Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 21

Gyaca Woods Empire"s ground force, 32nd Armored Division, 1st Battle Mecha Regiment, 3rd Battalion, battalion commander, Major Raphael was currently feeling agonized. His battalion, which had just received the order to chase after the enemies, had instead fallen to their ambush. A company worth of Battle Mechas had been completely destroyed, whereas the other two companies had survived solely because of the aid provided by the 2nd Battalion.

After breaking through the blockade of the Federation special forces, the moment Major Raphael was about to give the order to continue their pursuit, he received an order from the higher-ups for him to give up on their pursuit. This mission of pursuing the enemy would be completed by the 2nd Battalion, while his battalion should head forward towards an eastern concentration camp, search and annihilate all enemies nearby the area, and ensure not a single enemy escapes. At the very end, he had to destroy the entire concentration camp.

This order, which had come down from the division and bypa.s.sed his direct superior, the regiment commander, could not be refuted at all. Even if Raphael truly felt angry at the fact that he could not chase after the company that ambushed him, he would still not dare to go against this military order. The Empire was extremely strict in dealing with those who went against military orders. They were so strict that they would even make him regret being born into this world if he went against them, thus he had no choice but to follow the new orders.

Raphael decided to channel his fury onto the new enemy. Under his urging, his soldiers rushed towards the designated location given by the division in less than 20 minutes.

The concentration camp was full of the sounds of cannon fire, and practically every single corner was a battle. Several utterly defeated Empire"s defending Battle Mechas had been suppressed within the center of the base in a barrack. They were doing their utmost to spread out their firepower. In this concentration camp, every area was filled with the rebelling prisoners-of-war. Their figures could be seen intermittently behind the bunkers. Several other defending Battle Mechas were just leaning on the walls as they tried their best to use their firepower to suppress the rebelling prisoners-of-war and push them back into their quarters.

"These d.a.m.nable, spiteful Federation insects! Everyone, charge!" Raphael did not hesitate to send down the orders. As long as his two companies worth of mechas charged forth into the concentration camp, n.o.body would be able to resist. The rebelling prisoners-of-war would certainly be ground into meat pastes.

Perhaps due to the sight of the Imperial Battle Mechas charging into the camp, the rebelling prisoners-of-war began to escape after seeing their hopes dashed. Despite this, the cannon fire suddenly turned even more vigorous. After a bout of crazy firepower, an enormous explosion created a chain explosion in the ammunition dump. Following the explosion, several other explosions rang out consecutively, causing an enormous shockwave to not only level the entire concentration camp but also overturn Raphael, who was prepared to charge in, and his mecha. Within the area of effect, no living being could stand up after this explosion. Due to the raging flames and ignorance of when the next explosion may occur, the Imperial soldiers were all stunned. They were just watching in a daze at this human purgatory that was filled with the wreckage of mechas and the flesh and blood of humans.

Raphael jumped out from his overturned Battle Mecha. The flames reflected on his face, making it look red. Sometimes, it was bright, and sometimes, it was dark. Plumes of smoke rushed upwards into the sky as another explosion burst out. Raphael could not help but use his arms to s.h.i.+eld his eyes from the debris. Suddenly, an extremely bright light flashed out from the entire forest, causing his eyes to feel a piercing pain.

Only after a few moments did Raphael finally regain his rationality. He gave out the next order, "Immediately search through the area of radius 20 kilometers thoroughly. I want all of you to comb through five times to ensure that not a single prisoner-of-war survived."

"Those d.a.m.n Federation cowards! Since when did they dare to risk their lives?!" Raphael looked towards the currently burning concentration camp. He had a sudden epiphany that, maybe, this war on Miracolo Planet was not as easy as it was in the past.

An hour later, the fire started dying down. Raphael brought a section of Battle Mechas with him into the scene of fire. This concentration camp was overlaid with the corpses of many Federation captives. Many of which even showed signs of having been in battle against the Empire"s guards. All sorts of structures had completely collapsed. At the center of the scene was a pile of Federation captive corpses. Seeing this pile allowed Raphael to understand why the Federation captives went so crazy. Perhaps from their perspective, since they would die regardless, it was better to just take a gamble.

Their bet was with their lives, and in the end, they lost.

The two company commanders responsible for searching the area soon returned. They brought back news of being unable to find a single trace of a living person within the surrounding dozens of kilometers.

"Burn all these corpses!" Raphael ordered. He suddenly relaxed after giving the command. "Maybe this news need not be pa.s.sed through the regiment commander and should be sent directly to the division. That"ll be better," he thought as he happily left this accursed place.

Ten hours later, once they had ascertained that all the Imperial soldiers had left, the underground pa.s.sage broke out in an uncontrolled cheer. The prisoners-of-war were all in tears as they hugged each of the soldiers from the special scouts company. Several female soldiers had even given them a hot kiss to show their grat.i.tude.

Fatty"s magic was an unprecedented success. He successfully cleared the existence of these few hundreds of prisoners-of-war from the memories of the Imperial army, disappearing into the boundless wilderness.

Mei Duo tightly hugged Fatty"s neck. She did not know when it had started, but the ordinary-looking face of Fatty had suddenly become very attractive, causing her to be unable to control herself. She continued to cry as much as she could in the fatty"s embrace, so much so that water could be squeezed out from the fatty"s uniform.

"Fatty, you must never abandon us." A fervent body stuck close to the back of him as soft and flexible arms wrapped around Fatty"s neck.

"Ni Ya?"

Fatty felt his blood pressure rising… Since when was his luck with women so good? He was so frightened that he immediately left the embrace of the two women and went to hide in a corner, murmuring to himself, "This is definitely not something good."

Regardless of the two women, which Fatty had no idea how to handle, the moment he thought that this matter would become known to Ni Ya"s good friend, the slave master Milan, he would be hard-pressed in escaping her venomous hands and would certainly be cut into pieces by Milan. Right now, the fatty only had evil intentions but no courage to back them up. He was truly afraid that the moment he had them both, this evil intention of his would be cut into pieces by Milan.

"How can I still play if I am controlled by someone!?"

The moment he thought of that, Fatty immediately decided that before he truly understood what this messy relations.h.i.+p was; he could only control his heart and instincts towards the two alluring, beautiful women.

He solemnly declared himself as a supporter of women and a poor monk who was single-heartedly reaching for Buddhism. Seeing how he acted as if he had already reached the point beyond worldly affairs, it was enough to make anyone seeing him feel like chopping him down.

Seeing how the fatty acted as though he truly abstained from eating meat and had no emotions in his heart as he recited a Buddhist scripture, Mei Duo and Ni Ya could not help but laugh at the fatty who became even more wretched looking. This chap was truly a clown by nature. Who really knew what exactly was in his mind. When one hated him, he would become shameless and take advantage of others. When one liked him, he would act as if he was frightened that someone was about to molest him. It was simply too cute.

Along the road, the two beautiful women had shown their affections to the fatty. Every single part of his body had been pinched by the two women. Since they traveled along this underground pa.s.sage as it was dug, the fastest they could travel was at 2 km/h. Fatty estimated that by the time he exited this pa.s.sage and entered a region controlled by the Federation, he would have no meat left on his body.

"Fatty, how exactly did you create that spectacle above ground?" Ni Ya"s fragrant and soft lips stuck close to Fatty"s ears, making him shake and sway on the spot as if he was being tangled by a demoness. His entire body started to itch. He truly wished to move his waist and using a lewd tone to tell Ni Ya, "I just did it moving in and out." But for the sake of his life, he did not say it in the end.

"Quickly tell us!" His ears were being threatened by Ni Ya"s teeth. Tian Xing Jian hurriedly said, "Don"t bite, don"t bite. It"s actually very simple." Fatty tried his best to unravel Ni Ya from his body. He gave Mei Duo, who was giggling by his side, a careful look before saying, "This plan actually came from the magic of a living person who underwent great changes."

Ni Ya"s eyes brightened. She stuck her body onto Fatty"s figure once again before asking, "You know magic?"

Mei Duo giggled as she said to Ni Ya, "Do you believe him even though he says that this profession of tricking others isn"t something he"s good at?"

Ni Ya nodded before twisting Fatty"s ears. "This chap truly loves to trick others."

Fatty immediately tried to change the topic. "Those defending Battle Mechas and the firing cannons had been remotely controlled from behind the bunkers. The locations where the bunkers were placed had been decided and planned before the battle. Even though it seemed to span the entire base, in reality, as long as everyone revealed themselves for a moment when the enemies arrived, they could just simply run in the direction of the bunkers. These bunkers were placed at a location that would cause the bunker with the underground tunnel to be at a dead angle from the viewpoint of the enemy. I"ve long arranged for the camp"s defender Battle Mechas to be placed within the barracks and start firing at the opposing side. Of course, under the firepower, they would not have the time to think that all of our people have actually escaped into this barracks. Once everyone entered the hole, I"ll be the last person to jump in before using the mechanical arm to fill up this hole and activate the buried ammunitions. It"ll be fine as long as the removed soil is covered by the fallen barracks."

Fatty felt proud of his own masterpiece. He boasted, "Using misdirections and the timing between thoughts — that"s the true secret behind this magic. Those Imperial soldiers must be thinking that since this barrack is under the control of the Empire, the captured Federation soldiers could only be located outside it. Since there are no places to hide outside, the moment the explosion occurred, all the Federation soldiers would be doomed. Seeing all the corpses around the camp, they would never have thought that they were tricked. Hehehe, unless they are more intelligent than me of course."

"You only know how to trick others. We have all been tricked by you." Mei Duo pulled on Fatty"s hands before leaning close to his face with a coquettish look. She had turned those reprimanding words into something sweet. With a smile and a happy expression on her face, there were no signs of them being unhappy about this.

"That"s right, I"m gonna strangle you, this d.a.m.ned fatty!" Ni Ya went to pinch the fat by his waist before saying that with giggles.

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