Part 5

「– Snow, Welcome back. Thank you for your hard work on your mission… Then, who are these guests?」

After being guided into a large room at the top floor of the castle, we were now face to face with a girl. This blonde-haired girl had a very adult-like aura.

「Yes. We encountered these two during our mission. By their own words, they are foreigners who"ve crossed the Great Evil Forest, although I can"t verify that. At the location I met them, there were many corpses of deadly heggs lying around. At the very least, I believe their skills are for real.」

She gasped while listening to Snow"s report…Then, softly murmured to herself while having a surprised expression.

「Both of you lower your heads! This person will be your employer. The princess of this kingdom. Crystseras=Tirris=Grace sama.」

「That"s one long name.」

「You insolent fool!」

Snow cut off my honest opinion, while the girl in front me softly laughed.

「You"re quite a straightforward person. Indeed, you don"t seem like a citizen of this kingdom. Because if you were someone who knew me, you wouldn"t have reacted that way.」

While the girl laughed joyfully, she said some meaningful words.

「Will it be better to address you as Grace sama? Or perhaps, will Crystseras sama be better?」

「Please call me Tirris. Also, it"s fine to be informal. It"s fine to even omit the "sama". I hope you will treat me as a friend.」

「Ti…Tirris sama.. That"s going way too far…」

Tirris ignored whatever Snow wanted to say.

Although even the top generals of our organization gave me this much liberty to talk in this kind of tone, this girl seems to actually be an open-minded person.

Then, Snow started whispering in Tirris"s ears. After hearing it, Tirris nodded her head.

「Is it Combatant No. 6 sama, and Alice sama? No. 6 sama, which nation did you lead a unit in?」

「I did lead in the past. With many combatants under me, we fought fiercely against the whole world as our opponent.」

Upon hearing those words, Snow turned to me with a suspicious gaze while Tirris giggled and laughed.

First of all.. It"s the truth.

「Currently, because of our kingdom"s ongoing fight with the demons, we are lacking capable commanders. No. 6 sama, if you"re that strong, can you lend our kingdom some of your strength?」

After she said that, as if begging, she held her hands together, with eyes that looked like they were about to cry…. Then she looked up towards me.

「If it"s the princess"s request, I can"t refuse! It"s not like I"m doing this because you"re a beautiful girl!?」

「Hey No. 6, stop with the bad theatrics. It"s making the conversation more difficult.」

After hearing my reply, Tirris started laughing in a relieved state. —-

「For goodness" sake. Even if you"re a foreigner, can you not tell the difference between words that you can and cannot say out loud! It"s only because Tirris sama is so kind that she can forgive your rudeness. If you said that to any other n.o.bles, you won"t be able to complain even if your head comes off! How will you take responsibility if my evaluation drops!?」

After finishing up our interview with the employer, we were going to the next place.

Though we already received Tirris"s permission, it seems like she still wanted me to go through the formal interview process.

It seems like even if it"s another planet, public affairs are still rather inflexible.

「Please don"t be so angry Snow sama. No. 6 is definitely an idiot lacking proper etiquette. But since he"s a pro when it comes to fighting, he"ll definitely play an important role going forward. If that happens, won"t Snow sama receive credit for that as well since you scouted us?」


Snow, who was complaining in front of us, was baffled by Alice"s point.

「Ah, is that what it was!? That"s right, it"s a state of war right now. You need all the strong people you can get. You thought you could use us after you saw us take care of those beasts! By saying you"ll introduce us to work, you wanted to take all the credit… But over all else, you wanted my strength and s.e.xy body!」

「I don"t want it that desperately! And I don"t need your body! Honestly, I love merit, money, and famous swords over all else!」

Snow was overdoing it a little by shouting such a vain speech so sincerely.

「Hey No. 6. I feel like you and I are cut from the same cloth. You know normally, we don"t employ foreigners? I am a high ranking authority. If there"s anybody giving you a hard time because you"re a newcomer, I"ll crush him by the authority of the Commander of the Royal Guards. So it"s not like we disagree on anything right? Down the road, I"ll try to make things easier for you…So I"m counting on you!!

While I felt a little terrified of being treated as a comrade by this black-hearted woman, Alice suddenly raised her voice,

「….Hmmm? Snow sama, what exactly is that?」

We were being guided inside the castle and just pa.s.sing through the courtyard.

Just like the tank from before, we saw something that didn"t quite fit in here.

From the castle"s courtyard, we saw a 3 meter wide cube-shaped machine.

Alice was thoroughly observing it and,

「Unlike the tank from before, this thing is in pretty good condition. The power source utilizes solar power. Just what is this used for?」

Snow exhaled loudly while facing us after we inadvertently stopped walking.

「This is also one of our kingdom"s artifacts. This is a legendary relic that can summon rainfall. Whenever there was a season that needed plenty of rainfall, there was a ceremony to plead for rain that involved the kingdom"s royal family dedicating words of prayer to the relic. As you can see, now it doesn"t work. There"s a powerful preservation magic casted on it, but it"ll eventually decay as well..」

As if she saw the future of the kingdom tied to this unmoving machine, Snow had a lonely expression…

「If it"s in this state, I might be able to fix it. May I open it up?」

「Re-really!? Even if something goes wrong, I"ll take full responsibility! Won"t you fix it if you can!? 」

As if responding to the cheered-up Snow, Alice took out a tool from who knows where and immediately started to repair it.

「Why are you carrying something like that?」

「Because I do my body"s maintenance by myself. Even someone like you takes care of his health.」

Although Alice gave a perfectly logical response to my question.. To be able to fix herself up.. She"s kind of convenient to have around.

In the meantime, Snow couldn"t stand still while watching Alice repair it from the side.

「How is it? Think you can fix it?」

「Yes, it looks like it"ll work out. It"s only the wires that deteriorated. It should be fine if you restart it after replacing the wires.」

Upon hearing that, Snow let out a gleeful shriek and with an ecstatic face,

「Great job! Ok, I"ll call over some people! Hehe…. Hehehehehehe…, ….. Hey Alice, No. 6. We"re sharing this accomplishment 50-50 right? I"m counting on you?!」

As she was talking, she kept weirdly laughing and went somewhere.

「… Splitting it 50-50… She didn"t even do anything.」

「That includes you if you say that.. Ok. With this, we can start it up.」

As soon as Alice pressed what looked like the activation switch, a mechanical sound came out.



This must be what Snow mentioned before about royalty giving some words of prayer.


Once again, it narrated this direction.

「d.i.c.k Festival」


「What do you think you"re doing?」

Alice, with the tool still in her hand, stopped moving as if she thought I just committed something unthinkable.

Even though she"s an android, Alice was dumbstruck. I went "tsk tsk" and waved my finger at Alice.

「Alright Alice, listen carefully. What did Snow mention before? That"s right. Every year.. When it"s the season that needs rainfall, royalty will pray to this thing. Royalty, in this case, refers to Tirris. That means that Tirris will have to chant this in front of everyone. What I"m getting down to is that when everyone sees Tirris"s embarra.s.sed face each time this happens, I can earn a lot of atrocity points from this.」

「In your own words, listen to me carefully. If it can be done by royalty, then that means anyone from the royal blood line, and not just Tirris, can use this. Tirris is a princess. In other words, this means that there"s a king. Every year now.. A fully grown man, with many decades under his belt, will chant this idiotic pa.s.sword, that only a grade-schooler would"ve thought of in front of all his people.」

「What should I do? I feel like I just messed up big time..」

「What"s done is done. Hey, No. 6. Request for a plastic explosive to be sent. We"ll blow this machine up to destroy the evidence. Then we"ll tell Snow this… I tried to repair it, but it was impossible… That I thought I fixed it, but it suddenly exploded~ 」

This kid.. She really is as high performance as she says.

「Nice! Let"s go with that!」

As soon as I shouted that out, I heard a voice from behind me.

「Just what exactly is "nice?"」

Looking behind towards the familiar voice…

There stood Tirris grinning while clenching the fan in her hand, as well as Snow trembling while sweating up a storm.

Through the chip embedded in me, only I was able to hear the familiar sound.

Part 6

「Stop struggling! You"re in front of his Majesty so be still!」

「What is this–, You were the one that said you"d take full responsibility if something like this happened–! This is a little harsh. If you were going to act this way, you shouldn"t have let us fix it–!」

This looked like the throne room.

Snow and another solder were dragging us towards the king of the kingdom while we were all tied up.

「Sh- Shut up! I only told you to repair it! Who told you to do something like that!?」

Snow"s face was full of anxiety as she tried to shut me up.

We were on our knees on the carpet while our arms were tied up. In front of us was a gentle looking man looking curiously at us. He asked,

「… And he is?」

「Yes, it seems like Snow dono rated his skills highly and brought him in to be a commander. Then he said they could fix the artifact in the courtyard, and it seems like they have actually repaired it.」

After listening to the explanation of the secretary-like woman, the man raised his voice in admiration.

This person surely must be the king.


「Oi Alice.. This is the first time I"ve seen such a kingly King. Even Santa would be jealous of that huge beard. Do you think I"ll get in trouble if I ask if I can pull on it?」

「Look No. 6, That man is the highest ranking authority in the Kingdom. Tone down your voice when you"re talking about your impression of him.」

Without paying any attention to what we were doing, the secretary continued her explanation.

「However, when they were repairing it.. It seems they"ve changed the words of prayer to something vulgar.」

「Something vulgar? And what is it?」

The secretary was a cool-beauty type.

Just what could it be.. All the women I met on this planet are on quite a high level.

Now that I think about it, even the female guards that were with Snow…

「It"s… Di…., ….Festival…」

「Is that so? I apologize for making you say those words.」

Ah, I just discovered something amazing!

All the women in that group of knights were riding unicorns…

「I find it difficult to understand why someone would do something so thoughtless. You, was there anything inaccurate from the secretary"s explanation?」

I think I heard of some legend saying that unicorns only let virgin maidens ride them.

In other words, that means…!

「Hey you b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Answer his majesty"s question!」

Snow suddenly shouted while suddenly putting her face right in front of me.

「Ugh! Too close! What, what do you think you"re doing trying to kiss someone thinking of important matters..!?」

「You… Just what are you saying in this sacred throne room」

The King coughed quickly and asked the question again.

「Ahem. Is it true that you changed the words of prayer to something vulgar?」

I remembered the situation I was in.

「It"s the truth, but this woman said she"d take all of the responsibility.」

「You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! That"s not the case your majesty, I only told them to fix it…!」

As soon as I shifted the responsibility, the king had an awkward expression while saying,

「I thank you for repairing the artifact. For that, I"ll overlook your sins, and even give you a reward. Take it and go to a another…」

「Father, please wait.」

The king"s words were suddenly interrupted by those words.

Tirris appeared before the throne room while wearing a gentle smile.

「I personally want to employ these two. They have the strength to take down many deadly heggs as well as the knowledge to repair artifacts. It"ll be such a waste for them to be exiled  over something like this.」

「Hmm. Is that so? Well if Tirris says so, then it must be true.」

Seeing the king nod in agreement because of those words, Alice started to whisper to me in j.a.panese.

『No. 6, it seems like the princess is the one who really holds the ultimate authority in this kingdom. This King just looks like a pushover father.』

『So, Tirris is the one I should kiss up to.. You know my specialty is kissing up to my superiors right? Leave it to me. 』


Then Snow, who was listening to Tirris"s words, pointed at me.

「Tirris sama, you have to exile this man! He degraded the precious artifact.. There"s no telling if this man is a spy from another nation sent to cause the ruin of our kingdom! Please reconsider!」

「Eh? It"s funny how you say we"re spies when you were the one who brought us here. If that"s the case, you"re a traitor for bringing spies into the kingdom!」

Snow"s eyebrows furrowed furiously…

「You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! You"re saying that I"m a traitor!? To me, whose loyalty towards Tirris sama is above all others"!?」

「You"re really angry right? Did you know? People are angriest when they hear the bitter truth!?」

From my taunt, Snow drew her sword while having bloodthirsty eyes.

「Someone like you… With my sword. You will become rust on my flaming sword, Flame Zapper!」

「Even if your manner of speech is a little lacking, to cut down someone who"s tied up… Are you really a knight! It was just determined that I am to be employed! Is it really ok to just selfishly cut me down? Among other things, aren"t you forgetting something you have to do!?」

At my words, Snow"s face blushed red. When she was about to cut me down, she suddenly stopped.

「…. Something I have to do..?」

Alice started speaking next to the panicking Snow.

「You clearing told No. 6 and me that you would take full responsibility. Although our actions have been overlooked, it"s yet to be told how you will take responsibility for this.」

As she was listening to Alice"s words…

Snow started trembling while her eyes, as if seeking help, turned to Tirris.

The ruler of this kingdom from behind the shadows was wearing what looked to be a friendly smile, while — —

— — Just as I came out of the interview room, Alice started talking to me in j.a.panese.

『Hey, how was the interview? Though it"s called an "interview"… Since it"s already decided that you"d be employed, it couldn"t have been more than being asked personal background questions.』

『Yeah. They asked me about Kisaragi, my special move, and even things about heroes..』

(TN: The “interview takes place in the prologue.)

After my audience with the king, I had to write up my resume. After finishing up my "formal interview," I was reporting to Alice what happened.

『To think that I would be a knight of this kingdom… Well, that ain"t too bad. If I can"t be the hero, I guess I can be content with being a great knight.』

『Hey, you do know right? That, to an extent, you"re always a combatant of Kisaragi.. Don"t forget your mission.』

As Alice was saying that…

「The language that you two use occasionally.. Is that your native tongue?」

When Alice and I were talking in j.a.panese, a voice suddenly called out to us.

「What, you again?」

Snow was quick to approach us, this time not wearing her armor.

Is that actually a knight"s uniform? It"s a rather eye-catching blue outfit.

I couldn"t really tell before because of the armor, but she"s actually the skinny type.

I took a peek at her legs under her skirt.. They"re really long and skinny. Her looks alone are like that of a top model"s.

「What do you mean "you again?" I never even wanted to see you again!」

Why is this woman so hostile to me..

I mean, I guess she did have a small reason.

「So, what is it? We were about to go to barracks.」

At my abrupt words that weren"t even hiding hostility, the veins in Snow"s temples were bulging.

「I was told to guide you to the barracks. And also to be with you two from now on.. 」

「… Eh?」

Snow stood straight while saluting at me while I didn"t know what was going on.

「I was a.s.signed to your unit as of today. From now on, I am the vice-commander of the unit you lead.」

… It seems like Snow belongs to my unit now.

I wonder how this development came about.

「What? I"m a commander as soon as I get here?」

Snow, while still saluting, looked at me with a dumbfounded expression.

「… You, weren"t you listening to what Tirris sama was saying? This kingdom has lost many veteran commanders and knights from its many battles with the demons. That"s why there are so many young commanders and female soldiers. Currently, there is a huge lack of people capable of leading units. Didn"t you say that you had experience leading units back in your home country? So from today on, although it"s called a squad, you will be leading a guerilla unit.」

Seems like I can"t communicate that well with people of this kingdom..

I didn"t think that I"d be appointed a commander as soon as I got here.

「However, I don"t think for a second that you"re my superior. In actual combat, I"m the de facto commander. All you have to do is make sure not to get in my way by staying away from the battlefield.」

What is this woman saying all of a sudden.

「Aren"t you coming off a little too strong, just because you were the previous commander of the knights? A long time ago, I also used to be a commander. I can do a lot better than you guys who always lose to demons!」

「… I give my thanks for restoring the artifact. But because of that situation, I don"t trust you at all. If you"re scheming something regarding this kingdom, it"d be best to give it up early!」

After Snow declared that out loud, she turned around and walked forward promptly.

Is she saying that she doesn"t want to be a.s.sociated with us, and just want us to follow her on our own?

Alice and I began talking towards Snow"s back.

「Are you not ashamed venting out your anger just because you were demoted for taking responsibility? Booooo–!」


「I, I wasn"t demoted! Alright, I"m here to keep an eye on you suspicious people! Also there"s anxiety in giving authority to someone who"s no different than an amateur, that"s why I was a.s.signed to this unit! Don"t be mistaken on that part!」

As Snow turned around and shouted out her explanation, she looked pretty impatient. Alice and I looked at her face and said,

「…It"s only her that thinks she"s supposed to be keeping an eye on us right…?」

「Isn"t it obvious? Look what happened to the national artifact. Normally, that"s a mistake deserving of seppuku. It"s so obvious that only herself that thinks that way.」

「You, Youuuuu bastaaaards!!!!!」

Part 7

「This is your room. Everyday things that you need are already inside. And also, what should we do with Alice..?」

After clearing up the whole mess of a situation, Snow pulled out those words as we were being guided to our rooms within the barracks of the castle.

「What do you mean what should we do with Alice? Did she get caught doing something?」

「…Well for starters, outsiders aren"t allowed in the barracks…」

Snow said those words as if they were difficult to say. Then, Alice suddenly became furious.

「What!? What are you saying that the magnificent me, is deadweight!? It"s a given that I"m a part of the unit that No. 6 will lead! It"s because you"re like this that you got demoted, you moron!」

Hm, her expression is nothing different from usual, but I think she"s probably really mad because her words were really rough.

「Al-Alice. You"re so young but your words are so….?」

At the abuse of Alice, who looked like a young girl, Snow"s eyes were going up and down as she walked backwards clumsily.

「I don"t want to hear that from you since you were talking the same way to your superior, No. 6. If you get it, then hurry up and make arrangements for my room, you cheapskate! Idiot!」

「How…How foul mouthed is this kid!? Bu- But, the squad is supposed to be made up of 5 people. And each person has a role to play. Fundamentally, there are three knights serving as vanguards, with a magic user and healer in the backlines. No. 6 and I can be vanguards, so the remaining positions needed are another vanguard, a mage, and a healer. What can Alice do?」

Alice went up right to Snow"s face that was gazing at her with a doubtful look.

「What can I do? The high performance me can do anything. My specialty may be general brain work, but I"ll be the medic using technology known as nanomachines. Something you savages won"t be able to understand! So if you"re going with that party composition, I guess you won"t be needing a healer!」

Alice singlehandedly determined that we didn"t need a healer. For just an android, she sure could explode in rage as she stormed out of the room. As Snow was watching it unfold,

「Is… Is it really ok to have it her way…?」

Snow had a worrying look suitable for her age while mumbling those words in a tiny mosquito-like pitch.

— — After Snow readied Alice"s room, we were taken to the yard of the barracks.

It seems like the people not a.s.signed to units, were having combat training here.

「Cease your training! As of right now, we are selecting two members for the formation of our squad! People who are confident in their skills, gather around!」

Upon hearing Snow"s words, each individual that was swinging his or her sword around, stopped and gathered.

「Since it hasn"t been long since you guys came here, you wouldn"t know the habits of each soldier. I"ll choose the members for this squad. Here"s everyone"s resumes. Look over them for now.」

Snow pushed onto us a stack of paper while looking as if she"s already decided who to select. Then she waited for everyone to gather around.

「Hey No. 6, take a look at this.」

As Alice was shifting through the papers, she suddenly stopped, and showed me one.

「"G.o.d of War: Alexanderite-Glaveniel" Looks good. His name alone makes me think he"s strong.」

「No, not that one. Look at his age. He"s already an old man over 80. Not him, these two.」

It seems like Alice doesn"t think he"ll be a strong character since she just called someone with his name, an old man. Alice showed me the two people on the next pages.

「"Artifical Battle Chimera: Rose", "Archbishop of Zenalith: Grimm"….? I can tell these two are nothing but dangerous. What about them…? Ah!! "Team killer, clumsy magician: Mirei!" I like her! Clumsy characters are great!」

「A clumsy magician is a walking landmine, no matter how you look at it. Anyways look at this. Look at those two"s kill counts. These numbers are incomparable to the rest.」

Hearing Alice"s words, their numbers are indeed exceptional.


「Even going by that metric, Alexandrite"s kill count is still many times more than theirs. We should definitely go with….」

「Forget about the gramps, what are you going to do if he kicks the bucket if you order him to do something strenuous during an operation? Anyways, these two have very interesting t.i.tles. I don"t really know what an archbishop of Zenalith is, but isn"t something like an artificial battle chimera an ideal talent for our side?」

After listening, they are indeed t.i.tles suitable for monsters.

「Alright, seems like that"s everyone. Then, I will announce who will join the squad. First…」

Alice blocked Snow as she began talking.

「Wait Snow. These two will be joining us.」

As she said that, she pa.s.sed her two resumes.

「What… No, these two are…! At least for one of them, let"s choose Alexandrite sama…」

「Why do both of you like this one old man.. Well whatever, introduce these two.」

Snow, who was scolded by Alice, seems unable to strongly oppose kids. As she quietly muttered her dissatisfaction, she called out the two members.

One little girl came up to the front.

「…Well, you can read up on her file to see what kind of member she is. Hey Rose, introduce yourself.」

On Snow"s suggestion, Rose…

「I am Rose. That"s right, artificial battle chimera Rose…  Will you people be able to handle me…?」

Looking at Alice"s deadpan expression, with one hand covering an eye, she turned over to me while looking troubled.

She looked slightly older than Alice, around fourteen or fifteen.

I saw a lizard-like tail coming out of Rose"s skirt.

On a closer look, a small goblin-like horn sprouted from her short, silver hair. Also her eyes were different colors.

Hm hm I see.. An artificial chimera eh…

I copied Rose"s pose exactly.

「My name is Combatant No. 6. That"s right. After undergoing reconstruction surgery, I am a battle machine who threw away his original name and past. I"m looking forward to working with you, artificial battle chimera…!」

「I"m Kisaragi=Alice. In our society, there were many pathetic kids that spoke in embarra.s.sing ways like you two. So don"t worry. I"ll handle you properly.」

In her frozen pose from our self-introductions, Rose suddenly covered her face with both hands and started shaking.

「Oi Alice, I tried to pretend play if off cool, you should play along as well… Since you called her a pathetic kid, her face turned bright red and she started trembling.」

「I"m not going to play along with this stupid act… Hey you. If it"s embarra.s.sing, then don"t do something like that again. Come over here.」

「Ye- Yes… I"m an artificial chimera, Rose. Please take care of me…」

While her whole face was blushing red, she walked towards us very slowly with heavy steps.

「Well, you have an odd side, but since it looks like you"re just following your creator"s training policies. It"ll be fine if you just follow them.」

「The grandpa who made me.. He told me to introduce myself this way…! Ugh… Truthfully, I don"t really want to do this stupid act, but it was in grandpa"s will…」

After Rose burst into tears upon hearing Snow"s supplementary explanation, I looked over her resume.

Listed were Rose"s past military achievements, as well as her special abilities…..

「…. What is this? You can copy the abilities of the things you eat?」

「Yes..? Ah, yes. Because I"m a chimera, it"s easy for me to receive the influence of the food I eat…. Although one or two bite isn"t enough.. If I continually eat the meat of the beast, I"ll be able to copy the characteristics of that magical beast. Nowadays, I"ve been eating the meat of the powerful unicorn goblin or the fire-breathing fire lizard. Because of that, I have a small horn and tail…」

With those words, Alice and I looked at each other.

『… Oi Alice, she"s a monster apprentice.』

『It seems so, We can"t let this one slip by.』

「Wh What is it? I don"t know what you two are saying, but I have a bad feeling!… But, huh? Is that some new kind of food? It smells incredible….」

Rose looked scared at the sudden use of j.a.panese, but she asked a sudden question while sniffing the air.

I didn"t eat anything since coming to this planet. So when I was coming here, I opened up one of my rations…

As I was showing her one of the bar shaped rations,

「Are you talking about this? It"s everyone"s favorite nutritionally balanced, portable, Calorie Z. If you want, I can share it with you. But in return, you have to listen to everything I say?」

「Everything!? Ah…, But this incredible smell is so hard to resist….!」

「Hey No. 6, this scene of reeling in a hungry girl with food is reportable. But I now understand the method of how to utilize her.」

As I waved the rations around left and right, Rose"s longingly followed it with a.

As I was taming Rose with my rations, Snow was looking around for someone.

「Hey Grimm, stop sleeping and get over here!」

A girl in a wheelchair appeared before us as Snow called on her.

This girl called Grimm is about 18, maybe 19 years old?

My first impression of this girl in a wheelchair is that she"s a sick person.

She had sleepy brown eyes, an ashy pale complexion, and pretty, straight brown hair.

I was wondering if this was really ok, because she looked really weak sitting barefoot in the wheelchair.

Seeing her sit barefoot in the wheelchair made her look really weak. I began to wonder if she will really be ok.

「I"m the recently appointed commander, Combatant No. 6.」

「I"m the advisor and medic, Alice.」

Grimm"s eyes were lighting up as we were introducing ourselves.

「It"s nice to meet you, I am Grimm. I have many questions for the commander but is it alright to ask the most important one right now? Is the commander married? Do you have a girlfriend? For your information, I"m single. I"m a girl of such quality, yet strangely I don"t have a boyfriend.」

「I"m single. I"m also a good, young man that doesn"t have a girlfriend for some strange reason.」

「Just what are you two saying right now? Romances between squad members are not allowed! Ask about combat-related things!」

As Snow was enraged and scolding me, Grimm looked a little restless after hearing my reply.

Now, she said to ask about combat-related stuff, but where should I start?

Like who Zenalith is…? Is it really alright for her to go on the battlefield when she"s in a wheelchair.. If I think about it, there are countless things I want to ask, but the one thing I"m most curious about is…..

「You"re a magician Grimm? I don"t know a lot about magicians. Just what can you do?」

Under the section concerning special skills on Grimm"s resume, there were dangerous things like curses written.

「I"m not exactly a magician.. I borrow the strength of the Great G.o.d Zenalith sama, and act as a proxy for miracles.」

What could a proxy for miracles be?

「Who exactly is this Zenalith sama?」

「He is the great G.o.d presiding over the undying and disasters. I am one of Zenalith sama"s devout followers.」

Presiding over the undying and disasters….

「…. An evil.. evil G.o.d..?」

「Excuse you! You"ll receive judgment for calling Zenalith sama an evil G.o.d!」

Normally, I"d have wanted to see her skills, but the idea of curses kept me wary.

Well, I"ll probably see it soon enough on the battlefield.

…or so I thought… Grimm looked like she thought of something, and suddenly changed her sitting position.

Then with a provocative smile, she started to raise her long skirt little by little..

「Hehehe…, hey boy, are you curious of what"s under my skirt? Repent for calling Zenalith sama an evil G.o.d. If you do, then I"ll give you a peek. Then I"ll kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!」

As Grimm was acting all arrogant, I flipped over her skirt.

She had the image of a weak, pure girl but, that impression changed as soon as I saw black string panties.

This is ridiculous, just how much of a pervert is she?

「I wasn"t planning to actually showing you! You better take proper responsibility! You"ll have to make me your housewife and take care of me! I won"t let this go! I"ll definitely won"t let this opportunity pa.s.s me by!」

Not just a super pervert, this girl is a landmine.

「Hey, calm down you string panties wearing monster. It"s also your fault for provoking No. 6 first.」

「What do you mean string panties girl!? Stop calling me that! It was published in Piyoko Club that if I wear this kind of underwear, it"ll be easy to get a boyfriend!」

Just what the heck"s Piyoko Club? I wonder if it"s some kind of relationship magazine.

「If I married every girl whose panties I saw, I"d have a harem so large that I wouldn"t even envy the harems of oil tyc.o.o.ns. I"ll show you my underwear, so let"s call it even black panties girl.」

「Don"t treat a man"s dirty underwear as the same thing as a maiden"s panties! And also stop calling me that!」

Snow let out a sigh as she watched our conversation unfold.

「Sigh… To choose the most problematic two out of everyone here…. Well it doesn"t matter since in terms of combat potential, these two are exceptional.」

I suddenly realized something from those words.

The stack of resumes had others included outside of the old man, clumsy magician, and these two strange people.

In other words, this group is…

「Among all of these troublesome people, this unit contains even more problematic ones.. Well, pleased to meet you. With that said, I have no intention of getting along with you rejects.」

Saying that with a sullen look, Snow turned her back to us and waved her hand feebly— —

…Oi, what do you mean problematic. Don"t be ridiculous.

We may consist of a wheelchair bound weakly looking string panties girl, a hungry girl that looks like a demon..

Also, a combatant and an android from an unidentified evil organization….!

— — Without a doubt we are all problematic folks. I sincerely offer my deepest grat.i.tude.

(TN: Sarcasm alert, if you haven"t caught it.. I wish there was a font for sarcasm.)

… Huh, wait a second.

「Wait, in other words, you"re also considered troublesome and that"s why you"re suddenly here in front of us? Hmmm, your personality is indeed troubling.」

Snow was trembling from my words.

「Wh, wh, What are you even saying…! N- no you"re wrong! Wrong I say! I"m here to watch over you people!」

「Hey No. 6, it wasn"t enough for her to be demoted, it"s for sure that she got dumped out by Tirris. Hey~, you dumped fool, who"s a dumped fool~!」

「Ah, Ah~ha! Ahaha~!」


As Alice was fanning the flames, Rose and Grim also followed up loudly.

While biting her lips and with her temper rising, Snow closed her fists tightly and,

「Ugh, Babble on about anything you want! Either way, for the time being, all you guys have to do is follow my commands. Under my lead, I will rack up many eye catching achievements, then I will immediately be free from this kind of squad!」

Maybe it"s from the confidence of being a former elite, but her eyes showed strong determination while she glared in our direction.

「Ah did you hear that No. 6? She just said that she"d finally be freed from this kind of squad. Just before, she was saying that she was a.s.signed to this unit to watch over us.」

「She really did. Did she finally accept that she got demoted? And also, who"d listen to an ex-commander"s orders? I also led a unit in the past, so I"ll do things my way.」

Unable to bear our taunting, the ex-commander raised her brows.

「Don"t call me an ex-commander! You"re nothing but a newcomer to this kingdom"s war! It"ll be fine if you just shut up and follow my orders! But first, the weird armor you"re wearing is a problem. How do I say this it"s… black and looks very evil. You look more like a foot soldier from the demon army than a commander…」

「Don"t you give me that att.i.tude! This has nothing to do with my armor! I admit that my battle suit does look evil, but there"s no reason to go that far-!」

Although my battle suit is heavy because it"s an outdated model, since I"ve been using it so long, I consider it my fellow comrade!

「You"re too noisy! To think that a man who behaves strangely, with a face full of scars, and such rotten eyes would be the commander… With just those traits, I can hear the sound of our honor dropping to the floor!」

「What! You b.i.t.c.h! You, Arghhh…!」

This girl. Though she has a slightly decent looking face, she"s really starting to get on my nerves!

「From the start, you don"t even look like you were educated.. What do you say to that!? Did someone like you graduate from a prestigious school? For one, I graduated from the best university of this kingdom?」


I"ve never been to college!

I"ve been very busy with combatant work, so I"m a high school dropout!

「If you get it, just follow my orders from now on! If you can do that, you won"t be embarra.s.sed on the battlefield!」

This, this woman.. she"s getting all caught up in the mood…!

「What"s with that look? And your fist looks like it"s about to burst? Oh? Do you want to settle this with a fight? It doesn"t matter to me. Don"t think of me as a girl, and come at me without holding anything back! Can you at least do that much? If you have the guts to hit me, then do it!」


「You Biiiiitchhhh————- Ahhhhhhhh!!」

From my shout, Snow flinched a little then readied herself.

While wearing a serious face, I grabbed both of Snow"s

The huge that were proudly displayed upfront.

I"ll never forget the dumbfounded looks of the people nearby. That goes for Snow as well. She had her mouth gaping open while she was standing ready for a hit.

Part 8

「Someone, someone help me! There"s something wrong with this girl"s head!!」

「Just who"s a weird girl! There"s something wrong with your own head!!」

I"ve never been in a relationship with a girl, yet now I"m being chased by a girl for the first time in my life.

「Oi, calm down! I"ll apologize! I"ll apologize, so let"s talk this out!」

「There"s nothing to be said at this point! Now that I think about it, I should have cut you down the first time I met you!」

She was a girl with bloodshot eyes while she violently swung her sword trying to sever my head.

[To think that you"d draw your sword over having your fondled a little! There"s something definitely wrong with your head!]

「Like I said, what"s wrong is your head aagh! A person with a straight head would never touch another"s chest for no reason!」

It"s a very common scenario in mangas when a guy accidentally falls over and touches a girl"s

Then the follow-up scene of the girl chasing the guy around and scolding him is practically automatic.

But this….

「You should chase me with blushing cheeks, or at least use something that"ll end with only a bit of pain! I"m not happy at all that you"re chasing me with those bloodshot eyes! It"s really scary!」

「Of course, because I"m chasing you to end your life!」

「Someone help me please!」

What the heck? This situation isn"t playing out with all smiles like in a rom-com!

As I was sincerely asking for help while zigzagging through the castle grounds, there was…

「Tirris! It"s Tirris!」

Tirris noticed me and started to make her way here.

「No. 6 sama, what great timing. Actually…. What"s going on you two!? Just what happened!?」

「Now"s not the time! Help me! Help me!」

「Tirris sama. For showing you such an unsightly display, I apologize! But I must beat this man and cut him down!」

As I was quaking in fear behind Tirris"s back, Snow"s bloodshot eyes were gleaming while she was approaching my way.

"Beat me and cut me down." Those aren"t words a girl her age should say.

「I don"t know what"s going on, but those that brandish their swords within castle grounds will be sent to the underground prison! Snow, please calm down!」

From hearing those words, she sheathed her sword while her face showed disgust, as if she was eating a tub of mayo.

「… You better watch your back during tomorrow"s mission.」

Before Snow left, she said to me such ominous words.

…This girl can"t be a knight. She"s more like someone belonging to our evil organization.

「Whew. I really didn"t know she"d go crazy just because I groped her chest. I"m alive thanks to you, Tirris.」

「6, No. 6 sama, why did you do something so stupid? Jokes don"t really work on Snow. She"s different from those who became knights with the backings of their families. She"s an orphan from the slums who became the commander of the royal guards through endless endeavor, someone who made it to the very top. A very sincere, hard worker..」

Really.. She has so much pride in herself that I thought she was a lady from some great family.

「Oh yeah when you saw me, didn"t you say something about great timing? Do you have some business with me?」

「Yes, actually it"s regarding Alice"s room– –」

「– — Well, it can"t be helped. It"d be even convenient if we use the same room together for the sake of our mission. Hey, you better not do anything weird just because I"m a beautiful girl? The reproductive function isn"t installed, so it won"t work no matter what.」

「Are you an idiot!? You think I"ll do anything to a robot? d.a.m.n, why would you even think that!?」

They could only prepare us one room because of our sudden employment here.

They requested us to temporarily room together since we were in the same party.

The story that we told them about Alice and I traveling together.. came back to bite me in the a.s.s.

「Relax. When you suddenly feel the urge, I"m sensible enough to temporarily leave the room. And if I have to come inside.. I"ll make sure to always knock and wait for a bit before I open the door.」

「I don"t need that kind of considerations! Do you think I"m on the same level as a monkey!?」

Let"s look at the room they"ve prepared for us again.

I"m grateful they prepared two beds for us.

Other things included a simple table and chairs, one wardrobe..


「… Look over here Alice, there"s a faucet attached there. And look at this, I don"t think this is a lamp. There"s nowhere to put the oil in. There"s also something like a T.V. without an outlet stuck to the wall. I thought I could be revered as a G.o.d if I brought stuff from Earth to this uncivilized land. Well, seems like that plan"s a bust.」

「We can"t underestimate the level of civilization here. Do you think that lamp or T.V. works through magic? They even have the technology to make an artificial chimera. The remaining artifacts in the castle.. This means that there"s a ton of investigating to do. We can"t overlook anything.」

After putting away everything brought from j.a.pan, I sighed thinking about how life in this land will turn out with just those stuff.

While I was rolling around in bed after taking off the heavy battle suit, Alice said to me,

「Hey No. 6. About tomorrow… From what Snow said, I think there"ll be a combat mission. Don"t forget our original mission alright? Basically we"re on this kingdom"s side for now, but if the situation becomes bad, don"t do anything crazy and just withdraw. I don"t know who planned putting all the troublesome rejects in one place, but it seems there"s a very kind-hearted person behind it (TN: Sarcasm alert). If you"re careless, you"ll regret it.」

I don"t know if she took a real liking to it, but Alice was earnestly polishing the shotgun with a dry cloth as she was talking to me.

「I know that much. But when we were meeting the King, my knife was confiscated whereas my pistol wasn"t. In other words, the people here don"t know what guns are. They called that wreck of a tank an artifact. If the wars are fought on the level of swords and bows, then we can pull this off easily. Since I already got my hands on a job and a place to stay, this time I"ll rack up at least one huge achievement. Then with the following reward money, I"ll secure us a hideout next….!」

Sorry guys for the Confusion!

I thought I fully translated Ch. 1, but that wasn’t the case… So I quickly uploaded this part to make amends.

Translating at Starbucks during Summer Break! If you want to leave me a tip @ , that’d be awesome but completely optional!

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