Translated by JayTranslations

Edited by Ulti

Part 1

The following morning.

「— — How cowardly. Aiming for the enemies" supplies? The troops protecting the supplies are normally made up of low-cla.s.s demons that can"t fight very well. Do you think we"ll be publicly acknowledged for attacking such a thing!?」

In front of the royal castle, the knights were evenly lined up in the middle while we were placed in the corner.

In front of the neatly arranged knights, someone that looks like the kingdom"s general was giving out a speech of some sorts.

And we were not a part of that crowd. We were ordered to do whatever we want because we were considered a useless squad. That"s why we were planning our own operation…

「Commander, if it"s possible, I also want to fight powerful enemies. My grandpa wrote in his will that I should eat the meat of all the magic beasts in the world to become the strongest chimera.」

Does this kid have a grandpa complex…?

If you say it"s to fulfill a will… then I, being an evil combatant… The little conscience I have left will waver.

「Mhmm, I do want to help you achieve that but… Can"t you just eat the meat of a magic beast that someone else killed? We can ask them to bring it our way.」

「If it"s not fresh meat, then it doesn"t taste very good…」

…. Return my guilty conscience, you gluttonous chimera girl.

「It"s as Rose says. Powerful enemy commanders will be among the troops made up of strong enemies. That"s where we"ll charge forward to cut down their heads. Well, I"ll take care of the strong ones. We"ll annihilate all the small fries at once with Grimm"s curse. Rose, you follow me! 」

Problem is, this muscle-brained girl"s eyes are too hung up on achievements.

Snow kept stubbornly rejecting the proposal to attack the supply troops.

No matter how many times I explain the benefits of this plan, she doesn"t hear a word of it.

This narrow-minded girl still seems to be harboring a grudge from when I fondled her yesterday.

Meanwhile, Alice opened her mouth while she was observing us.

「Listen well you guys. You seem to be thinking that raiding the supply troops won"t be considered a noteworthy achievement, but that"s not the case. First of all, you people always charge in from the front like idiots, right? That"s why even the enemy won"t expect their supply lines to be cut off. They"ll be careless and probably won"t even have proper escorts. What do you think the enemy fighting in the frontlines will think when they find out that their supply line"s been cut off? It"ll be absolutely chaotic.」


Snow had her brows furrowed as she listened to Alice"s explanation.

「And second, without incoming supplies, it"ll be a disaster for anyone fighting any wars. Even if the enemy wins on the battlefield… If there are no supplies, they won"t even have the option to stay and eventually will have to retreat. If we cut off their supply lines, then even if the knights are defeated on the battlefield, the enemy troops will have to pull back. This one small squad will determine the enemy"s fate. Can you really say this won"t be a great contribution?」


How impudent.. Snow was obediently listening to Alice"s words, a far cry from when I was explaining the situation.

「Additionally, if we can successfully carry out this operation at least once, the enemy will become wary from then on. What I mean by "wary" is that they"ll have to deploy guards to their supply troops. This is to prevent us from ever attacking their supply lines again.」

Like Alice said, even if it"s small, we"ll be able to reduce the number of enemies in the frontlines.

…Wait a second, I"m pretty sure I explained this one-by-one also….

「What do you think? Attacking the enemy"s supply troops is a simple and easy operation. Looking at it in the long run, do you understand how effective it is? I know that you"re a knight, but this is war. You have to be ruthless.」

「….I understand what you"re saying. But, I don"t think this will be recognized as a huge contribution…. My salary also dropped from my demotion….. At this rate, I won"t be able to pay off the loan on one of my swords from my collection… The Flaming Sword, Flame Zapper… I"m going to lose it….」

Snow was saying that with a face that was about to cry while hugging her sword close to her chest.

A sword collection… Is she a sword maniac?

「If you"re worried about that, just leave it to him. Exaggerated contributions? He"s highly proficient in overstating his contribution to the highest degree in his reports.」

「I see… Indeed, he does have an unethical image.」

「Can I hit both of you once?」

Perhaps because she thought our talk was too long, Rose was pressing her stomach as it grumbled regrettably.

「Then is today"s mission to attack the enemy"s supply lines? Since I always use my salary to buy the meat of magical beasts that I"ve never eaten before, I"m always short on money… I didn"t eat anything since this morning. If I"m not able to eat any magical beasts, I feel like I"m going to cry….」

I"m really curious about this girl"s normal diet…

Well, if that"s the case..

「You can do whatever you want with the captured supplies. Though I wonder if the bulk of it will be food.」

「Then let"s go with the operation to attack the enemy supply troops!」

Part 2

「Is that it…? Looks like they really are careless. They"re not even wielding any proper weapons. Hey Grimm, wake up.」

We were hiding ourselves not far from the road that the enemies were on. We decided to target the slowly approaching enemy supply troops.

We made the small-framed Rose push Grimm"s wheelchair all the way here while Grimm was sleeping. Snow kept trying to shake her awake.

Now that I think about it, this girl was also asleep in her wheelchair during our meeting to decide the operation.

「Ugh… What, what is it? As soon as I opened my eyes, I"m right under the sun surrounded by fields… Do you have something against me? Ugh…. I wish the sun would just disappear…」

As soon as Snow woke her up, Grimm was shaking her head while saying some weird things.

「Grimm, the fight"s about to start. Pay attention. Although they"re just small fries, don"t be careless.」

As she closely looked around her surroundings, Snow checked up on the condition of her sword.

「If there are only small fries, then it"s not yet time for the archbishop Grimm-san to…」

「Oi, don"t fall asleep!」

「You idiot, your voice is too loud! They"ve discovered us!」

One of the enemy troops noticed us from hearing Snow"s exchange with Grimm.

— — Are those orcs, the evil creatures commonly featured in j.a.panese fantasy mangas?

They possessed pig heads and were without any real weapons. They were also bipedal monsters hauling around the supply carts.

By the way… Aren"t orcs supposed to be fantasy creatures that exist in Earth"s legends?

I wonder why those things are living on this planet.

…Either way, now"s not the time for those questions…

「Since we got found out, there"s no helping it. Let"s go you guys! It"s time for battle!」

I rushed out of the woods that I was hiding in, and loudly declared words from the template written in the combatant"s manual.

「HAHAHAH! You won"t be able to pa.s.s by heeere!」

As I shouted that, I approached them as I was licking the blade of the knife that I pulled out.

— — The sound of a shotgun roared loudly.

At the sound of Alice"s shot, all the orcs fell face down one by one.  

「Anyone who resists will be eliminated! If you value your lives, leave everything and scram!」


As I was yelling the script from the manual, I kicked over the cart that the lead orc was hauling. The cart flipped over.

The following orcs halted their movements since the flipped cart was blocking the road.

As soon as Alice and I a.s.saulted the transportation troops, the orcs struggled to run away while letting out pig-like shrieks.

Rose, who was following right behind us, said in an embarra.s.sed voice..

「C-Commander. Can you not say those words? It"s only supposed to be a simple military operation, yet it feels like I"m an accomplice to a horrible, evil deed…」

Even if she says that… This is the formal recommendation of surrender for enemy troops, as written in the combatant"s manual.

「Ah, Commander! What should we do with the enemy"s supplies? There are tons of them!」

「Burn everything you can"t take! We"ll carve into the hearts of these fools from the demon king’s army, just how terrifying we are! HAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!」

「Yaay, you"re so cool Commander!」

As I was laughing loudly while giving Rose the order to burn everything, I started to feel killing intent coming from behind me.



I rolled over and dodged instantly. There stood Snow, who just swung her sword.  

「Oi… Oi you. What did you just try to pull on me?」


「Just now you…You clicked your tongue, right!? You really just tried to kill me, right!?」

This girl is definitely crazy in the head!

I can"t show my back to her ever again!

Wait a second, since it has come to this… I should just make it look like an accident and…

「What, what"s with your eyes? Do you want to fight? Fine, come at me! I"ll teach you that there"s a high price to pay for touching a maiden"s chest! I will turn you into the rust on my sword!」

…As that played out, it happened right when we were about to start fighting…

「Sink in the sea of flames residing in my body…! Sleep for all eternity, Crimson Breath!」

As soon as Rose shouted that, the enemy"s supplies were engulfed in a terrifyingly scorching fire.

From the looks of it, Rose was breathing scorching hot flames.

Seeing that, I casually started to speak in j.a.panese.

『…Hey Alice, is that the special ability of a chimera? Wasn"t that kid supposed to be artificial… There"s no way that there"s more of them on this planet, right?』

『If we take her back to Earth, don"t you think she"ll become a clean, eco-friendly energy source? Let"s investigate later how she can possibly do that. She"s actually a pretty interesting fellow.』

The orcs that were engulfed in flames along with the supplies were shrieking in pain and rolling around. It started to smell like cooked pork.


From that smell, Rose started to drool from her soot-covered mouth… Oi.

「You"re drooling. Drooling. And your mouth is covered in soot. I"m telling you this again but we"re in the middle of battle. So don"t eat the orcs ok?」


Rose hurriedly wiped her mouth with her sleeves. Nearby, the orcs looked ready to counterattack. They grabbed whatever they could and slowly approached us.

「Hey Rose, there"s something I want to know. Those words and the cool pose you made… Do you always need to do those things before breathing fire?」

「Please Alice-san, go easy on me! You already know and you"re still asking me! It"s because my grandpa…!」

While Rose was tearfully protesting to Alice, the orcs thought it was the perfect opportunity to rush in.

But Snow suddenly showed up behind the orcs. Blinding crimson slashes were made on the orcs" backs.

Each time Snow"s flaming sword flashed, an orc was shrouded in flames and shrieked in pain while falling down to the ground.

As if that was what a knight should be… I was a little in awe of the skills involved with royal swordsmanship.

『No. 6, even though she’s just an ordinary human, she’s pretty capable. You don"t think there"ll be many knights at this level, do you? If that’s the case, it might be a little difficult to invade.』

『No, that girl"s an elite that became the commander of the knights through skills alone, with no connections whatsoever. I don"t even want to think about it if someone like her was an average knight.』

As Alice and I were whispering to each other, Snow quickly caught on and gazed at us suspiciously.

「Hey, there"s still enemies around. Stop playing around and… Where"s Grimm?」

Now that I think about it, I already saw Rose"s skill, but I have yet to see Grimm display hers.

I wanted to see it at least once, the so-called "curse" she kept talking about.

And the person that Snow was calling for was…..

Sleeping in her wheelchair, at the edge of the woods where we were hiding in the first place.


My voice that came out naturally, overlapped with Snow"s.

「Anyways, this girl… No matter how much she says her body can only operate at night, this is going too far. A severe punishment is….」

With an angry expression, Snow approached Grimm.

As I looked the other way from them…

「Since nearly all the orcs ran away, just leave her, leave her. I"ll just push Grimm on the way back.」

As I said those words..

A large shadow lingered over our heads.

As I casually looked overhead, there was a —- —-

「What is that?」

A legendary beast, found only in stories on Earth.

A huge beast known as a griffin was slowly descending.

Part 3

「「A griffin!」」

The beast that was slowly descending had the head of an eagle, the body of a lion, and gigantic wings spread widely.

Upon seeing it, for some reason Snow and Rose were tensing up.

In contrast to those two, because it was Alice"s and my first time seeing such a huge animal…

「Oi, that"s the famous griffin that shows up often in games and mangas! Even orcs… Why are fantasy creatures from back home showing up here? Oh right, I brought my digital camera!」

「No, calling it a griffin is just your interpretation. Anyways, I wonder on what principles this thing flies? It should be impossible to fly with that size using only its pectoral muscles and wings. If I take it back to Earth, I"d be lynched by aerodynamicists.」

I started taking pictures like a tourist.

「Hey No. 6, what do you think you"re doing!? Stop playing around and fight!」

As if responding to Snow"s warning, a voice called out from the sky.

「Oh my… My business doesn"t regard you; it regards that cargo!」

The owner of that voice was riding on the back of the griffin that was slowly descending.

She was a female demon with white hair, red eyes, brown skin, and two horns sprouting from her head.

「— — d.a.m.n, I shouldn"t have left it all to the underlings. I came here because I thought the supply troops were a little slow, but this is no joke! Really… You"ve really made a mess here…!」

As she was saying that, she got off the griffin"s back. She was a beauty scantily dressed in red.

「Were you responsible for this mess? Hey, you wearing the strange armor. From my observation, you"re the leader, right? Say something!」

What does she mean by strange armor… Is she talking about this battle suit?

As the dark-skinned beauty with big t.i.ts talked to me, I…

「Excuse me… Hey you, are you even listening to me? For a while, just what are you doing? What"s that?」

I was taking pictures of the rare dark-skinned beauty with big t.i.ts.

「Hey… Hey No. 6. Hey. If you have to take pictures, then take pictures of the griffin. Why are you just taking pictures of that woman like you’re possessed?」

I reluctantly put down my camera because of Alice"s words.

「…Yes, it was us that defeated your supply troops. And what about you? Judging from that attire and att.i.tude… Definitely… Are you a demon general?」

At my reply, the busty beauty went "Hmph!" as she proudly exhaled.

「Did you realize that from just a glance? You have a good eye. That"s right, I am one of the  four heavenly kings of the Demon King"s Army, Heine of the Flame. To be able to recognize my strength, you"re definitely not an ordinary person.」

The girl, who introduced herself as Heine, narrowed her eyes into a smile, and boasted her chest.

「Oh… it"s just that… I just felt in you a distinctive aura unique to evil generals.」

All the generals on our side (Kisaragi) are nothing but weird people.

Those pointlessly lewd, yet brilliant attires… Even though this is another world, she defintely has to be a general..

That"s right, if I put it into words… It"s probably an eccentric aura.

「Heh, you"re quite capable for a human! …. Ohoho, I"ve taken a liking to you. It"d be such a waste to just kill you. If you leave the cargo here, I can at least spare your lives.」

Heine seemed sincerely happy as her eyes narrowed again while she suspiciously smiled.

「What foolish words! Do you really think there"s anyone here that’d listen to the words of a demon?」

「That"s right! Even if up against a general, humans will never yield to evil! And besides, these supplies are my dinner!」

These two were in a rage from hearing Heine"s words.

「…Oi, what should we do Alice? No matter how you look at it, isn"t she an S-cla.s.s monster? It"ll be hard with our current equipment. I think we should retreat for now.」

「This is why you"ll always be a lowly underling. More importantly, read the mood a little.」

Snow and Rose were surprised hearing our conversation.

「You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you dare call yourself a man? To be scared of the enemy, you should be ashamed! I knew I should have cut you down when I first met you!」

「C-Commander, but my dinner! My stomach feels like it"ll disappear right now! Please, we can"t go back!」

While I was in the middle of being condemned, Heine initially had a dumbfounded expression, then she started to laugh profusely.

「Ahahahhaha! You"re so funny since you"re so blunt! How about you join the Demon King"s army instead? Since you look like you have the skills… Once we take over humanity, I can even appoint you as their ruler. I can also make any girl you desire yours.」

「I"ll join.」

「Wait No. 6. Don"t answer that so suddenly… You… If we have our combatant jump ship, it"ll be quite troublesome. Though you"re lacking in the head, you"re still one of our main fighters.」

As if realizing something from those words, Heine kept looking at Alice.


Heine tilted her head as she observed Alice with great interest.

「You… You"re a human? But for some reason, you smell like a golem…?」

It seems like Heine"s mumbling didn"t reach the ears of the two who were sending disapproving looks my way.

「So what will you do? Do you want to join me on this side?」

Even though I really wanted to say I wanted to, the glares of everyone were hurting me.

If I joke around anymore than this, I"ll really be cut down by Snow.

「I"m sorry. I already have a scary boss, you see.」

As I pulled out my knife, I got ready for combat.

「…When we return, I"m going to tell her that you called her a scary boss.」

「Alice-san, please don"t…」

Heine, without any anger towards my response, narrowed her eyes as she laughed.

「Of course. At first glance, you look like someone who says he can do anything, but really, you"re someone who can"t abandon the weak. My eyes are never wrong. Can you give me your name?」


Even I didn"t know that I was someone unable to abandon the weak.

What’s with her? For some reason, her evaluation of me is quite high.

The armored girl who overbearingly ordered me around since our first meeting… The superior, who despite paying me so little, worked me to the bone and even almost got me killed through the teleportation machine… I recalled both faces while briefly considering if I should really jump ship…

「It"s Combatant No. 6. Just call me No. 6. Heavenly King of the Demon King"s Army, Heine of the Flame.」

From having her name called by me, Heine looked sincerely happy for the moment.

「Oh, Oh, is it No. 6! That"s right, I"m Heine of the Flame! Heavenly King of the Demon King"s Army, Heine of the Flame!」

…..I see…

『Oi, Alice. Seems like she"s just like our generals. She"s the type that gets upset if we don"t call her by her t.i.tle.』

『In other words, if we call her using her t.i.tle, she"ll feel so happy that she"ll be easy to control. She"s definitely the type that likes to follow up on her promises..』

As Alice and I were whispering to each other in j.a.panese, Heine raised her voice with a happy expression. A blue fireball formed in the palm of her hand.

Wait!? Just what is that!? Really what is it!?

That"s really magic!

「Just what are you chattering about? Here I come No. 6! Well, I"ll make sure not to take your life! I"ll make you realize the power of one of the four heavenly kings of the Demon King"s Army, Heine of the Flame!」

Part 4

With both my arms, I somehow parried the heavy front paws of the griffin. Then I rolled to the ground to avoid Heine"s fireball.

「No. 6, don"t get up! Stay down!」


Just as I was about to get up, the griffin started to attack again.

「Commander, behind you!」


As I was dodging around, Heine was about to fire….

「Oi! We have the advantage in numbers! Why am I the only one fighting!? This is wrong!」

As I was shouting these words, I took a step back to avoid the fireball that just whizzed by my bangs.

「For this combat mission, I only brought my flaming sword. This weapon"s a really bad matchup against a general that can control fire! I"ll burn the enemy"s supplies, so keep Heine and the griffin busy!」

「I-I"ll go secure as much food as I can before Snow-san burns everything up!」

As I heard those words from my selfish and untrustworthy comrades, I seriously considered betraying them because of the unreasonable situation I"m in.

「Ahahahaha! Amazing! That was just amazing! To avoid the griffin"s and my attack, just who are you!?」

Hearing Heine"s joyful laughter, I thought to myself that I"ll use Snow as a shield… Then it happened.

After I barely avoided Heine"s fireball, the griffin that was attacking me roared as it got hit with a bullet to its upper body. The griffin fell back.

From where the sound originated from…

— — Alice, who fired the shotgun, tumbled on the ground.

It seems like she couldn"t handle the recoil from the high caliber round she fired.

「…First, thanks to you I have some breathing room. But just how weak are you?」

「Shut it. While you were running around disgracefully, I kept looking for gaps. And right back at you, can"t you fight properly?」

As Alice was rising from the ground, she kept her aim on the griffin while she complained.

The griffin began to weakly roar while blood was spilling from its upper body where it was. .h.i.t with the large shotgun round..

Heine was looking at the griffin with a dumbstruck look. I don"t know if she lost focus, but she extinguished the flame in her hand and widened her eyes as she stared at the shotgun that Alice was holding.

「…A kid like you, did this to a griffin? Just what is that weapon? No.. Just who are you two?」

Heine"s face was no longer relaxed. She lowered her stance, and changed her att.i.tude.

The air around her changed, it seems like she’s seriously recognizing us as enemies now.

My brain was telling me that this girl"s a lot more dangerous than the griffin.

Alice probably felt the same thing. She changed her aim from the griffin to Heine while watching her movements…!

「I see the tables have turned somehow. Now, turn into my achievement!」

As she was nearly done burning all the supplies, Snow saw the situation of the griffin being unable to move. Not wanting to miss an opportunity, she headed over this way.

This girl… From the start, she didn"t do anything when the general was fighting. Just what"s with this girl?

As I was about to shout out my complaints at the greedy woman who only has eyes for merit, it happened..

— — A blunt, deafening sound came from behind.

That was the sound of something very heavy being dropped from way up high.

As I turned around, there was something enormous there.

My immediate surroundings became very dark.

That was because whatever landed, suddenly spread its wings.

Alice suddenly muttered…

「An S-cla.s.s monster…」

The thing that dropped from the sky.. It had a black l.u.s.ter, hardened body, and the characteristic horns of a demon.

Its height was over 3 meters tall. And it must have been very heavy.

In short, it looked like a huge goblin with bat wings.

While holding a metal club in its arm, it started to leisurely walk around with its wings fully spread.

『Let"s use Snow as bait and run. Let"s go, Alice!』


「Hey, No. 6! Don"t use that mysterious language in this situation! You guys said some unpleasant things didn"t you!?」

Snow was muttering something, but there"s no way we"re taking on that thing.

Just Heine and the griffin were very troublesome. There"s no way I"m going to fight if you add something like that to the mix! When I thought that…

「….Ah… Ara?」

A sleepy voice, that felt out of place, was heard.

As I turned towards the voice, there was a familiar wheelchair right next to the S-cla.s.s monster.

Even in this situation, it seems like Grimm only woke up because of all the noise and shaking.

As Grimm was rubbing her eyes and looking around, she made eye contact with the large monster.

「Good, good morning…?」

As the sleepy Grimm murmured those words, the monster moved to raise his large metal club— —

— — CRACK. There was a sound of something being completely crushed.

Grimm, who lost everything from the neck up, slowly descended onto her wheelchair.

「Oh… Oi, Grim?」

Seeing the unmoving Grimm, Snow immediately got into her battle stance.

「No. 6! I"ll fight that thing. In the meantime, go get Grimm.」

Go get Grimm?

I mean… That was definitely a fatal blow.

「Huh? Get what? Is something wrong with your head? She"s definitely just a piece of meat now.」

The monster swung his club to get rid of all the blood. Then he kicked away Grimm"s wheelchair.

The wheelchair was destroyed, while the sound of Grimm"s body hitting the ground could be heard.

「Hey Heine, why are you playing around with these small fries? If you"re going to pick on humans, then include me too!」

「Tsk-, I wasn"t playing around. Well whatever. I lost my interest. Do whatever you want.」

Before she left, she quickly glanced my way. Then she left as if this didn"t interest her anymore.

— — My brain couldn"t digest the chain of events that happened so fast.

Oh right… First, I should go get Grimm like Snow said.

Ah ah, that"s right. Grimm should be categorized as a "magician".

Then that was definitely some sort of sorcery.

「Hey No. 6, get it together!」

I don"t know when Alice came beside me. She was. .h.i.tting my back pretty hard.

「Ah! Oh, Ok Snow, I leave him to you. I"ll take care of Grimm!」

As I said that, I hurriedly ran. Snow also went to the front.

「Ah? You, humans die so easily from just a light hit. It"s so boring fighting you. So boring!! 」

He only casually flapped his wings, but from just that, a strong gust of wind blew out.


Snow took a direct hit from the wind. She groaned softly as she couldn"t get any closer.

「Hey human, I"ll teach you my name before you die. So remember it well! I am one of the Demon King"s Four Heavenly Kings. Gadalkand of the Earth! Did you memorize it? Good, now hurry up and die!」

While Gadalkand was shouting, Alice fired off a shotgun sh.e.l.l.

Gadalkand, who instantly used his arms to cover his face, shouted fiercely and repelled the shotgun sh.e.l.l. Then, as he started running towards Snow, he kicked the ground with all his strength for his lift off.


In response, Rose took a huge breath.

「Woaah! You insolent fool! Who do you think you are to do something so rude!」

As Gadalkand was about to fly towards Snow, he was suddenly surrounded by Rose"s flames.

As Snow was following up, she swung her flaming sword. The flames that the sword was radiating became even fiercer. Gadalkand shouted in pain while he took a step back.

While Gadalkand was flapping his wings trying to extinguish the harmful flames, I ran towards Grimm and picked her up…!

Seems like I saved the day…?

There was definitely no sorcery or anything like that going on here.

Grimm"s body, minus the head, quickly lost strength and fell to the ground.

『– — Hey Alice, just what"s happening here? Can people of this planet survive something like this?』

『No. 6, think rationally. There"s no hope for her. She"s already dead.』

Alice told me that while I was still holding Grimm.

Blood started to rush to my head as I heard those words.

Grimm and I only met yesterday.

Although I don"t know anything about her other than that she wears string panties, she was still a comrade that I"ve exchanged words with….

「That b.a.s.t.a.r.d, I"ll kill him until there"s nothing left! Oi, Alice, Snow. Cover me! I don"t care if he"s one of the Four Heavenly Kings, I"m going to kill him! Rose, I"ll leave Grimm"s body to you!」

Snow was a little startled at me angrily giving orders.

「Alright! Since this guy is one of the enemy"s top generals, if we defeat him here, then it"ll be a huge achievement.」

As she shouted that, she stood right beside me.

「Hah! Why are you getting so excited, human!? You should enjoy life a little more before you perish! You humans have such short lifespans and die so easily!」

「You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, I"ll definitely kill you! Alice, have the R-b.a.s.t.a.r.d Sword teleported! Because I"m going to rip this b.a.s.t.a.r.d to shreds!」

「Ok, got it!」

It happened just when we were all about to make our moves in response to Gadalkand"s taunting.

「Just what are you doing here, Gadalkand-sama!?」

A voice was heard from the sky.

From where it was heard, there was a demon that looked half the size of Gadalkand.

「Oh, it"s just you? Well actually that"s because the one leading the charge in today"s battle is that arrogant Russell who"s better off dead. When I was casually making my way to the battlefield, Heine was playing around with these fools that attacked our supply troops.」

「Heine-sama has already entered the battlefield. The battle has already begun! It"s a little troubling that you"re playing around with a couple of humans! Even if the supply troops were attacked, the one responsible will be the one leading today"s charge, Russell-sama. But, you will be responsible for being late to today"s battle that’s already started! Even if it"s only for our clan, please hurry to the frontlines!」

Gadalkand clicked his tongue after hearing those words.

「Seems like your lives are spared, humans. If you ever see me again, make sure to hide yourselves well! Then, this is farewell! It"ll be fine if you cry while carrying that girl"s corpse back to the castle!!」

He flew high into the sky as he talked a lot of s.h.i.t.

「Wait, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, are you running away you coward!? Stop f.u.c.king around, and come down right this instant you bastaaard!」

Even after all my shouting, Gadalkand still flew to the battlefield.— —

「— — That b.a.s.t.a.r.d… said he was going to the battlefield, right?」

「…Are you going to go after him? That"s impractical. You can"t keep up with someone that flies through the skies. It"ll take some time to even reach the battlefield. Once we get there, the battle might already be over. Anyways, we should do something about Grimm.」

Snow said those words as I was muttering to myself.

「…Alice, what about the R-b.a.s.t.a.r.d Sword?」

「I didn"t send the memo when that little one arrived from the sky… Should I send it?」

「…No, forget it. Do it after we pay our respects to Grimm. That guy will show up on the battlefields eventually anyways.」

I turned my eyes away from Grimm"s corpse as Rose was diligently loading the enemy"s supplies onto a cart.

This is a little sad…

She may have spoken and acted strangely occasionally… She even slept all the time in the middle of the day… But she was a decent person, just as much as her appearance…

「Snow, what does this country do with the bodies of the deceased? Bury them? Or do they cremate them?」

Even if it’s not much, we can still pay our respects..

「…Hm? By chance, did you not hear anything from Grimm?」

As I had no clue what she was talking about, Snow continued to talk.

「You don"t think Grimm"s actually dead, right? She won"t die from something like this.」


What is this girl saying?

「So, I"m saying that Grimm isn"t dead yet. Did you even look at her file?」

As Snow said those words, she pointed to the cart where Rose laid Grimm"s body. Rose was still diligently loading food, from the spoils, onto the empty s.p.a.ces around the body.

I get the feeling of wanting to take just a little bit more… But after seeing the bizarre sight of a pumpkin-like vegetable placed where Grimm"s head would be, I wished someone would stop her.

「Oh, so then… Just what exactly happened?」

When I asked that in confusion,

「I mentioned before that only troublesome folks were gathered in that camp. In Rose"s case, it"s because as you see, she has the blood of demons flowing through her. Even when that girl has incredible strength, because of that sole reason, she is ostracized and discriminated against. She would be handled outrageously by just about any squad. Orders such as to a.s.sault the enemy alone would be given to her… In other words, she would be treated as a one-time use, disposable a.s.set.」

「In this country.. So there are people that are so trash that they"d make me look like a relatively righteous, ethical person huh?」

「That"s right. Trash, such as you, is prevalent in this nation.」

This d.a.m.n woman.

「And there"s Grimm. The G.o.d she worships, Zenalith, is a somewhat special being.」

Snow, even though she was struggling to continue talking…

「Grimm is an archbishop. Everyone knows that. And Zenalith is an evil G.o.d from ancient times that presides over the undying and disasters.」

Part 5

When we returned to the castle, we saw that the group of knights have already returned.

Even on the note that we came back carrying the enemy"s supplies, it was still too early for them.

On another note, now that I look closely, the number of knights here is rather small compared to the number before we left.

Also these knights were wounded with quite a lot of battle scars.

「Seems like they lost. All their expressions are pretty gloomy. But, this is a good opportunity for us. No. 6, now is the time to boast about our contributions. Bring someone high up over here. Report something along the lines of, "even though you all returned after losing pitifully, with the success of our plan to attack the enemy"s supplies, the enemy couldn"t stay in this land for long, and had to retreat." Let"s take all of the credit.」

Alice made a diabolical suggestion that would throw these people, already defeated in both mind and body, into the grinder.

「Leave it to me! I"ll tell them we did this operation because something like this could"ve happened, so they better be grateful. I"ll also add that we had one of the Four Heavenly Kings by the foot, while they are in this pathetic state even with all that extravagant upbringing.」

「…That"s quite… Quite a vulgar act, but you guys are only reliable in times like these. But it"s not like I don"t like these things. Relentlessly questioning the elite and the strong on why they failed is the most exciting work. Ah ah, I"m only thinking about it but I"m already drooling…」

Just how many people were ruined while this girl was crawling down her road to success?

While I"m now more aware of the real Snow from her next level s.a.d.i.s.tic remark, I merrily went off to make my report.

— — This is a place away from the capital. It was a temple with a hole in its ceiling.

The temple looked like it was made in a natural cave. There were evil-shaped ornaments displayed all over the place.

I was amazed that there was such a suspicious site near a village. Grimm"s body laid on top of a pedestal in the middle of the cave.

「Are we really resurrecting Grimm in this kind of place?」

After I almost made the higher-up cry, we arrived at this temple.

「That"s right. Although we"re calling it a resurrection, we"re only leaving Grimm in this temple with tributes for her evil G.o.d. I think she"ll come back to life on her own during the night.」

「…By tributes, do you mean all this junk lying around?」

The things that were raised on the pedestal along with Grimm were a ruined stuffed doll, old clothes, things that looked like they were preciously used, and also….

「Ah, those are my preciously used favorite socks. Since they got holes in them, I brought them as offerings for Grimm"s resurrection.」

Rose shyly said those words as she looked towards the socks laid out beside Grimm.

Is this for real?

Is Grimm"s life really valued the same as a pair of socks?

「Tributes for the evil G.o.d Zenalith, whom Grimm serves, are items that people preciously cared for and obsessed over. It should be alright with this many items filled with fond memories… Well, I"m going to go eat and then return to my room. There"s a special programme about Zoringale Company Knives tonight. I can"t miss it.」

「Ah, I"m also going to go eat the large amount of rations we secured from today"s raid!」

「Since I violently fired my shotgun, I think I"ll go do maintenance on it. What are you going to do, No. 6?」

As everyone went about on their own ways…

「Mhm, I"m going to stay here. Grimm will resurrect at nightfall right? I want to see how she actually resurrects, also she"d be lonely if no one was here after she comes back to life.— —」

— — As the sun was setting, my surroundings started dimming.

Finally, the darkness enveloped everything, but Grimm"s resurrection still hasn"t begun.

I was waiting on my knees, a few steps away from the pedestal where Grimm was laying.

As I was absentmindedly looking through the hole in the ceiling, an astronomical number of stars could be seen.

I guess the air in this world is a lot cleaner.

Or one of the reasons could be because there are no skysc.r.a.pers or even streetlights back at the capital.

Should I just take a picture of this instead of getting a souvenir for when I return to j.a.pan?

Wait a minute, I should"ve photographed the orcs and Gadalkand as well..

While I was thinking about useless things, I felt that the pedestal, on which Grimm was on, was slightly getting brighter.

…No, it"s not just a feeling, it"s actually glowing.

— — Then, with Grimm at the center, a pattern that was like a magic circle appeared. Suddenly, a blinding ray of light flew through the hole in the ceiling, towards the sky.

Finally, the light dimmed down. The tributes lying around the temple were gone, and Grimm, who was still lying down, slowly opened her eyes.

As Grimm was getting up, she grabbed her head as if she had a headache.

「…Commander? What are you doing sitting on your knees in a place like this?」

「…I was waiting for you to resurrect.」

As she was looking around to find something, Grimm had a stunned expression when she asked me,

「Why would the Commander wait for my revival…? Ah, since I couldn"t use any of my abilities before I died, is there some kind of punishment awaiting me…?」

「Huh? No, that"s not the case. I just thought you"d be lonely if no one was here when you came back to life. I guess I also had my doubts that if we left the offerings with you, you"d actually resurrect on your own afterwards.」

「Seems like I"ve been roughly handled while I was dead…」

I guess she didn"t say anything, out of kindness, about the old socks being around all the tributes.    

I don"t know whether Grimm gave up looking for that thing, but she looked at me straight in the eyes without her usual restless att.i.tude.

「Anyways, you"re quite unusual, Commander. Out of all the squad commanders that I"ve served under, there was not one kind person that waited for my revival.」

「Oho. It seems like this is the first actual compliment I"ve received since arriving in this country.」

From my words, Grimm narrowed her eyes into a smile.

「Yes, I"m complimenting you. Normally, people would look at me with disgust just for being a worshipper of Zenalith-sama, the G.o.d of the undying and disasters. And you even talk to me normally even though I"m feared for dying multiple times and reviving nonetheless. Even knowing that Rose had the blood of demons mixed within her, the Commander didn"t particularly care about that.」

Even if you say it that way, it"s only because our organization had monsters that left more of an impression than Rose.

「Commander, I"ll give you one advice. It doesn"t really matter for Rose or me since we don"t die easily, but a squad that consists of only troublesome people will only be sent to the most dangerous places.」

As she said that, Grimm had a slightly sorrowful smile.

It"s plain to see that this meant many of those troublesome people lost their lives.

Grimm had a very transient expression that made her seem like she"d disappear any second, it was enough to really make me want to ask, "who are you?" She had the impression of a totally different person from the one that would be absent minded while napping.

A squad that raked in only troublesome people.

If they returned alive with a major achievement, then jackpot. If they died, then the bra.s.s can just send more people they couldn"t bother with.

How should I say this? This is so wrong that it makes our organization look cute.

Once I return to j.a.pan, I should report that such an efficient method exists.

…Well actually, the top generals would definitely hate this kind of cowardly method…

「So that"s why, Commander. Being in this squad is dangerous. You should quit. It"d probably be best if you just left this country.」

There was something lonely about those words. Seems like Grimm was worrying about me.

Without any thought, I immediately said something in response.

「What? Just what are you saying? There"s no way I"m going to leave this squad, you know?」

Grimm had a surprised look from my "what kind of stupid s.h.i.t are you saying" att.i.tude.

「C-Commander, in your own words, just what are you saying? This squad is always sent to the frontlines. They only give missions knowing that we"re disposable, you know?」

Now that it came so far, I said these words.

「In the organization that I was originally in, we fought hundreds of powerful enemies comparable to those generals from the demon king"s army. We sent many to the afterlife on the battlefield.」


From hearing that, Grimm let out a surprised voice.

Those were really awful times when we invaded the U.S. from the front, since many heroes lived there.

「Even after clashing with them, look at how spirited I am. Even today, I actually told the b.a.s.t.a.r.d that killed you that"d I"d tear him to shreds. He acted like he didn"t hear me and quickly left for the main battlefield.」

「That"s, that"s just… How should I put it.. Good luck. Normally, when you confront a Heavenly King-cla.s.s demon, there"s no way you"d be in one piece afterwards….」

Those words weren"t enough I guess…

「If they are only at that level, if I"m in a prepared state with all my gear intact, then I can fight up to 5 of them at once.」

Those heroes usually come at me in teams of five.

I"m not even a monster, but I took them on by myself before. I nearly died while driving them back.

I grimaced while remembering my unpleasant past. Grimm was so stunned that she closed her mouth.

「…Commander, just who are you? I"m also a little concerned about the strange weapon that Alice was carrying…」

Uh oh, this won"t be good for me if she inquires further.

「Well, none of that matters. Now that I think about it, since the current squad members are all girls outside of me, it"s my own harem. No matter how much someone pleads for me to leave this place, I"m not going to.」

After hearing my words.

「Heh heh… I get it. If you don"t want to be questioned, I won"t ask any further. Then, from this point on, I look forward to working with you, Commander.」

Grimm put on a quiet smile as if she was really happy.

「…Now, it"s quite late. What are you going to do now, Commander? Since today was a military operation, tomorrow is a rest day?」

「For real? To think that if you work one day, you get to rest the next in this country. This kind of treatment is just too great. Where I was before, after I returned thinking that I had some time to rest from staying up for 3 nights engaging in guerilla warfare, I had a superior that would use me as an errand boy.」

That superior was the selfish general, Black Lillith, who rarely attempts to come out of her own lab.

「C-Commander also went through some very tough times. Maybe even tougher times than what Rose and I went through…」

「That just might be the case.」

I only realized this from temporarily being away from the organization, but I"m actually a part of quite a sinister organization.  

「I-I see… So.., So Commander, what"s your schedule like now?」

「Let"s see, nothing so far. More importantly, this country"s not big for entertainment. After I got my room yesterday, I wandered the streets for a bit and couldn"t find anything more than something like a tavern.」

That"s right. This country doesn"t have convenience stores, places to play around in. No such things.

No, wait. There might be indecent places around, but since I haven"t even received my pay yet, I can"t even explore them.

Grimm giggled while I was having such thoughts.

「Commander. If it"s alright with you… Would you like to go on a date with me?」

Part 6

…Though I"m not a 100% sure, I guess this is what a date in this world is like.

「Ahahahahaha! Ahahahahaha!」

「Hahah–! Let"s go! Let"s gooooooooooooooo!」

Grimm and I were speeding around the capital.

More precisely, I was running while pushing Grimm in her wheelchair.

「Commander, this wheelchair is amazing! It"s light and fast. After discovering this, I can never go back!」

「That"s because this is also a Kisaragi product! Top quality aluminum frames! Top of the line puncture-proof tires! Grimm, you are the fastest in this nation right now!」

It seems like the item that the recently resurrected Grimm was looking for was her beloved wheelchair.

But that was already destroyed by Gadalkand"s kick.

So, I had a suitable wheelchair teleported from j.a.pan…

「This is the best! Tonight is the best night ever! Ah, Commander look over there! I spy a couple in the front!」

「Nice! Brace for impact! We"re gonna ram into them!」

「You, foooooools!」

As we were enjoying ourselves hara.s.sing the couples in this neighborhood by charging at them, a woman, dressed in what appears like a police uniform, was chasing us.

「Hey stop right there, you two! Why are you doing such an annoying thing!? This is the rest area for couples that"s right next to the inn for secret rendezvous. If you"re going to be going around riding that thing, then go somewhere else!」

After we stopped moving from hearing that, Grimm looked up at me in amazement.

「Well, that"s exactly why we"re running here?」

「Seriously… Just what is this woman saying?」

「So it was a premeditated crime!? Please follow me to the police station, I"ll listen to your stories there.」

Grim broke out into laughter at the earnest-looking policewoman.

「You, who is working late into the night. It"s ok to be a little more honest. Now, look around you. Doesn"t it make your blood boil seeing all these couples!?」

「No, I have a boyfriend… Ow! It hurts! Stop, what are you doing? I"ll put you in jail for obstruction of justice!」

While sitting in the wheelchair, Grimm started kicking barefoot at the policewoman who approached us.

「You could move your legs? Why are you even riding a wheelchair?」

「It"s because of the rebound from using a curse. There are various restrictions for borrowing Zenalith-sama"s strength…」

A rebound from using a curse?

「Anyways, stop riding around in something you don"t even need! …Really, it"s because you do these stupid kind of things that you can"t even get a boyfriend…」

As the policewoman thoughtlessly added unnecessary words, Grimm took out a small doll from her pocket. As Grimm started glowing, she opened her eyes and pointed at her.

「You fool, you"ve said too much! Commander! My power that you didn"t need before, I"ll show it to you now! Great Zenalith-sama, bring forth disaster to this woman! Suffer dizziness!」


The policewoman, who was pointed at, suddenly started staggering while rubbing her temples.

「Um, is this the extent of your power? Either way, it"s a little disappointing..」

「Commander, things like curses don"t always automatically succeed. I believe the success rate of my curses is at about 80%. First of all, each time I use an identically worded curse, the success rate drops off a cliff. Also, whenever I invoke a curse, a different tribute is necessary. In cases where the curse fails, I will suffer…. That"s right, just like this…」

As Grimm was explaining, she looked sad while she touched her feet.

「…So that"s why. A type of curse that weakens one"s legs rebounded back to you…」

「No? This is because of a curse that prevents one from wearing shoes.」

Stop, and apologize to the compa.s.sionate me right now.

「Tsk… It"s not much of a power… Somehow, this so pathetic that even hauling you to the police station would be stupid… 」

As she was talking, the policewoman, having recovered from the dizziness, sent a pitiful gaze towards Grimm.

After hearing those words, Grimm opened her shining eyes once again.

This time she took out several dolls from her pocket.

「Not much of a power!? If you"re going that far, I"ll show you a real curse! Great Zenalith-sama, bring forth disaster to this woman with a boyfriend! Feel the pain of stubbing your toe on the edge of a wardrobe!」


The policewoman, who was once again pointed at, started trembling while keeping her eyes shut.


In front of that policewoman, Grimm held her right foot while crying out loud.

「Oi, it"s dangerous to go on a rampage while on a wheelchair… Ack!」

While struggling around, the tormented Grimm suddenly fell from her wheelchair right in front of our eyes. She hit her head pretty hard and stopped moving around.

…So it"s like that. Is this what the rebound from a curse is like?


…Do I have to take her back to that cave again…?

Part 7

The next day.

「This isn"t right! This isn"t right! This really isn"t right!!」

「It"s ok, it"s ok. You"ll become stronger with this.」

Since it"s a rest day today, I was just lazily walking around the barracks…

「It"s unacceptable. No way. Anything bug-related is out of the question!」

「I"m telling you that insects are rich in nutrients. It"s a given that you should eat bugs during times for survival. Stop throwing a tantrum and eat them right now.」

Recognizing the familiar voice, I opened the door I was pa.s.sing by.

Inside, there was Rose about to cry while Alice was trying to feed a gra.s.shopper to her.

「What are you two doing?」

After seeing me, Rose hid behind my back using me as a shield.

「Commander, help me! Alice-san is overdoing it!」

As she was begging me, while frightened, she took a quick peek at Alice.

「No. 6, you came at a good time. Hold her for a moment.」

「I trust that the Commander would never do such a thing! Because the Commander is a kind person! Aren"t you!?」

Coming between these two, I…

「Why are you doing this Alice? Even if you do this, you won"t gain any atrocity points, you know? Leave this kind of stuff to me.」

「Commander, this is too much! I can"t trust anyone anymore! I guess my grandpa was right about humans being foolish, and that that they deserve to go extinct!」

As she was shouting puzzling words while violently hitting my back, I let Rose go and turned my sights on Alice.

「So, it seems like she absorbs the genetic information of whatever she eats. Then afterwards, it seems like she herself becomes affected by the acquired information? So I became curious just what kind of composition she possesses, and that"s what I"ve been investigating.」

Rose does seem to be an artificial chimera, but from what Snow and Grim told me, that"s simply what she claims to be. The true ident.i.ty of Rose is still wrapped in mystery.

Rose simply said she was discovered sleeping inside an artifact from some ruins…

「Say, what kind of ruins was she discovered in? Was there some kind of super civilization in this world"s past?」

「We can"t overlook that possibility. For the sake of finding out, I want to feed her various things and experiment. And that"s where the gra.s.shopper comes in. If she absorbs the gra.s.shopper"s genes, it"s possible for her to gain the greatest strength.」

I see, I understand the situation now.

「I don"t understand the meaning behind me eating a gra.s.shopper! There are other meats of even stronger animals!?」

From Rose"s tearful counter argument, I received a shock from what I think is called a cultural gap.

「Rose, don"t look down on the genes of a gra.s.shopper. It was taboo to even create gra.s.shopper monsters in the organization that I was in.」

「That"s how it is. Now, just stop resisting and hurry up and eat it. If you eat it all, I"ll give you something good to eat.」

「I don"t know about this! I don"t understand what you two are even saying!」

 Rose was slowly backing away from us while she timidly asked Alice.

「B-but what were you talking about when you said something good? Is it tasty? I"ll give this some thought if you tell me what it is…」

Alice took out a pack of something.

「This is called silicone. If you eat this, your chest will probably grow bigger.」

「Great stuff. Oi Alice, go order some more, and let"s force-feed it to Rose and make her into a nice busty babe.」

「I don"t need something like that! I"m fine the way I am right now!」

But, come to think of it.

「I wanted to ask you before, but why are you even here, being exploited by these guys? If you"re that strong, there has to be work that pays a lot better out there.」

「…It"s to find out my true ident.i.ty. This nation"s scholars are currently investigating the ruins where I was found asleep. They said they"ll share their research findings if I work for this country…」

Starting with this, Rose told us her story from a distant memory.

In her own words, the old man that made her, lost his life from engaging in the forbidden arts.

The old man, before he performed the ritual, left Rose with his will that had various desires.

To fulfill that will, Rose is now seeking something in particular.

The old man, right until he conducted the forbidden arts, desired a particular stone.

If you brew and drink it, not only can it heal any disease, but it"ll become the elixir of life. If you were to use it to make a weapon, it"ll become harder than anything and something that can never be broken down.

If it"s used as a magic catalyst, it can cause natural calamities. If it"s used as an offering during a sacrificial rite, a G.o.d will descend.

It seems like Rose"s creator was in pursuit of something very amazing.

…For some reason when I heard Rose"s story, no matter how I looked at it, I couldn"t help but think that Rose, herself was an artifact. The people in this country sure are doing well for themselves overworking her as if it was normal…

Or maybe that"s the reason for them paying her a measly wage while sending her out to do all the dangerous stuff?

Man, there"s nothing right in this country.

『Oi Alice, if we can get Earth and this place connected, let"s send a researcher from Kisaragi to those ruins. And then, let"s have Rose come over to our side.』

『I was thinking the same thing. She already looks like a monster. If we can just change her mentality, she"ll definitely become an excellent combatant.』

「Wh, what is it? You two are suddenly using a strange language, what"s going on?」

Alice and I grabbed both of Rose"s shoulders while she was confused from our sudden use of j.a.panese.

「Rose, from now on we"re going to train your ignorant self. From today onwards, you"re officially one of us.」

「That"s right. Since you"re still a young fledgling, you need to be strictly educated in the ways of this world. From now on, think of me as your mom and it"s fine to respect me as such.」

「Isn"t Alice-san younger than me!? Since it seems like you"ll cram my head with weird ideas, I"m going to have to refuse… …Ack, what is this badge!? Don"t just stick anything on me!」

Alice stuck the badge that identifies Kisaragi affiliates onto Rose"s chest.

「Congratulations. With this, you"re officially an apprentice combatant.」

「Good for you. From now on, you"re not only No. 6"s subordinate, you"re also our kouhai. Make sure you listen to us.」

TN: For those that don"t know, kouhai is the opposite of senpai (younger, or less experienced person).

「I"m telling you I don"t want it. It looks like you guys are plotting something…. Ah, why are you two suddenly clapping? Please stop. I like where I am right now! Commander, what"s that in your hand!? I told you I"m not going to eat that!! I"m not going to eat any gra.s.shopper or silicone!!」

【Interim Report】

Although the transfer point was at an alt.i.tude of thousands of meters, we have safely arrived at our destination.

From what Alice said, although the ecosystem looks to be largely different from that of Earth, outside of there being less carbon dioxide in its atmospheric composition, there"s really not that much of a difference.

We discovered a vast amount of undeveloped land as well as a civilization.

We haven"t completed the surveying of resources, but there were no problems eating the food acquired in the area.

At the very least, if we do something about the undeveloped land, it can solve the food crisis caused by population growth.

Another thing, at the present location, I"ve been successfully appointed as a combatant.

They"ve recognized my superb talents and selected me to be a squad leader.

Presently, there are folks with the same motives as us, known as the demon king"s army. It seems like the people here are currently fighting with them over a designated zone.

I"ve met our compet.i.tors, the demon king"s army in combat and confirmed that there are S-cla.s.s monsters.

Even though I shouldn"t be victorious with my current lackl.u.s.ter gear, I"ve narrowly defeated them by a hair"s breadth.   

Therefore, please stop being so petty and send the latest gear ASAP to me.

-Report by Combatant No. 6, who was almost killed by Lillith-sama.

Thanks to the readers for still sticking around.

Also big thanks to Ulti for making the banners and editing my subpar translations.

He’s also managing the discord server, though we only have like 5 people in it. So please join by clicking on

Some of my own thoughts:

My guess as to why gra.s.shoppers were preferred by Alice/No. 6 was because they have good strength-to-size ratios.

But after reading ch. 5 of the manga, I guess a gra.s.shopper monster is kind of an iconic villain in j.a.pan or something?

For those that are too pure to know… silicone goes into breast implants –> hence why Rose’s chest may grow from eating it.

Will be updated weekly on Wednesdays.

Translating at Starbucks during Summer Break! If you want to leave me a tip @ , that’d be awesome but completely optional!

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