Herbs have-- Soft stems.

Nice scent.

Strong flavour.

Herbs are-- Plentiful.


Grown from seeds.

Herbs are used-- For eating.

For flavouring.

For medicine.

COFFEE [_Page 93._

1. We get coffee from the coffee-tree. It is an evergreen, something like our bay-tree. It bears a pretty white flower.

2. When the flower falls it leaves a red berry, something like a cherry. The two hard, oval seeds inside it are what we call coffee beans. They are of a pale colour in the berry, but are roasted to make them brown.

3. Coffee is good to drink, but it is not so cheap as tea. It grows in warm countries far away--in Arabia and the West Indies chiefly.

_Write and learn:_

The Coffee-tree-- Is an evergreen.

Has white flowers.

Has a red berry.

Coffee is-- Good to drink.


Not so cheap as tea.

Coffee grows-- In Arabia.

In the West Indies.

In Brazil.

PAPER. [_Page 96._

1. Paper is one of the most useful things we have. It is made of old rags which are torn to pieces by a machine. Lime is put in to make them white.

2. The pulp, as it is called, is then formed into sheets and pressed. It is then covered with _size_, and pressed again to make it smooth and glossy.

3. Blotting-paper and other kinds not used for writing upon, are not sized. Brown paper is made of old canvas and sacking.

4. Before paper was made, people used to write upon the inner bark of trees, and the thin skins of animals made sweet and dry, and called parchment.

_Write and learn:_

Writing-paper is-- Smooth.



Blotting-paper is-- Soft.



Brown paper is-- Coa.r.s.e.


Used for parcels.

THE FLY. [_Page 99._

1. The fly is a wonderful little insect. It has six legs, with such curious feet that it can walk on the window-panes or the ceiling.

2. It has a funny little round head. Its eyes stand out so that it can see round about it. It cannot move its eyes as we do. Neither can it bite its food--it sucks it.

3. The fly teases us in summer. It gets into our sugar, milk, treacle, and honey. Then it makes marks upon our windows and other things.

4. Its wings are very pretty. When they get wet it cannot fly. The noise flies make is called buzzing.

_Write and learn:_

Flies have-- Six legs.

Curious feet.

Fixed eyes.

Flies-- Buzz.

Lay tiny eggs.

Suck their food.

Flies like-- Sugar.



THE WASP. [_Page 102._

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