=Burke"s= Conciliation with the American Colonies (Clark) .20

=Burns"s= Poems--Selections (Venable) .20

=Byron"s= Childe Harold (Canto IV), Prisoner of Chillon, Mazeppa, and other Selections (Venable) .20

=Carlyle"s= Essay on Burns (Miller) .20

=Chaucer"s= Prologue and Knighte"s Tale (Van d.y.k.e) .20

=Coleridge"s= Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Garrigues) .20

=Cooper"s= Pilot (Watrous). Double number .40

=Defoe"s= History of the Plague in London (Syle) .20 Robinson Crusoe (Stephens) .20

=De Quincey"s= Revolt of the Tartars .20

=d.i.c.kens"s= Tale of Two Cities (Pearce). Double number .40

=Dryden"s= Palamon and Arcite (Bates) .20

=Emerson"s= American Scholar, Self-Reliance, Compensation (Smith) .20

=Franklin"s= Autobiography (Reid) .20

=George Eliot"s= Silas Marner (McKitrick) .20

=Goldsmith"s= Vicar of Wakefield (Hansen) .20

=Gray"s= Elegy in a Country Churchyard, and Goldsmith"s Deserted Village (Van d.y.k.e) .20

=Irving"s= Sketch Book--Selections (St. John) .20 Tales of a Traveler (Rutland). Double number .40

=Lincoln"s= Addresses and Letters (Moores) .20 Address at Cooper Union, and Macaulay"s Speeches on Copyright (Pittenger) .20

=Macaulay"s= Essay on Addison (Matthews) .20 Essay on Milton (Mead) .20 Life of Johnson (Lucas) .20 Essays on Lord Clive and Warren Hastings (Holmes) Double number .40 Lays of Ancient Rome and other Poems (Atkinson) .20 Speeches on Copyright, and Lincoln"s Address at Cooper Union (Pittenger) .20

=Milton"s= L"Allegro, Il Penseroso, Comus, Lycidas (Buck) .20 Paradise Lost. Books I and II (Stephens) .20

=Old Testament= Narratives (Baldwin) .20

=Poe"s= Selected Poems and Tales (Stott) .20

=Pope"s= Homer"s Iliad. Books I, VI, XXII, XXIV .20 Rape of the Lock, and Essay on Man (Van d.y.k.e) .20

=Scott"s= Abbot. Double number .40 Ivanhoe (Schreiber). Double number .40 Lady of the Lake (Bacon) .20 Marmion (Coblentz) .20 Quentin Durward (Norris). Double number .40 Woodstock. Double number .40

=Shakespeare"s= As You Like It (North) .20 Hamlet (Shower) .20 Henry V (Law) .20 Julius Caesar (Baker) .20 Macbeth (Livengood) .20 Merchant of Venice (Blakely) .20 Midsummer-Night"s Dream (Haney) .20 Twelfth Night (Weld) .20

=Southey"s= Life of Nelson. Double number .40

=Stevenson"s= Inland Voyage, and Travels with a Donkey (Armstrong) .20 Treasure Island (Fairley) .20

=Swift"s= Gulliver"s Travels (Gaston) .20

=Tennyson"s= Idylls of the King--Selections (Willard) .20 Princess (Shryock) .20

=Thackeray"s= Henry Esmond (Bissell). Double number .40

=Washington"s= Farewell Address and Webster"s First Bunker Hill Oration (Lewis) .20

=Webster"s= Bunker Hill Orations .20

=Wordsworth"s= Poems--Selections (Venable) .20

Harper"s School Cla.s.sics

=Besant"s= Life of Gaspard de Coligny .30

=Conant"s= Primer of Spanish Literature .30

=Eginhard"s= Charlemagne .30

=Herbermann"s= Business Life in Ancient Rome .30

=Macaulay"s= John Hampden--Burleigh .30 Lord Bacon .30 Machiavelli--Walpole .30

Rolfe"s English Cla.s.sics

=Browning"s= Select Dramas .56 Select Poems .56

=Goldsmith"s= Select Poems .56

=Gray"s= Select Poems .56

=Macaulay"s= Lays of Ancient Rome .56

=Milton"s= Minor Poems .56

=Wordsworth"s= Select Poems .56

Rolfe"s New Edition of Shakespeare

All"s Well that Ends Well Merchant of Venice Antony and Cleopatra Merry Wives of Windsor As You Like It Midsummer-Night"s Dream Comedy of Errors Much Ado About Nothing Coriola.n.u.s Oth.e.l.lo Cymbeline Pericles Hamlet Richard II.

Henry IV, Part I. Richard III.

Henry IV, Part II. Romeo and Juliet Henry V. Sonnets Henry VI, Part I. Taming of the Shrew Henry VI, Part II. Tempest Henry VI, Part III. Timon of Athens Henry VIII. t.i.tus Andronicus Julius Caesar Troilus and Cressida King John Twelfth Night King Lear Two Gentlemen of Verona Love"s Labour"s Lost Two n.o.ble Kinsmen Macbeth Venus and Adonis, etc.

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