=Plato.= Select Dialogues. Translation .75


=Fairbanks"s= Handbook of Greek Religion[3] 1.50


=Maloney"s= St. Basil the Great .75


=Richardson"s= History of Greek Sculpture[3] 1.50


=Earle"s= Oedipus Tyrannus of Sophocles 1.25 The same. Text edition .30

=Humphreys"s= Antigone of Sophocles 1.50

=Smead"s= Antigone of Sophocles 1.22

=Sophocles.= Text .50

=Sophocles.= Tragedies. Translation .75


=Lamberton"s= Thucydides. Books II and III[3] 1.75 The same. Text edition .40 Thucydides. Books VI and VII 1.50

=Thucydides.= History of the Peloponnesian War. Translation. .75


=Brownson"s= Xenophon"s h.e.l.lenica. Selections.[3] 1.65 The same. Text edition .40

=Gleason"s= Story of Cyrus .75

=Xenophon"s= Cyropaedia 1.25

=Harper & Wallace"s= Xenophon"s Anabasis. Seven Books 1.50

=Mather & Hewitt"s= Xenophon"s Anabasis. Books I-IV[3] 1.50 The same. Text edition .40

=Xenophon.= Anabasis. Text .50

=Xenophon.= Libri Socratici. Text .50

=Xenophon.= Anabasis and Memorabilia. Translation .75

Greek Lexicons

=Autenrieth"s= Homeric Dictionary (Keep) 1.10

=Jannaris"s= Modern English-Greek Dictionary 2.50

=Liddell & Scott"s= Greek-English Lexicon. Sheep 10.00 The same. Abridged Edition. Half leather 1.25 The same. Intermediate Edition. Cloth 3.50 The same. Intermediate Edition. Half leather 4.00

=Thayer"s= Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament. Cloth 5.00 The same. Half leather 6.50

=Yonge"s= English-Greek Lexicon. Sheep 4.50

Cla.s.sical Dictionaries

=Harper"s= Dictionary of Cla.s.sical Literature and Antiquities (Peck). Cloth 6.00 The same. Half leather 8.00 The same in 2 vols. Cloth 7.00 The same in 2 vols. Half leather 10.00

Smith"s (Wm.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (Anthon). Sheep 4.25 Smaller Cla.s.sical Dictionary 1.25

[3] _Smyth"s Greek Series._


Vanderbilt Oriental Series

=Little"s= (C. E.) Index to the Ch[=a]ndogya-Upani[s.]ad 1.00

=Stevenson"s= a.s.syrian and Babylonian Contracts 2.50

=Tolman"s= Ancient Persian Lexicon and Texts 1.25 Cuneiform Supplement 1.25

=Tolman & Scoggin"s= Mycenaean Troy 1.00

=Tolman & Stevenson"s= Herodotus and the Empires of the East 1.00

=Weissenborn"s= Homeric Life (Scoggin & Burkitt) 1.00

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