
Chapter 69

Chapter 2 - Devil King and School FestivalPart 1The great G.o.d-slaying Devil King.In addition to that ident.i.ty, Kusanagi G.o.dou was also a high schoolstudent.Thus it was only natural he would be partic.i.p.ating in the school festivalheld at Jounan Academy where he studied.G.o.dou"s cla.s.s had decided to put up posters in the cla.s.sroom about thelocal history of Bunkyo ward — a rather easy and uninteresting activity.Hence, G.o.dou was originally supposed to be relatively free aftercompleting his a.s.signed duties at the festival.However, he never expected to be roped into helping friends out with their"shop" project.The day before, he spent the first day of the festival helping the shop at thekitchen and procuring supplies. He was also supposed to be helping out onthe second day which was also the last.However, the planners of the project, Nanami, Sorimachi and Takagi(unofficially known as the Three Idiots) suddenly changed their minds inregard to G.o.dou who was helping out despite having no originalinvolvement with the "shop.""Take the day off... That"s what they said to me, but what was that about?"On the first day of the festival, G.o.dou was on the road home from school.Making his way through the streets at night, G.o.dou was deep in thought.It would be a shame to waste a rare opportunity of leisure."In that case, why not spend tomorrow experiencing the school festivaltogether with me, G.o.dou-san?"Mariya Yuri extended an invitation as she walked beside him on his left.A soothing smile appeared on her beautiful gentle face.The way she carried herself was the embodiment of the perfect YamatoNadeshiko; with long l.u.s.trous hair tinted a shade of brown, her strikingbeauty contrasted strongly against her conservative and prudentpersonality."My duties at the tea ceremony club will be finished in the morning... In thatcase, it will be fine. Hikari will be coming in the afternoon as well. It will bemore lively than going around alone — "The young high cla.s.s lady lowered her gaze slightly after mentioning herlittle sister"s name."1-1 feel that it would be most delightful if G.o.dou-san could accompanyus..."Yuri added shyly. Her appearance and manner of speaking were mostadorable.The sheltered young lady who was not only prim and proper, but alsosolemn and serious, n.o.ble, and sometimes angry.G.o.dou found her frequent bouts of shyness extremely adorable."I see. Well then, let"s go together tomorrow."Thus he went with the flow and accepted immediately.Somehow, G.o.dou felt a kind of guilty feeling that "it is embarra.s.sing to betogether with girls.""In that case, Kusanagi G.o.dou, will you allow my accompaniment as well?""Of course, I can"t leave Liliana all alone."G.o.dou also readily accepted the request of the girl on his right.Liliana Kranjcar. A fairy-like beauty of Eastern European descent. The onewho called herself his knight and grand chamberlain....Completely unaware he had just set himself up for the situationcommonly known as "a lady on each arm," G.o.dou continued on his way.Thus began the second day of the school festival.Meeting before his house at 10am sharp, G.o.dou and Liliana set off forschool together.Recently, G.o.dou found himself frequently spending time with her. The twoof them would meet at his door without agreeing beforehand. It always feltlike things happened naturally as a result of mutual desire.Furthermore, the two of them had recently gained a kind of silentunderstanding requiring no words to communicate."In spite of everything, j.a.panese schools also have this kind of plannedactivity."Liliana murmured to herself as she pa.s.sed through the new schoolentrance.This was a handcrafted entrance created specifically for the school festival."Schools in Italy would hold celebrations during Natale^ and Easter, butnever on this kind of scale. Though this kind of large scale activity takes alot of time and effort to organize, I think the enjoyment of everyone is wellworth it."Liliana smiled. For someone who always insisted on being a "knight," thiswas a rare and gentle smile."Could it be that Liliana enjoys these kinds of activities very much?""Yes. I love decorating the home to make it all pretty for family parties anddoing lots and lots of cooking. This festival is like expanding that kind ofgathering to include all the students, right? I want to take part next yeartoo."The silver-haired knight spoke with a slight expression of delight.It was unlike the occasional frantic expression she bore when faced withunexpected failure that broke her out of her usual solemn and imposingdemeanor. Currently, Liliana"s innocent expression made her no differentfrom an ordinary sixteen-year-old."That"s right. It should be very fun, isn"t this great?"Nodding, G.o.dou recalled the other knight."A school festival... A festa^ which student volunteers organize forthemselves, ah... Basically just having fun, that"s the main idea, right? Itdoesn"t feel enough to welcome a guest of honor such as EricaBlandelli."That was what the red knight said a few days ago before she flew over toItaly to handle some matters.Smiling wryly, G.o.dou tried to explain."I can"t say your description is entirely wrong. However, it"s a rare occasionin a j.a.panese school so I think you should at least show up. It should beokay for you to postpone going back a little, right?"Well, a relative in Italy fell acutely ill... That was her fabricated excuse forreturning home.Was there a serious situation over there? G.o.dou refrained from prying."You do have a point. Even if I have to suffer through a meaninglessengagement, or tolerate an uninteresting salon in a residence ofPhilistines, as long as my adorable G.o.dou is there, I feel like I can stillmake memories to savor after the fact."Erica smiled as she pressed her bosom against him.Displaying her glamor through unintentional acts like this must be one ofher true qualities."However, I"m afraid I"ll have to pa.s.s, because there is a meeting I wish tofinish as soon as possible. If I don"t go to Italy now, I don"t know when willbe the next time my wish could be fulfilled... So G.o.dou, please endure thevoid of my absence that no other girl can fill.""...That was what Erica had said.""It cannot be helped. To Erica and me, that matter is an issue of life anddeath."G.o.dou entered the rowdy and bustling school festival together with Lilianaas he recalled the red knight"s parting scene."So Liliana knows something about why she has to return over there?""Ah well, the fact is... Erica will explain in full detail once she returnssuccessfully. Please forgive me for now is not the right time to let youknow."Something like that could happen. G.o.dou"s eyes widened in surprise.Though Erica and Liliana were rivals, their fates were frequently boundtogether as one in various ways.G.o.dou decided not to pursue the matter any further, turning his gazetowards the interior of the school.The path from the entrance to the school building was transformed by thefestival from its usual appearance. Snack stalls were tightly lined againstthe two sides of the road.Beverage stalls sold chilled drinks. Food vendors sold takoyaki^,okonomiyaki^, roasted squid, crepes, fried noodles, baby Castellacakes^, and various kinds of snacks. Furthermore, there were other stallsoffering fortune telling, portrait sketching, photography, karaoke, fleamarkets etc.People were really putting forth great effort.Perhaps because Jounan Academy also included a university section, thehigh school"s festival was influenced to some extent.Walking further for ten minutes or so, weaving through a corner of thewoods, they reached the destination.The building known as the j.a.panese block."Last time we came here, Seishuuin Ena was also present. Will thisoccasion be the same?""Who knows? I tried calling her before the festival but couldn"t reach her.Maybe she used up her batteries like always or went into the deepmountains with no reception again..."G.o.dou answered as he recalled the Hime-Miko of the Sword.Despite being a high school student, she was a mysterious unpredictabletraveler.She could suddenly appear in unexpected places, but fail to show up whenwanted.The two conversed as they walked into the traditional j.a.panese room thatwas the size of twenty tatami mats.This was the location for the "tea party" held by the tea ceremony club.G.o.dou and Liliana entered after paying the entrance fee.The room was furnished with a stove for boiling water and a few tea mats.The members of the tea ceremony club were serving customers with teaand snacks."Welcome to the two of you."Yuri came over before G.o.dou and Liliana who had sat down on the mats."My shift will be over soon, so please wait a while.""Ah, understood... By the way, Mariya Yuri, so this is the attire of the teaceremony club?"The silver-haired knight spoke as if greatly impressed.The members of the all-girls tea ceremony club were busy stirring andpreparing powdered tea. This was a common club activity.They were wearing kimonos rather than school uniforms as they sat on themats."Yes, as a member of the tea ceremony club, I can only speak to youdressed like this."Yuri replied slightly shyly.She was wearing a beautiful kimono in the color of cherry blossoms.Frankly speaking, the other members of the club seemed to beunaccustomed to their attire and were quite stiff in their tea-pouringmotions.On the other hand, Yuri stood out with her natural movements and refinedmanners."I see, so it"s like that... I was thinking why it was so strange."G.o.dou surveyed the place as the truth dawned upon him.Offering only powdered tea and snacks, this place normally would not bepopular with boys.Nevertheless, one third of the current customers were young men. Therewere male students from Jounan Academy, male students wearinguniforms from other schools, and even older regular customers.Naturally, their target could only be the girls dressed in kimonos.It was an unpleasant thought...G.o.dou unwittingly reached this conclusion as he savored the taste of thepowdered tea Yuri brewed for him.Within the tea ceremony club, Yuri was also rather striking in appearance.All else aside, she epitomized the term "beautiful young lady." It wasapparent from a single glance that her graceful sitting form was in aseparate cla.s.s apart from all the other girls.Kusanagi G.o.dou was currently being served by such a girl, and had evenbrought along a silver-haired Caucasian girl."Is this the state otherwise known as overabundant self consciousness?""What"s wrong, G.o.dou-san? Does the tea not suit your tastes?""I, on the other hand, find the taste to be most exquisite... Or perhaps youare worrying over something?""Ah no, nothing much, don"t be too concerned."Though he forced a smile before the two observant girls, G.o.dou shook hishead.G.o.dou found his mind wandering into strange thoughts as a result of beingaccompanied by overly attractive girls. One should handle things withgreater composure...However, this thought was completely overturned within the span of amere hour.Part 2"It truly was a wrong decision."G.o.dou grumbled with heartfelt emotion."What should we do now? How could this draw so much attention, I reallydon"t get it... It"s so vexing..."Yuri, who was dressed in a kimono, carried a conflicted expression."We three should find a place to figure out why others are so interested inus. But even then, discussing furtively in secret is not an option, we mightas well act with resolution."Liliana stated with an awe-inspiring tone.— Just before the lunch break, they had met up with Yuri at the end of hershift at the tea ceremony club. Yuri had appeared before G.o.dou andLiliana in the same kimono she had been wearing at the tea party earlier."To create publicity for the tea ceremony club... The other membersdecided together that I should go outside like this..."Yuri bowed her head shyly as she explained.Since the school festival was in full swing, it was not particularly strange forpeople to be wearing exotic outfits. Nevertheless, Yuri in her cherryblossom-colored kimono was far too striking in appearance. Having Lilianaby her side further exacerbated the situation.Pa.s.sersby were subconsciously or even overtly staring at them as theypa.s.sed. Perhaps purely in terms of publicity, it was not a failure.The trio went to watch drama and band performances, konto skits^,friendship matches held in the sports grounds by the athletic clubs. Withinthe school building, there were also exhibitions, shops and otherperformances, etc. Though there were still quite a few attractions theywanted to visit, it was already time for lunch so they decided to stop for ameal first.And so, the trio went over to the food stalls.G.o.dou: "(noticing Yuri"s gaze of curiosity) Mariya you"re actually interestedin okonomiyaki? How unexpected."Yuri: "Ah yes. Actually I have never eaten it before..."G.o.dou: "You can make it at home, right? I think for Mariya, it should bereally easy for you."Yuri: "(steady smile) "My mother made it before in her own home, andknows the method. As for eating this kind of food sold in festivals, I haveyet to — "G.o.dou: "Never!?"Yuri: "You are correct. When we were young, our parents never boughtfood at those kind of places because they were concerned with hygiene.So all this time until now..."Liliana: "(looking like a know-it-all) It is true that one cannot expect toomuch in terms of hygiene. On the other hand, because it is this kind ofplace, that is why you can get a delicious taste that cannot be foundelsewhere. If you do not give it a try, you will be missing out on one of life"spleasures."G.o.dou: "That"s true. I often eat this during festivals like temple fairs."Liliana: "Back in Italy I would frequent sandwich and crepe stalls. Eating onthe roadside is nice sometimes."Yuri: "Is that really true!? (frantic expression) T-Then in that case, now thatthere is this rare opportunity, I shall, umm — "G.o.dou: "(staring at the school festival program schedule) In the schoolyardthere"s Sanfu-sensei offering his hometown"s Hiroshimayaki^, andGanba-sensei from Osaka with his takoyaki stall, wanna try them out?"Yuri: "Yes, great!"Yuri: "(violently knocked off balance by a pa.s.serby in theschoolyard). . .kyaah!?"G.o.dou: "(catches Yuri in his arms) Are you okay, Mariya?"Yuri: "(smiling in G.o.dou"s embrace) Y-Yes, thank you very much."G.o.dou: "(gazing at Yuri"s smiling face) Oh that"s good."Liliana: "(began counting as the two of them remained tightly held together.10 seconds, 20 seconds pa.s.sed. Then she coughed deliberately) ...Youtwo, do you not feel that your faces are a little too close? Kusanagi G.o.dou,even though I know that you have an unusually deep relationship withMariya Yuri, in such a situation could you not handle things in a simplermanner — "G.o.dou: "(frantically separates from Yuri) — !"Yuri: "(gazes wistfully at G.o.dou) "G.o.dou: "W-What nonsense are you saying, I only caught her because Ihappened to be next to her, it"s not like that."Liliana: "Is that so...? My apologies. Regardless of your intentions, it isclear that your natural instinct is to eliminate distances between you andother females..."G.o.dou: "As if that kind of instinct actually exists! By the way, if it wasLiliana instead, I would have done the same."Liliana: "Eh?!"G.o.dou: "It"s obvious. If I saw a friend in danger, I will surely offer helpstraight away."Liliana: "(putting up a stiff front but appearing to be very happy) "G.o.dou: "Well anyway, actually it"s Liliana who always protects me instead."Liliana: "T-That"s right. Hypothetically, if such an emergency occurs, I donot mind being saved by you."Liliana: "(having bought Hiroshimayaki) With such large portions, let thethree of us share it together. Come try this, Mariya Yuri."Yuri: "Thanks, (looking at the ma.s.sive Hiroshimayaki) You are right, Iwould not be able to finish this alone."G.o.dou: "Certainly, this is a portion size more fitting for a male."(The trio began to use their chopsticks to eat sliced pieces of theHiroshimayaki.)G.o.dou: "(accidentally dropped his chopsticks on the ground) Ah, d.a.m.n it.I"ll need a new pair."Liliana: "No need for that. Just share mine."G.o.dou: "Uhh, sure — (realizing this is an indirect kiss) W-Wait, that"s notvery appropriate."Liliana: "D-Do not be concerned. Just like your relationship with MariyaYuri can be described as unusually deep, the same can be said for ourrelationship as well..."G.o.dou: "*^tf9!?"Yuri: "E-Excuse me! If that is the case, then you can share my chopstickstoo!"G.o.dou: "*^cr9 ox n!?"(All of a sudden, the trio was caught in a three-way dispute.)G.o.dou: "Fine, in that case, I will humbly accept your wishes with thanks...(ended up alternating between using Liliana and Yuri"s chopsticks to eatthe Hiroshimayaki)"Liliana: "Exchanging chopsticks repeatedly is a bit troublesome, l-lf you donot mind then I shall feed you personally, (using chopsticks to bringHiroshimayaki to G.o.dou"s mouth) T-This might be better."Yuri: "N-Now that you brought it up, that is right... (with shy awkwardness)Uh, umm, if G.o.dou-san wishes, I can also do the same... P-Please openup and enjoy."G.o.dou: "I"m not a child in kindergarten! I can eat by myself!"Suddenly, they noticed that a crowd had gathered around, staring at them.Due to it being the school festival, not only were there students from theschool but also those from other schools as well as all kinds of residentsfrom the neighborhood — male and female, old and young. This was thenature of the crowd gathered here for a spectacle. They were watchingwith shocked expressions that seemed to be saying "this is really novel"and were whispering to one another and secretly laughing to themselves."Isn"t this getting a bit too crowded...?""I do not think that we were that loud, right...""Why are so many people gathered here to watch? We cannot be thatinteresting to them, right?"At some point in time, some of the surrounding people started tailingG.o.dou"s group and maintaining a certain distance.The most obvious group was all male and composed of youthfulschoolboys. Bearing rude and hostile glares with impatient expressions...These were all signs that betrayed the negative emotions swirling in eachone"s heart.G.o.dou pondered with uneasiness. How exactly was this commotioncaused? He"d better reflect well on it."For some reason we seem to be causing trouble for others. We shouldpay more attention.""But Kusanagi G.o.dou, even though I believe your behavior just now coulddo with a little improvement, you have done nothing wrong. So what shouldwe do now?""Liliana-san, perhaps it is something we failed to be aware of? ...Ah,maybe eating like this on the roadside obstructs traffic, and causes troublefor others?!""There are many others eating the same way like this. I really doubt thatpossibility... Anyway, let"s be more mindful, and go to the cafeteria — "The three of them finished buying food and made their way towards a littleunoccupied s.p.a.ce beside a corner of the stalls.G.o.dou nodded in agreement with Yuri"s suggestion and Liliana"sobservations. At that very moment..."You people, what were you doing just now chattering away in some kindof discussion? Are you trying to perform some kind of three-man comedicroutine?!"G.o.dou was shocked to hear this authoritative voice. He never expectedthis girl to appear here.Turning back to look, he found his childhood friend, Tokunaga Asuka,standing before him with a furious expression."I wasn"t even paying particular attention, but you three have beendisplaying public affection... I turn my gaze for a moment and there you gostarting to become even more intimate. Well, if it was just between anordinary couple, it"s not completely unforgivable. But what on earth is this?A lady on each arm? Or simultaneous two-timing? What is going on in yourmind to flaunt this kind of ridiculous relationship out in public!?"Asuka expressed her displeasure, firing accusations like rapid fire.She possessed a prim and proper face as well as the twintails hairstyle shemaintained since long ago. Like the Kusanagi household, she was also aresident of Nezu"s Area 3."Well, G.o.dou, got any retorts to defend yourself? If you have any, be outwith them.""What retort... We weren"t doing anything intimate. It"s just normal contactbetween friends, that"s all.""Yes... My humble apologies, I cannot understand what you are trying tosay.""It is true that there exists a strong bond between us that normal"friendship." However, you are mistaken if you believe it is of the sort ofindecent relations you were insinuating."Yuri was perplexed. Liliana spoke with agitation. G.o.dou nodded incomplete agreement.After all, Asuka had always been the type to get angry over reasons thatwere far removed from the actual truth."Really! Embracing each other in public, having indirect kisses and thenbeing fed with "yes, ah~" Well, since it"s G.o.dou, it"s expected... Let me askthen, what are these people like normally?"Asuka turned to the people behind her.Standing there were Yuri"s cla.s.smates, the girls Sawa-san andMiyama-san."There had been some restraint before, but recently it"s always been likethis.""Yes yes. Previously, it"s even worse when Erica-san was around. In fact,today"s situation can be described as rather subdued instead...?"The lenses of Sawa-san flashed as she spoke. With animmature face and undeveloped body like an elementary school student,Miyama-san responded with a question.Yuri nodded to greet her cla.s.smates who had suddenly appeared.But just as G.o.dou was wondering why these two girls were together withAsuka..."Sawa-san and Miyama-san both work together with me at the same shop.Yeah, the family restaurant on the side of the main street. You shouldknow it, right? Anyway, they invited me to the school festival today."Extremely observant, Asuka immediately explained for G.o.dou. She was agirl with a strong intuition and quick wits."Right, though Liliana-san had already been introduced to me at G.o.dou"shouse, who is the beautiful lady here? She looks very graceful andlady-like.""Ah, now that I think about it, you two have never met."Seeing Asuka"s slightly concerned gaze towards Yuri, G.o.dou replied."Mariya, this fellow here is my long time friend Tokunaga Asuka. We liveon the same commercial street. She goes to school at Tokyo MetropolitanHigh which is closer to home. Also, this — ""My name is Mariya Yuri. It is my pleasure to be acquainted withG.o.dou-san"s close friends."Yuri, who was dressed in a kimono, calmly bowed her head.Though she was not particularly talkative, her greeting clearly displayedher excellent upbringing."H-h.e.l.lo, nice to meet you. The silver-haired foreigner, the super perfecthigh cla.s.s lady, as well as the rumored blonde girlfriend, things are reallydeveloping towards complete despair for me... Truly an extraordinaryfellow. As expected, I can"t let you out of my sight — hmm, I cannot allowmyself to become one of those old ladies crying tears of sorrow overgrandpa Ichirou..."Backing down uncharacteristically, her mumbling speech after "nice tomeet you" was difficult to make out.Being eloquent in virtually all situations was one of Asuka"s qualities."I think we should leave first. Being the center of attention is disruptive tothe surrounding people, so let"s go somewhere else."Wary of people"s gazes, G.o.dou made a suggestion.The interference of Asuka had only served to further garner the attention ofbystanders.Yuri and Liliana immediately nodded in agreement. Sawa-san andMiyama-san were also planning to leave, having made their greeting.— But then someone stopped them. Of course, the one calling out wasAsuka."W-Wait a minute. Are the three of you planning to continue your flirtingelsewhere!?""Like I said already, what flirting! You"re always trying to find strange bonesto pick.""Still completely oblivious... You really are a great big idiot who makes mewant to despair!!"Still as sharp-tongued as ever. And scolding all the time.However, witnessing the familiar antics of the childhood friend gave anoddly rea.s.suring feeling.G.o.dou wryly went "So, see you later" and continued walking ahead."No other way, with agonizing contemplation I have made my decision!"Thus, Asuka declared out of the blue."It looks like I can"t limit supervision to just the school festival. Sawa-san,Miyama-san. I am very sorry but there are things I must do. Please allowme to remain behind and act independently — I have the duty to keep thisidiotic man under surveillance!"Part 3Thus, Tokunaga Asuka added herself to G.o.dou"s entourage and theyentered the school building together.In contrast to Asuka"s complete hostility towards G.o.dou, Liliana and Yuriwere acting in a subdued manner."Listen to me, Mariya-san and Liliana-san."Asuka chatted eloquently as they walked."Even if this guy frequently speaks of "common sense," don"t be taken in bythose lies. He is completely untrustworthy. I will help and support you girlsif you tell me you were victims of his deception. If you run into any kind oftrouble, feel free to discuss with me no matter what."She showed concern for them with great gentleness while disparagingG.o.dou at the same time."Is that so? Rather, I feel that G.o.dou-san is a person who works hard atacting sensibly."Yuri objected with a conservative description."If Mariya-san really believes that, then I have nothing further to say. Orperhaps you might recall all sorts of little things? Once anyone gets into acertain level of familiarity with him, I"m sure they will notice something isamiss.""...Nothing like that. Right, Liliana-san?""...Ah. The n.o.bility of Kusanagi G.o.dou"s character and behavior is fit to bea knight"s role model. I think you are slandering him most inappropriately,Tokunaga Asuka."Repeatedly questioned, Yuri and Liliana seemed to be respondinghesitantly for some reason. Not only did the two of them avoid making eyecontact with Asuka, the one posing the questions, but also with G.o.dou aswell.The atmosphere turned awkward and unpleasant all of a sudden."Ah, isn"t this Uncle? Good morning to you."A pa.s.sing "maid" greeted him.In actual fact, she was dressed in a sleeveless mandarin gown with a frilledap.r.o.n, a costume differing greatly from a traditional maid outfit.Furthermore, she was wearing cat-eared decorations on her head."G-Good morning to you too."It was clearly noon already. However, there existed many serviceindustries that used "Good morning" as a greeting regardless of the time ofday.The China-themed cat-eared maid was running around dressed like that,carrying a stack of flyers, most likely trying to promote publicity."...Wait a minute, G.o.dou, what was that about?"Asuka immediately questioned him."That kind of cosplay girl not only knows you, but even calls you "Uncle"!?""Hmm. It"s a long story. There"s a shop in the festival opened by someacquaintances. I helped out for a bit, so that"s why they call me that.""What kind of suspicious shop is that!? I must check it out.""Eh? Now?"Asuka"s threats seemed to be giving G.o.dou pause.It"s not a particularly strange shop anyway, so I might as well take herthere. But that also meant taking everyone else along."It is the shop opened with Lu Yinghua"s support, right? I have noobjections.""Ah, the one from Hong Kong... Right, I too, feel a little curious."Since Liliana and Yuri supported the motion, G.o.dou yielded and nodded inagreement.They arrived at a certain cla.s.sroom on the third floor of the school building.Nanami, Sorimachi and Takagi, backed by Hong Kong"s Lu family, hadopened the "China Cat-Eared Maid Cafe and Tea House" with business infull swing."Business today is lively as ever."Upon witnessing the prosperity of the shop, G.o.dou commented casually.A continuous stream of customers had formed a long line at the entrance.The place offered brewed Chinese tea as well as Chinese dimsumdelivered directly from the "main store" at Akihabara. The cosplay team ofChina cat-eared maids was standing on duty to serve customers. Themandarin gowns emphasized the curves on their body, and the high-slitdresses were quite daring and s.e.xy.Authentic Chinese style. The reason for the long wait in line was obvious.The team of China cat-eared maids was composed of employees sentfrom the Lu family"s maid theme park in Hong Kong (to customers theyappeared to be girls studying at the school).The Three Idiots" original proposal of "Cat-Eared School Swimsuit MaidCafe" was vehemently opposed by the girls, and was thus altered to thecurrent form."I knew it, wearing swimsuits when there"s no pool would have been quitestrange..."G.o.dou concluded as he surveyed the surroundings.However, the girls eventually relented on the cat-ear issue as a result ofthe Three Idiots begging on their knees."Not some kind of suspicious shop, right?""It"s really borderline... However, why are you the "Uncle"?"Asuka glared at G.o.dou as they waited in line.In truth, it was the maid team"s boss, Lu Yinghua, who addressed G.o.douas "Honored Uncle"... However, let"s keep quiet about that. Trying toexplain the whole story would take forever."Ohoh, it"s my dear friend!"The one calling out was Nanami.He had just stepped out of the neighboring cla.s.sroom they had borrowedto use as the kitchen and backstage."Thanks to you, the shop"s business is booming on its second day...Though losing the "Cat-Eared School Swimsuit Maid" concept is painful,we obtained the current overwhelming success instead. This is all thanksto your introductions — don"t be modest, Kusanagi.""Hmm, well, it"s good to be of help. But "dear friend" is too much.""Kukuku... What a modest fellow you are. However, thanks to this I finallyunderstand something. Kusanagi, your satisfaction as a riajuu^ only runsskin deep — you are actually tired of plain and ordinary life, for you are aman who yearns for excitement and the extraordinary!"G.o.dou was shocked to hear his secret exposed.The deadly battles of the Devil King Campione were obviously unknown toNanami."I... As a fellow comrade, I understand. Kusanagi, your eyes swirl with darkburning flames only possessed by men who pursue the way of the maidenthusiast.""Ah, this? No, I don"t have that kind of interest, you must be mistaken.""Hohoho, you have yet to realize it, that"s all. I feel it is necessary to guideyou along that path with something I have specially prepared. Here, borrowthis for now."Nanami went back into the cla.s.sroom and took out a paper bag.He shoved the object over. Contained in the bag was a handheld gamingdevice and a software package."But I don"t usually play games."G.o.dou looked at the software. Its t.i.tle was "English Proper Maid Story —Maid Amy."On the packaging was an ill.u.s.tration of a girl. Without particularlyostentatious colors, the modest yet subtle design somehow felt ratherattractive."Try playing it when you have the time. You should be able to experiencethe shocking revelation of a lifetime... Oh no, I was in the middle of goingout to buy something. Sorry I have to go. See you later!""You sure make strange friends everywhere..."Seeing Nanami leave noisily, Asuka was just about to have anotheroutburst." — Ah, Hikari. Yes, so you have already arrived at the school?"Yuri had taken out her cellphone to answer.She was giving directions to the China Cat-eared Maid Cafe."Will little Hikari get lost? Let me go pick her up.""I believe she is very competent. Do not worry, we will wait for her herewhile we line up for the shop."Yuri offered her opinion with a gentle smile.It was true. G.o.dou recalled Hikari"s personality and nodded in agreement.After ten minutes, the Mariya family"s second daughter arrived."It"s been a while, Onii-sama. Same for Liliana-neesama... Ah, I"ve neverseen you before. h.e.l.lo, nice to meet you. I am Mariya Yuri"s sister, MariyaHikari."Hikari not only greeted the people she knew but also bowed her headtowards Asuka. Her attention to detail was well beyond a typical sixthgrader"s. However, her next words belonged to no ordinary elementaryschool student.Witnessing Asuka"s familiarity with G.o.dou, Hikari suddenly commented."I can see that you are quite familiar with Onii-sama. In fact, once I"m alittle older, I also want to stay by Onii-sama"s side to receive his love.When the time comes, I will be in your care? ...Ah, but who knows, I mighthave more seniority by then!"She was displaying an innocent yet "womanly" smile.Hearing Hikari"s statement, Asuka" face began to convulse." l-ls that so? Just to make sure, in what year is Mariya-san"s little sistercurrently studying?""Sixth grade. I will be entering middle school next year.""Oh, I see... Wait a minute, G.o.dou! Are you going to let this complete messdevelop further? You have truly overturned all of my expectations!"G.o.dou answered Asuka"s furious snarls with irritation."Don"t go accepting strange ideas so easily. Do I really have to take anelementary school student"s words seriously? Use your brain a little. Hikarionly says that because she looks up to me, that"s all.""Yes. To me, Onii-sama is even more important than a real elder brother."Giggling cleverly, Hikari responded.Even though she sounded like she was hiding some sort of subtle hint,G.o.dou was not concerned. She was just an elementary school child. Itwould be ridiculous to take her words seriously.Now that he thought about it, the other girls had also been more or lessalarmed by Hikari previously."Liliana also makes strange statements all the time. If you insist oninterpreting things that way, Asuka, you"re going to make Hikari and hersister Mariya feel uncomfortable.""Yes... Kusanagi G.o.dou is correct.""Right. After all, Hikari is still a child, yes..."Liliana spoke knowingly as Yuri nodded in agreement with a conflictedexpression.As the subject of discussion, Hikari smiled sweetly in response to thecomments of the older girls."Yes, I am still a child, so the future is far away. I look forward to receivingeveryone"s care in the future."Then Hikari leaned tightly against G.o.dou. This was a rare display of openaffection that felt a little different from a younger sister"s.G.o.dou stroked her head a few times. Hikari smiled in return."...In three years, no, two years, that kind of future will be here.""...Actually, I would not be surprised if that stage arrives in two months.""...If the child has already decided herself then there is no helping it..."Asuka, Liliana and Yuri murmured softly amongst themselves.What do they mean? G.o.dou was perplexed. Furthermore, for some reasonthe situation felt like an alliance was being formed between the three girlsNot too long after that, the group was finally able to enter the shop."China Cat-eared Maid Cafe and Tea House."Despite the small budget, the interior of the cla.s.sroom was well-decoratedin Chinese style.G.o.dou and his group were seated next to the window. They orderedPu-erh tea^ and several snacks according to their numbers."Well then, Uncle, your order will be here shortly."The China cat-eared maid spoke cheerfully and returned to the kitchen.Of course, she was greeting G.o.dou who had been helping out at the shopyesterday."On further thought, this shop is really suspicious after all. The waitressesdon"t really seem like students and they look especially well-trained.Furthermore, that maid"s j.a.panese is a little awkward, could she beChinese or Korean?"Asuka calmly pointed out.Since she had been working at a family restaurant, she was probablyfamiliar with the skills of the maid team."G.o.dou sure knows some really weird people. What kind of connectionscaused you to help out at this shop?""Well, all kinds. It"s purely by chance that I became friends with a certainsomeone who is bad news.""Ah, Onii-sama also helps out at this shop? I didn"t know this shophappens to have connections with Hong Kong"s Lu family."Hikari glanced repeatedly at the striking and elegant figures of the Chinacat-eared maids with great wonderment."Could it be possible that Onii-sama has this kind of preference? Cosplayor the like!?""No, not at all. I"ve never even paid attention to it.""Really? If you don"t mind being honest, I can do it too. I can wear thoseoutfits for Onii-sama to see!"Hikari"s words nearly made G.o.dou spit out his Pu-erh tea."1-1 really appreciate your offer, but it"s not going to happen.""What"s going to happen? Then it"s really true after all?"Asuka interrupted with skepticism.Treating me like some sort of eccentric again — G.o.dou decided to justignore her."Hmm, Tokunaga Asuka, can you tell me the reason you think that?"Suddenly, Liliana began to pursue the matter."It had already occurred to me before, that you seem very familiar withKusanagi G.o.dou"s past. What is the basis for your judgment? For example,did he ever display an obsession over any type of clothing or the like?""Certainly, I have also had my suspicions."Even Yuri was nodding in agreement."Like Liliana-san said, Tokunaga-san is someone who can offer specialinsight into G.o.dou-san"s personality. If you do not mind, pray enlightenme.Yuri and Liliana were consulting Asuka together!Why? G.o.dou was shocked. In this gathering here, why was there a certainsense of consensus appearing in the eyes of the childhood friend, theHime-Miko and the knight — ?"Eh, well it"s not really definite proof..."Suddenly faced with these requests, Asuka seemed to be in doubt."But I get the sense that he keeps changing his mind rapidly for things heclaims to have no interest. Whenever he says "isn"t this fine?" I keepwondering if he actually thought before speaking?""...No, the ability to make bold decisions is one of Kusanagi G.o.dou"s strongpoints after all.""...I agree. G.o.dou-san"s reaction speed towards changing circ.u.mstances isexemplary."Asuka"s words seemed to have struck a deep chord with Liliana, and Yurimurmured in agreement.Could this encounter turn out to be highly unfavorable for me? G.o.dou wasbeginning to feel a vague sense of unease.Part 4The second day of the school festival had finally reached dusk.Since dusk had arrived, it was time for the usual campfire and eveningfestivities. The packed and eventful schedule included folk dancing and theannouncement of the Miss High School winner....As a side note, this year"s winner of the Miss High School t.i.tle was EricaBlandelli.Hearing the announcement, G.o.dou was completely bewildered.Obviously, she was not going to appear here, having excluded herself frompartic.i.p.ating in the school festival. Even when asked earlier, she hadreplied:"If you really miss my beauty then be my guest and use photos orwhatever... But I"m not going to do anything troublesome. I partic.i.p.ated in asimilar event once in Italy and found it completely tiresome."That was how she had declined.Along with the partic.i.p.ants gathered on the stage, the screen was playinga video of Erica that was clearly filmed in secret. (As another side note,Erica had been recommended by an acquaintance to enter a regionalpreliminary round of the Miss Italy compet.i.tion. Though she qualifiedstraight away, she grew impatient and left halfway through theproceedings.)In spite of all that, she still won by a landslide.On the other hand, this could also be attributed to her rivals Yuri and□liana"s resolute refusal to partic.i.p.ate. Still, it was rather telling that avoyeuristic video was able to overwhelm all the other compet.i.tion.G.o.dou marveled in amazement at Erica"s ridiculous exploits as he climbedthe stairs, finally reaching a door at the top."That guy must be up here, right?"Beyond the door was the roof which had been shaded orange by thesetting sun.A cursory glance found no one there. It was still early so the late nightfestivities had yet to begin. Otherwise, the movement of lively fire lightwould have been visible from partic.i.p.ants surrounding the campfire below.G.o.dou had received a text message earlier that told him to wait on theroof."My apologies for calling you here, Honored Uncle."The greeting arrived with the wind.What an incredible voice. It almost sounded as if the autumn breeze waswhispering in his ear.This was a technique of qigong masters. By infusing "qi" into their voice,they could converse with cult members across vast distances.G.o.dou walked to the center of the roof and looked around... And finallyfound him.Standing in a corner was the young master of Hong Kong"s Lu family, LuYinghua."Sorry to have you wait, Yinghua.""No, not at all. Compared to Honored Uncle giving up time that could bespent with the various Nee-san, this is nothing."Lu Yinghua smiled with candor. Despite his handsome youthfulappearance, it was a rather acute smile.Inserting biting commentary into a simple explanation. Pointlesslyprovocative. Eccentric and hard to get along with.However, from G.o.dou"s point of view, he was the arrogant and rea.s.suring"nephew."It reminded G.o.dou of the personality of the genius pitcher he had workedwith back in his baseball days."By the way, Honored Uncle, what do you have there?""Hmm? Ah, Nanami lent this to me just now... No, actually he just shoved itover."Lu Yinghua had noticed G.o.dou"s paper bag which contained the game"English Proper Maid Story — Maid Amy."Opening the paper bag to have a look, the young martial arts masterstared with dumbfounded amazement."...I"ve actually heard quite a few rumors about this game.""Eh? Is it actually quite famous?""Yes. Ever since the computer version was first sold at a doujinshi fairseveral years ago, its development has expanded over time to become acommercial success known all over the world. It has also become aconsumer game. Last year it was even animated, with DVD and BD salesreaching ten thousand.""...Looks like Yinghua is quite knowledgeable about it.""Well, it is related to our business after all. I only started researching itrecently."What would his master say if she knew her disciple had begun honingexpertise in this area?G.o.dou was reminded of his beautiful sworn elder sister."Anyway, I plan on checking out the game"s content to catch up withHonored Uncle.""But I haven"t even decided when I"m going to play this. How about westart it together?""Good idea. In that case, Amakasu-san appears to be an expert in thisarea, should we call him as well? As for the location, let me make thepreparations..."As the casual male talk(?) reached a conclusion, Lu Yinghua brought upthe next issue with unhurried words."Actually, the purpose of my visit is to inform Honored Uncle about theDivine Ancestors.""...Ahah. The one called Asherah, right?"The witch who was mind-controlling the young master of the Kuhoudzukafamily. G.o.dou had completely forgotten about her."I remember it was Liliana who told me. A bunch of eternally young witcheswho were transformed from G.o.ddesses of ancient times, and muchstronger than ordinary magi?""Yes, though they cannot compare to the various Campiones."G.o.dou felt puzzled, was it because they were fallen G.o.ddesses?However, how did it come about in the first place?"Back then, I spent a fair amount of time with Asherah. She frequentlycontacted someone and I managed to overhear the name. Another DivineAncestor called Guinevere. She is the mastermind who provoked the fightbetween Master and the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.""So that was what happened!""It should be unlikely for this woman to embroil Honored Uncle in herschemes immediately, but I just thought it"d be best to report to HonoredUncle first.""Thanks. Sorry for troubling you with all sorts of things.""No, don"t mind it. When I get abused — no, scolded... Or rather, whenMaster gives me special training, I hope I can depend on Honored Uncle abit. It"s good to know I have someone to rely on in case of emergencies. Soanyway, you are really welcome!"Lu Yinghua spoke in a rare moment of pa.s.sion.This guy admires and worships me for very practical reasons. G.o.douunderstood very well. It was only natural given the existence of a masterlike that. Oh well, I"ll try to be as good an uncle as possible.Just as the thought crossed G.o.dou"s mind, Lu Yinghua suddenly perkedup his ears."Ah, I can hear Liliana-neesan and Yuri-neesan"s footsteps coming fromdownstairs. Aren"t they looking for Honored Uncle?""That"s some superhuman hearing... Even though Seishuuin can dosomething similar.""Compared to that Nee-san, my eyes and ears are still quite sharp."Hearing footsteps through thick layers of steel-reinforced concrete, andeven identifying their owner from the sound —Lu Yinghua, the one who had showed off such ridiculous hearing, began tolaugh."By the way, I am stronger compared to Erica-neesan while my body islighter compared to Liliana-neesan"s. On the other hand, I cannot castspells, so that means we"re basically equals... Right."From the tone of Lu Yinghua"s voice, it was clear he did not actuallybelieve in his a.s.sessment of "equals." Seeing those eyes of disdain madeG.o.dou feel like objecting. What was this feeling that compelled him todefend his female companions?"But last time, didn"t you end with a draw against Liliana?""Under those conditions, it was impossible to tell who would be the victorbetween Master and Honored Uncle. I couldn"t commit the folly ofunintentionally killing a Campione"s close a.s.sociate and incurring a king"swrath... Well, I did show my true skills back then and didn"t make anymistakes, but I refrained from using any truly underhanded tricks ofmurder."Lu Yinghua had not reached Erica"s level of subconsciously expressedarrogance. On the other hand, his personality did have calculating andtolerant facets. G.o.dou found him to be an interesting fellow."However, in order to face an unfair technique like Ena-neesan"s divinepossession, it"s necessary to completely master a life-risking trump card.After all, Erica-neesan, she...""What about Erica?""That Nee-san is a true female fox and a real warrior. After all, she musthave grasped the subtle truth and is now training accordingly. She"s not aswan that shows off its appearance while struggling with paddling feetunderwater!"Ultimately, was Lu Yinghua a genius who could a.n.a.lyze everyone to theircore? Rivals who were constantly evaluating, contending, and sparring togauge one another"s ability. Realizing he was surrounded by an amazinggroup of people, G.o.dou was deeply impressed.Part 5While G.o.dou and the rest were enjoying the school festival —Erica Blandelli was at the ancient city of Siena in the northern Italian regionof Tuscany.It was a little city with a long history of prosperity dating back to the RomanEmpire. The remnants of medieval streets and historical areas werefamous World Heritage Sites.Piazza del Campo was probably the most highly renowned of these sites.The plaza was built on a gentle slope and shaped somewhat like a bowl. Itwas surrounded by structures such as medieval palaces, water fountains,and bell towers.The world"s most beautiful public square — indeed, that was what it wascalled.Erica"s destination was a place near Piazza del Campo.A Sicilian gelato^ store which must have been quite popular with thelocals.However, no matter how delicious gelato tasted, it was merely ice cream.Going home for this purpose would have been ridiculous.Of course, Erica was meeting a certain character well-known fortroublesome antics and often criticized as a fool."Vanilla, strawberry, pistachio, almond... I"m having such a tough timechoosing the flavor. But if I eat all four, surely it"s too much.""Having three in November is also too much.""I"ve always had a habit of visiting this street for gelato whenever winterapproaches. It"s like eating hot food in summer is good for the body, youshould eat cold stuff in chilly weather to get used to the cold. If you do that,you"ll avoid catching colds for the winter.""In short, you have further plans to visit other places to feast on frozendesserts, is that correct?""Yup. Today I"ll be going to as many shops as I can, so I"m holding back abit at the first one.""...Did you know, Salvatore Doni?""Know what, my dear and trusted friend, Andrea-kun?""In certain countries, it is commonly believed that the ignorant do not catchcolds. Perhaps that is the reason why you were safe...! Have you any ideahow much your sudden notion to return home has disrupted theschedule!?""Andrea, you"re usually such a wise man! But "Fools don"t catch colds" hasno basis, you know. For you to believe such a superst.i.tion, it looks likeyou"re quite ignorant in certain areas!""Stop spouting nonsense, you idiot!"It was a conversation that would give anyone listening a headache.Indeed, Salvatore Doni the "King of Swords" was a knight from Siena.Erica had hurried back to Italy as soon as she received news that he wasreturning to his home town under the supervision of his butler, AndreaRivera....A short while later, a blonde young man stepped out of the store carryinga triple portion of gelato accompanied by a haggard man."Eh, it"s been a while, Erica Blandelli.""Oh, what a rare visitor. When did you return from j.a.pan?"The two greeted Erica as soon as they noticed her.During their first meeting, Doni had completely failed to register Erica"sname in his mind, but now he was able to greet her normally. This was notbecause he memorized her name after so many encounters...It was purely due to Kusanagi G.o.dou"s existence that finally made himrecall Erica"s name.Doni"s inability to remember names was not due to poor memory but a lackof interest.Anyone not an enemy was like a roadside pebble to him. That must be theway he thinks."We have not met since Sardinia, Sir Salvatore. Thank you for taking careof me back then, Sir Andrea."The king whose foolish appearance disguised his horrifying unorthodoxtalent. And the butler who a.s.sisted him.Erica displayed a gorgeous smile."If you have any matters to discuss, please be my guest and talk toAndrea? I"m going to eat my gelato...""No, that is not the case this time. I have a request to make of SirSalvatore."Erica swiftly addressed the [King] who instinctively avoided c.u.mbersomeresponsibilities."Me?""Yes. Remember the first time I met Sir Salvatore, when you dueled withDame Saint Raffaello?""Hmm, this is really bothersome. But now that I recall, you were there too.""At that time, Sir Salvatore had inherited the "Book in Praise of David"sGreat Works" from Saint Raffaello. I would like to request permission formyself, as well as Dame Liliana who is not currently present, to read thatbook once more.""Master"s book? Book eh...?""Sir Salvatore, I once accepted Saint Raffaello"s request to safeguard theSan Gimignano grimoire."Aware of his master"s vague memories, Andrea Rivera stepped in toprovide a.s.sistance.Even when addressing his longtime friend, he was a righteous andhonorable man who always kept personal and business matters separate.Certainly, the "book" must be under his safekeeping.Erica nodded.Exactly as expected, which was why she deliberately approached themwhen they were together!"Dame Erica, that book has been expressly "concealed" under SaintRafaello"s orders. Even as the curator I have never read it. Permission isonly granted to those who are about to rise to the rank of paladino. Inregard to your request, I regret...""That"s what I thought."As befitted the fair and righteous "King"s Butler."Erica greatly admired his strict adherence to n.o.ble principles, not evenexcepting himself, but she continued to plead."However, please be informed that granting permission to me would befavorable to Sir Salvatore"s interests.""My interests? What is going on?""Yes. If I were to master the secret arts of battle magic that can rip apartfallen angels and pagan G.o.ds, then that will contribute to KusanagiG.o.dou"s combat potential... Rather, perhaps I can become something likea shield that can bolster his development.""...Really? I see, I see. That"s the implication."Licking his gelato, Doni"s expression changed.A certain sense of acuity had subtly crept into the handsome face that hadbeen like a carefree little baby"s. Anyone unfamiliar with his personalitywould likely have missed it."A more hot-blooded fellow would have gone "That"s about it?" "Sure, let"sgo again?" when things ended. But to reject outright, G.o.dou sure is a toughcustomer."This acuity was not exactly fighting spirit or murderous intent.A belief that the so-called "friend" and rival will inevitably be encounteredagain on the battlefield. This much was certain."Having a decisive duel with that fellow requires an appropriate time. Heneeds to have the proper motivation, otherwise he"d try to run away andend things meaninglessly. But while I"m waiting, I can"t have G.o.dou gettingkilled so easily."Doni looked upon Erica with an expression of utmost joy as if he wasCupid having spotted true love."What a fellow who always worries others. Even though he says he hatesfighting, he keeps charging into the battlefield. Is this what j.a.paneseculture call tsundere?"The "King of Swords" chatted away, discussing the good rival heacknowledged.His a.s.sessment was surprisingly accurate. Perhaps Salvatore Doni was akindred soul who could understand Kusanagi G.o.dou very well."Very well then. I have great hopes for him. Until the day we meet eachother again on the battlefield, having him work hard on all sorts of things isnot a bad idea."Rivera frowned in response to this statement of approval. But a [Kingj"sdecision could not be reversed.Erica reverently bowed her head in grat.i.tude towards Salvatore Doni.Part 6On the coast of Kisarazu City in the Chiba Prefecture.Nearby was the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway — a toll route from theKanagawa Prefecture to Kisarazu across Tokyo Bay.This place was also next to an industrial zone, and quite close to theKisarazu city streets, as well as the prefectural administration at ChibaCity.However, this beach was extremely quiet. In warmer times there would bewaders and summer swimmers. But it was currently November, and themarine breeze was mixed with rather chilly air. It was not the season foroutdoor activities."...How relaxing, Amakasu-san.""...Yes, it is very relaxing. Ena-san."Ena mumbled as she nibbled at her cup noodles while Amakasuconcurred, munching away at his bun filled with red bean paste.The food had been bought from a rustic fishing village next to the beach."Will someone suspicious really come? We"ve already staked out this placefor three days already. Not a single soul appeared... And this is the firsttime for me to find out this place is also managed by the Committee. Butisn"t there nothing here?"Ena grumbled as she looked down at the place.The beach was opposite the windbreak plantation. Directly before theireyes was a red torii. Other than the lone torii standing in the emptyseaside, there was nothing else. Not even a shrine or a little hut."You"re very right. I"m surprised too."The indifferent and insincere History Compilation Committee memberagreed.Both him and his boss belonged to the Tokyo branch of the Committee.However, its territory was actually more vast than the name implied, for itextended all the way from Tokyo to Chiba, Saitama, Kanagawa, Ibaraki,Gunma and Toshigi...In actual fact, it would be more accurate to call it the domain of the Kantoregion supervisor."By the way, Ena-san, aren"t you going to the school festival being held atKusanagi-san"s place?""Eh? What is that?""At the school where he studies. I remember the festival was scheduled tostart yesterday. But because I had to be careful to avoid mentioninganything to do with "going over there," I kept silent about it.""Hmm... Now that I think about it, that kind of activity should be occurringthis time of the year."As for Ena"s habit of not attending school seriously, it began all the wayback in middle school, no, elementary school.Although members of the Seishuuin family were obliged to go into themountains for serious Hime-Miko training, it resulted in Ena beingunfamiliar with basic facts of school life."d.a.m.n it- It"s not that often for festival events to be held, if only I couldhave a chance to have fun with His Majesty... That"s so bad of you,Amakasu-san, why didn"t you tell me sooner!""Wait a minute, it wasn"t just me. Kaoru-san also knew and withheld theinformation."The History Compilation Committee Tokyo Branch Chief was theHime-Miko, Sayanomiya Kaoru.Without any hesitation, Amakasu outed her as an accomplice."On the other hand, even though he looks like he can"t be bothered to dealwith women, he is a king who is unexpectedly diligent in all the crucialareas. It is possible that he called to ask "come if you are free" on thisoccasion. Did you charge your cellphone properly?""Forgot all about it... Which means it hasn"t been charged for a week...""May I express my utmost sympathies. Well, as compensation, let"s killtime by chatting instead."Amakasu said to Ena, her shoulders slumped in disappointment."This area used to be called Kazusa Province, Awa Province, or somethinglike that in ancient times. To us, it is a location that is a little special.""Really? But I still don"t see it.""What are you talking about? Isn"t this ocean the tragic stage where thehero of our nation, Yamato Takeru, had lost his queen? As an outdoorshoot location, this place is not bad at all."Amakasu cast his gaze beyond the windbreak plantation, upon Tokyo Bayextending into the horizon.This finally prompted Ena"s memory. A famous story in j.a.panesemythology.m 11"You should know the story where Yamato Takeru 1 J used the Sea ofBousou as his stage. Yeah, the one where Oto Tachibana-Hime castherself overboard to calm the stormy seas.""Of course. "I pray thee let me go into the sea, and so let the person of thymean handmaiden be given to redeem the life of the Prince"sAugustness"... Something like that."Ena was the Hime-Miko well-versed in cla.s.sical learning and martial arts.She had just quoted from the Kojiki"- 12 -".The hero Yamato Takeru was crossing the sea at Sagami Province — inmodern terms it would be taking a ship to cross the Tokyo Bay fromYokosuka City to the Chiba Prefecture on the opposite sh.o.r.e — to reachKazusa Province and the events were pa.s.sed down as legend. The shipwas met with a violent storm after setting off, and the sea had becomedangerously turbulent. In order to restore calm to the crisis, the queen, OtoTachibana-Hime jumped into the ocean to "redeem the life of the Prince"sAugustness.""Occasionally — perhaps once every couple of decades, strangephenomena related to the legend starts circulating. Here, please have alook at this.""Hey... This is pretty interesting."Amakasu had taken a book out of his bag.It had a rather nondescript t.i.tle of "Oral Traditions of Kazusa Province,Complete Collection." The binding of the book was also extremely modestand plain.Ena quickly browsed through a short pa.s.sage on the page in front of her."..."Queen Oto Tachibana-Hime, jumped into the sea with swordembosomed. Sea currents carried her sword to a landless location,whence a floating island subsequently appeared." I"ve never heard of this?"

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