Conquering Hero’s Heroines

Chapter 43 - Loathed Ritone

Chapter 43 - Loathed Ritone

「Therefore, you are one of the heroines of the hero, a megadere. Because of the hero, you will become a b.i.t.c.h who will seduce him if left alone, so I will make you my fiancé before it"s too late... Huh, are you listening?」 
[Daily: megadere is like a yandere, but not quite... Do a google search for more details] 

Hearing that, Littlette began to tremble with anger. 

「What’s that!? Saying that I will become a b.i.t.c.h who will destroy the world! Don"t declare such a selfish thing!」 

An acute pain ran through Ritone’s cheeks. Littlette grasped her small pincers in her hand and pinched him. 

「It hurts! It hurts!」 

「Should I pull your teeth out with this "Freeform Tool"?」 

「I-I"m showee.」 

「Ugh! I hate you!」 

Pachin. With a resounding slap, Littlette left the room. 

After Ritone was left behind, he asked Nady who was silent. 

「... Why was she angry?」 

「It"s obvious. After all, you"re the worst.」 

Nady, glaring at him with cold eyes, also left the room. 

「Rin, you...」 

「Because I"m a commoner maid, it’s not possible to become Onii-chan’s fiancé...」 

Rin looked down sadly. 

「Uuu. T-that"s...」 

「But, if I can be close to Onii-chan, then that"s fine! For me, my prince is Onii-chan. Therefore, please let me be by your side forever.」 

Rin was smiling sweetly. 

「Ahahahaha. Honestly, how should I put it... Ritone is an interesting child.」 

Nady’s mother, White Princess Norn, rolled in laughter. 

Nady had told everything she heard from Ritone to her mother. 

「Such a hateful guy. Treating me like a wicked woman who will destroy the world!」 

Nady was in a furious mood towards Ritone’s att.i.tude. 

「Now, now. In some sense, this child is sincere. At least, it"s better than a man who plays with a lot of girls after telling them “I like you.”」 

「... That may be, but a man who forces an engagement one after another with girls he doesn"t like is the worst.」 

Nady’s murmurs revealed her disillusionment. Concerning marriage, she thought that it was something people did because they were mutually attracted to one another. 

As for the circ.u.mstances of n.o.bles, they were selfish and weren’t concerned about avoiding the devastating future and so forth like Ritone said. 

「He is certainly thinking of saving the world. The weight of the mission that he himself was a.s.signed may not leave room to fall in love with a girl. After saving the world, you should slowly fall with him, right?」 

「Fue!? As if I would like such a man!」 

Nady, blushing a bright red, denied it. 

「Yes, yes. Nady-chan likes heroes. But, if you train him to become an excellent hero, wouldn’t your wish come true? Well, it"s quite the promising gamble, however it may seem.」 

「Such a guy, will never become a hero!」 

Nady obstinately denies it . 

「Ahaha, then putting aside the engagement, won"t you cooperate until the world is at peace? When Ritone-chan grows up and you haven"t fallen for him, then perhaps we"ll ask for the engagement to be cancelled?」 

「Certainly. I can at the very least cooperate.」 

Persuaded by Norn, Nady reluctantly agreed.

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