Clicker System

Chapter 1

A loud noise off in the distance sounded out. Meanwhile Tang Gon who was still fast asleep inside of the dark cave rolled over.

His sudden movement caused him to into a large boulder. The sudden impact woke him up, but instead of the checking his surroundings like one would when they wake up, all he could think of was the aching hunger he felt.

Not paying the least bit of attention to where he was or how his pillow, blanket, or even his whole bed had magically disappeared, Tang Gon unsteadily stood up.

Still a bit drowsy, Tang Gon walked to the bathroom.


Suddenly a feeling of wetness pervaded his whole body. Finally waking up, Tang Gon has realized that he had somehow managed to get knee deep into the water without even knowing.

Shocked, Tang Gon hurriedly got out of the water. His clothes up to the edge of his shirt was now completely drenched.

Not knowing what to do, Tang Gon slapped himself. It was a strange sight seeing someone in the middle of the lake suddenly slap himself and then look around in utter befuddlement.

Straight ahead of him Tang Gon saw that there was a tranquil lake ahead. Colorful creatures swimming inside, paying no notice of him as he approached.

Noticing the lack of attention they had towards him, Tang Gon raised his head high up to the ceiling and did the same. Paying absolutely no heed to the creatures in the water, Tang Gon gazed off into darkness. Appearing in his sight was a wooden treasure chest off to the right in the distance.

"I should still be sleeping at home in bed in front of my computer, no?"

A little bewildered, the words had unintentionally left his mouth. From what he could still remember, he should still be at his apartment complex taking care of the new project.

But now he was in a cave.

After that another sound in his head came.

***** Clicker System Initiated *****

***** Binding To New Host *****

[As Host has recently transmigrated to the world of Huaxia, where strong rule supreme, he will be given a gift bag to increase his survival chances.]

After the messages faded away a new one popped up.

[Would Host like to open the gift bag now?]

A loud breath of air was sucked in.


There"s no way. This is exactly like how the game I was testing for turned out. I would wake up in a cave and start my way off to rule the world. Then that treasure chest in the middle of water is...

All of a sudden, the voice from the system interrupted his thoughts. A display screen popped up showing his information.

Host: Tang Gon

Power Level: Lower than Low


(A Newbie who has just begun his journey to power with the help of the all mighty system)

Experience Points: 0/100

Clicker Points: 0 point

Prestige Level: None

Status: None


OH MY G.o.d?!!?!

Tang Gon started to curl up into a ball on the floor and began doing his routine. "My heart isn"t strong enough for such shock! I almost suffered a heart attack! Where"s my life insurance?"

The next second, however, it was as if he was a new person.

I got a system! HahHahA!!?! It"s exactly like those novel of people who go to new worlds and turn insanely powerful!!?! I"m going to be one of those people!!

A loud sudden noise from outside came in. An animal was coming in! It looked like a bear, but the fur it should of have was instead sleek and armor-like. A loud roar echoed throughout the cave the moment it saw Tang Gon.

Tang Gon"s eyes widened in shock when he saw the bear charging right at him. And before he knew it, his feet were moving, running so fast it was like he was flying.

While running from the bear inside the enormous cave, he had a moment of epiphany. Remembering the gift pack he had gotten earlier, he quickly shouted to the system, placing all of his hope on it. "Receive the Gift Pack!!!"

[Ding! Host will now be receiving the gift pack]

A bright burst of light appeared behind him, standing right between the bear and him.

[Ding! Host has just received Swordsman of Forever Burning Flames]

[Host can now view the status of the summoned in said status mode]

Imagining what all the other people in the novels had done, he closed his eyes and tried to see the status of his new helper.

The second he did, the information popped up. In fact he tested it out a few more times, and it seemed like he didn"t even need to close his eyes. It would easily pop up with just a thought.

And while he was testing out the new things the system could do, the light had settled down. And in the light"s place was a heroic looking warrior. A fiery sword was attached to his broad back. The bear had once again continued his charge, but this time he was cut down with a single swipe from the swordsman.

A blinding glare came from the swordsman as it turned around. All it was wearing was a fur pelt of some dangerous looking beast and two straps on his back holding the sword he just welded back into place.

Tang Gon was in shock which can be noticed by his oval shaped gaping mouth. The swordsman paying no heed walked steadily towards him before getting down on one knee.

[Swords of Forever Burning Flames Confirmed]

There was of course the timely notification from the system. After that the man would follow him around, doing nothing.

Then it hit him, he hadn"t properly checked the status of the swordsman. Earlier he had just glanced through all the minor details. And in most novels you can look at the status inside the status.

A confusing situation as it would be like using an inspection skill on a inspection skill and continuing that process.

So once again he thought of the swordsman, and once again it popped up.

Name / t.i.tle: Swordsman of Forever Burning Flames

Level: 1

Rarity: Epic

Power Level: 10000

Special Skill: Spirited Followers

This time he focused on the name.

A brand new page popped up.

Synopsis: A warrior of true legend. Coming from a poor village in the south, he journeyed to many treacherous areas before making a contract with the G.o.dly Sword in the pits of Blue Fire. There he was bound to the system after his death in the fight for one of the rarest treasures, a blessed golden fruit. A treasure that should of rightfully been his, instead he was betrayed by one of his closest friends and followers. Unable to escape the cold grasp of death, he chose to make a contract with the system.

Exchange Contract: Once the Host gains more power, he will have to help the Swordsman complete his quest for revenge in exchange for his absolute loyalty.

Currently, the system can only bind him to the Host for a hundred and nine years.

Tang Gon was estatic. The gift pack in most of the other novels would only give a small amount of help, while his basically gave him a powerful guardian.

With this the world shouldn"t be too far from being conquered!!!

It wasn"t that he wanted to control everything, it was just the guideline that was set down for transmigrators in the novels. They would either do whatever they want, traveling place to place enjoying the benefits of the world or would try and conquer everything and unite everyone under one banner.

And of course he has only read the novels where the transmigrator would conquer everything.

But oddly enough he doesn"t have any memory of who"s body he was in. It looked like his body when he looked at his reflection from the pool of water, but there was also the possibility of another him in this alternate universe.

Tang Gon was a big fan of web novels, but first and foremost he was a scientist that dabbed in many of the techno arts. From Theories to Life, he experienced many works of science.

Basically, he was a jack of all trades kind of guy.

Nevertheless finally able to be calm he had sat down and started to think of all the reasons he might of came here, but there was none.

"Might as well make the best of it and try to live a little"

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