswere virtually immune to the magic they specialized in.Using "force" on such an opponent, was naturally equivalent to the effortsof ants.Anyway, I should protect myself first.Evade -- no, attack. G.o.dou instantly made his decision. At some pointearlier, the [Bull] had been unlocked. Though heavyweight fighters wereineligible, man-eating tigers or RVs were perfectly fine as targets -- thisusage condition was really way too strict.In any case, G.o.dou"s body instantly overflowed with monstrous strength.He then thrust his arms forward.Thrusting his hands into the RVs hood, he completely halted the vehicle,and using all his strength-"Yaaaaaaaaaah!"With both hands, G.o.dou raised the two-ton RV high above his head.Raised in the air, the four tires turned noisily, fruitlessly expending power.In the driver"s seat was a middle-aged man, his face convulsing from fear.G.o.dou set the RV upside down on the sidewalk.Since the car"s roof was resting on the ground, the four wheels continuedspinning in the air. Upside down, the driver in the vehicle made a sign ofthe cross as he mentally prepared himself for something.People nearby were basically flabbergasted. They must be having a hardtime accepting this scene as reality due to its ridiculous nature. Whetheryoung or old, black or white or oriental, everyone at the immediate scenewas stunned. Except a nearby man muttering "Wow..."However, there also existed people who did not seem particularlysurprised. At the intersection of the plaza before Castello Sforzesco, on theroadside and various other places, there were indeed several men whoglared sharply at G.o.dou"s brute strength.In that case -- with a clang, G.o.dou opened the RV"s door on the driver"sside."Excuse me. Do you belong to that Copper whatever a.s.sociation?"He directed his question to the driver who was still sitting upside down.Since he was speaking to an elder, G.o.dou naturally used polite language."Anyway, I am going to the castle and will be waiting for you guys there.Please tell your companions that."Since their numbers were many, it might be difficult to handle if he enteredthe park as originally planned. In terms of overpowering large groups, awide open s.p.a.ce would take less effort."Also, can I rely on you guys to help guide ordinary people in the city tosafety?"Palermo"s Zamparini and his faction had been able to do it.Erica"s fellow members should be capable of the same given theirimmense financial clout. Well, it did occur to G.o.dou that things wereprobably different in Milan this time, especially since they were suddenlyasked without sufficient time for preparation, but he ignored these notions.Listening to this request, the middle-aged RV driver nodded repeatedly.Rather than a "brave warrior challenging the Devil King Campione," heresembled more of a "worldly man rashly sent to battle on orders." Quitepitiful, to say the least.In any case, G.o.dou left the RV and ran into Castello Sforzesco a couple ofdozen meters away.Erica was sitting in a room, watching events unfold using magic from afar.This was a popular scene in fairy tales, a.n.a.logous to a crystal ball showingdistant happenings to a witch...Currently, the images were shown to Erica in exactly the same way.Except that object displaying them was a large slim LCD television.Erica"s taste for the nostalgic preferred the old fashioned crystal ball.However, her fellow Great Knights did not approve and hoped she wouldturn to more convenient tools.--The current location was the tenth floor of the [Copper Black Crossesheadquarters, a "lounge" reserved for the top echelons.Only those who had attained the rank of Great Knight were permitted touse this room. Furnished with a billiard table, darts, chess and otherentertainment equipment, there was even a private bar."Yaaaaaaaaaah!"From the screen, Erica could see a familiar youth in an active display ofvigor.He lifted a large vehicle, opened its door, declared "fight at CastelloSforzesco" and left. Very likely, he did not want to cause trouble for thesurrounding people.In that case, there was clearly an option which did not require fighting-Erica was secretly surprised that the youth overlooked this fact."Just as we were at our wits" ends dealing with Sir Salvatore"sunreasonable excesses, yet another Campione arrives? Reality is acomplete nightmare..."The one lamenting was one of the Great Knights, Clarens.Bearing a shaved head and a presentable face, he was a striking blackman from Holland.Thirty-one years of age. Equipped with capability, experience and insightfulknowledge, he was in fact a leading knight of the [Copper Black Cross].But because his nationality was not Italian, he could not inherit theleadership t.i.tle of the [Diavolo Rosso]."It can"t be helped. The opponent is a G.o.d-slayer, a Devil King Campioneafter all."The one complaining in an outraged tone of voice was Gennaro Gantz.Despite being an unrefined man in his early twenties, he was a GreatKnight with substantial achievements in magic and swordsmanship. Hailingfrom southern Italy, he was Erica"s compet.i.tor for the [Diavolo Rosso] t.i.tle.In spite of his young age, the beard covering his face allowed him toconvincingly pa.s.s for over thirty years of age."Without the kind of personality that insists on paying injuries back fivefold,he probably would not have been able to oppose a G.o.d...""By Sir Salvatore"s decree, "You people must lead Kusanagi G.o.dou to mylocation by any means necessary.""Clarens groaned with a gloomy expression."For us to naively execute this command and battle the seventh Campionewould be truly absurd. While we pretend to undertake this mission, theestimate for finding that man is also...""Currently, Sir Salvatore is refusing to leave Milan. Critically overseeingthings at this juncture, you"re not going to get away with phoning it in.Because you are in the [King]"s presence... By the way, Clarens."In a manner unbefitting of a Great Knight, Gantz spoke up.Even though Erica did not hold this aspect of Gantz"s in high regard, he feltthe same way about her. Gantz too, often grumbled about Erica"s facade ofdeliberate elegance."How are things on the search front?""Sir Salvatore"s chaperone... Or rather, his butler Andrea Rivera is stillmissing."Blurting out chaperone, Clarens corrected himself nonchalantly."His last sighting happens to be two weeks ago. Our [Copper Black Cross]received the decree exactly one day before that.""Then isn"t the truth obvious!"Gantz roared gruffly."If that serious man disappeared, Sir Salvatore surely must have thoughthe could spread his wings!""Ah yes. The report about Rivera said, contact was lost on his way to theEtruscan ruins at Bologna on Sir Salvatore"s orders... Very likely, theincident started there. Maybe a group kidnapped and imprisoned Rivera onSir Salvatore"s instigation or something like that--"Hearing the two of them sigh, Erica slowly opened her mouth."If that"s the case, then their interests are aligned with Sir Salvatore.Perhaps in a few days, Sir Andrea will be found safe and sound."This was her first time to speak at the table. Presumably she had keptsilent because she was under "house arrest." Hearing that, Clarensfrowned."Given the current situation, isn"t the battle between Devil Kingsimminent?""Even though Sir Salvatore does not ponder sufficiently, he is surprisinglymeticulous sometimes. Currently, he is dallying in Milan for the sake ofsome momentous change."Salvatore Doni"s base, was the region of Tuscany in central Italy.He did not keep a personal army, with only a handful of attendants and alone sword by his side, spending his easygoing days in leisure. Wheneverhe needed subordinates to command, all he needed was simply make arequest to an a.s.sociation.In this instance, that role was played by the [Copper Black Cross].Citing "your Blandelli family"s daughter served as Kusanagi G.o.dou"sattendant" as his reason, he was impossible to refuse.As a side note, Erica had not informed her fellow comrades regardinglovers or anything of that sort. Due to G.o.dou"s orders, those details hadnot been disclosed to the magi of Sardinia and Sicily.Hence, Erica also remained silent over the "lovers" relationship" issue."But my lady. You already mentioned about the seventh Devil King whosetemperament requires reasons before he fights."Clarens addressed the young mistress of the Blandelli family as "my lady."For Erica, this bald-headed Dutchman was her teacher in tactics, strategyand politics."That"s right. Though he is a person who doesn"t like to attack first, fightingin retaliation is fine to him.""...Do you think he"ll turn to attack?"Gantz wondered as he pointed at the young Devil King shown on thetelevision screen."That"s rather twisted of him. So he"s basically suppressing himselfcurrently. As soon as he finds any minor pretext to justify battle, his fightingatt.i.tude will immediately escalate.""If that"s the case, all I can predict is a disastrous outcome..."Clarens" cellphone started ringing at this time, and he took the call for afew dozen seconds."Bad news. Sir Salvatore has disappeared from his hotel.""I also have a very bad feeling about this. Hey, how are evacuation effortsgoing in Castello Sforzesco and the surrounding area?"The interior of Castello Sforzesco was being shown on the large LCDscreen.A residence of n.o.bles in the past, it was now a museum. Forty knights fromthe [Copper Black Cross] had stormed into the premises in pursuit ofKusanagi G.o.dou."You people must lead Kusanagi G.o.dou to my location by any meansnecessary."In order to execute this decree, Clarens had sent out a suicide squad.In addition, they were secretly ordered "there"s no need to risk your lives,just make sure you look like you"re trying hard." This was strictlyconfidential."On standby over there and at the designated time, all parties werecontacted. Right now, police a.s.sistance is being used to seal the castle"ssurroundings and neighboring Parco Sempione. Also, within the castle--"As Clarens watched the chaotic battle in the castle, he grumbled softly:"There are not too many ordinary visitors since closing time is near. So thatshould facilitate evacuation efforts. We have already sent a very sharpteam, so it should be handled well... That"s what I really want to believe."G.o.dou"s chaotic tactics proved to be an advantage.He made the most of his strength against the combat troops trying tocapture him. Using the [Bull]"s monstrous might to pick up a Gothic pillar,he swung it in a manner like an electric fan. He also threw with one handmarble statues that were taller than people. Seeing his enemies equippedwith projectile weapons -- guns, he effortlessly picked up a 2m thick slab ofstone to use as a shield...Nevertheless, the current battle was taking place between an amateuragainst well-trained and experienced professionals.In principle, the professionals should hold an overwhelming advantage inthis kind of fight. But in actual fact, the situation was the opposite, just asErica predicted."In other words, my lady... Is it time for the Campione to show his truepower?""Probably. He"s not going to behave himself indefinitely for sure. Heappears to be under control, but could show off his true power in amoment"s notice. He may be an amateur in "combat", but in terms of"tactics" he is surprisingly talented-"Scarcely had she finished speaking when the ominous predictions wereproven completely true.Pictured on the television screen, in the air above Castello Sforzescoappeared a gigantic pitch-black beast.Part 3Sprinting into Castello Sforzesco, G.o.dou rampaged wildly using hismonstrous strength.However, enduring to this point was his limit. He was gradually beingcornered.During this time as he relied on his monstrous strength to hold out, all theordinary people and staff in the castle had somehow disappeared... Hence,without further thought, he did it. Backed into this "It"s gonna getdangerous!?" situation, he summoned the [Boar].Blasting this castle away (together with the troublesome people), was aseasy as flipping a coffee table.For this reason, the [Boar] suddenly manifested in the air above CastelloSforzesco.The 20m-long black divine beast landed in free fall, its belly violentlystriking the roof of Filarete Tower in the castle"s center. This impact shookthe entire castle intensely.Landing on the ground, the [Boar] resolutely smashed its head and bodyagainst the castle walls to its heart"s content.Naturally, the castle shook violently again. The stones and bricks used tobuild Castello Sforzesco were continually smashed and sent flying. In shorttime, the entire castle was on the verge of collapse. Not to mention thoseroars.ROOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAR!!These terrifying howls carried sonic waves. Consequently, even placesthat the [Boar] did not touch directly were spectacularly blown apart. Thewhole castle"s complete destruction was simply a matter of time."If you value your lives, hurry and run!"G.o.dou yelled at the attackers in the castle.Perhaps there was no need for him to do that, for they had already startedfleeing all at once. Indeed, they were running for their lives in completedisarray. Oh well, all the escaping guys" faces looked like they were aboutto die. Even if they were not, they were definitely not retreating with anysense of composure...Following them immediately, G.o.dou also ran out of the castle.From awhile ago he had already been transmitting to the [Boar] thoughts of"You don"t have to destroy so seriously!" Surprisingly, it actually seemed tobe taking effect slightly. It felt like the [Boar] rampaged slightly moreobediently compared to before. G.o.dou managed to escape during thistime. As stones fell from ceilings while pillars and walls toppled, it wasalready troubling enough."I thought I was going to die, really..."Running out of the castle, G.o.dou panted heavily.Behind him, the [Boar] finally pranced about delightfully, unleashing its fullpower. The red-brown Castello Sforzesco was gradually turned into amountain of rubble.ROOOOOOOAAAAAARM The roars were deafening.With a final majestic howl to declare victory, the [Boar] apparentlyvanished, most satisfied.Only the ruins of a completely destroyed ancient medieval castle remained.Just as G.o.dou was about to clutch his head and exclaim "How terrible" --he stopped.A blond young man approached. His handsome face was slightly familiar.Despite a slender build, he had the body of a trained athlete. Dressedsloppily in a shirt, cargo pants and sneakers, he was carrying a slendercylindrical case on his shoulder.This was G.o.dou"s second encounter with Devil King Salvatore Doni."It"s been a while eh? You"re causing quite a riot, aren"t you? KusanagiG.o.dou, you"re exactly the kind of man I imagined!"As soon as their gazes met, Doni began to cackle with laughter, and heeven winked at G.o.dou.Amazingly, the "King of Swords" remembered the full name of someone heonly met once and even repeated it correctly. G.o.dou could not have knownwhat a rare exception it was. However, he could surmise certain truthswithout being told.This man seemed to truly adore Kusanagi G.o.dou."So you"re angry because I avoided a duel with you?"G.o.dou spoke gruffly and naturally found himself refraining from using politelanguage.He was clearly speaking to someone older than him, but what could becausing this sense of being "peers"? Without any distinction of hierarchy,this man was on a completely equitable level-"That"s only a lie. I was simply pretending to be angry. But that"s how Imake everyone do as I wish."Doni glanced at the members of the [Copper Black Cross] standing readyoutside the castle.With only a single look from Doni, they were already retreating. Eventhough he was frequently judged a fool or an idiot, there was a surprisinglymajestic and kingly side to him.Only fitting for the man feared by Erica and others. He was no simple fool."But anyway, this is wonderful. My instincts already sensed it last time. Youare basically the kind of man who"d keep running away unless I pursueyou.""Pursue? What are you talking about?""Hey, didn"t I invite you to a duel? But you refused outright. Clearly I washoping for "How about we go at it a little?" "Great, let"s go right now?" kind ofexchange.""Don"t talk about duels like you"re inviting someone for a game of Go orShogi, okay?""Ah yes, those are j.a.panese board games. My thoughts exactly. In myview, drawing swords for a duel is no different from a Friday night game ofchess."Doni indifferently shrugged off G.o.dou"s criticism.He was exactly the kind of fool for which retorts were useless."However, it"s really great that you came to Italy. Even if I went to j.a.pandirectly, you"d probably ignore me.""Wait a minute, even if I came to Italy, it doesn"t mean I"m accepting yourinvitation to a duel!""How will it go? For you to go so far as to travel overseas deliberately, itreally feels like -- you"re in for a fight, seeking an eye for an eye to redresswrongs... That"s the kind of feeling, is that not?"Unexpectedly right on the money. What a troublesome fool he was!G.o.dou could not help but stare at the sky, exasperated."You should have listened to me properly back in Sicily. Anyway, all sortsof bad things were worth it."Doni"s gaze began to look rather strange. He seemed to be staring atG.o.dou with some sense of camaraderie like meeting a rare kindred spirit."Hey, let"s be more honest here, okay? You should argue more violentlyagainst me. So let"s have a duel, it"ll be really fun for sure!"Saying that, Doni opened the cylindrical container and took out the "sword"inside.--Sword!? G.o.dou was rendered speechless. It really was a sheathedlongsword. Even though Erica and others could easily summon theirweapons through magic, Doni seemed to carry his sword personally onpurpose."I"m not great at talking so I can"t express my love through words. So letme use my body to make you understand what kind of man I am. G.o.dou, Iswear, I will surely make your heart burn with pa.s.sion, and make you duelwith me!""What do you mean, you"re not great at talking? You just spewed out awhole bunch of words!""Maybe I"m awkward with words instead? Whatever, my ability to argue isreally no good at all. Just as I thought, swinging a sword is way easier."Doni unsheathed the longsword with a swish.The blade measured roughly 80cm in length and was double-edged with asolid construction. However, it appeared to be rather inferior in quality,especially compared to the likes of Erica"s magic sword Cuore di Leone.Even a layman could tell that it was a coa.r.s.e piece of ma.s.s producedequipment.Nevertheless, G.o.dou shuddered when he saw Doni holding the sword.He had not entered a stance, but was simply dangling the sword limply inhis right hand. The intent to attack or defend could not be felt at all. Onecould only describe his appearance as slovenly.Still, it was terrifying for no reason at all. G.o.dou felt a great shock down hisspine.G.o.dou instantly bent over and spread his legs wide, like a baseballinfielder keenly defending the area between third base and the shortstop.Rather than forethought he was guided by instinct which told him thingswould be dire unless he entered his most familiar defensive position."Amazing. What excellent instincts. Even though we Campiones resemble"beasts" to various degrees... Yours seem to be particularly sharp. That"sreally similar to old man Voban, yes."Doni leisurely expressed admiration, but G.o.dou knew that was not all therewas to it.Before coming to Italy, he had learned about this man from Lucretia.According to her, this swordsman, known as the "King of Swords,"possessed characteristic authorities of "the magic sword which cutsthrough everything" and the "body of steel." And now, G.o.dou was about toexperience how terrifying he was, first hand!--It finally came. Doni made a slash with his sword... Seemingly.But G.o.dou could not see it. Doni"s arm and sword shimmered like heathaze and vanished. After becoming a Campione, G.o.dou had been able torely on his ridiculous level of concentration to see through all sorts ofextreme speeds thanks to the effect of dynamic vision.It did not work this time.The sword disappeared ~ or rather, it appeared to disappear. In that veryinstant, G.o.dou jumped back obliquely.If I didn"t do that, I would have died. That was what he felt for no particularreason. Without any running start, he instantly jumped back as far as hecould.Following that, most likely less that 0.1 seconds later, G.o.dou"s formerposition was sliced through by a straight horizontal sword sweep ~ thatwas what he felt. Since he could see neither the sword nor how it wasswung, he could not be certain."Hahaha! Great. Those old men would always exclaim "keep training thesword for 30 years" or something the first time they see my sword, and justas expected, it didn"t work against you. That"s only fitting for my kin!"Doni was laughing cheerfully even though his target clearly escaped.However, G.o.dou finally noticed the shadow hidden in his pupils when hesmiled. This was the best evidence that the handsome blond man herewas no simple fool or natural airhead."Regardless of decades of training or any amount of talent, weak humansremain weak. Naturally powerful beings will be strong even if they don"tlearn anything in particular. Yes yes, only by fighting these powerfulenemies can you really call it training!""Hey Salvatore Doni, tell me something. Was that magic just now or what?"G.o.dou questioned because his instincts told him it was somethingdifferent."In other words, do you use magic to confuse people"s eyes so that theopponent can"t see the sword clearly?""Of course not. I don"t mean to brag, but I can"t even use magic at a superbasic level. I just don"t have the talent. It never sticks in memory."Doni returned to his slovenly posture with his sword and hands down.No mistake about it, this was the stance of the swordsman, Salvatore Doni.Like the pendulum batting style or the tornado pitch, these were essentiallyoriginal forms attained by geniuses who underwent unreachable levels oftraining.I won"t be able to keep dodging that attack for long -- G.o.dou believed forcertain.Meanwhile, Doni casually walked towards the remains of CastelloSforzesco.The historical building had just been pulverized by the [Boar]. Even thoughits original form was no longer, it had not been literally pulverized to dust.The castle walls had collapsed and the central tower was toppledspectacularly, but the remains still hinted towards the castle"s former glory.In any case, Doni started speaking in front of the "half-wrecked" ruins."You have already displayed your authority, so let me show you mine. --Ihereby swear, I forbid the existence of things I cannot cut!"Quiet mutters. At the same time, terrifying magical power burst forth fromDoni"s right arm.G.o.dou was stunned speechless. The exposed right arm of the blondhandsome man in the short-sleeved shirt had turned "silver."Brilliant shining silver. Not some kind of painted coating.Unbelievably, Doni"s arm had turned into a silver sculpture."This sword is the blade which slices through all existence. Namely, theinvincible sword! G.o.dou, this is my authority!"No mere declaration, these spell words controlled magical power.Using his silver right arm, Doni pierced Castello Sforzesco"s wall with hislongsword.Instantly, Salvatore Doni"s authority activated. Magical power flowed fromDoni"s right arm to the sword and then to the half-wrecked castle wall.Slice. Slice slice. Slice slice slice. Slice slice slice slice slice slice slice sliceslice slice slice.A most extraordinary scene. With only a single thrust of the blade into thewall accompanied by a clang, the half-wrecked castle was instantly carvedup by countless cuts.These sword trails probably numbered in the hundreds if one could countthem.But the chance to do so had already pa.s.sed. Carved by countless swordtrails, the half-wrecked Castello Sforzesco proceeded to crumble andcollapse.It was not pulverized.Tiny -- it was crumbling into fragments, cut to the size of pebbles."Salvatore Doni"s authority of the magic sword could cut everything."Realizing that, G.o.dou panted breathlessly.A single sword strike had slashed a castle into tiny pieces. Struck by suchan attack, even a Campione"s ridiculously st.u.r.dy body would be slicedcleanly in half, or die from being diced and quartered.Given G.o.dou"s situation, another troublesome issue was surfacing.In actual fact, G.o.dou had been secretly contemplating as soon as he sawDoni"s sword skills -- As long as he could activate the [Camel] incarnation,he should be able to find a way to fight on equal footing.The [Camel]"s ridiculous combat ability even won a fight againstman-eating tigers.Using this incarnation required heavy injuries in the first place. But Doni"smagic sword truly belonged in the realm of one-hit instant kills. If he tried totake a hit to use the [Camel], Kusanagi G.o.dou would instantly die on thespot. In any case, relying on the [Ram]"s super recovery would also bemeaninglesS"G.o.dou trembled as Doni approached swiftly. His footsteps were truly lightand fleeting.Due to his opponent"s exceptionally quick pace, G.o.dou reacted an instanttoo slow.By the time he realized, he was already within the attack range of Doni"ssword.Then the sword vanished. That heat haze-like great sword.It was already too late for G.o.dou to dodge -- was everything over? No,there remained the [Raptor] which he had used to oppose Melqart"slightning.Only usable when approached by a super high speed attack, theincarnation of G.o.d speed.G.o.dou"s vision, senses and thoughts instantly accelerated. Conversely,everything in the surroundings decelerated. Thanks to that, G.o.dou wasfinally able to see the movement of Doni"s sword. The blond swordsmanwas attempting an upward slash towards the shoulder.Relying on the [Raptor]"s divine speed, G.o.dou stepped sideways to avoidthe attack.As befitted the state of super acceleration. To think he was able to dodgesafely. G.o.dou proceeded to send a punch towards Doni"s chest with hisright fist. Even though it was a fight between an amateur and a master ofthe sword, given such a ma.s.sive difference in speed, he should be able toattack with impunity, right?Thinking that as he attacked, G.o.dou was met with great surprise instead.The fist that should have smashed into Doni"s chest deviated greatly to theright, hitting air. He had completely misjudged things visually. Furthermore,Doni said to the surprised G.o.dou:"Eh... Your authority"s pretty interesting. Not only can it summon a divinebeast, but it also allows acceleration similar to Alec"s. There are apparentlyrestrictions, but it does allow you to do many different things."Doni seemed to have figured out what G.o.dou had done. He grinnedfoolishly as he spoke.His voice sounded like a shout from a great distance. A rather unbelievablesound."But too bad for you, if speed is all you"ve got, I can easily see through it."What!? G.o.dou shuddered to see him speak so nonchalantly."I have a slightly special way of training my vision. I gaze intently at fallingrainwater and focus on a single drop. Once that is done, the slice comesnext. If I can slice the targeted droplet cleanly into two, I pa.s.s."G.o.dou was rendered speechless by this description which sounded like itcame out of some master swordsman novel.Nevertheless, his instincts told him it was no lie. Given the monster here, itwas definitely possible. Be careful!"This sort of vision, I think it"s called the secret of the mind"s eye in Chinesemartial arts novels? I mastered it on my own, so I"m not too sure. However,as long as I know the key concept is about cutting a target with the shortestpossible sword swing, it"s possible to do it with that kind of feeling!"Doni smiled cheerfully as he thrust his sword straight forward.From G.o.dou"s view, this thrust was completely unbelievable.Just as he looked like he was about to make a thrust, in the next instant,Doni had already entered the posture of finishing the thrusting motion. Itwas like watching playback in fast forward.This was aimed at the center of G.o.dou"s body -- a thrust that attacked hischest.Using divine speed, G.o.dou dodged sideways, trying to evade at full speed.Nevertheless, it was a tad too late. The sword"s blade had already reachedthe flank of G.o.dou"s abdomen, piercing slightly.Under normal conditions, this would be nothing but a mere scratch.However, the power of the "magic sword" infused in the blade penetratedG.o.dou"s right flank."Gun--!"Spurt! Blood gushed out as intense pain erupted from all over the flank ofhis abdomen.As G.o.dou groaned painfully, Doni spoke as if nothing had happened."If only I had slashed more cleanly, I would have sliced you into piecesdirectly. Oh what a shame. But I"m not going to miss next time."In other words, he was confident he would not miss again -- the confidenceto slice through divine speed.The instant G.o.dou realized that, he made his decision.Continuing to fight like this would only lead to death by slicing. He couldnot survive unless he made use of his divine speed advantage in adifferent manner.Enduring the intense pain, G.o.dou ran at full speed.Unconcerned that he was presenting his fleeing back to the opponent,G.o.dou ran as fast as he could. Even though Doni"s pursuit was terrifying,G.o.dou was not obliged to fight back since that would only slow himselfdown... In order to survive, G.o.dou continued running without even lookingback."Retreating to regroup while there is still a chance to escape. Whatexcellent instincts. Rather than careful consideration of the situation, hesmelled the flow of victory."After praising his opponent"s instincts regarding the tide of battle, Donistabbed his sword into the ground.He did not intend to pursue immediately. Given the sort of extreme speedequivalent to lightning, such excessive speed was impossible to sustainindefinitely. Sooner or later, he was bound to slow down.Just let those people from the [Copper Black Cross] chase him for now...What concluded was merely the first round, but at least it offered the joy ofbattle. Or rather, it would be better to say the real match begins here ~Doni naturally twisted the corners of his lips.Part 4"So, the first round is Sir Salvatore"s overwhelming victory."After watching the two kings" face off on the television, Clarens took out hiscellphone. Apparently he received a text. Gazing at the tiny LCD, hegrumbled "Hmm.""What"s the matter?""A report from the knights at the park. Sir Salvatore has issued orders of"Track down Kusanagi G.o.dou."""Come on, what a willful king who does whatever he wants..."Gantz muttered after learning of the situation."It"s about time for us to head to the scene. Tracking down a woundedDevil King could get dangerous. Not so different from wild beasts, whichare more deadly when hunted in their injured state. Ordinary knightsshould keep their distance as appropriate."While the two colleagues discussed the situation, Erica did not join in.Instead, she was immersed in her own thoughts.(G.o.dou, you"re really unlucky -- Serves you right!)The situation looked grim. Nevertheless, Erica maintained a calmexpression.Were she to reveal her emotions like an open book, it would be mostunbecoming for a lady.(I already warned you explicitly. But you ignored me and even came toMilan. You"ve really made a complete fool of yourself this time.)Harsh and hardly elegant words swirled within Erica"s mind.With perfect self-control, she refrained from speaking her thoughts outloud. G.o.dou"s arrival in Milan was causing the [Copper Black Cross] agreat deal of trouble. In actual fact, if a little more time was bought-As soon as Andrea Rivera was located and rescued, he could resume hisduties as Salvatore Doni"s chaperone. Then once Doni had enough of hismischief, Erica should be able to regain her freedom. But G.o.dou had foiledthis plan.(He really is a dense block of wood!)(Due to the Campione"s gag order, the events in Sicily fortunatelyremained unpublicized. Perfect. Our relationship ends today. I"m not goingto deal with such a foolish person any longer. After all, being sliced by SirSalvatore is no different from being dead.)(Yes, so be it, only death awaits.)The blade wielded by Salvatore Doni, was truly a magic sword.Even when it failed to cut an opponent into two, it inflicted magical woundswhich failed to heal easily. Furthermore, since G.o.dou had already used the[Raptor] incarnation, he was going to suffer backlash like last time. Thenafter that, his only fate would be a pitiful death like a dog"s...Unmistakably, death. Only death lay before Kusanagi G.o.dou.The instant she reached this certain conclusion, Erica frightened herself.Her chest tightened as if something was pulling tensely, while her stomachfelt invaded by icy coldness -- an unbelievable feeling.The beating in her chest quickened immensely. Like a fire alarm, her heartbeat continued loudly nonstop.He was going to die, right? Even if the [Ram] incarnation saved him fromthe current crisis, he was going to remain unconscious for who knows howmany hours. Once he was discovered, it would already be~"Hey Erica, weren"t you in the company of the j.a.panese king for sometime?"Gantz"s voice made Erica jump in surprise. Naturally, showingunderstanding of his words was nothing to be proud of.Instead, she simply raised an eyebrow gracefully, making a face thatexpressed "What are you talking about?""How utterly heartless. Couldn"t you say something about him being yourcomrade, and ask us to offer him a bit of a.s.sistance or something likethat?""Watch your words, Gennaro!"Clarens scolded quietly."Sir Salvatore only derived his convenient excuse as a result of our ladya.s.sisting Kusanagi G.o.dou at Sardinia and Sicily.""That"s true, I guess.""Since Sir Salvatore is already hostile towards him, we cannot cooperatewith His Highness the seventh Devil King anymore. For our [Copper BlackCross], the most appropriate course of action is--"Saying that, Clarens placed his hand against his neck and made a cuttinggesture."Kusanagi G.o.dou will be slain by Sir Salvatore"s sword. Before the conflictescalates any further, if only he could die without a fuss, that would be forthe best."He sounded like he was a.n.a.lyzing a chess game. Erica agreed completely.Yes, it would be for the best. For Erica and the [Copper Black Cross], theexistence of Kusanagi G.o.dou was simply a hindrance.Though he may be [King], he was a j.a.panese who lived far away fromItaly.Furthermore, he had no intention of accepting servitude and loyalty fromothers. Precisely because of that, there was nothing to gain no matter howmuch she devoted herself to him.Not to mention, there was the ruling "King of Swords" in close proximity...Clarens" a.s.sessment was completely correct, reasonable, and moreconvincing than anything.-The truth was so obvious.But why? Erica found herself rather strange. Once again, she felt her chesttighten, as if she was about to face some kind of unbearable tragedy."But that king is j.a.panese! j.a.panese, yo!"On the other hand, Gantz seemed to be objecting strangely."To me, j.a.pan is a sacred land for pilgrimage! Well in fact, I happen tohave some DVDs with me, wanna have a watch? Now that"s real magic.These masterpieces can teach us adults that valor must always betempered with gentleness. It"ll transform your very being.""I"m totally not in the mood for j.a.panese children cartoons...""...Yes, same here."Erica coldly declared and left her seat."Where are you going, my lady?""I"m feeling a little unwell, so I"m returning to my room to continue my"imprisonment" there. Clearly, there"s no emergency requiring mypresence.""Don"t call it "imprisonment" like we"re giving you a hard time."Gantz frowned while Clarens simply shrugged without taking offense. Withno one in her way, Erica left the lounge....Originally, Erica was indeed in a position requiring surveillance.All things considered, she was the one who accompanied Kusanagi G.o.douthe longest, playing the role of his support. The possibility existed for her toextend a helping hand towards Kusanagi G.o.dou in his desperate time ofneed -- it was only natural for others to think that. But in actual fact, Erica"scolleagues left her alone.Undoubtedly. Unlike Salvatore Doni, no benefits could be gained fromKusanagi G.o.dou. Erica could not be unclear on that -- that was what theymust have thought.Erica wandered aimlessly and found herself at the ground floor lobby of theheadquarters building.In the past, she always went home by calling for a ride to pick her up. Butfor some reason she did not do so today. Walking out the building, shebegan to stroll casually along Milan"s office district.Along the way, Erica jumped in fright many times whenever a black-hairedoriental brushed past her. Clearly it could not have been the youth sheknew but she felt compelled to check the person"s face each time.-Gathering her focus, Erica took out a certain object.Just in case of emergencies, she had gathered this at the Zamparinimansion and kept it in a gla.s.s jar. With this, she could track down thelocation of..."Where are you going, Erica Blandelli?"A familiar voice. She turned around to find a tall man standing before her.A handsome man with well-defined facial contours and a muscular bodyreminiscent of the statue of David. Wearing an unb.u.t.toned formal suit, thisman was named Paolo Blandelli.Erica"s legal guardian and commander-in-chief of the [Copper BlackCross]."I"ve already mentioned this before. You are our precious treasure -- onewho will inevitably stand at the pinnacle of our a.s.sociation.""Yes, I remember. Uncle."One could describe this as a conversation between uncle and niece,except with a bit too much posturing.For a long time now, Erica"s everyday interactions with her uncle hadbecome a habit like a rehea.r.s.ed scene. The two of them left the bustlingmain streets of Milan and came to a nearby park to talk."One more thing. Even though this goes without saying, you are equivalentto a real daughter to me. It"s just that I"d be a little too young if I calledmyself your father."Despite clearly pushing forty, Paolo still casually declared himself young.High-minded and n.o.ble in spirit he may be, this was one area he showedparticular obstinacy.Nevertheless, this facet of the heroic uncle"s always made Erica smile."Yes, I believe it is all thanks to Uncle"s love and edification that enabledme to become the person I am today.""If you say it that way, even someone like me would get too full of myself.By the way, Erica, looking at the way you are now, really reminds me ofmyself over a decade ago.""Well, when Uncle was younger, in other words, during your days as ayouth.""I"m young enough as I am, so nothing prevents you from calling me ayouth. I hope you realize that some day. Anyway, enough with that."Erica simply expressed acquiescence. Paolo continued:"Back then, I was still a reckless brat overconfident in my own abilities. Ionly learned my lesson during a chance visit to England when I becameembroiled in unnecessary hardship and burden.""The hardship you suffered over there ~ was it Prince Alec?"Legendary deadly battles were innumerable amongst the experiences ofPaolo Blandelli in younger days past.He was most likely referring to the "Devil King"s debut" incident of thensixteen-year-old Black Prince Alec of England, Alexandre Gascoigne.He had crossed swords with the Black Prince himself as well as his righthand man, Sir Iceman. It was even said that Paolo battled a primordialdemonic beast that the Black Prince had awakened, and stood in as theBlack Prince"s scapegoat to take care of a female devil who was targetingthe Devil King.Uncle Paolo"s current renown was achieved through surviving countlessdeadly battles."Ah yes, that"s right... Frankly speaking, given a choice I"d rather not dealwith that kind of man who brings chaos to the world. In every instance, bythe time I noticed, I was already embroiled in the commotions caused byAlec... Well, the troubles caused by a particular princess are no smallnumber either--"Distant events in the past. It was the reason why Uncle gradually stoppedrespecting the princess who was known as the most exalted n.o.blewoman."I realized through those years of experience. How terrible in character,how troublesome and how willful these Campiones are... But due to myfrequent contact with these abnormal existences, perhaps I"ve lost abalanced sense of judgment."Erica stared wide in response to this rare story from his "days as a youth."Uncle was not a man who liked to brag about his glorious exploits. Inparticular, he had always kept silent about his days spent in opposition toBlack Prince Alec. Even though Erica felt he was being modest, it lookedlike there might be other reasons as well."Erica, let me be straight with you. You are extremely precious to me,whether personally or for the organization. I have no wish for you to sufferby the side of those unreasonable monsters. It is enough for me alone toendure that kind of hardship."The uncle looked straight at Erica as he spoke."If possible, I hope I won"t have to resort to force in order to play the part ofthe stubborn insensitive father.""Oh my, you"re speaking as if I were about to abandon Uncle?""If I am mistaken, just treat everything I said as a joke. Nevertheless, I can"thelp but feel that, given the situation -- so what is the actual truth?"So that"s what"s going on? Erica could not find words to answer.Was she still Erica Blandelli? Flawless in both elegant manners ofspeaking and fluent conversation skills, seemingly br.i.m.m.i.n.g with talentever since the day she was born, Erica was unbelievably at a loss forwords for once, she was silent!"Given your intelligence and eloquence, it should be a simple matter foryou to understand what I am saying."Hoo. Uncle sighed.Indeed. It was clear and simple truth. Erica should choose the [King]closest to the [Copper Black Cross], Salvatore Doni, and abandon theyoung eastern Asian [King] whose future was uncertain.Nevertheless, even though it was obvious.Despite their short time together, as ephemeral as sparks, she could stillvividly recall every day she spent with the youth.Everything that happened from the day they met up to this point. Such astracking down the oriental warlord, fighting the Phoenician divine king, thewhole story flashed before her eyes like kaleidoscopic images.Erica took a deep breath and exhaled.She reawakened her original indomitable spirit and glamor.Holding her head high, she pridefully swept her hand through her l.u.s.trousred-tinted blonde hair. Erica Blandelli must always be more beautiful andstriking than anyone else. For her own sake, and as much as she wishedto deny it, for that youth"s sake too!"Yes. I completely understand what I have to do. However -- it can"t behelped. In spite of everything, I must go to his side."A resolute declaration."I don"t really understand the reason, but I want to help him. Althoughthese senseless emotions vex me so, they are still my authentic feelings.Even if you give me a direct order, Uncle, you cannot force me to abandonmy feelings!""Reason eh... I"m sure you already know very well.""How can I know if you don"t say it out, Uncle!""Which is why I say, your current att.i.tude speaks more than words evercould... Come to think of it, I"ve never had this kind of "family conversation"with you regarding this topic. A little later and you"d probably become toojaded to listen.""You"re talking like I"m ill or something. That"s rather unbecoming whetheryou consider yourself a knight or a gentleman."Erica turned away pretentiously and mocked cynically.--Well, to be honest, it"s not like I haven"t realized what topic Uncle isreferring to. In fact, I can think of all sorts of things the conversation entails.But admitting to it would be far too embarra.s.sing.Hence, Erica pretended she was completely unaware."In any case, I will be joining Kusanagi G.o.dou"s faction. Since I am doingthat, I suppose there is no place left for me within the [Copper BlackCross]."Using summoning magic, Erica called forth her beloved garment.It was a short cape with straight red stripes against a black background.This surcoat was bestowed only upon Great Knights.It carried protective magic that conferred defensive power equivalent toarmor.But most important of all were its "rossonero" colors of red and black.Wearing the a.s.sociation"s colors displayed allegiance unambiguously -- Toa Great Knight, this cape was equivalent to a bandiera flag raised high onthe battlefield."I hereby return this, the mark of rossonero you bestowed upon mepersonally. Please accept it, Uncle. This could very well be my finalfarewell, but still, I must go!"With one gallant motion she tossed away the cape she had worn for somany years.As soon as she saw her uncle catch it, Erica swiftly turned around andbegan to walk away. She did not even look back once.The uncle who said he would restrain her "by force" did not follow throughon his warning.After all, he was the one who traveled from Italy to England many times,taking

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