=Nordhoff"s= Politics for Young Americans .75

=Persons"s= Our Country in Poem and Prose .50

=Richman & Wallach"s= Good Citizenship .45

=Smiles"s= Self-Help (Bower) .60

Bible Reading

=Schaeffer"s= Bible Readings for Schools .35

=Wight"s= Selections from the Bible .40


=Appletons"= Elementary Reading Charts. 47 Nos., with Stand and Teacher"s Manual 10.00

=Butler"s= Reading Charts. 36 Nos., with Stand and Teacher"s Manual 8.00

=Complete= School Charts. 36 Nos., with Stand and Teacher"s Manual 10.00

=Eclectic= Elementary Charts. 36 Nos., with Stand and Teacher"s Manual 6.00

=Fundenberg"s= Chart Lessons in Reading. 24 Charts, with Stand 7.50

=McGuffey"s= Reading Charts. 28 Nos., with Teacher"s Manual.

Manila, with Revolving Stand Per set 5.00 The same. Mounted on Heavy Boards " 7.50 Spanish Edition. Manila, with Revolving Stand " 5.00 Chart Primer (Facsimile of Charts) Per doz., .50

=New American= Reading Charts. 30 Nos., with Stand 5.00

=Primary= Language Studies. 50 Nos., with Stand and Teacher"s Manual 12.00


=Appletons"= Select Spelling Lessons .04

=Baldwin= Speller (Shear & Lynch) .20 Spelling by Grades (Baldwin) .20

=Bouton"s= Spelling and Word Building .25

=Buckwalter"s= Primary Spelling Book .15 Comprehensive Spelling Book .20

=Columbian= Speller .20

=Creery"s= Grammar School Spelling Book .35

=Cronson"s= Graded Dictation and Spelling Lessons: First year and first half of second year Per doz., .60 Second year, second half, and third year, each half " .60 Fourth and fifth years, each half " .75 Sixth to eighth years, each half " .90

=Eldridge"s= Business Speller .25

=Harrington"s= (H. F.) Spelling Book. Complete .20 The same. Parts I and II Each .15

=Harvey"s= (T. W.) Graded School Primary Speller .13 Graded School Speller .18

=Hicks"s= Champion Spelling Book. Complete .25 The same. Parts I and II Each .18

=Holmes"s= Elementary Spelling Book .13

=Hunt"s= (J. N.) Primary Word Lessons .15 Progressive Course in Spelling .20 The same. Parts I and II Each .15

=McGuffey"s= Alternate Spelling Book .12 Revised Eclectic Spelling Book .17 Word Lists of Revised Readers (Blewett) .10

=Metcalf"s= Spelling and Language Book .20

=Modern= Spelling Book (Hunt & Gourley) Vertical Script edition .20 The same. Slant Script edition .20

=Monroe"s= First Steps in Spelling .18 Practical Speller .25

=Natural= Speller and Word Book .20

=New American= Primary Speller .15 p.r.o.nouncing Speller .20 Advanced Speller .25

=Osborn & King"s= (J. E.) Seventy Lessons in Spelling .20

=Patterson"s= American Word Book .25 Common School Speller .18 Speller and a.n.a.lyzer .32

=Pollard"s= Synthetic Speller .18 Advanced Speller. Complete .30

=Rice"s= Rational Spelling Book. Part I. Boards .15 The same. Cloth .17 Rational Spelling Book. Part II. Boards .20 The same. Cloth .22

=Sheldon"s= Word Studies. Vertical Script edition .25 The same. Slant Script edition .25 Graded Speller .25

=Shoup"s= Graded Speller .19

=Spelling= by Grades (Baldwin) .20

=Swinton"s= Word Primer .15 Word Book of English Spelling .18 New Word a.n.a.lysis .35 Word a.n.a.lysis. Old .29

=Warren"s= (M. A.) Cla.s.s Word Speller .18

=Watson"s= Complete Speller .20 Independent Elementary Speller .18

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