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Chapter 17

"You f.u.c.ked a handmaiden?!" Trever paces back and forth in front of Connor .

"So what? My brother married a n.o.ble and lets not forget MY mother married you! A!" Connor crosses his arms . "So again tell me, Trever, why I can"t get wed with a "servant girl"?"

"Because!" Trever walks up to him . "I don"t care if you marry a wh.o.r.e! It"s not about her being a servant or that at all!"

"Than what is it?" Connor glared at him .

Trever rubbed his eyes . "She"s a fairy, Connor"

Connor shakes his head . "But she-"

"She had her wings cut when she was born . She was born a slave . She came from a human tribe that didn"t need her anymore and so we took her . We gave her a home and fed her . " Derek looked at him .

"Again so?" Connor growled .

"Connor . . . her race hates us humans" Trever sighed . "Fairies hate all human kind . No matter what . They made it their mission to kill all of us off when they get the chance . That"s why we kept her a slave in the castle . So she can be monitor all the time . "

Connor sits down . "No . . . GG isn"t like them! She wouldn"t-"

"Connor she would . Any chance she gets with you alone she will kill you" trever puts his hand on his shoulder . "I promise not to hurt her . She will not be harmed . I promise that but do not marry her . " He walks out .

Connor sighs as he puts his face into to his hands .


Advertis.e.m.e.ntConnor jumps . He sees GG standing before him . "GG . . . "

"I heard . . " She sighed . "I know you think I want to kill you . . but I don"t . . "

He goes to her . "No . . no . . " He holds her . "GG I promise that I will marry you . I don"t care what they say"

She smiles . "I love you"

He kisses her .

*Throne Room*
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"Sorry I had to deal with some things . " Trever walks in . He stands beside Libria .

"It"s alright . I was just going over some price ranges for the shops . " She hands him some papers .

He looks at them . "Ahh okay . "

"M"lord I hate to be the one to say it but why do we have to have a woman at the table?" A man dressed in all white asks as he sits beside Derek .

Libria smiles . "Are you new?"

The man laughs . "Sweet-y I"ve been here-"

"Too long . " She interrupts him . "Listen here you old man . I was queen before Kat even thought about being queen . I showed her this place and in my disappearance she made a whole new kingdom . Now . . " Libria smiles . "I would like for you to only answer when I call upon you . And if you don"t obey I will, oh and I will, cut your tongue out and shove it down your throat and maybe feed you to the dogs . Do we have a agreement?"

The old man nods .

"Good . " She looks at Trever . "You may speak . " She sits back in her chair .

*After the meeting*

Libria and Trever are alone, as some maids clean up the papers off the table .

"I hear you visited Anna . " Trever asks her .

Libria nods . "Yeah I did . "

"I promise not to tell your sister . " Trever nods .

Libria stops in shock . "How did you-"

"I heard you talking to Anna . Down in the cell . I promise not to tell Kat . She may be mad but she won"t kill me unlike you . " He laughs .

She smiles . "Thank you . "

He sighs . "May I ask you why?"

She takes a deep sigh . "I thought it would keep her safe . Safe from me . . . from Anna but it didn"t help . She found me . Over and over again . "

"Over and over again?" He looks at her confused .

"Kat found me again and again . I erased her memory each and every time but nothing . . . she kept finding me . " She smiled . "I kind of like having her around . "

He smiled . "Yeah she"s something . " He looks at the ground .

"Is she okay?" Libria asks .

"Yes . She"s getting a little better . " Trever smiles . "I hope she makes it okay . "

She pats his shoulder . "She will . Kat"s always been a fighter"

*Somewhere In A Cave*

"I told you! I didn"t say anything!" A man pleads as he sits, chained, to a chair .

Touma stands before him . "Again"

Another man pulls off one of sitting man"s fingers .

"You better start talking or you won"t have any more fingers to pull off . And if that happens well . . . " Touma smiles . "I"ll start pulling other body parts off"

The man cries . "Fine! I only told King Mali! Okay! He only knows! But he promise not to say anything!"

Touma sighs . "See? Was that so hard?" He walks away .

"Am I free?" The man cries out .

"Oh yes . You are free" Touma smiles as he walks out the door . He slowly closes it .

A man in a all black suit stands in front of the sitting man .

"B-but he said-"

"What? You are going to be a free man . " The black suit man laughs . He slashes the mans throat .

Touma walks down a long hall . "Tell King Mali that his was killed . "

A servant boy bows . "Yes . He will be pleased . " The boy walks away .

Touma sighs . "Why did I have to come back to this when I could be fighting my sister?"

"Because you who would please me?" A woman wearing nothing but a tarp walks up to him . She had long black hair .

"Oh h.e.l.lo" He smiles .

She leans on him . Pressing her body to his .

"How much?" He asks .

She smiles . "For you . . free" She grabs his hand .

"Why free?" He questions .

"Because I know you have blood on your hands and I love it when a man takes another mans life!" She licks his finger .

"d.a.m.n you a freaky chick!" He laughs . "Alright then"

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