1578-1580-3--THOMAS SWINTON, tr. to Muckhart. Was united to Fossoway about 1614, but had service every third Sabbath till 1729.


1585-1588--ADAM MARSCh.e.l.l, removed to Glendevon.

1589-1590--RICHARD WRIGHT, tr. to Clackmannan.

1590-????-ALEX. WALLACE, A.M.

1607-1652--LAURENCE MERCER, A.M., died in October.

1647-1657--LAURENCE MERCER, jun., A.M. Son of previous minister.

1659-1689--ALEX. RELAND, A.M. Deposed for "gross immorality and oppression." In 1691 tried to intrude with malignants on kirk, but was driven back.

1691-1715--WM. SPENCE, A.M., died 19th March. Formerly minister of Glendevon.

1712-1716--ALEX. BARTON, A.M., died 12th June. Ordained a.s.sistant and successor to Mr Spence.

1717-1742--ANDREW URE, died 7th April. Got church built for united parish in 1729.

1743-1778--JOHN STORER, died 8th June.

1780-1803--WILLIAM GRAHAM, died 14th February.

1803-1824--GEORGE GRAHAM, A.M., died 4th July. Son of previous minister.

1825-1845--PETER BRYDIE, died 30th October. Seceded in 1843, but came back.

1846-1852--DUNCAN CAMPBELL, tr. to Luss. Latterly D.D. Died March 23, 1896.

1852-1854--ALEX. COSENS, tr. to Broughton.

1854-????--WM. FERGUSON.

Parish disjoined in 1856 to form part of new Presbytery of Kinross.




1576-1578--ANDREW YOUNG.

1586-1592--JAMES BURDOUN, tr. to Strageyth.

1593-1603-7--WM. BUCHANAN, A.M., tr. to Methven.

1607-????--JOHN YOUNG, A.M.

1619-1634--JAMES DRUMMOND, A.M., died in February.

1635-1645--JOHN FYFF. Deposed 11th February. A Royalist.

1646-1675--GEORGE MURRAY, A.M., died 11th April. A Protester, all the other members of Presbytery being Resolutioners.

1674-1689--JOHN DRUMMOND. Ousted at Revolution for continuing to pray for King James and keeping converse with the rebels. Committed to prison. Died 6th February, 1695.

1697-1717--WILLIAM HEPBURNE, A.M., died 12th April. Retired to Stirling "with the ministers about" on the approach of Mar"s army in 1715.

1718-1720--ALEX. TURCAN, A.M., died 18th April.

1721-1730--WILLIAM SIMSON, tr. to Dunblane.

1732-1767--ALEX. MURRAY, died 27th December.

1768-1816--JOHN MURRAY, died 10th August.

1817-1851--ALEX. MAXTONE, died 21st June.

1852-????--THOMAS HARDY.


1572-1574--WILLIAM MELROSS, tr. to Fowlis.

1592-1633--ALEX. GALL or GAW.

1624-1635--JOHN FYFF, A.M., tr. to Fowlis.

1635-1649--WM. BANNATYNE, died.

1648-1688--ROBERT FREEBAIRN, A.M., died.

1676-1680--DAVID FREEBAIRN, A.M., tr. to Auchterarder. Son of previous minister. a.s.sistant and successor to father.

1680-1693--LAURENCE MERCER. Deprived 10th February by Privy Council.

His father and grandfather were ministers of Fossoway. Died 30th January, 1720.

1703-1712--COLIN CAMPBELL, A.M., died in December. As a merchant, captured at sea, carried to New Spain, barbarously treated; released by purchase.

1715-1740--WILLIAM HUNTER, died 27th July.

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