Chapter 18 – The Two Wings

Translator: Eros

Donors: William C
Dude, you give me another donation, thank you, really, I appreciate it. But I hope I won"t make you feel disappointed because of the long update.

After everyone open the path for me, I keep on running to the depth of the cave. I wonder just how long have I keep on running now.



- You have enchanted [Ice Ball] to your weapon!

- You have executed [Boomerang Tomahawk]! Absolute Zero Flying Blade!

- 2 《Fire Drake》 have received 652 damage!

Wrapping the ax with ice cold aura then throw it to the enemy, a tear up combat arts. I don’t have to hit the ax physically to the enemy as the ice aura enchanted to it will turn into a blade that will tear them apart instead. Usually, catching a bladed object like an ax is a dangerous feat but, when my ax mastery reached level 60, catching a flying ax is just as easy as breathing for me.

I have also leveled my strong body skill into level 100 so naturally my stamina would rise too. No matter how long I keep on running, I still don’t feel tired at all. If I grow into an adult then not to mention my town, even in the kingdom, there will be no one who can defeat me by the means of pure strength.

---- Filianes-san managed to see through my new hidden power after I allocate my bonus points with only a single glance. She and Mar-san is only at level 50 strong body and yet even if they go out on a campaign for their duty as member of the knight brigade to exterminate monsters for one full month, there is a great chance that their strong body skill might not improve. This shows just how hard it is to improve one skill.

If there are no bonus point then reaching such height in strength are nigh impossible for normal human. If I don’t have those bonus points, I definitely had given up as even reaching this cavern is already an impossible task to do.

The pa.s.sage inside the cavern keeps on tilted downward. I should be deep inside the earth now. To resist the heat from the blistering magma around me, I use fire resist magic and then it suddenly dawned upon me. If I calmly think about it, fire resist magic could help me defend against those Fire Drakes’ fire breath attack. I really had lost my calm until Neris-san comes to help ---- I must’ve been blinded by my new power and tried to remove all obstacles by brute force only.

- You have leveled up! You have received 3 skill points.

(Level 41…… until the level cap, if it was according to the game then it will be another 34 levels. The Sovereign Dragon level was 10 the last time I saw it…… I wonder how much she had grown now…….?)

(Can’t be helped, I lack information after all…… It’s been awhile since the last time I feel excited to face a new unknown enemy)


- 《Sword Lizard A》 is protecting 《Sword Lizard B》 with its body.

Maybe because of me rampaging nonstop on the way here or maybe because those two sword lizards could feel my strength? It is not really clear about the reason but…


If the charm effect already kicks in, then I don’t need to fight them any longer. I check my surroundings to make sure that there are no more threats around while slowly approach the two sword lizards.

After a monster sp.a.w.ned to the world through the gate known as [The Monster Nest] and gain a physical body, they will be granted a temporary soul to stay on living. Because of that, I thought that they would be just mindless puppets devoid of any emotion like emotion from parent to child or emotions between comrades. But now I know that I was wrong.


(To avoid having them as an enemy, maybe I should use my tame skill on them…… I can release them afterward anyway)

(…… Sarasa-san, she always hides her neck but I know… because she has the slave skill, then she is too……)

- It is now possible to change the job of 《Sword Lizard A》into [Slave]. Would you like to change it? YES / NO

Once you acquired a job, it will be easy for you to change back to it but most people definitely won’t turn back into a slave out of their own will.


“…… Is it, a kind of glowing moss, or some sort maybe……?”

Even if there is no fire here, the entire pa.s.sage’s wall gives out a faint light. After such a narrow pa.s.sage before this kind of wide s.p.a.ce area is simply unimaginable. The area is just too wide and the whole place is bright ---- even when there is not a single lantern set up here.

This kind of mysterious view is indeed befitting of being the roost of a dragon. I don’t need to look around for long as I quickly find what Yuisia had told me before as the vast treasury of the dragon sleeping here. In this interior part of the wide s.p.a.ce there is a bulging small hill that attracts the eyes. And from there, treasures that give off brilliant golden light are carelessly stacked up. There are also red, green, and blue light mixed in there, maybe that light comes from a gem? ---- Anyway I could immediately tell even from this distance that there are colorful solid objects in the size of an adult’s fist scattered around that place in a disorderly manner. Without the appraisal skill, I could already guess…… even one of those gems could be used to buy a castle and still have changes too.

---- Is there a crystallized dragon tear inside that mountain of treasures? Or could it be that…… I have to make a high grade dragon, the sovereign dragon to cry it out?

(Eros: Yuisia will talk by telepathy in dragon form so I will use {} for the telepathy conversation)


(Don’t be afraid…… don’t back down! I already, don’t have any other choices except to move forward……!)


- 《Yuisia》’s attack power and defense power are rising because of the skill!

“…… Ugh!”

That active skill, Dragon Howl, is a skill that she didn’t have yet when I checked her status the last time we met.

---- Yuisia is also growing up and getting stronger like me. I don’t know what level is her [Sovereign Dragon Race] skill is currently but there are great chances that she also has other new active and pa.s.sive skills beside this dragon howl.

If I use all my bonus points, I might have a chance to dominate her in term of power. It was a small hope as little of a grain but I can’t help to wish for it. And at this moment, I know that I was too optimist. My heart is thumping loudly like it is about to burst.

“…… Gururu…… Gurururu……”

(That’s right…… let’s negotiate. What I want is the crystalized tear…… I could only ask the Sovereign Dragon for her condition to let me get that……!)

(He must’ve screamed thing like ‘you are asking for the impossible’…… Because that is also what I think of right now)

“I want to ask something to you dragon oneechan”

The cry of the Sovereign Dragon doesn’t sound as menacing as before.

“My purpose of coming here is to get a crystallized dragon tear. If you give me that, I will do anything you ask”

Yuisia stopped growling. Her gaze is still locked on me. After a moment of silence ---- suddenly.

- 《Yuisia》 has turned into her human form.

(Eros: I dunno what whether the author mean by 15 years old human in magiahaim or in earth. Probably magiahaim)

“…… I never cry before and even if there are tear crystal in the treasury, I will never give it to you. Because this treasure is the thing I inherit from my mother…… Human child, if you want the treasure then there is no other way to get it besides beating me”

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