Closed Beta That Only I Played

Chapter 183: Maybe Santa Clause (2)

Chapter 183: Maybe Santa Clause (2)

“Your offer is really appealing. But…”

As soon as I finished talking, I used Blink with zero cooldown to appear next to Yosif and grabbed him by the collar.

Then I said, looking straight into his eyes, “Well, I don"t want the quest back that you robbed from me.”

Of course, contrary to what I said, I wanted the level 700 only quest.

So, if there was a 100% guarantee that he could return the stolen quest to me, I was willing to spare his life. But if I decided to do so, I would need to give up on receiving 500 stat points from eliminating the Lotz Clan.

But I could not be sure of any guarantee.

Besides, I had no skills such as Pablo"s “Penetrating Wall” or Jacob"s “Summon," so if I set Yosif free now, who knows when I would be able to catch him again.

‘Yosif said he could not return the stolen quest to me immediately. This means he might have already proceeded with it."

The message said clearly that if Yosif proceeded with the quest, I would permanently lose it.

Moreover, that quest could only be completed at level 700.

In other words, I had to stay at level 700 until Yosif returned the quest, but I had an urgent goal of achieving level 1200 as soon as possible. So I didn"t want to wait for Yosif to return the stolen quest especially when there was no guarantee he could give it back.

That"s why I thought of killing him first because I could not afford to be deceived again, like the saying, “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me!” He deceived me once, so I wouldn"t give him another chance.

So, I used Multiple Ice Arrows and Ice Storm as soon as their cooldown returned to kill Yosif instantly. He fell, with his hands hanging limply.

I watched him collapse helplessly with a blank stare because I felt like I discarded the level 700 only quest by killing him.

At that moment, an unexpected message rang.

[You have killed Yosif who possesses the trait ‘Quest Robber".

-Lumen, Asirante had his level 700 only quest robbed by Yosif.

The following reward is given for successfully taking revenge against him.

-t.i.tle ‘Quest Craftsman".

– 1957 remaining stat points.]

[Since Yosif was killed by the person whose quest he robbed, his trait ‘Quest Robber" is permanently deleted.]


I was a little embarra.s.sed by the unexpected message.

But my embarra.s.sment didn"t last long.

In no time, I smiled broadly at the contents of the message.

Of course, I still didn"t know if my decision to kill Yosif was the right choice, for I could have gotten a bigger reward from the level 700 only quests considering my previous performance in the other limited quests.

But regardless of whether my decision was right or wrong, it was clear that I got a reward by killing Yosif.

Aside from the t.i.tle, I acquired 1957 remaining stat points, which was tremendous.

I even thought that Yosif was like Santa Clause for me. Then I turned my eyes at the remaining 30 members of the Lotz clan because I had to get rid of them first to claim the extra 500 remaining stat points.

Five minutes was enough for me to get rid of the remaining 30 fighters of the Lotz clan.

Honestly, if all the remaining 30 were NPCs, I could have killed them much earlier because the NPCs of the Lotz clan did not run away, and instead resisted until the end.

On the contrary, the users who partic.i.p.ated in this quest as members of the Lotz clan were busy fleeing from the battleground.

Of course, it was no use for them to run away.

Anyway, I eliminated the 100 fighters of the Lotz clan, so there were only nine clans with a total of 450 members left behind on the battlefield.

Still, the Zaltz clan I belong to still has the smallest force with ten members.

At that moment a message rang.

[The remaining fighters of the Lotz clan are 0.

-The first clan that is eliminated is the Lotz clan.]

No one thought that this would be the outcome since the Lotz Clan had the highest number of 100 combatants, so it would be difficult for another clan to attack them first.

However, the clan that boasted the highest number of fighters was devastated by the smallest clan with only ten fighters. As a result, there was a long silence on the battlefield.

I cast a glance at the 440 remaining fighters of the nine clans who were standing shocked because I had to choose two of them for elimination.

It seemed as if I was the ruler who decided their fate. In fact, they seemed to wait for my decision. But I didn"t take any action.

Tramp- Tramp- Tramp-

I took the remaining nine members of the Zaltz clan to one corner of the battleground.

Why? Because I have completed a special quest with 500 remaining stat points by eliminating the Lotz clan, and made the other nine clans dare not to attack the Zaltz clan.

So, I decided to stop here.

I did everything I had to do, and there were no more rewards even if I continued to fight.

Moreover, if I chose the two more clans to be eliminated as if I was the absolute ruler here, it would inevitably invite their resentment.

Besides, it was certain that the two clans chosen by me would resist desperately because their clans would be destroyed anyway if they fell.

So, I chose not to fight anymore, for I didn"t have to get cursed by them for no reason.

So I moved the Zaltz clan members to one corner of the battlefield and shouted out loud.

“The Zaltz clan will not intervene until two more clans are eliminated here. But if you guys attack the Zaltz, we are going to fight back. Whoever attacks us will be the next target to be eliminated after the Lotz Clan.”




They remained silent even when I finished talking, but they were busy checking each other"s actions.

The Hantz and Altz clans were the next most powerful clans after the Lotz Clan. They led an attack on the 8th and 9th ranking clans.

Of course, I predicted that this situation would happen.

It was very natural for the weakest clan to be targeted in a situation where they were surrounded by stronger clans.

Did I feel sorry or sympathetic for the weak clans?

Honestly, I did to some extent, because if I intervened, I could make every clan send out only 20 fighters to match the 20 members of the 9th ranked Matz clan with the least members except for the Zaltz clan.

However, I didn"t want to intervene and risk condemnation, so I just watched the battlefield silently. Soon after, two clans were eliminated. Of course, they were the 8th and 9th ranked clans.

[The remaining fighters of the Lotz, Matz, and Tutz clans are zero.

-The three clans that will disappear from the Glue Plains have been decided.

-The remaining seven clans will be moved out of the arena in 10 seconds.]

“Wow! Thank you so much, Asirante!”

“Asirante, you are the savior of our Zaltz clan!”

As soon as the message rang, there were people who welcomed me very much.

They were none other than the nine fighters of the Zaltz clan right next to me.

The three clans who would be eliminated were initially basically decided from the start.

Namely, the 9th ranked Matz clan and the 8th ranked Tutz clan would definitely be eliminated.

But none of the ten clans expected that the first-ranked Lotz clan, not the 10th ranked Zaltz clan, would be included in the unfortunate three clans.

Anyway, since the Zaltz clan survived, the atmosphere among the nine members could not be better, while those users who partic.i.p.ated in the remaining six clans, who were standing at a distance, could not help but have mixed feelings.

However, I didn"t have to pay attention to them, so I ignored their intense gaze.

Soon, I felt myself being dragged somewhere, and the first residential district of the Zaltz Clan soon came into view.

“Wow! Hurray!”

“We have survived!”

“Thank you, Asirante. Thank you very much.”

It seemed that the message that rang inside the arena also rang outside.

So, numerous members of the Zaltz clan greeted me exuberantly.

Of course, I was very happy with their cheering because a message about the reward rang as soon as I got out of the arena.

[ You have successfully cleared the quest “Save the Zaltz Clan.”

-The following rewards are given.

: 500 million Golden Rings.

: 500 remaining stat points.

: 7000 coins.

: Legendary Grade Blessing.]

I expected such rewards up to that point.

But there was one more reward I was waiting for.

And that"s why I first got rid of the 100-member Lotz clan by fighting hard.

[While proceeding with the quest, you have successfully cleared the special quest t.i.tled ‘Eliminate the Lotz Clan."

-You obtain 500 additional stat points.]

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