
Chapter 73

Chapter 6 - Before the DuelPart 1A beautiful garden was situated before a mansion reminiscent of Heian erapalatial architecture.Rockery was heaped and trees were casually planted at calculatedpositions. The constructed pond was wide enough for boats and evencontained three islands, linked to one another by vermilion-paintedbridges.A specially allotted plot of land which embodied the essence of beautifulnatural scenery.There was only one inhabitant in this garden.This alluring otherworldly beauty, whose eyes were dark with worry.Even though she was wearing a traditional kimono in the extravagant styleof the juunihitoe^, her hair was flaxen in color instead of black. Her eyeswere the color of gla.s.s. The features of the beautiful face seemed almostsculpted. All this was evidence that she was no native of j.a.pan."Oh, did you sense the chaos in the real world too, Princess?"Someone greeted the Princess who was standing on the pond"s edge asshe gazed at the water surface."Yes. The attendant of the "King of the End" seems to have finallydiscovered that j.a.pan is the location of the king"s grave..."The Princess of Gla.s.s turned around to face the strongly-built old man.Compared to the Princess" juunihitoe, his clothing style was even moreancient.A white tight-sleeved gown combined with a loose-fitting hakama. Had thehair been divided into left and right halves and tied near the ears, theappearance would greatly resemble Yamato Takeru.However, his disheveled hair was as unruly as a bird"s nest."By human calendars, he must have slept for over a millennium. One couldsay it is time for the tide to ebb. It appears that the brat will soon awaken."The elderly hero spoke with a bored expression.The Princess and others called him "The Old One." His name was HayaSusanoo no Mikoto, and was once the [Heretic G.o.d] who wandered theearth, bearing the Ama no no Tsurugi.Now he had made the Netherworld his home, living in seclusion.Abandoning the human world and all sorts of troublesome issues, livinglike a hermit in this place. Like him, the Princess was doing the same thing.However, there were intertwined fates which could never be severed nomatter what."In the end, even though I escaped to a place like this, he could very wellstill be connected to me somehow..."Susanoo naturally recalled his last appearance.A layer of poignant battle-hardened vigor gradually proliferated across hisoriginally handsome face like the spreading of iron rust. And carved outdeeply an expression of battle-weariness —"Because the one who put you all in this state, was that brat."The elderly G.o.d went "hmph" in response to the Princess" worries."Well, since we"re already here, then just treat it as a vacation to highplaces for now. We"re all just a bunch of retired geriatrics. After all, it"sabout time we stop intervening in the troubles of the human world."The Princess nodded. Right. But first, the situation had to be followedclosely.How should the dying mother earth G.o.ddess be dealt with? Or perhaps itwill finally be clear whether Kusanagi G.o.dou had the power to causevexation to the "King of the End."How will he respond to that G.o.ddess" wish — ?The Princess cast her gaze towards the pond surface. Just like that, thesituation on earth was reflected onto the water surface. Like the womenknown as the Divine Ancestors, she was also one who controlled magic aseasily as if it were the simple act of breathing.Part 2"Now, the news media have all been successfully brought under control."Sayanomiya Kaoru remarked as she watched the mini One-Seg^television.It was a Sunday morning news show known for its distinctive style. On thefour-inch screen, several commentators were chatting amiably with thehost."Even though parts of Kawasaki and the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway, aswell as the artificial island of Umihotaru have been petrified... Majorincidents of that sort are taking place right now, as long as there are noreports, 99% of the citizens will be completely oblivious of the truth."Within Kisarazu city in the Chiba prefecture, Athena"s statue stood uprighton the sh.o.r.e.After getting dressed and finishing breakfast, G.o.dou returned to this place,and Kaoru immediately arrived.With that, the preparation and background work were all complete."Wow, none of the stations have reported any news about this region."Impressed, G.o.dou exclaimed.During this time before the battle, Kaoru had brought the One-Segtelevision here and had been changing channels repeatedly, checking allsorts of shows.Unwittingly, their gaze was cast towards the sea.From the Kisarazu coast, extending towards the Trans-Tokyo Bay HighwayUmihotaru and its surroundings had been transformed into a desolatepalace of stone.Furthermore, the tunnel connecting to Kawasaki was parked with hundredsof vehicles all turned into stone.Within the vehicles sat many statues. Since the car doors could not beopened, there was no way to rescue pa.s.sengers. Nevertheless, it wouldhave been impossible to understand the situation if one were viewing fromafar."Originally, this would be a critical incident that would naturally havespecial reports broadcasted on every station. If Athena"s appearance couldbe widely disseminated to all parties, perhaps the affected areas couldhave been reduced slightly in scope... At least, Haneda Airport would nothave been caught up in this."G.o.dou nodded in agreement with Kaoru.The number of a.s.sociated personnel at the Airport must be much lower incomparison, which would make it much more difficult to keep informationsecret."What about online?""It"s kind of borderline. The nearby residents are suspicious, and therehave been complaints posted on blogs and forums, but we will do ourutmost to control the situation."Kaoru explained fluently.Come to think of it, Amakasu had once explained "doing this and that tothe servers in an emergency" when G.o.dou wondered about theiremergency computer policy.They must be diligently preparing for that as well."We disclosed some plausible-sounding speculation and false information,including some facts that we deliberately mixed in. Well, there is no way foranyone to gather definitive intelligence anywhere near the truth without ourknowing. Besides, there"s that no matter what.""That?""I don"t think anyone easily accepts as truth what they read about online,right? Especially if the actual situation is ridiculous and unbelievable."That was true too. G.o.dou understood.Even if someone revealed the truth directly, they would be suspected ofmental illness, or at least thought to be joking.G.o.dou"s mother, Kusanagi Mayo, had once recounted with greatseriousness the story of the relative who had been sent to the UnitedStates Marine Corps for counseling camp and rehabilitation because ofdelusions that "Michael Jackson will revive one year from now to bringsalvation to mankind." His mother"s words were still fresh in G.o.dou"s mind.To G.o.dou"s knowledge, she was probably the most ridiculous unbelievablewoman he ever knew."The only way to know the truth would be to visit the scene. However,people able to break through the blockade prepared by our Committee donot exist in the normal world.""There"s probably no need to worry to that extent. I"m sure that the petrifiedpeople and objects will be recovered.""Understood. Then hurry and prepare to save them. You really are usingthe [Sword], right?"G.o.dou shook his head at Kaoru"s question.That was the natural decision after all. Kaoru"s suggested method wascorrect. A choice of action that could resolve the incident without anychallenge.Just slay Athena while she was still in stone.The petrification wrought by Athena could be easily neutralized by the[Sword]"s spell words.Even someone nowhere near as smart as Kaoru should be able tounderstand that her suggestion was correct. However, Kusanagi G.o.doucould not take that choice. If he did, it would not be able to satisfy all hiswishes. Saving Yuri and Liliana, as well as everyone else, dealing with thatG.o.ddess" determined wish — It could not satisfy this willful impulse."The [Sword] needs to be used somewhere else. Please continue toprepare for saving the people turned into stone. Things should probably goas planned."Even though he could not explain it, G.o.dou was certain. Tentatively.All along, G.o.ds had never acted in any underhanded manner like villains.At least from the perspective of their own intentions. This was probablysimilar to the reason why they never acknowledged humans in theslightest.That said, it was impossible to guarantee.G.o.dou was exasperated at himself for taking on such a gamble."Your wish is my command, my king. No matter what, all you need to do isask."Kaoru replied respectfully. It was delivered with elegance as if spoken bysome upper cla.s.s n.o.ble who had left the royal palace.Due to the speaker being an elegant cross-dressing beauty, the effect waseven more p.r.o.nounced."Really, I"m always bringing trouble...""Following the decrees of the Your Highness the Devil King is our duty.Please pay no heed to it. As for me personally, there is a substantialgamble involved. Even though what I staked currently escapes me."Kaoru signaled with her eyes as G.o.dou became suspicious."Using methods beyond my imagination, and taking action in ways I am notpermitted by my position. It is a rare treat for me to be able to a.s.sist Kusanagi-san like this. Well, it"s still too early to say what might happen toYuri and the rest, but my heart sure is racing at this point."The History Compilation Committee core member smiled, lightly biting herlip.As an eighteen-year-old woman, her chest was surprisingly svelte."Precisely because of this dark side, as long as my wits and talents cankeep up with your capricious and overbearing ways, I actually welcome allyour unreasonable demands. This is an opportunity for you to entice toyour side someone like me who is able to a.s.sist you."She was like a beautiful devil marketing herself as the great Devil King"sright hand. Or perhaps Mephistopheles^ visiting Dr Faust.Having to deal with a beauty of this sort, G.o.dou could not help but startstaring at the sky. His faction seemed to be filling its ranks in an anarchicdirection..."Sooner or later, I will become the Committee"s Chairperson andadminister the wizardry world of the entire country. But having such asmooth path laid out for me is not very meaningful. Creating a new venturewith one"s own hands... That"s the way I like to do things."She was the next head of one the Four Families, as well as being aHime-Miko.The kinship ties to their families, entrapping Kaoru as well as Ena, perhapsran even deeper than could be imagined."In order to get closer to the lifestyle I prefer, please allow me to make useof you as much as possible in our dealings. Consequently, do not worryunnecessarily... Well then, that"s it for me. Let"s handle everything properlyfrom now.""I will rely on you to take care of Mariya and Liliana for me."G.o.dou bowed his head as Kaoru departed.After being rescued from the Umihotaru artificial island yesterday, they hadbeen taken to a hospital near the sh.o.r.e. Naturally, it was a facility backedby the Committee.Due to the proximity of the Heavenly Reverse Halberd"s hiding spot, thattype of facility was particularly common in the area."Most certainly. No matter what situation arises, I will keep things undercontrol. Please fight without reservation."Kaoru"s encouragement was slightly suspect on a moral level, but G.o.doufelt gratified.Once her figure had disappeared in the distance, G.o.dou turned to theother person involved.— Heretic Athena. The G.o.ddess who had turned herself into a statue.There was no one else in the area apart from G.o.dou and her. The securityteam had already left the sh.o.r.e. The Committee had been busy sealingareas of the city that surrounded this coast, telling residents about "theabortive poison gas leak," urging them to undertake emergencyevacuations during the night before morning arrived.Ena had also left for a certain mission.Preparations were fully complete. G.o.dou drew his weapon withouthesitation."As the one who holds all victory in my hands, I am the strongest. Allenemies, all who harbor enmity will be vanquished!"The scripture of Verethragna, the G.o.d of victory. However, there was moreto it."This was where Susanoo no Mikoto started his uprising, leading athousand savage G.o.ds!"He also chanted scripture connected to Susanoo"s beloved sword.In order to combine two blades into one.In order to combine spell words with the divine sword."A thousand swords standing upon the earth, used as city walls to defendagainst the enemies. Namely, the Ama no no Tsurugi."Ama no no Tsurugi had the ability to absorb the tenincarnations of Verethragna used by G.o.dou, thereby amplifying eachother"s divine power, manifesting new powers.Just like the railgun used against the Great Sage Equaling Heaven lasttime."King. The power produced by the sword"s spell words have beenreceived."G.o.dou sensed Ama no no Tsurugi"s thoughts coming from hisright arm."In a normal battle, your blade is the sword of wisdom for slicing G.o.dsapart. However, the blade formed from our union is different. It is truly thesword of wisdom for severing an immortal indestructible divine artifact."Ama no no Tsurugi, both a deity and a divine artifact at thesame time.The blade formed from the union of such an existence was the weapon forslicing through divine artifacts instead of G.o.ds."Using your knowledge of the Holy Grail, the sharpness of the blade hasbeen altered. Now is the time for foes to be vanquished and invaders toperish. Swing to your heart"s content!"In the past, the blade had always formed from comprehension of a G.o.d.But this time it was a blade formed with the wish to destroy a completelyunderstood divine artifact. In particular, G.o.dou was targeting the culpritthat was draining Athena"s life — the Holy Grail.The knowledge had been deliberately instilled by Guinevere. I shall takeadvantage of it in return!"Right. I am very grateful I can use it. Let"s go!""Affirmative! I am the steel that tears through a thousand blades! Awaitingyour command!"The wielder and the divine sword"s thoughts were aligned.In the battle against the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, G.o.dou"s battle spiritand magical power had been raised to the highest limits. Consequently, hecould now resonate with Ama no and draw out that power evenunder normal conditions.On the other hand, this was before the battle started.Had this been a situation similar to the past, he would not be able to wieldit with full control.However, having gone through the ritual with Ena, G.o.dou had nowawakened as the possessor of Ama no no Tsurugi —"Man and devil — all enemies, all who harbor enmity will be vanquished!"Responding to the spell words, Ama no no Tsurugi manifestedin G.o.dou"s right hand.The spectacular blade measuring three feet and three-and-a-half inches.But unlike its usual appearance, the blade was brilliant gold instead ofjet-black in color. The same color as Verethragna"s sword."The holy vessel of taboo! Wither like scattered flowers!"Ama no no Tsurugi called out as it hurtled towards the statue ofp.u.b.escent Athena.The golden blade pierced her delicate chest completely.However, what G.o.dou"s right hand felt was not the sensation of tearingthrough stone or the G.o.ddess, instead it was surely the penetration of theancient divine artifact.Quietly drawing out the blade, he dispelled Ama no no Tsurugiwith a wave of the hand. With that, G.o.dou waited.Five seconds, ten seconds... Almost a minute had pa.s.sed. Athena finallyopened her eyes.The statue of gray stone was restored to a young girl"s supple body offlesh. Her hair once again displayed brilliance and l.u.s.ter as if melded withmoonlight.The Holy Grail had been absorbing her life force.She must have released her stone form after noticing the interruption of theGrail"s action."Kusanagi G.o.dou... Is this thy doing? Thou hast given a blow to the HolyGrail within one"s body?"This could very well be the first time G.o.dou witnessed such an expressionon her face.G.o.ddess Athena"s p.u.b.escent face was gazing upon the G.o.d-slayer withadmiring approval.Part 3"It"s been a day. Even though I have many things I"d like to say, let memake a request first."With many questions for Athena, G.o.dou began in this manner."It"s not like I want a return favor for helping you, so it"s a request. Couldyou return everyone and everything that had been petrified back tonormal?""Forsooth?""You said you wanted a no holds barred battle with me. Since we"refighting anyway, releasing them won"t matter to you, right? On the otherhand, if I am forced into battle in this manner, it"s like having hostages. Iwill be worrying about the people turned into stone and unable toconcentrate on fighting.""Is that what thou wished to say?"She must have felt insulted.Athena"s approving expression vanished, turning into a piercing stare."Thou art planning to rely on the humans once they are liberated from theirinterim death, thereby obtaining dishonorable victory. How impertinent!How shameless! As the G.o.ddess of the Divine Realm, Athena cannotapprove of such underhanded tactics. Knowest thou hast misspoken!"A furious shout. It was basic truth. G.o.ds did not care for humans, simplyconsidering them stones. The thought of "hostages" probably nevercrossed their minds."To me, those petrified people are very important. Even if you can"tempathize, it is truly what I feel. So please, restore everything first.Wouldn"t doing something so low as taking hostages taint your authority?"No matter what, it was necessary to provoke Athena"s sense of pride.Since he had used Verethragna"s [Sword] to halt the Holy Grail"s function,there was no other way to dispel the petrification. This was why he choseto do things this way.He still had a chance. It was not time to give up yet.Luo Cuilian had once said: "A G.o.d"s strength is proportional to the strengthof their ego."Thinking over his past battles, G.o.dou felt this was something he agreedwith.Furthermore, Kusanagi G.o.dou discovered another point. In proportion tothe strength of their ego, they also carried a lot of pride.Even though all G.o.ds inevitably brought calamity to people, they did not actdespicably. All they wanted was to leisurely display their superiority. Eventhat mischievous Great Sage was the same.In that case, such an accusation should come as blow to Athena"s pride.Particularly in this situation when she owed him a favor, it was quiteprobable she would accept his request.It was a kind of gamble. However, the G.o.ddess ultimately had only onewish. If Athena said no — the thought made G.o.dou feel like a stomachache was coming.Nevertheless, even though it seemed like what Kaoru had said... G.o.doudid not agree.He believed there was another reason why his gamble would pay off.The haughty and self-centered G.o.ddess would not disappoint. Even thoughit sounded rather strange, G.o.dou trusted her."Hmph. Very well then."The G.o.ddess smacked her lips as she spoke."As thy senior on the battlefield, for one to bestow charity upon thee, "tisonly proper for a queen. Conversely, accepting thy charity would taint thisG.o.ddess" honor. Very well, Kusanagi G.o.dou. This once, one shall grant thyrequest."Athena proceeded to release a pulse of magic for just an instant. It flewtowards the sea — the direction where the petrified Trans-Tokyo BayHarbor ran.After a short while, G.o.dou"s cellphone began to vibrate in his pocket.Kaoru had informed him that rescue operations had begun."Sorry for troubling you. Thank you very much.""Thy grat.i.tude is not needed. Rather, thou shouldst reflect upon thyshameless heart and impertinent commentary on a queen. Regardless,thou hast already spoken."Athena sneered lightly.Like a ferocious bird of prey having discovered its target, or the delightedexpression of a poisonous snake about to swallow its prey."Thou wert talking about fighting again with hostages held against thee —hast thou realized thy foolishness, and changed thy mind?""Not really. I don"t have anything I need to change my mind about."G.o.dou dismissed his elated foe"s accusation."Anyway, what happened to the Holy Grail? It"s the culprit that robbed youof immortality, right? For now, I think it"s been successfully eliminated.""Forsooth. Thy attack was splendid indeed..."Why? Athena was showing the same expression as from their firstencounter.A smile carrying slight gentleness. It was like the rea.s.sured expression ofan elder witnessing the growth of the younger generation.Sword and sword. Was she praising the combination technique that slicedapart the Holy Grail?Or perhaps, she bore this smile for other reasons? The G.o.ddess" heart wasimpossible to discern."The Holy Grail in one"s body hath been critically damaged and halted infunction. With that, it hath temporarily stopped draining one"s life.""Temporarily?""Yes. Temporarily. The sun shall rise and set once again. Repeating thusad infinitum. To be able to press an immortal indestructible divine artifactinto such a corner, "tis a magnificent sword."Athena praised lightly.She softly pressed her hand against the child-like abdomen beneath herGreek garments.She must have concluded this by using her power as the G.o.ddess ofwisdom (probably similar to Yuri"s spirit vision but hundreds of times morepowerful in perception) to examine the Holy Grail within her."Thou hast also witnessed the Divine Sword of Salvation? Forsooth, "tisdifficult to retrieve the majority of this G.o.ddess" stolen life with one"sremaining strength. Should the Holy Grail successfully start up again, one"sremaining life shall be lost immediately. Hohoho, forsooth, having thisrespite is cause for celebration."Athena indifferently revealed her inevitable death that was to arrive in amatter of days.The Grail was impossible to destroy after all? Since this possibility hadbeen considered beforehand, it did not come as too much of adisappointment to G.o.dou.Ama no no Tsurugi had already hinted. Had Verethragna"s[Sword] been able to achieve that, it would not be surprising to seal aCampione"s authority semi-permanently. But in all his battles so far, no G.o.dhad been defeated by just the [Sword] alone...Even though it was a convenient weapon combining offense and defense,it always seemed lacking in a certain decisive power.It cannot be helped. In that case, I will fight in the manner I have decided."Intentionally sealing the Holy Grail and rousing this G.o.ddess fromslumber. Thou finally wishest to have a proper duel? Dost thou intend torespond to one"s valor, standing atop the battlefield? Tis most agreeable!""That"s not right. Like I just said, my intentions have not changed."G.o.dou shook his head at the queen of warriors who was smilingglamorously.No doubt about it. I will adhere to my own way of doing things no matterwhat."However, if your dying wish is a battle with me, I will respond more orless. A battle without any reservations. But it has to be undertaken in mymanner.""Thy manner?""That"s right. Victory will be mine. I won"t let Athena who wishes to kill meleave without being taught a lesson. After that, I will take that Holy Grail...that thing that"s killing you, and show you how to stop it no matter what.Finally, just like last time, I"ll drive you out of j.a.pan.""...Having reached this critical point, thou still utterest such delusions.One"s death hast already been set in stone."G.o.dou immediately interrupted Athena"s mournful speech."It"s the Holy Grail and the whatever divine blade of salvation that"s killingyou, right? If I catch the owner Guinevere and find out all the details, thengo to the Netherworld to seek out those old guys, there must be a way."It could very well achieve nothing but delay the inevitable. Nevertheless,that was what G.o.dou decided."I"d be very troubled if you died. I still haven"t heard your wish.""One hast already expressed clearly. Answerest this G.o.ddess" challenge,showest thy will and spirit. That shall be the price."G.o.dou stared back at the snake G.o.ddess" gaze."I"ve also mentioned already. I won"t listen to any request that bringstroubles to the surrounding people. Therefore our battle doesn"t count. I"llfirst defeat you, then help you, and listen to another request. Because Ihave already decided, you must use force if you want to change my mind."Saving Athena from the Holy Grail. That was easy to say.On the other hand, it would be challenging to achieve. A dark andunguided path lay ahead. Which was why he wanted to exhibit his "will andspirit" to Athena before the worst outcome arrived.For the sake of this G.o.ddess who expressly wished to duel KusanagiG.o.dou before she died....Despite being a civilized person who treasured peace, the option of"don"t fight Athena and find out how to deal with the Grail" seemed to havedisappeared from his mind.Why G.o.dou rejected such a plan, the reason was as clear as day."Impressive, such growth in this short time."Almost about to say something astounding, Athena shook her head.It did not seem like the behavior of a great G.o.ddess, but more like ahuman"s instead."Thou art careless, an illegitimate child of the fool after all! Forsooth, thouholdst onto incomprehensible weakness, how much longer couldst thousurvive!?"She spoke sonorously in a soprano pitch.G.o.dou did not miss the sardonic glimmer accompanying the G.o.ddess"gaze."One doth not think thou canst become strong while bearing suchweakness... Foolish, forsooth "tis foolish — Alas, it cannot be helped!Furthermore, thou seekest a battle of might against the G.o.ddess of war,such boldness should have limits!" The G.o.ddess who always bore anexpressionless poker face, was now exclaiming with a delightedexpression.So this kind of expression was actually possible for her. G.o.dou thoughtrather rudely to himself."Very well, thou sayst thou shalt defeat Athena. The manner thoudescribed should not work. Then one"s valor shall enlighten KusanagiG.o.dou. Shouldst thou have any objections, then thou shalt voice themthrough force as thou hast proposed."She must have meant something like "If you win then I don"t mind listeningto you."Seeing Athena"s joyful expression, G.o.dou believed without cause.Completely baseless. But incredibly, that was what he believed. Heproceeded to stroll slowly across the beach, listening to the sound ofbreaking waves as he walked.Without saying a word, Athena followed along, quietly walking behindG.o.dou.Even though it would be fine to get started immediately, he still wanted torouse his battle spirits first. Athena must be thinking the same thing.G.o.d and G.o.d-slayer walked as they savored their connection forged byfate.The kind of fateful relationship written as mortal enemy but read aloud as"friend," impossible to articulate to others.The first sign of change Guinevere noticed was the disappearance of theHoly Grail"s presence.She was the reincarnation of the G.o.ddess who created the Holy Grail. Nomatter how far they were separated, even when Athena had devoured theGrail, Guinevere remained firmly aware of its presence. But now, thefeeling was suddenly gone.Furthermore, there was a second change.She sensed the disappearance of the divine power that had beensaturating the area.Athena"s power had vanished. The power that turned everything into stone,whether living things or inanimate objects, organic or inorganic.Guinevere was currently located on the sh.o.r.e a few dozens of kilometersaway from where the G.o.ddess had turned herself into stone.Not at a scenic beach but on top of a treacherous cliff. Beneath her, theearly winter sea was crashing against the rocks, producing waves of white.Guinevere immediately used the clairvoyant [Witch"s Eye] to enhance hervision, and watched.— The great road built over the sea by human hands.— The castle built over there like some kind of ship and fortress hybrid.— The coastal town on the opposite sh.o.r.e to where Guinevere and theG.o.ddess were located.Not too long ago everything was still stone. Whether buildings, roads,ponds or marshes. Even parts of the ocean. Living things, beasts,insignificant microorganisms, flying insects and crawling bugs, everything.All had been of stone. A graveyard of stone.All of a sudden, everything had been restored. Restored to life and vigor,or perhaps simply their original state. All the people and animals that hadbeen turned to stone now lay sprawled and sleeping wherever they were."The curse of petrification is temporary death rather than true slaughter.Bringing things back to life must be child"s play for Athena..."(Beloved child, find Athena, or that young G.o.d-slayer!)Lancelot"s reproach could be heard. Watching over from afar, he too, hadnoticed the change.Guinevere frantically sent a flying [Eye] towards the beach where Athenahad turned herself into stone.Saw it. Facing off against Kusanagi G.o.dou, the awakened G.o.ddess —Guinevere concluded the spell of the [Witch"s Eye] and immediately usedflight magic, taking to the skies, surrounded by white light as she flewthrough the air.In any case, she had to hasten to the scene and investigate whathappened exactly.Then a.s.sist Kusanagi G.o.dou so that he can defeat the G.o.ddess.Just as Guinevere was making her plans and flying without distraction, shewas ambushed.Seishuuin Ena was called the Hime-Miko of the Sword.However, her martial arts mastery was not limited to the sword but alsoincluded the naginata. She was also talented in jujutsu.^ Not only that,she was also trained in the shuriken^ and the iutte^ and concealedT71weapons known as anki. L J Furthermore, she knew archery.Unfortunately, it was not up to the level known as the art of the bow.No matter what, preparing the bow, sighting the target by chance, casuallynocking the arrow and hitting the target was no easy task.Nevertheless, with her exceptionally outstanding vision and excellentinstincts, Ena was able to get a good aim at her target."O Great G.o.d of Arms, I beseech your aid against my enemy... May thisarrow strike right on target."To be on the safe side, she had applied the spell of the [Evil VanquishingArrow] beforehand.It was a spell that guaranteed penetration even if the target was intangiblespirits or ectoplasm, or protected by projectile deflecting spells.Ena was located on the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway.Roughly a couple hundred meters away from the Kisarazu junctionentrance. Due to traffic restrictions, there were no cars on the road.Preparations were complete. And then the bright light of the target wassighted.A flying white light. So fast. Flying with substantial speed. Almost about tocross the airs.p.a.ce over the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway. The destinationwas Athena"s beach as expected."Pay good attention. I can let you off for running around doing sneakythings in the dark, but I won"t let you come disturb His Majestydeliberately!"Grumbling to herself, she locked the target in her sights.The white light should be Divine Ancestor Guinevere. Ena expected it andhad been watching the sky alertly from a place with an open view.The flying witch appeared in the air above the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway.Ena shot the arrow with a whoosh.The arrow that was expected to strike in one hit. Furthermore, this was aspecially crafted arrow sent from the Seishuuin home, a magic bulletcarrying evil-exorcising and spirit-revealing properties.This arrow reached several kilometers up into the air.That kind of distance was not possible to fire from a bow. This was alsoone of the magical powers hidden in the magic bullet. Exceptional rangeand penetrative power. Used in conjunction with Ena"s eyes, instincts andarchery.The full-powered arrow bearing all these factors, struck down the whitelight.The arrowhead penetrated soft flesh... Ena was certain.The expert"s instincts proved to be correct. The flight of the white light wasinterrupted.The light immediately vanished to reveal the figure of Witch QueenGuinevere, who began falling naturally. In that case, she would fall into thesea or onto the surface of the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway.However, the rate of her fall suddenly slowed down.Slowly and wavering, like the descent of a leaf, she was using hoveringmagic.The Divine Ancestor"s left arm... The upper arm region showed alaceration.In addition, her child-like beautiful face was flushed red from undisguisedanger. Even so, her face was still as beautiful as an antique doll"s."Not a critical hit... It can"t be helped since she was flying at such speeds."The blonde Divine Ancestor made her landing a couple dozens of metersahead on the road.Ena threw the bow and quiver aside. The greeting had been sent and itwas now time for the weapons to enter the stage.She had to prevent Guinevere from advancing. This was the missionentrusted to her by the man she loved.Part 4"I know all about you. Miko blessed with divine manifestation."Did she calm her rage as soon as she landed on the ground?Guinevere"s beautiful face was now as calm as a windless lake."Obstructing the most authoritative Divine Ancestor, Witch QueenGuinevere. What an audacious girl. The price exacted for such insolenceshall be your very life."In outer form, she appeared even younger than Ena. However, thereexisted a vast difference in mastery of magic and sheer magical powerbetween them.Nevertheless, the Hi me- Miko of the Sword was undaunted, chargingstraight at Divine Ancestor Guinevere."I don"t know if you are bluffing — but Ena is not one to sit around waitingfor death."Ena retorted with determination. Having abandoned the bow, she wasunarmed.Not even her usual j.a.panese sword was present. But that was becauseshe had already prepared a subst.i.tute weapon."Yamato Yamato, elite of the nation, endless rolling green mountains,encircled by the walls of the summit, beautiful Yamato!"Spell words chanted in order to use the trump card.Then she imagined. The partner whose form was a sword. The new bondsforged last night —Divine possession began. This time it was not the presence bestowed bythe guardian G.o.d Susanoo but a divine aura closer to this partner here."Beseeching the grace of Ama no no Tsurugi! May its shadowmanifest hither!"The magnificent three-foot three-and-a-half-inch blade suddenlymanifested in Ena"s hand as she called out.The jet-black blade whose form followed a gentle curve, forged into astructure of j.a.panese style. This was the Ama no no Tsurugithat inhabited Kusanagi G.o.dou"s right arm. Unlike before, this was nottemporarily borrowed.The divine aura of Ama no no Tsurugi had been summonedfrom Kusanagi G.o.dou"s right arm and materialized in the form of a sword.This could be said to be Ama no no Tsurugi"s doppelganger.Another divine blade."Well... How splendid. Summoning the power of G.o.ds immediately!"Even so, Guinevere continued to smile.The divine possessed Hime-Miko of the Sword should be on the samelevel as Divine Ancestors and divine beasts.Ena wielded Ama no no Tsurugi"s divine aura as she held herbreath and focused."Hey, did you know? Even though they are known as Hime-Miko in thiscountry, this kind of power originates from the bloodline of the DivineAncestors, the same kin as me, Guinevere. Yes yes, you are one of ourvery distant descendants."The Witch Queen"s melodic voice spoke softly, as she laughed with anexpression of child-like innocence."It would be most vexing to think that a distant descendant can dosomething we Divine Ancestors could not. Be that as it may, Guineverehappens to be unable to use possession type spells — "In that instant, the divine aura in Ena"s surroundings increased explosively.Not from Guinevere herself but somewhere else... Over there! Ena cast hergaze towards the vast sea of Bousou beyond the Trans-Tokyo BayHighway."However, I can still manage similar spells. I beseech you to come hither,servant dispatched by the G.o.d of the sea! Fight for Guinevere!"ShyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMThere was the sound of a great volume of seawater pushed forth ontoland.Ena remained silent despite the rising tension of facing this sea-splittingmight.Even though its full appearance was not visible, the head of the giant squidsuggested a full length of maybe thirty or forty meters —The giant squid"s various tentacles began reaching out from the sea."Wohohoho. The water and the earth"s divine aura are also consideredGuinevere"s kin. With a little time and preparation, they can be made tomanifest in the form of divine beasts. Even though it"s simply an imitationof the divine, formed using the Holy Grail"s magical power... However,even something on the level of a fake G.o.d can be manifested."Ena was astonished at the revelations of Guinevere"s confident speech.Having obtained divine might, she understood that a divine beast laybefore her. Even though her divine possession was rather game-breaking,her opponent was even more extreme.No matter what, even a.s.sisted by divine power, Seishuuin Ena was just aliving human girl.Her opponent had the gigantic body of a divine beast. The difference inpower and body size was overwhelming."That"s appearing too suddenly, come on!"An enormous squid tentacle attacked from overhead.Crash! The speed and curvature was like a giant whip"s.Ena jumped away as quickly as a monkey. Very few people could surpa.s.sthe agility of the Hime-Miko of the Sword.With an appropriate margin of safety, she evaded the squid"s tentacle.The giant organism"s appendage struck the highway surface where Enahad been standing — directly shattering it. Steel reinforced concretecrumbled noisily, breaking apart, dug upon by the squid"s tentacle. Itseemed as easy as slicing through a cake.Furthermore, the giant squid still had many other tentacles.The gigantic tentacles repeatedly attacked Ena on land.Tentacles descending on her from above. Tentacles sweeping frombehind. From the right and left, tentacles trying to entangle her."Rather alert of you! However, please do not forget the existence ofGuinevere!"Ena smacked her lips. The giant squid (more elegantly known as theKraken) was wrecking the road using dozens of tentacles.The road surface was pulverized and torn into a mess.Concrete fragments of various shapes and sizes were rolling about all overthe road.Cars probably could not be driven over this road any more. Even walkingwould be difficult. Had Ena not been agile enough to jump around in thisplace, it would have been impossible to evade all of the Kraken"s attacks.At this time, the next challenge arrived.Guinevere who had hovered into the air at some point was now holding ajavelin in her hand."O Witch"s javelin auarding the country of shadows, relive the legend ofQueen Scathach!" ,TB]Chanting the spell words, the Divine Ancestor launched the javelin.A weakly throw that neglected to make use of the waist. She must beuntrained in martial arts.Nevertheless, such a throw was more than enough. As the javelinautomatically flew towards Ena, the magical weapon had split itself intotwelve short spears hurtling towards their target.Ena gave up trying to defend.Using her reflexes to guard against the Kraken"s attacks, she entrustedherself to Ama no no Tsurugi!Relaxing her arms as she gripped the divine sword, she allowed it to moveautonomously.Flash. Two flashes. Three flashes. As the l.u.s.trous blade endlessly flashedback and forth, Ama no no Tsurugi repeatedly struck down theonslaught of magic javelins.All were cut down. The steel partner defended Ena most splendidly.At that moment the concrete beneath her shattered.Somehow, the Kraken had dug one of its tentacles into the ground,preparing for an attack from below.Even so, Ena managed to retreat backwards with all her effort and evadedthe ma.s.sive tentacle.However, the second and third tentacles continued to rip apart theconcrete beneath her, repeatedly attacking from underground. Ena leapedaround as if she was flying, desperately trying to escape.Guinevere once again threw the javelin from just now, this time launchingtwo at the same time.Splitting apart once again, a total of twenty-four short spears rained down.— I rely on you, Ama no!Responding to her prayer, Ama no no Tsurugi once againdefended with a flurry of strikes. Nevertheless.Guooooooooooooooooooh!!A terrifying shriek. Even though it was unclear what kind of organ producedsuch a sound, it was the howl of the Kraken.In the instant she heard this sound, Ena"s entire body froze.Tightly constricted by the spirit powers of the divine beast, she could noteven lift a finger.Normally, divine possessed Ena would have used Ama no noTsurugi to slice it apart. However, her preoccupation with offense hadshown an opening!"In case I had to take you on as an opponent... Even though I did warnmyself, was it redundant concern?"Guinevere remarked boldly as she prepared the third launch of the javelin.Since Ena had entrusted her defense to Ama no no Tsurugi,her body was unable to move.In that case, let me fully liberate Ama no no Tsurugi"s power —just as Ena started concentrating."Behold! As an adamant harder than flint have I made thy forehead! Fearthem not, neither be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellioushouse!" [g]The familiar and wondrous voice chanted spell words of iron.A wall suddenly appeared before Ena. Like a thick panel of steel, it wasimpenetrable as a literal iron wall, deflecting the spears completely."I finally made it to the most spectacular scene. Fortune must be smilingupon my usual abundance of good deeds."His Majesty would likely retort to such a comment.The girl, who could hardly be described as virtuous in conduct, approachedas Ena smiled wryly.Crowned by her red-tinted blonde hair fluttering in the wind, her beautifulface shone with the light of dazzling talent and domineering spirit.Her surcoat was designed with red vertical stripes against a blackbackground.The beautiful girl synonymous to red and black. It was Erica Blandelli ofcourse.Part 5"No need to explain the situation. I"ve already heard the main gist fromG.o.dou. I think I can imagine the rest from the current circ.u.mstances."Appearing majestically, Erica held a great broad sword in her hand.This was the true form of the magic sword Cuore di Leone. Held in herother hand was a rhombic shield.Ena asked her unexpected savior:"Erica-san, weren"t you unable to return immediately?""Yes. But fortunately, I was able to obtain permission to return soon afterG.o.dou"s call. Then I went to the airport, praying that the flight to j.a.pan hadnot been cancelled."Erica spoke elegantly as usual.However, this leisurely confidence made Ena even more certain."The way you speak sounds a bit like Kaoru-san. Surely there was no"praying" like you said.""How could that be? I am bound to a knight"s honor with a cleanconscience. Rather, Ena-san must have spent too much time with such aduplicitous person, for you to be unable to believe in other people"s goodfortune..."Having spoken with composure, Erica turned her gaze towards the sky.Witch Queen Guinevere. Moreover, the divine beast Kraken whose headhad surfaced was still waiting ready behind her.Even though a normal squid only had ten tentacles, this creature actuallyhad twenty or thirty of these appendages.Those ma.s.sive tentacles were like sea serpents, wriggling nonstop alongthe surface of the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway and craning their scythe-likenecks.The terrifyingly white tentacles were densely covered with numeroussuction cups. It was a sight that created great dissonance againstGuinevere"s antique doll-like beauty."Allow me to formally introduce myself to you, witch amongst witches.Meeting you here is an honor for me, the Knight Erica Blandelli. I"ve heardplenty about your exploits as Black Prince Alec"s enemy.""Well. It is rare for people to know of Guinevere"s cordial relations with theBlack Prince."The blonde knight gracefully performed a knight"s greeting.She showed a lady-like smile to the hovering beauty in the black dress.Ignoring the strange setting, they were like a courtly pair of characterstaken out from medieval chivalric romance literature."Not only valorous but also versed in etiquette, and very resourceful too!Hohoho, clever knight, I also know about you. Indeed, you areKusanagi-sama"s direct va.s.sal.""To be acknowledged by Guinevere-sama is truly an unexpected joy."The conversation was like mutual echoing.Ena began to get impatient. Even though Erica was speaking verygracefully, her true nature was unbearably arrogant. What conniving ways.Furthermore, something about Erica made Ena wary —Erica Blandelli was back after a long absence.For the undisputed premier Hime-Miko, Seishuuin Ena, Erica was her firsttrue opponent. Most likely, they will continue being rivals for the rest oftheir lives.In the past, Ena did not sense Erica holding back on a hidden trump card.Purely in terms of dormant potential, even the prodigy Erica could notmatch a user of divine possession.That was what Ena had always thought. However, what about now? Andhenceforth? Somehow, Ena"s instincts were warning her."Hohoho. It"s been so long since I had a chance to converse with a knightwho knows how to treat a lady properly. This should have been anoccasion to savor and enjoy, but very unfortunately, Guinevere is in a hurryto find out what happened between Kusanagi-sama and Athena. It"s abouttime for things to conclude here."Guinevere smiled as she hovered in the air.The conversation was the only thing courteous. The original tenseatmosphere had not changed at all.Erica readied her magic sword and prepared for battle. Ena also grippedAma no no Tsurugi firmly once more."Hey Erica-san... Could you let me handle this alone?""Oh my, Ena-san, you want a one on one duel? Even though that kind ofknightly style is my preference, the current situation can onlyaccommodate two versus two."The Hime-Miko and the Great Knight stood shoulder to shoulder, facingtheir opponents.Divine Ancestor Guinevere and divine beast Kraken. Despite the ma.s.sivedisparity in outward beauty, both belonged to the divine realm. No amountof martial arts or magical mastery could surpa.s.s these formidable foes."Yes. Ena can see that. But fighting in this messy battle isn"t a solutioneither — rather, the tide will gradually turn against us. Because of that,could you please let Ena go on a rampage first, then I will rely on Erica-sanfor the rest.""Debating technique aside, I think Ena-san should really learn a littlerhetoric."This abstract manner of speech expressed disagreement. However."Well. I, Erica Blandelli, have also been blessed by fortune with the talentof adaptability. Do as you wish. Show me what you can do.""Thanks. It really helps. — Well then, I"ll be in your care!"In the instant she obtained Erica"s favorable answer, Ena began to run.Running at full speed towards the Divine Ancestor and the divine beast.Summoning even more of Ama no no Tsurugi"s divine aura.Despite having already reached the limits of control, she continued tosummon more.The Kraken swung its ma.s.sive tentacles at Ena.Guinevere also intended to throw the javelin as before.But Ena could not feel anything. She will leave things to the body and thepartner who should be able to sweep all obstacles away!...From this moment on, Ena"s consciousness began to fade.In contrast, the body running at full speed became even more alert.Compared to before, it was more sensitive and vigorous.Moving with beast-like savagery, leaping, evading the Kraken"s tentacles.Stepping on it, jumping further. Agilely dodging Guinevere"s rain of magicalspears along the way.The body was not the only thing performing vigorously.The divine sword, Ama no no Tsurugi, also moved freely in aflurry, back and forth endlessly.Those terrifying sucker-bearing tentacles of the Kraken — impossible todiscern in number how many dozens there were.The sacred jet-black blade continually thrust itself at them. Slicing themapart, severing them.Guinevere"s javelins also met the same fate. As soon as they neared thesword, they were instantly sliced to pieces.The Kraken roared painfully using some unknown organ.Guinevere"s face began twitching from shock.Completely ignoring these sights and sounds, Seishuuin Ena"s bodycontinued jumping around with the divine sword.It felt as if her consciousness was staring blankly down from the sky. Likewatching someone else. Clearly abnormal.Rampage. Seishuuin Ena was intentionally allowing her divine possessionto rampage out of control.Even though she entered this state last time to overpower Erica, it hadbeen an accident. This time, she deliberately caused herself to becomelike this. She believed that the best way to defeat the combination of divinebeast and Divine Ancestor was to rely on rampaging explosive power.With too many uncertainties, it was a final desperate ploy that could not beused lightly.However, Ena let herself go out of control without hesitation because shebelieved she could entrust the aftermath to Erica. In that case, how wouldtheir opponents react?Erica distanced herself from the rampaging Hime-Miko and carefullywatched the battle develop.That"s right, well done. Leave on your own.In their current state, Ena and Ama no had no confidencewhether they could distinguish friend from foe. It was correct for Erica tostand back and keep an eye on the situation, ready to seize anyopportunities. Erica-san was really smart as expected —As her mind contemplated, Ena"s body was already beginning its lastrampage.The limit should be fast approaching. In that case, the body will soon crashdown like a kite with a severed string. If only she could make it in time...Her consciousness wishing in a daze, Ena"s body ran towards the sea.And jumped as hard as she could, off the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway.Towards the head of the Kraken exposed above the sea surface. Aimingfor the body rather than the tentacles.Ena flew, her body so light that it could have jumped over eight ships.Heading in a straight line, she thrust Ama no no Tsurugiforwards. Just like that, the jet-black blade struck the squid"s head with aviolent impact, piercing right through. Unable to stop her, the Krakenroared.Guaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!The divine beast immediately caused the sea surface to rise, trying with allits might to create a defensive wall of seawater. It was attempting to sendEna and her attack flying back!However, the instant Ama no"s bladed edge made contact withthe wall of seawater...The wall"s material, the seawater instantly split open and lost form. Withseries of splashes, the water fell back into the original sea. Still flying, Enastabbed the divine blade into the Kraken"s face.YaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahM The final cries of death.Struck by a full-powered blow, the giant squid turned back into a ma.s.sivevolume of water with a bone-chilling shriek. With crashing and splashingnoises, it split apart and returned to the sea, creating ma.s.sive waves.However, having obtained victory, Ena"s body also fell into the water.Am I going to... drown? As Ena"s consciousness wondered, Erica spranginto action."Unbelievable. Such utter recklessness, making things so troublesome!"Turning Cuore di Leone into a lock and chain, she cast it out. Splendidly,the lock and chain tangled itself around Ena" right leg.Pulling the undulating chain, Erica dragged Ena"s body back onto theTrans-Tokyo Bay Highway.Ena"s consciousness returned at this time. Finally, she had reached herlimit."Guhooh... Guwah!"Regaining her senses, Ena knelt by Erica"s feet, vomiting blood.Her entire body felt as heavy as lead. Exhausted to the absolute limit. Afterusing divine possession for two days in a row, the feedback struck her allat once."Seems like I"m out... So as I requested just now, I leave things to you...""You"re hopeless. Go on and feel gratified. It"s quite rare for me to supportanyone apart from G.o.dou and Lily."Ena smiled at Erica"s answer.Even though this rival was so conceited, at the same time, she was alsoextremely generous."Basically, Guinevere"s concerns proved to be correct."Hovering in midair through magic, Guinevere softly whispered.Despite the defeat of the divine beast before her, the beautiful girl"s facewas not shrouded in gloom."This reminds me of ancient berserkers and their superb battle forms. Inever would have expected my kin to be defeated in this manner. What ascary child...!"Guinevere smiled.The child-like beautiful face was infused with the Witch Queen"s solemnaloofness."As befits one who serves a G.o.d-slayer. Far surpa.s.sing normal humans. Ifthat is the case, Guinevere will use the final move. Sir Knight, come heedGuinevere"s summons!"The shouts of the lovely voice reached high into the sky.Immediately, the sunny sky turned black with clouds and lightningdescended.Or rather, a man and horse descended from the sky, clad in lightning. Awhite divine horse together with a knight in white armor. This was not adivine beast but a [Heretic G.o.d]!The white rider and horse descended next to Guinevere, hovering calmly inmidair."Guinevere needs to take care of these people, Sir Knight. May I ask thatyou go forth to Athena and Kusanagi-sama"s side?""Hmm. It will be tough to handle."From the white knight"s helmet came a very manly and beautiful voice.Even though his actual face could not be seen, one inevitably felt that hemust be either a cool or an awe-inspiring man."Most unfortunate. Hence, Sir Knight, please take this."A short pewter staff suddenly appeared in Guinevere"s hand.Its tip was done in silverwork to resemble a twin-headed snake. The whiteknight casually received the snake staff without paying particular attention."Hmm. All shall be done in accordance to your will.""May victory smile upon you, Lancelot du Lac!"Nodding at the farewell, the white G.o.d was enveloped in lightning.He flew straight in that manner, towards the beach where Athena andG.o.dou were located.Ena was unable to take a single step, but even in peak condition shewould not have been able to intercept him.True lightning flying across the sky was most likely impossible for Ena"sarrows to strike down."Knight of the Lake, Sir Lancelot... There have been rumors that hesecretly protects Guinevere-sama, but clearly it is no longer anythingsecret..."On the other hand, Erica stood in surprise beside Ena.Thus, Guinevere turned around and smiled with child-like innocencetowards the ground."Hoho. You seem to be on amicable terms with Princess Alice. Yes, inorder not to repeat the same mistake as when I lost to His Highness theBlack Prince, I now made Sir Knight manifest as a heretic G.o.d."For the Witch Queen to be able to recruit a war G.o.d of steel, even Ena theoptimist was extremely shocked."I could have asked Sir Knight to eliminate you all in an instant, but makingsuch a rude request to the unparalleled war G.o.d is not permitted. So letGuinevere personally send you to your graves!"As Guinevere yelled out, her body released intense magical power."Divine essence of the water. I beseech you to hurry forth to Guinevere andonce again respond to the prayers of the Witch Queen, reveal your sacredform!"Divine essence once again surged, causing the sea to rise. But this time itwas not the Kraken.Appearing forth was a white-colored water dragon.A ferocious head like a carnivorous dinosaur and a long slender body likea gigantic serpent. From its back grew bat-like wings. Its two front legsresembled a lizard"s. A strange looking chimera —Raising its head and torso up from the sea, the sea dragon roared.OoooooooooooooooooooohM The roaring sound created wind.Violent gusts of wind blew across the surrounding sea and the surface ofthe Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway. It was so strong that Erica and Ena felt likethey were about to be blown away."Come! Attack together with Guinevere and devour these children withyour jaws!"The Witch Queen disappeared, her slender body absorbed into the waterdragon"s chest. Divine Ancestor Guinevere was a.s.similated into theseveral-dozen-meter-long white dragon."Could it be possible, she released the seal of the dragons and snakes!?""Don"t think so... That"s still a divine beast!"As the female knight wondered with a paled expression, Ena replied softly.Erica proceeded to gaze sharply at the water dragon"s ma.s.sive body, andmurmured to herself:"Really... In that case, perhaps this could finally be used."Erica"s words. As expected. Ena nodded at her correct suspicions.Back when Ama no no Tsurugi was rampaging out of control atChidorigafuchi, and also in the battle against the Great Sage EqualingHeaven, Erica had received Verethragna"s protection, allowing her to faceoff against Ena and the Great Sage.But now she no longer had that protection. She must fight her way out ofthis situation with her own power." — Finally be used is not good enough. The crisis must be overcome nomatter what, Erica."A sudden voice called out.It was a voice not heard for a day, that of the awe-inspiring female knight.Ena immediately glanced in its direction.She must have entered from the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway, near theKisarazu junction entrance. They had finally arrived."In order to obtain that mystical ritual, you took that lazy break that theschool acquiesced to. If you do not show the results properly, all yourunruliness would become meaningless!""Well said, Lily."Erica chuckled at Liliana Kranjcar"s statement.The petrified female knight most likely revived slightly more than tenminutes earlier, asked about the situation and rushed here immediately.She must have deemed it more urgent to support Ena first instead of herlord."Hoping to be entrusted with the duty of aiding G.o.dou, Lily was smiling sohappily back then. In any case, you must have been fulfilling your desireswhile I was away.""Ugh, stop talking nonsense!"Wearing her blue and black cape, Liliana objected with a shout as her facebegan to twitch.Having summoned the magic sword II Maestro in its naginata-like form,she was clearly entering this battle with caution."Actually I originally planned to go along and read that book. But then I wasthinking I could not take time off to leave Kusanagi G.o.dou"s side, it couldnot be helped...!""Ena-san! Did you overuse divine possession!? Y-You need immediatetreatment...!"Ignoring the knight"s anxiety, another member of the reinforcements hadspoken.It was Mariya Yuri dressed in her miko outfit. Due to the divine beast"srampage, the road was full of debris, and Yuri slowly and painfully madeher way near.Kneeling down and gently caressing Ena"s back, she nodded to Erica."It is fine, Erica-san. Your new power — as long as it can be controlledwell, it should be a trump card that stands on equal ground with divinepossession.""Thank you, Yuri. Your encouragement is truly inspiring."Erica displayed a glamorous smile towards the Hi me- Miko who most likelyreceived an oracle through spirit vision."Well, the most important issue is "control" as mentioned, but there is nochoice but to proceed onwards at this juncture. Everyone, let the sight ofErica Blandelli"s mighty style be branded upon your eyes! I shall defeatDivine Ancestor Guinevere here and now!"Sonorously delivering her declaration, the red knight approached thedeadly and ferocious water dragon.Part 6Erica and Lily had learned the spell words of David from the grimoire,"Book in Praise of David"s Great Works."However, that was not all they had learned.The spell words of smiting. Ultimate battle magic crowned with David"sgreat name, and said to bestow the user with the [Sacred Privilege ofExtermination] on the level of divine beasts and spirits —Back when they sneaked a peek at the original edition grimoire guarded bySaint Raffaello, Salvatore Doni"s master, Erica and Liliana had tried asmuch as they could to memorize this portion of the mystic arts. However,the descriptions were extremely voluminous. Despite their great intellect,the two girls" memories were limited.Erica had tried her best to memorize the portion of [Jericho"sExtermination] while Liliana had committed [Midian"s Extermination] tomemory. Other than that, there was still all sorts of other knowledge.— Conversely, for the two girls to be able to identify all the magical k

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