Command Chapter 11: Life of Living Together


I returned to the place where Amriel was, and she had changed her clothes into a military uniform, and tied her hair into two braids.
She who had returned to her silver haired twintailed appearance, looked at me, and for the first time in a while had a scornful-like expression. Though as expected, that gaze pierced my chest.

[……Don’t get carried away too much, you worm. I’ve only praised you for a bit, and your upper lip immediately lengthened in a lovestruck way. What is it? Did you miss the chance to transform from a monkey into a human?]

[I want to believe that I should’ve properly transformed though……sorry, I made a mistake in 『Manipulating』]

[Fuun. Just because your kouhai was a bit conceited, you gave her body a punishment, didn’t you think that that was an awful thing?]

[I,I didn’t intend to do anything to her body. Although I was on the verge of doing that, I didn’t do it in the end. Everything is to be blamed to my lack of virtue.]

I believed that there wasn’t any benefit in hiding it, so I talked about everything. Amriel silently stared at me――that gaze was piercing, and I was paying for my own mistakes.

[……Well, isn’t it fine? You have one target that you want to achieve, so you don’t need to be reserved.]

[I,is that so……? Regarding the course of events earlier, I honestly thought that I was bad……]

[You have one piece of misunderstanding. About 『Appeal』, you can’t use that Command on a person who doesn’t have that good will you know.]

[Eh……!? So I couldn’t just insert that to anybody?]

[For that kind of thing to become possible, you still lack experience. But conversely speaking, with your current proficiency, you can insert that to a person who is holding good will to you.]

About her saying that, I have something that I’m curious no matter what.
Though I have a doubt if she will listen to me face-to-face, it couldn’t be helped that I’ve become curious.

[……To Amriel, can I also insert it?]1

[……You’re the worst.]

[M, my bad! But, even so I’m curious……]

[No, I only returned with a cliched response just now.  I who came together with you, that was also for the purpose of testing your Commands. If you find a new Command, I don’t mind if you insert and try it on me you know.]

More than being fine or poor with it, she was fully open with it. To say nothing of 『Appeal』, she was fine to be tested with whatever Command I find.

Right now, I wonder what was her Behavioral Tendency towards me.

>Displaying the Behavioral Pattern of 『Amriel』 towards you.
>1: Provocation 50%
>2: Conversation 30%
>3: Magic Power Provision 10%:
>4: Abuse 9.9%
>5: Appeal 0.1%

(……I feel like her cruel-like behavior isn’t that much different from Luna, is it just my imagination)

[……Just because Appeal was included in the list, don’t think that it’s that kind of thing. Usually I’m suppressing it, so it just didn’t result well okay.]

[Y,yeah, it’s alright. Since the foremost thing that I wouldn’t do is to have that misunderstanding.]

[I wonder, if that is something a good-for-nothing would not say……]

Amrield said that while entwining the tips of her hair with her fingers. However, though she was also like that when she was wearing the pilot suit, wearing a military uniform also suited her.
Luna and Roza were also wearing that too, the female’s military uniform was a skirt. Although culotte and half pants would also fit they chose a skirt, I wonder if there was some kind of reason. Perhaps there wasn’t a specific reason, and there wasn’t anything wrong with a skirt. It had a length of 10 cm above the knee, I wonder if it was fine that it was that short.

[You guys, so you’re still here. It’s fine to return first today. Yuuki, how about you quickly take off your suit?

[Ah……N,nee-san. I wonder what place is it fine to go home to.]

[Wh,what are you saying. Don’t tell me, it’s not that you can’t go home……th,that kind of thing is too early for you Yuuki. You should properly, return home to the house where we live.]

(I, I see……we’re siblings, so it’s normal to live together huh.)

Living together with Satella-san――she’s my blood-related sister so I’m not thinking of anything strange, but she was a stranger until I reincarnated.
And according to my memory who had been born which was in accordance to the adjustment of the principle of causality, it seemed that only one week had pa.s.sed since we started living together. Satella-san was busy, so even if we were living together in the same house, we weren’t able to meet that much.

In other words, having a fresh feeling when we start our life of living together, there won’t be any hindrance.

[I,I understand nee-san. I’ll return first okay.]

[……I’m glad. When you earlier excused yourself temporarily with Luna, I thought that you were invited you know.]

[N,no……she didn’t invite me to her dormitory.]

[I guess that’s right, since regarding you, it seemed that Luna have some thoughts. If possible since you are in the same corps, though I’m not saying to visit Luna and Roza’s room, it’s fine to deepen your friendship.]

Deepen our friendship huh, when I remembered that I was with Luna in the female locker room earlier, blood rushed to my head.
Though that was a first experience, I think it was bad that it had this much lasting effect, and I’m still about half in a dreamy state of mind.

[……If you show that kind of reaction, then it’s understandable. Luna and Roza, seemed to be greatly fond of Yuuki.]

[O, okay. I understand, nee-san.]

[You’re young so it couldn’t be helped, but I believe you should do things moderately. Do you understand?]

(W,was it exposed……no that’s wrong, she’s just giving me a warning……)

[Your response?]

[O,of course nee-san.]

To my good-for-nothing-like actions Amriel openly let out a sigh, I have no choice but to be contended with that.

[It’s good that your obedient. As expected, of my little brother whom I’m proud of.]


In the last moment nee-san *kusha* caressed my hair, and entered the room with the words 『Control Room』. Apparently, she seemed to still have work.

>a.n.a.lyzing Personal Data……Finished
>Reading Behavioral Controlling Script……Finished
>It is now possible to a.n.a.lyze the Behavioral Pattern of 『Satella』.

[So you could a.n.a.lyze by just touching. If you predict actions, then won’t you acquire new Controlling Commands?]

[So there was that method huh. I thought that I could only acquire it by experiencing it personally or receiving actions from other people.]

[If it was only to that extent, then it couldn’t be called the power to control the world. I guess the consumption of magic power is severe, but you should try different kinds of things. If you need supply, then I’ll give it to you.]

[Supplying……similar to what we did earlier?]

Amriel looked down at her own chest, and again lifted her face, and gently smiled.

[That much wasn’t anything special. Or else, did you get cold feet?]

[R,rather than saying that I’m getting cold feet……it was more than satisfactory, or perhaps on the contrary I feel guilty……]

[If you show your feelings to only that extent, then it’s fine for me to maintain my pride.]

[……I,I’m, if Amriel is fine with it, then I’m grateful……]

If I’ll be embraced each time, then it was difficult to speak about getting magic power. However honestly speaking, I want to request for it each time it was insufficient.

[Before long you should get used to using your magic power, so that I’ll only need to replenish it once in a while.]

[I,is that so. Then, I need to use a lot of magic power. Which reminds me, Amriel, you got hit right? Is your body fine?]

Wasn’t it fine to visit a military physician was what I thought, but it seemed that Amriel’s body was completely alright, but I was curious about another thing.

[……Amriel, is my name as a shinigami. In other words it’s something like my default name, would you give me some kind of nickname?]

[Nickname……u,umm. Then, is 『Am』 fine?]


Amriel kept on repeating that two-syllable word 2, and as if confirming that word’s echo she closed her eyes.

[……Well, it’s fine. It’s simple, and being easy to understand is good right.]

[Ho……I’m glad.]

[By the way my body is alright, since there was a shield, I didn’t get seriously injured from being hit a lot.]

[So it was that huh. Ah, didn’t it say your shield received 38% damage.]

[It was 33% when I was shot, but the because of the next battles it became larger. It seemed repairs will take about three days.]

[I see. Though there is the story that Am is the top student pilot, it’s fine to rely on me okay. No, should I say to leave things to me.]

Regarding battles I already couldn’t see any factor of defeat. That was probably arrogance, but if I’m here then I’ll protect everyone, so I could declare that without any hesitation.

[……Don’t you, have something you want to do more than fighting? While the enemy isn’t coming, I believe it’s fine to work hard on that.]

[But with the exception of battles, will I be moving together with Am?]

[Yes. I couldn’t think of any specific reason to be separated.]

[U,umm……Am will return to the dormitory right. Then, where should we meet tomorrow……]

I wonder what kind of life, should we normally have. I still haven’t completely grasped that, but although we were partners, a man and woman shouldn’t always be moving together right――was what I thought.

But Am *fuu* sighed, and took out the terminal inside her pocket, manipulated it and let me see the thing displayed on the screen.

[……Amriel Lindenvaum. Address……F201? Where’s that?]

[It’s the same as you you know. Captain Belfol’s house is, the place where I’m freeloading at.]

[Th,then that means……we’re living together?]

[That’s what will happen. Luna and Roza originally lives in the dormitory, but when you and I were linked as buddies. I moved to Captain Belfol’s house. Since yours and mine’s cooperativeness is low, she took that kind of measures.

[……Our rooms are different right? We’re just living together in the same house right?]

[It’s a bunk bed, so there’s no problem if I sleep above, and you sleep on the bottom.]

As if there wasn’t any problem in staying in the same room, she smoothly said that kind of thing.

In this way I and Am returned to the same house at the residential area, and started our life of living together――I opened the door of our own room, and saw the bunk bed there, and perceived that what Am said was true.

[Fua……I’m a bit worn-out, so I’ll lie down for just a little.]

[O,okay……eh, wait……!]

Am climbed up to the bed above, and she wasn’t wearing her skirt――then what was going to happen now.
Though I don’t know the established theory about a shinigami’s underwear, as for me the results had betrayed my expectations. The color which was etched to my mind, that was undoubtedly pure white.

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