=Rolfe"s= Tales of Chivalry .50 Tales from English History .50 Tales from Scottish History .50

=Schwartz"s= Famous Pictures of Children .40

=Scobey & Horne"s= Stories of Great Musicians .40

=Shaw"s= (E. R.) Discoverers and Explorers .35

=Shepherd"s= Historical Readings 1.00

=Stockton"s= Stories of New Jersey .60

=Swett"s= (S.) Stories of Maine .60

=Thompson"s= (M.) Stories of Indiana .60

=Thwaites"s= Stories of the Badger State .60

=Van Bergen"s= Story of China .60 Story of j.a.pan .65 Story of Russia .65

=Wallach"s= Historical and Biographical Narratives .35

=Walton & Brumbaugh"s= Stories of Pennsylvania .60

=Whitehead"s= Two Great Southerners .50

=Whitney & Perry"s= Four American Indians .50

=Winship"s= Great American Educators .50

=Winterburn"s= Spanish in the Southwest .55

(_See also State and Local History, page 41_)

Nature Readers

=Abbott"s= Boy on a Farm (Johnson) .45

=Bartlett"s= Animals at Home .45

=Beebe & Kingsley"s= First Year Nature Reader .35

=Bradish"s= Stories of Country Life .40

=Cooper"s= (S.) Animal Life 1.25

=Dana"s= (Mrs. W. S.) Plants and Their Children .65

=Gilmore"s= Birds Through the Year .50

=Hawkes"s= Trail to the Woods .40

=Herrick"s= (S. B.) Chapters on Plant Life .60 Earth in Past Ages .60

=Holder"s= (C. F.) Stories of Animal Life .60 Half Hours with Fishes, Reptiles, and Birds .60 Half Hours with the Lower Animals .60 Half Hours with Mammals .60

=Hooker"s= (W.) Child"s Book of Nature 1.00

=Johonnot"s= Book of Cats and Dogs .17 Friends in Feathers and Fur .30 Neighbors with Wings and Fins .40 Some Curious Flyers, Creepers, and Swimmers .40 Some Neighbors with Claws and Hoofs .54 Glimpses of the Animate World 1.00

=Keffer"s= Nature Studies on the Farm .40

=Kelly"s= Short Stories of Our Shy Neighbors .50

=Mix"s= Mighty Animals .40

=Monteith"s= (Jas.) Popular Science Reader .75

=Monteith"s= (John) Familiar Animals and Their Wild Kindred .50 Living Creatures of Water, Land, and Air .50 Some Useful Animals .50

=Needham"s= Outdoor Studies .40

=Patri"s= White Patch .40

=Pitre"s= Swallow Book (Camehl) .35

=Pyle"s= Stories of Humble Friends .50

=Riggs"s= Stories from Lands of Sunshine .40

=Stokes"s= Ten Common Trees .40

=Treat"s= (M.) Home Studies in Nature .90

=Turner"s= Our Common Friends and Foes .30

=Walker"s= (M. C.) Our Birds and Their Nestlings .60

Patriotic and Ethical Readers

=Johnson"s= Story of Two Boys .35 Waste Not, Want Not Stories .50

=Marden"s= Stories from Life .45

=Markwick & Smith"s= (W. A.) True Citizen .60

=Morgan"s= (T. J.) Patriotic Citizenship 1.00

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