=Matthews"= Introduction to American Literature 1.00 The Short-Story. Specimens ill.u.s.trating its development 1.00

=McCaskey"s= Lincoln Literary Collection 1.00

=McNeill & Lynch"s= Introductory Lessons in English Literature 1.00

=Painter"s= Poets of the South .60

=Pallen"s= Meaning of the Idylls of the King .40

=Phillips"s= (M. G.) English Literature. 2 vols Each 2.00

=Porter & Clarke"s= (H. A.) Shakespeare Studies--Macbeth .56

=Robertson"s= History of English Literature 1.25

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=Smiley"s= Manual of American Literature .60

=Swinton"s= Studies in English Literature 1.20

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Gateway Series of English Texts HENRY VAN d.y.k.e, _General Editor_

=Addison"s= Sir Roger de Coverley Papers (Winchester) .40

=Burke"s= Speech on Conciliation (MacDonald) .35

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=Carlyle"s= Essay on Burns (Mims) .35

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=Franklin"s= Autobiography (Smyth) .40

=Gaskell"s= Cranford (Rhodes) .40

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=Goldsmith"s= Vicar of Wakefield, and The Deserted Village (Tufts) .45

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=Stevenson"s= Inland Voyage, and Travels with a Donkey (Blakely) .40

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=Washington"s= Farewell Address, and Webster"s First Bunker Hill Oration (Pine) .30

Eclectic English Cla.s.sics--New Edition--Cloth

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