
Chapter 18

Epilogue"Hahaha, so that"s how it went. G.o.dou punished the old gramps.Congratulations, this is really something to celebrate, very good."— Tuscany, Italy.In the countryside of the little town Siena, known for its beautiful gothicarchitecture, the king was [having an audience].Looking into the distance, the rolling hills stretching across the landscapewere covered by the lush green of early summer.One could probably call this a beautiful green wonderland. However, thisscenery of scattered wilderness was unique to southern Tuscany.On the hillside bank of a small stream, a certain [King] was idly holding afishing rod."Could it be that you thought he could not win? How sad, I should havemade a bet from the start... As expected of my rival... My good eternalrival."Muttering to himself with excitement, he pulled in the dangling fishing line.A tall, slim, handsome man with blonde hair.His body, flexible as a whip, was dressed casually in a short-sleeved shirtand pants.Sitting on the bank, he had a long rod by his side that was heavily wrappedunder many layers of cloth.— Liliana Kranjcar knew. Wrapped in that package was the [Sword] thatwas like forged steel. Italy"s proud [King] Salvatore Doni never wentanywhere without a sword by his side.It was his pride, ego, and privilege."It does counts as a victory, but to have proceeded in that manner, youreally cannot call it a beautiful victory at all...""Whether flawless or sc.r.a.ped off the ground like rubbish, a victory is avictory."Doni answered Liliana"s accusation with one closed eye.The one who made such an expression was the good humored youth whowas extremely friendly and loved to joke around."Yes, yes. I have contacted the Bronze Black Cross and the grandfatherwho caused you such grief. Offering my beloved knight to that unsavoryold man, I will never allow it.""Be-beloved!? I am Sir"s...!?"Liliana asked greatly surprised, when did it turn into something like this!?— Erica Blandelli had advised her before the return trip back to Italy. Tohave a meeting with Doni prior to returning to Milan.The course of action taken by Liliana in this incident, needed approval bythe [King] of this country.This was due to the grandfather who was an important figure in the BronzeBlack Cross. It was necessary to explain the incident properly.It was three days after the duel of the two [Kings] in Tokyo.Liliana was visiting Siena, Doni"s base of operations, in order to call on andreport to him."Let"s spin it that way. It should be easier for them to accept, right?— Anyway, it would be quite troublesome if I actually fell in love with girls,but it makes a good cover story."Softly spoken words which one cannot pretend to have never heard, weredisclosed from the [King]"s mouth.I will pretend I never heard it. Liliana bowed her head with suchdetermination."What I am most interested in, is still Kusanagi G.o.dou. How that child willrapidly mature, I am really looking forward to it. Will it take two years orone? Half a year would be pushing it? When he really mastersVerethragna"s authority, that will be our next rematch. I have been eagerlyantic.i.p.ating ever since that day, really..."The Campione of the Sword was muttering as if looking forward to a day ofblessing.Liliana"s body shook.Perhaps, it was mistaken to think of Salvatore Doni as Kusanagi G.o.dou"sally. His eagerness to fight was so overwhelming, even greatly surpa.s.singDejanstahl Voban, and would be a frighteningly formidable opponent.This unsettling thought entered her mind.It was lunch time on the roof at Jounan Academy"s high school section.The duel with Voban was three days ago, and all the wounds from thebattle had been healed. G.o.dou and his group were just about to havelunch.Familiar faces — G.o.dou, Erica, Yuri and Shizuka, the four of them."Hey Shizuka, it"s not good for you to be coming in and out of the highschool building all the time, right? What would people think?"G.o.dou tried to advise his younger sister.During lunch, Shizuka had come to G.o.dou"s cla.s.sroom with an unhappyexpression.Occasionally after school, she would also come over and went hometogether.Thanks to her, strange rumors of "Kusanagi"s sister is a bro-con" havesurfaced recently. Amongst the boys in the cla.s.s, the mostincomprehensible one was cla.s.smate Soramachi who spoke things like "Ihave 108 younger sisters in 2D" and kept asking "Must be a stepsister,right? It has to be a stepsister!?"These problems were all caused by Shizuka"s suspicious actions."About that, Onii-chan, I don"t actually want to do this, but in order tosupervise my unruly older brother and prevent him from doing suspiciousthings, I have no other choice. Do not misunderstand."Shizuka"s words were full of barbs.Dear sister, when have my actions been indecent? But Shizuka onlysnorted and ignored G.o.dou"s protest."No indecency? No suspicious acts? Where did you find the confidence todeclare such rubbish! The current situation — compared to four days ago,what happened!?"Shizuka pointed with her finger at the other three.In the center, G.o.dou was sitting cross-legged on the picnic cloth on theground. To his left was Erica sitting sideways on her legs while Yuri satvery straight and proper on his right — the three of them in a neat row."I don"t find anything strange?""Yes, what is it, Shizuka-san, what do you find amiss?""I think I know what you are getting at, but there is nothing that needs to bechanged, isn"t this great?"G.o.dou and Yuri were puzzled with their heads tilted, while Erica simplyshrugged.To the little sister, their responses only added fuel to the fire, and her cuteface tensed further as she roared loudly."Then let me ask you, why is Mariya-senpai sitting so naturally right next toOnii-chan? To have two girls waiting on you on each side, are you somekind of king? And look, why is Mariya-senpai pouring tea into Onii-chan"scup? You should do these things yourself!"Ice cold green tea was being poured into the water bottle cap used byG.o.dou as a cup.As G.o.dou listened to his sister while he finished the tea in his cup, Yurisitting beside him naturally picked up the water bottle on the side, andpoured for him again in one flowing motion.Witnessing this scene, Shizuka"s glare became even more dangerous.— As a side note, this water bottle was brought by Yuri herself, and coldtea brewed by someone like her with knowledge of the tea ceremony, wasmuch tastier than canned tea."Mariya-senpai! Even if you were a newly wedded wife, you don"t have togo so far! For this kind of idiotic brother, that tasteless tea from theself-serve area is good enough!""I am G.o.dou-san"s — n-newly wedded wife? Please do not say somethingso embarra.s.sing..."Described so by her junior from the same club, Yuri replied with her face allred."d.a.m.n it, to be responding to the word "wife" and even suddenly changingher way of addressing him."This kind of scene happened on a daily basis during the recent lunchbreaks.Today after school, G.o.dou was invited by Erica to the Blandelli home.No, not really invited."G.o.dou, please come over to my house, we must finalize our plans for thesummer today... Of course, you cannot refuse."After the last lesson ended, Erica who sat next to him made such anannouncement....That night after the battle with Voban, G.o.dou and Yuri finally fled fromthe pursuit of the [Diavolo Rosso], but were caught the next day at school,and subject to serious interrogation.There were none of Shizuka"s angry snarls or scary threats.However, Erica was a capable and experienced inquisitor, and kept raisingcirc.u.mstantial evidence to accuse them of suspicious activities, skillfullyusing all sorts of methods to make them come clean with the truth.By the time they noticed, everything the two of them did that night was fullydisclosed."Yes, so it was like that... Yuri is unexpectedly daring, and G.o.dou turnedout to be surprisingly unfaithful...""Come on, to describe that situation as infidelity, isn"t that a bitinappropriate...""Th-That is correct, we only did that because we had no other choice.""Aya, it"s fine. I already mentioned before, that even with one more, anextra lover would be fine. If it"s Yuri whom I can trust, it"s not a bad choiceat all."Towards G.o.dou and Yuri who desperately tried to explain, Ericaresponded with a smile.The backlash when love was seriously betrayed... Words related to thattheme kept floating into G.o.dou"s mind, in the face of that glamorous yetfrightening smile.A few days after that.G.o.dou and Yuri were pa.s.sing each day with a feeling that they cannotoppose Erica.Guilt and uneasiness. Both of them carried such feelings, or rather, theinterrogation which was acted out like a deliberate performance, perhapsthat was Erica"s true conspiracy.And then, today after school.G.o.dou and Arianna were sitting in the living room, and Erica spoke."Then let"s decide immediately? Mountains or the sea, which is better?Somewhere to stay for about two weeks. Staying in j.a.pan is fine too. Or tothe place where our feelings first developed — the island of Sardinia wouldbe nice for a vacation. Arianna, where should we go?"The mistress was asking her a.s.sistant and maid who was about to servecoffee.Arianna replied in a very good mood."If that"s the case, I have never spent a summer in j.a.pan. It must be veryfun, with shaved ice, summer festivals, fireworks, bravery challenges andall that. I am sure Erica-sama will enjoy it.""Is that so? Aya, but Hong Kong where I haven"t been to for quite a whilewould also be nice."The female faction seemed to be happily discussing summer vacationplans.If that was the case, it was pointless to speak out. G.o.dou simply listenedwithout registering their words."G.o.dou you need to express an opinion. Otherwise the two of us will bemaking the decision?""Sure, that"s fine. You two wish to travel, so even if I didn"t interrupt — "However, the response was surprising."What are you talking about, this is the plan for the trip before our wedding,it has to have input from both of us... Through this trip, our love will deepenand become stronger.""What?""Having a child during travels sounds nice too. As long as it is G.o.dou andmy child, whether a boy or girl, either will be very strong. Doesn"t such afuture sound wonderful?""...What?"G.o.dou sounded like a parrot, repeating the same word again.Erica with her familiar devilish smile, faced G.o.dou whose mind had beenhalted. It was an extraordinarily seductive and devilish smile that couldmelt a man."Like I said, have a baby, going together on a tour, aren"t those kinds ofthings natural?""E-Erica-sama is truly bold, but it"s true, since it is just two people together,and with such a close relationship, it could very well happen."Arianna was nodding vigorously beside her mistress.G.o.dou felt dizzy and wracked his wits trying to retort. Following such aplan would be the death of him. His continued struggle up to now wouldhave been for nothing!"l-lmpossible, that kind of vacation! My family won"t agree anyway. IfShizuka knew she will oppose vehemently, that"s right, children must havethe blessing of the family, right?""No problem, we already have grandfather"s approval."G.o.dou"s bluff was swiftly called by Erica."Yesterday when I went to discuss, he agreed instantly saying "perhaps it istime for that fellow to have such experiences, please have a good time aslong as it doesn"t cause trouble." Isn"t such an understanding grandfather ablessing?""Not at all! d.a.m.n, why would grandfather say such a thing!?"In the three days after Voban departed.The ones most busy were the members of the History CompilationCommittee.Organizing the whole operation to extinguish the Tokyo Tower fire,tabulating and cleaning up damage caused by the storm, and treating theresidents near Shiba Park who had their life force taken and entered astate of unconsciousness.Furthermore, they even used wizardry and other methods to manipulateinformation.Thorough investigations on all eye witnesses of the incident, and restrictingtheir subsequent communications. Many of those witnesses were shockedwhile others were extremely excited, or even had nervous breakdowns.These people were given warnings, letting them know that unnecessaryspeech would be inadvisable.These people will continue to be monitored after returning to their normallives, and no matter the number of dissident minorities, the controversialpractice of hypnosis wizardry will be used to perform memory manipulationetc. —It was for all these tasks that the members of the History CompilationCommittee have been busy rushing about."Aya, this is why we are labeled as villains. Look at these operativeswearing all black and running about, hahaha."Amakasu spoke proudly while wearing a black suit with the letters "MIB"emblazoned on it.Despite his workload, he had gone to Nanao Shrine to report to Yuri aboutthe progress of things."...Have I not warned you so many times, not to be so frivolous?""Please give me a break, I"m already so overworked that I need to have alittle fun... Ever since that day, I haven"t even gone home yet, only takingshort naps in the car.""S-sorry. I am really sorry that we have brought you so much trouble."Yuri bowed deeply in response to Amakasu"s complaints."However, this is our work so please don"t let it weigh on your mind.Anyway, it looks like Yuri-san and Kusanagi G.o.dou"s personal relationshiphas progressed very well. To selflessly devote a.s.sistance to each other,perhaps the red string of fate has already bound the two of you!""Red string!? What do you mean?""So, I think Kusanagi G.o.dou also likes Yuri-san. Luckily it is almostsummer vacation. To further your relationship, you definitely need to havefour or five dates at least. I look forward to it.""D-date!? Please do not say something stupid like that! That kind ofbehavior is too early for us!"Just as Yuri tried to loudly protest against Amakasu"s hinted suggestions.The cellphone beside her rang. Looking at the screen, it turned out to bethe topic of discussion — Kusanagi G.o.dou who had called."Oh, that call came at just the right time. Then Yuri-san should take actionas soon as possible. Who knows, this call may very well be asking you outwith just the two of you.""Nothing like that! Please do not eavesdrop... Yes, h.e.l.lo-"Hiding away from the curious Amakasu, Yuri pressed the b.u.t.ton to take thecall."Ma-mariya, I am sorry for suddenly calling, I want to discuss somethingwith you. Can you help me?""What is it? Has Marquis Voban resurfaced?""No, it"s Erica. She wants to pull me along on a pre-wedding trip, and evengot my grandfather as an accomplice, so things are going smoothly herway. During the summer, if I don"t find a place to hide I will be caught andtaken away. Who knows how bad things will get! Do you have any place tosuggest?""What? No way, G.o.dou-san, you cannot be deceived by that kind ofinvitation!""Yes, but if she does it by force I can"t do anything about it. Finding a placeto hide is probably the only way.""Really, please show some determination. Preparations are necessary, butG.o.dou-san"s att.i.tude is key. You are still so unreliable.""S-sorry...""I will try to find some suitable location, but please try on your own first."After such a conversation, Yuri hung up.Really, whether the Italian girl who simply had no manners or G.o.dou whocannot refuse resolutely, they are always bringing trouble. No way aroundit, just do your best!"What is it, Yuri-san, is it another conflict? Let"s discuss it."Amakasu spoke softly to Yuri who was occupied with her internal ranting.For example, his manner of speech would be like a con artist, who hadfound a good and honest person and would use all methods to snare hisprey. It was that kind of deceptive speech, but Yuri did not notice."Ah, sure. Actually it is about G.o.dou-san and Erica-san — ""Hoho, it turns out to be something like that. But Yuri-san, this is anopportunity, a great chance... To hide away with G.o.dou-san together thissummer, let us arrange the location!"" — !? Is this a joke? G.o.dou-san and I, just the two of us?"Beaming like a (fake) loving elder, Amakasu smiled slightly.Shaken by that kind of smile, Yuri suppressed her words of protest."Then, let me explain in order, traveling as a pair on the run has an almostmagical effect on accelerating male female relationships — "The plum rain season was about to end in late June.It was the early summer dusk heralding the opening of the gates ofsummer.Featuring Yuri who had been hit by an intense culture shock andmanipulated by skillful deception, and the scheming Erica who was notabove using brute force, the season for their intense rivalry was about tobegin.Afterword"The protagonist has ten special abilities, I think that"s too much. It feelslike an initial whim created a very exaggerated setting, perhaps we shouldreduce it by half? To be honest, this is very troublesome to write. Let"s justsay it makes things difficult for me!!""Just continue with this setting, it will be fine right? Continue writing likethis!"-- Prior to writing the first volume, that was the dialogue between the authorand the editor.Greetings. We meet again, or perhaps for the first time.Thanks to everyone"s support of this work [Campione!], the second volumeis now for sale. Much thanks. Please do not overthink the reasons for thelong interval between the first and second volumes. There were absolutelyno careful deliberations over whether to continue the story or not.Absolutely none. Never thought about it.If one were to describe the battle between Kusanagi G.o.dou and thestrange mysterious dragon of the Tonegawa (Doni in short), it would be anintense death match with a strong characteristic feeling -- if such a shortstory was proposed, would it be ignored with a response like "no, that won"twork!"? Was this for real? For this purpose I went and researched thehistory of the Tonegawa, and became a bit of a Tonegawa expert!To readers who picked up the book to browse, attracted by the beautifulmiko ill.u.s.trations of Sikorsky-san, and were dismayed to find it was not thefirst volume and wondered whether or not to buy it. That type of thought ispremature.I believe this work belongs to the genre of hero fantasy, and pays tribute toCimmeria"s Conan-san and Melinibone"s Elric-san. "The first volume, is notnecessary the beginning of the story" is the idea.Thus, there is no problem with starting with the first or the second volume.Rest a.s.sured as you take this book to the cashier. No problem, when I waslooking for original editions of American comics, there were often times thatI couldn"t find a previous issue. I got used to it....Though that is what I thought, but I am wondering if it is time to write a"beginning story."And so, the next release, Volume 3 will have the themes of the "joyful(?)summer" and "beginnings of the Campione." The stage will be set on theocean, and I will look forward to Sikorsky-san"s swimsuit ill.u.s.trations.

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