
Chapter 4 - The Man from the EastPart 1Between the Italian Peninsula, shaped like a long boot, and the island ofSardinia in the west was a vast area of ocean. This area could beconsidered as part of the Tyrrhenian Sea.One of the types of vessels that frequented these waters was, for example,ferries. These ferries went to places like Genoa, Palermo, Naples andCagliari in circ.u.mnavigation. There are also many yachts used for cruising.Because the natural resources of the sea were abundant, naturally therewill be fishing boats.In the early dawn, before sunrise, the catch obtained from the fishing netsthat were cast in the sea would be filled with many varieties of fishes.However, in the midst of a school of unmatured Pacific Bluefin tuna, therewas one lone human caught there.Having drifted for G.o.d knows how long in the Tyrrhenian Sea, beingswept here all the way from Naples, but was still energetic and in highspirits, if you would like to describe that life form as still being human, thatwould be perfectly fine.Untangling himself from the fishing net full of Pacific Bluefin tuna, heclimbed up onto the boat.Making himself at home without any permission, he sat down on the fishingboat, and said to the dumbfounded fishermen,"Fuu - 1 almost thought I was done for this time. Ah, would you mind givingme the direction to the nearest land from here? It"s fine, I"m really good atswimming. Eh - you"ll lend me a boat? Sorry for troubling you - 1 see I see,which region is this ocean in again? Sardinia? That"s just great. Seems likethings are going to get more interesting!"From the time when Kusanagi G.o.dou had vanished without a trace, onenight had pa.s.sed.It was around nine plus in the morning when this was discovered, asArianna was worried when she found that he was not in his room, andsubsequently searched the whole villa, confirming that he was indeed notaround."What happened to G.o.dou-san? Could he have gotten into an accident?""Hmmm, maybe I went a little overboard with my jokes - "In the rented villa on Sardinia, the girls were having a meeting in the livingroom. Yuri was pacing around the room in distress, and on her face was alook of worry.On the contrary. Erica was not particularly worried about it.That blockhead must have acc.u.mulated too much stress living in thisfemale dormitory-like environment, and thus decided to run away, it shouldbe enough if we let him relax for a few days. He was asking for GenaroGantz" contact information yesterday, there"s a possibility he"s already athis house by now.Thinking that everything was within her calculations. Erica"s att.i.tude wascalm and composed.After telling Arianna that there was no need to worry, she asked her for anespresso."Yuri, didn"t I say it before? G.o.dou is a delicate person inside, even thoughhe"s like that, and because of that he needs some time to himselfoccasionally. And thus, we"ll leave him alone for the time being.Afterwards, pulling him by the ears and bringing him back would be muchmore effective, anyway, he"s someone who can survive wherever he goes,there"s no need to worry about him."She said in a rather indifferent manner, to the Hime-Miko who could notcalm down.As she would someday become the wife of the [King], staying by his side,worrying over this sort of thing was not necessary."Is, is that so...""Although the person himself has no self-awareness, his true personality isstill somewhat haphazard. Conversely, that is why I can say that it"s fine ifwe aren"t overprotective of him.""I can understand what Erica-san is trying to say, but..."Yuri was very worried, and at tiiis moment Erica liad started to feel a sliglitbit of unease."Tliere is a strange throbbing witiiin my heart, as though he was draggedinto something dangerous, it is a dark premonition."IVIariya Yuri was a spirit vision user of the strongest disposition.Among Erica"s friends that were of the same age group, Yuri was one ofthe few that were acl

Chapter 4 - The Man from the EastPart 1Between the Italian Peninsula, shaped like a long boot, and the island ofSardinia in the west was a vast area of ocean. This area could beconsidered as part of the Tyrrhenian Sea.One of the types of vessels that frequented these waters was, for example,ferries. These ferries went to places like Genoa, Palermo, Naples andCagliari in circ.u.mnavigation. There are also many yachts used for cruising.Because the natural resources of the sea were abundant, naturally therewill be fishing boats.In the early dawn, before sunrise, the catch obtained from the fishing netsthat were cast in the sea would be filled with many varieties of fishes.However, in the midst of a school of unmatured Pacific Bluefin tuna, therewas one lone human caught there.Having drifted for G.o.d knows how long in the Tyrrhenian Sea, beingswept here all the way from Naples, but was still energetic and in highspirits, if you would like to describe that life form as still being human, thatwould be perfectly fine.Untangling himself from the fishing net full of Pacific Bluefin tuna, heclimbed up onto the boat.Making himself at home without any permission, he sat down on the fishingboat, and said to the dumbfounded fishermen,"Fuu - 1 almost thought I was done for this time. Ah, would you mind givingme the direction to the nearest land from here? It"s fine, I"m really good atswimming. Eh - you"ll lend me a boat? Sorry for troubling you - 1 see I see,which region is this ocean in again? Sardinia? That"s just great. Seems likethings are going to get more interesting!"From the time when Kusanagi G.o.dou had vanished without a trace, onenight had pa.s.sed.It was around nine plus in the morning when this was discovered, asArianna was worried when she found that he was not in his room, andsubsequently searched the whole villa, confirming that he was indeed notaround."What happened to G.o.dou-san? Could he have gotten into an accident?""Hmmm, maybe I went a little overboard with my jokes - "In the rented villa on Sardinia, the girls were having a meeting in the livingroom. Yuri was pacing around the room in distress, and on her face was alook of worry.On the contrary. Erica was not particularly worried about it.That blockhead must have acc.u.mulated too much stress living in thisfemale dormitory-like environment, and thus decided to run away, it shouldbe enough if we let him relax for a few days. He was asking for GenaroGantz" contact information yesterday, there"s a possibility he"s already athis house by now.Thinking that everything was within her calculations. Erica"s att.i.tude wascalm and composed.After telling Arianna that there was no need to worry, she asked her for anespresso."Yuri, didn"t I say it before? G.o.dou is a delicate person inside, even thoughhe"s like that, and because of that he needs some time to himselfoccasionally. And thus, we"ll leave him alone for the time being.Afterwards, pulling him by the ears and bringing him back would be muchmore effective, anyway, he"s someone who can survive wherever he goes,there"s no need to worry about him."She said in a rather indifferent manner, to the Hime-Miko who could notcalm down.As she would someday become the wife of the [King], staying by his side,worrying over this sort of thing was not necessary."Is, is that so...""Although the person himself has no self-awareness, his true personality isstill somewhat haphazard. Conversely, that is why I can say that it"s fine ifwe aren"t overprotective of him.""I can understand what Erica-san is trying to say, but..."Yuri was very worried, and at tiiis moment Erica liad started to feel a sliglitbit of unease."Tliere is a strange throbbing witiiin my heart, as though he was draggedinto something dangerous, it is a dark premonition."IVIariya Yuri was a spirit vision user of the strongest disposition.Among Erica"s friends that were of the same age group, Yuri was one ofthe few that were acl

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