Lian Hua was able to find Bai Lianhua’s cell phone at the head of the bed, and peered at the time. It was almost 10, his cousin Bai Yi was probably almost here. Indeed, his cellphone immediately rang, and some jasmine flowers appeared on the display. Lian Hua was dumbfounded, Bai Lianhua, you have good taste!

“h.e.l.lo, Cousin Yi!”

Lian Hua tried to imitate the original Bai Lianhua’s tone, although calling out “Cousin Yi” already made him break out in gooseb.u.mps.

“Ha ha, Xiao* Hua, I’m downstairs, get down here!”

*Xiao means small but here it’s a prefix for someone you’re close to.

f.u.c.k, just how magnetic is his voice?! As expected of the number one cannon fodder gong!

Wait, wait, →_→ this kind of gentle as water temperament, could it be they’ve already been in bed? Lian Hua suddenly felt very uncomfortable. You could see at a glance that Bai Lianhua is a shou, it will definitely be hard to keep his chrysanthemum*!

*Chrysanthemum is slang for a.s.shole, and in this case, his virginity.

Wait but they shouldn’t have gotten in bed yet, after all they story didn’t say so! Tragically, Lian Hua could only silently cry a face full of tears in his heart. The most painful thing was that he had just crossed over and discovered it would be hard to keep his virginity. Although he liked to read BL light novels, that didn’t mean he liked being pushed down! You should know he was genuinely a pure man with a height of 180 cm (5’11”), while who knows if that guy Bai Lianhua even reached 170 cm (5’7″)? No way, definitely must train, if you don’t have an 8 pack, it’s not impossible to work out! Besides, this is the apocalypse, with zombies, with mutated beasts! This weak chicken Bai Lianhua, don’t even mention pig leg* abusing him to death, would go find death on his own. Lian Hua didn’t want to be abused!

*Pig leg is Lian Hua’s nickname for the main character of the novel.

“Xiao Hua?”

“Hm? Ah, I just woke up, I’ll be right there.”

Lian Hua quickly hung up the phone, patted his face, and forced himself to relax. Bai Yi wasn’t an idiot like Zhao Jing, he can’t be fooled easily. What would he do if he was discovered to be someone else, and was killed?

“Zhao Jing, I’m going out with my cousin now.”

“Oh, go, go, don’t bother me.”

It seems Zhao Jing wasn’t paying attention to what he was saying, hope Zhao Jing doesn’t become a cannon fodder.

Lian Hua went downstairs and saw a Pagani s.h.i.+ning gaudily in the distance. Rich people are all evil, Lian Hua definitely won’t admit that he was deeply jealous of other people. The man leaning against the car was even more blinding. He had deep facial features, a handsome face, dressed smartly, had a strong body, so two faced! But Lian Hua would still not admit that when he saw Bai Yi’s appearance, he was really envious. Indeed a social elite with a nice temperament, well suited to pig leg.

A ring of people already started to form around Bai Yi. As expected of the number one cannon fodder, such charm! Lian Hua noticed that he seemed impatient and hurried over. Bai Lianhua maintained the appropriate expression and called out to “Cousin Yi”.

Bai Yi saw Bai Lianhua cautiously evaluating his expression and didn’t feel angry anymore.

“Get in the car! I’m taking you to dinner.”

Bai Yi sat in the driver’s seat and Lian Hua rushed to the pa.s.senger seat next to him.

The car quickly sped away. Lian Hua grasped that seat belt with a hand covered in sweat, he didn’t know how to act around this cousin! Therefore he could only lower his head pretending as if he were sleepy.

“What’s wrong? Why aren’t you saying anything today?” Bai Yi was the one who opened their mouth first.

“No, it’s just, it’s just that I feel a bit uncomfortable.” Lian Hua was so tense he stuttered. This Lian Hua is just a commoner, how could he a.s.sociate with a person of high status? Bai Yi was the  successor of the Bai clan. It was a large clan, and their people all had a kind of dignified superiority, how could Lian Hua face them?

“Hm, then you should remember to drink medicine.” Bai Yi saw that Lian Hua was so scared he was about to cry, just like a rabbit. If Lian Hua knew what Bai Yi was thinking, he would definitely laugh ha ha in Bai Yi’s face. Unfortunately, at this time Lian Hua was too tense to notice.

“Alright!” Lian Hua quickly replied.

“Ha ha!” Bai Yi looked at Lian Hua nodding his head like a chick pecking. Bai Yi couldn’t resist stroking his hair, felt that it was soft, and gently rubbed his head.

His actions caused Lian Hua to feel very creepy pasta (horrified), please don’t rub my head, you don’t need to rub! I’m already short, eighteen years old is a time period when I can grow more! Of course, he only dared to scream in his heart, on the outside he still looked sincere. Right now he is a white lotus! This really was too tragic!

The car went for approximately twenty minutes or more, then stopped in front of an exquisite fine dining establishment. Lian Hua exclaimed in his heart again, rich people are all evil, their wealth is founded on the blood, sweat, and tears of the working man.

“Young Bai.”

The doorman naturally recognized this person, and respectfully opened the door for them. In order not to expose his country b.u.mpkin aura, Lian Hua honestly lowered his head and followed behind Bai Yi, not daring to look around. Bai Lianhua definitely came here with Bai Yi before, it wouldn’t be good if he exposed himself.

Following Bai Yi into the room and sitting down, Lian Hua was finally able to relax a bit. Being stared at by so many beautiful waitstaff, he couldn’t walk straight.

A beautiful waitress wearing a professional smile gave a menu to Lian Hua.

Lian Hua, “…”

Because this menu wasn’t in Chinese. Aside from Chinese, he also knew a few words of English ⊙﹏⊙b! But the language on the menu obviously didn’t belong to either, what would you have him do?

Lian Hua was actually panicking now, but his face didn’t display anything abnormal, still the same dreamy look. He calmly let go of the menu and said, “Just give me what my cousin is getting.” After speaking, he smiled shyly at the beauty. The beauty was very understanding, accepted the menu and left, her performance very professional.

“Why are you so quiet today? Do you have to be so shy with me?” Bai Yi felt something was a bit off.

Lian Hua spoke in his heart, it’s be weird if I could relax in front of you, especially if pig leg catches us, I’d be finished!

“It’s nothing, I’m just thinking of Cousin Yi.” Lian Hua felt he was about to go crazy, but just continued to shyly lower his head, exposing the graceful white neck. Bai Lianhua used this technique the most -_-///.

Bai Yi took it to heart, didn’t bring up this subject again, and started to talk about serious business.

“In two months it will be grandfather’s birthday, at that time the descendants of the Bai clan have to return to the capital. I will go back first, you’re staying behind in S city by yourself, so you need to take care of yourself, don’t make me worry.”

Lian Hua spoke in his heart, Bai Lianhua is already eighteen. He’s already this old and still needs other people to take care of him? It seems Bai Lianhua’s pitiful appearance was already deeply etched in the other person’s heart.

“Alright I will, Cousin Yi, don’t worry.” Lian Hua could only lightly reply. Thinking about it made him want to flip a table (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ the pitiful voice made him feel very unhappy, he’s about to go crazy. He only wished this cousin in front of him would quickly leave.

However, Lian Hua already knew, this cousin couldn’t leave. Before he even got on the plane, the apocalypse came. He, Lian Hua, and pig leg were stuck in S city, therefore on a road filled with and thorns, fighting high level creatures, they traveled a thousand miles towards the capital!

Why was Bai Yi not at the capital but at S city? He was at the family’s branch company to study and gain experience.Why was pig leg at S city? Obviously he left home to follow his man. According to rumor, because pig leg wanted to be with the s.l.u.t Bai, he fought with the family elders. Why was Bai Lianhua in S city? Obviously it was to follow his cousin’s heels, if Bai Lianhua wanted to become a mistress, how could he not be by the most important person?

Lian Hua couldn’t help but s.h.i.+ver. Bai Lianhua, you’re looking for death, S city will be a danger zone occupied by zombies! What did you come here for instead of staying safe in the capital?! This place doesn’t have as many weapons as the army at the capital. You should know, it was written in the story that when they left S city, more half the population died!

The more he thought about it, the more Lian Hua felt that the future was bleak. First there were zombies, then there’s pig leg, how would he survive the coming days? Zombies want to eat him, pig leg wants to abuse him, Bai Lianhua in met a tragic end before finally being killed. He didn’t die immediately but was abused horribly by pig leg, bitter tears were overflowing!

No way, can’t let pig leg abuse him to death, definitely have to think of a method to get away from pig leg! Lian Hua clenched his fists, there’s also training his body to become becomes stronger. Otherwise, with Bai Lianhua’s strength, not being a cannon fodder would be weirder!

Lian Hua s.p.a.ced out again, causing Bai Yi to felt helpless. However, seeing his cousin’s expression change constantly was really interesting, and Bai Yi found the image delectable. He knew this little cousin really loved him, and Bai Yi also didn’t feel disgusted. They’re both men, they have the same interests. Besides, these past few years he had played around no small amount. Seeing the white, tender appearance of his cousin, his heart began to feel itchy. Of course, he wouldn’t force himself on the other, that would be meaningless.

Lian Hua felt a burning gaze on his face, lifted his head and saw his cousin looking at him with interest, causing him to suddenly feel very uncomfortable.

“Ach, Cousin Yi, what are you looking at?” Lian Hua carefully asked.

“At you”. Bai Yi’s tone was serious.

“…” Lian Hua stiffened, how could he forget that back in the day this person was a promiscuous womanizer, only after meeting pig leg did he settled down. However, in the end he still had an affair with Bai Lianhua →_→, is this a thirty year old man trying to be a wolf or fox spirit*? Obviously this guy was a love guru, Lian Hua felt so overwhelmed he couldn’t breathe.

*Wolves would “eat” you and fox spirits “seduce” you.

Ay, in the story, what else did they do aside from eating dinner? Lian Hua seriously thought about it, his face starting to stiffen. Dammit, isn’t this the part of the story where Bai Lianhua gets intimate with his cousin? They even went to find a room in a hotel, it was Bai Lianhua’s first time presenting his precious chrysanthemum!

Lian Hua felt that he wanted to pa.s.s out already, his face flushed red. After hesitating all day, he still couldn’t say a word. Your daddy (Lian Hua) isn’t stupid enough to go be intimate with a cannon fodder! I don’t wanna die!

Bai Yi watched his cousin change expressions with interest, so cute! His heart had some expectations, who knows what kind of surprise his baby cousin would give him.

Lian Hua felt impatient, what should he do? The meaning behind this cousin’s gaze became clearer and clearer, almost becoming physical. You couldn’t blame him for being a cannon fodder in the end, he wouldn’t even let go of his cousin. Although they had no blood relations, they were still officially relatives!

Lian Hua’s limbs moved awkwardly, then in the spur of the moment they stopped obeying him and he stood up without warning. Suddenly his hand brushed past something hard. He felt bizarre and continued groping, it was the necklace he wore around his neck.

Wait, wait, this kind of premonition isn’t clear on what’s going on? Lian Hua felt as if he was about to discover something terrifying! He lowered his head and pulled out the necklace to look. f.u.c.k, Lian Hua really wanted to jump ten feet into the air, he was suddenly holding on to a hot potato. Lian’s Hua’s expression twisted, as if he just saw his parents die.

It was a jade Buddha. Are you curious as to why Lian Hua was so scared? The jade buddha he was wearing was actually pig leg’s! Pig leg stole the cannon fodder’s necklace, after that the cannon fodder could only find death.

Lian Hua wanted to throw the necklace down, but his hand were numb. His whole body dripped with cold sweat, and he couldn’t take it down however he tried.

Bai Yi didn’t know what suddenly happened to his little cousin, he only saw that his cousin’s was on the verge of tears and felt distressed.

“What’s wrong, what is that?” Bai Yi stood up, wanting to come help, but the sound of knocking came from close by.

“Bai Yi, are you in there?”

Suddenly, Lian Hua felt like he heard the voice of a demon from h.e.l.l——

Translator’s Notes:

Lian Hua is so sarcastic lol. Next chapter we will meet the shou… for real.

I evacuated for Hurricane Harvey so I’ll be on the road back home in the next few days.

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