Macoto Takahashi via Pinterest

I had done this two already, and I wanted to prove you guys wrong about our ero-oyaji, heheheheh. I"ll put the last part of this up later, I"m just editing it.

19 Moonlight Gra.s.sNight 3

I was happy that General Brennan listenedto me, but as soon as I was showing him the necklace, the carriage rocked hardand I was flying.


I sounded like a smashed frog, butI tried to swallow the sound. I need to ask mother how to scream in a lady likemanner when next I get the chance and I have to master it quickly!

But I didn’t hold on to anything.

I fell on something hard.

I could feel two hands on my waist,solid.

A teasing unknown scent hit mynose.

How refreshing. The smell of soapand an earthy smell; like a green forest. (Zuben: He thinks your eyes are likea forest, she thinks he smells like a forest. Made for each other TM!)

I looked up right into hazel eyes.He looked a bit awkward. What a strong looking nose…I want to touch it.


I was held by the General the momentthe carriage rocked and sent me flying. And now, I am sitting a half way ontothe General’s lap.

What is this miracle?

While trying to hold my balance, itseems I wrapped my arms around the General’s neck. I quickly took my hands off,and checked myself.

‘It’s a bitunsteady.’ He said over my head, holding my waist closer and tighter as thecarriage rocked again.


Oh no! Not another strange scream?Well he suddenly held unto my waist tight, it couldn’t be helped, right?

‘…’ was all the sound the generalmade. He turned and I could see a blush across his face and ears.

A strange tension filled the air.

The carriage stopped, and thecoachman came over to the door.

‘I’m sorry, sir, we went over a fewstones. Are you alright?’

The General cleared his throat andsaid, ‘We’re alright. You can continue.’

A little while the carriage rockedgently as the coachman got on and we were on our way again.

I should get off the General’s kneenow, but, I felt like I couldn’t move or say anything. I was listening to thecarriage wheels rattle on the stone paved road.

But even the General doesn’t seemto want to let me off. Letting me sit on his lap, didn’t his leg hurt, or numb?I should get off soon,

‘General Brennan. I must be heavy.I should sit down now.’

It isn’t a problem of lightness, itwas impolite to be sitting on someone’s lap and embarra.s.sing.

However, General Brennan didn’tseem to be bothered. I thought he would let me go,

‘You’re reallynot heavy.’ He said looking down at me, it was nice that he finally looked atme but he looked at me like he wanted was hungry for some…thing…but isn’t hegoing to put me down?            ‘It will not be good if you fell ifwe run over another stone.’

But the General looked thoughtfulfor a moment, then picked me up so I was sitting with my legs on the carriageseat.

‘So my leg doesn’t get numb.’

His face was still a little red.

‘Yes…’ I replied in a mosquito likevoice.

There was no way I could argue. 

20 Night of the MoonlightGra.s.s

I had been nervous sitting acrossfrom the General in the carriage earlier. But now, I was sitting on his lap.One hand held me at my back and his other hand held my left hand. It wasimpossible to move. It couldn’t be helped. I had no choice but to try and relaxand unclench my b.u.t.t cheeks. [1]

The places where his warm handsrested were tingling. I wanted him to release me, yet I wanted his hands on mestill. I don’t know what to do; I’m so confused.

In addition, when he talks to me,his deep voice causes tingles to run down my spine, and I get a sense offrustration. (Zuben: Jump him!)

Honestly he takes my breath away. Ican’t bear it. No one can blame me. As a Lady, I cannot do anythingembarra.s.sing in front of the General, but I think I will collapse.

With all the thoughts chasing eachother in my head, I peered at the General Volker, he had a smile on his face.He looked like he was in a good mood I became hesitant about asking him to putme down.

Maybe he liked to put children onhis knees? My mood plummeted at that thought. Did he really think of me as achild? But when we first met he addressed me as Lady. Or is it because I washis friend’s daughter? 『hekon』[1]

I guessbecause he sees me as a child that’s why I can sit on his knees, but I cannotsay that he has treated me badly. (Zuben: He wants to eat your tofu!)

I sighedinwardly.

As I tried toshake off the negative thoughts, the carriage came to a stop.

The stewardcame to the door, ‘We have arrived.’ He announced.

The generalcarried me off his knees and put me on the seat. Because I was so nervous, myb.u.m had gotten a bit sweaty and sticky. The general, on the other hand, did notlook nervous at all. He got off the carriage and held a hand for me to comedown. Once I safely alighted, he tucked my hand in his elbow and escorted meinto the theatre.

Amazingly, I’malready exhausted.

The grandfoyer of the theatre was filled with people milling about. Gorgeously dressesladies and gentlemen chatted and mingled with each other. The scent of athousand perfumes filled the air. The theatre could be said to be a microcosmof society. You could see new fashion trends, hear the latest rumours, andlearn the flow of societal leanings. So when father and mother came to theplay, it wasn’t just about the play.

When I enteredthe foyer on the General’s arm, there was a noticeable drop in the din ofconversation before it started again. I could not enjoy the atmosphere, but Igave a small smile.

You know myhearing isn’t bad right, you person whispering about me over there, I thoughtas we walked past. Most of the people who looked at me were looking ratherderisive, even though I was with General Brennan. (Zuben: gossip folks)

I’m sorry Ihave put you in this uncomfortable situation, General.

I wish I couldgo home, but I want to see the play. Yet, I don’t want to ruin General Brennan’sreputation (Zuben: the little kitten wants to protect the bear. Cute!). So Itook a deep breath and began to say,

‘GeneralBrennan, I…’ but the general put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer,

‘Lady Fredericka,is your throat dry?’ he asked, ‘Let’s have a drink at the bar before we go in,’he said with that deep voice, I could only nod like a doll and let myself besteered away.

The theatre’sbar was a room with lovely décor; the ambient light was golden and dim. It hadan air of intimacy. Patrons sat close together in their booths speaking in lowtones. A pianist played a soft tune that did not intrude on the atmosphere.

I don’t drinkalcohol much, so I was a bit overwhelmed by the mature atmosphere of the bar.

‘Would youprefer something sweet?’ he asked.

‘I’m notsure,’ I replied

I don’t knowmuch about alcohol, and I don’t have much of a tolerance to it. The generalnodded and asked the bartender for a light fruit c.o.c.ktail. I wonder what kindof drink it would be.

‘I once had asip of my mother’s drink before’ I said to General Brennan, ‘it burned mythroat and made me feel dizzy and weak.’ He chuckled at my story.

The generalseems to be sparkling to me, so beautiful.

Earlier, hehad a dark expression with a murderous intent, but now, his expression was relaxedand he was smiling. The world faded around us and I could see no one else buthim.

The bartenderplaced our drinks before us. His was amber coloured and mine was orange.

‘It’s mostlyjuice, but have a little sip just to be sure you like it.’ He said.

As heinstructed, I took a little sip. The first blush was bitterness that made mytongue numb but immediately a sweet fresh fruity flavour neutralised it.

‘It’sdelicious.’ I said.

The generalsmiled widely, his hazel eyes narrowing. I felt my face begin to warm up. Was Igetting drunk? So quick? Am I okay? (Zuben: You are drunk. Drunk on lurrve)

‘Well, well,well…’

My gaze waspulled reluctantly from the General by the loud voice that interrupted thebar’s intimate ambience.

[1] That’s herdepressed moue I guess.

Zuben: The authorwas concerned that some readers would be offended by Fredericka drinkingalcohol. Her message is simply: different world-different common sense. Mymessage to people who might upset by this: you have time o~

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