=Knight"s= Dramatic Reader for Grammar Grades .50

=Skinner"s= Dramatic Stories for Reading and Acting .35

=Skinner & Lawrence"s= Little Dramas for Primary Grades .35

Geographical and Commercial Readers

=Carpenter"s Geographical Readers:= North America .60 South America .60 Europe .70 Asia .60 Africa .60 Australia, Our Colonies, and Other Islands of the Sea .60

=Carpenter"s Readers on Commerce and Industry:= How the World is Fed .60 How the World is Clothed .60 How the World is Housed .60

=b.u.t.ton"s= (S. T.) =World at Work Series:= Fishing and Hunting .30 In Field and Pasture .35 Trading and Exploring (Luther) .40

=Guyot= Geographical Reader (Pratt) .60

=Johonnot"s= Geographical Reader 1.00

=Krout"s= Alice"s Visit to the Hawaiian Islands .45 Two Girls in China .45

=Long"s= Home Geography .25

=MacClintock"s= The Philippines .40

=Payne"s= (F. O.) Geographical Nature Studies .25

=Schwartz"s= Five Little Strangers .40

=Shaw"s= (E. R.) Big People and Little People of Other Lands .30

=Smith= (F. R.) =& Perry"s= (A. C.) Geography of New York .40

Historical and Biographical Readers

=Alexander"s= Story of Hawaii .75

=Arnold"s= (E. J.) Stories of Ancient Peoples .50

=Baldwin"s= Abraham Lincoln .60 American Book of Golden Deeds .50 Conquest of the Old Northwest .60 Discovery of the Old Northwest .60 Fifty Famous People .35 Four Great Americans .50

=Beebe"s= Four American Naval Heroes .50 Story of Paul Jones; of Oliver H. Perry; of David G. Farragut; of George Dewey Each .10

=Brittain= (H. L.) & Harris"s (J. G.) Historical Reader .75

=Brooks"s= (E. S.) Stories of the Old Bay State .60

=Burton"s= Four American Patriots .50 Story of Patrick Henry; of Alexander Hamilton; of Andrew Jackson; of Ulysses S. Grant Each .10 Story of Lafayette .35

=Clarke"s= (M.) Story of Caesar .45

=Cody"s= Four American Poets .50 Four American Writers .50

=Coe"s= Founders of Our Country .50 Makers of the Nation .56

=Cooke"s= Stories of the Old Dominion .60

=Dutton"s= (M. B.) Little Stories of England .40 Little Stories of France .40 Little Stories of Germany .40

=Eggleston"s= Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans .40 Stories of American Life and Adventure .50

=Foote & Skinner"s= (A. W.) Explorers and Founders of America .60 Makers and Defenders of America .60

=Gail Hamilton"s= English Kings in a Nutsh.e.l.l .60

=Goho"s= Pennsylvania Reader .50

=Guerber"s= Story of the Chosen People .60 Story of the Greeks .60 Story of the Romans .60

=Guerber"s= Story of the English .65 Story of the Thirteen Colonies .65 Story of the Great Republic .65 Story of Old France .65 Story of Modern France .65

=Haaren & Poland"s= (A. B.) Famous Men of Greece .50 Famous Men of Rome .50 Famous Men of the Middle Ages .50 Famous Men of Modern Times .50

=Harris"s= (J. C.) Stories of Georgia .60

=Horne & Scobey"s= Stories of Great Artists .40

=Howells"= Stories of Ohio .60

=Johonnot"s= Grandfather"s Stories .27 Stories of Heroic Deeds .30 Stories of Our Country .40 Stories of Other Lands .40 Stories of the Olden Time .54 Ten Great Events in History .54

=Kingsley"s= Four American Explorers .50 Story of Lewis and Clark .25

=Lucia"s= Stories of American Discoverers for Little Americans .40

=Moore"s= (E. E.) A Century of Indiana .75

=Musick"s= Stories of Missouri .60

=Otis"s= Colonial Series: Calvert of Maryland .35 Mary of Plymouth .35 Peter of New Amsterdam .35 Richard of Jamestown .35 Ruth of Boston .35 Stephen of Philadelphia .35 Pioneer Series: Antoine of Oregon .35 Benjamin of Ohio .35 Hannah of Kentucky .35 Martha of California .35 Philip of Texas .35 Seth of Colorado .35

=Perry"s= Four American Inventors .50

=Perry & Beebe"s= Four American Pioneers .50

=Pitman"s= Stories of Old France .60

=Rhoades"s= Story of Philadelphia .85

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