Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 22

This Ni Ya… Ever since she was saved for the second time, she had suddenly become even more abusive towards him.

For the sake of diverting Ni Ya"s attention from the flesh at his waist that was about to be torn apart, Fatty racked his brain before finally holding onto Ni Ya"s hands, as no good idea came to mind. With an expression of lewdness as he touched her hands, he asked, "I think it"s time for you to tell us how you got captured over there."

Ni Ya"s hands were grabbed by the fatty. Seeing the lecherous way he touched them, her face started to blush. Rolling her eyes, she did pull her hands away; instead, she let him have his way with it. "Mei Duo and I were initially on a transport s.h.i.+p that was about to fly back to New Rome. I"m sure you know of this. Before the transport s.h.i.+p would be able to reach New Rome, it would have to go through enemy territory. At the moment when we started to enter the atmospheric layer, the enemy"s fighter aircrafts caught onto us. Our escort fighter aircrafts were heavily outnumbered and were soon destroyed. Still, they helped us delay the enemy, allowing two of the transport s.h.i.+ps that went with us to escape. However, because the reverse-gravity system on our s.h.i.+p was destroyed, we couldn"t exit the atmospheric layer and had to descend instead. Ever since then, we"ve become prisoners-of-war of the enemy"s ground forces and have been imprisoned in that concentration camp."

Fatty had not thought that Ni Ya would actually let him have his way with her without any thoughts of resistance. For a moment, he was dazed as his hands felt like boiling sweet potatoes — he did not know whether to throw it or not.

As Ni Ya continued recounting her experiences, the agonizing emotions from her experience in the concentration camp bursted out, causing her to quieten down. Only after a while did she finally continue softly, "Everyday, they would grab some of us to aid in their experiments. These experiments were conducted right in front of all of us. If we died, they would just throw us to the side. n.o.body truly knew who would be next and when it would be their turn. Initially, everyone still discussed about how we should escape, yet we did not succeed in the least. Instead, more people had been killed. Finally, the enemy started increasing their guard, and at that point of time, we have all given up. That"s how we pa.s.sed through day by day, wondering if we can see the sun again tomorrow."

This agonizing recollection finally broke Ni Ya down. Tears started gus.h.i.+ng out from her eyes as they fell onto the metal surface of the carriage, producing sounds of "pa da".

"Whenever I had my meals, I would try to savor every last bit in my mouth, thinking that it is going to be my very last meal. When I had nothing to do, I"ll use my hands to touch the soil, the metal fence, my clothes, my hair, my body…" The moment she mentioned her body, Ni Ya"s face turned red. She bit her lips and tried to turn away her face secretly so that Fatty could not see it.

"I like this feeling. The feelings I get from my touch lets me realize that I"m still alive. I want to remember each and every single feeling before I die because when I die, I"ll never ever be able to see, never be able to hear, never be able to touch." "Wuu wuu" Ni Ya"s soundless tears finally became a loud cry along with Mei Duo, who was sobbing quietly by her side. The two sobbing women buried their face within Fatty"s embrace.

"I do not want to die. I"m afraid of becoming an ugly corpse that is piled together with the others, allowing for those insects to fly over my body. I am truly scared… and thinking about this… I truly feel like turning myself into smoke and ashes. At least if I disappear from the world in this manner, n.o.body would be able to see my ugly state."

Fatty felt his emotions collapse. Facing this woman that was as beautiful as life itself, he truly could not understand her thinking. Maybe, the cuteness from women originated from this aspect of unreasonable prejudice.

Seeing how Ni Ya was crying as if raindrops on a pear blossom, Fatty could not help but feel heartache. He held onto her and comforted her, "Alright alright, if you cry even more, then you won"t become beautiful anymore. Aren"t you safe right now?"

Ni Ya wiped her tears in his embrace before saying, "At that time, I started thinking... thinking about the happy experiences I had in the past few years. The more I thought, the more I felt that we should have just stayed hidden deep in the mountains when we escaped that time and pa.s.s our days there. That is so much better. My mind just continued thinking and thinking, and my heart was telling me…"

Fatty did not discover that Ni Ya"s eyes had turned so red that it started to become warm. He just blurted out, "What did your heart tell you?"

Ni Ya"s tone became very shy. She lightly nibbled on her lips before saying, "My heart tells me that if you were to come and save me, I should wed myself to you. Even if I die, I"ll still wed myself to you."

Fatty became petrified. Mei Duo, who was in his embrace, started trembling as well as she lightly said by his ears, "Me too!"

The atmosphere became awkward and ambiguous. Fatty painfully thought to himself, "Dear lord, the next time you want to grant me luck with the ladies, please do it separately, alright? Don"t just throw everything at me in one go."

As he was letting his imagination run wild, he heard from Ni Ya again, "I like the feeling of pinching you. That feeling on my fingers makes me feel really safe since I know that you are by my side. I think it"s worth it even if I die, as long as I can pinch you once every day." Fatty was so shocked that he jumped out and shouted, "No way! What kind of nonsense craving is this? I absolutely reject!"

Ni Ya ignored the fatty"s forceful rejection. She simply continued talking to herself, "That"s why I must marry myself to you. Who asked you to come and save me? You must promise me that every time when I wake up in bed, I can lightly pinch you just once. If you don"t promise me, then I"ll always stay by your side and keep pinching you until you promise me."

Fatty felt his soul fly out of his body when heard Ni Ya say the words "wake up in bed". As he started feeling amorous, he felt pain on his waist; it was Mei Duo who was currently pinching on that soft flesh that was in agony.

His flesh was going to tear apart into pieces…

"I don"t think I can live through these days anymore." Fatty was truly aggrieved.

"Reporting to vice company commander. Company commander has information from you," the [Antenna] Battle Mecha controller, Miller, gave Tian Xing Jian a salute before reporting.

"Oh?" Tian Xing Jian felt that it was kind of weird. He did not request the [Antenna] to try and contact someone externally because he feared it would be intercepted, revealing their location. Receiving the electronic mail, he asked, "How did they contact us?"

Miller understood why the vice company commander was so worried, thus he explained, "On [Antenna], there is an Albert-encrypted signal machine. He contacted us using Albert-encryption."

"Albert?" Fatty was stunned. This type of point-to-point encrypted communication system was invented by an ancient scientist called Einstein during military research. He spent only a year to invent this system. Usually, only battles.h.i.+ps would use this encryption protocol. This communication system was usually as large as a big wardrobe. No matter how he tried, he could still not find a way for the [Antenna] to have this communication system. Since when did manufacturing techniques become so advanced?

He did not care about the report in his hand; instead, he decided that he had to see for himself how the Albert-encrypted communication system was fitted on the [Antenna].

A very small box was taken into his hand. After turning it around for a while, the fatty finally confirmed that this object was originally the wardrobe-sized secret communication machine.

"d.a.m.n, you see something new every day." Fatty felt that the things he saw and learned in the research lab had become outdated just after a few days. It seemed that he had truly underestimated the Federation"s technological and manufacturing prowess. Even though this encrypted communication system was limited to point-to-point communication, the encryption had not yet been cracked by others. Furthermore, this machine was extremely complex and n.o.body could brute force the encrypted messages, hence there was still a high value a.s.sociated with using it. For this machine to diminish in size to this point meant that it would be the best partner for any single soldier to have when one was behind the enemy lines.

Scrutinizing the electronic doc.u.ment in his hand carefully, the information revealed that Ras.h.i.+d had successfully escaped the enemy"s pursuit after a strike by the air force. They had also successfully eradicated an enemy"s logistic base. Other than this, there were still two more pieces of information that had to be reported to Tian Xing Jian. The first was that the Federation Army has officially started Operation "Lightning" just a few hours ago. In outer s.p.a.ce, several s.p.a.ce fleets have already regained control of the Miracolo Planet"s warp gates, and the Empire"s fleets have retreated. The s.p.a.ce fleets that control the outer s.p.a.ce aircraft carrier battle group and the land-based aviation squadron, armored fighter aircraft battle group that focuses on the layer beneath the atmosphere have started their surprised a.s.sault towards the west, opening a pa.s.sage of 200 kilometers in distance and up to a thousand kilometers in depth of the air s.p.a.ce. On the surface, six united army troops that consist of a total of 20 ground-based armored divisions and 11 aviation squadron armored divisions defeated Gyaca Woods Empire defenders who were stationed in this pa.s.sage. The battles proceeded extremely smoothly. If no accidents happened, the Federation would be able to extend their region of control to the region Fatty was at currently.

This was truly a good news. After all, they could not depend on this rat hole to reach the regions controlled by the Federation, as it was more than a thousand kilometers away. Furthermore, there might be rivers, lakes, and mountainous region which they had no way of pa.s.sing through. Even if the entire path were flat plains, there would not be enough energy to last the entire journey.

The second piece of information given was not that good. Even though the effects of the attacks on the enemies by the advance part of commandos were stellar, a secret Imperial Army group had actually appeared and caused a huge loss to the Federation commandos team. According to reports, this team that had only partic.i.p.ated in encircling the Federation"s advance party should be the renowned and notorious Gyaca Woods Empire special forces — Myth Legion. This legion was built with an organizational structure similar to the army. They had partic.i.p.ated in almost every single war the Gyaca Woods Empire had previously partic.i.p.ated in. Over many hundreds of years, this legion had thrived in battles with outstanding achievements within the Gyaca Woods Empire. The longer a legion partic.i.p.ated in battles, the stronger it would get. In the entire history of human warfare, there had been no legion that could be compared to them.

Under the attack led by the Myth Legion, more than 20 battalions of the Federation commandos had been extinguished in battle, resulting in more than 10 commando regiments scattering.

This information was enough to tighten Tian Xing Jian"s heart. Not even 20 hours had pa.s.sed since they dropped in by air. Even if these commandos did not resist, it would still require a few hours to wipe them out.

What kind of monsters were there in the special forces of the legion?

"Myth Legion," Fatty murmured. He had a sudden epiphany — the biggest threat to him in this war should be those ferocious and ruthless monsters that treated war as their professions.

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