
Chapter 90

Chapter 6 - An Alliance Once MorePart 1Kusanagi G.o.dou fled from Salvatore Doni using divine speed.The seventh incarnation, the [Raptor]. Using this incarnation not onlyincreased his speed, but also lightened his body and vastly increasedagility and jumping ability. Even though it could not fly like a bird, it was stillable to perform leaps that rivaled or even surpa.s.sed cats and monkeys.G.o.dou ran up a building"s wall and moved between rooftops.Sometimes he stepped on car roofs and trains on the road instead ofbuildings and ordinary houses, racing across Milan"s main roads like aflash of light.In any case, he had to run as far as he could. If possible, leaving the city ofMilan would be best.Although his pierced abdomen was feeling intense pain, G.o.dou did noteven consider going to a hospital. Shaking off Doni"s pursuit was of utmostpriority. Hence, G.o.dou simply ran with reckless abandon....Thanks to the lightness of his body, the burden of running was greatlydecreased.There was no sense of exhaustion. No matter how hard he dashed, hisbreathing did not interrupt, nor was there any effect on his stamina.Hence, he was able to ignore the pain on his flank in this manner. Just ashe left the boundaries of Milan city, he ran into trouble as he entered anarea with many trees and green fields.Suddenly, his heart was struck with intense pain."T-This is?"G.o.dou was filled with doubt but he did not halt his footsteps. Nevertheless,the sense of pain was intensifying.It felt like his heart was being stabbed by a murder weapon like an icepick.Rather than repeatedly stabbing, it felt like someone was diggingrelentlessly. Gradually, his legs and then his whole body becameincreasingly difficult to move."By the way, didn"t this chest pain happen that time in Sicily as well? Couldit be the side effect of using this kind of speed!?"On further thought, this level of speed was truly ridiculous.In fact, it was only reasonable to expect repercussions sooner or latergiven prolonged use of such speed. It was now imperative to find a placeto rest. Finding a park before him, G.o.dou entered with unsteady footsteps.The park was filled with flourishing trees, like a little forest.Halting his steps in a thicket, G.o.dou took a break -- he finally reached hislimit."Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"The pain in his heart reached a maximum. G.o.dou became completelyimmobilized.He could not even lift a single finger, as if tied down and restrainedcompletely. G.o.dou collapsed, leaning his back against a tree trunk.There was nothing he could do except wait for time to pa.s.s while heendured the excruciating pain in his heart.Furthermore, the pain and bleeding continued from the flank of hisabdomen. Only at this time did he realize another terrifying aspect ofDoni"s. To be frank, he was expecting the abdominal wound to heal simplythrough a Campione"s natural recovery. But such wishful thinking was toonaive. The wound on his flank was not healing at all.This must be part of the "magic sword""s formidable power. Unlike ordinaryswords, it was a completely magical slicing attack-Blood flowed nonstop while G.o.dou continued to be tormented by the painin both his heart and his abdomen.G.o.dou"s exhaustion became extremely severe and his consciousnessgradually became fuzzy. Soon after, his heart pain vanished and therestraints were released. But still, his body could not move. Due to thema.s.sive blood loss, he was completely drained in strength.A figure was gradually drawing near. On the verge of death, G.o.dousummoned his remaining strength to call out:"Yo."With no more strength, all he could manage was a simple greeting. To hisgreat surprise, the one who approached was Erica."Serves you right, G.o.dou. This is your punishment for destroying Milan"sscenery.""This I am powerless to deny."Faced with Erica"s angry accusation, G.o.dou helplessly acknowledged hiswrongdoing."H-How did you find me?""Didn"t Bianchi mention before? Magic can be used to search for and trackdown the presence of Campiones, you included. To think something likethat existed. Just for fun, I took a strand of G.o.dou"s hair when we were atthe Zamparini mansion."It was a spell which allowed one to track down the approximate location ofthe target given any portion of the body.Erica explained thus. She was meticulously prepared as always."Clearly we were trying to resolve this incident in a peaceful manner... Butyou came along. Are you sure you didn"t usurp the authority of a G.o.d ofpestilence and destruction?""I warned you explicitly not to come to Europe, right? But you ran all theway to Milan to cause trouble. In the end, you even got injured by SirSalvatore"s sword.""I had no choice, I needed to talk to you."Due to the blood loss making his head dizzy, G.o.dou could not speakfluently."You also want to complain about the incident?""That"s included, but it"s not the only thing. I was also concerned whether itcaused great trouble for you. I thought that guy Doni was going to give youa hard time.""Of course I feel troubled. In fact, your coming here makes me even moretroubled.""I"m very sorry, but I didn"t want this.""What?""When a conflict arises clearly because of me, and yet I stay out of itdespite being involved. Neither do I want our relationship to end like this.""What? We are separated by the vast distance separating j.a.pan and Italy,you know? Besides, even if our relationship did end, it shouldn"t affectG.o.dou"s life that much, right?" "Wrong. I said it before, all it takes for us to meet is half a day"s journey.Also, if I clearly know you"re in trouble, I can"t accept feigning ignorance tocontinue living a carefree life in j.a.pan."A busybody who won"t mind my own business, or a stronger sense ofheroism and chivalry than average? Overwhelming curiosity orrecklessness? Or perhaps, I am just a natural born trouble maker?Even G.o.dou had no idea himself. Perhaps he was all of those."Then let"s change the subject. Are you going to take me to the idiot?"Erica did not answer immediately, for she had turned her face away.Without looking straight at G.o.dou"s face, she spoke:"Actually I had been thinking ever since I bid you farewell on the phone.Precisely because Kusanagi G.o.dou is a great fool who came expressly toItaly despite the situation, I should not care about him this time. It hasnothing to do with a knight"s merciful heart of compa.s.sion.""Well, can"t blame you...""But for some reason, I can"t do it. To think there existed a man whocompletely disregarded his own safety and rushed straight into the countryof the most dangerous enemy, and even ran into a crisis. Not to mention,with absolutely no hope of victory or survival. I can"t abandon such a manto his fate."Erica slowly turned to G.o.dou and said:"I have already bid my uncle and the a.s.sociation farewell before I camehere. I am no longer a knight. I am nothing but an ordinary girl -- 1 wouldnever say this even if it meant tearing my mouth open, but I am just a girlwho knows how to use magic and a sword. So that"s the situation, youdon"t mind, right?""No longer a knight, what"s going on?""Nothing much. Because I am joining you -- the faction of the youngestCampione, that is what I must do. So G.o.dou, you have to takeresponsibility properly.""Responsibility!?""D-Don"t get any strange ideas. All I meant was that you must takeresponsibility by dueling Sir Salvatore and resolving the matter properly!"Is that so? No, it must be so. How could I make that kind ofmisunderstanding...G.o.dou felt embarra.s.sed by his stupidity as he frantically promised:"l-l know that of course. Even the matter of Doni is fine. I will see thisthrough to the end. I"m gonna teach that willful idiot a lesson.""Oh my, you"ve said something reliable for once. But your pacifist banner isweeping."Was she finally back in form? Erica jested lightly as if her mood hadimproved.Although G.o.dou was happy to notice that, he still forced himself to pretendto be displeased."What can I say. Because my opponent is an unbelievably great idiot. If theenemy was simply an idiot, there might be room for negotiations. But for agreat idiot, nothing of that sort existed from the very beginning. So I mightas well steel my determination and go all out in a fight."Hearing G.o.dou"s a.s.sertion, Erica shrugged her shoulders as if amazed."Just so you know, a real pacifist doesn"t make that kind of exception ...But let"s overlook that or else it"d be kind of foolish. So G.o.dou, let us forman alliance once more. Is that fine?""That"s actually what I was going to request."G.o.dou forced his exhausted body and extended his right hand weaklytowards Erica."Can you help me for a while? I did come up with a plan when I came toItaly alone, but to be honest, I"m at my limits.""You"re hopeless. Even though it"s a sinking ship, I suppose getting onboard in the first place counts as some kind of destiny. I will try to use myown methods to keep the ride going."Erica also extended that gorgeous right hand of hers and held G.o.dou"shand in turn.They had already embraced, had intimate skin to skin contact, and evenkissed, but holding hands was their first time. G.o.dou smiled wryly at thisunusual sequence of progression and said:"By the way, you probably know this already... I can"t hold on much longer.I"m entrusting things after that to you. You handle it so well every time...""Yes. I don"t know if you can call yourself fortunate or not, but there"s nomirror here."Watching G.o.dou with an amazed expression, Erica sighed."If you had a mirror, you could look at that dying face of yours. Completelypallid beyond belief, with these incredibly deep black circles beneath youreyes... You look exactly like you"re about to bleed to death."I see, as expected. G.o.dou felt his consciousness slipping.Like the last two times, he mentally called on the image of the goldensheep and used the [Ram] incarnation. Entirely defenseless while he slept,all he could do was believe in his "partner"..."Enough! You"re always giving me trouble, you know!"Erica grumbled as she looked down at the sleeping G.o.dou. Nevertheless,she realized she was smiling for some reason.Most likely, it was due to her realizing his vulnerable state stood asevidence of his trust in Erica Blandelli."Well, whatever. In any case, it is imperative to secure a safe sanctuary."Murmuring to herself, she thought of an idea. Their current location was alittle commune outside of Milan called Monza.Taking the train from Milan would take roughly twenty minutes. As thelocation of the closest F1 racing circuit within the greater metropolitan area,it was extremely well known to motorsport fans. Come to think of it, thisarea was--Settling on a solution, Erica took out her cellphone.Part 2Impatiently, she could not wait for a night on the weekend to arrive anyfaster."Without any prior engagements for tonight, I should be able to focuscompletely on my project."Liliana Kranjcar murmured quietly to herself.Her current location was her own room at the Kranjcar residence in Milan."Tonight my thoughts seem imbued with particular clarity... I should be ableto produce great work on such an occasion."Liliana sat before an old-fashioned desk, her fountain pen scratchingnoisily as she wrote.Letting her inner imagination soar unrestrained, she wrote essays, weavingthem into masterpieces. Sometimes she wrote novels while on otheroccasions she wrote prose poetry. This was her secret hobby."Oooh -- Did I mess up? It came out a little different from what I imagined."This was a romance novel in progress. The steady love between anunsophisticated heroine with a heart of gold and the perfect gentleman, aheartwarming story ~ That was clearly the setting.But gradually as she continued to write, the young man"s nature began toshift subtly.The young man who was supposed to be extremely gentle in thebeginning, shockingly showed an unexpected savage side."I picked this specifically for you... Now that you have nothing else to wear,why don"t you give up your futile resistance and put it on?"T-This shameless attire, l-l can"t!"To think that she wrote this kind of scene without realizing it.The plot frequently placed the heroine in threatening situations at themercy of the s.a.d.i.s.tic young man. Nevertheless, she secretly feltexcitement in her heart, realizing she derived pleasure from beingdominated in such a manner-Unwittingly projecting her own feelings onto the heroine, Liliana halted herpen, lost in thought."Oh well, masterpieces tend to take on a life of their own... This is not badactually."She continued to write. Could it be possible? Did she also harbor the samedesire to be toyed with by the opposite s.e.x? Secretly, her heart raced...At this very moment, her cellphone at the edge of the desk started ringing.Glancing at the call display, Liliana sighed and picked up the call."I am very busy right now. If you have something to say, please make itbrief, Erica.""Greetings to you, Lily. Given our relationship, such cold words surelywound me in the heart."This was the voice of her rival dating back to childhood, Erica Blandelli."Do not act so familiar. We are simply acquaintances of the same age andbelonging to different a.s.sociations in Milan -- more appropriately, weshould be called rivals and enemies.""Showing such obstinacy towards your childhood friend is really yourshortcoming, Lily. I feel like the bonds cultivated between the two of usamount to much more than that.""We are not childhood friends, it is simply ill fate! Stop fabricatingfriendship between us on your own accord!"Having expressed her objections, Liliana asked acutely:"By the way, you have been quite busy lately, is that not so? I heard that inorder to seal a [Heretic G.o.d], you were sent over to Sardinia."Erica Blandelli, went south on an expedition--This news had reached Liliana"s ears. However, the details were lacking.The detailed happenings regarding the G.o.ds who appeared on the islandsof Sardinia and Sicily were strangely unpublicized. It was as if someonehad intentionally blocked the flow of information."You should be aware that a little while back, Sir Salvatore refused to leaveMilan and even issued vile orders to the [Copper Black Cross]. Also thereis today"s incident of Sir Salvatore slicing Castello Sforzesco to pieces...Ah yes, and finally the suspicious matter of the seventh Campione"s birth."Campiones appeared where G.o.ds manifested. This was common sense inthe European world of magic.Hence the rise of such rumors was not unreasonable."If we are really friends as you say, then I hope you can provide me withinformation regarding that man.""Lily, friendship and work are separate matters. Mixing the two together isreally unlike you."Just as expected, Erica was playing dumb."Well, putting our relationship aside, let me tell you this. The news that isabout to be publicized, will surely shock all of Europe. Anyway, I simplycalled today to chat about casual matters."Really? Liliana felt suspicious.She did not believe that the devilish woman would call for something ofthat sort. Perhaps this was simply the first step in her trap -- just as Lilianawarned herself, Erica spoke up."Recently, I started liking this female author"s romance novels.""Lies. How could you suddenly awaken that kind of interest?"She knew Erica"s tastes very well. Even though she liked to pose withelegance, any work of entertainment would fail to hold her interest unless itcontained all three elements of action, explosion and murder."Oh my, I am in the flower of maidenhood after all. It"s not so unusual toenjoy that genre. But the stories I"m talking about, that particular novelist"sstyle, feels a little predictable recently.""Predictable?""Yes. Every single time, the heroine feels deeply conflicted about the manin the lead role, but the story always ends in her complete submission."Liliana was greatly shocked.This was exactly the same scene she had just written. Come to think of it,all her recent works followed the same model. Could Erica have read themall!?Her hand shook intensely as she gripped the phone.Calm yourself. The finished works are all kept in this bedroom. Evensomeone like Erica could not possibly have laid eyes on them -- thoughtLiliana to herself. Probably. Liliana began to cough."C-Cla.s.sic developments always follow the same plot. Nitpicking onsomething that trivial would be a bit childish, no?""That"s true too. To me at least, it does seem a little childish. However, it"dbe nice if the author herself could realize she"s been rehashing the sameplot. But based on the content, it feels like she is writing out her ownhidden desires. Without realizing it, she released her thoughts on paper.""Ack."Feeling like she was being talked about, Liliana was utterly terrified."B-By the way, is that all you wanted to talk about?""No, there"s one more thing. I"m currently around Monza. The Kranjcarfamily"s atelier should be in the area, right? I"d like to borrow the place forone night. Just use a mailing spell to send the key over."The atelier mentioned by Erica was a specialized workshop for restoringantiques.When one made a living through magic, one would inevitably collect allsorts of antiques and artwork unearthed from archaeological sites. In orderto perform private restoration without relying on university organizations,the Kranjcar family sponsored their own workshop."For reasons of your convenience or whatever, I --""Will not refuse, right? Given my relationship with Lily."Liliana sighed lightly.Impossible to deny, this was her meddlesome childhood friend, EricaBlandelli. Highly skilled, talented, unscrupulous, and broadminded like asalon hostess.Searching through her memories, Liliana recalled owing four or five favorsto her."Well, I do not mind, okay. But for what reason? Facilities of this levelshould be available on your side, right?"In terms of prestige and wealth, the Blandelli family ranked several gradeshigher than the Kranjcar family.Realizing Erica"s object was not the equipment at the workshop, Liliana feltsuspicious."Sorry, I can"t disclose anything regarding that. Besides, I"m sure newsabout it will spread like wildfire within the next couple of days, so spare mefor now. Well then, Lily, take care. I will be quite occupied for the timebeing, but I believe things will settle down gradually."Thus the conversation ended. Seriously, what was that woman thinking?Liliana angrily put down the cellphone.Night had fallen completely by the time Kusanagi G.o.dou awakened.Naturally, Erica was by his pillow, watching him as one would gaze uponsome kind of lab animal."By the way, the current time is late at night after 11 pm. Every time youuse it, the revival time seems to be shrinking.""A power up, but incredibly annoying anyway... So, where is this place?""An atelier borrowed from a friend. Even though we"ve been friends for solong, on the surface we appear to be hostile rivals with a complicatedrelationship, so we need not worry about pursuers finding us here. In fact,the time spent waiting for G.o.dou to revive was very peaceful."The place was rather messy and felt like some kind of workshop.On various racks were numerous tools, chemicals, shattered earthenwareand statues, lying around without any sort of central organization. Ratherthan a bed, G.o.dou was lying on a long workbench. The rug beneath himmust have been a thoughtful gesture from Erica."So, now that G.o.dou has revived, let"s discuss our direction from now on?"Just as Erica said, the abdominal injury had already healed completely.His blood soaked clothes had also been taken off. G.o.dou was nowdressed in khaki work clothes. Probably something from the workshop.Looks like Erica was the one who helped him change.G.o.dou was gratified by her unexpected thoughtfulness, but he expressedhis objections."Let"s eat first. I"m famished.""A statement characteristic of simple animals on the verge of death. Well,since I haven"t eaten either, I shall second the motion, however --""However?""This area has no shops that stay open this late."G.o.dou went "Hmm" softly. Come to think of it, this was Italy. Even thoughthere should exist restaurants that remain open for business duringmidnight hours, there seemed to be none in the area as suspected fromErica"s words. Supermarkets and grocery stores would all be closed bynow."I haven"t seen twenty-four-hour convenience stores or the like in thiscountry...""That"s right. But they exist in Hong Kong. I thought it was a joke when Ifirst heard about stores that stayed open for business twenty-four hours aday, three hundred and sixty-five days a year nonstop.""Well, it can"t be helped. We"ll just have to borrow without asking."Discovering there was a s.p.a.ce resembling a kitchen, G.o.dou muttered....Twenty minutes later, the two of them had discovered instant noodles, akettle and a pot so they started boiling water using the gas stove.Available in both cup and packet variants, they decided to take both."I knew that a workshop like this would stock some kind of food. But findingj.a.panese manufactured food sure is surprising."The noodles G.o.dou discovered were all imported products from j.a.pan.Although the language on the packaging was Italian, the designs wereidentical to products in j.a.pan so he recognized them instantly."As expected, demand for this kind of food exists everywhere."Even though Italy was a great nation renowned for slow food, itssupermarkets did carry frozen and instant foods. Even multinational fastfood chains flourished in business.G.o.dou muttered as he was struck deeply by this revelation. Erica watchedhim from the side in amus.e.m.e.nt and said:"Hmm, so it"s ready to eat once you pour in the boiling water? I"ve heardrumors about this before, but I"m only seeing it for the first time.""You"ve never eaten fast food? You"re really a sheltered high cla.s.s lady."Once again, G.o.dou experienced the difference in upbringing betweenhimself and Erica.As a side note, the tasks of pouring hot water into the cup noodles andboiling the packet noodles in the pot were all performed by G.o.dou. Theyalso found biscuits and candy in the cupboard.Despite the haphazard menu, at least the meal was prepared withinexpectations."...This is unexpectedly tasty. That"s not very fun.""If you believe having these products taste bad would be interesting, thenthey won"t be popular all over the world."The cup noodles were flavored with consomme.The packet noodles were packaged with soy sauce flavored powderedsoup, the same as in j.a.pan. While preaching to Erica the deliciousness ofvarious instant and junk foods, G.o.dou ate everything.Also, while they were eating, the two of them discussed their plans for thefuture.That said, the exchange did not amount to much."So G.o.dou, regarding your counterattack against Sir Salvatore. Do youintend to return to Milan next?""Not yet. It"d be a little reckless. Continuing to fight that idiot on thebattlefield he prepared would not be a wise choice.""What do you mean?""I"ve been too pa.s.sive. I think it"s better if we start taking action from ourside. We have to take back initiative in offense, right? Well, maybe it"s amatter of feeling, but let"s regroup here and do things my way."During the daytime battle, G.o.dou had been pressed so far as to be unableto strike back.That kind of image must be vindicated. In order to take up the nextchallenge with renewed spirits, G.o.dou intended to start the battle onlywhen he firmly held initiative."In that case, I have a suggestion. I"ll explain it after the meal.""Great, I"ll be relying on you."Thus ended the discussion. However, it was sufficient. At some point intime, the two of them had developed the kind of relationship where theyunderstood each other without much being said.Part 3After finishing this late meal, the two of them spent the night at the atelier.Since there was a bathroom as well as blankets prepared for naps, therewere no inconveniences as temporary shelter. Sleeping under the sameroof was no longer an issue that G.o.dou and Erica harbored muchobjection to.The next day, G.o.dou and Erica waited until the time for shops to openbefore venturing out for new clothes.The bloodstained clothing had already been taken care of, but G.o.dou didnot really want to be wandering the streets in work clothes.They visited the men"s corner in a three-story department store. Withoutmuch deliberation, G.o.dou bought a white shirt and well-fitted pants.Originally, that would have accomplished his objective.However, for some unfathomable reason, Erica was also picking clothes inthe women"s corner."It feels uncomfortable to be wearing the same clothes I wore yesterday.Since we"re already here, I might as well have a look. But so far none ofthe styles are to my liking."That was Erica"s response when G.o.dou wanted to leave.Girls took forever to shop. That fact had been drilled into G.o.dou"s headthrough his countless experiences, forced to accompany Asuka or his littlesister in their shopping. It could very well take an hour or more... G.o.douhad this ominous feeling.But Erica finished her purchases in ten minutes or so. However."Can you wrap this all up for me? Oh, this one I"m going to change intoright now, but please send the rest to this address here."Most casually, she selected five or six days" worth of clothing beforeending her shopping with those instructions for the salesperson."Hey you, didn"t you leave your uncle?"G.o.dou asked Erica as she returned from the fitting room. She hadchanged out of her red long-sleeved t-shirt and was now dressed in anelegant black jacket and matching lower garments of the same color."In other words, you"re running away from home, right? Where are youplanning to send these clothes?""No problem. The delivery address is a place registered under my ownname. It"s part of the estate I inherited from my deceased parents.""Eh, really!?""Yes. Even though I lived at the Blandelli main residence in Milan becauseI"m still a minor, I do have a number of houses in my possession. As longas I don"t spend too extravagantly, it"s enough to live comfortably."Come to think of it, her clothing bill just now had been settled through thetransparent accounting practice of the bank debit card.Or should he say, as expected of Erica? G.o.dou was deeply impressed.Despite being a sheltered high cla.s.s lady who did not even know how toprepare food, she possessed ample sense of economy. Even if there wasno need for her to deal with the problems of balancing a home budget, shewas probably not negligent in the management and application of wealth."I mentioned yesterday a stage for your decisive duel with Sir Salvatore.That place is located near a villa in my possession. The clothes were alsosent there, so don"t worry."Finished outfitting themselves, the two head to the station. Even thoughthey were wanted figures, they did not try to hide themselves or displayany furtiveness. Instead, they openly walked along the main streets."We only hid last night to prevent G.o.dou from being attacked by SirSalvatore while you were unconscious. Now that you"ve recovered, G.o.dou,there"s no need to do things in a sneaky manner.""Really? Wouldn"t it be bad if another attack happened on the streets?"This conversation took place earlier in the morning."Don"t worry, you won"t be attacked. Even if anyone from the [CopperBlack Cross] discovered us, they won"t make a move so readily now."Why? G.o.dou"s question made Erica burst into laughter."Sir Salvatore"s orders are to track you down, not to capture you. Hence,the foolish act of a deliberate attack is not a command that would beissued, whether by my uncle or Clarens -- my former colleague. It would bedangerous and meaningless to them.""I see. So all they"re going to do is report our movements back to that idiotDoni.""So let"s send a "Duel Invitation" to Sir Salvatore, exactly the way he likes it.Tell him to meet you at a certain place in a few days time. If we do that, Ibelieve our chances of being attacked along the way will be essentiallyzero."Since discovery only meant being monitored, the two of them openlywalked to the station and took the train.Before they went to catch the ride, they had already sent letters to Doni"shotel and the [Copper Black Cross] headquarters.Erica had used a [Mailing] spell. It seemed to be a kind of magic that coulddeliver a sealed letter to a specified location as long as the exactdestination was known.The letters contained a message along the lines of "Wait for me on thesh.o.r.e of Lake Garda tomorrow after dusk" and signed with the name ofKusanagi G.o.dou.The train ride took about an hour and a half.Lake Garda was located right on the border between the region ofLombardy, where Milan was located, and the region of Veneto, whichcontained ancient cities such as Venice and Verona.Italy"s largest lake, Lake Garda, was elongated in shape, extending 50kmin the north-south direction.G.o.dou and Erica arrived at a town on the southern sh.o.r.e of Lake Garda.They decided to have lunch before taking a taxi to their destination."Somehow it really feels like I"m at the seaside..."Sitting on the backseat of a taxi as it raced along the lakesh.o.r.e, G.o.doumuttered to himself.Lake Garda"s surface area seemed to be roughly half that of Lake Biwa inj.a.pan. Along the lakesh.o.r.e were scattered towns and villages thatwelcomed travelers as vacation spots. These towns all had a kind ofseaside feeling to them.The lakefront had a port where many yachts and ferries were moored atthe pier. Although it did not really count as a beach, there was a lakesidecove covered with gravel."You can go swim, go yachting, and even windsurf, so it"s not muchdifferent from a sea."G.o.dou nodded at Erica"s comment. The lakewater here was amazinglyclear and pristine. For sure, he could enjoy a good swim here.A little while later, the scenery outside the taxi changed. The cla.s.siclakeside tourist destination scenery up until now gave way to lush greenmountains overlooking the lakesh.o.r.e. This seemed to be a place offering apicturesque mountain and ocean view.After about thirty minutes, the taxi arrived at the destination.The Blandelli residence -- or more accurately, the lakeside villa belongingto Erica.On normal days, cleaning and inspection was entrusted to a caretakingcompany. This elegant log house, most suitable as a villa, offered a wideview of beautiful Lake Garda.Erica used the key she had obtained from the real estate office in front ofthe station to unlock the door."How should I say it... This is essentially a rich man"s villa."G.o.dou"s mutterings reflected his commoner mentality.That was his conclusion after a cursory tour of the villa, as he finally exitedthe garage.The log house itself was neither very large nor was it especially luxurious.However, two vehicles, a small car and a motorcycle, were kept in thegarage as if they naturally belonged there.The car was a mini 4WD vehicle while the motorcycle was a 400ccmid-sized scooter."Is there also a boat on the lake?""Oh my, how knowledgeable of you.""Given how well equipped this place is, I thought it wouldn"t be strange tohave that as well. Since there"s no need to do any cleaning, how about weprepare some food?"This was proposed by G.o.dou who had experienced group training campsduring his days as a baseball player.As an ordinary commoner, especially one raised by a mother whosubscribed to hands-off parenting, G.o.dou always did everything personallyby himself. If the occasion demanded, he was capable of performingdecent cooking.Besides, he did not naively expect this "partner" to contribute in this area.As expected, Erica, who had been acting completely like a sheltered highcla.s.s lady since morning, asked incredulously:"If you want to get food, there are restaurants and eateries nearby, youknow?""Since visiting this place is a rare opportunity, preparing food by my owneffort fits the mood better. Tomorrow will be critical, let"s eat as healthy aspossible.""Oh... I"m rather confident in my ability to handle most situations flexibly."Erica spoke with a serious expression as if deep in thought."As for the area of cooking per se, it is completely foreign territory to me.Oh well, a situation like this, which challenges the possibilities of me, EricaBlandelli, sounds rather interesting... To be honest, I"ve always wanted tocreate new tastes that have never existed in this world.""It"s simply outdoor cooking, there"s no need for that kind of dangerousresolve."G.o.dou said no to the beautiful young lady who was more interested intastes marked by individuality compared to safe but mundane tastes."Don"t worry, I don"t need your a.s.sistance. I can handle this alone.""That statement makes me subtly angry for some reason...""By the way, who uses these vehicles here? Or heaven forbid, Erica, youcan drive?""No, but if you need a horse, it"s not a problem. Do you want me to bringone over from the ranch nearby?"If someone could drive the motorcycle or the car, buying things would be alot easier. Which was why G.o.dou ventured to ask, but the result was anoblique answer. Since this was Erica, her answer was probably not a jokeand should be half serious at least.Riding a horse on the main road would be a bit too much, so G.o.dou turnedto the bicycle in the corner of the garage."So, let"s use that..."Hence, G.o.dou biked his way to the nearby shops.After shopping for ingredients, he set to work preparing dinner. Oncecomplete, he went to the terrace which offered an expansive view of LakeGarda. The guest had already arrived -- Erica was enjoying the lakesidescenery."So, let"s first discuss tomorrow"s duel. It should be quite a severechallenge, but do you have a plan yet?"Erica suddenly asked at this time.Part 4"Well, you can"t really call it a plan, but through yesterday"s battle, I figuredout which powers don"t work against that guy. That"s kinda important, Ithink.""Are you talking about the [Raptor] incarnation you used at the end?""Yeah. Totally ineffective. It doesn"t really work when we"re exchangingblows and sword strikes. Yes, its excellent speed is great and all, but Doniseems to be able to see through it. Also, my movements are severely offtarget."G.o.dou recalled what happened yesterday and explained to Erica.Trying to punch but Doni easily evaded his fist. This was most likely due toG.o.dou"s excessive speed. After that, G.o.dou had tested things out while hewas running away using divine speed.When the target was stationary or G.o.dou was moving slowly, there was noproblem.But as soon as he tried to attack a moving object while he was going atthose kinds of speeds, his eyes always judged incorrectly. For example, ifhe reached out to catch a dove flying in the sky, he would grab nothing butair, dozens of centimeters off target."Now that you brought this up, Princess Alice also touched upon it before...When Black Prince Alec was just starting out, His Highness was also in agreat conundrum over how to control [Black Lightningj"s speed."Erica spoke as she seemingly recalled something. G.o.dou nodded."That"s also speed on a level that"s like cheating. If it could be used freelywith perfect control, then that whatever prince would have become somekind of invincible monster, right? But that kind of thing should not bepossible. From the way I can"t hit anything with this sort of speed, thatshould be proof enough.""Well said. But His Highness the Black Prince has succeeded in controllinghis lightning speed to some degree.""Since my power is different from that man"s, it doesn"t mean I can do thesame thing just by copying. I think it"s best not to place too much hope onit."G.o.dou felt neither fondness nor attachment to a Campione"s authority.Hence he could completely disregard his own powers -- in other words,a.n.a.lyze calmly and objectively."Anyway, first show me the stage for the duel before it gets dark."Shelving the most pressing problem for now, G.o.dou made his suggestion.Erica"s villa stood solitarily on the lakeside. But slightly further away, therewere other houses and villas, little shops as well as piers with mooredyachts.Also, even further back in the distance, there was a mountain with a flatridgeline.Lake Garda was a glacial lake -- a lake created from melt.w.a.ter gathering ina valley when glaciers retreated at the end of the Ice Age, resulting inencirclement by mountains.Following Erica, G.o.dou reached the top of the mountain."This hike is really pleasant... But I"d imagine it"d start feeling like a ha.s.sleif I had to do this every day."G.o.dou commented as he enjoyed the sudden outing.This was a smooth and gentle mountain path full of lush greenery. Eventhough it demanded little physical exertion, the time spent hiking could bebetter used elsewhere."That"s exactly the reason why my parents abandoned this villa."Erica spoke as she walked in front of G.o.dou.She had told him that the stage for the duel would be an abandoned villathat belonged to the Blandelli family. Not only was it no longer used, buteven the electricity, gas and water mains had been dismantled. Shepromised that it could be destroyed without any concerns."Not only is it extremely old and decrepit, it"s also huge. A ma.s.siveinconvenience, all things considered. But this kind of remote mountain villahappens to be my preference too.""Oh well."Even though it was a long journey on foot, it would only take a brief driveby car.G.o.dou began to imagine as he concurred.A western mansion built on a remote island in a faraway ocean, amountain villa hidden amongst snowy peaks, isolated locales where lockedroom mysteries^ 1 * could occur were surely to Erica"s liking..."If it weren"t for G.o.dou saying no, I could"ve simply taken the car from thegarage.""Then why did you say no when I asked if you could drive?""Not an issue. You do know there are spells to make iron and metal moveaccording to the caster"s wishes, right? Given a car"s scale anddimensions, no problem at all. It"s simply an iron box on wheels with twopeople sitting in it. Then all I need to do is move the whole thing forwardusing my spells. I can"t do any complicated maneuvers, but simply movingback and forth on a mountain path would not be a problem. Definitely.""To think the urban legend of the driver-less autonomous car was narrowlyaverted, let"s not go there..."After hiking for thirty minutes, they finally reached the destination.It was a majestic stone-built mansion in the mountains.A cloister(!) surrounded a garden overgrown with weeds.The building"s walls were almost a meter thick, with elaborate carvings onthe top of the stone pillars. Based on the style of architecture, this placewas at least eight centuries old.Especially the one-story lobby in the center.It had an atrium with a stained gla.s.s ceiling that one admired by lookingup.Deep in the back was a platform resembling an altar, with a seven oreight-meter-tall statue of Madonna and Child.Basically convinced that this was no ordinary building, G.o.dou spoke up:"This place, could it be some kind of especially ancient and preciousbuilding?""Not precious, but ancient for sure. This was formerly a monastery builtduring the Middle Ages. Many generations ago, ancestors in the Blandellifamily bought this place.""Using this kind of holy place as a personal villa would be sufficient causefor divine retribution!""Oh my. This kind of villa, may not be abundant, but neither is it very rare.Other than wealthy descendants of n.o.bles, many other people own similarbuildings.""Ah... So these are villas where n.o.bles live..."Catching a glimpse into the lifestyles of the European upper cla.s.s, G.o.douexclaimed emphatically."In this current time and age, there are no practical uses for these placesother than converting them into hotels or museums. But this location atLake Garda isn"t very ideal from a business point of view, and it"s ratherdoubtful whether the investment would pay off. Precisely because it"s thissort of place, please use it any way you like. Any level of destruction isfine."Listening to Erica"s generous offer, G.o.dou surveyed the interior of thebuilding.Considering the unreliability of his authority and the difference in combatability between him and Doni, G.o.dou wanted to avoid fighting in opencountry with nowhere to hide. On a battlefield without any cover, he wouldmost likely be sliced to death in short time.Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, especially from Erica, G.o.doudecided to make the most of it with grat.i.tude.As G.o.dou nodded, Erica responded with a n.o.blewoman"s broad-mindedsmile."If you wish, G.o.dou, I could also teach you basic swordsmanship. Eventhough a day"s learning might not have much effect, at least it"ll feel safer.""Really... But no thanks."Erica watched with an amused expression as G.o.dou refused indifferently."Just as you say, using a day to do things at the last second would not bevery meaningful. Rather than that, it"d be more productive to consider morefundamental strategies.""Such as?""Areas where that guy"s sword cannot reach... However, that alone won"tbe enough to win either."As a batter, how to conquer a troublesome pitcher? As a catcher, how toguide the pitcher to defeat the batter? G.o.dou began to ponder along theselines.Rather than using sword skills acquired last-minute, he was going to fightthat idiot in his own personal fashion.This was the duel between high school student Kusanagi G.o.dou and themonster Salvatore Doni. Hence -- this is going to be done my way.In order not to repeat the failure during Melqart"s battle, he must rememberto respond craftily and avoid carelessness..."How courageous! Fighting Europe"s ultimate swordsman without even aninkling of how to wield a sword!"Saying that, Erica laughed delightfully."But looking at your situation, perhaps that might turn out for the best. Afterall, simply using the [Camel] incarnation transforms yourself into a warrioreven stronger than me. And unlike Sir Salvatore, you even possessincarnations with long range attacks... Furthermore, there"s the [Sword] ofspell words.""That so? But Doni and I are both Campi-whatevers.""Anyway, the fact that you both possess divine authorities remains thesame. Two of Sir Salvatore"s authorities have clear origins. The [RippingArm of Silver] usurped from the Celtic divine king Nuadha, as well as the[Man of Steel] from the Norse hero Siegfried."As Erica explained fluently, G.o.dou nodded with a helpless expression."Well... I was able to sever just Melqart"s power of [Storms] last time. Ishould be able to do it again with the same sort of feeling."Verethragna"s final incarnation, the [Warrior], wielded the blade of spellwords. In order to obtain it, G.o.dou needed to do that again with Erica-Pondering to this point, G.o.dou fell silent."That"s... right. After all, I"m expecting..."Erica also seemed to have recalled the same thing and suddenly began tobe at a loss for words. Their gazes meeting briefly, the two of theminstantly blushed at the same time."A-Anyway, let"s prepare dinner first, it"s about time to get back.""Y-Yes. Please indulge me with your cooking skills."Unable to dispel the awkward atmosphere, they continued their way downthe mountain path.G.o.dou"s choice of dinner was curry.Considering this was the result of his careful selection in an unfamiliarrepertory as he browsed through food corners in shops, it was pa.s.sable.That was what G.o.dou thought. But unlike shops in j.a.pan, curry powderwas not available.Stirring flour into a paste, he added all sorts of spicy seasonings into a pot,and adjusted the taste.There was one camp where they had run out of curry powder, and G.o.douended up learning how to make it from someone.The other ingredients for the curry was chicken as well as springvegetables he found in the supermarket.He also prepared a large plate of salad. Using olive oil and wine vinegarmixed with salt and pepper, he improvised a dressing. There was alsobread with hard crusts. Bought cheese and sausages, etc."...How unexpectedly ordinary, this food is so uninteresting.""Stop having these weird expectations in this area..."Bathed under the rays of the setting sun, Lake Garda was illuminatedorange.Despite their differing views on the food, G.o.dou and Erica finished all theprepared food without waste.G.o.dou was not adventurous enough to expect Erica to do the washing up,so he cleaned up by himself. After that, there were no other to bedone. They had already bathed before dinner. (As a side note, the villacontained two bathrooms, thus there was no need to take turns.)With nothing to do, the two of them sat down in the s.p.a.cious living room ofthe villa.Recalling the "ritual" they had performed before the battle with Melqart,G.o.dou maintained a slight distance from Erica. He had a feeling somethingstrange was going to happen.Keeping his distance away from Erica who was sitting at a table, G.o.dousat down alone on a sofa."The first G.o.d Sir Salvatore defeated was Ireland"s Nuadha, the king of theTuatha De Danann.^ A G.o.d with a silver-crafted arm to replace a severedarm, he is a war G.o.d who wields the sword of light which slices through allexistence."Erica suddenly spoke words of great learning."The second one defeated was the hero Siegfried. Bathed in the blood ofthe evil dragon Fafnir, he became the invulnerable warrior. He iswell-known in Richard Wagner"s operatic works, so G.o.dou should haveheard of him, right?"Only on the level of having heard of the name. G.o.dou listened silently asErica proceeded."Other than these two, Sir Salvatore also seems to have slain one or twomore G.o.ds, but the details are unclear. Since his favorite authorities inbattle are the "magic sword" and the "protection of steel," it can be deducedthat his remaining authorities are most likely unsuited for direct combat.""Eh? Those kinds of authorities exist?""Prince Alec"s labyrinth-creating authority would be a typical example...Anyway, Sir Salvatore"s primary weapons consist of the "sword" and"invulnerability." Given a choice of which one to seal, I"d choose the sword.""Yeah, I"d pick that one too. But isn"t it meaningless to raise thesehypothetical situations?"Unable to understand Erica"s intentions, G.o.dou felt troubled.It almost felt like she was making preparations to forge the [Sword]. In thatcase, engaging Erica in that kind of behavior was required -- no good nogood.G.o.dou frantically dispelled thoughts of temptation and spoke quietly."I already have a basic idea on how to win this battle. So, let"s retire earlytonight for a good night"s rest. How"s that, Erica? You should be quite tired,right?"But no matter how early they should sleep, the current time had not evenreached seven in the evening.Definitely too early. But there was no other excuse to end the conversation."No, I"m not particularly tired.""1-1 see.""Hey G.o.dou, don"t we currently look like we"re eloping?""Eh!?"G.o.dou was rendered speechless by Erica"s sudden description."Ever since yesterday, we"ve been fleeing together just the two of us.Living under the same roof in a matter-of-fact manner. What else could youcall this other than eloping?""N-No, even though you could look at it that way, but we"re not actuallydoing that."While G.o.dou stuttered in denial, Erica had already approached. Swiftly,she sat down next to G.o.dou on the sofa."Isn"t it more like friends or close comrades...?""Yes. As well as partners for life. Lovers bound by promises of eternallove."What the heck was with this a.n.a.logy!? Erica drew near as G.o.dou entereda state of panic."G.o.dou, if you could come to a profound realization and regard EricaBlandelli as your one and only woman... I could consider staying with youforever and ever till death do us part?"Erica"s beautiful face was approaching G.o.dou head on from an extremelyclose distance.By this point, G.o.dou finally realized. Or rather, he was forced to realize.Kusanagi G.o.dou"s destiny was currently at a major crossroad!Part 5"T-That"s overly intense, I think we need to calm down and consider thingscarefully first.""Who do you take me for? Before speaking to you, G.o.dou, I"ve alreadyundergone careful consideration. Precisely because I understand theirrepressibly intense pa.s.sion in my heart, that is why I am turning myfeelings into action."Not only beautiful but also intelligent, the young beauty confessed clearlyand directly.Why? Why was Erica saying such things to Kusanagi G.o.dou!?"B-But no matter how I wrap my mind around it, we don"t really match,right?""Oh my, are you saying that I, Erica Blandelli, am not qualified to becomethe spouse of the seventh Campione, Kusanagi G.o.dou?""Idiot, I mean the opposite. I"m not good enough for you!""In that case, you"re the idiot. Foolishly worrying about the issue ofmatching when we should be softly whispering words of love and pa.s.sionto each other. What a boorish person you are!"Finally, the words of love and pa.s.sion came directly from Erica"s mouth.At this rate, misunderstanding her was impossible. Erica smiled gently asshe drew her face near the utterly shocked G.o.dou"s ear."However, I happen to like that boorishness of yours. A different kind offool from Sir Salvatore. Honest to a fault, clumsy, boorish, brilliant onoccasion but essentially naive most of the time -- Kusanagi G.o.dou, that isthe man I love most of all."Despite the accusations of fool, these soft whispers were filled with lovingpa.s.sion."On the other hand, trying to justify love with myriad reasons would be trulyboorish instead. Hey G.o.dou, have you always thought of me as anarrogant woman? I hope you can answer me properly and give me anappropriate response.""A-Appropriate?""You could say things like "I also feel the same way about you," "a womanlike you is not my type," etc etc. Regardless, please tell me in no uncertainterms whether you accept or reject my proposal."G.o.dou almost fainted from these sweet whispers by his ear."B-But this is too sudden. Something like this happening should beimpossible!""Really? I too, was previously unwilling to admit to my feelings no matterwhat. Indeed, I was not sufficiently forthright with my affections... But nowthat I have made up my mind, I can easily understand that sort of feeling.Besides, if I truly didn"t like a boy, would I really offer my lips to him?"Even though Erica displayed slight embarra.s.sment, she continued to talkhappily.If everything was as she described, then Kusanagi G.o.dou was truly blindand insensitive."R-Really?""Correct. So, I shall now pose a series of questions to Kusanagi G.o.dou.--To you personally, am I special? Or in fact, you feel like I am no differentfrom any other woman?""T-That"s not right. You are definitely special to me in all meanings of theword."G.o.dou ended up confessing unwittingly. Erica instantly smiled tenderly. Socute!"Well answered. So, how was life in j.a.pan without me by your side? Wereyou lonely? Did you recall each and every one of our exciting daystogether?""I guess I did recall..."Another confession. c.r.a.p!"Here comes the final question! Do you like being together with me? Orperhaps not? Which is it?""If I disliked you, I wouldn"t have crossed oceans to see you!"d.a.m.n it. His thoughts revealed by that unruly tongue, G.o.dou was filledwith terror.This was a first experience. These words which his rationality forbade himto say, were all being uttered as a result of Erica"s pa.s.sionate advances!...But wait a minute. Why did he even need to refuse?G.o.dou suddenly realized that neither Erica nor himself had apredetermined lover. Even if they got together, there was nothing wrongwith it.Ultimately, this was simply a matter of decision. He finally realized clearly."Ah... But it"s only been a month at most since we first met. Isn"t it a bitrushed to make such a huge decision given so little time? Maybe weshould spend more time to gradually confirm each other"s feelings?""Pa.s.sion strikes like lightning, while love endures forever."Faintly smiling, Erica spoke poetic sounding words."Even if all it takes is an instant to fall in love, the loving relationship canpersist for the rest of our lives."Not good. This forthright blonde beauty belonged to the pa.s.sionate Latinnation.In situations like this, the Yamato nation was completely outcla.s.sed indecisiveness!Not to mention Erica"s overwhelming appeal. Those excessively directwords of courtship. In fact, G.o.dou had secretly felt himself attracted to herever since they met in Sardinia.He could not find any reason to refuse her.Nevertheless, G.o.dou was not the womanizing type to enter a loversrelationship given such short time. Besides, it would feel kind of insincereto respond to Erica"s promises of "forever" without a thoughtful answer."Hohoho. If G.o.dou cannot decide yet on our relationship, I won"t mind fornow. If my judgment is correct, you are acting the same way as I wasyesterday. I can see that all you"re lacking is the final resolve."Tenderly smiling, Erica casually a.s.serted.G.o.dou could not find words to refute her."Then let"s put the matter aside for now, and resolve the most pressingproblem? In order to prepare for the fight against Sir Salvatore, we mustforge the [Sword].""W-Wait a minute. If that"s the case, it means we have to do that again!?""Certainly. But there"s no longer any problem, right? No matter how ourrelationship evolves in the future, we have already confirmed theconnection between the depths of our hearts. Without any awkwardexcuses, let us enjoy the ritual properly now?""E-E-E-Enjoy!?""Isn"t kissing a loved one the most natural thing in the world? Hoho, to befrank, during the ritual last time, my heart was actually racing so fast, Icompletely lost myself. It felt like my mind became blank as I was broughtto ecstasy by our kissing."M f ii"T-That was my first experience, you know. Hey G.o.dou, could you bringme to ecstasy once more? For the sake of prevailing over Sir Salvatore, letus do our best."Saying that, Erica brought her cherry lips to G.o.dou"s mouth.Some time after dinner, she had reapplied lipstick. Those brightly l.u.s.trouslips held terrifying fascination. Furthermore, having fully savored the tasteof kissing her lips before, simply recalling the memory further intensifiedthe situation.Their lips were only one or two centimeters apart now. G.o.dou felt his heartbeating loudly like some sort of continuous alarm.The desire to respond to Erica"s pa.s.sion. The desire to understand Erica"sdetermination. The desire to not lose against that idiot. All these desiresmixed and scrambled together.He also noticed-Erica"s offered her lips in a kiss and G.o.dou accepted."I-I"m gonna beat up that guy. Can you a.s.sist me?""Of course. This is the duty of your attendant -- or rather, your spouse!"It was pretty much like a dam on the verge of bursting.Erica acted with unusual ferocity. Sucking intensely on G.o.dou"s lips, it feltlike she was trying to obtain G.o.dou"s entire being through a kiss.Keeping their lips in superposition, they pressed together even moretightly.Ten seconds, twenty seconds pa.s.sed in this fashion. Still, Erica"s lipsremained in position. Only when out of breath did she finally release herlips, panting heavily for air.But very quickly she offered another kiss.As if putting forth her full strength, a kiss full of pa.s.sion.Overwhelmed by this sweet pleasure, G.o.dou felt his mind going numb.As a result, he too, gradually responded to the intensity of Erica"s pa.s.sion.When Erica sucked on G.o.dou"s lips, G.o.dou sucked Erica"s lips in turn,licking each other.Gripping the other"s lips with his own, he savored that sense of softness,wetting it with saliva.The air echoed with the sound of wet kisses. In short time, the two of themwere kissing each other"s lips with ever increasing intensity. Before theyknew it, even their teeth were colliding together.This time, the sound of teeth crashing could be heard.To be honest, it was kind of painful.Hence, their tongues started to tangle with each other. Sliding theirtongues into each other"s mouth, probing for the other tongue, they eachtried to encircle the other person"s tongue.The area around their mouths became all wet and sticky from saliva."l-lt"s about time for me to start teaching you the most importantknowledge. Sorry, I was lost in ecstasy."Erica whispered softly as if she had recovered her senses."For someone like me to completely forget something crucial like that, mycurrent state must be really strange. And kissing so much more intenselythan last time... G.o.dou, it"s you who changed me."Grumbling with dazed eyes, Erica began to weave spell words together."The G.o.d Sir Salvatore defeated was Nuadha, the king of the Tuatha DeDanann. This divine clan consisted of deities worshiped by Celts living inIreland."Erica kissed G.o.dou"s lips as she continued to whisper."People generally have the impression that the Celts were indigenous tothe European continent, and later driven out by the invasion of theAnglo-Saxons."Taking a breath from time to time, Erica continued to engage in eitherkisses or low whispers.Sweetly pleasurable beyond compare, this was also a frantic and awkwardexchange. Better yet, G.o.dou could feel something connecting together inthe depths of his heart."But if events were traced all the way back, the Celts are the actualinvaders. Migrating over vast distances, they traveled from India to Europe,eventually crossing from the continent to the British Isles. The Celts whoarrived in Ireland battled the natives, undergoing countless victories anddefeats, finally succeeding in making the island their territory."Before they knew it, kissing no longer offered sufficient satisfaction.Embracing Erica tightly, using his entire body to affirm her supplesensations, G.o.dou immersed himself in these thoughts with rapture."Bearing a silver arm and the sword of light, the G.o.d Nuadha was also theking of the Tuatha De Danann. His myths clearly depict the figure theancient Celtic king who commanded his people in their conquest of Ireland.Understand all this and forge the knowledge into the G.o.d-slicing blade,G.o.dou!"Like a gushing torrent, knowledge of the Celtic divine king Nuadha wastransmitted through Erica"s mouth and tongue.G.o.dou could feel the [Sword]"s completion with conviction.Thus was born the golden blade for slicing apart a G.o.d he had neverencountered before.References1 . t Locked room mystery: a sub-genre of detective fiction where acrime is committed under seemingly impossibleconditions. t Tuatha De Danann: Irish clan of deities. Later they movedunderground and became fairy-likebeings.

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