=Swan"s= History and Civics for Grade 5A .50

=Tighe"s= Roman Const.i.tution .35

=Townsend"s= Shorter Course in Civil Government .72 a.n.a.lysis of Civil Government 1.08

=Willoughby"s= Rights and Duties of American Citizenship 1.00

=Wolfson"s= Outline for Review in Civics .25

Economics and Sociology

=Bly"s= Descriptive Economics .65

=Burke"s= Political Economy for Catholic Colleges and Schools 1.40

=Chapin"s= First Principles of Political Economy .60

=Ellwood"s= Sociology and Modern Social Problems. Revised 1.00

=Gregory"s= New Political Economy 1.20

=Jevons"s= Political Economy .35

=Laughlin"s= Elements of Political Economy 1.20

=Small & Vincent"s= Introduction to the Study of Society 1.80


General Science

=Clark"s= General Science .80 Laboratory Manual in General Science .40

=Doerner"s= Treasury of General Knowledge. Part I .50 The same. Part II .65

=Hooker"s= Child"s Book of Nature 1.00

=Huxley"s= Introductory Volume on Science .35

=Steele"s= Manual of Science--A Key 1.00

=Wells"s= (D. A.) Science of Common Things .85


=Bowen"s= Astronomy by Observation 1.00

=Burritt"s= Celestial Atlas .94

=Lockyer"s= Astronomy .35 Elements of Astronomy 1.22

=Newcomb"s= Elements of Astronomy 1.00 Popular Astronomy. School Edition 1.30

=Steele"s= Popular Astronomy. Revised (M. L. Todd) 1.00

=Todd"s= (D.) New Astronomy 1.30


=Adams"s= (C. F.) Physics for Secondary Schools 1.20 Teacher"s Manual to the same .25 New Physical Laboratory Manual .60 Physical Laboratory Manual .75

=Ames"s= Text-Book of General Physics 3.50 Theory of Physics 1.60

=Ames & Bliss"s= Manual of Experiments in Physics 1.80

=Appletons"= School Physics 1.20

=Avery"s= Elementary Physics 1.00 Key to the same .50 School Physics 1.25 Key to the same .75 First Principles of Natural Philosophy .96 Elements of Natural Philosophy 1.15 Physical Technics and Teacher"s Handbook for First Principles and Elements of Natural Philosophy 1.25

=Avery & Sinnott"s= First Lessons in Physical Science .60

=Cheston, Dean, & Timmerman"s= Laboratory Manual of Physics .50

=Coleman"s= New Laboratory Manual of Physics .60

=Cooley"s= Easy Experiments in Physical Science .52 Elements of Natural Philosophy .72 New Text-Book of Physics .90 Student"s Manual of Physics 1.00

=Hammel"s= Observation Blanks in Physics .30

=Harrington"s= (C. L.) Grammar School Physics .50

=Hoadley"s= Essentials of Physics 1.25 Teacher"s Manual to the same .25 Elements of Physics 1.20 Teacher"s Manual to the same .25 Laboratory Handbook of Physics .50 Brief Course in General Physics 1.20 Teacher"s Manual to the same .25 Practical Measurements in Magnetism and Electricity .75

=Hooker"s= (W.) Child"s Book of Nature. Part III, Air, Water, Heat, etc. .44

=Merrill"s= (G. A.) Elementary Theoretical Mechanics 1.00

=Mumper"s= Text-Book in Physics 1.20 Teacher"s Manual to the same .25

=Peck"s= (W. G.) Ganot"s Natural Philosophy 1.20

=Quackenbos"s= (G. P.) Natural Philosophy 1.22

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