Card Disciple

Chapter 10 – A Mystery

Chapter 10 – A Mystery

15 thousand odi. Looking at this mysterious card, Chen Mu is rather undecided. Unrestrained by his longtime desire to make one-star magic card, he was quickly consumed with curiosity, his mental scale quickly tilted to the side of that mysterious card.

Out! Chen Mu hardened his resolve. If the worst comes to pa.s.s, he can just spend a few more months to recover his loss.

The determined Chen Mu no longer hesitates. He went out to buy a three-star energy card.

Once again hit the streets, Chen Mu’s current state of mind and the previous time he went out to bask in the sun is completely different.

The sky is full of shuttle cars, their exhaust faintly audible. Shuttle vehicle cost quite a lot, so naturally it is not something people like Chen Mu can afford. The core component of the shuttle consists of cards that can produce high-speed air current. It the high-speed current through a special structure that generate an enormous amount of thrust. On the other hand, those powerful Card Refiner doesn’t need to use the shuttle car, they can control the air current using cards, thereby achieving the ability of flight. Their flight is even faster and more agile than the shuttle.

Since he can’t afford the shuttle and didn’t have any air-current controlling cards, Chen Mu is forced to walk all the way to his destination.

Three-star energy cards can only be bought at a quite high-leveled shop, after all, it is not a cheap goods. This is the first time Chen Mu ever entered such high-leveled card shop, the floor is polished until it shines and smooth like a mirror, the shop’s surrounding area has a thin, refreshing fragrance. Behind the gla.s.s counter, various advanced cards, placed on top of a red velvet cushion with detailed explanation under every card.

A beautiful, young sales lady dressed in a neat uniform, she presented a pretty smile, giving her the feeling of a gentle person.

“h.e.l.lo, may I ask what are you looking for?” The sales lady didn’t show any contempt towards Chen Mu because of his slovenly appearance, since they all have extremely outstanding professional att.i.tude. They’ve seen various aspects of society, and a lot of people with plain appearance, more often than not, spend a lot of money here. Not all of the rich people are that concerned about their apparel. Also, researchers deep in their research that didn’t pay attention to their appearance, are a common occurrence in the shop.

“Three-star energy card.” Chen Mu ordered, straight to the point.

It really is someone wealthy! The sales lady is really pleased inside, one piece of three-star energy card cost 15 thousand odi, today’s sales have just reached the goal.

Chen Mu never handled an affair sloppily, once he decided to buy something, there’s nothing that can make him reconsider, and he also pays it all on the front. This also caused the sales lady to believe that the young man in front of him is a rich young master.

“Does Mister still need anything else? We have many things here. Our shop possesses the widest range of cards in the city. If we do not have the card Mr. Customer wants, we can help Mr. Customer to make a reservation. We also have a business relationship with advanced Card Creators that can do specialized work.” The sales lady with a fiery enthusiasm, spared no effort to promote the shop.

The collection of the advanced cards almost coaxed Chen Mu to spend more money. Swallowing his drool, he shakes his head,: “No need, there’re no cards that I need here.”

Leaving the card shop, the cold air outside immediately woke Chen Mu’s brain. Standing blankly for quite a while, he suddenly laughs out loud at himself. It seems he has poor resistance ah, these cards’ have a hold on him, dazzling him to spend money. Throwing away these useless thoughts to the back of his mind, remembering the mysterious card that is waiting for him at home, he suddenly felt eager, his strong curiosity urged his legs to move faster.

Running all the way home, Chen Mu, while gasping for breath, opened the door and went into his home.

The questions concerning the mysterious card always linger in Chen Mu’s mind. What kind of card it is that it needs to be put through an extremely realistic camouflaging treatment? Why is it camouflaged? Also, these two layers of camouflage-coating possess the handwriting of a great Master. Which master exactly that draw this card?

These points can without exception stir up anyone’s curiosity. However, these weren’t the most peculiar things about the card. This mysterious card’s most peculiar part is that in the s.p.a.ce of a night, the construct lines on its surface appeared to have undergone an earthshaking changes!

Chen Mu has never heard of cards that can change its construct lines. Once the construct lines were formed on the card, it will become abnormally secured, the bonding of the materials is irreversible. This kind of bond is extremely powerful, even though this binding did not have the power to resist the pa.s.sing of time, yet it can only make it peel off a little, however it is unable to change the arrangement of the lines.

IF this is really somebody’s work, then that person ought to have a world-shocking skills!

All this mystery, is like innumerable amount of small insect, causing Chen Mu an unbearable itch.

Now is when the mystery will soon be unraveled. Chen Mu is very excited.

Picking up the mysterious card on the table, gently caressing its surface, he nimbly turns it upside down and inserted it into the card slot on the apparatus. Shortly afterwards, Chen Mu grabbed the three-star energy card and inserted it into the other card slot.

Without hesitating, he pressed the activation b.u.t.ton.

His surroundings suddenly goes dark. Chen Mu seems to suddenly arrive at a strange s.p.a.ce. What a great magic card! Chen Mu’s heart was so scared he can’t express it with words! He never imagined that this magic card can reach such boundary, this ability is really “as good as magic”! This is definitely an extremely advanced magic card. Ever in the past did he ever think he can come across a magic card this advanced. Although he is fully aware that everything he saw is fake, but Chen Mu is still awed. This card completely cuts off the connection between him and the surrounding.

There’s only vast darkness all around his body, he seems to be floating alone in an endless dark void.

“First Step. Please complete the following 18 motions.” Suddenly, his ear caught the sound of a hoa.r.s.e voice. His sentence felt like it was spoken near his ears. The sound is not very loud, but very clear. Chen Mu can’t help but to turn his head around and look, but all that he can see is still the boundless void, nothing else.

Just after the voice stopped, before Chen Mu’s eyes appears 18 human-like image, each doing a different movement. These images’ facial features are blurred, but their body is perfect. They unceasingly repeated their own movement, over and over. Each of these 18 human-like image’s movement is different, some of the movement is somewhat strange.

Restraining his panic-stricken mind, he begins to carefully observe these image’s movements. He focused on one of the doll’s body, when suddenly a pile of words appears on its’ side. It turns out these writings gave a detailed explanation of the movement and a few important things to pay attention to.

After reading all the writings, Chen Mu begins to try to follow the movement of these images.

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