
Wood is used for-- Building purposes.



COAL. [_Page 113._

1. Coal is dug out of the earth. Coal and iron are found together. But coal is not a metal as iron is. It will not melt. We call it a mineral.

2. It is found in many parts of the world. There is a very large quant.i.ty in our own country.

3. It is a black, shiny, opaque, and brittle mineral. Men have to go deep down into the earth, into mines, to get it. They are in great danger.

4. Coals were once forests, which sank lower and lower into the earth hundreds and thousands of years ago. They became mixed with other things, and in time were changed to coal. We can see the grain in some of the coal, as we see it in wood.

_Write and learn:_

Coal is-- A Mineral.




Coal is-- Buried forests.

Got from mines.



Coal is used for-- Fuel.

Smelting metals.

Making gas.

Making tar.

FIRE. [_Page 119._

1. Fire is useful but dangerous. A spark from it might set a house on fire. We ought to be very careful about it. Children should never play with fire.

2. It is so useful that we should not be able to have many things we have, if we had no fire.

3. When England was covered with forests, hundreds of years ago, people used to have fires of wood, instead of coal. Wood-fires are not so smoky as those made of coal, but they are not so hot.

_Write and learn:_

Fire is-- Useful.


A good servant.

A bad master.

Fire-- Burns.


Makes flame.

Gives heat.

Fire-- Warms our houses.

Cooks our food.

Makes water into steam.

Makes soot.


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