Chapter 17 – Disillusion

Translator: Eros


Donor(s): Gunnar O


“…… I, have done nothing……”

All I’ve done to her was only making a picture of her when I was in kindergarten and giving her messaging coupons when I was in primary school.

Even when I started becoming a shut in, my mother still keeps those things with her.

I can’t do anything besides believing, believing that my mother will be alright.

[---- About that mandragora that thy uprooted, actually, it is also used to create a nostrum. It could cure all kind of sickness and it could even revive a near death person completely. The absolute secret in the pharmacy world…… the wonder drug known as Elixir----]

“Eli…… xir……”

I’ve been collecting the ingredient for making Elixir bit by bit after that but Obaba-sama haven’t tell me one last ingredient needed. She said that it was still too early for me to know.

I jump up from my bed abruptly like getting shocked by electricity.

And then when I left my room in the second floor to get down to the first floor ---- I accidentally noticed something.

I noticed that there is a flow of cold air circulating inside the house. And that source of cold air is coming from the bas.e.m.e.nt. The door to the bas.e.m.e.nt room is left open ----!

I have to go to Obaba-sama’s place as fast as possible but I can’t just left alone the thing happened in front of me. I then use [sneaking] before entering the bas.e.m.e.nt because the one inside might not be my father after all…… In case the one entering are people that known about the existence of the demon sword and have evil intention with it, I could sneak from behind to ambush them.

After I walk through the underground pa.s.sage that I pa.s.sed only once in the past when I was still a baby, I reach the area located under the church.

What I see there is the figure of my father who brandished the demon sword in his hand.

I have to stop him, I have

to call out for him. Those are what I thought the instant I see this situation but before I could act, father is about to slam the demon sword which is still sheathed in its scabbard to the floor.

But father couldn’t follow through his action. He then fall to the floor in his knees, and powerlessly looks up to the ceiling.

I don’t know whether there are connection between the demon sword and mother’s present condition. But father seems to be unable to bear with the feeling anymore.


“…… I will not teach you anything. Hiroto, no matter how strong you are, there are still things that are impossible for you”


I know that I made her scared like that but I just can’t give this one up.

While knowing that it is meaningless no matter how I beg, I still kneel down and rub my temple against the ground.

Seeing that, Milty quickly approach me and tried helping me to lift my head up. But even if I know her goodwill, I still won’t raise my head.

Obaba-sama is keeping her mouth shut. But she still stands there…… So all I can do is to let out all my feeling to her no matter how unsightly I become or how poor my choice of word will be.

I don’t keep anything hidden. I just let out words after words according to the feeling that I have in my heart…… And it is ironic that I could say this much of things because of such situation.

If I don’t do anything for her, I will definitely regret being born here.

“If I can save my mother by praying, then I will pray without stopping for her…… But, she won’t be saved that way. And now, while knowing there is another possibility to save her, I just cannot not do that. If I don’t do anything then I will regret it more than dying…... that’s why……!”


When I raise my face, Obaba-sama is looking at me with the same gentle eyes that she used when she is looking at Milty.

“But…… but, I am……”

“I told you once about Milty’s parents and said that they have already died but that was not the truth. And there is a reason of why I won’t tell her the truth because I am afraid. If I told her the truth, I might only lead Milty to her death. In order to protect one’s family or one’s loved one, people can easily throw their lives while they are also doing that without thinking about the feeling of those left behind”

Milty is also listening to what Obaba-sama had said beside me…… but unexpectedly, she doesn’t look that surprised hearing that.

“…… That’s not true. Hiroto won’t do such heartless thing…… He only wants to save his mother”

Obaba-sama puts her hand on my shoulder. And then, after a moment of hesitation, she start telling me about [The last ingredient].

Perhaps, this fate has been decided since that day.

Since the day when I met the Sovereign Dragon in the form of a little girl, it has been decided that if I don’t meet her again one more time, I will be fated to not be able to progress further ever again. I can’t avoid it. From the very start, I already can’t avoid her……

From the time I first meet her, 2 and a half year had pa.s.sed. Just like me, the sovereign dragon should also have that much time to grow. I don’t know how much stronger she becomes now. I don’t know whether my own growth could overtake her for a little bit or it might be that she’s just already leave me far behind.

In Eternal Magia, even if you can resp.a.w.n after death, there is no way to resurrect dead people.

(Death…… If I were to die a second time, I……)

And even if that is possible, there’s a big chance that I won’t live as Hiroto Siegrid any longer and would start living as different person. If the G.o.ddess doesn’t give her capricious favor to me at that time, I might have already experienced the real world after death that other person experienced.

Lizardman, Drake…… when both monster race reaches high enough level, their battle power can no longer be categorized as small fry mob any longer. In the game, only whimsical high level player would face them solo. Even I need to party up with member of my guild to hunt them.

They are not a boss monster yet even a single small mistake could become fatal when fighting them.Well, in MMO games, those kinds of guy are in hordes. There’s even a monster that can only be defeated if you have a party with standardized roles and always do all the action in prearranged order.

(She said that she needs to protect her treasures…… So that means that she will always stays around there. Yuisia location will definitely be, her dragon’s nest……)

“Hiroto…… Bring me too……”

“…… I know that you would say that. Really…… you don’t act like a little kid at all”

A high ranked dragon, Yuisia, is a being that even if I exhaust all my abilities right now, there is no guarantee that I could defeat her.

“Milty…… I’m sorry for making you worry. But I can’t bring you together this time”

“No you can’t. I…… haven’t let anybody know about this but… I’m actually……”

Actually, I always feel afraid. No matter how much successful my current life now, there is always fear whether I would return to my previous condition back in earth.

That’s why I smile. I smile so Milty won’t be worried about me.

“…… You won’t go, to dangerous place?”

Bluffing out, lying, pretending to be tough, I have done it a lot. I even had told many other lies that could hurt others too.

I lied so that Milty definitely won’t try to come along with me. And not only Milty, but everyone else too. I must not let them aware of what I’m planning too.

It was still early in the morning so the medical examination place still not yet open. But by using my new active skill that I got from raising my thief skill, lockpick, I managed to sneak in while saying sorry in my heart.

Mother who always sleeps on the bed, like expecting me to come, is raising her body up to greet me.

Mother doesn’t even asked how I get in here and just give me her usual smile.

---- But, she can’t do that now. Because after this, I am going to disobey my father’s word…… He told me to not fight monsters but I will violate that taboo.

“…… Yes, mommy doesn’t need to apologize. I have… everything……”

I do not know anything. I must not let mother aware of what I think…… definitely.

“…… I want mom and dad to be the one who give the baby a name because I like the name that mom and dad gave to me”

Mommy is saying her usual joke when she was still healthy. And hearing her jokes like this… I feel like having not heard that since forever.

---- No that’s wrong. That is not something in the past…… Mother will definitely be healthy again.

“…… Yes mom?”

Mother is calling my name. While still keeping her smile, mother says to me:


Don’t say it like everything is already over like that. Because even from now on, mother and father and me and this new family member of ours will keep on living happily together.

How come this happens when I finally find a meaning in my life after dying once and reincarnated here?

Mother is taking back her words. Even though she is the one who suffer the most right now…… If it was me, I probably won’t be able to hide my pain that well.

Mother’s consciousness gets blurry again. I then support mothers back so she could safely lie down in the bed.

“…… Thank you…… Hiroto. Mommy…… loves Hiroto very much……”

After mother falls asleep, I slowly remove my hand from hers. And then, before I left the medication ward, I check on mother current status.

Name: Remilia Siegrid

Life: 10/76

© 2024