Chapter 17 – Disillusion

Translator: Eros


Human   Female   22 years old   Level 12

Job: n.o.ble’s daughter.

I always feel afraid to look at it.

Just how much pain did she bear in? Just how firm is her heart is to be able keeping her smile in front of me and my father?

I suddenly remember the sensation of having the blood in my whole body burning hot like fire at that time when mother protects me from Anton.

My oath stays the same even now. And then, it won’t ever change even in the future.

After going out from the medical facility, I started to run. While bringing the Ax that granpa Bardis made for me in my hand, I rush straight to the forest ---- but on my way there, I suddenly heard a familiar voice calling me.

“---- Don’t follow me Monica-neechan!”

- You are giving your command to 《Monica》

“…… Why is…… Hiroto, Wait! What are you going to do!?”

(…… In the end, I can’t do everything by myself…… But this is enough)

Added with the bonus I got from leveling up, the total point that I have now is 245 points and I spend all those points in all my skill that is directly related to battle.

Skill has reached level 100! The Skill [Invincible] learned!

Skill has reached level 100! The skill [Magic Boost] [Double Cast] learned!

Skill has reached level 50! The skill [Double Magic Sword] learned!

You have learned a few action skill and pa.s.sive skill!

You have learned a few action skill and pa.s.sive skill!

The Crystallized tear of Sovereign dragon…… Now that I must get it no matter what, I won’t feel any regret from using my saved up skill points to battle skill at this point. After all, I can’t have myself died because of slight mishap when meeting the dragon until I managed to acquire the crystallized tears. Because I have already hunted those Lizardman and Drake in 4 digits unit inside the game in my previous life, I know that they are not an opponent that you can make little of.

First of all, I have to reach the depth of the cave. And with how I decided to not involve anyone else with my problem, I have to get pa.s.s through it by myself……!


- The party battle spirit is burning! Your attack power is temporarily increased!


“O spirit of fire…… heed upon my call and illuminates the darkness before me! [Summon Wisp]!”


- [Charm] has been activates automatically! 2 Fire Drake failed to resist! They are now charmed!

Decreased… With that in mind, I quickly turn my gaze towards another crowd of Lizardmen and Drakes in the pa.s.sage behind the first group.

- [Charm] has been activates automatically! 1 Sword Lizard failed to resist! They are now charmed!

But the more I used charm, the affecting rate steadily gets worsened. It doesn’t matter even if I have a level 100 fortune skill, they are high leveled monster after all. The first five monsters should be my charm skill limit.

The nightmare like memory from when I played the game is coming back to me. These two monsters that show up together at volcano area actually have a great compatibility with each other…… Sword Lizard has resistance to Fire drake’s firebreath so even if the firebreath attack hits them too, they would not receive any damage. Because of that, Sword Lizard act up as the front liner which lock their enemy movement and Fire Drake will be in the back using its firebreath mercilessly.

I don’t have any equipment that gives me resistance to fire element but even if I got burned, as long as my I keep my hp up, I definitely won’t die ---- But even so, that will cost me a lot of time and time is the thing I don’t have in abundance right now.

---- Don’t be afraid. It is exactly for times like this that I had diligently cultivates my strength…… And the me now that am buffed with all that bonus point should not put those kind of small fries in my eyes! No one can stop me!


- You enchant [Icicle Spike] to your weapon!

- You activate the active skill [Blade Spin]! [Raging Dance of the Revolving Ice Blades]!

- 2 《Fire Drake》 received 843 damage!


Ice elemental spirit magic ----I am not as adept in it as with fire element, but I’m glad I take my time to learn it. I cover my ax with ice cold aura to slow those fire elemental monsters’ movement down and combined with the sharpness of my +7 ax, I could easily cut through those monsters hard scale.

I repeatedly swing my ax which has been enchanted with magic again and again. With the active skill that I learned when I reach level 50 of Ax mastery, the [Blade Spin], I could keep dispatching my enemies at the most efficient way. If I could keep on like this, the road ahead will eventually be opened……!

And then, in front of me who keep swinging my ax wildly, 1 Sword Lizard stands there trying to block my way.

---- And that sword lizard, not only held a sword in its hand, it is also held a shield in another.



(Kuh…… Should I use [Invincibility]?...... But……!)

- 《Fire Drake》 let out a firebreath! Blazing fire is burning everything on its path!

“Hiroto, take cover! Use Resist Ice magic quick!”


- 《Neris》 Magic Boost causes her magic power to doubles!

- Groups of 《Fire Drake》 received 352 damage! Groups of monsters are frozen!

(Neris…… Obaba-sama? But that voice is not……)

The Sword Lizard that broke my active arts and tried to launch a counter back at me is now becomes a frozen statue in front of me. The effect of freezing from Ice Storm could last for 15 seconds so I can hit it now to kill it easily.

But, the monsters are still appearing one after another ---- Even if the continuous appearing of monsters stop now, I only managed to defeat a small portion of it right now.

“Obaba-sama…… no, you are not her……?”

That is the first time I heard that…… If what she says is true then this young woman who wears pointed hat and black robe, who look like a 17 years old teenager, and has a strong confidence in her expression is the one and only, Neris Obaba-sama herself.

“Thank G.o.d~ we made it! Hiroto-chan~, why do dangerous thing by yourself like this? You need to be spanked!”

Neris Obaba-sama is actually not alone. Filianes-san, Mar-san, Aletta-san, Wendy, Nameless…... All the people who had once party together with me before come one after another. And then, with a face full of guilt, Aletta-san opens her mouth:

“I and Nameless-san too got asked by Monica-san for help and came here. She said that Exalted Master is in danger…… I’m really sorry! I know I’m that I would only bring troubles coming to this kind of dangerous place while still being inexperienced……”

It’s been a while since the last time I go on a quest with Wendy and Nameless-san…… and yet they still come to help even in this kind of dangerous place of other places.

“I feel that just letting you go by yourself and wait for the result back at home would be a cruel thing to do. These little la.s.s are making a big fuss back in the village so I take the role to guide them all here. I already know where the cave is located after all”

“Hiroto, you are indeed strong…… but there are also things that are difficult to do alone. Isn’t the times like this are the best time for you to rely on the relation that you have cultivated until now? And it is not only I who think like that, everyone else is also thinking the same thing you know?”

I must say the fact to the girls. I must tell them the fact about my fateful encounter with the Sovereign Dragon, and the reason why I must go face her alone.

“Hi-Hiroto-chan, you will go to the depth by yourself? Even though there is chance for dragon being here……!?”

Even when I don’t say everything, she could still understand me. In Eternal Magia, I also have someone who I could trust my back with…… And such hard to get partner like that, I actually managed to find another person like that in this Magiahaim. Moreover, it is not only one person.

The freezing ice cage, the Freezing Coffin. It is a level 7 ice elemental spirit magic. It is a magic that excels at totally immobilize the target movement. If I receive that kind of magic directly then I will instantly frozen solid. And while I am immobilized, my small 4 years old body could be easily carried out by the women here ---- But.

“…… It will be impossible for Freezing Coffin to be guarded with just a Resist Ice magic, I will tell you that first hand. But again, Hiroto boy, looking at your face, I see that you are not just recklessly rushing to your own death. Then Hiroto boy, let me teach you the secret of spirit magician first before you go…… Well, this is merely only the process to reach that level but, I pray that it could help you accomplish what you want to do so you can come back home safely”

Looking at my response, everyone started to gives out a smile again. They must be happy seeing my reply to the part ‘come back home safely’ with confidence.

I come here for the sake of saving my mother. For the sake of taking all my happiness back which is about to disappear, no matter how hard it is, I must stay alive no matter what.

“We understand!”

- With your presence, the party member’s battle spirit is encouraged!

Filianes-san and Mar-san is in the vanguard to face the Sword Lizard while Neris-san and Nameless-san, escorted by Wendy, is thinning out the Fire Drake number with their magic. And lastly, Aletta-san will cast AOE healing skill to keep the party running…… Although these peoples fight together for the first time, their cooperation isn’t even the bit awkward making one think that they had been partying together for long to reach that level of cooperation.

I swing my ax to the Sword Lizard that is standing on my way to block me. These monsters who had split up their formation and had their number greatly reduced are definitely not something that could block my way.

---- The place I aim for is only one, the dragon’s nest in the deepest part of this cave…… She should be protecting her treasures there right, Sovereign Dragon?

To get the crystallized dragon tear, I have thought of 3 methods to achieve it. The first one is by simply defeating it in battle.

The second method is by making the Sovereign Dragon an ally ---- clear up the precondition given and immediately use the tame skill on her.

And the third is, by doing [Transaction] with the Sovereign Dragon to trade her crystallized dragon tear with something else that I have.

No matter what the method is, I will definitely get that elixir then save my mother!

Eros: Poor Monica, she can’t get out of town because his curse

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