Xia Zhi frowned, his forehead formed wrinkles in the shaped of the character 川. Lian Hua saw and took the initiative to run ahead.

They took the supplies and loaded them onto the car. Xia Zhi returned to the supermarket, but Lian Hua didn’t follow. Instead, he wielded the cleaver to guard the car with Xia Yi. The surrounding people watched the high end modified car as zombies also shambled closer. There was so much human flesh and noise, they discovered this area from afar. Lian Hua was even more nervous.

“Brat, get out the car and hand it over to Big Boss[1].”

Lian Hua “…”

f.u.c.k, was this the mandatory robbery scene in the apocalypse? For example, Pig Leg’s materials/boyfriend/girlfriend/Pig Leg himself caught someone’s attention. Every story was a history of cannon fodder blood and tears.

Lian Hua looked at this “Big Boss”, and couldn’t help but sympathize with him. This was looking for death.

“What are you looking at, I told you to get out of the car and gimme the keys!”

“Big Boss” looked at the little white face with a strange expression and his anger involuntarily flared up. He lifted a hand and lobbed a fireball, smas.h.i.+ng down by Lian Hua’s feet.

“Big Boss is mighty!”

The little brothers[2] by his side immediately started complimenting him. It turns out this Big Boss was also an esper, no wonder he looked down on this Xia Yi who didn’t look easy to mess with, even wanting to grab the car.

“I’m not in charge, ask Brother Yi.”

Lian Hua despicably hid behind Xia Yi.

Xia Yi “…”

As a professional bodyguard, Xia Yi’s professional qualifications was clearly good. Before anyone could speak, he raised a hand holding a gun and aimed directly at “Big Boss”‘s head.

The apocalypse had just begun, espers weren’t strong enough to withstand bullets yet. “Big Boss”‘s forehead was covered in a layer of sweat, his brothers was also intimidated. “Big Boss” was just a small fry, where would he have seen a real gun?

“Brother Yi! Brother Yi! It was just a joke, a joke! How could we take your car?” They nodded and bowed non-stop, on the verge of calling their ancestors.

“Scram.” Xia Yi was simple and concise.

With that, “Big Boss” and his brothers p.i.s.sed their pants and ran away.

Lian Hua “…”

They had no backbone. When your brother[3] here was still Brother[3] Lian, at that time, he was much more domineering than this guy. However, your brother still hasn’t ever touched a gun. Back then, only the boss had a gun, the younger brothers[2] could only envy. Afterwards, he didn’t hustle anymore, so he had even less chances to touch a real gun. Lian Hua looked greedily at Xia Yi’s hand.

Xia Yi calmly spun the gun on his hand in a circle and returned it to the holster.

Lian Hua “…”

That is to say, are all the guys next to Pig Leg two-faced[4]? That Xia Xingwen smiled frivolously, but when he met outsiders, he became a paralyzed faced elite. Xia Xingwu looked simple and honest, but when he met outsiders, he became a cold and serious bodyguard. Although they didn’t change in front of him, Lian Hua didn’t feel the least bit happy.

Lian Hua lamented, he could only drool as he stared at Xia Yi’s holster.

“Hey, what are you guys doing? Being lazy?”

Xia Xingwen carried a bunch of bags out, throwing them with a bang in front of the car.

“Young master Bai, whatever the outcome, you should help out a bit.” Xia Xingwen was unsatisfied.

“Oh, alright.”

Lian Hua recovered his eyesight and helped Xia Xingwen bring the bags into the car.

Hey, hey, Xia the Elite is too slow. Lian Hua looked at Xia Xingwen’s slow actions, really angered to death.

Xia Xingwen raised an eyebrow at Lian Hua. Your brother[5] is slow, what are you going to do about it?

Lian Hua “…” Big brother! Now’s not the time for you to throw a tantrum! Don’t you see the zombies coming over?

Lian Hua threw his hands up*, he easily[6] brought all the bags into the car.

*In this case, figuratively.

“How are you so slow?”

Xia Xingwu and Xia Er also carried bags that were double the size of Xia Xingwen’s. Xia Zhi also came over, looked at the increasing amount of surrounding zombies, and wrinkled his brows.

“Get in the car immediately, we’re leaving right now.”

They delayed for too long.

Lian Hua was closest to the car, he was the first person to jump in. f.u.c.k, your brother must live. Before he has a son, he definitely can’t die. The Lian family must have an heir.

Everyone “…” That guy’s overwhelmingly afraid of death.

Xia Xingwen stepped on the gas, Lian Hua bopped his head on the car window…

Pig Leg and his comrades sat tight knit. Lian Hua nursed his swollen red forehead, faced the elite’s reflection in the mirror, and grimaced in pain. Dammit, he definitely had to get revenge.

Be careful with your brother… Your brother will draw eight curse circles for you.

Lian Hua decided not to play with the naive little friends[7] anymore. He silently closed his eyes and started cultivate his abilities. Pig Leg was a cultivator, if he didn’t practice now, how could he keep up?

Xia Xingwen violently crushed all the zombies on the road. As of now, most of the city’s survivors were holed up in their homes. Actually, if they were to leave the city right now, it would still be relatively easy. The zombies were not fast yet, but when they evolve to level one, it would not be easy to escape.

Lian Hua struggled to absorb the energy in the atmosphere. There was an unceasing crunching noise by his ear. Lian Hua knew, it was that perverted elite using the car to run over zombies as if he were pulverizing watermelons. Did he have a psychological disorder? Lian Hua clutched his diaphragm, expecting another wave of nausea. Level zero zombies have not formed corpse crystals yet, but only real men could dig out crystals from the corpses.〒_〒 Lian Hua shook off his gooseb.u.mps, not daring to think about it again.

Even when he was a gangster, he wasn’t in charge of the clean up. So scary!!!!! Lian Hua burst into tears again.

Back at the villa’s neighborhood, they actually heard gunfire. Did the governmentstart the clean up operation? Lianhua knew, the clean up troops will stay in this district for a few days, sort out some of the supplies, and then evacuate with the civilians with notable ident.i.ties.

You ask, what about all the other people?

Lian Hua could only say “pray for yourself”. Even Pig Leg couldn’t save so many people, not to mention he was just a cannon fodder. He thanked the heavens and earth that he himself was still alive.

The community really was under martial law. There weren’t many people and they had guns, everything was taken care of.

Lian Hua said in his heart that having these soldiers was also good. That way, they didn’t have to worry about sleeping well at night.

Pig Leg’s car was almost stopped outside and not allowed to enter. Luckily, Pig Leg thought ahead and brought along the villa doc.u.ments proving his owners.h.i.+p. With that, they could return to their base.

Seeing the Aunt Li they left behind, Lian Hua felt that she was exceptionally kind today. That feeling grew more intense, especially when he saw the big table covered in delicious food. Even the color on Pig Leg’s face got better.

“Move everything to the second floor, then we’ll eat.” Pig Leg commanded, Lian Hua and Xia Xingwen both cheered, then looked at each other with disdain, not bothering to play with the mentally ill snake/sissy.

Lian Hua ate mouthful after mouthful of rice. Ever since he became an esper, the white lotus’s body got better and better. Lian Hua was happy to see the changes. = ̄ω ̄= He always believed that he could get rid of the image of a white lotus! Don’t you see that your brother’s waist line has widened a lot? Nor is it soft and squishy. f.u.c.k, the daily abdominal training is essential.

“We’ll stay here and rest for a few days, then follow the army out of the city. Everyone take advantage of this time to collect some supplies, and make sure to practice your abilities on the way.”

“Boss, the zombies aren’t that terrible. Even without abilities, you can resolve them with a knife.” Xia Xingwen raised his suspicions.

Lian Hua spit, in his heart he explained to the mentally ill snake that it was because he hadn’t experienced the powerful the evolution of the zombie yet. When you encounter an evolved zombie, you won’t look down on them anymore. Your brother is waiting for the time you cry father and call mother.

“Underestimating your opponent is taboo. Especially if they look harmless, who knows if they’ll give you time to retaliate.” Xia Xia spoke at the side while looking at Lian Hua with meaningful eyes.

Lian Hua twitched, the chicken leg on his chopsticks almost fell back on the plate. f.u.c.k! It was that white lotus calling disaster again. There’s no injustice nor hatred between your brother and Pig Leg, but the accounts are counted on his head, this story is too childis.h.!.+ Lian Hua lowered his head, hmph, although Pig Leg’s appearance is easy on the eyes, but well, there’s the saying that the more beautiful a woman / man is, the more dangerous they are, it’s better to keep your distance.

“Do you understand?” Xia Zhi emphasized.

“Oh! Well…” Xia Xingwen looked like a child who only understood some of it.

Xia Xingwu glanced at him “Eat!” Short and concise.

Xia Xingwen “…”

Just like an old woman…

IQ* was high, EQ* was low. Lian Hua defined Xia Xingwu.

*IQ=Intelligence Quotient, EQ= Emotional Quotient.

“Tomorrow we’ll go to the hospital to collect machines and medicine.” Xia Zhi continued.

Lian Hua “…”

Your brother definitely doesn’t want to go. Hospitals are terrible. Every time Pig Leg goes to the hospital, he comes back covered in wounds, or his comrades come back covered in wounds. Hospitals are a high risk venture.

“Anyone who gets in the way shouldn’t go.” Xia Zhi added.

Lian Hua “…”

Why was everyone looking at him, did he look like a burden?

Although he doesn’t want to go, if everyone was disgusted with him and he wasn’t allowed to leave, that was another problem.

“I wanna go!” Lian Hua thrust out his weak chest.

“Tsk…” What answered him was a room full of contempt and looks of scorn.

〒_〒 The world is so cruel! Lian Hua cried into Aunt Li’s arms for comfort.

Aunt Li rubbed Lian Hua’s dog head, very calm.

Xia Zhi recovered his line of sight and continued to speak calmly: “S City’s medical equipment is very important, it will play a vital role in our future development. It absolutely must be obtained. Right now, the level of zombies are still low and no one will think about long term developments, which gives us an opportunity.”

“Understood!” Everyone replied.

Lian Hua didn’t want to care about Pig Leg, he didn’t bother to look at the other man, and he felt that he was hurt.

The corner of Xia Zhi’s lips trembled. Dammit, he was worried that the weak chicken would have an accident at the hospital. He didn’t want to let the other person go, but that guy didn’t even show appreciation. Should he really not be kid to this guy? Xia Zhi asked himself if was he too kind to the other person, making that guy more and more daring.

Alright, in the future he won’t be so nice.

Lian Hua never thought that Pig Leg would be so petty. Afterwards when his life got harder, he just thought that Pig Leg had started his revenge! If he knew the root of the problem was himself, would he still have been so daring?

After eating dinner, Xia Zhi instructed Aunt Li to make some simple dishes that were easy to carry along. Lian Hua’s saliva flowed with envy. f.u.c.k, he really wanted a pocked dimension with the preservation function, no need to worry about food and water.

Finally, Lian Hua enthusiastically wanted to help Aunt Li who was busily making food, only to be kicked out of the kitchen. He could only return to his room.

Is your brother really so incompetent? Lian Hua asked himself. But your brother will do great things! He painfully cheered himself up. Might as well cultivate. Lian Hua dug out a jade bracelet and easily smashed it. Right now, he could calmly face the act of destroying property. Who said your brother wasn’t wasteful…

Translator’s Notes:

I added some notes to the last chapter and cleaned up some typos in earlier ones lol.

[1]The bandit calls himself 黄爷 which means yellow uncle and I couldn’t figure out what that was exactly, so I a.s.sumed from the context.

[2]Little brothers, in this case, mean henchmen. In most situations where it doesn’t mean blood related siblings, it usually means henchmen or a novel’s main character’s fellow comrades. It also shows ranks in crime organizations.

[3]Lian Hua uses a combination of t.i.tles here for himself. First of all, he uses Ye (爷) which I’ve been butchering the meaning of. It means grandfather, so I originally wanted to use the English equivalent of “yer daddy”, but there’s… something later that makes that too complicated. As everyone’s calling everyone brother, (seriously, Lian Hua calls literally everyone who is male “brother” at least once. Bodyguard brothers, soldier brothers, etc. He’s very much bro) I just stuck to that since there’s too many honorifics floating around. After that, he literally calls himself “Brother Lian”, most likely to contrast himself from “the sissy white lotus”. Back when I was still a man…

[4]闷骚Mensao refers to people who are cold on the outside and warm on the inside. Baidu was a bit confused, but I think this term is supposed to be derogatory lol. There is no real word for this in English and I think people will be more familiar with the term… tsundere. However tsundere has a lot of annoying connotations and it’s not quite the same, so I just… made up a fitting word.

[5]老子As I’ve said before, Laozhi basically means “old man” but is used to elevate one’s status. However, Lian Hua literally calls him big brother in the gag in the next line, and I’ve been translating everything as “brother” anyway, so I just stuck to that hahaha… Chinese people who are reading this, please don’t throw rocks at me… I’m properly explaining myself ;;;

[6]三下五除二 An idiom coined from a calculating technique used on the abacus, but long story short, it just means “doing something easily”.

[7]A reference to the j.a.panese anime “Crayon s.h.i.+n-chan”.

I was aiming for two chapters today but… I didn’t check the word count. These chapters are all about 3100~3200 characters long (AND THEY GET LONGER AFTER THE LOCK, *wheezes*, ehehe >wO Please forgive me lmao. It’s all Lian Hua’s fault!! He keeps using weird slang that I have to look up!! Also I’m sorry for the long footnotes this time. I actually had even more (for myself). Does anyone have a Chinese curse word dictionary?

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