
Chapter 66

Chapter 5 - World is not enough - The Daily Life ofKusanagi G.o.douPart 1Kusanagi G.o.dou was a guy who did not have any unspeakable secrets inhis private life.No lovers that had to be hidden from friends, nor any fetishes that couldnot be made publicly known. There were also no secrets regarding hisbirth.That is why when Mariya Hikari had asked him, he had immediatelyanswered."Umm, Onii-sama. You"ve mentioned before that you occasionally workpart-time, what kind of job is it?""I do a few of them, but all of them are normal - "It was a comfortable autumn morning.Kusanagi G.o.dou, before heading for his part-time job at noon, had paid avisit to Nanao Shrine.By chance, his workplace was Toranomon. He had some time to kill beforereporting to work, and anyway, he would be able to meet the Mariya sistersif he went to the shrine grounds."Physical work, customer service, behind-the-scenes support for example,just some simple work."G.o.dou recalled the past jobs that he had done.Among those, were also jobs that were a little specialized. But in truth,after trying them out, he found that they were also rather normal. Ofcourse, this was all in the context of part-time jobs.It would be really troublesome if he had to explain and elaborate furtherupon those points."Your workplace is around here today, right? What kind is it exactly?"The one who asked him was Yuri.Her gesture of gently leaning her head to the side, really resembled that ofan elegant ojou-sama."An acquaintance of my grandfather and my deceased grandmother ownsan old bookstore around these parts. Normally they use light truck forlogistics purposes, but they are not able to do so due to a hip injury.Because of that, I"ve been asked to help out."In actual fact, though it may be called a "job", the wage was minimal.Rather, because it was his grandparent"s acquaintance, G.o.dou had notcared much about the monetary rewards, and promised to lend his aid.Even so, it was better than nothing.Like this, he could broaden his connections, who could possibly thenintroduce more part-time jobs to him or help him out when he is in a pinch.For example, during the summer this year, the multiple jobs that he hadworked at to save up for his trip to Sardinia had been from theseconnections he had made.Even on the magic side, as a Campione, G.o.dou had been helped manytimes by Erica, Yuri, Liliana and Ena, they were reliable friends andconnections.Once again, G.o.dou felt that these connections were extremely important tohim."Actually, I"ve never had a part-time job before."Yuri said, somewhat shyly."But, don"t you work here at the shrine?""That is merely my duty as a hime-miko.... it"s just that, I"m a little envious."The beautiful hime-miko confessed.Befitting of a Yamato Nadeshiko like sheltered young lady, perhaps thiswas one of her modest wishes.Understanding her point of view, G.o.dou could not help but smile, and Yurireturned his smile with her own quietly. Like this, the two of themexchanged smiles."Ah. Then this time, why don"t you tag along and work along withOnii-sama, Onee-chan?"The one who had abruptly suggested that, was none other than Hikari."On your first part-time job, you get to spend more time together withOnii-sama, isn"t that a good thing? At a family restaurant or any othereatery, for example, wouldn"t that be nice? And then, I"ll drop by, and keepOnii-sama company!""Hikari! Don"t just say whatever you like."The elder sister rebuked the young sister. However, she looked at G.o.douwith an air of nervousness."Ah - ... I see. A part-time job, together with Mariya, huh...""S-sorry about that, G.o.dou-san. Hikari had said something irresponsible. -B-but."Yuri faltered, looking embarra.s.sed, and her expression was very cute."If, it is possible, that there was such an opportunity, of course I would notbe opposed to experiencing something new... W-what do you think?"Working part-time with this ojou-sama.It wouldn"t be too - No, this might become a very enjoyable event.Just as G.o.dou wanted to say [Then this time"s a good opportunity], henoticed something."Come to think of it, the work I"m doing, it"s not suited for a girl at all.""Aah, is it a job that only men can do?""No, although the job is not strictly men-only, it"s just that the job is ill-suitedfor a girl to do."While answering Hikari, G.o.dou scratched his head.Although the tasks of this job were normal, it would be awkward to ask Yurito join him. As he thought, he had to think this through."The [normal] that you"ve mentioned, cannot even be fundamentallybelieved."It was past ten o"clock in the evening.Finishing his work, G.o.dou had returned to his home, located in theshopping street of the third district of Nezu.He had run into the daughter of the sushi bar"s owner, his childhood friendTokunaga Asuka, on his way back who had told him this.That was out of the blue. To have described me as someone withoutany common sense."G.o.dou responded dishearteningly.Being told something like that, as the first thing upon meeting. Expectedly,he was annoyed."You know, if you are asked [What have you been doing up till now?], youshould say [a part-time job at an old bookstore]. And if I asked [what kindof job? Hmm. How much do they pay?], to which you should reply [movinga large amount of old books in half a day, for 3000 yen]. For [Isn"t that toolittle!?], it should be [That"s not the case at all. Isn"t that normal?]."Outspokenly, Asuka energetically continued.Though her features were a little fierce, she was quite the pretty young girl.Her long-hair had twin-pigtails sprouting out from both sides. This was ahairstyle that she had had for the longest time.While his childhood friend was taking a breather, G.o.dou took the chanceto interject."I, didn"t particularly say anything strange, did I?""It was strange."He was instantly struck down.Part 2The next day after that kind of incident had happened, a Sunday.The usual gatherings of the Kusanagi household were usually comprisedof G.o.dou, his sister Shizuka + their grandfather, just the three of them. Themother was very busy with her work and private affairs and hence wasoften absent, whereas the father, after the divorce, had separated from thehousehold.However, the lunch that day was a tad more crowded than usual.The rarely present parents - were not here, but rather it was a suddenaddition of three people."Uwa -, this ham is great - !"Gobbling down the thick ham steak, Kouzuki Sakura complimented.Because the ham that was used was of high quality, not much skill wasneeded to bring out the outstanding taste in it."This is something Mayo had brought back. That child doesn"t eat at homevery often, isn"t that such a waste? Today, it"s good that I could letSakura-chan and you all have a taste of it."The person who had said that in a gentle tone, and who also prepared theham, was Kusanagi Ichirou.He was not someone who would obligingly interfere in the affairs of others.However, he would casually lend his aid to others, this was his forte.These traits were displayed through his expressions and tone."By the way, Sakura-chan. Coming here today, did you have anything youneeded from our G.o.dou?""Nope. I was coincidentally free, so I dropped by. Recently, my friendFuyuhime-chan had also said that she wasn"t busy with anything, and if I"mfeeling lonely, I can always pay G.o.doh-kun, Shizuka-chan and Grandpa avisit, and I like you guys, too.""Is that so? That"s good to hear. Ah, if you"d like, we also have some prettygood cheese.""Eh, really!? Ufufu, somehow it seems like a dinner party, the menu Fatherhas when having wine!"Grandfather and Sakura were chatting together harmoniously.Since the start of September, his cousin Sakura had been visiting theKusanagi household frequently.The siblings G.o.dou and Shizuka need not be mentioned, but even thegrandfather had been nonchalantly watching over this relative"s young girl,and helping her out.Just a little bit more, if it were someone with an ordinary way of life,huh."G.o.dou murmured to himself, softly.However, someone heard him. Shizuka, who was seated directly next tohim, did.Though I fully agree, the shelves in Onii-chan"s heart are easilycapable of storing staggering amounts. Directly throwing various thingsout, or drawing them in."".... What are you trying to say? Don"t describe your big brother as somestrange guy."" Hmph. Onii-chan is plenty strange, as a perso - n."The siblings whispered to each other.Though the little sister liked to nag, and the older brother did notunderstand his sister, the two of them got along very well.On an unrelated note, what Sakura had said earlier, the comment [seemslike a dinner party], was absolutely correct.Today"s lunch, with the smoked ham and sausages, and the cheeseimported from overseas, were all [tributes] to the mother Kusanagi Mayo,which she had brought back home. Together, with wine and brandy offamous brands....These had all been gifts from men, a true display of her t.i.tle as [FemmeFatale].Furthermore, the father Genzou had sent picture postcards addressed tothe siblings.Though it did not state what he had been up to, it had been sent from thesouthern hemisphere, from Cape Town. Upon it was written [Wherever Igo, I wander, lost. But I will always be here, friends]. No one hadunderstood what he meant by that."Father, what kind of person is he exactly... ?"Reading the postcard that was left on the table, Liliana murmured toherself."I have a feeling that there is some kind of message behind it.... but to theinexperienced me, I am unable to decipher even a single bit of it as ofnow.""It"s fine. Because even we don"t understand it.""Anyway he"s someone who only thinks about acting cool. You don"t haveto care about it."The siblings instantly responded, to which Liliana responded with a,"Huh?".Her silver hair tied in a ponytail, the fairy-like East European bishoujo.Structurally altered it may have been, but with the pure j.a.panese style ofthe Kusanagi house, she could not have been said to look in place with it.However, recently, because of her incessant coming in and out of thehouse, the feeling of being out of place has all but disappeared."But, Onii-chan has levelled up greatly, too."In the Kusanagi house"s living room. Everyone was encircled around thedining table. G.o.dou was sandwiched between his sister on the right, andLiliana on his left -While looking cynically at G.o.dou"s position, Shizuka murmured."Openly bringing back one of the girlfriends to have lunch with the othermembers of the family. Did Grandpa even do something of this level in thepast?""You idiot. Since when did you get all these weird misunderstandings?""Kusanagi G.o.dou. I cannot agree with your verbal abuse to yourblood-related kin. Though that may be the case, it is the truth thatShizuka-san has some improper impressions of the situation."Against Shizuka"s cynicism, G.o.dou and Liliana did a combinationretaliation.In the first place, their grandfather had not brought back many females withwhom he shared an intimate relationship to the house, because of hisguilty conscience. Please do not compare me with him.If you are planning on explaining yourself, I"ll listen.""Explain? I"m not going to do that. Liliana and I, as previously said, we justget along really well, it"ll be good if you think of us as good pals. Becauseit"s that kind of relationship, coming to the house and meeting with thefamily is normal, isn"t it?""Yes, like the two inseparable wings of a bird, we will not part ways fromeach other."A splendid coordination. The breaths were closely synchronized with eachother"s.Tightly following the direction of his gaze, to inform him of immediateproblems, and offering her advice. Of course, also following up withappropriate actions, bringing a decisive force to the frontlines.To the team commander, to the King, Liliana might be the perfect aide.Recently, that was what G.o.dou had thought."Because it is completely natural for us to be together, I do not even havethe slightest bit of guilty conscience about it. Our thoughts are pure. On thecontrary, for thinking that we have an immoral relationship, isn"tShizuka-san the one with improper cognizance? Do understand this.... Ah,that reminds me."Liliana suddenly whispered to G.o.dou."This coming Monday, let us use the ingredients that I have been given toprepare lunch. I"ll handle Mariya Yuri, and as for Erica - I"ll have Kareninform Arianna who prepares her meals. Once in a while, please have ataste of my very own personal handmade dishes."Liliana"s cheeks were slightly reddened, softly speaking as though shewere telling a secret.That innocence and gallantry combined, looked really cute.Regarding the ingredients, that referred to their grandfather at roughly anhour ago, he had told the frequently visiting Liliana, These are somesouvenirs", and had given her some of the tributes meant for the mother.The silver-haired knight had changed from before; she no longer tried toobtain leadership over the kitchen of the Kusanagi household.Already, she had become more gentle, a girl who made others feel goodwith her presence - she would surely become a good wife and a goodmother, G.o.dou thought so vaguely."Hmm. I got it, I"ll be looking forward to it.""Yes, please do.""Ugh, ku - h. Furthermore, before the family, to the extent of openlydiscussing the management of his circle of girlfriends!""Fufufufu. G.o.doh-kun sure gets along well with everyone, it seems so fun!"While Shizuka was at a loss for words, Sakura smiled cheerfully.In addition, about one month back, G.o.dou had explained [Liliana hadreturned to Milan because of some circ.u.mstances with her family!] to hiscousin.However, their abrupt meeting once again caused G.o.dou and Liliana to befl.u.s.tered, but Sakura had regarded it absent-mindedly."I, due to certain changes in various circ.u.mstances, have once againreturned to j.a.pan!""Ah, I see -. Again, I"ll be in your care - "In response to their sloppy ad-libbing, the overwhelmingly beautiful heartedcousin had accepted it with a smile.It seems Liliana too, had understood how to handle Sakura. Even if shecontinued to pester them with a [I want you to teach me magic ~], theywould be able to brush it off skillfully.Although it"s always like this, this household sure is lively, isn"t it...."The childhood friend Tokunaga Asuka murmured to herself softly.Yes, there were three guests today. And the third guest was Asuka."Though it"s not that there are any noisy people in particular, but everytimethis house leaves me feeling at ease Really, I can"t decide whether I"mfor or against this."The sushi bar that the Tokunaga house managed was named [TokuSushi].The lady boss (Asuka"s mother) had sent their daughter here to deliversome things.It would not be good if they were only to accept the superbly self-prepared,seasoned quality lean meat tuna from the sushi bar owners.Hence they invited Asuka to join them in the living room, and gave hersome souvenirs as well."Well -, as I thought I"m kind of an ordinary person although one-on-oneI can deal with G.o.dou and Grandpa pretty well, but the entire Kusanagifamily, if you get along that well with each other, the situation looks reallyterrible. Somehow, Shizuka-chan too, is letting her inner willfulness out."Quietly observing the members inside the living room, Asuka saidearnestly.Even though she was always so aggressive, this girl could only bestupefied before the entire spectacle of the Kusanagi family. Earlier whenthey had asked her the reason, she instantly replied [I"m tired]."Wh!? Don"t describe me as if I"m the same as the other Kusanagi familymembers!""H-mm. How should I say this -, it looks like Aunt Mayo"s blood runs ratherdeep, eh - "While countering Shizuka"s comment, Asuka seemingly brilliantly looked atLiliana, and after that, her gaze turned towards the Kusanagi siblings"cousin, Sakura."Could it be possible, that perhaps the ones who will remain by G.o.dou"sside in the end would be these...."In a whisper, a mysterious a.s.sessment escaped her lips.The person in question, Sakura, with a smiling face, spoke out towardsG.o.dou."Hey -, G.o.doh-kun. This coming week, do you happen to be free!? Wehaven"t met up with Fuyuhime-chan in a long time, and for sure this time, Iwant to pa.s.s her the letter. I also want to go out together with G.o.doh-kun.Ah, if it"s ok, how about bringing Liliana-san and your other friends fromschool? If everyone goes together, I think it"ll be fun, surely."Part 3Even on a Sunday night, G.o.dou was working a part-time job.The place was somewhere in the vicinity of Ameyoko, in Ueno.Restaurants, bars, pac.h.i.n.ko parlors, capsule hotels and saunas wereconcentrated in this lively area.A bustling street, full of peculiar dubiousness and energy.Today"s part-time job was "a little special". When the sun was setting,G.o.dou had entered an unpleasant-looking multi-tenant building"s fifth floor,the bar named [three backs].It did not particularly have a membership system.However, it was filled with only regular customers, and it was a shopfirst-time customers hardly ever came to.The shopkeeper, who was also the bartender, had said [Although it"s amodest business, some way or another I can make a living], with nointention of modifying his quiet business style.Before the operating hours of this hiding place-like bar, G.o.dou entered theestablishment, and changed his clothes.It was a shop with neither an office nor a backyard. In the interior of theshop before it opened for business, he hurriedly changed into a white shirtand put on a necktie, and then wore his vest. Just like a bartender."Well then, I"ll start with the cleaning.""Ok, I"m counting on you. Ah, once you"re done, help me out with thestocking preparations."Upon hearing G.o.dou"s voice, the shopkeeper-bartender, Yanagi-san said.He was in his mid-thirties. A slim, good-looking man.His skill as a bartender was extraordinary, but his cooking abilities that hehad picked up as a hobby were also marvelous.Kusanagi G.o.dou"s employer. That was the profile of Yanagi-san."Yes.... Unusual, isn"t it. Even though you had an appointment today, youstill came?"Always, while Yanagi-san was still doing the cooking preparations, G.o.douwould finish with the cleaning.That was how the routine went before opening hours."Was that an appointment? Earlier, I received a mail on my cellphone fromDaka-san, saying Today I want to eat paella. And seafood pizza. I"mcounting on you". And also some requests from other regular patrons, forthings that weren"t on our menu."While making a bitter smile, Yanagi-san took out the ingredients from thesupermarket bag.Normally, this kind of shop would not serve food made with all the chef"smight. Bars, were places where liquor was enjoyed, to the utmost....That was his stance on it.However, Yanagi-san"s regular patrons, made many requests for dishesthat were not on the menu.Due to it being a Western style bar, it seems they ended up making aWestern style meal menu, with wine and the like. One would expect that ifj.a.panese style and Chinese style meals were requested, they would berejected."And because of that, we"re going to be busier than usual. I"m relying onyour help."Yanagi-san would not raise his voice in any way, he was a kind employer.Actually, he was a friend of his mother. Before the summer vacation,G.o.dou who had been searching for a part-time job had asked his mother,"Is there anything nice you could recommend? ", and then, with a, "I havean acquaintance who doesn"t mind minors, though their schedule isirregular, as long as they are willing", he was introduced.Still, even while he was thinking that it would be impossible for a highschool student, he went for the interview -"By the way Yanagi-san, why did you hire someone like me?""Basically, I"ve been managing this shop somehow by myself. A child whowants to seriously become a bartender, I do not plan nor have theallowance of taking one as a full-time apprentice. And thus, I just neededsomeone who would help out when things looked busy. Furthermore - "Yanagi-san was probably, not just a kind person.When he had overwritten the resume that G.o.dou had brought, by changingthe age to above eighteen, and said "You, I"ll employ you", during that timeG.o.dou had understood this."I thought that it"d be a little nice, for a naive and obedient boy to beworking at my side... Probably, you"ve caused me to forget about myfatigue and tiredness more than I thought you would. Fufufu, just stay asyour densely unaware self, that"s G.o.dou-kun"s virtue after all."Well, occasionally he murmurs some weird things.Perhaps, like the regular customer Hideko-san who had once said, "Shopmanager, you definitely do swing that way, right^Your behaviour is just tooamorous!".That might be the case. However, G.o.dou was not too concerned about it.This part-time job"s terms and pay were good, and basically he likedYanagi-san, and also the shop"s regular patrons too. If that was the case,he was plenty satisfied.There were both pros and cons.Depending on the case, sometimes a little rule-bending was OK.While exhibiting those traits unconsciously, G.o.dou went about thepart-time job"s today.Once again, working here had brought about other business andencounters for him. As he thought, quitting the job would be regrettable,due to the little feelings of guilt."G.o.doh-chan, could I count on you to be our support for gra.s.s-lot baseballnext time?", "I"m planning on going in to the depths of Mt. Ontake,harvesting herbs. I"ll pay you a part-time job"s wage so help us out?" ,"Next month, there"s a wine-tasting event. Let"s all go. Shop manager andG.o.doh-chan, let"s go together!", "Hey, I need a lot of manpower for nextweek"s inventory count. You did say you were looking for a part-time job!?","With the source of Tonegawa river in mind, I have a rigorous programmeplanned out.... I"m looking for men with confidence in their physicalabilities.", "Although I can"t give you payment in kind, but the display andsales of new products event next time, come and be a salesperson forme."Among others. A non-stop exchange at the bar"s counter.While helping Yanagi-san out by polishing the gla.s.s, setting up the liquorbottles, washing the tableware, various voices were calling out to him.Before, G.o.dou had said, "Please introduce me to any good part-time jobsyou know", to the regular patrons.Afterwards, before he realized it, he was well-known amongst the regularpatrons as, [a young man with good physical strength who will not slackoff, with excessively high adaptability and was currently in the middle oflooking for part-time employment].Nowadays, more than half of G.o.dou"s part-time jobs were introduced tohim from here.Well, although there were other things introduced besides part-time jobs,seemingly interesting offers did turn up from time to time.Although Kusanagi G.o.dou thought of himself as a tough person,sometimes he just wanted to forget about school and his life as a devil kingCampione, and to take a break from that life.Thus, the work for the day ended.After the operating hours, the bar was cleaned and tidied up.The time was approaching twelve midnight. Just a little bit more and thedate on the calendar would change to Monday.Usually after closing shop, he would be treated to a meal. However, theyhad cooked up a lot, and there were not many ingredients left.And hence, after bidding goodbye to Yanagi-san who was doing theaccounts at the register, G.o.dou excused himself.I"ll go home after eating something, maybe even ramen.Come to think of it, his baseball mate Rui had said to him, "If it"s ok withyou, after your part-time job, there"s an interesting festival float eventhappening, wanna try going? We"ll invite Miura-kun and Nakayama-kuntoo. All of us live around this area anyway", as an invitation.Anyhow about today, it would be fine if he just said something next weekWhile considering that, G.o.dou got onto his mountain bike, and set out forKasuga street.Pa.s.sing through Ueno Okachimachi and heading in the direction ofYunoshima, on the way back to the 3rd district of Nezu, which was parallelto Shin.o.bazu street. The standard regular route. A road he was veryfamiliar with from commuting to work, back and forth.However.Today, some guys that he was unacquainted with, were obstructing hispath.There were three of them. All of them, were dressed in a bizarre fashion.Covered in yellow overalls from top to bottom - was that a track suit?He had seen this long ago in the past, and he recalled a movie starring agreat kungfu star^ 1 l Also, another action movie^ included a blond beautywielding a j.a.panese sword who was seeking revenge.G.o.dou could not make out the trio"s faces. He was made to think ofcla.s.sical Chinese opera, as their faces were besmeared with queermake-up.HOOOAAAAaaaaaaAn ominous breath, escaped from the trio"s throats.And then, these guys took a strange Kenpou-like stance.Right before Kusanagi G.o.dou, they were glaring at him. Within their eyesdwelled hostility and bloodthirst. I see - this is an ambush, andfurthermore, an attack under the cover of darkness.Understanding the circ.u.mstances, G.o.dou stopped his bike.Part 4"If you have something to say to me, I"ll listen to you just this once."G.o.dou, still mounted on his mountain bike, called out to the queer trio.He was outnumbered. G.o.dou did not want to throw away his superiority inmobility... While calmly considering these factors, he found the situationbecoming more and more unpleasant.The feeling of incurring someone"s enmity, is... Well, although whetherthere is or isn"t is a delicate issue, even if it"s a grudge, threat or grievance,I don"t feel like running away from these guys who seem like they havesomething to say.As one would expect, a disturbance to that extent had been raised.Which is why, he had to make a calm appeal firstly.- However, the trio did not reply.SHIAAAAaaaaa! FUOOoooooO! HeeeyyaaaaMOnce again, an ominous breath escaped, followed by a yell. It was like thecry of some strange bird.No room for negotiation, huh. Dangerous tools were grasped in theirhands. Hemp rope, handcuffs, and then, a syringe filled with fluid.Could it be, that they intended on capturing Kusanagi G.o.dou?The moment he noticed that, he had already stepped on the pedal of hismountain bike.In one breath, he accelerated. Throwing himself straight into the trio"smidst, at the guy in the middle!The queer trio faltered before the sudden a.s.sault, and scattered left andright in a hurry.Into whatever s.p.a.ce he could, he charged in on his mountain bike. Furtheracceleration. The trio"s barring his path, were easily breached.It had turned out to be much faster than G.o.dou expected, and he felt it wasanti-climatic.However, he quickly changed his opinion.Those guys gave chase with immense speed from behind him. The triowere riding granny bikes that were meant for use on the streets, and werepedaling with all their might!What G.o.dou was riding was a mountain bike.In terms of weight, it was lighter than road bikes, and it should beoverwhelmingly lighter than granny bikes. The gears were also different.Thus the acceleration capability should have been higher.In spite of that, the trio, on their granny bikes, were closing the gap bit bybit.The difference of their leg power - this was probably not it. Surely, it wasthe difference in their spirit.What was approaching from behind, was not just the trio. They wereemitting an aura that seemed to speak, "No matter what, we"ll definitelycapture you!".While feeling the pressure of being pursued, G.o.dou continued moving, onthe banks of Shin.o.bazu Pond.At that time, one of the trio shouted out."FUOOOAAAAAAAAAAM"The cry of the spirit. That was perhaps, a warcry for the purpose ofchannelling and straining all the power in their physical body.One of the granny bikes sped up tremendously.Finally catching up with G.o.dou"s mountain bike, right next to him. Andthen, the queer person jumped off the granny bike.Yes, aiming straight for the Kusanagi G.o.dou that was next to him!Just like a flying body press. As though he were a Mexican pro wrestlerwho was skilled at aerial, a plancha suicida.A splendid, and furthermore, a self-destructive attack."UWAAAAAAAAAAA!?"Taking the do-or-die suicide attack, G.o.dou was thrown off his bike."Owwwwww "While moaning, G.o.dou started to pick himself up.He had suffered grazes on various parts of his body. Something like this,compared to the wounds that he had been dealt in mortal combat up tillnow, were literally mere scratches, but....Next to him, the queer person who had did an aerial on him started to get up too.He had sustained similar levels of injuries. There did not seem to be anyserious injuries, like bone fractures.Moreover, the other two comrades had caught up on their granny bikes.This time, they did not simply obstruct his path. A full surround, cutting offall retreat.It was the worst possible time, and the situation looked grim. However,G.o.dou tilted his head to the side, puzzled.No matter how much time, he had no confidence that he would beable to use Verethragna"s authorities. In other words, because they werenormal people, the power would not activate. And with that, the chase.If the other party had been either Lu Yinghua or Erica and the others, theywould be able to catch up with their running ability, and should be able toovertake him.These guys, just who on earth were they!?- The moment he thought of that question in his mind, the cavalry arrivedat the scene."Your Majesty, are you alright!? I"ll clean these guys up right away, justhold on!""G.o.dou, your knight will be showing her bravery and beauty on thebattlefield, take a good look at me!"The pair that came flying out from the darkness of the night, were peoplehe knew very well.The long sword wielding hime-miko, Seishuuin Ena.And the other one was, of course, Erica Blandelli!.... In the ensuing conflict, well, there was nothing worthy of specialmention.For example, Ena KO-ing mysterious person A with a strike to the jaw, withher palm.Erica dealing a chop to mysterious person B"s face with a brilliantbackhand blow, causing the victim to faint in agony.And as for the last mysterious person, C, Ena had utilized a showyroundhouse kick, and though it was simple, the killing power lookedridiculously high, and drove her foot into the solar plexus mercilessly.Immediately following, Erica, in the middle of a big, impractical jump kickmotion, had used the only move that was effective in actual combat,testimony to her prowess as a street fighter, a jumping knee that smashedinto the temple of C. The lengthy and detailed explanation was most likelyredundant.That was how, the three queers had fainted.Giving them a sidelong glance, G.o.dou, Erica and Ena faced each other."Thanks, you bailed me out there.... but, why are you guys here?""How it came about is not something significant, but by chance, there wassomeone who told me Ena-san had come to Tokyo."First, Erica had said, nonchalantly. "By chance", eh.G.o.dou thought. Surely, several factors of inevitability had been entwinedand come together, which is what "by chance" referred to. For example,relying on someone for the provision of information."In the Asakusa district of Tokyo, a dojo of some sort, right.""Green Dragon-sensei"s dojo. Ena and Amakasu-san.... in other words, aperson authorized by the History Compilation Committee. In Asakusa, it"sGreen Dragon-sensei, in Setagaya it"s White Tiger-sensei, and in Azabuit"s Vermilion Bird-sensei, and in Ouji it"s Black Tortoise-sensei, the four ofthem are there. They, as a.s.sistant instructors, have instructed Ena and theothers in various ways of martial arts."" Someone just like you?"Those whom Ena had listed, all of them had only strange names."Yep, yeah. With regards to martial arts, people who are much moreawesome than Ena. Something like the Four Great Heavenly Kings of theimperial capital. Anyway, before I paid your Majesty and Yuri"s place a visitI dropped by the dojo, and was asked about various things.""Various?""The a.s.sistant instructor, Green Dragon-sensei for example, and the otherdisciples. They, asked if Ena was finally going to be a wife."A perfect, flawless beauty, fair and lively, that was Seishuuin Ena.That kind of girl had said that while blushing, bashfully. It was unusual, aconduct different from her usual self, and was also awfully cute."Wi-wife?""Yep.... Everyone, looks like they"ve heard about your Majesty. "Have youhad a baby already", "Is your bridal training going well?", for example, I wasasked some troublesome things....""Eeeeeeeeh!?"Ena reported, slightly casting her gaze downwards. That appearance wasrather fresh, and surprising.She was wearing her usual - an unidentified high school"s uniform.It was not something one should be wearing on Sunday. She was a girlwho did not care much about her appearance. However, that kind of girlwas innocently expressing her affection for Kusanagi G.o.dou. The happyfeeling of having this intimate relationship was conveyed directly.Of course, he was glad about that, but G.o.dou felt dizzy.How should he respond to her, he was troubled as he could not decide.And besides, words like "baby" and "bridal training" had been used, whatwas that about?The various burdens that Ena and the others bore were grave enoughrealities.However, it was far too early to comment on that -Beside the faltering G.o.dou, Erica said, with a slightly angry expression."Yeah. Them having that kind of exchange at the dojo, I came to know of itby chance. That is why, I thought I had to correct those guys" mistake, andI dropped by the dojo for a little...."Again, "by chance", eh. Well, I shall refrain from delving into that.Rather, what he was concerned with was the situation. The situationseemed almost as if -"Showily defeating the entire dojo, that was the first time I"ve seensomething like that. That time, Erica-san, was really outstanding."To Ena"s words, G.o.dou nodded his head deeply in a.s.sent. Just as hethought, it had been like that."From there on, one thing led to another, but well, Ena-san and I startedarguing about whose rank as a lover was higher in front of those guysthere, and our mutual thoughts were conveyed and addressed to eachother, and then we started to compete in the sword and cooking - ""Cooking? Seishuuin, you can cook?"The crimson bishoujo and domestic That there would be a point ofcontact between these two, it was very hard to believe.Because of that, G.o.dou did not bother to waste his breath, and only askedEna."Ah - Yes. I"m good at broiling the fish I catch with salt. And after thatwould be strangling chickens or hares, for example, then removing the furor feathers, draining the blood, and turning them into meat, I think I"m alsopretty good at those. Beyond that, I can only whole roast or stew."As expected, she was like a child of nature, a "wild" answer.How would they compete with each other? Pondering whether to ask,G.o.dou worried."In the end, a clear winner between the two of us was never decided, butthis time, another new dispute had arose between us.""... Dispute?""Yes. Hey, your Majesty, for this coming winter vacation, would you rathervisit the hot springs or go skiing!?""As for me, I insist that we should be going skiing in Switzerland. My familyhas always done so in winter. Uncle Paolo-sama will be coming to theBlandelli family"s mountain villa too, don"t you think that sounds good?""Ena thinks that the hot springs would be good - . In the mountains thatthe Seishuuin main house in Chichibu owns, there"s a genuine secret hotspring that no one besides Ena knows. Climbing the snowy mountains istough, but doesn"t it sound pretty fun?""And with that, we thought we should ask G.o.dou his opinion on which hefeels is better.""Erica-san then used searching magic, and investigated into your location.And thus, as your Majesty was being a.s.saulted, we joined in the fray tosave you.""Well, G.o.dou, that about sums it up. Anyway, which programme soundsbetter to you, give us your honest opinion.""Yes, do tell us frankly. But leaving that aside, that is more important now."About the queer trio that had fainted, G.o.dou caught a fleeting glimpse ofwhat they could do.Similar to Erica and Ena in their unprecedented pace of doing things, theywere their comrades in that regard."Ah - , these guys. Things like their background information, for example,will they obediently tell them to me - ?""If they won"t be obedient, I"ll have no choice but to make them so.... Butactually, I"m poor at having unrefined negotiations like that.""Heh, how surprising. Because it"s Erica-san, I thought you"d bewell-informed in that kind of thing. In the past, poisoning and torture wererather popular in Italy, am I correct?""Yes, from the Renaissance Era. Not as far as the time of Cesare Borgia,that would also be an emulation of countries in civil war. However, EricaBlandelli"s style is a little different.""I see. Ena is also bad at that. Although I"m fine with asceticism, torture is alittle - ""As I thought, a fair and square duel is the best, chivalrous way. But, theycame to the Campione as Surely they"ve safeguarded theirminds with protection spells, to prevent their minds from being read bycertain techniques when captured, employing those tricks.""That"s right, surely.... No way around it, but for now let"s try pouring somewater on them?""Yeah. Luckily, it seems there"s a pond there."You guys, shouldn"t you worry about the torture method first....The two of them, the vectors of their train of thought went beyond theimagination. Even though their personalities were that different. It wasunexpected, and G.o.dou was just about to stop Erica and Ena.However, he was a little too late.Bon, bon, bon. The sounds of three heavy objects being thrown into thewater.However, with that step the true ident.i.ties of the queer trio was revealed.Thrown into the Shin.o.bazu Pond, the make-up on their faces were washedoff.Nanami, Sorimachi, Takagi.They were G.o.dou"s cla.s.smates, the faces of those going by the nickname"idiot trio" had appeared.Part 5"It all started like this, during homeroom last month..."One of the idiot trio who had been salvaged from Shin.o.bazu Pond, Nanamirecounted.All of them were trembling, looking cold, going brr brr. They had becomecompletely wet, at night in October. Exposed to the night wind, even thecore of their body became completely chilled."That time, we were waiting for the right moment, intending to suggest a[school swimsuit + nekomimi maid cafe] for the school festival"s cla.s.sproject ! During March, we refined and refined the idea with all ourmight!"Sorimachi cried out, with a burning tone in his voice.Ah - was it that, G.o.dou recalled. The project which the girls of the cla.s.shad objected.A cla.s.s poll was held, and it was instantly rejected."However, we still had another plan. We gave up on the cla.s.s project, andrealized we just had to partic.i.p.ate in the school festival as studentvolunteers . [School swimsuit + nekomimi maid cafe], for its realization, wemade efforts to gather comrades. And Kusanagi who had forgotten hisprevious ties, to think we even asked you!"This time, it was Takagi who spoke.However, G.o.dou was puzzled by that claim."Did you ask me or something? In the first place, did I have some sort ofdisagreement with you guys?""Ngh! Because of this, Riajuus^ are.... ""What a hateful show of composure...""Ku-Kusanagi.... leave aside the disagreement for now. Are you saying thatyou"ve forgotten about our request!? Because of our heartrending grief,that is why we had requested that of you! "Please, we want to selectErica-sama, Mariya-san, Liliana-san and then, if possible, the Kusanagisister as the main cast for our [school swimsuit + nekomimi maid cafe].Please help us persuade them."!""Now that you mention it, you did request that of me..."However, with that, it did not seem as though he would say that he invitedKusanagi G.o.dou."No, if it"s just me by myself, of course I would help when I"m free. Still,Erica and the others are a little... Of course I"d refuse."G.o.dou said while scratching his head. And then, Ena who seemed asthough she was in wonder, asked him."Your Majesty, why did you refuse? It"d have been fine if you had justpersuaded us, wouldn"t it?""Hey, Erica. If I had begged you, would you have consented?""It"s an offer that"s not even worth the consideration. It"s something youdidn"t even bother to try asking, right?"It was curtly refused by Erica, and he nodded his head in a.s.sent within hisheart.Well, it"s come to that, huh. In response to the exchange between G.o.douand the others, the idiot trio shed their tears."In the meantime, the day of the school festival was rapidly drawingcloser.... ! The remaining time was steadily running out.... ! Then, we madeone last gamble. We intended to capture Kusanagi, using him as leverage,to urge Erica-sama and the others to be maids for us! Although it was thatsort of plan!""No way - . Shouldn"t you guys have come up with a better plan?"G.o.dou said seriously. It was to an extent that they had started to give in todespair."So G.o.dou, what do you plan on doing with these guys? Even as a joke,it"s still an attempted abduction, so I think that it"s OK even if we dosomething proper in retaliation?""That"s right - . Although it"s not an eye for an eye, wouldn"t it be fine if wejust break them a little?"Erica and Ena asked.However, G.o.dou rejected that notion. More or less, he had only suffered afew scratches, it was nothing serious.Furthermore the idiot trio, occasionally had these strange moments ofhostility.Although he was absolutely certain of these guy"s eccentricity, G.o.doumight have done something to provoke their animosity. That wassomething, that he did not quite understand as of now....Well, they had issues of their own, but they were rather lovable idiots, hefelt. Certainly, to the realization of the [school swimsuit + nekomimi maidcafe], in any case, their pa.s.sion was the genuine real deal, and G.o.doucould feel that -Profoundly considering the fact that they had gone that far, G.o.dou wassuddenly struck with an idea."If you guys really want it, I have a few acquaintances who wouldn"t mind ifI introduce them to you. In the meantime, shall we try asking that guy?"He proposed a summarized idea."Ku-Kusanagi, w-we misunderstood you ""Our bosom friend!""You"re also our comrade - One who walks on the path to the maidheaven!?""No, I still haven"t really done anything yet."To the idiot trio who were blurting things out enthusiastically, G.o.douquickly replied.Several days later, in Akihabara.The multi-tenant building that the Hong Kong Lu family had used as theirheadquarters. In that was the maid yumcha house [Peerless Statesman].In the VIP room that ordinary customers would never be able to enter, theywere in the interior of said room. The maids would bring in drinks and dimsum at times, but other than that they rarely came."That trio, they are energetically continuing with the preparations."While scowling at his hand in their card game, Lu Yinghua said.Sayanomiya Kaoru, Amakasu Touma, and also G.o.dou were present.A personal table for the purpose of enjoyment.There was also billiard table and dart boards, to name a few, anabundance of game equipment."A school festival in Honored Uncle"s district? In addition, to get done ontime the selection of maids, ordering of uniforms, provisions, ingredientsand materials, making an effort at all of the above. My underling will see toits completion, so please do not worry.""Sorry about that, Yinghua. Making these unreasonable demands ofyou...."G.o.dou apologized, while throwing aside his hand.After that night, he introduced the idiot trio to Lu Yinghua. From the HongKong Lu family who dealt with maids as their family business, the specialistfriend that he had mentioned.To have recalled this [nephew] while over there, there had been a reason."Well, to say the real motive, though the Maid Palace that Honored Uncleproduced himself is good, just as I thought, eh. At present, accompanyingmy school friend out to play, I don"t mind doing a maid cafe at a schoolfestival. By doing so, Honored Uncle"s motivation might increase.""Lu-san, are you proposing that kind of idea to Kusanagi-san?""Maid Palace, eh. Lu-san, if it"s ok with you, I"ll partic.i.p.ate too."While looking at his hand, Amakasu interjected.Kaoru also smiled, with a "fufu". Somewhere along the way, Lu Yinghua"sway of addressing had changed. The androgynous hime-miko seemedpretty skilled at closing the distance between people."My Honored Uncle being an expert at handling [women], all of the peopleacross the lands know of this. The Maid Palace, infused with the thoughtsof such a prodigal hero, would definitely succeed and be profitable, I think.But because nothing can be done to make my Honored Uncle himself getinterested, it"s indeed troubling.""No, Yinghua Stop complimenting me in those weird ways. People willmisunderstand.""It was a joke. Taking hold of my master"s reins, the handling of thattranscendent woman - the mastery of that technique, you have myadmiration from the bottom of my heart. Furthermore, the unmanageableErica-neesan, even her.... Fufufu, for sure, Honored Uncle is thegentleman that Yinghua respects."Sometime ago, after a reunion they had in this building. Lu Yinghua hadinvited him, to join in the production of such a Maid Palace. G.o.dou had nothesitated, and gave him an immediate refusal."Well, I thought it"d be boring if that plan never took flight. Before, I had toldmy Honored Uncle that "Should you ever have need of things regardingmaids, do give us, the Lu family, a call". But I never expected for a chanceto come this early."Lu Yinghua recounted, to Amakasu and Kaoru.True. Because that kind of incident had occurred, G.o.dou had come tothem for their a.s.sistance for the idiot trio. For the Maid Palace, in any case,he had planned to pay them back for it, someday, somehow."But, to have resolved various problems and come to an amicable solution,that"s a relief."Drawing a card from the mountain of cards, G.o.dou murmured.Then, Amakasu shrugged his shoulders. Even Kaoru, who could place firstamongst people who lacked common sense, had a bitter smile on her face."Normally, people wouldn"t think of something like this....""G.o.dou-san, is a person filled with good and bad, eh - ""Erm I don"t think that"s the case. It"s a little uncommon, but basically, Ishould be quite a normal person."G.o.dou made an appeal, from the bottom of his heart.However, the response from his surroundings was blunt."Ha - I see. To my Honored Uncle, having gone through so manybattles and great adventures, it cannot be helped that this is "normal" tohim. Certainly, he has an unmovable presence of mind. Truly, this isenlightening.""Or rather, a normal high school student wouldn"t be playing poker andbridge in a room like this.""At least I, besides myself, have never seen anyone who"s enjoying theiryouth that"s surrounded by beauty. G.o.dou-san, those words of yours havezero persuasive power."G.o.dou was unanimously told that, and reflexively felt disappointed.The days of autumn will pa.s.s by, day by day, and someday, he would hearthe footsteps of winter.This, was a scene from that season.References1. t Bruce Lee.2. t Kill Bill.3. t I"m sure you guys should know what Riajuus are.Omake - Vanity of Worldly Desire/Maid in HeavenIt was night. Upon awakening, G.o.dou somehow found himself in acla.s.sroom.What took the place of a bed or futon was cardboard and newspaper thatwas lined up as an improvised replacement for bedding.G.o.dou picked up the cellphone beside him. It was just past three in themorning.Feeling thirsty, he surveyed his surroundings with his still half-awake eyes.Though not much money had been spent on it, the interior of thecla.s.sroom was still well-furnished. Just like him, there were three malestudents sleeping on cardboard. On the desk close by, was a smallceramic bottle.What was it that was inside the bottle again? If I recall correctly, it shouldbe a drink.Half-asleep, G.o.dou downed the entire contents of the bottle in a gulp. Likethat, he fell asleep with a thud.Cheep, cheep. The chirping of baby birds could be heard.Soft sheets. Shafts of sunlight shone through the windows, it was a calmmorning. In the middle of a complete awakening, he was still dozing offhazily -While fully enjoying all of the comfort, G.o.dou listened to that sound.Kyuru, kyuru, several small wheels were turning, the sound of somethingrubbing against the floor."Good morning, G.o.dou-san. This morning, you sure are taking thingsslowly, hm?"A light voice like a baby bird that did not feel out of place in this refreshingmorning.Flinging off the sheets, G.o.dou got up.Facing the owner of the voice that came from above the bed, dressed inthe garments of a head maid, was Arianna."To have not even have changed your clothes yet Even though you"vealways been an early riser."G.o.dou seemed to be wearing a tank top, in place of pajamas.Pointing that out, Arianna entered the room while pushing a small trolley.Characteristic of freshly baked bread, there were croissants with anunbearably good smell. He took a whiff of the aroma and vapor of thecoffee, a cup of espresso.Those were placed upon the trolley. A breakfast serving enough for two.G.o.dou was nervous. She, Erica"s maid, why was she here, beside hisbed? In the first place, where was this place? What have I been doing uptill now?As these questions popped up in his head, Arianna pushed the trolley to astop beside the bed.Like that, she gave a bow, and departed the room in silence.If you did not let her grasp a steering wheel, and not let her near a pot inthe kitchen, with her tidiness and humble behaviour, she would be themodel maid that combines these two attributes to the highest level.A languishing voice was heard. It came from the futon.A young girl was wrapped in the thin futon sheets. Reddish gold hair.Resembling the large-flowered camellia, a glamorous beauty. Herappearance dishevelled by her sleep, this bishoujo was none other thanErica Blandelli.Eh? G.o.dou was perplexed.Erica, who did not like wearing thick clothes when she slept, was here.She would definitely never wear pajamas. In a tank top and underwear,and occasionally wearing nothing at all (!), she would go straight to bed.However, this morning, it looked like she was wearing sleep-wear.Where the futon did not cover, he could see that she was clad in a blackand white garment.More importantly now, there were other pressing issues he had tocatch up on."E-E-E-E-E-E-E-Erica, why are you in such a place? N-no, rather, why amI in such a place!?"" Ara G.o.dou, early as always, aren"t you."He was told, in a half-awake voice.Ambition, courage and beauty, possessing all of the above was the girlnamed Erica.However, only in the morning were those traits clouded. Replacing thatwith a lovableness that stimulated one"s want to protect and a certaininnocence. Really, what a girl."Fufu. If you"ve woke up, I"ll be glad if you could have woken me upearlier Even though I dislike waking up early, it"d be a different story ifmy love would whisper sweet nothings to me in my ear...."Erica was giving off a charm different from her usual self, causing G.o.douto be in discomfort.Honestly, letting him see this side of her was unfair. She was overflowingwith charm that was hard to resist, even under normal circ.u.mstances.Furthermore, strengthening it was foul play. He wanted to raise the whiteflag and surrender." Hey, G.o.dou is it fine if I beg you?"Lazily pulling the futon over her head, Erica leaned in close."Beg!?""Yep. For the first time in a while, it"s a morning that I"ve welcomedtogether with you. With the proper etiquette, we ought to commence thenecessary actions. Essential to a pair of lovers who love each other, is themorning rite."A whisper, sweet like honey. Almost like a lover"s talk."l-lf you tell me something like that, how am I supposed to respond....""Fufu. The same obtuse man as always. If I don"t spell it out for you, youwouldn"t understand?"Erica whose face was almost in contact with his, smiled tenderly.It was not a smile of a devil that entrapped people. Nor was it the face ofthe lioness that reveled in hunting and strife.Filled with feminine tolerance, he felt a faint sense of womanhood from her.It was the first time he had seen this expression.Not good. His heart was starting to beat furiously.He wanted to enjoy his time with Erica forever.G.o.dou was jolted by a strong urge, and then, he realized the truth of thesituation, in utter shock.What happened to the distance between him and her? And then, before hehad realized it, he was glued to Erica. The sheer volume of indescribableextravagance that she was proud of, her soft chest. He could feel thatsensation pushing against his arm! Even pressing on top of his hand, andshe whispered straight into his ear, asking him!G.o.dou was usually to the extent of being on guard against any furthercontact with Erica than was necessary.However, this time, he did not go against being glued to her tightly, with novigilance whatsoever. Surely, it must have been because he could feelabsolutely no bloodthirst from Erica.She was perhaps, under the a.s.sumption that G.o.dou would not run awaythat she had drawn this close.Because of that, he had naturally accepted it —"I think that it"s appropriate to grant me a compensation of this degree,don"t you think so? After all was said and done, I did as you hadcommanded, going so far as to put this on for you.... Aaah, come to thinkof it, I went to sleep wearing that. Fufu, do you want to see it again?"Erica shook off the futon that she was covered with.Looking straight at the black and white outfit she was clad in, G.o.dou wastaken aback. This was the so-called ap.r.o.n dress, and wasn"t this Arianna"sfavourite garment, the maid uniform?"You, really do demonstrate a majesty and forcefulness that is hard toresist, at times. Making me do that too, last night If the person whoordered me wasn"t Kusanagi G.o.dou, I, will certainly turn them into rust onmy sword."With a seemingly drowsy expression, Erica started to behave like a spoiledchild.The ap.r.o.n dress was open at the chest area, and an abundance ofcleavage could peek through the opening. G.o.dou looked away, fl.u.s.tered."Sheesh Do you intend on teasing and toying with me this time? MyKing, really is a terrible person."Her words were coated in honey, and he was kissed by Erica.G.o.dou was terrified by the comfort.In the beginning, it was a quiet contact, suited for the refreshing morning.Before long, their lips were damp with saliva, their mutual mouths stuck tothe other. Slushing sounds could be heard from where his lips met withErica, as she wrapped her lips around G.o.dou"s. What came next was, ofcourse, her tongue —Not good. Right away, G.o.dou shook himself off, away from Erica.If this continued, he would not be able to hold himself back. Entrustingthings to her entreaty, and running swiftly away to somewhere else, evenhe himself did not understand what he should do. Only escape remains!Jumping off the bed, G.o.dou ran to the door.Heading towards the outside of the bedroom, his consciousness had amomentary blackout. Just, what is this —Cheep, cheep. The chirping of baby birds could be heard.Soft sheets. Shafts of sunlight shone through the windows, it was a calmmorning. In the middle of a complete awakening, he was still dozing offhazily -While fully enjoying all of the comfort, G.o.dou listened to that sound." Breakfast has been prepared. Please wake up."It was the voice of Liliana Kranjcar.Some time ago, it was Erica, this time it was Liliana Feeling uneasy,G.o.dou got up.It was a Western style bedroom. He was on top of a bed. A little distanceaway was a table, and on top of it was coffee and orange juice, onionsalad, bacon and eggs, and lastly, freshly toasted bread.It resembled an American style breakfast.That was fine. The problem was, the female knight standing at the bedside.With her beautiful silver hair tied in a ponytail, for some reason Liliana waswearing a maid uniform. Her slender, fairy-like body was clad in a blackand white ap.r.o.n dress.To say whether she looked good or not in it, she did look very good in that.Truly, a splendid dress. But, why was she dressed like this?" Won"t you tell me the meaning of that cosplay?""Cosplay? You seem surprised by that."To G.o.dou"s question, the dignified female knight (or rather, a maid now)raised her eyebrows."In the first place, the one taking a look at the uniform meant for Karen thathad come in the wrong size, and then suggesting to me to wear it Furthermore, the other day, when Erica had fickly worn it, it hadconsiderable effect, which was unfair."Hold on a second. What, was that thought of imprudence?While facing the Liliana who was raising a complaint, G.o.dou felt as thoughhe was swooning."For others to know of my wearing of garments like this, will affect myreputation and honor as a knight. To me, it is a difficult order to accept.But, as your number one knight, and the steward of the King, I cannot fallbehind Erica, and as such, I have no choice but to wear this - "Her skin, which was as white as snow, was dyed a deep red till her nape. Itmust be due to her embarra.s.sment.Liliana"s appearance was awfully cute, and yet gallant."To be able to appreciate this form of mine, is a special privilege exclusiveto Kusanagi G.o.dou I, thinking that, will bear with this disgrace, andpray silently for the swift ending of this pain! And yet, you had said thingslike, "You sure look good in that", with a nonchalant air, giving acommentary !"That was the tone which condemned what was evidently the wrongdoingsof a tyrant.That being said, Liliana, with her face a deep red, and her eyes slightlymoist, she implored for G.o.dou"s response.It was not the expression of the dignified female knight. No doubt, thatmust have been the cuteness of a [girl]."H-Having been told that, I had no choice but to wear this. KusanagiG.o.dou at times, you become a surprisingly sly and ruthless human!"He was blamed for something he did not remember doing.G.o.dou became deeply puzzled. Did I really say that?"We-well now, please have your breakfast while it is still warm. While doingthat, I will give you a breakdown of your schedule for today Firstly, atnoon, you have a lunch meeting at Hotel Turin."The female knight and steward, but right now the girl was also a maid.G.o.dou was puzzled by the report from she who had also changed thetopic. A lunch meeting at a hotel?"With whom, for that lunch meeting? It seems extremely exaggerated.""The Campione Kusanagi G.o.dou, will be interviewed by Saint Pintoricchio.Establishing a proper reputation is merely natural, don"t you agree?""Saint Pintoricchio?""The mentor of that Lord Salvatore, and also the legitimate disciple of SaintRaffaello. The new leader of Turin"s a.s.sociation, [The Olden Dame]. Onegeneration above both me and Erica Among the young people whohave attained the t.i.tle of Great Knights, the most powerful person of themall, on par with Rome"s Lord Francesco."While politely informing him, Liliana, however, raised her eyebrows again."I"ve told you this last night, haven"t I? Have you already forgotten? Or,could it be."Her expression was one of being taken aback as she fixed her gaze onhim, and G.o.dou"s heart started to beat faster.Was it the garments that he was not used to seeing on her, or was it theoverflowing allure, which was different from usual, from her beautiful face,that he was troubled by."Like last night, are you planning to play pranks on me again? Like,ordering me to do something unreasonable in the middle of a seriousconversation."He had totally no memory, if he had really done something like that.The him from a few hours ago, G.o.dou had wanted to say something.Liliana too, no wonder.... Eh?"You really, do hide a helpless side of you underneath. But, KusanagiG.o.dou is a G.o.dslaying Devil King. Even

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