_Including the Williams & Rogers Series_

Bookkeeping and Business Practice

=Belding"s= Accounts and Accounting Practice .90

=Modern Ill.u.s.trative= Bookkeeping, Introductory Course. Revised (W. & R. Series) 1.00 Key to same .50 Vouchers for same .45 Forms for same .50 Blanks for same .40

=Modern Ill.u.s.trative= Bookkeeping, Advanced Course. Revised (W. & R. Series) .85 Key to same .50 Grocery Business Section .25 Key to same .20 Commission Business Section .25 Key to same .20 Wholesale Dry Goods Business Section .25 Key to the same .30 Manufacturing Section .30 Key to the same .25 Grocery Business Outfit; forms and blanks .38 Commission Business Outfit; vouchers, forms, and blanks .70 Dry Goods Business Outfit; vouchers, forms, and blanks .78 Manufacturing Business Outfit; vouchers, forms, and blanks .90

=Modern Ill.u.s.trative= Bookkeeping, Complete Course. Revised (W. & R. Series) 1.50 Key to same .75 Outfits comprising Blanks, Vouchers, and Forms same as for both Introductory and Advanced Courses.

=Office Routine= and Bookkeeping, Introductory Course (W. & R.

Series) 1.00 Key to same .50 Vouchers for same .65 Forms for same .85 Blanks for same .45

=Office Routine= and Bookkeeping, Complete Course (W. & R.

Series) 1.35 Key to same .75 Vouchers for same .75 Forms for same 1.30 Blanks for same: Introductory .45 Commission Business .20 Department Store .24 Manufacturing .16 New Banking .45 Supplementary Mail Package Practice: Exercise Pads for the same: Fifth and Sixth Exercises .10 Seventh and Eighth Exercises .10 Reference Book and Key to Practice Exercises .25 Mail Packages for the same Fifth and Sixth Exercises .25 Seventh and Eighth Exercises .30 Forms for the same: Fifth to Eighth Exercises .45 Blanks for the same: Mail Packages, Five to Eight .30

=Bookkeeping and Business Practice,= Introductory Course (W. & R. Series) 1.00 Reference Book and Key to the same .50 Blanks (New Introductive) for the same .75 Mail Package Practice (use optional): Exercise Pads for the same: First and Second Exercises .10 Third and Fourth Exercises .10 Fifth and Sixth Exercises .10 Seventh and Eighth Exercises .10 Reference Book and Key to Practice Exercises .25 Mail Packages for the same: Third and Fourth Exercises .25 Fifth and Sixth Exercises .25 Seventh and Eighth Exercises .30 Forms for the same: First to Fourth Exercises .30 Fifth to Eighth Exercises .45 Blanks (Elementary) for the same .25

=Bookkeeping and Business Practice,= Complete Course (W. & R.

Series) 1.60 Reference Book for the same .50 Key to the same .50 Blanks for the same: New Initiatory .60 New Advanced. Tag covers 1.05 New Advanced. Cloth covers 1.65 New Banking .45 Mail Package Practice (use optional): Supplies same as for Introductory Course.

=Three Weeks in Business Practice= (W. & R. Series). Pad .25 Key to same .50 Selling Price Lists for same .20 Merchant"s Emporium Price Lists for same .20 Forms for same: With Legal Blanks .70 Without Legal Blanks .60 Blanks for same .35

=Practice System= of Business Training, First Course, Vertical Script Edition (W. & R. Series). Complete outfit 1.00 Guide to same .50


=First Lessons= in Bookkeeping (W. & R. Series) .70 Key to same .50 Blanks for same .45 Forms for same (use optional) .30

=New Introductive= Bookkeeping (W. & R. Series) 1.00 Reference Book and Key to same .50 Blanks for same .75 Forms for same (use optional): April and May pad .15 July and August pad .15 September and October pad .15 November and December package .35

=New Complete= Bookkeeping (W. & R. Series) 1.60 Reference Book for same .50 Key to same .50 January Business Practice pad .12

Blanks for same: New Initiatory .60 New Advanced. Tag covers 1.05 New Advanced. Cloth covers 1.65 New Banking .45 New Advanced Blanks in parts: Single Entry .18 Special Column Journal .15 Retail .18 Coal .18 Lumber .18 Commission .18 Jobbing .18 Installment .15 Manufacturing .25 January Business Practice .18 Forms for same (use optional): April and May pad .15 July and August pad .15 September and October pad .15 November and December package .35 January package .60

=Advanced Bookkeeping= and Banking (W. & R. Series) .80 Reference Book and Key to same .50 Blanks for same: Commission .18 Lumber .18 Jobbing .18 Manufacturing .25 New Banking .45

=Supplementary Exercises= in Bookkeeping (W. & R. Series) .20 Key to the same .20

=Bennett"s= Bookkeeping and Accounting Exercises: Part One .40 Key to the same .75 Part Two .45 Key to the same .75

=Bexell & Nichols"s= Principles of Bookkeeping and Farm Accounts .65 Teacher"s Reference Book for the same .50 Blanks for the same Per set .45 No. 1 .12 No. 2 .25 No. 3 .08

=Bryant & Stratton= Common School Bookkeeping .80 Key to the same .36 Blanks for the same Per set of five .30 Blanks. Separate Each .06 New High School Bookkeeping 1.50 Blanks for the same Per set of six .84 Part I. Journal, Ledger, Daybook .45 Part II. Blank Book, Cash Book, Six Column Journal .40 New Countinghouse Bookkeeping 2.00

=Curtiss"s American Standard= Bookkeeping. High School edition 1.00 Key to the same .50 Blanks for the same: First and Second Sets .35 Third to Sixth Sets .50 Seventh and Eighth Sets .30 Forms for the same: First and Second Sets .30 Third to Sixth Sets .80 Seventh and Eighth Sets .50

=Duffs"= (C. P., W. H., & R. P.) Common School Bookkeeping .44

=Duff"s= (P.) Single and Double Entry Bookkeeping 2.25

=Eclectic= Complete Bookkeeping (Mayhew) .50 Key to the same .50 Blanks for the same Per set of five .45

Business Forms

=Eaton"s= Business Forms, Customs, and Accounts 1.00 Exercise Manual of Business Forms .50 Key to the same .50

=Ward"s= Letter Writing and Business Forms Nos. 1 and 2 Each .10 The same. Nos. 3 and 4 " .15


=Bolles"s= Money, Banking, and Finance 1.25

=Modern Ill.u.s.trative= Banking (W. & R. Series) .55 Key to same .25 Outfit, comprising vouchers, supplies, and blanks .80

Commercial Arithmetic

=Bookman"s= Business Arithmetic. With or without Answers .65 Key to the same .40

=King"s= (J. E.) Business Arithmetic. With Answers (W. & R.) .80 Key to same .50

=Moore"s= (J. H.) New Commercial Arithmetic (W. & R. Series) With or without Answers 1.00 Key to same .50

=Thurston"s= Mental Commercial Arithmetic. Without Answers (W. & R. Series) .45 Key to same .25

=Van Tuyl"s= Complete Business Arithmetic. With or without 1.00 Answer Key to same .60 Essentials of Business Arithmetic. With or without Answers .70 Answers to the same .10 Key to the same .25

=Williams"s= (O. F.) Commercial Arithmetic (W. & R. Series) With or without Answers 1.10 Key to same .50

Commercial Law

=Bly"s= Business Law (W. & R. Series) .80

=Fitch"s= New Commercial Law (W. & R. Series) 1.05

=Gano"s= Commercial Law (W. & R. Series) 1.00 Teacher"s Handbook to same .50

=Nichols & Rogers"s= Short Course in Commercial Law (W. & R.

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