Chapter 9: Provocation and Appeal


(Those two people, it seems like they’re talking about me……but the short haired one, it looks like she doesn’t think well of me.)

[Luna, Roza. What are you bad-mouthing about. Yuuki can hear you you know.]

[Ah……I’m sorry Captain.]

[Second Lieutenant Yuuki, it was a magnificent first battle. The only thing we could do was to try our best not to fall down……]

The girl called Roza was friendly towards me, as she gave a gentle smile. Though Luna apologized to Nee-san, she was still in a bad mood, and was grumbling about something.

[……Something like losing to a man……if only I had done better……]

[Luna, won’t you put at end with that. You were protected by Yuuki right? Since you’ll be in the same corps from now on, I won’t forgive having ill feelings.]

[Wha……Y,yes. I understand……]

Luna walked determinedly until in front of me. At a height of almost looking down on me, she grabbed my collar without being forceful, and *gu* peered at me.

>a.n.a.lyzing Personal Data……Finished
>Reading the Behavior Controlling Script……Finished
>It is now possible to a.n.a.lyze the Behavioral Pattern of 『Luna』.

[……Don’t think you’ve won with this.]

[……More than that, I think it’s fine to convey your safety to your mother. Didn’t you call her, earlier.]


The communications that I heard in the midst of battle, within one of them, was Luna. She in her confusion, released the communication to all aircrafts, and requested for help. Though Roza also felt fear, she was still able to maintain her composure more than Luna.
Judging from that situation, I didn’t imagine Luna as someone who was strong-willed――I guess she was something like haughty outside but meek inside huh.

[Y,you……I, won’t forgive you if you tell that to other people okay! I’ll definitely make you cry!]

[I won’t tell it so please be relieved. The bunch in our unit, didn’t they mostly heard it?]

[Kuu……I, I didn’t say anything! I was just agitated for a bit!]

[Luna, I think it’s fine to properly say your grat.i.tude to Second Lieutenant? Since from now on also, we’ll be protected by him.]

[Wha, what are you saying!? We’re also Aircross soldiers, so something like being protected……!]

Roza’s flexibility was high, she had no problem if she will rely on me, or more like it seemed she had already given me her trust.
Similar to Nee-san, Luna shifted her attention to Amriel because she wanted someone who has the same opinion as herself.

[……Currently, it’s fine to be protected by this person. Since we, can’t reach his skills.]

(……So I was amazingly straightforwardly praised……not good, my face is breaking into a smile…….)

[N,no way……for even Amriel-sama, to this man……]


[That’s right you know, this person graduated from the Military School of Ryudorik with grades of the top student, she’s an amazing person! You should be grateful by just being linked to her as your buddy!]

[Luna, I and him have become equal buddies (comrade). Whoever should be thankful, it won’t become a relationship where we will feel grateful.]

[Wha……y,you! In what way did you curry Amriel-sama’s favor!]

――Though I was a fairly patient person, to be flared up in this way, as expected for a little, really just for a little, I experienced being angry.

(The Behavioral Pattern of this Luna girl, it’s not only about flaring up on me right……?)

It became possible to a.n.a.lyze her Behavioral Pattern when she touched me earlier, so I looked at her Behavioral Pattern. Though normally I though that I shouldn’t do this, but the talk won’t advance when I’m being flared upon too much.

>Displaying the Behavioral Pattern of 『Luna』 towards you.
>1: Provocation……Displaying finished.

(……Only one. This girl, what kind of grudge does she have with me……conversation wasn’t even included huh.)

It meant that she will endlessly pick a fight with me. Since inside her head, she couldn’t help but to provoke me――if that was the case, I guess I’ll give her a different Command.

[Wha,what are you looking at! Ah, you just looked at my chest just now. Looking at everyone’s chest, why are guys like this? In the first place……]

>『Luna』 performed 『Provocation』. Result of performance……Success.
>Acquired new Command 『Provocation』.

(That mouth which is good at talking, I’ll be grateful if she’ll close it for the time being.)

>Manipulating the Behavioral Pattern of 『Luna』.

When I thought that I wanted to manipulate her Behavioral pattern, it went smoothly.
Next, what kind of Pattern should I add――.
When I was thinking that it wasn’t good to be provoked, I selected a suitable one. If it had too much restriction, then in that case there will be a problem.

(It’s fine if it is selected automatically……well then, what will happen?)

>Added a Command on the Behavioral Pattern of 『Lua』
>1: Provocation 0%
>2: Appeal 100%

(O,oh no, that’s bad. Just by looking, as expected that’s……)

>180 seconds is needed for the next rewriting.

――When that display entered inside my mind, I felt a strange sweat at my back.

In the situation that I had rewritten successfully, in the period of 180 seconds, what would Luna do――if it was according to the display then it would be 『Appeal』.

[……F,for a moment. Yuuki, come here.]

[Eh……wha,what is it?]

[Don’t mind that! Quickly come here!]

[Luna, is it a private business one? Finish it in a short while……w,wait! To a person’s talk……]

(Nee-san, sorry. I’ll overcome this 180 seconds, one way or another okay……!)

My hand was being pulled by Luna, and she was taking me somewhere as we walked along the hallway.
――And where we finally arrived, was the female locker room.

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