Thanks to RedsFables again for the donation!

Lian Hua squatted in a corner, a little sad. Did your brother really fall for Pig Leg’s beauty? But couldn’t he see how Pig Leg treated him these days? Throwing him alone to the zombie h.o.a.rd, kicking him in front as soon as a mutant beast came, most of his medals came indirectly from Pig Leg! While he struggled desperately, Pig Leg was always watching coldly behind him, making him break out in cold sweat. If he wasn’t killed by zombies, it would be because Pig Leg scared him to death! Luckily your brother’s heart is powerful, his escape kung fu was first cla.s.s!

Although he was still alive and had all his limbs, the term “Xiao Hua*” directly upgraded to “Old Bai”, the others in the group didn’t need to be so sharp! Lian Hua survived in the field so long, he not only grew taller, he also tanned. His cheap cousin immediately abandoned him, but Lian Hua still felt like a real man. He didn’t like others calling him “Old Bai”, so he forced the customers to call him “Brother Lian”! He loved it, but the rough group of little brothers still called him like before.

*Sounds similar to Little Flower, but uses his name.

“Brother Lian, why didn’t you go eat dinner? I couldn’t find you earlier.” Alvin came closer. “For you, I helped you get two buns.” Alvin gave Lian Hua two fat white buns.

So he was sitting for such a long time. Lian Hua started to get up, “Thanks, Xiao Vin Vin[1]~~”

“Don’t, Brother Lian should just call me Xiao Al[1]! You calling me that makes me break out into gooseb.u.mps.” Alvin trembled as he rubbed his arms.

Lian Hua “…” This child really was shaking.

“Don’t tell me you were looking for me because you want to eat mushrooms?” Lian Hua doubted this kid’s intentions.

“No way,” Alvin waved his hands repeatedly. “Brother Lian, didn’t you hear? In Big Boss Bai’s team, there’s a great beauty whose face is a lot like the flower in our support team! I wonder if they’re blood sisters? Come take a look with me.” Alvin’s little face was completely red.

“Little brat, how old are you, looking for women, ah?” Lian Hua pinched Alvin’s face.

“No! No!” Alvin’s face was as red as a monkey’s b.u.t.t, “I just want to look, I heard Miss Jiang’s tail almost reaches the upper levels of heaven, how could she look at mortals like us? I just want to see what kind of person they are.”

“Alright, big brother will go with you.” Lian Hua agreed. He also wanted to see what that person who looked like Jiang Siyu was like. That said, ah, Jian Siyu obviously had an older sister or little sister or something, he couldn’t remember, but they came as part of a set. Right now, there was only one, so he felt like he was missing something. If you ask why Lian Hua remembered these sisters, wasn’t it because of this and that? All men knew, these sisters specialized in selling meat* in the story. On, two, three, the sisters were with a lot of people.

*Meat=flesh=their bodies.

When Lian Hua and Alvin came, the support team’s was surround by a lot of people. f.u.c.k, was there really a good show?

Lian Hua and Alvin craned their necks to look inside. It turned out to be two women fighting. -_-///

They only saw a person who looked like Jiang Siyu condense a large ball of water and slam it into Jiang Siyu. Jiang Siyu refused to be outdone, also countering with a water ball. In the blink of an eye, water b.a.l.l.s covered they sky.

“s.h.i.+t, there’s so much water, what a waste!” Some guy roared, and a small tornado flew over, casting the two people aside and gathering the thrown water b.a.l.l.s inside. “I haven’t had a satisfying bath in a long time!” After speaking, that person jumped into the whirlpool and the water splashed on him. The man immediately released a comfortable soul escaping moan.

The surrounding men’s eyes turned red, us brothers haven’t bathed in a long time either! None of them were water espers either. “I’m coming!” A burly man roared ferociously. His strong body charged straight into the whirlpool that was sucking up water and hugged the person that just jumped in closely. “Ahhh! so refres.h.i.+ng!” That man also released a sound that made people think wrong, his expression full of enjoyment, proving that he wasn’t lying.

Seeing someone lead the charge, the rest of the men couldn’t hold back either. It looked really refres.h.i.+ng! A h.o.a.rd of people rushed into the small whirlpool like moths to a flame, afraid that if they were a moment too late, there wouldn’t be any water left. For a time, all sorts of strange voices resounded in the small village.

Alvin “…”

Too…Too terrifying!

Lian Hua “…”

Just how hungry/thirsty were these people?

Killing intent detected! Lian felt his back grow cold. He turned around and looked, ⊙▽⊙ Pig Leg came!

Xia Zhi’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot. These people were all stupid, they actually dared to make him lose face in front of that sc.u.m Bai Yi’s people.

“Are you having fun?” Xia Zhi’s tone was the same as usual. But[2] everyone felt cold and a bad feeling welled up. The owners of the small whirlpools quickly stopped their ability and a wet group waited for the big boss’s instructions.

“Since you people are very happy, and very free, go run a hundred laps around the village. After running, clean up the zombies and mutant beasts within a thirty mile radius. If I find one left over…” Xia Zhi narrowed his eyes dangerously, expressing a thousand things in one glance, “You can guess the conclusion.” After speaking, he turned and left.

“Wah wah wah! Big Boss! Don’t be like that! We were wrong! Please forgive us!” All the men cried father and called mother.

“Brother Lian, luckily we were some distance from them!” Alvin was so scared, he patted his chest. “Brother Lian! Brother Lian!” Alvin found it strange, why didn’t Lian Hua say anything? As soon as he turned his head, he saw his brother Lian was stunned.

Alvin “…” What happened here?

Lian Hua “(ˉ﹃ˉ)” Pig Leg just exudes temptation, your brother was shocked!

“Master! Master!” Lian Yu shouted in his mind.

“Mm? Mm! What? Why did you call me?” Lian Hua recovered, quietly rubbing the saliva at the corner of his mouth.

“The brat is calling you! Come back to earth!” Lian Yu moved its cap. Still saying you weren’t mesmerized by Pig Leg’s beauty? Your drool is overflowing!

“Oh, Xiao Vin Vin, what did you say?” Lian Hua turned his head.

“Nothing, they’ve left already, we can keep watching.” Alvin blankly replied. f.u.c.k, did I just discover an earth shattering secret? Would Brother Lian kill me to silence the witness? QAQ

Jiang Siyu and Jiang Siya both used up all of their abilities. Water b.a.l.l.s couldn’t be used any more, so they proceeded to use their nails. You scratch my face one, I scratch your face once. Both people were espers, the weren’t weak. Soon, the beauties became wild cats, tearing at blood and flesh, their hair became a mess. Lian Hua felt his scalp tingle.

s.h.i.+t, the fight between the two wo(men) was so scary! They heartlessly attacked the other’s appearance. Although espers could recover quickly, it still hurt, you know? Lian Hua felt that he had become traumatized by the creature known as “women”!

Jiang Siyu didn’t expect at all to see the older sister that she hated to her very bones. This lifetime, when she woke up, she immediately went to S City, not meeting the person who pushed her into h.e.l.l in her past life. Her good sister! In the previous life, in order to crawl up to the highest place, her sister sold her to a man who had the tendency to abuse, and she lost all of her powers[3]. Later, when he was tired of playing with her, he gave her to his subordinates, where she pa.s.sed from men to men, and subjected to humiliation and abuse until she finally died.

Actually, she still had to thank her sister for letting her understand that there was no such thing as family in the apocalypse. It even gave her the chance to hear news about the world’s strongest esper, Xia Zhi, from the mouths of those men. In this life, she was in Xia Zhi’s team. She must take revenge! Although Xia Zhi still wasn’t in the palm of her hands, she was very confident in herself and had lots of admirers in the group. These things were her weapons. Dear sister, what do you have to compete with me in this life? The man beside you? Didn’t he become your stepping stone in the previous life? Besides, weren’t you better off than me in the last life? Did you become a man’s plaything?

Jiang Siyu pondered as she looked at the man who greeted her sister, Jiang Siya, after they stopped fighting. That was the sisters’ childhood friend, Brother An. Brother An, ah, Brother An. So what if you liked my good sister from childhood? In the end, she still chose to sacrifice you! It was like that in the previous life, who knows how it would be in this life? Brother An, did you know, Siyu also really liked you! But why did you refuse this Siyu? How was Siyu worse than her older sister? Big sister[4] didn’t kill you. She might as well kill him herself. The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. A stream of blood flowed from her fingertips.

“Siya, Siyu is your sister. Do you sisters have some kind of unspeakable grudge? Just look at you two, attacking so ruthlessly. Does it hurt?” An Zhiqi used his wood ability, healing Jiang Siya’s wounds while distressed.

Jiang Siya ignored An Zhiqi, she just glared at her little sister. When she came back to life, Jiang Siyu had disappeared. Seeing her look as if she wanted to swallow her whole and eat her raw, she immediately knew that Jiang Siyu had also been reborn. In her past life, she sucked up to the wrong person and after her use was exhausted, she was reduced into a plaything like her sister! She hated it! She must take revenge in this life! That’s why she found the successor to the Bai clan, Bai Yi. In her past life, the Bai clan was the biggest winner. In this life, she wanted to tightly grasp this big backer. Regarding the brother surnamed An, sorry, in the past life, she harmed him to death. Although she felt guilty, Brother An would definitely sacrifice himself for Siya’s happiness, right? In this life, you have to help me!

“It hurts!” Jiang Siyu clutched An Zhiqi’s arm with tears in her eye, “I don’t know what happened to little sister either. She seems to really hate me. What the h.e.l.l did I do? Even my own sister doesn’t like me. Brother An! Sob sob sob, Siya is so sad.”

“Don’t cry, don’t cry, I’ll help you get rid of the misunderstanding. Siya, don’t worry, Siyu was just momentarily angry at you. When she calms down, you two can reconcile.” An Zhiqi saw his girlfriend cry and started to comfort her.

“Mm.” Jiang Siya buried her head in his chest, concealing the cold glint in the corner of her eye. Jiang Siyu saw it and ground her teeth until they were audible. She really wanted to roar loudly, Brother An, this b.i.t.c.h will kill you, she’s just using you! However, she said nothing. She knew her Brother An wouldn’t believe this. Her Brother An only had eyes for her older sister.

Lian Hua was stunned as he watched the drama between the cannon fodder sisters and the cannon fodder pa.s.serby. He finally understood why the beautiful sisters were separated. It was because after a long time, these two were both reborn! If he couldn’t figure it out, he was an idiot! Moreover, Lian Hua looked sympathetically at the man that was still comforting his girlfriend. This person was known as history’s most tragic gentle/wifey cannon fodder!

This man would wholeheartedly dig out his own heart or lungs for his girlfriend. But in the end, the girlfriend still used the tender gentleman/wifey person who was as good as ten men as a meat s.h.i.+eld. Before, when he saw that person’s death, Lian Hua actually shed a few cat tears, and thought that it would be wonderful if he could also meet someone who treat him so well.

No way, he definitely couldn’t bear to let this person die! If he already knew the true face of the two women, he had to do his best to save this person!

The author has something to say:

Zhiqi is so thick ( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮o( ̄皿 ̄///),he’s so slow!

Translator’s Notes:

[1]The joke here is that Alvin’s name, 艾文, is p.r.o.nounced Ai Wen, and yes, that’s the same Wen in Xia Xingwen’s name. I’m not sure if THAT gives Alvin the s.h.i.+vers though. Actually, I think Alvin is the only one in the novel with an Engrish name, so idk if I should just Pinyin it.

[2]There seems to be a weird grammar issue here that I’ve never seen before. This is mostly a note for myself.

[3]This is the term used when you lose all of your cultivation in general, but it’s applied to supernatural powers in this case.

[4]……….I think this should be a question. Jiang Siyu obviously calls An Zhiqi “big” brother, so she can’t be calling herself his older sister, so she’s not talking about herself here… but she JUST said her sister sacrificed him so what the h.e.l.l…

Table of Contents

I worked on this while procrastinating from working on this lol. I know what the problem is now. I haven’t had enough alcohol! Haha just kidding.

A re-purposed doodle featuring Alvin.

I’m sorry I couldn’t make that any more bara lmao. Btw I totally s.h.i.+p the two dudes who jumped into the tornado first :>

Xia Zhi: Dammit, stop being a bad influence on my little wife…

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