Coven Of Witch Craft

Chapter 18: 18

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Chapter 18: 18

"I need you ready . Okay?" Kat walks with a pole in her hand, down a row of armed men . "I need you to know when to strike!"

"Yes ma"ma!" All the men yell .

She smiles . "Good! Because we have to make sure they know we"re coming!" She turns to a large sand castle . It was over some hills but close . "I will make sure they pay . . "


"Nope . Boring . Oh that"s easy!" Isabella sighs as she leans on the wall .

Meg drawings in some sand .

"Well it"s all I can think of!" Logan growls .

"There"s nothing to do!" Isabella sinks to her b.u.t.t . She than gets an idea . "Wait! Doesn"t your friend Ben have parents that own a toy store?"

Meg looks over .

"Yess . But we can"t go in there . " Logan crosses his arms . "I tried but his parents said that I was too young . "

"Too young? For toys?" Isabella looks dumbfounded . "That"s like saying animals don"t have teeth . It"s madness!"

"Oh I know . . " Logan sits beside her .

Meg goes back to drawing .

"So it"s settle than? Tonight we will go into that toy shop and get toys?" Isabella looks at Logan and Meg .

Logan smiles . "I"m in!"

Meg shrugs . "I have to be in bed at 7 . "
"Baby!" Isabella looks at Logan . "Can"t believe I"m saying this but" She swallows hard . "It"s just you and me partner . "

*At Night*

Isabella and Logan both stand behind some barrels .

"Can"t believe how easy it is to sneak out . " Isabella smiles .

"Well since Kat"s at battle with Derek and Libria"s in charge I can"t really believe it either . I mean she"s suppose to be the smart one!" Logan shakes his head .

"Smart one huh?"

Both kids scream . They look up to see Libria stand before them .

"Dang it!" Logan groans .

"How"d you-"

"I have ear"s everywhere" Libria grabs both of them . "Now lets go . "

"But no!" Isabella pulls away . "I wanted to see some toys!"

"Toys?" Libria looks confused .

Logan stands beside Isabella . "Yeah!"

Libria shakes her head . "Tomorrow you two can buy some toys . "

"No! We want toys from that shop!" Logan points to the toy shop across the street .

Libria burst into laughter .

"I"m scared . " Logan whispers .

"Me too . . " Isabella looks terrified .

Libria wipes her eyes . "It just so happens that toy shop isn"t for kids . "

Isabella crosses her arms . "And why"s that?"

"Because "child" that shop is for adults only . " Libria smiles . "Trust me . You won"t find anything in there to your liking . "

Logan sighs . "She"s right . Lets just go home . "

"What? And never find out why the shop is only for adults?" Isabella growls . "I will not go home until I find out what is in that store!" She stomps her foot .

Libria nods . "Okay"

*After Store*

They all walk out .

"I understand now . " Isabella nods .

"I"m going to have nightmares forever . . . " Logan cries .

Libria smiles . She turns to the shop owner . "Thanks . " She hands her a coin bag . "Oh and good job on that headless monster!"

"Oh thank you!" The shop keeper smiles before shutting the door .

"Okay time to go home" Libria pulls both children .

*Outside of the wall*

"Are you sure this is going to work?" GG asks Connor .

He nods . "With Libria focused on the little ones we can make it out without anymore finding out" He sneaks past some bushes .

"How much further?" GG asks .

"Not that far . Just a little a away and bye bye rules and h.e.l.lo freedom!" Connor smiles . "Oh I can"t wait to marry you"

She giggles . "Same here"

*WolfHound(Castle Isabella"s Room)*

Libria tucks Isabella in . "Now sleep"

Isabella groans . "Night . Love you" She cuddles up to Zelda .

Libria smiles . She than looks around . "Where"s your maid?"

"She said she had to use the bathroom badly . " Isabella laughed . "I think she had to p.o.o.p" She sighs .

"Hmm?" Libria looks at her .

Isabella doesn"t look at her . "Is my aunt really evil? . . "

Libria sighs . "Izzy . . . that"s not for me to say"

"Well I hope somehow she realizes what shes done . . so she can come live with us here . . . finally at home . . " Isabella drifty goes to sleep .

Libria smiled . "Me too . . . . me too . . " She walked out, closing the door behind her .

"Queen!" A guard approaches her .

"Hmm?" Libria looks at her .

"Prince Connor is missing!"

Libria"s eyes widen . "That little-" She growls . "Search the whole castle! Leave no stone un-turned!" She storms down the hall .

*Isabella"s Room*

"So he did it . . . " She smiles . "Good luck . . . " She blows a kiss in the air meant for Connor .

*Outside of castle grounds*

"We are free!" Connor smiles . He turns to GG . "I will make sure you are treated very well . " He goes up to her . "My queen" He kisses her .

She pulls a little away . "Oh how I"ve waited for so long for this day" She smiles .

Connor smiles back at her but it soon turns into fear . "W-what?" He has a sharp pain in his stomach . He looks down to see a knife a little in his stomach . GG holding the other end . "B-but I-"

"Love me?" She laughs . "You humans don"t love!" She pulls the knife out .

He falls on his b.u.t.t .
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"Plus how could I love something so ugly!?" She cleans off the knife .

"Derek was right . . . " He held the knife wound .

"Yeah . He was" She bends down to him . "I"m not going to kill you . " She ran the knife softly over his cheek . "First . . " She cuts him a little . "I"m going to play with you . . . " she cuts his other cheek . "than . . I"m going to hand you to my father . Oh how he is going to love having a human subject!" She laughs .

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