
Chapter 71

Chapter 4 - Petrified MetropolisPart 1Having bid Kusanagi G.o.dou goodbye last night, Athena had crossed thesea.The beauty of the night was being polluted by the presence of streetlights.Gazing at the scenery from the opposite sh.o.r.e, she suddenly had thisnotion.The battle was finally about to begin.Conquering enemy cities, setting them ablaze, using them as signal fires todeclare war was part of the elegant traditions of the battlefield. Now then,what should be chosen as the sacrifices —While Athena waited for early morning to appear before her, humans wereslowly spreading throughout the harbor. Moored at this place were ma.s.siveships as well as little boats that seemed like they would be blown away bythe slightest wind.There were castles and towers where the noisy population entered andleft. There were also quite a few mansions.Of course, there were many human inhabitants. Far exceeding a thousand,easily in the realm of tens of thousands.These people were living their lives, crammed in a little corner like that.Those boxes with wheels were very conspicuous, running around makingnoise everywhere.Like grains of sands overflowing in a desert. Clumsy tools created fortraversing the earth"s surface. Using strange artificial rocks to cover theground, for the sake of their own convenience, these humans constructedroads everywhere as they pleased.Athena lamented. All aspects of human beings were completely impossibleto understand, what stupidity —Like beasts seeking food for survival, only pitiful death awaited those whofailed to defeat their enemies. Or plants, growing across the wilderness,enduring wind and rain, absorbing sunlight, stoically accepting all sorts ofhardship, suffering, and blessings to survive. Death took its coursenaturally.— That should be the way. One shall release one"s authority to bringsilence.Athena unsealed the [Serpent"s Evil Gaze].The curse that transformed everything within sight into cold hard stone.The power to bring forth temporary death.It had been used slightly in the previous battle against Kusanagi G.o.dou.Now it was time to liberate it completely.To the G.o.ddess, this was a casual decision akin to a human deciding whatto eat for dinner that night. But to the world, the effects were momentous."Hohoho... This shall do. Now, Kusanagi G.o.dou shall finally appreciateone"s exalted spirit."All sorts of stones began to roll before Athena.Stone ships, stone roads, stone towers, stone fortresses.There were also many man-made artificial stones that were used asbuilding materials. But thanks to Athena"s blessing, all had turned intonatural rock.Of course, these humans were also —Gathering in this harbor, all humans had been turned into stone.Even gra.s.s and trees were petrified. In short, everything within sight hadbecome stone without exception.All the boxes running around had also transformed into stone. With asingle glare from the snake G.o.ddess, they all stopped instantly, becomingmotionless stone boxes.Overlooking this silent dominion, Athena was satisfied."Heavens, Earth, Fire, Water. One"s immature destined rival. KnowestAthena"s valor, thou shalt do well to know Athena"s power. Preparestthyself well for one"s onslaught and polishest thy sword!"With bold declarations, she started walking.Everything shall proceed in this manner. Everything turned into stone asone awaited Kusanagi G.o.dou"s arrival. That foolish G.o.d-slayer should thenbe able to realize the G.o.ddess" will to fight. If he was so set in his foolishways that he fails to understand, one would have no choice but to give upand simply execute him without bestowing any honor or praise.Taking quick light steps, Athena walked forth.In the same situation, Lancelot du Lac would have charged straight into theenemy camp in the form of tempestuous lightning.But for Athena — that did not befit the style of the queen who once ruledover the ancient divine realm.Openly strolling into the enemy"s city, displaying valor and might."Preparest thyself, G.o.d-slayer. This day shall be the anniversary of thydeath!""In short, Athena is recklessly acting as she pleases."It was at the Heavenly Reverse Halberd"s excavation site near theKisarazu sh.o.r.e.Amakasu had spread out a map, and was explaining the situation."Almost an hour ago, Athena appeared on Kawasaki"s reclaimed land andstarted to petrify things recklessly and arbitrarily. Although that areacontains mostly factories and warehouses, nevertheless, it"s completelylost. Reports say that the harbor and the parks, ships and cars, humans,animals and plants, everything was turned into stone in little more than tenminutes."Amakasu sighed at this point."As a divine power after all, the petrification ability doesn"t just affectindividual objects. Let alone everything within line of sight, even thingswithin several kilometers along the direction of her gaze will all turn intostone. This has surpa.s.sed RPG boss level enemies, and is more along thelikes of wide-scale map weapons in simulation RPGs."Even though it was a frivolous a.n.a.logy, the wisecrack was not enough tolighten the mood."Next, Athena began moving towards the Ukishima junction, entering thetunnel of the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway. The tunnel interior and thevehicles have all been petrified."Amakasu explained, pointing to the map. Taking the Trans-Tokyo BayHighway from Kawasaki"s Ukishimamachi, it was just a straight road fromKanagawa to Chiba. As expected of Athena, she seemed to have figuredout the geography before making her move."Why is this the only thing that she researches seriously...""Even though she is walking here with leisurely strides, she is still aG.o.ddess. The speed is abnormal. According to reconnaissance reports,she is moving at 20km/h."Amakasu explained further in response to G.o.dou"s comment.Normal humans with healthy legs generally walked at 5km/h or so. Incomparison, it was really fast."The Committee and Kaoru-san have already informed all involved parties.The surroundings have been sealed off, traffic has been restricted, andmovement through Haneda Airport has been stopped. The remainingproblems are the cars driving along the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway and theparking area of the Umihotaru artificial island.""If that"s the case, let"s confront her there."G.o.dou declared swiftly.Everyone — Amakasu, Liliana, Yuri and Ena focused their gaze on G.o.dou."I don"t know if it"s lucky or what, but it"s near the artificial island ofUmihotaru which we pa.s.sed by yesterday. Will that be fine?""Of course. Leave it to me."Liliana turned around in response to the last question.A place they had been to before. That meant it could be reached by awitch"s flight magic. The knight nodded to consent to the suggestion."We shouldn"t have to wait until Athena reaches Kisarazu, right? If weconfront her along the way, we can prevent further losses."Depicted on the map was the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway toll route. G.o.douexplained as he pointed to the parking area on the Umihotaru artificialisland where they had made a short rest stop yesterday. Using Liliana"sflight magic as an emergency means of transport should allow them toconfront Athena there."Right now we still don"t know how to save the people on Umihotaru or theones in the vehicles moving away from the Kisarazu direction. But we"ll tryour best.""Thanks. I still have other tasks to oversee and a.s.sign, so I won"t becoming along..."As expected of Amakasu, he was already used to situations like this.After quickly summarizing the plans, he took out the Heavenly ReverseHalberd from his shirt."I am returning this. Please take it.""But will it really be fine for G.o.dou-san to safeguard it under suchconditions? In a battle against Athena..."Yuri questioned in an elegant tone of voice."If a divine artifact of this sort clashes with Athena"s divinity, what if somedisastrous effect resulted... Ah, of course I am only speculating without anybasis. But somehow it worries me and I could not help but voice myconcerns."Hearing Yuri"s reminder, Amakasu and G.o.dou looked at each other.If the most adept spirit vision user had "worries," how could they simplyignore them?"If that"s the case, why not have Amakasu-san continue holding on to it?Since Amakasu-san is a ninja, if that witch comes along you can alwaysfind a way to escape?"Ena made her suggestion."Ena and Liliana-san, as well as that young master of Hong Kong"s Lufamily. None of us would be able to defeat Amakasu-san in a game ofhide-and-seek. Other than His Majesty, aren"t you the best candidate tokeep it safe?""Eh, is that so?""Yes, even Kaoru-san says that Amakasu-san would be what"s called amaster ninja in modern times.""Please don"t call me something like master thief or master samurai!"G.o.dou stared at Amakasu who seemed quite disgusted.Perhaps he was even more suited to holding onto the divine artifact?Ena and Liliana were already as agile as monkeys or swallows. Amakasunot only surpa.s.sed them in those types of techniques but matched LuYinghua who excelled at long distance travel and thievery. G.o.dou himselfhad zero confidence that he could run away from any one of those peoplementioned."Well, it only applies if the opponent is human. I"m dead if I run into a G.o.d,or the various authorities of the Campiones. And that Divine Ancestor ladyis something more than human but less than divine, isn"t the situationrather delicate here!?""Well well. Divine Ancestors can"t compare to us, it"ll be fine."Not performing jobs that exceeded the compensation of his salary.Amakasu, who often repeated that line, was feeling extremely anxious.Nevertheless, G.o.dou brushed him off indifferently.If there was no problem in ability, then the only issue was a sense of duty.It felt like Amakasu was just grumbling and sighing as he complained.Probably."Hmm... If I find myself really in a bind, I will be trying my hardest to flee toKusanagi-san"s location, okay? My salary doesn"t include any hazard pay,you know."In the end, the Heavenly Reverse Halberd was entrusted to the ninjadespite his mournful declaration.With that, it was finally time for the battle with Athena."Then let"s go, Kusanagi G.o.dou. Another battle against Athena awaits — Ishall, no, we shall a.s.sist you with all our power."G.o.dou nodded silently in reply to Liliana"s softly spoken words.The members heading for the battlefield gathered around the silver-hairedknight. G.o.dou and Mariya Yuri, as well as Seishuuin Ena — The groupwas surrounded by blue light as they flew into the sky.Part 2After flying for slightly more than ten minutes, the spectacular artificialisland of Umihotaru entered into view.The Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway was a wide multi-laned toll route. As aparking and rest stop area, Umihotaru also became a tourist attraction.Its appearance was like a ma.s.sive ocean liner floating on the sea.The first level was a s.p.a.cious multipurpose plaza with a memorial hall. Thesecond and third levels were parking lots. The fourth level contained theobservation deck as well as rows of restaurants and entertainmentfacilities.□liana"s flight magic gave off bright light as they flew through the air.Normally, the sight of such brightness making a landing would havecaused a commotion.But that worry was irrelevant now. G.o.dou and his companions landed onthe multipurpose s.p.a.ce.A cursory glance did not find anyone. The situation could be surmised fromthe announcer"s broadcast:"All guests, please follow directions. We have just been notified that a largeamount of explosives was set up in this facility, and the police has issuedan evacuation request. We hope everyone can follow our staff"s directionsand evacuate as quickly as possible — "A female employee"s recorded voice.It sounded like she was reading with great nervousness. The stiff-tonedannouncement continued repeating on a loop.By now, all the people present should have gathered in the parking areaand sent in turn towards the direction of Kisarazu. Since all the people hadarrived by car, the flow was probably easier to direct compared to otherkinds of facilities."Amakasu-san already mentioned the countermeasures at the scene,right?"G.o.dou nodded.Working in all sorts of capacities, the History Compilation Committeesucceeded in sealing off all traffic from the Umihotaru artificial island to theKawasaki Ukishima junction. Apparently, everyone had been redirectedtowards Kisarazu for safety. Even from the air just now, G.o.dou and hisgroup could see the cars lining up from Umihotaru to escape towardsKisarazu."I remember there"s an observation deck on the top level."Liliana suddenly spoke."Should we stay on guard and watch the Kawasaki direction from there?We should be prepared for Athena"s arrival from a place with goodvisibility.""Good idea. Ena has great vision, so anything strange should be spottedimmediately.""Right... Even though my spirit vision has nothing to do with normal vision,it should be easier to sense Athena"s divine aura from a wide open s.p.a.ce."The two Hime-Miko expressed agreement. There was no reason to rejectthe proposal. G.o.dou answered immediately."Got it. Then let"s follow that plan.""Understood. Oh... Seishuuin Ena and Mariya Yuri should go up there firstto stand on guard. Kusanagi G.o.dou and I will check out the situation at theparking area before joining you two."Liliana gave orders efficiently.The silver-haired blue knight was being more proactive in delegating taskscompared to before. Perhaps it was due to the absence of the one usuallyin charge of coordinating the group — Erica? Or maybe it was due to hernew role as Grand Chamberlain? Probably both."Okay. Then Yuri, let"s go.""Very well. If we spot anything unusual, we will immediately let you twoknow by phone."Yuri and Ena did not object to Liliana"s leadership.I see. G.o.dou found it interesting. In stark contrast with the Italian duo, theHime-Miko pair displayed a weaker sense of cohesion. As a result, the redand blue knights naturally took up the role of G.o.dou"s second-in-commandin turn.The two Hime-Miko took the ma.s.sive escalator up to the top floor.As their figures vanished, Liliana immediately grumbled."...Finally, just the two of us.""...Eh?"Liliana shyly lowered her gaze, her face gone completely red —She seemed emotionally unstable and muttering something under herbreath."Actually, while we were flying I had been wondering how to find someprivate time for us. This went unexpectedly well, excellent.""W-What is this about?"Liliana spoke softly as she approached, causing G.o.dou to ask in atrembling voice. Actually, the current developments were making himrealize "Could it be that!?""Please do not pretend to be ignorant, okay? You are the one moreobsessed with "victory" than anyone. You could not have failed to considerpreparing your weapon before the battle with Athena."She was certainly right. Knowledge gained from instruction magic onlyremained in his mind for about a day or so.G.o.dou had long forgotten the knowledge of Athena he once had."If no one offers knowledge to you, then Verethragna"s [Sword] cannot beformed. In short, that is the situation. Kusanagi G.o.dou.""W-What situation!?"Wait a minute. In truth, he already had a basic idea as soon as Liliana"sbeautiful face drew near.But it was very problematic to treat "that sort of thing" as if it was the mostnatural thing in the world. It was the root cause of why he was labeled as.e.x maniac by society. On the other hand, not having a reliable weaponwould be a huge handicap...G.o.dou was struggling with all sorts of concerns."I believe someone needs to accomplish this mission. So let me, LilianaKranjcar, do the job. Though I sometimes wonder if I am abusing myauthority as housekeeper when I a.s.sume this duty, nevertheless, I still donot want to relinquish it to other girls — "The knight"s expression remained stern and awe-inspiring as always.There were many faces to this knight. Sometimes she was exceptionallyadorable. On other occasions she might be trying to clean up personaldisasters with a frantic expression. Other times, she would display afairy-like beauty of complete vulnerability.Currently, she was very apprehensive from a lack of self confidence."I believe you should prioritize the one waiting by your side, always readywhen you need me... However, umm, if you ever feel like entrusting thisduty to another, of course I shall immediately step down and dismissmyself... I humbly beseech your permission."She looked very unsure as she spoke.She probably had little confidence that G.o.dou would pick her. At thismoment, she lacked her usual domineering att.i.tude, and displayed anextremely adorable side to G.o.dou. This rare expression from Lilianagreatly stimulated G.o.dou"s sense of protective desire.More praiseworthy above all was her determination to go this far in spite ofher embarra.s.sment.With that thought he instantly stole Liliana"s lips."Ah...""I must fight Athena afterwards. So please, I rely on you."G.o.dou briefly whispered as their lips came together again.Tears welled up in Liliana"s eyes as she nodded."Yes, very well. I will tell you everything to know about that G.o.ddess.Because... Because you must obtain victory."Again, G.o.dou pa.s.sionately pressed his lips against the whispering knight"slips.Lips were released and came together time and again. Tongues and salivatangled and mixed together, becoming one. Throughout the process,knowledge and feelings were transmitted.Indeed, G.o.dou had received bonds of magic and intense emotions.They were a little more than ten minutes late by the time they caught up tothe two Hime-Miko.After frantically concluding the ritual, G.o.dou and Liliana went up onto theobservation deck. The two Hime-Miko who got there first immediatelygreeted them."Ah, you finally came. So slow.""Were there any problems down there?"The artificial island of Umihotaru was located in the very center of TokyoBay.This observation deck on the fifth floor was surrounded by sea on all sides.Far into the distance, the streets and of the two prefecturesKanagawa and Chiba could be seen.The view was excellent. This was even a well-known viewing spot for nightscenery.Ena and Yuri were currently gazing at the road from Kawasaki. This wasthe path Athena was expected to arrive from."Umm, as feared, it seems like not everyone has evacuated.""T-That is most correct. In order to protect them we have to put our besteffort. Let us do our best!"G.o.dou and Liliana responded vaguely to the Hime-Miko"s questions.Still, they had gone to properly check the state of evacuation. Taking theescalator up from a certain level of the parking area, the situation belowcould be easily surveyed.There were roughly twenty or thirty vehicles remaining.Even though Umihotaru was a tourist destination, there seemed to berelatively fewer visitors than usual. Perhaps it was fortunate that it was stillearly — before ten in the morning."...Isn"t there something weird about His Majesty and Liliana-san?""...I think you are right. They are both acting unnatural and look kind ofunsettled?"It was because the two had done something together in secret. G.o.dou andLiliana pretended to be calm and avoided answering."Ah! Now that it is mentioned... Perhaps... Could it be... I knew it!""What is it, Yuri? You realized something?""Y-Yes. T-That. Those two must have... Yes, definitely without a doubt."Yuri was suddenly shocked by a certain realization.It was not clear whether it was the result of spirit vision or a woman"sintuition... She began whispering into the baffled Ena"s ear."Then that means the chance for earning credit has been stolen from Enaand you!? How could that happen, it"s so mean!""W-With respect to a battle with Athena, this is a necessary step after all.Please do not say something so presumptuous. B-But still — G.o.dou-san!"Yuri appeared to be rationally persuading her outraged friend, as well asherself.But clearly trying hard to bear her emotions, Yuri suddenly shouted atG.o.dou."Learning knowledge about Athena, eh? Doing it with Liliana-san andtrying to hide it from us both.""Umm... Umm, well.""M-Mariya Yuri. J-Just as you said yourself, this is a necessary ritual forthe battle.""Liliana-san, please be quiet. I am speaking with G.o.dou-san right now."Interrogating G.o.dou who had given a vague answer earlier.Stopping Liliana from explaining, and sending her silent immediately .Somehow Yuri had become the center of the situation. It was unbelievable.She was the extremely conservative type who always tried to keep out ofthe spotlight. However, she also had times when she would suddenlydisplay great power and influence over her surroundings."Regarding that matter, nothing more needs to be said. I also believe, thatit was necessary in preparation for the severe battle ahead. I too, shall putforth my best effort to support.""Uh yeah."Even though she was calm, Yuri"s words were extremely terrifying.G.o.dou could not help but stand up straight. The fact that he was about toanswer "Yes" very respectfully was a secret."By the way, last night"s little tryst with Ena-san is the same. You seem toengage repeatedly in such behavior while trying to hide it from others? Donot forget Your Highness is the one known as [King]. In my humbleopinion, your words and behavior should properly display a king"s dignityand splendor.""S-Splendor?""Yes. Indeed you are equivalent to a tyrant who continually commits acts ofatrocity and willfulness. By the moral standards of ordinary society, youwould probably be described as outrageously indulged in debauchery.Nevertheless, I still know that you are an honest person with heroic ideals."Having spoken thus, Yuri suddenly smiled in a dreamlike manner."I believe this is the reason why I love and admire you, and offer mya.s.sistance. Furthermore, I also believe you will never commit acts ofcowardice... Yes, even along the demonic path towards h.e.l.l, you will walkyour own path with open righteousness."G.o.dou could not stand things any further.She was describing him like a kabuki 1 J performer "indulged in one"s ownart."Yuri was acting like a wife married from a highborn family? Facedwith the husband"s philandering, she generously offered forgiveness"because it is natural for performers." A wise and virtuous wife who firmlygrasped the husband"s reins —"I humbly advise you to show a little restraint in behavior that taints yourhonor. Keeping silent for such reasons is most inappropriate... Now then, iseverything prepared in regards to Athena?"The pressure disappeared all of a sudden.Yuri was back to being a gentle and refined high cla.s.s young lady.Resuming her gentle expression caused the mood to lighten immediately.Whenever she lectured in the past, her imposing presence was alreadyextraordinary... But now it was apparent she had made great progress inboth the gentle and the forceful.(...Hikari also indicated complete helplessness at resisting her elder sister.)G.o.dou observed to himself. Perhaps everyone had grown and matured,having been through so many h.e.l.lish trials.Yuri. Liliana. Even Erica was much different compared to their firstencounter. Compared to before, Ena was also entering human societymore frequently.I too, must be strong — it was time to remind himself.Feeling battle strength rising from his energy center beneath the navel,G.o.dou began to feel a sense of excitement.She arrived? G.o.dou cast his gaze towards Kawasaki.There was not a single car on the multi-laned highway. This must be theresult of the G.o.ddess entering the tunnel section of the Trans-Tokyo BayHighway and petrifying all vehicles and pa.s.sengers along the way.Athena"s beautiful appearance came into view.Openly advancing, she seemed like she was casually strolling on an emptyplain.Nevertheless, she was moving at exceptional speeds. Even if a human ranas hard as possible with reckless abandon, they would be instantly left inthe dust.This was another of Athena and Kusanagi G.o.dou"s numerous reunions.Part 3"Fu — all said and done, thy face looketh mighty spirited compared to lastnight. But "tis insufficient. Completely insufficient."Athena a.s.serted suddenly.Even though she was in the form of a young girl, her frowning expressionwas one which belonged to a haughty queen."Thy expression and thy heart, both lack the determination of a warriorprepared for death on the battlefield. As a G.o.d-slaying warrior, thou artludicrous.""Shut up. Stop imposing your Iron Age style of thinking on modernhumans!"G.o.dou retorted at the G.o.ddess standing on the road beneath.That unbridgeable gap in culture. From the current standoff, it was clearlythe reason why G.o.dou could never build a good rapport with Athena."Regardless, I can"t believe you went to such lengths. If you cause troubleto human society, then I can"t remain silent. I will do everything I can todrive you out of this country.""Even if thou sayst that, "tis not enough."G.o.d and G.o.d-slayer. The gulf between them was far too wide.Athena looked up at G.o.dou from the road. G.o.dou looked down at Athenafrom the observation deck."Drive out? Fool! Why canst thou utter words like slaughter and wipe fromthe face of the earth!? In the face of such a crisis, hast thou not learnt thedetermination of a warrior!?""I have my own ways of doing things! Whether you are a G.o.ddess or aqueen, you have no right to complain!"The physical distance between them was nothing.There was a consensus between the two. What separated them was thedistance known as issouku-ittou no ma 1 J — the battle could begin anymoment by taking a step forward. That was the situation.G.o.dou gestured to the girls, giving an order of "stay back."Liliana, Yuri and Ena immediately obeyed and retreated to the depths ofthe observation deck, preparing for changes in the battle situation. Thatwas their a.s.signed mission."By the skills with which I wield spell words, may justice of the worldmanifest!""Bearers of lingering life, all shall cease activity completely! Ye shall bevanquished here!"Chanting spell words at the same time, G.o.dou used the [Warrior]incarnation while Athena unleashed the divine power of [Petrification]."A cold tombstone that befits ye. That shall be this G.o.ddess" blessingbestowed!"The snake G.o.ddess" song brought forth temporary death.A change started from under her feet. She had been standing on a roadconstructed from thick concrete.However, the man-made road instantly changed in appearance. Becominga rocky plain covered by natural gray stone. No, not only that — even theocean was turned into stone.All the waves on the surface of the surrounding waters of the Umihotaruartificial island had been frozen into stone.Liquid seawater had been turned into solid rock. Athena had petrified allthe seawater within a two or three kilometer radius around her."Now then, sleep. Simply wait to awaken at dream"s end. However, oneshall imprison ye in an eternal dream!"How ridiculous! This meant defeat was not an option!G.o.dou began to chant the spell words of the [Sword]. In order to create theblade of knowledge that could sever Athena"s divinity."As the one who holds all victory in my hands, I am the strongest. Themighty and the indomitable one!"G.o.dou was standing atop Umihotaru"s observation deck.The G.o.d-slaying weapons appeared over his head in the form of spheresof light.They were like thousands of stars hovering in the night sky. One by one,the bright spots of light sliced through Athena"s divinity, paring away at herdivine power."I shall vanquish all evil-doers!"G.o.dou first used the [Sword]"s spell words to surround the entire artificialisland of Umihotaru.This parking rest stop area had now become a ship in distress, floating ona sea of stone. Probably hundreds of people were unable to seek refugewithin the ship? That included G.o.dou himself, Yuri, Liliana and Ena.Furthermore, quite a fair number of cars must have been in mid-route,driving towards Kisarazu.Athena"s [Evil Gaze] prohibited them from reaching their destination.With unshakable willpower, G.o.dou began controlling the [Sword]. Thedivine power of petrification from the G.o.ddess" eyes began to be cut,severed, slashed, and pierced by the blades of light surroundingUmihotaru.It truly was defense as solid as rock. G.o.dou"s [Sword] had turned theartificial island of Umihotaru into a fortress."Hohoho. Thou art too careless, Kusanagi G.o.dou."Athena began to smile.Her lips shaped themselves into an instigating smile, full of mockery."Thy [Sword]... Verethragna"s G.o.d-slaying blade. One hath seen it oncealready. Dost thou believe one would not prepare a counter, knowing oneshall face it again!?""What did you say...!?""Hohoho. Thou shouldst know, the Greek legends of one"s [Aegis]. Havingslew Medusa, Perseus offered her head as a gift to G.o.ddess Athena.Athena afixed Medusa"s head onto her shield to become the [Aegis]."G.o.dou recalled the sculpture of G.o.ddess Athena.In Greek sculptures, she was often depicted bearing a shield. That shieldwas engraved with a design bearing the snake-haired monster Medusa"slikeness. It was said to protect Athena using its magical power to turneverything into stone."For the sake of countering thy [Sword], one hath imitated the cla.s.sic storyof the [Aegis]. Indeed, Medusa was one of the many names of thisG.o.ddess. Having retrieved the Gorgoneion, one"s many names had beenreunited once more."G.o.dou saw it —Standing behind Athena, another Athena manifested.He had seen her before. It was the G.o.ddess" teenaged appearance whenshe matured from her p.u.b.escent form.p.u.b.escent Athena. And mature Athena as an eighteen-year-old maiden.Both G.o.ddesses were appearing in splendor at the same time!" "Only at this moment, have the G.o.ddesses been separated once more." "" "Namely, Athena and Medusa. Medusa and Athena. Kusanagi G.o.dou,thou hast severed the divinity of Athena, but what shalt thou do aboutMedusa?" "The two G.o.ddesses spoke together softly in perfect unison.— Oh no! G.o.dou instinctively knew what was about to happen.In the past, G.o.dou had also done similar things himself. Changing the[Sword]"s target during battle. This strategy was a direct counter to it.Athena was intentionally splitting apart her divinity!" "One is Athena, G.o.ddess representing Darkness. Master of theUnderworld as Queen of the Night." "" "One is Medusa, G.o.ddess blessing the Land. Master of the StoneChamber as Queen of the Earth." "" "As such, humbly acceptest the curse bestowed by this G.o.ddess. Kindlyturnst into an ice-cold corpse and layst thyself in the Underworld." "" "As such, humbly acceptest the blessing bestowed by this G.o.ddess.Kindly turnst into an ice-cold statue and returnst thyself to ash and dust." "The spell words from the two G.o.ddesses attacked Umihotaru.Athena"s [Death]. The grim reaper"s curse that dragged everyone towardsthe afterlife.The use of such a contemptible power greatly infuriated G.o.dou. A waymust be found to deal with it. Accelerating the [Sword], he completelyslashed apart the pulse of [Death].However, the evil gaze of Medusa"s [Petrification] could not be eliminated.No way to defend, no way to counter!The entire interior and facilities of Umihotaru directly below him werecompletely petrified.Kusanagi G.o.dou was not going to fall to this petrification. Even though itwas a divine authority, as long as he made use of the power flowingthroughout his body, a Campione"s body was able to endure.But what about everything else?Amongst them were other living things, vehicles, machinery, plant life, aswell as his companions.With no way to resist."Mariya! Liliana! Seishuuin!"G.o.dou yelled. He yelled as hard as he could. However, before his eyes,Mariya had been turned into a beautiful stone sculpture.Liliana had also turned into a fairy-like stone sculpture.But there was one sole exception."Your Majesty, please! That one — to use as Ena"s power — !"In the instant she was turning into stone, Seishuuin Ena shouted andreached out with her hand.Towards G.o.dou. Seeking what G.o.dou possessed, her partner."Please, Ama no! Go protect Seishuuin!"G.o.dou ordered the divine sword dwelling in his arm. To reach her in timeno matter what.The one-meter-long sword manifested in Ena"s hand. Its blade was blackas the darkest night. This was the divine Ama no no Tsurugithat appeared in the form of a sword.As G.o.dou"s partner, the sword was entrusted to its other partner.Divine possession — the act of bringing down divine might upon one"sbody, was an ultimate skill that only Ena could use."I shall swing this divine blade like the wind! My body shall be one with thedivine metal of destruction!"Instantly promoted to a superhuman existence, the Hime-Miko swung Amano no Tsurugi.The jet-black blade captured the G.o.ddess Medusa"s petrification pulse,absorbing its power, thereby protecting the wielder"s body."d.a.m.n it, it doesn"t help the others!""Ah, thou lookest plenty more spirited than before, Kusanagi G.o.dou!"The beautiful G.o.ddess pounced upon G.o.dou as he gnashed his teeth.From the road far below, she made a great leap and flew like a bird,reaching the observation deck in a single bound."Thy courageous pupils burn with fury and vengeance. Now that is a truewarrior, forsooth!"Athena and Medusa were reunited as one again.The p.u.b.escent girl and the teenager had merged into an eighteen ornineteen-year-old maiden.Savagely attacking G.o.dou in this form, she slashed with her handrepeatedly. Athena"s slender hand was deadly as a lance wielded by adeath knight."Gwah —ah!"G.o.dou screamed as the flank of his abdomen was sharply sliced open.Flesh severed, innards ruptured, blood spewed forth. This was on the levelof incised injuries caused by bladed weapons.Against such an avatar, the [Sword] was no longer effective. G.o.douimmediately switched to the [Camel] incarnation, counterattacking Athenawith a sweeping kick!"Hohoho. Very well, one"s blood boileth, burning inexhaustibly!"Jumping to evade the kick, the G.o.ddess bore a fearless and terrible smile.With absolute fury, G.o.dou glared severely at that beautiful face.Part 4Verethragna"s fourth incarnation, the [Camel].Using this incarnation required severe injuries beyond a certain level.In return, it conferred b.e.s.t.i.a.l combat abilities, kicking power to send G.o.dsflying, resilient endurance to pain, and exceptional healing.G.o.dou felt the pain on his flank subsiding as he prepared to continue thebattle."Thou hast been hiding such a power! As expected from the authorityusurped from the warlord of the everchanging forms, how marvelous, asight to behold!"Athena guffawed as she began swinging the giant scythe she hadsummoned to use as a close combat weapon.Swinging the scythe with both hands, the sight was reminiscent of the grimreaper"s signature weapon. The blade was black as the darkest night.Relying on the [Camel]"s gifts, G.o.dou evaded successfully.Verethragna"s fourth incarnation, the [Camel].Such combat skills were beyond human ability. Rather, these skills wereswift as a savage beast, controlling his perceptive body, striking out withkicking attacks.Kicks that could shatter stone. Nevertheless, Athena managed to blockusing the jet-black scythe"s shaft.Was it successful due to being a G.o.d"s supernatural weapon, or was it dueto Athena"s own divine skills? Struck by the [Camel]"s kick, the woodenshaft did not shatter but absorbed the impact instead."d.a.m.n it, didn"t work, huh — !"G.o.dou endured the pain in his flank as he desperately engaged in closequarter combat.Evading Athena"s swinging scythe, counterattacking with kicks, avoidingher counters with beast-like movements, attacking in return.G.o.dou had no knowledge of martial arts.But a Campione"s warrior instincts told him, the [Camel] was ridiculouslystrong. Even someone extremely talented as Lu Yinghua would beknocked out in one hit. It could gain the upper hand over Doni, and evenfight Luo Cuilian to a standstill. That was how it was.Perseus was the same. And now Athena too.Their martial arts could be considered the human pinnacle by default.Few geniuses could reach that divine realm even if they endured pain andsuffering, madly training themselves until they coughed out blood. Becausethe level of the divine was completely ridiculous.Rather, one should express the highest praise towards Doni and the swornelder sister who managed to match G.o.ds with their human bodies."Nevertheless, Kusanagi G.o.dou."The G.o.ddess swung her scythe with absolute might. Even Verethragna"s[Camel] could not completely stand up to it. Cuts and incisions multipliedacross G.o.dou"s body, bleeding away.As a result, Athena calmly declared:"Didst thou think that one would compete with thee like a human? Usingmighty authorities to vanquish foes, now that is the way of one"s kind!"G.o.dou trembled. If that was case, he might not last.He had rushed in for a battle of close combat because the [Camel] wasonly suited to an exchange of physical blows.That was how he managed to maintain an even battle. However, if magicwas mixed into it —"O Shadow, submergest."Athena softly spoke the spell words.Behind her, a black shadow was squirming like a snake."Becomest fangs that tear iron apart, makest haste!"At the same time, Athena slashed with her scythe from the side!"Danger, Your Majesty!"Ena instantly squeezed her way in between.Ka! The Hime-Miko of the Sword blocked Athena"s scythe using Ama no Tsurugi while G.o.dou desperately lurched sideways toescape the black fangs."...Miko? Dost thou intend to intrude our sacred territory as a lowlywench?"The first time —Athena glanced at Seishuuin Ena for the first time.She entered the G.o.ddess" view for the first time. However, there was noacknowledgement."Desperately throwing thy human life away, merely relying on divine grace,this pittance of power cannot compare to one"s kind. Knowest thy place.""Even if it"s a G.o.d"s orders... Ena will not listen!"Ena raised Ama no no Tsurugi before her.She had apparently been waiting for an opportunity to intervene."Kusanagi G.o.dou is my husband! Seishuuin Ena has decided to guard himwith her life. Even though I know you are the queen of the Mediterranean— Ena will not back down!"Muttering softly, the Hime-Miko"s body was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with Ama no Tsurugi"s divine power.Divine possession. Even on a very small scale, it was a mystic techniquethat conferred divine might."How"s that, Your Majesty? Ena can fight by your side. Surely I will provemy worth!""Ah yes. I definitely can"t win this G.o.ddess by myself. Thanks."G.o.dou immediately answered affirmatively.Humans who could fight alongside Campiones were virtually nonexistent.In previous battles against G.o.ds, everyone had been providing supportfrom the back. The only exception was probably Erica when she was underVerethragna"s protection. However, what about Ena under divinepossession —"By the blessing of bows and arrows, bestow honor upon this great sword!"Ena chanted spell words and raised her beloved sword up high.Ama no no Tsurugi. The jet-black blade slowly began to curve.This was a technique for increasing slashing power.The heretic divine sword that vanquished foreign invaders since ancienttimes."Sing of death, guide death, dance to death — Become Athena"s servant,the underworld messengers of death!"Athena also chanted a song of disaster in turn. Behind her, the blacksnake resumed its posture.There was not only one. Their heads, shaped like scythe blades, rose oneafter another.Two, three, four — a total of nine snakes finally manifested behindAthena"s back. Their bodies were long, reaching 10m or so in length.These black snakes extended from Athena"s back like the petals of acarnivorous flower, writhing as they moved.And then the battle resumed. While the G.o.ddess advanced, brandishingher other weapon, the iconic grim reaper"s scythe, the nine black snakesalso attacked together.Baring their fangs, lifting their scythe-shaped heads, seeming as if theywould devour everyone on earth."Seishuuin! Don"t attack recklessly, let"s establish a solid defense first!""Got it! This situation is becoming really bad."Keenly aware of G.o.dou"s voice, Ena instantly replied.As befitted the Hime-Miko of the Sword, she understood his intentions froma simple instruction.Since Athena was holding the upper hand, the correct approach would beto endure the crisis patiently, waiting for the opportunity to reverse the tideof battle to their favor!G.o.dou and Ena cooperated, coordinating with each other to face theG.o.ddess.Shoulder to shoulder at times, back to back on other occasions —The [Camel] defended by kicking away Athena"s scythe.Ama no no Tsurugi slashed apart the gaping jaws of the blacksnakes.Ama no no Tsurugi deflected Athena"s scythe.G.o.dou used the [Camel] to send a black snake flying with a kick from hisheel.Even though their teamwork was improvised, they coordinatedextraordinarily well.Ena did not try to show off and single-mindedly served as a "shield."Whenever G.o.dou faced an attack he could not handle alone and showedan opening, the divine sword went to the rescue.Other than that, it was essentially a defensive battle.Avoiding overextending themselves to attack Athena. They did not attackbut only took measures relevant for containment.Ena probably knew very well. Even with divine possession she could notface Athena in a direct confrontation. But acting as a "shield" was perfectlywithin her power.I see — G.o.dou could not help but realize.Ena was different from Erica who was skilled in weaponry, or Liliana whoalways paid close attention to details.She instinctively understood differences in combat potential between friendand foe, battle situations, and what measures should be taken, therebytaking action boldly. This was not conspicuous intelligence but a naturalinstinct for victory.That was Seishuuin Ena"s disposition.Having a similar disposition was likely one of the contributing factors toKusanagi G.o.dou slaying a G.o.d. She was a companion with similarsensitivities. In that case, they could likely succeed in producing amazingteamwork."Glorious I am, victorious I am, Ahura^ grants creation unto me. Chasingfoes as they flee, striking down enemies from the front. Chant my name forthe incantation of victory!"The tactic of retreating to a temporary defensive formation, then attack andcounterattack.G.o.dou chanted Verethragna"s scripture to raise his magical power. Inorder to take back initiative and give Athena a critical blow.The [White Stallion] would be the most suitable. In their previous battle, theavatar of fire had been the decisive move that secured victory.But that too, had been defended last time. Without sufficient preparation,using it could waste his biggest trump card. Because Verethragna"s tenincarnations became unavailable for a full day after each use."Come! Now is the time to make use of the Holy Grail. Please freelyvanquish Athena!"G.o.dou stared wide in surprise.He could vaguely hear Guinevere"s voice — or rather, sense it."Fu! Thou art quite a resilient man! Excellent, Kusanagi G.o.dou. Let one"sauthority smasheth apart the fortress thou hast constructed! Miko whoknoweth not her place, if thou fearest divine punishment then begone fromthis place!"Athena called out loudly.Without their noticing, the battlefield had shifted outside Umihotaru.Due to the snake G.o.ddess" curse, the ocean had been petrified. Standingon waves that originally offered no foothold, G.o.dou and Ena, as well asAthena were engaged in battle.All three of them possessed supernatural agility. Thanks to leg strengthgranted by the [Camel], G.o.dou was able to jump almost 10m without anyrunning start.Leaping around as they battled, they had made their way to this locationon the sea."Now one composeth the song of winter. All plants shall wither, fruit shallfall from trees, petals shall scatter. Thus heralds the season of death anddarkness!"Athena"s spell words resounded across the petrified sea.Ena rubbed Ama no no Tsurugi against the ground and held itin a preparatory stance. This divine sword had the ability to absorb andtear apart all sorts of spells and spirit powers.No matter what authority the G.o.ddess used, all shall be cleaved for thesake of G.o.dou"s protection —This determination of hers was readily apparent. Nevertheless, will she besuccessful?A terrifying coldness was emanating from Athena"s body. Just the act ofstanding near her was chilling to the bone. It was the freezing temperatureof permafrost.She was the queen of darkness and the underworld. The grim reaper ofgrim reapers who disseminated winter and death.Was Seishuuin Ena capable of subduing such a power with her mortalbody? Could G.o.dou, who was not omnipotent, defend against it?"As the one who holds all victory in my hands, I am the strongest. Man anddevil — all enemies, all who harbor enmity will be vanquished!"But still, it had to be done no matter what — !Steeling his determination, G.o.dou raised his magical power at this time."In past days, the White G.o.ddess created a vessel. Sacred amongst theearth mother G.o.ddesses, immortality, wisdom, all were poured forth into it.Hence the Holy Grail was born..."The voice of Guinevere could definitely be heard.It was not a transmitted sound but a voice that came from within G.o.dou, avoice from the heart.The artifact known as the Holy Grail, is the vessel for absorbing life forcefrom the earth mother G.o.ddesses. Sometimes from the of deadearth mother G.o.ddesses, other times from living G.o.ddesses, the Holy Graildevours their life for nourishment..."This was the spell taught in the earlier encounter.The [Spell of the Holy Grail] mentioned by Guinevere, was this it?"Just by performing a few procedures, no earth mother G.o.ddess canescape the Holy Grail. Furthermore, this sacred treasure currently liesdormant within Athena..."What? G.o.dou stared at Athena in surprise.The G.o.ddess of darkness was intending to fully unleash her authority. Itcould be felt clearly. Perhaps due to activating the [Spell of the Holy Grail],her actions could be discerned with clarity.Swallowed within the body of the beautiful G.o.ddess, the object resemblingan urn — that must be the Holy Grail!How should that divine artifact be revived? It was highly probable thatAthena would attempt countermeasures. All this was clear to G.o.dou.His mind pondered freely about how he could use that artifact to swing thebattle in his favor.Why would that kind of object be inside Athena?Why did Guinevere tell him how to use it?These questions of doubt swirled into a vortex. However.The sight of Yuri and Liliana, turned into beautiful statues, surfaced in hismind. If he did not defeat Athena here they could not be saved. Ena wouldlikely be sacrificed too.— Victory must be obtained. For the sake of saving everyone, Athena mustbe defeated!Fighting spirit dispelled all doubts. G.o.dou yelled out at Ena who answeredreadily."Til sweat the small stuff later! We must end things here. Seishuuin, giveme that thing!""Understood, it"s ready!"Seeing G.o.dou rush towards Athena, Ena immediately understood.Ama no no Tsurugi. She handed her beloved sword to G.o.dou.G.o.dou grabbed the Ama no no Tsurugi he had lent out andcontinued running. The G.o.ddess was single-mindedly raising her divinepower. It was like the instant before a dam"s rupture.The nine snakes behind her tried to bite G.o.dou at the same time.G.o.dou made a forward thrust with Ama no no Tsurugi.The divine sword, also known as the "Kusanagi Sword," started movingautonomously, tearing through the black snakes. Watching from the back,Ena was moving her partner through her thoughts."O Messenger of winter! Extendest thy icy-cold hands, and stealest the thewarmth of life!"In that very instant, Athena also chanted spell words, unleashing herauthority.A violent blizzard began to blow with the G.o.ddess at its center.It was not just a blizzard. It was wild and riotous wind blowing from theunderworld, bringing temperatures colder than ground-level permafrost.Magical wind that froze everything completely on contact, shattering themdirectly. This gust of cold air could very well be equivalent to absolute zerotemperature.Even the exceptionally resilient Campione would not be able to withstandit."Regrets of the White Queen, become my power now!"G.o.dou yelled out the spell words without hesitation.This was the incantation for awakening the Holy Grail. The magical wordsfor absorbing a mother earth G.o.ddess" life force." — !? What, wherefore art thou using this!?"In the middle of releasing a blizzard, Athena was surprised.Her whole body began shining with golden light.It was like the faint light of dying fireflies on a midsummer"s eve. It camefrom the sacred urn buried deep within Athena — the Holy Grail.A demonic icy blizzard was violently blowing, piling a snowy plain upon theplain of rock.At the same time, the golden brightness was rising vertically straight up. Itwas like an upright pillar of light."Ancient Grail, now is the climax of the battle! Knowest thy place!"Athena commanded the pillar of light that rose into the clouds.She had to divert her attention to suppress the Holy Grail"s action. If thislight continued to shine, Athena"s life force would be rapidly drained.The height of the pillar of light shrank by half, but this also meant herattention was diverted away from controlling the blizzard."Please, Seishuuin! Ama no!"G.o.dou swiftly called out.Ama no no Tsurugi had the ability to absorb spells and spiritpowers, tearing them apart.It was likely ineffective when Athena was at full power. However, aiming atAthena whose concentration had been disrupted by the sudden crisis, amere window often-odd seconds, the blizzard was sliced apart.Ena responded appropriately to G.o.dou"s orders.Standing from behind and directing Ama no with her thoughts,Athena"s divine power was severed."W-What— ?"Athena was shocked. Successfully cutting apart the blizzard offered someslight respite.G.o.dou let go of the divine sword and jumped using the [Camel]"s legstrength. Leaping high into the air, he unleashed a descending kick. It waslike a shooting star flying down from the heavens —A full powered kick from up high, it ended up striking Athena in her leftshoulder!"Ooh — !?"G.o.dou could feel from beneath his foot the shattering of the G.o.ddess"shoulder.Struck by this attack, Athena began spinning like a top and was sent flying.She must have sustained a fair amount of injury. With that, the tide ofbattle should have turned back to G.o.dou"s favor!Determined, G.o.dou made a stance.The light emitted from Athena"s body had almost vanished. The Holy Grailmust have been suppressed once again. In the parlance of sumowrestling, this was Nekodamashi.^Simply sleight of hand. G.o.dou did not believe the same tactic could workagain.Suddenly, Athena"s body began to give off light again.Rising up high as if bursting through the heavens. Such forcefulnessdwarfed the sight just now.What on earth was happening?As G.o.dou watched in shock, the radiating brilliance had illuminated thepetrified plains of the sea and Umihotaru with a golden color."AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH — !"Athena screamed out in pain.Part 5In terms of human history, the following story happened far in the past.It must have been over five hundred years since the man known as theMessiah had died.In the land now called Europe, there existed a number of Devil Kings.Those who had slain G.o.d and usurped divine authority. The violentG.o.d-slaying warriors whose hearts were consumed by battle. From theperspective of humanity, having just one of these monsters appearing inan era was a miracle.But this was a rare moment in history.An apocalyptic era when several of these rare characters had appeared,vying for domination.All sorts of incredible people were drawn to these Devil Kings. Theyworshiped the [Kings], hoping to serve them.A certain [King] commanded equestrian tribes, incessantly invading theterritory of other nations.A certain [King] was a pure berserker. He was surrounded by ferociousbarbaric tribes who admired him and became his followers.A certain [King] was completely devoted to researching magic, hoping torule over the demonic magi, priests and astrologers who inhabited the filthyalleyways of the imperial capital, Rome.A certain [King] could not be bothered with such things, choosing insteadto wander between nations, displaying mindless valor.Last of all, a certain [King] had turned the island of Britain into his ownhunting grounds.The island was in a state of chaos at the time. Though the Roman Empireoriginally ruled this land, they had abandoned it, leaving it to internal strifeand constant invasion from neighboring barbarians.Legends told of the island"s [King] who was a suzerain Roman general.Tasked with guarding Britain from barbarian invasions, he was sent thereaccompanied by a few troops.Arriving at the land of his new post, he slew a G.o.d and became a DevilKing —Whenever outsiders invaded the island, he would immediately interceptand defeat them. But he never slaughtered his enemies completely, thusallowing them to encroach again. Whenever internal rebellions occurred,he suppressed them immediately. But always, he permitted themastermind to escape, thus sowing the seeds for new rebellions.Well, that was basically how things repeated time and again.The G.o.d-slaying [King] loved hunting more than anything, and his favoriteprey were living humans. For the sake of this hobby, all he cared aboutwas indulging in his pleasure of the hunt on the lands of Britain.As a result, ancient Britain was an apocalyptic world. The end of an era.While the common people were ravaged by incessant warfare, Heappeared.He challenged the hunt-loving [King] and obtained victory.A hero indeed. A brave warrior indeed.The people of Britain worshiped him, calling him "Artos."Furthermore, the other [Kings] on the continent began to direct theirattentions towards the hero who had slain a Devil King. The appearance ofa worthy foe. Perhaps, if one could murder him with one"s own hands...This was the beginning of a series of death matches, not recorded in anyhistory book.Eventually, the name of "Artos" was slightly altered in p.r.o.nunciation tobecome "Arthur," thus leaving a trail in history and legends.King who manifests at the end of eras, he was the master of the WitchQueen Guinevere."Guinevere originates from a G.o.ddess who fought alongside Master andSir Knight. However, Guinevere no longer retains memories of those times,and can only learn about Master"s great accomplishments through recordsof the past."A young blonde beauty was standing on a beach in the Far East.Naturally, this was Divine Ancestor Guinevere."Hmm. However, after a long and difficult search, you — or rather, it wasyour previous incarnation who finally found Master"s avatar, the divinesword — discovered those remains."Standing by Guinevere"s side, the knight spoke solemnly.Lancelot du Lac.Clad in beautiful white armor, the knight"s face was hidden by the helmet"slowered visor. He held a lance in his hand.The ancient sword Excalibur which had awakened and was reborn as adivine lance."Furthermore, as the present generation"s Guinevere, you have graduallyadvanced towards the sacred grounds where Master sleeps. Look!"Lancelot pointed at the sea surface with the tip of the lance.This island kingdom of the Far East had engendered all sorts of myths,mysteries and legends. Standing on the beach, the white war G.o.d pointedat the sea before him. The sight was as brilliant as the sun rising over thesea"s horizon.The light from the Holy Grail"s absorption of the earth mother G.o.ddess" lifeforce could be seen."The young G.o.d-slayer fell into your trap and awakened the Holy Grail heldby Athena. Of course, she will suppress it once again.""Yes. But before that happens, Guinevere will finish the task properly!"Staring at the golden light, she began to summon magical power."Graal of legend, I beseech you to let me hear your voice. The daughter ofthe White G.o.ddess ignites seven candlesticks. Recall your past glory."The image surfacing in her mind was directly converted into magicalenergy.Guinevere wielded magic naturally. Those known as Divine Ancestors,were temptresses who were able to use magic as freely as their own limbs.By the time the spell was complete, the golden light was already quite faint.Initially it had been tall enough to reach the clouds, like a pillar of light. Butnow, the beam of light was gradually weakening, and almost could not beseen from this beach. Nevertheless, there was still enough time.Before Athena completely suppressed the Grail, Guinevere seized theopportunity to ascertain the Holy Grail"s existence."O White G.o.ddess. As the descendant of your divine self, this girlbeseeches you. Bestow upon the sacred cup and the Divine Sword ofSalvation, the link that connects these two vessels once again!"The "pathway" which connected the life-absorbing Holy Grail to theplanet-slicing divine sword.Through this invisible "pathway," the life force absorbed from Athena bythe Holy Grail was being infused into the divine lance Excalibur held inLancelot"s hand.Athena"s body must now be emitting many times more light than before."Hmm. With that, the divine blade can be swung without any hesitation."Lancelot pointed the the lance tip towards the heavens.The platinum-colored blade flashed with a radiant l.u.s.ter."Yes. In order to connect the Holy Grail with the divine sword,Kusanagi-sama"s power was used. Things went smoothly as planned, howrea.s.suring."The young Campione had only managed to awaken the Holy Grail for abrief period.Seizing that disruption, affirming the Grail"s existence and immediatelyconnecting it to Excalibur. This was a mystical technique only the WitchQueen could perform. A superlative divine skill."Hoo... Now it is clear that your decision was correct."Lancelot said rea.s.suringly to the one under his protection.Were he not wearing a helmet, a smile would likely be seen on the warG.o.d"s face."Since these are the ones who can slay this Knight"s kin, the G.o.ds, then noscruples will be spared to make use of all weapons to a.s.sure victory...Phrasing it that way should be acceptable, right?""Yes, it is true. After all, as a G.o.d-slayer, he is a b.a.s.t.a.r.d child of the foolEpimetheus!"Guinevere remarked with derision.However, her young and beautiful face was trembling from fear."But then again, the very fact that they are fools is why they poseunforeseeable threats to our plans, becoming formidable foes. What agroup of shocking people!"Lancelot listened to the beloved child"s sighs as they walked along thebeach.Waiting ahead was the white divine horse. It was the divine beast thatserved him, the friend who galloped with him across battlefields."Girl, as a heretic this Knight does not know how much more time can bespent by your side. However, before the day we part, this Knight swears tolead you to Master"s side!"The inevitable farewell.This was exactly Guinevere and Lancelot"s worry.Deviating from their proper divine depiction in the myths, whether due toconfusion, insanity or obsession, [Heretic G.o.ds] were imprisoned on earth.The war G.o.d had given up being the Witch Queen"s guardian for the sakeof liberating all his power.It was still fine for now. Lancelot had become Guinevere"s guardianthrough bonds forged over a millennium. Nevertheless, there will come aday when he will be devoured by the distortions of being a [Heretic G.o.d],thus beginning a wayward path, leaving the beloved child behind.Regardless, Lancelot mounted his beloved horse, and began gallopingthrough the air."O Ancient steel, become this Knight"s strength. Let one become the bladethat sweeps away the saplings of riotous commotion!"Spell words were chanted in midair to awaken the divine blade.The essence of the earth powered this sword. The purer the better theeffects.For obvious reasons, a vast fertile plain would be filled with greaterquant.i.ties of essence compared to a barren desert. However, the mostideal source was the life force inhabiting mother earth G.o.ddesses..."By the hero"s honor, this Knight displays d

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