Series) .60 Teacher"s Handbook to the same .25

=Test Questions= in Commercial Law (W. & R. Series) .20


=Mills"s= Modern Business Penmanship (W. & R. Series) .30

=Pen-Written= Slant Copies (reproduced). Abridged (W. & R.) .35

=Bound= Practice Paper (W. & R. Series) Per 100 books 3.75

=Commercial= Foolscap (W. & R. Series) Per ream 2.50

=Business= Foolscap (W. & R. Series) " 2.00


=Baskervill & Sewell"s= School Grammar .50

=Belding"s= Commercial Correspondence (W. & R. Series) .50

=Benedict"s= English Punctuation (W. & R. Series) .60

=Buehler"s= Practical Exercises in English .50

=Correspondence= (W. & R. Series) .35

=New= Practical Grammar (W. & R. Series) .35

=New= Practical Grammar and Correspondence (W. & R. Series) .60

Spelling and Dictionaries

=Eldridge"s= Business Speller .25

=Osborn & King"s= Seventy Lessons in Spelling (W. & R. Series) .20 Blank for the same .07

=Test= Lessons in Spelling (W. & R. Series) .15

=Webster"s= Secondary-School Dictionary 1.50 Elementary-School Dictionary .90 Shorter School Dictionary .60 Handy Dictionary .15

Stenography and Typewriting

=Eldridge"s= Shorthand Dictation Exercises .65 Six editions--Benn Pitman, Isaac Pitman, Gregg, Graham, Munson, and edition without shorthand outlines.

=Fritz & Eldridge"s= Expert Typewriting .85 Business Forms for the same .20 Keyboard Chart for the same .05 Pupil"s Record Card for the same .02 Oliver Typewriter Keyboard Exercises .05 Oliver Typewriter Keyboard Chart .03

=Heffley"s= Manual of Pitman Phonography 1.00

=Lester & Barker"s= English-Spanish Phonography (W. & R.) 1.25

=Munson"s= Complete Phonographer 1.50 Pocket Phonographic Dictionary 1.00

=Platt"s= Pitmanic Shorthand Instructor (W. & R. Series) 1.20

=Stenographer"s= Note Books (W. & R. Series): Single ruled, for pen use .08 Double ruled, for pen use .08

=Typewriting= Practice Paper (W. & R. Series): 100 sheets, 8 x 12- Per pad .10 100 sheets, 8 x 10- " .09

Commercial Geography

=Dryer"s= High School Geography. Physical, Economic, and Regional 1.30 Teacher"s Manual to the same .25 Parts I and II. Physical and Economic. Half leather 1.20 The same. Parts I and II. Cloth 1.00

=Gannett, Garrison & Houston"s= Commercial Geography. Revised 1.25

=Olin"s= Commercial Geography 1.00


=Fitch"s= New Civil Government (W. & R. Series) .85


=College Currency= (W. & R. Series): Bills in any denomination, blank panel Per 1,000 pieces 2.50 Fractional, any denomination, blank panel " " " 1.75


=Abbott"s= Music Manual for Teachers of Rural Schools .15 Rudiments of Music .20

=Aiken"s= (W. H.) Music Course. In one book .50 Part Songs for Mixed Voices .65

=Baker"s= (E. L.) Song Blanks. Nos. 2 and 3 Each .25

=Bartley"s= Songs for the School .35

=Betz"s= Gems of School Song. Complete .70 Songs of Nature .15 Songs of the Seasons .15 Songs of Home and Pleasure .15 Songs for Morning, Evening, and Night .15

=Birge"s= Choruses and Part Songs for High Schools .65

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